Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Aachen. See Aix-la-Chapelle.

Abbeville, Sir Thomas Smith's dream at, 442, 459, 474.

Abercromby, Robert, of Fife, lately at Jesuit College in Prussia, 590 (p. 561).

Aby, Sr. d', governs under King of Navarre in Marsan, 734 (p. 686).

Accorambona, Signora [Vittoria], imprisoned, 625;

Pope refuses to deliver, 644;

released at intercession of Cardinal Borromeo, 693.

Achmet or Ahmet Aga, a eunuch, Bassa of Alexandria, complaints against, 364;

death of, alluded to, 765.

Acuña 'Aquonio,' Don Pedro de, of 'Ubitha,' goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Adams, Henry, servant to Cobham, 345.

Adenton, John, of Southampton, brings charge of piracy against d'Armeville, 254.

Admiral, the, of England. See Clinton.

-, the, of France. See Arques.

Admiralty, Judge of. See Lewes, David.

-, of England, Court of, cause of John Chapell may be tried in, 253;

cause of merchants of Lubeck referred to, 284 (1);

reference to inquiries concerning piracies upon a Commission granted 'out of,' 343 (p. 380).

-, of France, Court of, extracts from reports of office of jurisdiction of, 255 (3).

Adolf von Solms, Count of Meurs and Neuenahr, to command elector of Cologne's forces, 78;

promises obedience to Bishop of Cologne, 117;

making every effort to defend his lands, 206 (p. 227);

Bishop of Cologne's lieutenant on the Rhine, 222;

Count Aremberg makes raids upon lands of, 243;

mentioned, 388.


Governor of Guelderland, defeats convoy going to Zutphen, 643;

has conference with Bishop of Cologne in Westphalia, 698;

brings back Rheinberg to the Archbishop of Cologne, 702 (p. 654);

to guard Bonn, 711;

supports the Bishop of Cologne, 714;

Spaniards ill-treat people in country of, 724;

takes a town in Westphalia, 728;

takes Renclinhausen, 729;

country of, being ruined by Count Reifferscheit, 730;

instructions by Archduke Mathias for, 776.

Aelst, Peter Van, Alostanus, Burgomaster of Antwerp, declaration made by, 24;

information received by, concerning attempt on Antwerp, 24.

Aerschot, town of, perhaps to be won by Colonel Norris, 13;

garrison of, attacks German reiters, 46.

Aerschot, Duke of. See Croy, Philippe III de.

Africa, Turkish army to be sent into, 698;

reference to death of King Sebastian in, 706 (p. 658).

Agdé, Protestants may be sure of having, 734 (p. 688).

Ageaux, Sr. des, Prince of Condé takes council with, 734 (p. 689).

Aigues Mortes, king fears that Huguenots will give, to Marshal Montmorency, 201;

held by Protestants, 734 (p. 688).

Aimargues, belongs to Protestants, 734 (p. 688).

Aix-la-Chapelle, Aix, Aachen, list of Prince of Orange's conquests on his way to Bergen in Hainault, from, 404;

Aquisgrane, mentioned, 654;

affairs of, 655, 673;

those of, desire free religion, 675;

Huguenots increase at, 734 (p. 688).

Alarde, Alard, to be sent to Constantinople as French ambassador, 23;

reference to secret messages taken by, to Walsingham, 26.

Alaschi, Alasco, Alasky. See Laski.

Albanians, Albanese, 'Albernoysses,' cornets of, deal cruelly with peasants, and are set upon by soldiers of Ypres, 84;

troops at Cologne, 206 (p. 227);

spoil country round Armentières, 296;

cornet of, overthrown at Douay, 371;

reported to have entered Flanders, 556;

company of, overthrown, 569;

horse, pass through Genoa, 654;

castle of Almot garrisoned by, 702 (p. 653).

Albeni, Cardinal, votes against the Pope on the question of the legate of Portugal, 702.

Albene, d', goods, 443 (p. 462), 444.

Albert of Brandenburg, first Duke of Prussia, mentioned, 613.

-, late Margrave of Brandenburg, mentioned, 398.

Albert Frederick of Brandenburg, Duke of Prussia, 613 (p. 577).

Albertius, Joannes, envoy from Grand Duke of Tuscany to the Emperor, 605.

Albertus, Cardinal, brother to Emperor, Cardinals at Rome oppose election of, as legate in Portugal, 105 (p. 122).

Albigois, l', for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 687).

Albret, duchy d', owned by King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

Albuquerque, Count of Benavente at, 567.

Aldegonde or St. Aldegonde. See Marnix.

