Index: B

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Baçan, Don Alvaro de Luna de, Marquis of Santa Cruz, to command Spanish enterprise to the Terceiras, 53, 167 (p. 185), 248, 365 (p. 398);

to be captain of Spanish fleet, 566 (4), 567;

besieges and takes seven of Don Antonio's ships, 581;

French King is offended with, because of cruelty shown to those of Isle S. Michel, 693.

-, 'Vassan,' Don Diego (sic) de of the Order of St. John, son to the Marquis of “Vassan” [i.e. Sta. Cruz], going to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

-, “Vasan,” Don Hernando de, son to Marquis of Santa Cruz, to be captain of the Pope's galleys, 602 (p. 569).

Bacqueville. See Martel, Nicolas.

Badajos, 'Badashose,' wheat sent to, 560;

mentioned, 566 (4);

King and Queen of Spain at, 568;

reference to letters from, 577 (p. 552);

Earl of Westmorland goes to court at, 586;

King of Spain at, 594;

death of Queen of Spain at, 602 (p. 569).

Baden, Count or Marquis of, in army of Prince of Orange in 1568, 404 (p. 432);

comes to Cologne with horsemen to serve Prince of Orange, 405 (p. 435)

-, Marquise of, brother of, comes to Augsburg, 660 (p. 620).

-, Marquise of. See Maria Salome;
-, Maria Jacoba.

-, (Switzerland), assembly at, postponed, 119;

Duke of Savoy promises to send ambassadors to Diet at, 237 (p. 258);

Duke of Savoy sends commissioners to, 240;

Diet held at, 257;

pronouncement of Ambassadors of 'Leagues' at Diet held at, 268;

Diet begins at, 286 (p. 317), 301;

reference to Diet at, 322, 657;

Duke of Savoy's ambassador's return from Diet at, 693 (p. 642).

Badoer, Badoaro, Alberto, envoy from Venice to the Emperor, 605;

visits M. du Ferrier in Venice, 693 (p. 642).

Baglioni, Signor Nestor, reference to cruelty shown to, at taking of Cyprus, 577 (p. 553).

Bahama, damage done by English pirates in channel of, 505 (p. 502).

Baiamonti, Hippolito, banker, withholds money from Mauvissière, 350.

-, Scipio, banker, withholds money from Mauvissière, 350.

Bailleul, Bailleu, 'Bealle,' 'Bell,' cornet of Albanese does much harm to peasants in a village near, 84.

Baillif, Doctor, 358.

Bailo, the. See Venice, bailo of.

Baker, —, bearer of letters from Walsingham to Cobham, 378.

Balagny. See Monluc.

Bale, Mr., of Devonshire, servant of, 576.

Balfour, Beaufor, Henry, Colonel of Scots, slain near Oldenburg, 599.

Balione, Radolpho, waiting for money before embarking soldiers, 565.

Balsac d' Entragues (Antragues), François de, captain in the King's guard, reference to letter to Saint Aignan from, 59;

accompanies Duke of Guise on visit to d'Aubigny, 197 (p. 213);

sent to Elizabeth and Scottish king, 345.

-, Charles de. See Entragues, Charles de Balsac de.

Bandeville, Dr., 409.

Barbary, complaints of merchants of, 266;

mentioned, 509;

some say that Spanish fleet will go against Turks in, 559;

surrender of haven in, to King Philip, not yet accomplished, 694;

mentioned, 695.

Barcelona, Spanish king's two daughters to be embarked at, 57;

mentioned, 407 (p. 437), 706 (p. 659);

preparations for fleet go on in, 710.

Barchman, Henry, merchant of Dantzic, 609.

'Bargus.' See Bergues-St.-Wynock.

Barière, Sr. de, governs under King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

Barlaymont, M. See Berlaymont.

Barnes, Mr., mentioned, 348.

Baronoviski, Alberto, Secretary of Poland, letter to, 712.

'Barrowe.' See Bergen-op-Zoom.

Barwycke, Benedict, servant of Cobham, commended to Walsingham, 377.

Basle, Lords of, arrest Spanish and Italian merchants, 358;

sends forces to the aid of Geneva, 697.

Basques, King of Navarre owns country of, 734 (p. 685).

Basteroede, Malcontents send men to, 541.

Bastian, Captain of French, saved in attack on Maestricht, 538.

Basurto, Alonzo de, suggestion that he might be apprehended in order that Unton should be released, 259.

Bataille or Bateley, — de, mentioned, 484;

ill in France, 498.

Bauffremont, Nicholas de, Baron de Senecey, 563.

Bavaria, House of, Pope intends to combine with, against Bishop of Cologne, 309 (p. 341);

nobility of, arrives in Augsburg, 646.

-, Duke of. See William V.

-, Duke Ferdinand of, going to Diet of Augsburg, 642;

at Augsburg, 649, 653.

-, George John, duke of, alias “Prince of Petit Pierre,” league between the Duke of Anjou and, 772.

-, Duchess of. See Maria.

Bawn, in Galicia, 597.

Bayonne, Don Antonio said to have landed at, 656;

Duchy d' Albret stretches from Bordeaux to, 734 (p. 686);

news from, 749.

Bazas, in Gascony, King of Navarre to give up to French King, 167 (p. 185);

Huguenots surrender to French king 200;

King of Navarre has strong guard in, 261;

holds to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 687).

Beale, Robert, Clerk of Privy Council, Bizarri sends greeting to, 100 (p. 115);

Queen of Scots has pleasure in seeing, 224;

Bizarri sends greeting to, 398 (p. 429).

-, —, bearer of letter from Sir Thomas Smith to Burghley, 444;

from Heneage to Smith, 459;

from Dr. Wilson to Smith, 460;

news of, 481 (p. 485).

Béarn, King of Navarre about to go into, 288 (p. 320);

King of Navarre in, 362 (p. 394);

to remain in government of Protestants, 506;

owned by King of Navarre, 734 (p. 685).

