Index: N, O

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: N, O', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: N, O', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: N, O". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Nainoet, Claude, slain in battle of the Azores, 213.

Nampont (Nempont-Saint-Pierre, Pas-de-Calais), Walsingham's servant Painter at, 264;

Barwick robbed near, 267;

Monsieur orders that no more letters should be surprised at, 484.

Namur, Parma's troops sent to, from Oudenarde, 18 (p. 18);

convoy sent to Parma at, 30;

Count Charles Mansfield near, 154;

Parma retires to, 165, 175;

Octavian Gonzaga arrives at, 184;

Italians and Spaniards arrive at, 238;

enemy thought to be going towards, 527;

burghers of, said to have slain their captain, 529.

Nantes, in Britanny, news from, (p. 4);

Duke of Montpensier goes to, 323;

French ships about coast of, 348 (p. 338);

news from, 471;

news of Don Antonio from, 498.

Nanteuil, 'Nanthevill,' Count of, cousin to Schomberg, gives obligation to Nedham, 371.

Naples, Englishmen reported to be prisoners in. 48;

horsemen from, coming to Low Countries, 85 (p. 81);

soldiers levying in, 87;

troops coming to enemy from, 99;

galleys from, in haven of Lisbon, 112;

guard of Viceroy of, to be all Italians, 113 (p. 111);

horse from, repair into duchy of Milan, 122;

John Andrea Doria to be Viceroy of, 143 (p. 140);

infantry embarks at, for Portugal, 226;

horsemen of, slain before Ghent, 302 (p. 296);

Middleton comes to Paris from, 324:

ship of Malta coming to, said to have been taken, 332:

Shute goes to, 352:

Duke of Osuna goes to, 423 (p. 415);

Josepho Riva sent from, to King of Sweden, 442.

-, Viceroy of, See Osuna, Duke of;

Doria, Giovan Andrea.

Narbonne, reference to failure of surprise on, 15.

Narva. 145, 293.

Nassau, Catherine of, Countess of Schwarsburg, comes to Bruges, 235.

-, Elizabeth, fifth daughter of Prince of Orange, to marry Duke of Montpensier, 126 (p. 127).

-, Justin of, bastard son of Prince of Orange, in Paris, 62 (p. 53).

-, Marie, eldest daughter of William of Orange, to marry Graf van Hohenlo, 157.

-, Mary, sister to William of Orange, wife of Graf van Berghe, 157.

-, Maurice of, son of Prince of Orange, 'takes upper hand' of Egmont, 203 (p. 202);

goes to Holland, 205.

-, William of, Prince of Orange, death of his wife, 9, 18;

reference to letters from, 30;

recovering, 31;

present at tilting at ring 55;

reference to intended murder of, 62 (p. 52);

mentioned, 70;

Herle wishes Walsingham to write to, on his behalf, 85 (p. 80);

has secret negotiations with Bellièevre, 85 (p. 82);

promises help to Oudenarde, 92;

mentioned, 98, 100;

Masino del Bene writes to, 102 (p. 99);

in good health, 109;

mentioned, 118 (p. 116);

Duke of Montpensier desires to marry daughter of, 126;

charged with insufficiency on account of loss of Oudenarde, 143 (p. 139);

Monsieur confers with, on loss of Oudenarde, 143 (p. 140);

people of Ghent make complaints against, 145;

coming to Ghent, 147;

to held council of state at Bruges, 151;

rumour in Paris of severe illness of, 152;

comes to Bruges, 154, 157, 158;

comes to Flushing, 164;

mentioned, 165;

arrives at Bruges, 169, 181;

mentioned, 175;

thanks Walsingham for his good disposition towards Low Countries, 182;

passes through Zealand, 185;

practice of Salcedo against, 189;

thanks Williams for his successful march, 191;

Salcedo confesses his plot to, 192;

Rogers wishes him to write to Parma on his behalf, 194 (p. 194);

reference to plot against, 195;

has good opinion of Norris, 196;

reference to plot against, 197, 199;

