Index: P

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Pacheco, Anthony, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

-, Jacob Vieira, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

-, Jerome, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Padilla, Pedro de, in army for Terceras, 112.

Paget, Charles, Cobham receives letter from, 352;

Cobham speaks with, 354;

intends to go to Rome, 397 (p. 395).

Pagett, William, tries to sell book written by English minister at Middelburg, 271.

Paige, William, the 'Post' takes letter from Herle to Walsingham, 143 (p. 141).

-, son of above, drowned, 455.

Paleota, 'Paleotto,' Gabriel Cardinal, visits Duke of Savoy, 113 (p. 111).

Paland, Herr van, Kammermeister and Councillor of Juliers, 438.

Pallavicino, Fabrizio, brother of following, 48;

released from prison, 87, 88;

reference to imprisonment of, 108;

Horatio hopes to learn something of affairs of, at Rome, 224.

-, Horatio, merchant, debt due to, 40;

Cobham welcomes in Paris, 57;

town of Antwerp demands money for, 80;

Cobham receives money from, for Mr. Champernowne, 114 (p. 114), 152;

reference to money from, 158;

Longston has speech with Alostanus touching interest for, 197;

reference to packet for, 264, 276;

can give information concerning Calvi, 396 (p. 393);

Merchants Adventurers fear arrest for debts due to, 428;

mentioned, 464;

said to have pieces of cloth of gold, 552.

-, -, letters from, 1, 48, 83, 88, 108, 212, 223, 224.

Pall Mall, 'Payle Mayle,' game of, French king plays, 396.

Pallye, 'Pallet,' 'Paillette,' Peter, Swift utters calumnies against, 430.

Paluel, 'Pallshell,' Normandy, 75.

Pamele, castle of, in Oudenarde, Parma proposes to place garrison in, 140.

-, Sieur de. See Lochingam.

Panama, voyage of, 285.

Pancalier, Charles (?), Count, counsellor of Duke of Savoy, his death, 331.

Parazen de Corvo, Island of, Kenne at, 469.

Pardieu, Valentine, Seigneur de la Motte, sent to Oudenarde with summons to surrender, 81;

report of his death, 160;

very ill, 252;

statement of pay of regiment of, 328;

King of Spain bestows Order of the Red Cross upon, 493.

Pardin, Perdini, Captain, commanding the French soldiers on board English vessels for Don Antonio, 95, 115 (p. 115);

starts from Rochelle, 187;

arrives at Terceras after battle of Azores, 365 (p. 364);

comes to Paris from Terceras, 498.

Paris, John Poisle banished from, 41;

Pallavicino at, 48;

Schomberg places unicorn's horn in hands of those of maison de ville of, 64;

officials of, examine Jehan Gower, 66;

reference to letters from, 83;

mentioned, 86;

Nicholson brought up in, 89;

Italian friar imprisoned for imperious proceedings against Franciscans in, 136;

copy of Welsh letter sent from Lyons to, 137;

General of Franciscans will not resort to, without King's leave, 150 (p. 151);

Prince of Geneva imprisoned at, 152;

Pallavicino hopes to buy present for Elizabeth in, 214;

parcels of money made up in, for Monsieur, 223;

plotters against King apprehended in, 227;

M. du Plessis goes to, 243;

mentioned, 287;

news from, 302;

Englishmen go to, 333 (p. 324);

Spanish agent's courier robbed by Monsieur's horsemen near, 348;

fugitives licensed to dwell at, 349;

Calvi ordered to depart from, 396 (p. 393);

Doni refers to his return to, 408;

Guise soldiers hope to be employed in, 441;

Swiss ambassadors coming to, 441 (p. 434);

news from, 483;

Swiss ambassadors arrive at, 494.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 3, 4, 5, 23, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 50, 54, 57, 59, 61, 62, 74, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 102, 108, 113, 114, 115, 122, 136, 149, 150, 152, 156, 161, 162, 173, 179, 187, 188, 209, 210, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229, 230, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 255, 256, 257, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 275, 308, 309, 323, 324, 331, 332, 333, 339, 340, 342, 343, 344, 348, 352, 354, 355, 356, 360, 368, 369, 370, 371, 378, 385, 386, 396, 397, 399, 408, 409, 412, 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 425, 433, 437, 441, 444, 457, 458, 465, 467, 471, 472, 478, 480, 488, 494, 497, 498, 502, 515, 517, 518, 520, 522, 538, 540, 541.