Beaton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow, Scottish Ambassador in France, sends messenger to Mayneville, 10;

wishes to make the Duke of Brabant plead with the Queen for D'Aubigny, 10;

nephew of, 57;

confers with d'Aubigny, 93 (p. 106);

declines to be made Cardinal, 105 (p. 122);

letters directed to d'Aubigny sent to, 127;

has money of Queen of Scots for d'Aubigny's use, 237 (p. 257);

expects great alteration in affairs of religion in Scotland, 261 (p. 283);

confers with French King, 273;

d'Aubigny's plans, said to have been betrayed to, 288 (p. 319);

d'Aubigny receives Sacrament from hands of, 363;

Earl Morton much cheered by, 379;

Earl Morton visits only by night, 389 (p. 419);

mentioned, 630 (p. 591).

Beaucaire, Castle of, to be rendered to King, 527.

-, on the Rhone, Protestants may be sure of having, 734 (p. 688).

Beaumont, Thomas, bearer of letters to Sir Henry Ratcliffe, 566 (3).

-, in Hainault, Father Osmaro, a native of, 516.

-, owned by King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

Beaurepaire. See Ongries.

Beaureyns, M. de, arrives at Amiens, 338 (p. 373).

Beauvais, Bishop of, king gives recompense to, for his bishopric, 148 (p. 163);

Puygaillard marches with his regiment towards, 338 (p. 373).

Beauvillier, Claude de, Count of Saint-Aignan, killed in attempt on Antwerp, 30;

death of, mentioned, 44 (p. 51);

with Monsieur, before attack on Antwerp, 45.

-, -, son of, wounded, 30.

Beauvoir, M. de, accused by Spaniards of loss of Middelburg, 510 (p. 505).

Beavary, Sieur Francesco, mentioned, 752 (9).

Beber, land of, 731.

Beckner, Thomas, 146;

letter from, 133.

Bedford, Earl of. See Russell, Francis.

Belem, 'Ballen,' King of Spain has been at, 700.

Belgium, [in Latin letters] Belgia, reference to reformed Church in, 522;

letter from Emperor regarding affairs in, 525;

Estates and Orders of, 525;

mentioned, 669.

Bellefontaine, M. de la, lieutenant of Swiss in States' army, 220.

Bellegarde. See Saint Lary.

Bellehouse (qy. Bélus), Sr. de, governs under King of Navarre in Perigord, 734 (p. 686).

Bellièvre, Jean de, Sieur de Haultefort, President, French ambassador in Switzerland, brother of following, at Diet at Baden, 301.

-, Pomponne de, Secretary of State, goes on commission from French King to Middelburg, 51;

King intends to send to Flanders, 92 (p. 104);

sent on commission to Monsieur, 93 (p. 108), 105;

on his way to Antwerp, 110 (p. 126);

Monsieur anxious to talk with, 112 (p. 129);

brings message from French King to Monsieur 117;

arrives at Antwerp, 130, 132, 135, 136 (p. 150), 138;

reference to letter from, to States-General, 144;

at Dermonde, 155 (p. 172);

tries to borrow money for Monsieur from French merchants in Antwerp, 164;

has commission to try and bring about agreement between Monsieur and States, 174 (p. 192), 178;

Somers deals with, 204 (p. 224);

mentioned, 273, 734 (p. 692).

Bembrige, Philip, comes to Paris with Mayneville, 327.

Benac, Beynac, Baron de, governs under King of Navarre in Bigorre, 734 (p. 686).

-, Sr. de la Roque de, governs under King of Navarre in Bigorre, 734 (p. 686).

Benavente, Count of, in Spanish army, 567.

Bendinelli, Signor, owner of one of lost galleys, 407.

Bene, Alfonso, Abbé del, has secret conference with the ambassador of Venice, 608.

Bene, Marquis del, 608.

Benevente, 602 (p. 568).

-, Conde of, with 15,000 men at Benevente, 602 (p. 568).

Berchem, near Antwerp, letter dated from, 19;

Monsieur withdraws to, 44 (p. 49);

mentioned, 63, 116.

Berck, on the Rhine, Elector of Cologne promises to hand over, to Duke Casimir, 222;

'Beack,' people of, fortify themselves, 333 (p. 369);

Count de Moers at, with English and Scottish soldiers, 740;

holds out against Bavarian forces, 747.

Berdeney or Berney, Kenelm, plots against Elizabeth, 436.

Berg, William, Count van den, 'Vandenbergh,' brother-in-law of Prince of Orange, with him in 1568, 405.

Bergamo, Signors of, quarrel with Pope, 9;

governors of, excommunicated, 9;

mentioned, 23.

Bergen Henegouve [i.e. in Hainault], list of conquests made by Prince of Orange on his way from Aachen to, 404;

skirmish near, 404 (p. 435).

Bergen-op-Zoom, Norris may take enemy's castles near, 13;

mutiny of garrison at, appeased, 110;

'Barrowe,' proposed enterprise against, 111;

might be in danger if Eyndhoven were lost, 135 (p. 149);

French behave quietly at, 153;

garrison at, mutinies for pay, 164;

Monsieur orders French to depart from, 245;

Prince of Parma near, 251;

States' troops camp near, 256, 263;

States hope to take castle near, 274;

Monsieur to deliver to States, 279;

French refuse to deliver, to States, 296;

'Barrow,' States' men at, 305 (p. 336), 318;

States' men retire towards, 359;

States' men overthrown near, 372;

Monsieur's men lying at, wait to be sent to Dunkirk, 393;

grain to be taken to, 396;

reference to privileges of, 420;

being fortified, 547;

Prince and Archduke Matthias go to, 556;

Malcontents of Brabant come near, 634.

-, Berghe, Marquis or Earl of. See Witthem, Jean de.

Bergen, near Magdeburg, reference to conference at, 522.