Monsieur gives banquet to, 199 (p. 199);

reference to plot against, 203, 204, 208;

promises to make Couche his lieutenant, 214;

Treasurer of Denmark not well-affected to, 215 (p. 216);

reference to plot against, 220, 227, 331;

Norris clears himself of slanderous reports to, 221;

Morgan offers petition to, for pardon of English mutineers, 227 (p. 229);

mentioned, 234 (p. 237);

to go to Ghent, 235, 237 (p. 241);

shows great elemency towards Count of Egmont, 238;

goes towards Ghent, 258;

reference to letter to, 259;

goes to Ghent, 259, 260;

correspondence between Elizabeth and, 274;

will preserve his remaining towns, 275;

at Ghent, 278, 279;

Norris in great credit with, 280 (p. 273);

said to have used hard speeches against English colonels at Ghent, 284;

watches skirmish of States' troops with enemy from walls of Ghent, 294;

seeks to cover news of Don Antonio's defeat, 302;

reference to Elizabeth's letter to, 302 (p. 297);

wishes to suppress Browne's books, 303;

reference to conspiracy against, 305;

two nephews of, besieged in Lochem. 306;

commends English at Ghent, 337 (p. 327);

reference to request of, on Rogers behalf, 358;

nephews of, in safety at Lochem, 359;

gives banquet to Monsieur, 362, 374;

Rogers wishes Walsingham to write to, 366;

angry with States for refusing his nephew, 377 (p. 375);

welcomes Prince of Chimay at Antwerp, 389;

nominated as governor of Flanders, 391;

governor of Dunkirk follows, 392;

Monsieur gives banquet to, 394 (p. 390);

continually with States-General, 404;

Norris invites to a supper, 405, 406;

ill, 422;

mentioned, 423 (p. 416), 439, 456;

receives letters from Biron, 473, 477;

to be Lieutenant-General if Monsieur returns to France, 487;

said to be ill, 489, 491;

captain of, defends castle of Likerke, 493;

reference to words spoken by Saint-Luc towards, 494 (p. 484);

ill, 499, 513, 514, 518 (p. 509);

at Monsieur's court, 529;

convalescent, 533;

writes to Stewart, 537;

mentioned, 538.

-, -, letters from, 270, 274 (2), 381, 525.

-, -, letter to, 274 (1).

-, William Lewis, Count of, son of Count John of Nassau Dillenburg, his regiment to attempt to relieve Oudenarde, 31;

mentioned, 55;

defeats enemy at Limburg, 157;

takes forts near Lochem, 315 (p. 308);

defends Lochem, 337 (p. 327);

States of Guelders refuse, as governor, 377 (p. 375), 392;

nominated as governor of Flanders, 391;

will determine nothing without direction of Norris, 394 (p. 388);

general of forces in Guelders, 428;

mentioned, 473.

Nau, Claude, secretary to Queen of Scots, 2;

Mauvissière sends letter from, to Walsingham, 291.

-, —, brother of above, mentioned, 395

Navarre, Kingdom of, King of, wishes to make war on Spanish king in, 179, 250;

Spanish king holds nearly all, 372.

-, King of. See Henry.

-, Queen of. See Margaret of Valois.

Nedham or Needham, Francis, letter-bearer, 472.

-, -, letter from, 371.

Neesen, Dionys Vander, secretary of Antwerp, 548.

Negroponte Island. Turkish fleet said to be going to, 102 p. 99).

'Nekespoole,' near Mechlin, French troops leave, 414.

Nemours, Duchess of. See Este, Anne d'.

-, Duke of. See Savoie.

-, House of, Monsieur wishes to raise up Prince of Geneva in opposition to, 152.

-, ambassadors commanded to repair to, 62 (p. 52).

Neppeville, —, captain of Count Brissac's ship, brings news of Strozzi's capture, 266;

'Nepiville,' captures Biscayan vessels of Azores, 353 (p. 347).