-, Bishop of. See Gondi.

Parlement of Paris, extract out of Register of, decreed against John Poisle, 41;

French king sends letters to, 287;

mortgage of Monsieur to Duke of Ferrara to be confirmed by King in, 369;

Duke of Lorraine wishes Salcedo's examinations to be understood by, 396 (p. 392);

President of, condemns Salcedo to death, 423 (p. 414);

King resolves to make new edicts for obtaining money at next session of, 441 (p. 434);

reference to judgement pronounced on Salcedo in, 465;

King wishes certain edicts to be accorded him by, 494 (p 484).

Parliament of England, Elizabeth refers question of her marriage to, 507 (p. 498).

Parma, Giraldi's son goes to, 399.

Parma, Prince of. See Farnese, Alexander.

-, Duke of. See Farnese, Ottavio.

-, Duchess of. See Margaret.

Parry, Dr William, recommended to Cobham by Walsingham, goes to Lyons, 352.

Parson, Thomas, of Poole, takes Breton ship, 168.

Pasena, Ambrosio, reference to letter to, 45 (p. 40).

Pasquier, 'Mons. Mava.' secretary, brings complaints of English pirates, 324.

Passi, M. de. See Spifame.

Pau, Duke of Savoy's ambassador confers with Princess of Navarre at, 348 (p. 339).

Panhuys, Pieter, escherin of Antwerp, 548.

Paulmier, M. de. See Voyer.

Paulmyer, Claude, letter from, 161.

Paulo, Cobham's Italian messenger, 179, 287 (p. 280), 324, 486.

Paynter, servant to Walsingham, 264, 267;

de Péna sends request by, 269;

mentioned, 276, 287 (p. 280.)

Paz, Pedro de, statement of pay of Spanish companies under, 328.

Pecock, 'pecoque' —, demands money from Zubiaur, 511.

Pellicart, Captain, with Brissac at battle of Azores, 353 (p. 348).

Pels, Bartolomeus, Colonel of Antwerp, 548.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, Henry.

Péna, — de, letters from, 256, 269, 360, 458, 542.

Pennachi, Eugenio, a Cypriot, wishes Elizabeth to help release his kinsfolk from Turks, 62 (p. 54);

Walsingham dissuades his coming to England, 77 (p. 73).

Pense, François, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

Pera, in Turkey, artizans of, appear in tournament at Constantinople, 178 (p. 173).

-, le Vigne di, letter dated at, 178.

Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland;

reference to insurrection of, 149;

wishes his son to return to England, 369.

-, Henry, Lord, son of above, visits Cobham, 369.

Peres, Pantaleon, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452;

witness to depositions against Kenne, 469.

'Perrador.' See Dor.

Perrenot, Antony, Cardinal Granville, letters of, intercepted by Monsieur's horsemen, 348;

servant of, goes to Scotland, 858;

to be 'chief general dealer' for Spanish king in Italy, 465, 464 (p. 485).

Perenot, Francisco Count of Santa Cruz (sic) in army for Terceras, 112 (See following).

Perrenot, François, Count of Chantonnay, nephew to Cardinal Granvelle, marries Mlle de Carnavalet 114 (p. 113).

Perrenot, Frederick, Baron de Renaix, Seigneur de Champagny (Franche-Comté), put in irons in connection with Salcedo's plot, 203 (p. 203), 204.

Perrot, 'Parrat,' Sir John, crew of ship taken by Knollys appear before, 280 (p. 272).

Perrot, M., one of Monsieur's Council in Law, present at Salcedo's examination, 323;

questions Salcedo, 396 (p. 392).

Persia, troublesome news comes to Constantinople from, 178 (p. 176) reference to peace between Turks and, 209 (p. 209), 468, 471.

Persians, defeat Turks, 238;

Russians encourage, to continue Turkish wars, 266;

war between Turks and, at an end, 333 (p. 324);

besieging Tiflis, 357;

treaty between Turks and, said to be broken, 467;

peace continues between Turks and, 494 (p. 486).

Peru, fleet of, 365.

Pescara, Marquis of. See Avalos.

Peter, Robert, in Williams' company, 263.

Petrarch, Canz. xvi, l. 65, quoted, 406.

Pettin. See Pitgen.