Bergerac, belongs to King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Bergues-Saint-Wynock, Berghes, 'Bergenwynox,' 'Bargus,' Winoxberghen, Monsieur will surrender, 110;

reference to mutiny of soldiers at, 155;

French garrison in, 165;

Prince of Parma advances towards, 178;

French force to be removed from, 204;

'Bergheswinocke,' no certain news of surrender of, 229;

Monsieur offered power to hold his Court in, 302, 305;

fort near, 384, 393, 746;

kept by French soldiers, 385 (p. 414);

in danger, 393;

letter from Governor of Dunkirk to Prince and States sent by way of, 397 (p. 424);

Scots troops put into, 544;

is in the hands of Monsieur, 703 (p. 656).

Berlaymont, Barlemont, Claude, Count of (formerly Haultepenne), certain companies of, appear before Eyndhoven, 38;

surprises companies of French and Scots, 45 (p. 52);

Malcontents of Brabant under, come near Lierre and Bergen, 634;

has orders to levy reiters for service of the King, 618;

Bishop of Cambray is a son of, 677;

goes to siege of Eyndhoven, 703;

Count 'd'Alpen,' soldiers spoil lands of, 722;

said to have died at Eyndhoven, 728;

goes to Mezières, 747.

Berne, to hold treaty with Duke of Savoy, and Genevese, 11, 112;

danger of treaty being set back, 119;

lords of, join league with King of France, 119;

sends ambassadors to Zurich, 119;

enters general league, 153;

people of, demand money from Duke of Savoy, 198;

levies of soldiers in Burgundy and Lorraine for, 201;

friendship between Zurich and, 237 (p. 258);

people of, make new galleys for the lake, 240 (p. 263);

people of, cannot get satisfaction from Duke of Savoy, 257;

people of, to write demand against Duke of Savoy, 268;

commissioners of, at Diet at Baden, 301;

French king will urge people of, to cease demands on Duke of Savoy, 309 (p. 341);

difference between Savoy, Geneva and, composed at Diet at Baden, 322;

Lords of, arrest Spanish and Italian merchants, 358;

those of, resolve to take up arms on behalf of Geneva, 639;

in league with Geneva, 654;

sends forces to aid of Geneva, 697.

Berri, to be governed by Monsieur, 506.

Bertie, Peregrine, Lord Willoughby, Kaas confers with, on trade between England and Denmark, 145 (p. 160);

his embassy to Denmark, 253;

mentioned, 253;

to arrange matter of Sockford with Danish merchants, 284 (2);

“Vilibium,” Ossowinsky hopes that Pormorth's business may be promoted by, 686.

Bertlendu, soldiers of, in Friesland, overthrown by enemy, 580.

Bertrowe, Peter, Jesuit, 616 (p. 583).

Berwick, Irish soldier wishes to have a place at, 356;

part of Spanish fleet to be landed at, 602 (p. 568).

Besançon, money for Monsieur arrives at, 714.

Besse, Humfrey, merchant at Rouen, letter signed by, 106.

Best, Richard, 696.

Betanzos, 602 (p. 568).

Béthune, Malcontents spoil country round, 296.

Beutterich, Dr. Peter, councillor of Duke John Casimir, 257;

warning sent by to King of Navarre, 514.

-, -, letter from, 367.

Beveland, South, Privy Council enquires why Sir Humfrey Gilbert went into, 499 (p. 497).

Bex, Bec, 'Bee,' Jean du, goes with Darcy to Monsieur and Norris, 90, 117;

Elizabeth said to have revealed French king's secrets to, 216 (p. 224);

mentioned, 234, 269;

postcript added by, to letter from Marchaumont, 297.

-, -, letter from, 291.

Beyram, Antonio, departs for Tercera, 142.

Beza, Theodore, 174 (p. 193).

Béziers, M. de Joyeuse orders surprising of, 93 (p. 107);

Duke of Montmorency enters, 362 (p. 395);

Protestants may be assured of having, 734 (p. 688).

Bienne, sends forces for the help of Geneva, 697.

Bierboom, Gerard, of Cologne, Uwens solicits payment of obligations of, 211, 212, 213.

Bigorre, King of Navarre holds Comté of, by homage to King of France, 734 (p. 686).

Bilbao, money sent from Court of Spain to, 560;

Spanish ships of war made ready at, 562;

men of war go out of, 566 (5);

mentioned, 594;

Lord Dacres goes to, 602 (p. 569).

Billy, “Billhee,” M. de, levies men in Westphalia, 552;

mentioned, 554.

Birago, Julio, Monsieur sends to Pope, 327;

skirmishes with enemy near Antwerp, 706 (p. 659).

Birague, Françoise de, wife of Marquis de Nesle, daughter of following, marriage of her son with Chiverny's daughter, 310.

-, Birago, René de, Cardinal, Chancellor of France, present at conference to discuss causes of English merchants, 236;

refuses abbey of Lisières, 290;

King desires to bestow bishopric on, 309;

M. Chiverny makes his peace with 310;

at conference about treaties, 443 (p. 461);

most discontented man in France, 527.

Biron, M. de. See Gontaut, Armand de.

Biscay, Spanish ships of war in, 293 (p. 260);

ship of, captured by French, 264;

cannot live without wheat from France, 304;

'Bysca,' Cavaliero Giraldi intends to go to, 310;

mentioned, 560;

ships made ready at, 562;

victuals and armour sent out of, 566 (1);

soldiers come from Toledo to, 566 (2);

mentioned, 594;

King of Spain's ships at, 597;

those of, offer ships of war to King of Spain, 701.

-, letter dated at, 560.

Bisiniano, Prince of, comes to Rome, 662.

Bizarri, Pietro, letters from, 44, 81 100, 116, 132, 206, 398.

Blackwell Hall, 546.

'Blancs Battus,' religious Order of Penitents founded by Henry III, 148, 167, 174 (p. 193);

Henry III punishes those who scoff at, 186;

Henry III goes in procession of, 198;

reference to procession of, 209;

Méru becomes one of, 216 (p. 236);

mentioned, 254;

Repentis, 325 (p. 360);

confraternity of Penitenciers, 345.