Aldridge, Aldred, —, imprisoned for a time with Unton, 240;

gives “lewd instructions” to Inquisitors, 259;

to come to England, 346.

Alen, John, brings letters to Prim, 272.

Alençon, preparations made at, for Monsieur's return, 197 (p. 214), 293;

Monsieur mixes himself up with factions of, 714.

Alençon, Duke of. See Francis.

Aleppo, letter dated at, 337.

Alesby (qy. Albi), held by Protestants, 734 (p. 688).

Alexander, captain of Pope's ships in Irish enterprise, 602 (p. 567).

Alexandria, Admiral returns from, 364;

Bassa of, mentioned, 364.

Alexandrino or Alessandrino, Cardinal, 431.

Alez (qy. Alais), held by Protestants, 734 (p. 688);

Baron d', takes council with Prince of Condé, 734 (p. 689).

Alferan, M. d', in Antwerp, 179.

Algarve, “Algarie,” appointment of governors for, 597.

Algarves, Captain, wishes to enter Don Antonio's service, 154.

Algiers, Argier, Viceroy of, holds small town in Corsica, and roves with galleys along coast towards Spain, 389 (p. 420).

-, French consul at, comes to Paris, 167 (p. 186);

Admiral intends to go to, 364;

King of Spain reported to be going to, 586;

Bassa of, is in disgrace, 695;

chaus sent to, to strangle Assa Aga, 698;

said to be in the hands of King Philip, 702.

Alicante, Duke of Alva watches battle from, 597.

Alidosio, II Signore Ciro, of Bologna, beaten by Rubèrto Rodolfi, 239 (p. 261).

Allain, M. de, (?) L'alainge, desired by States to become commander in Eyndhoven, 38, 46.

Allard, —, servant to King of Sweden, Elizabeth desires to thank, for offer of service, 82.

Allaredo. See Laredo.

Alle Bashaw, governor of part of Syria, 337.

Allen, John, witness to statement made by Stephen Simon in Dantzic, 609.

-, Dr. William (afterwards Cardinal), 152;

has had communication with nuncio and Scottish faction, 379 (p. 409);

money sent to, 636.

Almains 'Allmans' [i.e. Germans], in enemy's army in Flanders, 14;

Malcontents discharge those serving in Artois and Hainault, 84;

in Prince of Orange's army in 1568, 405;

in Spain, 560, 566 (2);

mentioned 657;

regiments to be levied for King Philip's service, 698;

under Busseau, 746;

Duke of Alva will have ready, 751. See also Germans and Dutch.

Almagro, Don Rodrigo Manrique de, goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Almerino, bones of two last Kings of Portugal brought by boat from, 700.

Almonecar, letter dated at, 407.

Almont, 'Aumond' [Roger], alias Vavasor, goes to Cobham in Paris, 261 (p. 283).

Almót, land of, taken by garrison of Brussels, 702.

Alonso the Spaniard, in States' service, surprised at Hoogstraete, 569.

Alost, Aelst, attack made on, by Duke of Anjou, 24;

'Halet,' Monsieur wishes to take, 40 (p. 47);

Tympel to be Governor of, 135 (p. 148);

those of Ghent enter, 529;

soldiers sent from, to relief of Brussels, 533;

taken by Malcontents, 541;

Malcontents near, 542, 544;

overthrow of States' men at, 600;

ditch cut near, by those of Ghent, 607;

loss of, 634;

those of, turn companies of French out of, 703;

Prince of Parma has his camp near, 706 (p. 659);

Malcontents exhort those of to be reconciled to the King of Spain, 711.

Alostanus, Peter, Burgomaster. See Aelst.

Alps, Madame de Parma has passed, 557.

Altemps, Cardinal, sent to Carthagena, 702.

Althan, Signor, President of the Chamber of Accounts expected at Imperial Court, 577.

Alures, Nuno, departs for Terceira, 142.

Alva, Duke of. See Toledo.

Don Hernando or Frederic d'. See Toledo, Don Hernando de.

Alvarez, 'Salvarye', a Spaniard, goes to England privily, 288 (p. 320).

Amboise, French king demands money from, 239;

Sir Thomas Smith at court at, 415;

mentioned, 460.

-, letters dated at, 414, 415, 416, 419, 424, 425, 426, 427.

Amiens, companies for Don Antonio come to, 207;

French forces from, march towards Boulogne, 231;

complaints of Estates of Picardy to be received at, 338 (p. 373).

Amsterdam, burgomasters of, 298;

commons of, refuse to recognise Prince of Orange as Earl of Holland, 347;

will not yet receive Prince of Orange as Earl, 372;

Bizarri goes to, 398 (p. 428);

Prince of Orange at, 612;

reference to posts from London to, 616;

no sectaries to exercise their religion in, 619.