Pettingall, Samuel, books of, sent over by Cobham;

makes recantation at Rome, 33 (p. 30).

Pfalzburg, letter dated at, 429.

Pfyffer, Lodewyck (Jean Ludovicus), of Lucerne, Colonel, commanding Catholic party in Switzerland, 37;

persuades Catholics to aid Duke of Savoy against Geneva, 102;

ambassador to Paris, 519.

Philip II, king of Spain, news from, 21;

Colonna to be general for, over Italian forces in Netherlands, 28;

search for Englishman in Antwerp serving, 30;

said to have sent English Jesuits to reside in France, 33 (p. 29);

Cobham wishes to be buried among those who are opposing, 37;

Mendoza wishes to communicate affairs of, to Elizabeth, 38;

Francisco de Venero considers that his brother's debts ought to be paid by, 45;

Castillo consults, about Drake's piracies, 52;

French king and queen consider that Elizabeth only serves Monsieur to be revenged on, 54;

cooks sent to poison Don Antonio at instigation of ministers of, 59;

Jehan Gower goes to Rome by order of, 66;

landsknechts come into Friesland to serve, 70;

said to have got up enterprise against Geneva, 71;

has settled his government peaceably in Portugal, 85 (p. 78);

said to be coming to Low Countries, 85 (p. 81);

troops levied in Burgundy for service of, 86;

goes to Almerin with Empress, 86 (p. 84);

people of Tourney, Lille, Courtray, and Armentiéres, swear to be true to, 96;

people of Bruges to renounce, 96;

levies landskrechts in Tirol, 99;

King of France said to be going to 'make lame' encroachments of, 109;

Catholics in pay of, at Lucerne, agree to help Duke of Savoy, 102;

Pope sends special ambassador to, 106;

said to be attending with unwonted diligence to affairs in Flanders, 108;

Papist cantons corrupted by money from, 113;

levies companies for Terceiras, 113 (p. 111);

Don Antonio hopes to do some enterprise to prejudice of, 114;

mentioned, 128 (p. 129), 140;

creates various viceroys in Italy, 143 (p. 140);

note of numbers of army of, embarked for enterprise of Isles of 'Tarzeras,' 148;

mentioned, 150 (p. 150);

governor chosen in Portuguese Indies in name of, 150 (p. 151);

will 'make a great hole' in Netherlands unless help comes from France or England, 151;

Duke of Savoy deeply in confederation with, 152;

arms of, taken down at Bruges, 160;

said to be arming for Flanders, Scotland or Ireland, 175;

King of Navarre wishes to make war on, 179;

said to be going to propose great matter at Diet for his interest in Low Countries, 181 (p. 181);

Monsieur in possession of some portions of dominions of, 183 (p. 184);

men of Rochelle help Don Antonio against, 187;

Salcedo receives money from Parma on behalf of, 192;

Rogers supposes him willing to set him at liberty, 194;

Prince of Orange grants request of, touching Schenk, 199;

French king promises to declare war against, if Elizabeth will marry Monsieur, 200;

proceedings of, against Monsieur, 203;

Don Antonio takes ships of, 209 (p 208);

hopes to expel Monsieur from Flanders, 209 (p. 209);

list of killed and wounded in army of, 213;

mentioned, 217 (p. 216);

army of, preparing at Lisbon, 225;

Duke of Savoy sorry for advice taken from, 226;

said to be going to pay Alonso's ransom, 227 (p. 230);

Elizabeth considers Monsieur will not be able to sustain his enterprises against, 229;

Belliévre and Brulart said to have gone to Monsieur to procure treaty of accord with, 230;

army of, ready to embark towards Terceiras, 230;

sends letters to bailiff of Flushing, 234 (p. 237);

letter from, to Parma, intercepted, 234 (p. 238);

said to be going to give Low Countries in dowry with his daughter to Emperor, 234 (p. 238);

practises treason against towns in Holland, 235;

sends letters to bailiff of Flushing, 237 (p. 241);

citizens of Lierre swear fidelity to, 238;

Parma writes on behalf of, to order Rogers's release, 239 (1);

Elizabeth wishes to avoid all quarrel with, 243;

Don Antonio said to have published declaration against, in France, 247;

King of Navarre wishes to recover his kingdom from, 250;

has many friends in France, 258;

soldiers raised in Meissen in name of, 260;

tries to take Bergamo, 266;