Blankenberghe, near Ostend, Monsieur to go to, 188, 194, 204 (p. 223);

'Blackenborrowe,' Monsieur goes to, 218.

Blascons, Sr. de, vigilence of, for Protestant cause, 734 (p. 688),

Blois, letters dated at, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, 439, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 456, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 478.

-, treaty with English merchants at, 236, 286;

Queen Mother and young Queen go to, 331;

mentioned, 460, 480.

Blount, James, Lord Mountjoy, 428.

Bloyère, Henry de, Burgomaster of Brussels, deputy from States attending on Monsieur, 112, 204 (p. 221).

Bloys, William van, Sieur de Treslong (Trelon), Admiral of Zealand, Governor of Dunkirk, thought by la Motte to be worthy to serve Henry III, 33,; keeps small ships off Nieuport to guard against the French, 65;

mentioned, 558.

-, -, letters to, 4, 33.

Blyleven, signs obligation by Archduke Matthias and States to pay troops, 778.

Bobadilla, Bovadilla, Don Francisco de, goes with expedition to Terceiras 365 (p. 399).

Bocca San Laurentio, part of Spanish army drowned in, 565.

Bochetel, Jeanne de, wife of M. de Mauvissière, reference to, letter from, 267 (4).

Bodenham, Roger, 399.

-, -, letter from, 304, 637.

-, William, son of above, 304, 399;

extracts of letters from, 640.

Bodin, Jean de, conversation of, with Audley Danett, 12;

'Jhon' assures Danett of affection of French towards Elizabeth, 47;

hopes for advancement from the Queen of Scots, 47 (p. 55);

detained at Flushing for want of a passport, 138.

-, -, letter from, 72.

Bodligha, Mr., 616.

Bohain, 'Bohen,' near Cambrai, 563.

Bohemia, King of Poland lays claim to Kingdom of, 193;

reference to reformed church in, 522;

mentioned, 553, 565;

barons of, to go to Diet of Augsburg, 642;

nobility of, arrives in Augsburg, 646;

Archduke Ernest to be governor in, 693.

Bois. Baptista de, relation of, 409.

Boiscoullant, Sr. de, governs under King of Navarre in Perigord, 734 (p. 686).

Boisdemain, Sr. de, governs under King of Navarre in Perigord, 734 (p. 686).

Bois-le-duc, Bolduc, to be held in check by Eyndhoven, 6;

trouble caused to, by rumour of siege of Eyndhoven, 38;

would be brought to reason by rescue of Eyndhoven, 135 (p. 148);

could not hold out if Eyndhoven were kept, 178;

garrison of, sometimes issues forth, 263;

mentioned, 405 (p. 436);

English, French and Scottish troops, beyond, 533;

Protestants attempt to bring soldiers into, 535;

mutiny in, 538 (p. 525);

those of, feared to be becoming Malcontents, 539;

governor chosen for, 540;

enemy withdraw Walloons from, 615;

reference to taking of Castle near, 702 (p. 653).

Boisrond, Sr. de, Prince of Condé takes council with, 734 (p. 689).

Boisse, Baron de, governs under King of Navarre in Perigord, 734 (p. 686).

Bokeholt, —, Captain of enemy in Friesland, taken prisoner, 618.

Bolduc. See Bois-le-duc.

Bologna, the Pope's kindred in, 701.

Bombergen, M. de, in skirmish against Spaniards, 404 (p. 434).

Boncompagni. See Buoncompagni.

Boni, or Doni, Francis, Italian, travels into Flanders to 'practice' for King of Spain, 342.

Bonn, on the Rhine, letter dated at, 78;

in danger of being surprised by Papists, 117;

Elector of Cologne promises to hand over to Duke Casimir, 222;

people of, fortify themselves, 333 (p. 309);

reported to be besieged, 388;

ambassadors sent to Cologne from, 702 (p. 654), 704;

boat going to is seized by the Duke of Saxe Lauenburg, 705;

Bishop of Cologne leaves, 711;

Count Aremberg approaches, 713;

Count Aremberg withdraws men from, 714;

troops arrive in, 715;

Comte de Reifferscheit wishes to hinder proceedings in, 722;

those of, defeat Comte de Reifferscheit's men, 724;

those of, hold on well, 729;

Charles Truchsess governor of, 739, 740;

reported that it is to be besieged, 740 (p. 700);

captains of Charles Truchsess in, 742;

Salentin and d'Aremberg will besiege, 743, 744;

Truchsess may bring troops to succour, 747;

sallies made by those of, 747.

Bonnetti, Rocco, letter of recommendation of, 279;

seeks help from Mauvissière, 300.

Bonnieau, John de, master of the Tremblade, Cobham gives passport to, 338 (p. 373).

Bonnivet, M. de. See Gouffier.

Borchloon, Prince of Orange arrives at, and is acknowledged as lord of, 404 (p. 433).

Bord, M. de, lieutenant of artillery, makes complaint of English pirate, 255 (1), 'Bore,' 255 (3), 'Borcq,' 255 (4), 'Born,' 255 (5).

Bordeaux, reference to Monsieur's promises to States at, 38;

reference to treaty of, 42, 61, 63;

petition of English merchants at, to French King, 151;

stands on guard, 239;

complaints of English merchants trading in, 254;

wines of, ship containing, captured by English pirate, 254 (p. 275), 255 (1), 255 (2);

people of, suspicious of French king's intentions, 273;

complaints of English merchants trading in, considered, 286 (p. 317);

reference to treaty of, 295;

Cobham sends letter by merchant from, 389;

mentioned, 493;

Duchy d'Albret stretches from Bayonne to, 734 (p. 686).

Bordestes, Baron of, receives present from, Sir Humfrey Gilbert, 416.