Amurath, Amarath, Murad, Sultan of Turkey. See Turk, the Great.

Ancellius, Gulielmus, sent from the French King to the Emperor, 605.

Ancona, Patriarch of Aquilea comes to Rome from, 698.

Andalusia, victuals and armour sent from Biscay to, 566 (1);

reference to letter sent from, 576.

Andelot, Count of. See Coligny, Guy de.

Andreas, Jacob, Duke of Saxony dismisses, 290.

Andrews, John, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Anduzia [qy. Andalusia], plague and famine in, 620.

Anes, Benjamin, brother-in-law to Dr. Lopez, comes to England from Terceira, 166.

-, -, letter from, 160.

Angelier, —, sister of, in England, 499.

Angennes, Nicolas d', Marquis de Rambouillet, travels to Antwerp, 6;

sells government of Metz to Épernon, 148.

Angers, Rochepot governor of, 235;

plague in, 331;

Monsieur will go from, 563.

Angoulmois, belongs to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Angra, letters dated at, 141, 160, 161.

Angrogne, M. d', letter-bearer, 310.

Angus, Earl of. See Douglas, Archibald.

Anholt (Anhalt), Baron of. See Bronkhurst.

Anjou, to be governed by Monsieur, 506;

troops levied in, for St. Luc, 563.

-, Duke of. See Francis. Former Duke of. See Henry III.

Ankerwick, Sir Thomas Smith refers to matters at, 432, 490.

Annunciata, Order of, in Naples, nuns of, withstand officers, 694 (p. 644).

Anriques. See Enriquez.

Anselme, Captain, reference to death of, 200.

Anselo (?), French king's agent, goes to Germany to arrange marriage between Monsieur and Emperor's sister, 310.

Antonio, Don, Prior of Crato, 37;

in lodgings near Queen Mother's house, and often in conference with her, 53;

certain Portuguese flee from Lisbon to, 53;

servant of, spreads rumours concerning treatment of the French by the English in Flanders, 57 (p. 65);

mentioned, 60;

Elizabeth 'moved' on behalf of, 82;

Captain Huget has done good service to, 91;

lays claim to certain jewels, 92 (p. 105);

goes to Dieppe, 105;

called King of Portugal, reference, to agent of, in Low Countries 121;

de Silva hopes Elizabeth will aid, 141;

affairs of, 142;

French king presents Duke of Lorraine with diamond bought from, 148;

news received by, 154;

letters from, 160;

proclaimed in Isle of Fogo, 160 (p. 179);

Queen Mother sends company for service of, 161;

reference to affairs of, 166;

Genoese has underhand dealings with, 167 (p. 185);

meets Dr. Lopez at Rouen, 175;

mentioned, 202;

companies for, come to Amiens, 207;

mentioned, 223;

d'Aubigny's ship to be employed in service of, 237 (p. 257);

succours being slowly got ready for, 248;

ambassador from, arrives at Antwerp, 256;

ship taken at Terceira by commission of, 270;

mentioned, 273;

in Paris, 293;

States of Holland promise help to, 298;

receives gentlemen from Portugal, 310;

Monsieur promises to help, 313;

at Rueil with his sons, 325 (p. 360).


said to be King of Portugal, 568;

not desired as King by Portuguese, 577 (p. 552);

put to flight by Duke of Alva, 581, 585;

lies with forces above Lisbon, 586;

mentioned, 594;

in a stronghold near Coimbra, 596;

reference to proclamation of as King of Portugal, 597;

flies to Coimbra, 602 (p. 569);

sends for help from Low Countries, 624;

States furnish twelve ships for, 629;

Terceira said to be possessed by French in the name of, 630;

agent of, 635 (p. 598);

said to be preparing to meet the King of Spain's fleets, 638;

mentioned, 640;

commissions printed in Portugal in name of, 644;

said to have landed at Bayonne, 656;

approach of, awaited, 657;

Biscayans offer ships to King of Spain for defence of his territories from, 701;

in secret in Paris, 702 (p. 653);

believed to have much money in France, 706 (p. 659);

reference to arrival of, in France, 710;

Queen Mother is preparing an army for, 713;

reference to rising of students in Coimbra for, 760;

to interview King of Navarre, 760;

letters from, 375, 376, 721.

Antragues. See Balsac.