Nervius (?), Chancellor of Guelders, wishes to make agreement with Baron of Anholt, 456.

Nes, Thomas, merchant of Yarmouth, fly-boat belonging to, captured by pirates, 450.

Netherlands, Low Countries, Masino del Bene about to journey to, 5;

Elizabeth said not to be pleased with Monsieur's manner of settling himself in, 33 (p. 30);

men of Brabant and Antwerp acknowledge benefits rendered by Elizabeth to, 40;

grant Monsieur 120,000 florins a year, 55;

Biron anxious to serve Monsieur in, 62 (p. 53);

mentioned, 73 (p. 66);

soldiers from France going into, 75;

mentioned, 76;

Bellievre sent into, 77 (p. 72);

companies marching from Picardy to join Monsieur in, 91;

passport for, granted by Mendoza to Cortes, 97;

Bellievre gives out in, that French king is willing to perform all that Elizabeth wishes to further the marriage 101;

nobility of Guelderland ill devoted to, 118 (p. 119);

du Plessis to confirm two circles of, under Empire at Diet, 118 (p. 120);

soldiers of, fail in enterprise upon Aerschot, 121;

French king calls council to consider his brother's action in, 122;

news from, 137;

Elizabeth refuses to defray expenses for Monsieur's wars in, 150;

Cobham thinks French king Seeks to get profit out of, 179;

King of Spain said to be going to propose great matter at Diet for his interest in, 181 (p. 181);

means for appeasing troubles in, to be deliberated upon at

Augsburg, 198;

Elizabeth does not receive promised payment from, 214;

Treasurer of Denmark not well-affected to English in, 217 (p. 216);

Pallavicino's views of French attitude towards, 223;

Monsieur will not receive sufficient help from, to sustain his enterprises against King Philip, 229;

to be persuaded to yield sovereignty to French king, 230;

King of Spain said to be going to give, to Emperor, in dowry with his daughter, 234 (p. 238);

postmaster-general of, lodges complaint against Van den Putte, 242;

reference to declaration of Don Antonio printed in, 247 (p. 248);

commissaries of musters for, pass in muster Williams' company, 263;

French king will be in peril if King of Spain recovers, 275;

States of Empire unwilling to interfere in war in, 310 (p. 306);

matter of, discussed at Augsburg, 323;

statement of monthly pay of Spanish force in 328;

reference to Monsieur's dealings in, 357;

Elizabeth requires that England shall not enter into war with, 398;

Cobham hopes Clervant's journey may serve to good of, 434;

wants and miseries daily increase in, 449;

Marquis of Pescara said to have been on his way to wars in, 468;

Monsieur wearied with proceedings of those of, towards him, 472;

Elizabeth wishes to know by whom charges of wars in, are to be borne if marriage with Monsieur takes place, 479;

reference to Religions friede in, 496;

Stokes writes concerning grain to be brought to, 503;

charges of Monsieur's wars in, 507 (p. 496), 508 (p. 500);

del Bene deplores calamity of, 515;

reference to charges of wars in, 517;

Monsieur to continue to attack Spaniards in, 538;

mentioned, 545;

trade of Merchants Adventurers well understood throughout, 550.

-, States-General of, have no intention of putting the moyens generaulx into Monsieur's hands, 9;

Walsingham complains of dilatory answer of, touching repayment of loan, 10;

promise to pay interest on loan, 12;

castle of Gasbeck lost by, 14;

put disposition of affairs into Monsieur's hands, 15;

Schenk's reiters come to service of, 18;

Monsieur's agreement with, 18;

reference to Elizabeth's loan to, 27;

English troops not to be assembled in Brabant and Flanders without permission of, 39;

Elizabeth intends to levy interest of loan to, 40;

hold on their accustomed delays in payment of debt, 42;

Gilpin delivers copies of bonds of, to Longston, 67;

Wouters persecuted by Poyntz for debts of, 68;