French king will be in peril if Low Countries recovered by, 275;

said to have been made Duke of Savoy's heir, 283;

reference to money owed to Zubiaur by, 285;

reference to illness of, 286;

Queen Mother does not wish to appear at enmity with, 287;

references to victory of Don Antonio's fleet over fleet of, 298;

Villiers fears all will be undermined by, 300;

said to have been much taken aback by loss of island of St. Michael's, 300;

French king supposed to be going to make accord with, underhand, 302 (p. 295);

Elizabeth supposed to be a party against, 302 (p. 297), comparison between receptions of Monsieur and, at Ghent, 305;

Count of Arenberg incites States of Empire to take up arms for, 310 (p. 306);

camp of, before Lochem, 315 (p. 308);

mentioned, 317;

said to have commanded Parma not to spare lives of those who have taken oath against him, 321;

statement of monthly pay of soldiers serving, in Low Countries, 328;

fleet of, said to have been defeated, 338;

mentioned, 340;

Scottish gentlemen receive pensions from, 343 (p. 335);

raises money for war in Flanders, 347;

wishes his daughter to marry Duke of Savoy, 348 (p. 338);

does not wish Salcedo to be put to death, 348 (p. 339);

dispatches from, to Marquis of Santa Crux captured by French fleet, 353 (p. 347);

sends to Scotland to make alliance with King and d'Aubigny, 358;

sends news of Strozzi's defeat to Paris, 365;

Rogers not free from detention of, 366;

subjects of, from Flanders, to leave France, 369;

men of, thought to be stirring up strife in France underhand, 372;

French king makes complaint against, before Senate of Venice, 381;

Count Vimioso the occasion of Don Antonio's not leaguing himself with, 383 (1);

mentioned, 385;

uniting of Portugal to Spain found necessary to, 386;

Jesuits take side of, at Terceras, 393;

said to have stirred up people to hinder Monsieur, 397;

Elizabeth refuses to be left alone to wrestle with, 402;

letters from Prince of Parma to, intercepted, 406;

Duke of Savoy likely to be aided by, 419;

people of Terceras disposed to surrender to, 423 (p. 415);

Count Octavio Landi dislikes, 424 (p. 417);

Earl of Arenberg ambassador from, at Diet of Augsburg, 438;

note of towns in Low Countries held for, 438 (2);

Pope wishes to preserve peace between French king and, 441 (p. 434);

King of Navarre wishes French king to annoy, 442;

King of Sweden offers help to, 442;

del Bene wishes Queen Mother to make a union to break power of, 444;

ships belonging to, plundered by English at Newfoundland, 451;

speech in Low Countries of war between French king and, 454;

mentioned, 461;

Cardinal Granvelle to be agent for, in Italy, 465;

orders ships to be built in Biscay, 471;

Duarte de Castro said to have promised ministers of, to betray Don Antonio, 472 (p. 460);

grants Biscayans certain privileges, 427 (p. 461);

Pope allows, to impose double tenths on certain commanderies, 478;

French king would be willing to join forces with Elizabeth again, if marriage with Monsieur takes place, 479;

troubled by Portuguese affairs, 480 (p. 471);

report that two daughters of, to be given in marriage to Emperor and Archduke Ernestus, 480 (p. 472);

Duke of Savoy may marry daughter of, 482;

mentioned, 493;

receives damage from Religions vrede, 496;

seeks to marry his sister-in-law, 497;

reference to conspiracy of, against Don Antonio, 498;

wishes Bishop of Cologne to be removed, 500;

French king offers to help Elizabeth against, 507;

States have not sufficient power to continue war against, 507 (p. 496);

reference to possibility of attack on England by, 508 (p. 500), 509;

everything done in Paris to suit affairs of, 515;

thinks to marry daughter of Duke of Braganza, 518 (p. 509);

extortions done to subjects of, by French pirates, 521;

troops of, in Low Countries, much diminished, 529;

Papists in Low Countries desire, for their lord, 535;

supposed practice of, against Elizabeth, 538;

Elizabeth does not wish to irritate, 540;

mentioned, 545.

Philip, Prince of Spain, son of above, to be sworn Prince of Aragon, 478;

news of death of, 497, 510, 518 (p. 509).

Phillips (probably Thomas Phelippes), Walsingham's servant, 162, 188.