Antwerp, army preparing at, 6;

merchant adventurers absent from, 16;

loss of, feared, 21;

documents concerning attempt on, 24;

among the last to accept the Duke of Anjou, 24;

letter from Duke of Anjou to City of, 24;

attack on, reference to, 25;

list of the chief French dead or prisoners at, 30;

news of attack on, received in England, 26;

prisoners in, 31;

reference to treachery of Duke of Anjou to, 32;

inhabitants of, take satisfaction of the French, 33;

anxiety of English about results of the attack on, 38;

provisions sent to Monsieur's army from, 38;

account of attack on, 40;

commissioners from, sent to Monsieur, 44 (p. 49);

references to attack on, 44;

Monsieur demands that prisoners in, may be sent to him, 45 (p. 51);

fresh alarm in, 46;

number of Monsieur's losses at, 46;

reference to 'accidents' in, 49; 50;

many in France amazed by Monsieur's proceedings in, 60 (p. 71);

mentioned, 60, 62;

letter from citizens of, describing the attack of, to Queen Elizabeth, 63;

reference to oath taken by to Monsieur, 63;

mentioned, 65, 68, 69;

letter sent by Monsieur's ministers to Council of, 72;

Gilpin sends his servant to, 73;

mentioned, 76;

negotiations of, with States, 81;

Darcy goes towards, 84;

M. de Laval in, 86;

reasons of Monsieur for attacking, 87;

Darcy takes message to Prince of Orange in, 90;

Prince of Orange leaves, 92;

consul sent from, with letters from Prince of Orange, 92;

mentioned, 93, 100;

no news from, 96;

reference to entry of Monsieur into, 100 (p. 115);

Margrave of, and others dismissed from posts, 100 (p. 114);

reference to troubles in, 105;

Monsieur demands freedom of French prisoners in, 110, 112;

Exchange of, burnt, 112-114, 117;

regiments leave, to attempt to capture Lierre, 112;

late troubles in, 114;

account of fire in, 116;

victuals sent to Monsieur from, 117;

burghers from, in States' enterprise against Lierre, 117;

reference to calamity at, 119;

des Pruneaux at, 121;

Norris accompanies Monsieur to, 130;

Bellièvre arrives at, 132;

reference to calamity at, 134;

kept at liberty by Brussels, 135 (p. 148);

Common Council of, dislikes coming to terms with Monsieur, 135 (p. 148);

M. de Bellièvre arrives at, 136 (p. 150), 138, 144;

reference to Walsingham's former stay in, 139;

Mirambeau sent by Monsieur to, 148 (p. 163);

deputies sent to Monsieur from Breedenraed of, 158;

goods shipped at, 162;

news from, 163;

marriage of Prince of Orange to take place at, 172;

Bellièvre endeavours to restore Monsieur to former authority with those of, 174 (p. 192);

Count Hohenlohe comes to, 178;

marriage of Prince of Orange to take place at, 187 (p. 205);

agreement between Monsieur and States signed at, 192;

French prisoners in, to go to Nieuport, 204;

reference to 'evil accident' at, 204 (p. 221);

Somers has audience of Prince of Orange at, 204 (p. 223);

Pietro Bizarri leaves, 206;

French prisoners to leave, 207;

Elizabeth grieved to hear of 'accident' in, 215;

proclamation at, in favour of Monsieur, 218 (p. 237);

marriage of Prince of Orange at, 220;

Gilpin intends to go to, 228;

letters from, taken by enemy, 243;

Piero Strozzi intends to go to, 247;

castle near, taken by Biron's troops, 251;

Biron leaves, 256;

Gilpin intends to go to, 265;

Norris withdraws to, 277;

States-General at, likely to depart from, 279, 280;

Gilpin intends to go to, 280;

French king condemns late practice at, 290;

States of Holland writes to States at, 298;

magistrates cannot undertake to pay debt due to Pallavicino and Spinola, 305 (p. 333);

reference to 'accident' at, 306;

Prin goes to, 313;

Gilpin visits Prince of Orange at, 318;

people of, send burghers to Brussels to suppress Papists, 318 (p. 350);

ships laden in Spain for, taken by French at Dunkirk, 320;

Papists at, seek reconciliation with King of Spain, 321;

mentioned, 323;

Gilpin refers to his letters from, 333;

news of overthrow of States' men sent to Walsingham from divers in, 372;

people of Flanders await assembling of States-General at, 372;

mentioned, 385;

States General will soon assemble at, 386 (p. 416);

letters stopped on way to, from Cologne, 388;

States-General not yet all at, 393 (p. 422);

proclamation by Bailiff, Burgomaster, Echevins, and Council of, 396;

mentioned, 398.


reference to privileges of, 420;

reference to attack on, by Spaniards, 513 (p. 508);

soldiers sent from, to relief of Brussels, 533;

messenger from Fresin taken at gate of, 538;

mass said in four churches in, 538 (p. 525);

new Company at, 541, 542;

ships bound for, to be unladed, 546;

news from, 544, 546, 547, 548, 549, 552, 554, 555;

makes agreement with Brussels, 555;