Bellievre sent to, to offer assistance from French king, 77 (p. 72);

Don Antonio receives warrant from, to make choice of shipping, 85 (p. 78);

frontier lords make secret contract to serve, 85 (p. 79);

insist on Norris joining their camp, 98;

forces of, before Oudenarde, inferior to those of enemy, 109;

French king wishes them to return to Catholic religion, 113 (p. 111);

difficult to find money promised by, 118 (p. 119);

waver in their resolution, 143 (p. 139);

assembly of, proceeds slowly, 143 (p. 140);

to go to Flushing, 151;

do nothing for Elizabeth's satisfaction, 158;

give commission to Williams, 175;

assembly of, begins at Bruges, 18 (p. 181);

Monsieur will not be able to make head against King of Spain supported only by, 183 (p. 184);

thank Williams for his successful march, 191;

Egmont concurs in speaking unseemly words against, 203 (p. 202);

Van der Werke sent to Diet on behalf of, 205;

camp of, at Dunkirk, 206;

Norris shows note signed by, of all sums of money accorded to him, 221;

commissioners sent to, from Dunkirk, complaining of favours shown to French, 227;

statement of money accorded to Norris by, 227 (p. 229);

Sempill obtains money from, 237;

English troops will go over to enemy if not treated better by, 259;

Elizabeth wishes Prince of Orange to represent to, their fault in not providing Monsieur with money, 274 (1);

at Ghent, 278;

turn suspected persons out of Antwerp, 283;

Elizabeth writes to admonish, of their duty towards Monsieur, 302 (p. 297);

to abstain from oppressing subjects of Empire, 310 (p. 305);

mentioned, 316;

affairs of, discussed in private at Augsburg, 333 (p. 323);

mentioned, 361;

troops of, undertake enterprise in Brabant, 389;

Norris wishes, to decide controversy between himself and John Cobham, 390;

Norris sues to, to relieve his companies, 394 (p. 389);

reference to wish of, for Monsieur to come into Flanders, 397;

sitting in Council, 404;

cannot agree with Monsieur upon certain articles, 414;

debt due to Pallavicino and Spinola in question before, 428,

agree to call Council of State, 432;

purpose to take some order touching merchants of Lyme, 455;

chancellor of Guelders writes to, touching agreement with Baron of Anholt, 456;

secretary of Dutch Adventurers in London treats with, 462;

great complaining by, for want of better government, 475;

brought to a low ebb by reason of long continuance of war, 479;

meet at Antwerp, 489;

promise to furnish Monsieur with money, 499;

delay in paying troops, 501;

have not sufficient power to continue war, 507 (p. 496), 508 (p. 500);

assembly of, 523;

will shortly break up their assembly, 526;

reference to assembly of, 550.

-, -, letters from, 242, 299.

Neuenahr, Earl of See Solms.

Neufville, Nicholas de, Seigneur de Villeroy, Secretary, sent by King to Biron, 62 (p. 53), 102 (p. 99);

Cobham speaks to, concerning Osborne's ship, 173;

mentioned, 396 (p. 393);

French king assured of his loyalty, 441 (p. 433);

mentioned, 442, 467.

-, M. de la, comes to Paris from Monsieur, 472 (p. 460);

has conference with Queen Mother, 478.

Neust, Luis de, slain in battle of Azores, 213.

Neuville, la (Nord), troops from Artois go to, 118 (p. 118).

Nevers, Duke of. See Gonzaga, Louis de.

Neves, Francis des, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Nevill, Charles, Earl of Westmoreland, reference to insurrection of, 149.

-, Edmund, Italian acquaintance of, wishes to go to England, 266, 339.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, 74 (p. 68).

Newfoundland, French ships from, bring news of battle of Azores, 307;

Spanish ships robbed by English at, 451.

Nicolson, —, former tutor to Mauvissièere's son, arrested in Paris, 13;

Mauvissièere begs for his release, 47, 65, 89;

Mauvissièere speaks highly of, 218.