Borgerhout, Berganhooth, near Antwerp, French army at, 12;

Colonel Norris at, 13;

soldiers at, join in meeting between Temple's soldiers and those of Antwerp, 24 (p. 31);

Duke of Anjou goes towards, 28;

Malcontents of Lierre make a raid on, 44;

attack on German reiters at, 45, 46;

Monsieur wishes Prince of Orange to see French troops at, 46;

fire at, alarms Antwerp, but does no damage, 47 (p. 56);

Count Mansfelt retires into, 58;

mentioned, 90;

English and Scottish troops lodge at, 235;

Spanish and Italian soldiers make sally to, 703 (656).

Borgia, Joannes, ambassador from the King of Spain to the Emperor, 605.

Borluyt, Borlunt, M. de, of Ghent, 17.

Borosco, Palatine of Poland, 309 (p. 341).

Borromeo, Charles, Cardinal, visits estates of Dukes of Mantua and Parma, 92;

writes to Pope concerning young Princess of Parma, 167 (p. 186);

Unton wishes letters to be sent to, for his brother's deliverance, 317;

mentioned 338 (p. 373);

goes to the seven churches of Rome, 693;

asks Pope whether he may say mattins walking, 698;

has interview with the Pope, 701;

goes to Parma, 706 (p. 660);

summons his doctor from Milan, 710.

-, -, -, suffragan of, excommunicates governors of Bergamo, 9.

Bosgrave or Bosgrove, James, alias Leonarde, spied upon by Rogers 590;

other Jesuits known to Jesuits, 616 (p. 583);

detained as prisoner in England, 707.

Bosingen, Castle of, in Flanders, yielded up by Walloons, 530.

Bossu, Boussu, Count. See Hennin.

Botelho, Diego de, ambassador for Don Antonio, arrives at Antwerp, 256, 272;

returns from Holland, 298;

arrives in Dunkirk, 314.

-, -, letter from, 336.

Botelyo, Antonio, departs for Terceira, 142.

Bouchage, M. du. See Arques.

Bouchain, Malcontents lie near, 574;

Monsieur sends money to soldiers in, 575;

Malcontents thought to be going to besiege, 578;

Malcontents still near, 580;

news of fire in, 584.

Bouillargues, Sr. de, watches country for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 688).

Bouillon, Duke of. See Marck.

Boulaix, Sr. de la, in Poitou for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Boulogne, French forces from Amiens march towards, 231;

Queen Mother said to be at, 320;

Monsieur thought to he going to land at, 385;

Monsieur leaves Dunkirk for, 398 (p. 428);

mentioned, 463, 473;

Admiral and Montmorency will meet at, 497, 498;

Don Antonio said to be at, 702 (p. 654);

Monsieur goes towards, 746.

Boulonnais, French 'take up' all the men they can get in, 231.

'Boukstelz,' Baron of, at marriage of Prince of Orange, 220.

Bour, Isaac, signs deposition against English pirates, 255 (2).

Bourbon, House of, Henry of Navarre head of, 734.

-, Antoinette de, wife of Claude I, Duke of Lorraine, distribution of her property after her death, 92 (p. 105).

-, Charles de, brother to Condé, to be 'consecrated' Cardinal, 9;

Walsingham praised to, 69;

to be made cardinal, 92;

Pope will not allow, to be made Cardinal, 167 (p. 186);

Cardinal Bourbon requests to be allowed to resign benefices to, 565.

-, Charlotte de, Princess of Orange, reference to master of the household of, 621;

death of, 634.

-, Elizabeth de, late Queen of Spain, reference to children of, 699 (p. 649);

visit of to Bayonne (in 1565), 749.

-, François de, Duke of Montpensier, States requested to allow 'furniture' of, to pass out of Antwerp, 19;

nearly drowned, through falling from bridge near Vilvorde, 44;

expected shortly to return to France, 102;

train of, returns to France, 112 (p. 129);

Monsieur asks that his countries may be governed by, during his absence 618.

-, Henry de, Prince of Condé, to be interceded with on behalf of Sturmius, 11, 119;

does not see to re-payment of Sturmius, 11;

brother of, to be made Cardinal, 92;

settles differences of Protestants in Languedoc and Poitou, 93;

wishes to marry La Tremouille's daughter, 93 (p. 108);

at Saint Jean-d' Angely, 93;

Henry III grants two more years' residence at Saint Jean d'Angely to, 112 (p. 130);

has interview with Dukes of Uzès and Montmorency at Montpellier, 112;

at Saint Jean-d'Angely, 167 (p. 185);

objects to garrison placed in Taillebourg by King, 209;

wishes to enter into war for cause of religion, 216;

intends to marry Mlle. de la Tremoille, 216 (p. 235), 232;

king seeks to oppose marriage of, 237;

reference to proposed marriage of, 310, 331.


sends succour to Prince of Orange in his campaign of 1568, 404 (p. 434);

to govern Picardy for the Protestants, 506;

Malcontents in fear of, 552;

still at La Fère, 555;

to be lieutenant of forces defending Cambray, 563;

in Ghent with his train, 572;

goes to Lillo and there embarks for Holland, 575;

at Avignon, 706 (p. 660);

guards countries for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689);

a prince of merit, 734 (p. 694).

Bourbon-Vendôme, Charles de, Cardinal of Bourbon, King gives money to, 239 (p. 260);

gives nuncio leave to disburse certain sums for Ireland and Scotland, 261 (p. 283);

has audience with French King, 429;

messenger from, to the Pope, 565;

Pope does not wish resignation of, from legateship of Avignon, 700.

Bourdyn, M., 450.

Bourg (Bourc), M. de, mentioned, 563.

Bourgeuil, Burgoyll, Abbey of, Monsieur intends to go to, 563.

Bourgoignan, Sr. de, governs under King of Navarre in Armagnac, 734 (p. 686).

Bourgoing, Bourgoyne, Jehan de, Lord of Fromont, at marriage of Prince of Orange, 220;

becomes Master of Finance, 557.

Bourguygnon, Antoine, French merchant, robbed on way to Cambray, 314.

Bournamvil (?), sent by Monsieur to Montmorency, 327.