States-General will meet in, 557;

mentioned, 567;

news from, 569, 570;

mentioned, 571 (p. 548);

Archduke Mathias will shortly depart from, 592;

reference to posts from London to, 616;

mentioned, 633;

news from, 635;

joins in league with Holland and Zealand, 635 (p. 600);

Gilpin refers to his departure from, 654;

copy of decree of Hanse Towns sent to, 677;

news from, 702, 703;

reference to affairs of, 705;

Colonel Birago near, 706 (p. 659);

Norris goes to, 708;

special messenger from, comes to Venice, 710;

news from, 711);

King of France shows his displeasure at his brother's proceedings against, 711;

reference to tragedy of, 713;

mentioned, 717;

ruin of, prophesied by many, 719;

reference to Monsieur's attack on, 734 (p. 692);

reference to letters from, 740;

Prince of Parma intends to light a fire of discord in, 740;

new Church in, is almost finished, 743.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 1, 6, 12, 22, 30, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 58, 59, 61, 63, 66, 71, 72, 80, 81, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 100, 101, 102, 103, 107, 110, 112, 115, 116, 117, 120, 121, 130, 132, 135, 138, 139, 155, 157, 158, 164, 171, 179, 185, 187, 189, 193, 196, 204, 205, 221, 225, 229, 230, 235, 244, 251, 256, 263, 272, 274, 276, 277, 294, 295, 299, 302, 305, 307, 308, 319, 321, 324, 334, 336, 339, 351, 353, 398, 584, 585, 588, 591, 592, 598, 599, 600, 601, 607, 610, 611, 612, 615, 618, 619, 690, 776-781.

-, advertisements and occurrents from, 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 539, 541, 554, 556, 558, 597, 580, 634.

Aquila, 'Aguela,' Don Hernando de, de Avila, goes to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Aquileia, Aquila, Patriarch of. See Giustiniani, Alvise.

Arabia (qy. Saravia), Mr., reference to letter sent from Walsingham to Yorke by, 308.

Aragon, Charles d', Duke of Terranova, Spanish Ambassador wishes son of to be made Cardinal, 9;

to be Governor of Milan, 167 (p. 185);

Unton wishes Elizabeth to write to, on his brother's behalf, 240;

Unton wishes French king to send letters to, for his brother's deliverance, 317;

reference to Unton's imprisonment by, 358;

meets Commissioners at Cologne and is stoned by people, 529;

reference to letter from, 545;

Emperor sends message to, 558, 703 (p. 655);

to be escorted into Italy, 706 (p. 659);

arrives at a port above Savona, 710, overtures with, 780;

letter from, 780.

-, Don Felix de, goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Araz, Araca, in Barbary, surrender of to King Philip not yet complete, 694 (p. 644);

King of Fez ordered not to exchange with King Philip, 698.

Arbroath, Lord of. See Hamilton, John.

Arcadius, Emperor, Alfonso Cicharelli imprisoned because he declares he has found Bull of, 9, 699.

Archer, —, 494.

Arcos, Duke of, in Spanish army, 567.

Ardenburg. See Oldenburg.

Ardes, the, 492.

Aremberg, Count of. See Ligny.

Aremberg, Castle of, won by Prince of Orange, 404;

soldiers of, summoned by Duke of Saxe-Lauenburg, 714.

Argell, forces going to, 751.

Argier. See Algiers.

Argyle, Earl of. See Campbell, Archibald.

Arles, Huguenots increase at, 734 (p. 688).

Armagnac, 'Arminiac,' Cardinal of, Secretary of, comes to Paris with complaints of Huguenots, 200.

Armagnac, Comte d', reference to, in days of Edward III, 734 (p. 686).

Armentières, people of, send two companies of foot against the 'Albernoyses,' but meet those of Ypres and depart on friendly terms with them, 84;

Malcontents spoil country round, 296;

discontent of Walloons at, 574.

Armeville. See Martel.

Arnhem, 280.

Arnsberg, 'Ansbourgh,' Archbishop of Cologne at, 714;

Estates of Westphalia being held at, 719.