Nieuwport, 118 (p. 119);

camp of reiters near, 163;

'Newport,' States' camp goes to, 253;

French soldiers placed in, 258;

States camp marches to, 259;

provision to be made in, for French and Swiss troops, 475.

Niphius, Dr. not to be allowed to inherit de la Haie's property, 530.

Ninove, Nynhoven, M. de la Garde's regiment goes to, 9;

will be troubled by loss of Gasbeck, 14;

enemies' forces near, 439, 445, 454, 456;

holds good, 460;

yields to enemy, 462, 463;

reference to loss of, 473, 474, 475, 487;

enemy near, 512.

Nogaret, Bernard de, Seigneur de la Valette, elder brother of following, Governor of Saluces, 4 (p. 4);

expected at Paris, 348 (p. 338), 457, 465, comes to Paris, 472 (p. 460);

to be created knight of order of Saint-Esprit, 518 (p. 509).

-, Jean Louis de, Seigneur de la Valette, Duke of Epernon, bill fastened on door of, 4 (p. 3);

rumour of 'heart-burning' between Duke of Maine and, 74 (p 68);

French king wishes Princess of Béarn to marry, 179;

French king wishes to bestow King of Navarre's governments on, 209 (p. 208);

accompanies King to Auvergne, 248;

wishes to go as Admiral of new fleet against Spaniards, 343 (p. 334);

dines with French king, 396 (p. 392);

present at Salcedo's execution, 423 (p. 414);

buys diamond, 423 (p. 415);

mentioned, 441;

Bishop of Mande employs favour of, to obtain chancellorship from Monsieur, 442;

at Court, 457;

says Salcedo's accusations are but Monsieur's inventions, 484;

wishes to marry Duke of Aumâale's sister, 518;

to be created knight of order of Saint-Esprit, 518 (p. 509).

Noisy, Noyse, Marshal de Retz's house, King goes to, 467.

Nordheim, letter dated at, 415.

Nonsuch, 'Nunchis,' 168;

answer to French ambassador's message at, 200;

reference to letter from, 327.

-, letters and documents dated at, 172 274 (1).

Normandy, John Dowes journey into, 75;

Duke of Guise sending powder to Scotland from, 85 (p. 81);

companies of soldiers levied in, 91;

Cobham sends into, 114;

footmen of, at Cambrésis, 118 (p. 118);

Monsieur's reiters advancing from, 126 (p. 126);

Elizabeth wishes Governor in, to repress Armeville, 127;

House of Guise assembled in, for special consultation, 143 (p. 141);

Lord Hamilton intends to go to, 150 (p. 151);

House of Guise in consultation in, 151;

French vessel taken by English off coast of, 168;

governments of Mailleraye and d'O in, to be bestowed on Joyeuse, 209 (p. 208);

proclamation made in, forbidding trade with Spain, 238;

Count Brissac arrives in, 300;

troops in, laying waste country, 333;

Cardinal of Bourbon holds Provincial Council in, 465.

-, Vice-Admiral of. See Moy, Jacques de.

Norreys, —, leader of English mutineers at Ghent, 514.

Norris or Norreys, Edward, son of Lord Norris, cousin to Doyley, sent to Walsingham, 180 (p. 180), 184;

to report to Walsingham on state of English troops, 185;

takes letters to Walsingham, 192, 205.

-, -, letter to, 196.

-, Henry (probably mistake for Edward), 206, 455.

-, Henry, Lord Norris of Rycot, father of following, Villiers refers to his friendship with, 99;

mare sent to, instead of to Walsingham, 120.