Pihrae. See Faur.

Picardy, ensigns gathered in, by Monsieur's orders, 43, 75;

Belliévre makes difficulty for passage of reiters through, 85 (p. 81);

companies under Crêevecœur go through, 91;

French forces said to be come into, 109, 187;

Prince Dauphin repairs to his troops in, 323;

horse gathering in, 331, 333;

companies on frontier of, consigned to Biron, 423 (p. 415);

French king goes to various places in, 457.

Piccolomini, Alfonso, slays Jacomo Vitelli, 74 (p. 68);

likely to be employed in wars against Geneva, 150 (p. 150);

to be restored to his lands, 472 (p. 461).

Pie, M. de, colonel of French at Bruges, put to flight by enemy, 504.

Piedmont, Swiss Papists march through to join Duke of Savoy, 150 (p. 150).

Piedro d'Oro. See Dor.

Piedt, David van de, eschevin of lower bench in Ghent, 284.

Piere, John, in Williams' company, 263.

Pierre, M. de la, 'Deperes,' corporal of the field at Dunkirk, 175;

governs camp in absence of Rochepot and Villers, 205, 208;

not in command in encounter before Ghent, 302 (p. 298);

'Lapsire,' relieves Lochem, 359;

in land of Wast, 477.

Pierrecourte, M. de. See Moy, Jacques de.

Pierrepont, M. de Puygaillard near, 348 (p. 338).

Pigafetta, Philippo, of Vicenza, 'Vinsentia,' wishes to visit England, 266, 339.

Piggot, Captain, besieged in Ninove, 462.

Pinart, Claude, Sieur de Camailles, Baron of Vallois, French Secretary of State, Cobham applies to, to show diamond to French king, 24;

mentioned, 33 (p. 29);

speaks to Cobham's servant about Elizabeth's marriage, 54;

reference to speech of, to Cobham's servant touching Elizabeth's marriage, 77 (p. 71);

Cobham directed to confer with, touching Elizabeth's marriage, 101;

mentioned, 113;

Cobham writes to, touching marriage, 114 (p. 113);

Cobham to write to, concerning Armeville, 127;

confers with French king and Cobham on Elizabeth's marriage, 150 (p. 149);

mentioned, 173;

Cobham refers to his conference with, 179;

mentioned, 210 (p. 211);

resorts to Cobham, 229 (p. 233);

mentioned, 230, 246;

brings messages to Cobham from French king and Queen Mother, 247 (p. 248);

mentioned, 248, 249, 268, 288 (p. 281), 298, 324, 348 (p. 340), 352;

Cobham to discover inclinations of French king and queen by means of, 357 (p. 355);

mentioned, 368;

sundry opinions of long absence of, from Court, 434;

mentioned, 449, 472, 479;

confers with Cobham, 480;

mentioned, 497, 507 (p. 496);

visits Cobham, 517, 520.

Piriae in Britanny, Mauvissiére wishes ships from, to be restored, 82.

Pisa, Count Olivares goes to, 113 (p. 111);

'Pissani,' gentlemen of, apprehended by Inquisition, 518 (p. 509).

Pitgen, Pettin, English intend to camp at, 154.

Pixotto, Pedro, in command of Spanish force in Azores, 353 (p. 347).

Planta, Monsignor de, from Gotteshaus Bund, ambassador to French king, 519.

Plato, reference to 'Laws' of, 269.

Plescovia (? Pskov), reference to siege of, by King of Poland, 145.

Plessis, Armand du, the elder, captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95, 115.

-, François du, Seigneur de Richelieu, 'Rousselieu,' Grand Prérost, seizes books of Eliano Calvi, 396 (p. 393), 423 (p. 415);

apprehends Duke of Guise's soldiers, 441.

-, M. du. See Mornay, Philippe de.

Plomanen, Claudio de. lieutenant to M. de Beaumont, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

Ploton. Lorance, in Williams' company, 263.

Plouren, Frau, Drost of Bredeforde's son at school in house of, at 'Retz,' 366.

Plymouth, Antonio de Castillo arrives at, 56.

Poisle, John, late Counsellor in the laws, extract out of register of Court of Parlement, of judgement, decreed against, 41.