Arques, Anne d', Duke of Joyeuse, Admiral of France, mentioned, 2;

proposed marriage of brother of, 9;

reference to letter from La Motte to, 51;

often in conference with Queen Mother and Don Antonio, 53;

to be Governor of Normandy, 55;

ready to come to agreement with England, 69;

dispute between Epernon and, settled by the King, 92 (p. 104);

causes Béziers to be surprised, 93;

to have portion of government of Normandy, 105;

marriage of brother of, discussed, 105;

Mauvissière wishes Cobham to come to terms with, 140;

called the King's brother, and given government of Normandy, 148;

goes to Normandy, 167;

expected to visit Don Antonio at Rouen, 175;

people of Rouen accept, as governor, with some difficulty, 200;

Cobham to confer with, touching complaints of French robbed by English, 254, 255 (1);

to be answerable for all depredations that might be committed by French on English, 286;

goes to Chartres, 309;

Monsieur complains that government of Normandy has been given to, 325 (p. 358);

receives complaints of Marshal Montmorency, 325 (p. 359);

mentioned, 330;

intends to surprise Béziers, 362 (p. 395);

created Knight of the Holy Ghost, 706 (p. 659);

mentioned, 734 (p. 684).

-, François d', brother to above, to be made cardinal, 92 (p. 105);

Pope will not allow, to be made Cardinal, 168 (p. 186);

French king wishes, to be made Cardinal, 174 (p. 193).

-, Georges d', Vicomte de Saint Didier, fourth brother of above, marriage of, with Claude de Mouy, said to be concluded, 9, to be deferred, 54;

shortly to take place, 105.

-, Guillaume d', Marshal de Joyeuse, father of above, complains of Marshal Montmorency, 325 (p. 359).

-, Henri d', Seigneur du Bouchage, Master of Garderobe, accompanies king to the 'Bonshommes,' 325 (p. 357).

Arran, Earl of. See Stewart, James.

Arras, Cardinal of, in Spanish army, 568.

Arras, Walloons to be put in place of Spaniards at, 532;

French spoil country near, 558;

M. de Capres dismissed from government of, 569;

those of, turn out all suspected of being Protestants, 575.

-, “Arrogos,” John de, a captain of, 365 (p. 399).

-, letters from, 779 (2, 3, 4, 5).

Arsilla or Azila (Argeyl), King of Fez ordered not to make exchange of Araz and, with King Philip, 698;

Turkish Admiral makes himself master of, 705.

Artiago of Bilbao, Captain of Biscaners in Pope's fleet for Ireland, 602 (p. 567).

Arting [qy. Ordingen], on the Rhine, to be handed over to Duke Casimir, 222.

Artois, Malcontents in, send letters to Flanders, 47 (p. 55);

poverty and famine in, 65, 84;

Malcontents discharge Allmans serving in, 84;

forces of, assemble between Lille and Douay, 165;

Prince of Parma stores provisions in, 180;

Prince of Parma borrows money from towns in, 194;

Prince of Parma takes garrisons out of towns in, 231;

forces from, before Eyndhoven, 245;

Malcontents in, expect to be victorious, 371.


mentioned, 513 (p. 507);

Walloons in Menin send for help from, 529;

agreed with Prince of Parma, 530;

send forces into Douai, 530;

at peace with Prince of Parma, 532;

Protestants ordered out of, 533;

Fresin found to be sending letters into, 538;

mentioned, 539;

commons of, dislike agreement with Spaniards, 540;

jealousy about government of, 540;

still discontent in, 541;

commissioners from, at Liege, 542;

mentioned, 545, 552;

Madame de Parma looked for in, 556;

Malcontent nobility in, 629;

mentioned, 639;

those of, write to magistrates of Antwerp, 703;

documents relating to negotiations with, 778.

-, President of. See Richardot.

Arundell, Arundel, Sir John, of Lanherne, Vice-Admiral of Cornwall, treats Captain Huget with little respect, 91.

-, of Lanherne, Thomas [afterwards Lord Arundel of Wardour] brother of the above, letter from, 113;

servant of, comes to Paris from Venice, 170;

mentioned, 223.

Ashby, William, to take Elizabeth's letter to the Emperor, 280;

reference to letters to, 661;

to bear letters from the Emperor, 667, 669.

-, -, letter from, 642, 646, 660.

Assa Aga, suspected of having intelligence with the Spaniards, 698.

Asseliers, M., of Middelburg, seizure of ship by, 762.

Assonville, M. d', mentioned, 408.

Assyria, 738.

Astole, Duke of. See Holstein.

Atkinson, Clinton, chased by pirates of Flushing, 343 (p. 380).

Aubespine, Aulbespyne, M. de l', Secretary of finance, 450.

Aubigny, Baron de. See Lens.

-, Count d'. See Stuart, Esmé.

Aubin, M. d', King's Commissioner, comes to Marseilles, 239.

Aubremont, Nicolas d', Sieur de Manuy St. Pierre, Governor of Oudenarde, 65;

letter from, 17;

called “Manewell,” 165, 207.