-, John, Colonel, in command of English troops in Low Countries, commanded to come to camp at Ghent, 18;

Doyley in charge of his affairs in Antwerp, 30;

mentioned, 31, 39, 55;

hoped for, to succour Oudenarde, 69;

mentioned, 70;

hoped for at Ghent, 79;

his troops embark for Flanders, 85 (p. 79);

awaited at Ghent, 92;

arrives at the Sas, 96;

to join his force with M. de Rochepot, 98, 99;

his troops join camp at Antwerp, 110;

mentioned, 118 (p. 117);

Guelderland likely to be lost through departure of, 118 (p. 119);

Herle's commendation of, 118 (p. 120);

Monsieur will not allow to be General, 118 (p. 120);

to be superseded by Rochepot and Villers, 120;

mentioned, 126 (p. 127), 147;

Stokes fears a quarrel between Frenchmen and, 147;

taken prisoner by mutinous soldiers, 151, 160;

soldiers suppose him to detain their pay, 164;

some of companies of, go over to enemy, 169;

'de Norreys,' in command of cornet of horse, 180;

disagreement between Morgan and, 190;

his conduct towards his captains, 191;

Rogers wishes him to write on his behalf, 194 (p. 195);

reconciled with his companies, 203 (p. 203);

reference to letter to, from Walsingham, 214;

comes to Dunkirk, 222;

reference to letters from, 227;

sent by Monsieur towards enemy's camp, 227 (p. 228);

accusations made against, touching pay for troops, 227 (p. 229);

Monsieur commends, for valour in skirmish at Berghes, 234 (p. 237);

reference to good offices of Knollys to, 237 (p. 241);

reference to money matters of, 243;

clears himself of slander, 259, 278;

in great credit with Monsieur and Prince of Orange, 280 (p. 272);

defers paying his debt to John Cobham, 281;

Knollys continues good offices towards, 283;

enemy skirmish with, 294;

mentioned, 300;

does valiantly in skirmish before Ghent, 302 (p. 295), 303, 304;

deals hardly with John Cobham, 306;

to relieve Lochem, 311;

reference to letter from, 319;

reference to his valour in skirmish before Ghent, 320;

at Lochem, 325;

reference to controversy between John Cobham and, 8, 335;

goes to relieve Lochem, 336;

reference to noble behaviour of, in retreat into Ghent, 337;

relieves Lochem, 359, 363;

Rogers wishes Walsingham to write to, on his behalf, 366;

comes to Antwerp, 377 (p. 375);

controversy between John Cobham and, 390;

States of Guelders and Friesland wish, to remain among them, 392;

Knollys with, 394;

can trust none of his followers, 394 (p. 389);

reference to news sent by, 404;

invites Monsieur and Prince of Orange to a supper, 405, 406;

deals hardly with John Cobham, 414;

Rogers wishes, to write on his behalf, 416 (p. 408);

Monsieur makes much of, 428;

called to council of States-General, 439;

reference to letter from, 455;

Monsieur reinforces companies of, in Alost, 456;

English troops of, go towards Brussels, 460, mentioned, 462, 470;

reference to relief of Steenwyk by, 473;

solicits Monsieur for money for his regiment, 491;

reference to letter from, 501;

Knollys' will delivered to, 523;

Randolph discontented with, 526.

-, -, letters and despatches from, 119, 120, 184, 195, 196, 221, 277, 296, 376, 387, 413, 492, 500, 536.

-, -, letter to, 165.

-, Marjorie, wife of Lord Norris, daughter of Lord Williams of Tame, 99.

North, John, serving in States' army, 9;

'Messire Johan, Baron de Nortz,' commission from Anjou to, to raise men in England, 39;

makes preparations to levy companies, 55;

gives out speeches against Norris, 70;

soldiers under, mutiny, 118 (p. 121);

withdraws injurious words spoken against Norris, 119;

at St. Bernard, 126 (p. 127);

companies of, mutiny, 143 (p. 140);

colonel of English infantry at Dunkirk, 175;

captain of regiment of, slain before Ghent, 302 (p. 296).

Northumberland, Earl of. See Percy, Henry.

Norway, reference to English trade in parts beyond, 551.