Poland, King of Sweden complains of injury done to him by States of, 145;

Jesuits 'nestle apace' in, 217 (p. 217);

Pope intends to entangle Muscovite in confederations with Emperor against, 385;

reference to French king's return from, 458;

Germans near, suspicious of King of, 468.

-, King of. See Stephen.

Pollard, Valentine, servant to Hatton, Mauvissiére entreats Elizabeth to pardon, 58.

Ponce, Pedro, son to Marquis of Santa Cruz, in 'army' for Terceras, 112.

Poncherton, Lorance, in Williams' company, 263.

Pons, Captain, plunders French merchants, 292.

-, Antoinette de, Maid of Honour to Queen Mother, to marry M. de Rocheguyon, 114 (p. 113).

Pont-à-Bouvines, troops from Artois go to, 118 (p. 118).

Pontaudemer, companies assembling at, 91.

Pont l'Evêque, companies assembling at, 91.

Poole, Breton vessel brought to, by English captains, 168;

French merchants complain of pirates at, 292.

Pope, Leonard, in Williams' company, 263.

Poperinghen, 'Poperen,' enemy said to be on way towards, 185, 189, 190;

enemy's camp near, 220;

sacked by enemy, 235;

States' troops attacked near, 236;

enemy's camp about, 284;

Spaniards hang magistrates and burghers at, 349.

Porquet, —, Brissac's lieutenant, 95, 115. See Jorqueti.

Portugal, rumour of French army preparing for, 53 (p. 46);

cooks sent from, to poison Don Antonio, 59;

King of Spain has settled his government peaceably in, 85 (p. 78);

Castilian horsemen to come to frontiers of, 86;

Italians and Spaniards collected for, 88;

King of Spain preparing ships to defend, 100;

mentioned, 107;

Spanish troops marching towards, 113 (p. 111);

Don Antonio intends to land in, 114;

reference to Queen Mother's title to kingdoms of, 122;

ship of, rescued by English merchant ship from man-of-war 'set forth' by Bacqueville, 127;

mentioned, 128 (p. 129);

Cobham thinks it doubtful whether Don Antonio will land in, 136;

reference to book touching titles of competitors for kingdom of, 193;

Don Antonio and Strozzi land in, 209 (p. 208);

Queen Mother's private enterprise on, 212;

infantry embarks at Naples for, 226;

reference to Queen Mother's right to Crown of, 229 (p. 231);

French king forbids transport of corn into, 229 (p. 234);

Council of State of Low Countries requests Elizabeth that their ships may not be plundered when coming from, 299;

reference to English embarkations for, 300;

reference to King of Spain's wish to be master of, 317;

mentioned, 329, 330;

news from, 350;

account of defeat of French 'army' raised for affairs of, 353;

news from, discourages those in Flanders, 358;

Don Antonio's intelligence with, 383;

uniting of, to Spain found necessary to King Philip, 386;

Queen Mother preparing shipe to help, 423 (p. 115);

Crown of, Count de Silva refers to Walsingham's wish for recovery of, 446;

Queen Mother wishes to help, 457;

Queen Mother will not admit Giraldi to her presence as ambassador for, 472 (p. 460);

Spanish king causes ships and munition of war to be prepared in, 472 (p. 461);

Duke of Alva's son to be general of horse in, 478;

Spanish king cannot possess as he would, 480 (p. 471);

Cardinal Farnese to be protector of, 494 (p. 486);

Queen Mother requests English ships for, 509, reference to intrusion of King of Spain into, 540.

Portugal, Don Francis of, Count of Vimioso, Constable of Portugal, comes to Paris, 59;

reference to conference of, with Queen Mother, 74 (p. 68);

'Mineones,' 95;

leaves Tours, 114;

mentioned, 348 (p. 339);

report of death of, at battle of Azores, 338, 350;

present at council before battle of Azores, 353 (p. 348);

action of, at battle of Azores, 353 (p. 345);

his death, 365;

reference to 'confession' of, 382;

declaration of, before his death, 383 (1);

reference to his account of battle of Azores, 441 (p. 435);

brother of, comes into Languedoc, 467.

-, Constable of. See Portugal, Don Francis of.