Bourne, —, newly delivered from inquisition in Rome, 331.

Bourniguel, Vicomte de, governs under King of Navarre in Rouergue, 734 (p. 686).

Bournonville, Oudard de (Count of Hennia), Baron de Capres, 558;

dismissed from government of Arras, 569.

Bouroc, harbour of, 255 (4).

Bours, M. de. See Noyelles.

Bowes, Sir Jerome, English ambassador in Russia, instructions for, 340, 341, 374.

-, Robert, Elizabeth's minister in Scotland, Treasurer of Berwick, mentioned, 5;

reference to letter to, 26;

reference to his opinion of Smallet, 122;

reference to letters from, 123h. 327.

Bowrgerlowffe, Prince of Orange at, 405.

Bowser, —, 461, 491.

Boxmer, castle of, besieged by enemy, 277 (p. 301).

Boyd, Lord, mentioned, 105 (p. 122).

-, John, going into Spain with Sir John Seton, 389 (p. 419).

-, 'Boyed,' Captain, made governor of Menin and colonel of Scots in Preston's regiment, 371.

Brabançon (?), a prisoner, M. de la Pierre sends a challenge to Norris on account of, 321.

Brabant, Eyndhoven in, surprised by Bonivet, 1;

mentioned, 6;

anxious to send army into enemy's country, 12;

French army arrived in, 13;

Allman and Walloon forces ordered to return to, 14;

French in Dunkirk ordered by Monsieur to go to, 14;

the first to do homage to the Duke of Anjou, 24;

at liberty to put itself on the defensive, 59;

reference to oath taken by, to Monsieur, 63;

open country of, secured by Eyndhoven, 107;

forces from land of Waes to retire into, 164;

French forces to be sent into, 165;

States of, make agreement with Monsieur, 165, 180;

troubles in, 172;

States of, ratify agreement with Monsieur, 189;

Prince of Parma pays troops in, 194;

Swiss and French troops come from, 23;

French horse from Dunkirk will return into, 231;

French will not return into, till they are paid, 245;

English companies pass into, 250;

Malcontents' forces in, 264;

people of, 276;

Malcontents' regiment pass through, 279;

enemy's troops remain in, 280;

enemy dares not go out of, 305 (p. 336);

enemy from, marches towards Diest, 308;

deputies likely to be sent to meeting at Ghent from, 320;

Malcontents likely to get all in, 329;

enemy's forces drawn out of, 393 (p. 422);

reference to ordinance passed by States of, 396;

Malcontents in, 397 (p. 424).


report by Council of State of, 512;

English, Scottish and French troops in 538;

men from Lorraine join enemy in, 574;

enemy lying in, threaten to burn villages about Antwerp, 578;

Malcontents of, 634;

reference to revolt in, 646;

mentioned, 702;

Monsieur's negotiations referred to 711;

seditious spirits of, side with France, 713;

mentioned, 740 (p. 699);

dykes cut towards, 764.

-, Duke of. See Francis, Duke of Anjou.

Bragadino, reference to cruelty shown to, at taking of Cyprus, 577 (p. 553).

Braganza, John, Duke of, King of Spain said to be going to marry daughter of, 53, 105;

protector of Portugal, 568;

in prison at Burgos, 602 (p. 569).

-, Catherine, Cattilina, Caterina, Duchess of, crowned Queen of Portugal, 560;

writes to Cardinal Farnese, 565.

Braine (Brene) le Conte, States' men overthrow enemy's horse at, 569.

Brandenburg, Marquis of. See Albert.

-, Elector and Marquis of. See John George.

-, Marquis of, and his son, with Prince of Orange in 1568, 404 (p. 432).

Branksey, harbour of, French ship brought into, 343 (p. 379).

Brant, Captain, at castle of Hulcherat, 206 (p. 227).

Brasill, in Terceiras, fortified, 160.

Braunsberg, Bransberg, in Prussia, 590.

Brazil, Bresill, gallions of, remain at Terceira, 585.

Breci, Baron de. See Rustin.

Breda, to be held in check by Eyndhoven, 6;

garrison of, attack German reiters, 45;

Mondragon arrives at, 111 (p. 127);

annoyed by Bois-le-duc, 178;

garrison of, sometimes issues forth, 263;

States hope to take castle near, 274;

enemy fears, will be besieged, 305 (p. 336);

wagons coming from, taken by the enemy, 600.

Bremen, reference to posts from London to, 616;

will support Dantzic, 693 (p. 643).

-, Bishop of, betakes himself to marriage of Bishop of Cologne, 290;

comes to Cologne for election of new Archbishop, 333 (p. 369);

may become Bishop of Cologne, 690;

has conference with the Bishop of Cologne in Westphalia, 698;

ready to gather forces for the Bishop of Cologne, 711;

not yet arrived in Cologne, 739.

Brenesteyn, —, regiment of, 535.

Breslau, 'Bresol,' King of Poland assembling forces to besiege, 193.

Brest, French fleet gathers at, 638.

Bretons, King of Spain wishes to stop ships of, 638.

Briçeno, Abbé, Spanish Ambassador in Rome, to give honours to Duke of Ferrara, 702 (p. 653).

Bridgwater, new tax laid upon ships arriving at Rochelle from, 99.

Brienne, Count de, to marry Duke of Epernon's youngest sister, 54, 57, 105.

Brigneux, Sr. de, governs under King of Navarre in the Comté de Foix, 734 (p. 686).

Briks, John, merchant adventurer, 551.

Brill, the, in Holland, Privy Council enquires how many English are at, 499 (p. 498);

Marquis Vitelli to go against, 751.

Brimeaux, letter to Norris signed by, 117.

Brineau, Bruneau, Sieur de, death of, 752 (10).

Brissac, the young Count of. See Cossé.

Brisson, Bernabé, Sieur de Gravelles, President of Parlement of Paris, goes to Calais, 239.

Bristol, new tax laid upon ships arriving at Rochelle from, 99;

reference to merchant of, 409;

ships going to the Terceiras from, 638.