Notre-Dame, church of, in Paris, oath administered to Swiss Ambassadors at, 494;

French sovereigns go in solemn procession to, 507.

Notre-Dame-de Cléery, French king passes by, 369.

Notre-Dame-de l'Espine, on frontier of Lorraine, French king intends to go to, 465, 494 (p. 484).

Notre-Dame-de Hal, near Brussels, French thought to be going to surprise, 363.

Notre-Dame-de Liesse, in Picardy, king intends to go to, 441 (p. 434), 457, 472.

Notre-Dame-de Puy, 'Pue,' in Auvergne, French king goes to, 248.

Noue, Françcois de la, M. de Saint-Léger receives post of, 139;

wished Williams to accompany him into Flanders, 191;

small hope of redemption of, 340;

Mme de la Noue writes to Walsingham concerning, 342;

might be put to death if Salcedo should be executed, 348 (p. 339);

news of, 448;

le Brumen refers to Walsingham's kindness to, 483;

Duke of Guise promises to help, 484.

-, Odet de la. Sieur de Teligny, son of above, with Rochepot, 111;

mentioned, 154;

in command of cornet of horse, 180;

mentioned, 191;

death of, contradicted, 483.

-, Mme la See Luré, Marie de.

Novgorod, 145.

Noÿ, Pierre de la, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Noyelles, Paul de, brother of, following failure of his enterprise against Bouchain, 85 (p. 80);

said to have betrayed Mechlin, 236.

-, Ponce de, Seigneur de Bours, brother of above, betrays Mechlin, 236;

statement of pay of companies under, 328.

Nugent, William, Irishman, Geoghagan leaves Paris in company of, 397 (p. 395);

goes towards Rome, 423 (p. 415);

Geoghagan promises to leave, 437.

Nuncio, Papal, in France. See Castelli.

Nuñez, Dr Hector, 'the doctor,' reference to news sent by, 317;

English translation of Count Vimioso's confession in hand of, 383 (2).

-, -, letters from, 240, 382, 393.

Nuñez, Stephen, refuses to pay debt to Venero, 45.

Nuremberg, Gilpin goes to, 158;

poet of, 489.

Nymegen, in Guelderland, garrison of, defeats enemy at Limburg, 157;

Maas and Rhine defended by people of, 315 (p. 309);

States' forces about, 376;

reference to letter written by Lesieur from, 416 (p. 407);

held for Monsieur, 438 (2).

Nynoort, Herr von, defeats enemy in Limburg, 157.


O, François d', Sieur de Fresnes, one of the King's minions, Queen Mother and Queen of Navarre lodge at house of, 62 (p. 52);

government of, in Normandy, to be bestowed on Joyeuse, 209 (p. 208);

news of battle of Azores sent to Queen Mother by, 266;

to be betrothed to Villequier's daughter, 396 (p. 392).

Oatlands, letter dated at, 298.

Ocagne, — captain in army for Don Antonio, 95, 115.

Odescalco, Signor, sent by Pope to King of Spain, 106.

Ogilvy, Ogelby, James, Lord, might be stirred up to favour d'Aubigny's party, 472 (p. 461).

Ohain, d'. See Hinkaert.

Oldenburg, 'Owdemburgh,' English soldiers mutiny on march to, 151.

Oldensel, Herman, citizen of Lubeck, King of Denmark writes concerning, 103, 282.

Oldenzaale, 'Olderzeel,' in Friesland, Verdugo at, 315 (p. 309);

'Ouldseel,' enemy sends artillery to, 337 (p. 327);

held for King of Spain 438 (2).

Olivares, Count, Spanish Ambassador in Rome, goes with Duke of Florence to Pisa, 113 (p. 111).

Ollinville, 'Dollenville,' King's house near Paris, 74 (p. 67);

French king at, 369, 396, 408.

Olonne, 'd'Olono,' nephew of Diego de Botelho arrives at 498;

Captain Scalin returns to, 518.

Onthon [qy. Unton], Paulmyer expresses his obligation to, 161.