Portuguese, Caravel, rescued by Emanuel from French man-of-war, 6;

reference to suit between Drake and, 56;

nobility, leave Tours with Don Antonio, 114;

galleons to carry Spanish army to Terceiras, 148;

ship, English vessel hinders d'Armeville from pillaging, 211 (c);

league between France and England will give courage to, 229 (p. 232);

commissions delivered to French intended only against, favouring Spanish king, 247;

merchants, letters from, to Low Countries stayed by French king, 337 (p. 328);

King of Navarre wishes to hinder Spanish designs against, 372;

Don Antonio said to be taking arms to, 383;

liberty, Count de Silva refers to Walsingham's wish for, 446;

bond of, to Captain Kenne, 452;

arrive at Southampton, 461;

at Southampton, depositions in matter of, 469;

protestation against, brought into England by Kenne, 481;

Don Antonio sails towards Madeira with, 498;

soldiers sent to Madeira, 518 (p. 509).

Posset, Captain Thomas, plunders French merchants, 292.

Possevino, Padre Antonio, Jesuit, tries to prevent Muscovite ambassador from worshipping in Greek church in Venice, 385;

reference to negotiations of, with King of Poland and the Muscovite, 520.

Posseyre, Peter, in Williams' company, 263.

Poulet, Sir Amyas, la Roque well-known to, 33, (p. 29).

Power, Henry, in Williams' company, 263.

Poyntz, Fermando, prosecutes Hanz Wouters for debts, 68.

Prat, Guillaume de, Baron du Viteaux, reference to letter concerning quarrel of, with Fervacques, 55;

'Vietrieu,' 70.

Prè aux Clerus, the, M. de Gourdon's nephew slain in, 179.

Presburg, Emperor intends to go to, 468.

Preston, Richard, Colonel of Scots infantry at Dunkirk, 175;

regiment of, 180 (p. 180);

Lierre betrayed by uncle of, 227;

defeats enemy in skirmish near Menin, 359;

in command at Menin, 377 (p. 375), 439, 493.

Prim, Edward, Captain, Custodio Leitam wishes to receive letter from Elizabeth by hand of, 171.

Prince Dauphin. See Bourbon, François de.

Prise, —, captain in States' army, returning to England, 387.

Privy Council, Lords of, Cobham hopes to answer commands of, touching commissions delivered to Don Antonio, 230.

Protestant religion, Prince of Chimay embraces, 151, 181 (p. 183), 389;

Pope persuades Duke of Savoy to attack those of, 419;

Bishop of Cologne declares himself to be of, 473;

Casimir writes concerning establishment of, in Empire, 495, 496;

people fear some secret enterprise among Roman princes against, 499;

Prince of Chimay refers to his profession of, 506;

Archduke Charles commands those of, to depart out of his territories, 518 (p. 510);

those of, in Brussels, do not like what takes place there in regard to the mass, 533, 534;

Elector of Cologne embraces, 537.

Provence, Grand Prior of, sent to Marseilles, 472 (p. 472);

mentioned, 538.

-, M. de Maisse advises Queen Mother to send troops into, for defence of Avignon, 106 (p. 103);

gentlemen of, offer themselves for enterprise of Geneva, 150 (p. 150);

Monsieur's companies of, come to frontier of Lorraine, 288 (p. 282);

mentioned, 300;

cannon to be made for, 348 (p. 338);

reference to practices of King of Spain in, 540.

Proverbs and proverbial sayings:

'Aprés la mort, le médecin,' 185.

Sed sus Minervam non docet, neque noctuus Athenas, 231.

Nisi Dominus custodierit civitatem, etc., 238.

Passata la fortuna, gabbato il Sancto, 280 (p. 273).

'A Roland for an Oliver,' 295.

I thought "my cake was dough," 295.

'Mal sur mal n'est pas santé,' 310 (p. 306).

Cui faveo vincit, 394 (p. 389).

'Sic volo sic jubeo,' 395.

Un bel morir tutta la vita honora (see Petrarch), 406.

'Where the hedge is weak, every man will over,' 526.

Qui sciens negat debitum, falsum dicit testimonium, 542.

See also Cicero;
-, Lucan;
-, Petrarch;
-, Plato.

Pruenen, Cornelis, eschevin of Antwerp, 548.

Pruneaux, M. des. See Sorbiers, Roch des.

Prussia, Duke of. See Albert Frederick.

Pryce, Richard, in Williams' company, 263.

Putte, Raphael Van den, postmaster to merchants' exchange in London, molests postmen of Low Countries, 242.

Puy, Mattheo, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Puygaillard. See Léaumont.