Audenarde. See Oudenarde.

Audoz, Odoux, Baron d', governs under King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

Augsburg, Confession of, Augustan Confession, Emperor required to maintain, 117;

Meeting of, to be held at, 198;

States of, refuse to recognise Pope's proceedings against Bishop of Cologne, 316 (p. 346);

Elizabeth writes to those professing, 522;

nobles professing, withdrew from choir, during celebration of office of the Holy Ghost, in Augsburg, 649 (p. 608);

mentioned, 660;

Bishop of Cologne declares himself to be of, 700;

liberation of some burghers belonging to, 702, (p. 654);

magistrates of States may observe Religion in conformity to, 719;

Duke Magnus and his heirs may use religion of, 750.

-, Augusta, reference to Imperial Diet at, 36, 73;

reference to complaints made by Empire against Denmark, England and Sweden at, 156 (p. 174);

mentioned, 159, 162;

reference to Diet at, 282;

Augusta, reference to Diet to be held at, 642;

news from, 645;

articles to be treated on at Diet of, 647;

Diet of, mentioned, 651;

order of Emperor's entry into, 653;

Gilpin on his way to, 654;

reference to controversy between Marshal of the Empire and, 655 (p. 616);

reference to entry of Emperor into, 662;

mentioned, 666;

question of traders of, 676;

mentioned, 683;

reference to meeting of Imperial States at, 692;

Emperor leaves, 693;

reference to Diet at, 696;

assembly to be held to finish off matters left over by, 713, 714.

-, -, letters dated at 642, 651, 655, 660, 661, 663, 664, 667, 669, 671, 672, 673, 675, 677, 678, 682, 685.

-, Bishop of. See Marquart.

Augustus, Duke and Elector of Saxony, courier bearing letter to, seized near Lierre, 116;

continues obedience to the Bishop of Cologne, 118;

comes to Antwerp, 178;

Count of Aremberg turns garrison of, out of Castle of Hulcherath, 206;

opposes Elector of Cologne, 222;

advisable that Elizabeth should send letters to, 282 (p. 307);

writes to State of Cologne in favour of Bishop, 290;

Pope stirs up King of Poland against, 309 (p. 341);

not present at marriage of Duke of Würtemberg's sister, 333 (p. 370);

Bizarri goes to court of, in Dresden, 398.


mentioned, 615;

goes to Augsburg, 642, 645, 646;

goes to meet Emperor on his arrival in Augsburg, 646;

as Marshal of the Empire, carries drawn sword before Emperor, 649, 653;

at Augsburg, 650, 654;

gives banquet in Augsburg, 653;

pomp of, thought to be only to show greatness above the other Princes, 660 (p. 620);

Emperor makes much of, 661;

Emperor obtains subsidies by means of, 673;

commissioners of, 677;

will observe the new Calendar in his States, 703;

ambassadors of, go to Cologne for the Diet, 704;

said to have withdrawn his patronage from Lanquett, 705;

letters from, arrive in Cologne, 711;

writes to Duke Frederick of Saxe-Lauenburg, 711;

Count Aremberg dines in Cologne with, 713;

promises Emperor that he will not meddle in affairs of Cologne, 715;

to declare his resolution on the embassy sent by the Emperor, 719;

Castle of Linn surrenders to, 728;

mentioned, 729, 736;

expected in Cologne, 735;

Prenner lately come from, 744.

-, -, letter from, 317.

-, -, son of. See Christian.

-, -, daughters of. See Dorothea and Juliana.

Aumâale, Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles of.

Aunièere, l', reference to loss of, 734 (p. 690).

Aunis, Onix, belongs to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Aurich, Great, a cloister near Groningen, 621;

Count Embden at, 696.

Aurich, letter dated at, 282.

Aurilly, See Avrilly.

Austrasia, intended new kingdom of, 209;

scheme of new kingdom of, stopped, 232.

Austria, Albert Archduke of, Cardinal, brother-in-law to Philip II, to govern Portugal, 154, 167 (p. 185);

gentleman of, robbed near Lisbon, 309;

retires to Innsbruck, 322;

appointed governor in Portugal, 698 (p. 648), 702.

-, Andrea of, Cardinal, train of, arrives at Cologne, 243;

to be protector of Castile, 625;

expected shortly in Cologne, 713, 715, 719 (p. 672), 722, 728, 735;

arrives at Düsseldorf, 719;

not yet arrived in Cologne, 724, 729, 730.

-, Anne of, Queen of Spain, at Badajos, 568;

said to have borne twin sons, 596;

death of, 602 (p. 569);

funeral of, 610.