Britanny, Duke of Mercœeur seeks to make himself a party in, 93;

government of desired by Duke of Nevers, but given to Epernon, 105 (p. 121);

Portuguese nobleman arrives in, 154;

de Mouy's brother to be married in, 232;

mentioned, 254;

soldiers to be levied in, for Spain, 261 (p. 284);

Queen Mother seeks to levy money in Paris upon an assignation in, 309;

deputies of, attend at French court, 527;

Prince of, for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Britto, John de, departs for Terceira, 142.

Broelle. See Brühl.

Broke, Adam, in league with Papist spies, 590 (p. 561);

'Brokeadam,' 616 (p. 583).

-, Edward, brother to above, at Christ Church, Oxford, 616 (p. 583).

-, Thomas, 695.

Bronkhurst, Jacob, Baron of Anholt, Daniel Rogers a prisoner with, 663. 664.

Brooke, Maximilian, son of Lord Cobham, returning to Paris, 199;

sent to Smallet, 288, (p. 319);

leaves Paris, 293.

-, Sir Henry, styled Cobham, English Ambassador in France, 69;

intends to go to Rouen, 95;

reference to conference of, with Smallet, 122;

mentioned, 131;

his interest in Beckner's suit, 133;

Mauvissière wishes, to come to terms with Joyeuse, 140;

Smallet refers to his conference with, 183;

mentioned, 201;

Lobetius sends dispatches to, 323;

mentioned, 325 (p. 357);

Spanish complaints of English piracies sent to, 505 (p. 502);

reference to instructions on despatch to France, 768;

mentioned, 768;

reference to articles for redress of piracy by, 770;

reference to employment at Antwerp in treaty of, 777;

jewels deposited with, 780.

-, -, letters from, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 23, 50, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 92, 93, 94, 95, 105, 127, 128, 129, 146, 148, 168, 169, 170, 174, 176, 182, 186, 190, 197, 198, 200, 236, 237, 239, 246, 254, 259, 260, 261, 273, 286, 288, 293, 309, 310, 317, 325, 327, 330, 338, 345, 362, 363, 377, 378, 379, 389, 608.

-, -, letters to, 28, 41, 82, 99(?), 122, 123, 124, 183, 199, 202, 208, 210, 219, 255, 370, 392, 565, 620, 689.

-, William, Lord Cobham, brother to Sir Henry Cobham, 392;

sent by Elizabeth to King of Spain, 408.

-, alias Cobham, John (nephew of Lord Cobham), reference to dispute between Norris and, 606.

Brookesby, Joseph, English ensign, killed at Maestricht, 538.

-, —, English captain, saved in attack on Maestricht, 538.

Brouage, merchant ship from, robbed by English pirates, 255 (2);

reference to loss of, 734 (p. 690).

Browne, Anthony, Viscount Montagu sent by Elizabeth into Spain in 1560, 408.

-, Sir Valentine, Sir Thomas Smith sends letters to, 469.

-, -, letter to, 466.

Bruges, mentioned, 4;

French soldiers enter, 21;

'Bridges' attempt made by Duke of Anjou on, 24;

letters to magistrates of, 32, 34;

Monsieur wishes to take, 40 (p. 47);

mentioned, 63;

feared that men of, will never come to agreement with Monsieur, 65 (p. 77);

Monsieur demands, 70;

Darcy arrives at, 84;

people of, said to have cast down arms of Monsieur, 92;

reported to have sent commissioners to Prince of Orange, 92 (p. 104);

Monsieur's forces thrust out of, 110;

mentioned, 121;

magistrates of, receive letters from States-General, 137;

magistrates of, receive letters from Ghent, 143;

deputies from, will not come to agreement with Monsieur, 165;

States-General said to be coming to, 194 (p. 211);

Monsieur to pass near, 204 (p. 223);

Monsieur passes, 207;

Gilpin sent to, 242;

Malcontents try to make agreement with 264;

waggons laden with merchandise pass between Courtrai and, 279;

people of, send pay to Scots at Menin, 280 (p. 304);

Monsieur offered power to hold his court in, 302, 305;

Prince of Orange thought to be coming to, 313;

sends deputies to meeting at Ghent, 320, 329;

letter from Monsieur to municipal authorities of, 373;

des Pruneaux and Meetkerke pass through, 385;

commons of, at meeting at Ghent, 385 (p. 414).


Sir Humfrey Gilbert's attempts frustrated at, 499 (p. 497);

religious riots in, 538 (p. 525);

Prince of Orange thought to be going to, 542;

Prince of Orange at, and commissioners sent from, to Utrecht, 545;

mentioned, 571 (p. 548);

Prince to go to, 579;

enemy takes peasants near, 591;

States to meet Monsieur at, 629;

towns-people of, in arms against Prince of Parma, 643;

reference to practices of Salcedo at, 693 (p. 642);

commissioners sent from, to discuss with Monsieur, 703 (p. 655);

Malcontents exhort those of, to be reconciled to the King of Spain, 711;

news from, 751.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 14, 21, 31, 65, 84, 114, 137, 143, 144, 165 180, 188, 194, 207, 231, 245, 264, 279, 296, 320, 329, 347, 360, 371, 385, 397, 629.

-, letter to municipal authorities of, 373.

Brühl (Broelle), Count Salentin goes to, 739;

new Bishop of Cologne goes to, 740, 743.

Brulart, Pierre, Sieur de Crosne and de Genlis, French Secretary of State, 148 (p. 163).

-, —, nephew of above, Monsieur sends to Paris, 148 (p. 163);

Queen Mother awaits return of, from Monsieur, 286 (p. 317).

Brumen, Geoffrey le, letter to Walsingham from, 70;

Mme. la Noue sends letter to Walsingham by, 181.

-, -, letters from, 201, 209, 232, 358, 369.

Bruno, Doctor Jordano, professor in philosophy; intends to go to England, 197 (p. 214).

-, Paulo, drowned near Palermo, 625.