Oporto, companies of, departing towards Terceras, 112, 148;

Porto, Duke of Alva's son receives government of, 478.

Orange, Prince of. See Nassau, William of.

-, Princess of. See Bourbon, Charlotte, de.

Oresund, roads of, English ships stayed in, 293.

Orio, Phelipe de, ship of, plundered by people of Falmouth, 289.

Orleans, Henrid', Duke of Longueville, French king to lodge at house of, 369.

Orleans, Englishmen go to, 333 (p. 324), fugitives licensed to dwell at, 349;

French king at, 368, 369.

Ormal, — d', captain in army for Don Antonio, 95.

Osborne, Edward, Alderman, delivers bill to Leicester, for debt due to Herle, 85 (p. 80);

Elizabeth writes to French king on behalf of, 141;

ship of, taken by people of Malta, 151, 162;

French king promises to deal with, 173;

Cobham deals for deliverance of ship of, 210;

French king writes to Pope on behalf of, 211 (a);

Pope gives order for release of ship of, 332.

'Osembroug' [qy. Osnabruck], Herr van, Steward and Councillor of Juliers, 438.

Osquerque. See Auquerque.

Ostend, French soldiers placed in, 258;

enemy's forces may lie near, 475.

Osuna, Duke of. See Giron, Pedro.

Ouches, P. des, wishes to buy English dogs, 168.

-, letter from, 174.

Oudenarde, enemy before, 9, 14, 15;

people of Menin destroy powder and shot sent by Malcontents to, 17;

Parma's troops sent to Namur from, 18 (p. 18);

ordnance to be placed in trenches at, 28;

muster of soldiers and burghers in, 29;

Malcontent force before, 30;

enemy begin to assault, 31;

people of, slay messenger from Parma, 32;

siege of, 43, 53 (p. 45), 55, 69, 79;

letters sent to Lords of Ghent from, 81;

Norris's troops hoped for, for relief of, 85 (p. 79);

siege of, 92, 98, 99, 100, 102 (p. 99), 109, 110, 111;

Herle sends 'platt' of, to Elizabeth, 118 (p. 116);

Norris hopes to relieve, 119;

all forces to be employed for relief of, 121;

Monsieur awaiting army from France to succour, 125;

siege of, 126, 134, 135, 137 (p. 134);

in great necessity, 138, 139;

terms for capitulation of, 140;

news of loss of, brought to Ghent, 142;

capture of, by Parma, 143, 146;

Parma's camp at, sent to Gravelines, 147;

reference to copy of capitulations of, 151;

burgesses of, won to enemy by practice, 151 (p. 153);

reference to loss of, 157, 158, 164, 180 (p. 180), 182, 183 (p. 185), 185, 203;

Parma's army at, 175;

States' camp near, 283, 284;

enemy retires to, 294;

Parma arrives at, 296;

States' camp between Ghent and, 302 (p. 295);

enemy slain in encounter before Ghent, taken to, to be buried, 303;

enemy's camp near, 304;

those wounded before Ghent retire to, 347;

enemy brings cannon from, to Ninove, 475;

enemy retires towards, 502;

enemy near, 512, 531.

-, Governor of. See Borch, Frederick Van der.

Oudenborg, 'Odenbourghe,' French army comes to, 493.

Overyssel, deputies from, expected at Ghent, 260;

dismayed by loss of Steenwyk, 474.

Owen, John, corporal in States' army, 263.

-, —. Nuñez visits, 393.

Owtred, Ughtred, Henry, of Southampton, Knollys gives Breton ship to, 280 (p. 272);

ships of, plunder Spanish ship off Newfoundland, 451.

Oxford, Huguenot, formerly teacher of Hebrew, Chaldee and Syriac at, recommended by Mauvissièere to Walsingham, 72.

Oye, country of (Pas-de-Calais), French troops to pass through, 143 (p. 139);

reiters spoil country between St. Omer and, 151.