-, Charles Archduke of, uncle to Emperor Rudolf II, expected in Augsburg, for Diet, 642;

arrives in Augsburg, 646;

at Diet, 649 (p. 608), 650, 653;

entertains the Emperor, 654;

leaves Augsburg, 660;

mentioned, 675;

comes to Vienna, 701.

-, Elizabeth of, widow of Charles IX of France, 'La Reine Blanche,' declares that she will not marry, 105 (p. 122);

Philip II intends to marry, 112 (p. 129);

renewal of treaty of marriage between Philip II and, 379, 389;

reference to, 459 (p. 471), 467;

at the Imperial Court, 577 (p. 551);

desires erection of a nunnery into which she may retire, 701.

-, Ferdinand, Archduke of, 625;

son of, to conduct troops to the Low Countries, 625;

commissioner of, at Augsburg, 650.

-, Don John of, reference to dallying of, with States, 103, 155;

mentioned, 407;

report of negotiations of Council of Brabant with, 512;

proceedings of, in Low Countries, 513;

writes to States-General, 515;

Pope sends messenger to, 516;

mentioned, 517;

schemes for kingdom of England, 524;

mentioned, 602;

documents relating to negotiations with Anjou and, 777.

-, Matthias, Archduke of, brother of Emperor Rudolf, reference to former court of, in Antwerp, 318 (p. 351);

made governor of Flanders, 517;

Emperor sends messages to, 525;

alarmed by riots between Papists and Protestants, in Antwerp, 532;

mentioned, 540;

with Prince of Orange, 547;

goes to Breda, 556;

shortly to depart from Antwerp, 592;

leaves Augsburg for Genoa, 664;

mentioned, 673;

has court at Linz, 690;

expected in Vienna, 693;

keeps the Feast of Kings in Vienna, 706 (p. 660);

goes to Pressburg with the Emperor, 732;

interposes to settle differences between two Archbishops, 747;

instructions for Neuenahr sent by, 776;

obligation signed by, for payment of troops, 778.

-, Maximilian, Archduke of, brother to Rudolf II, expected in Augsburg for the Diet, 642;

leaves Augsburg for Vienna, 664;

appointed governor of Hungary, 675;

said to be going to Cassovia, 693;

going to Hungary, 698;

content not to receive his father's patrimony, 701 (p. 651);

goes to Pressburg with the Emperor, 732.

-, House of, 103, 525;

barons of, to go to Diet of Augsburg, 642;

mentioned, 646, 649, 654, 660 (p. 620);

mentioned, 734 (p. 693).

-, Kingdom of, 649 (p. 609);

protestants in, 660;

reference to Emperor's court in, 673;

those in, plot against the protestants, 734 (p. 693).

Auvergne, held by King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

Auxerres, Bishop of, assists Cardinal of Guise at his first mass, 325 (p. 358).

Auxy, M. d'. See Hennin, Jacques de.

Avalos, Alfonso d', Marquis of Pescara, also called Marquis del Guasto or Vasto, goes to Rome, 239 (p. 261);

marries daughter of Marco Antonio Colonna, 694 (p. 643);

to go to Flanders as an adventurer, 694 (p. 644).

Aveiro, Avera, taken by Don Antonio, 597.

Avignon, complaints against Huguenots sent from, 200;

de Suze forced to retire to, 527;

Pope does not wish Cardinal of Bourbon to resign legateship of, 700;

King of Navarre and Prince of Condé at, 706 (p. 660).

Avila, Don Hernando de 'Aguela' de. See Aquila.

-, Don Sancho d', commanding Spanish forces in Portugal, 167 (p. 185), 567;

sent with forces against Don Antonio, 596, 602 (p. 569).

Avilles, in Spain, 602 (p. 568).

Avogaro, Count Octavio, of Bressa, thinks to join Piccolomini, 644.

Avrilly, Aurilly, Sieur d', master of the wardrobe, with Monsieur, before attack on Antwerp, 45;

'Averillie,' a sergeant's son of Orleans, in high favour with Monsieur, 216 (p. 235);

Monsieur's minion, Fervacque's daughter to marry, 321;

favour borne to, by Monsieur, 635 (p. 598);

Monsieur draws to himself, 734 (p. 692).

Ayamonte, Amountie, in Portugal, 597.

Ayan Basha, letter from, 765b.

Aytona, Count of, son of. See Moncada.

Aytta, Bucho de, provost of Church of St. Bavon, Ghent, commissioned by States-General to take counsel with Imperial, French and English ambassadors at Mechlin, 777.

Azila. See Arsilla.

Azores, the, French king allows Don Antonio to coin money for, 310;

(?) 'Surreis' isles, 586.