Brunswick, Eric, Duke of. See Eric.

-, Otto of, to levy two regiments of Almains for King Philip's service, 698 (p. 648).

-, Abbot Polliansky dwells near, 380 (p. 410);

Bizarri goes to, 398 (p. 426).

Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel, Henry, Duke of, father of Duke Julius, Gilpin sent to, 403;

mentioned, 427.

-, -, sons of, killed in battle, 427.

-, Henry of, uncle to Duke Julius, has court six leagues from Brunswick, 398 (p. 427).

-, Julius, Duke of, fortress of, mentioned by Bizarri 398 (p. 427);

sons of, at marriage of daughter of, 398;

force sent by, to help Prince of Orange in 1568, 405;

ambassadors of, pass by Cologne, 731.

Brussels, enemy leave 2,000 sick near, 1;

reported to be French in, 21;

Duke of Anjou writes to people of, laying the blame of his attack on Antwerp on the citizens, 24;

letter to, from Duke of Anjou, 28;

some hope that Monsieur will hold his court in, 38, 44;

provisions sent to Monsieur's army from, 38;

reference to letter from Monsieur to, 45 (p. 53);

Monsieur content to hold his court at, 58;

States desire Monsieur to return to, with a garrison of Swiss, 59, 61, 101;

accepted by Monsieur, 61, 62;

letters sent to, 66;

Monsieur to hold court at, 80, 81, 85 (p. 97), anyone entering, to swear allegiance to the States, 86;

Monsieur soon going to, 100, 102, 112, 116;

people of unwilling for Monsieur to enter, 102;

Monsieur unwilling to go to, 110, 111, 115, 132;

victuals sent to Monsieur from, 117;

regiment comes from in good condition, 117;

Estates wish Monsieur to go to, 135 (p. 148);

people of, content to receive Monsieur, 136 (p. 150), 138;

States suggest that Monsieur should go to, 155;

Monsieur refuses to go to, 157;

garrison at, mutinies for pay, 164;

companies from, to occupy Vilvorde, 179;

burghers from, enter castle of Vilvorde, 193;

Monsieur will not repair to, 204;

Fremyn sent into garrison at, 244;

Monsieur offered power to hold his Court in, 302, 305;

people weary of long troubles in, 318 (p. 350);

people mutiny in, 319;

Papists demand churches in, 321;

enemy will be able to blockade, 321 (p. 354);

reference to troubles at, 329.


Egmont takes gate of, and brings six companies into, 533;

mentioned, 535;

quiet again, 537;

those of, agree with Prince of Orange, 538;

mentioned, 540;

Malcontents still about, 541;

Malcontents remove from, 542;

enemy reported to be going towards, 544;

La Noue lies near, 545;

States' men lie towards, 546, 547;

discontent between townsmen and soldiers in, 554;

makes agreement with Antwerp 555;

enemy plot to enter, 569;

States' men at, in want of money, 575;

soldiers in, mutiny for pay, 592;

garrison of, takes Almot, 702 (653);

Monsieur is asked to withdraw to, 703 (p. 655);

Prince of Parma has his camp near, 706 (p. 659);

soldiers mutiny at, 708;

Monsieur is requested to go into, 711;

Prince of Parma intends to be master of, 740;

Gerau d'Espes leaves, 751;

offered to Monsieur for residence, 781;

reference to offer, 781 (p. 731).

Bruynik, Councillor, sent by Prince of Orange to re-elect magistrates at Flushing, 280 (p. 304).

Bryland, Charles, at Santanderos, 602 (p. 567).

Buda, Basha of, sends presents to Imperial Court, 243.

Buhy, Buy, M. de. See Mornay, Pierre de.

Bulkley, Daniel, merchant, letter signed by, 99.

Buoncompagni, Filippo, Cardinal San Sisto, 702.

-, Jacomo, son of Gregory XIII, Duke of Sora, wishes Spanish knight of Malta to receive Priory in Ireland, 167 (p. 186);

sends for Alfonso Piccolomini, 239 (p. 261);

entertains Count Olivares, 645;

mentioned, 702 (p. 653).

Buonhuomo, M., nuncio resident with the Emperor, Pope commits cause of Bishop of Cologne to, 700;

Pope gives money to, for the business of Cologne, 702.

Burde, Robert, 597.

'Burgeis,' in France, plague in, 331.

Burgos, Pope's soldiers making ready in, 602 (p. 568).

Burgundians, Malcontents discharge those serving in Artois and Hainault, 84;

at Cologne, 206 (p. 227);

'Borgonienes,' 530;

reported to have entered Flanders, 556;

company of, overthrown, 569;

Duke of Alva will have ready, 751.

Burgundy, levies of soldiers in, for Berne and Geneva, 201;

Duke of Maine to go into, 239 (p. 260);

troops under gentlemen of, to serve Bishop of Cologne, 290;

Elizabeth anxious to maintain friendship with house of, 408;

house of, 443 (p. 460);

England not to withdraw from league with, 524;

deputies from, attend at French court, 527.

-, Philip, late Duke of, reference to, 88 (p. 98).

Burnel, John, English merchant, married to Kemerlinck's third daughter, 616.

Burnet, Ralph, letter from, 242.

Burnham, Burnam, Edward, servant to Walsingham, bears letter to Norris, 76;

letters from, 80; 101;

'Bornem,' bearer of books from Bizarri to Walsingham, 100, 116;

mentioned, 103, 110;

'Borman,' 111;

comes to Paris, 246;

mentioned, 260, 261, 273.

Busseau, M., regiments of, 746.

Butler, Henry, Sir Thomas Smith sends messages to, 488.

Butting, village of, Bizarri taken before Count of Aremberg at, 206.

Buy, M. de. See Perrot.

-, Buhy, M. de, See Mornay, Pierre de.

Buys, Paul, deputy of Holland, in England, 502;

news given to Herle by, 635 (p. 597 sqq.).

Buzenval, M. de. See Choard.