Index: Q, R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Quercy, assigned to Queen of Navarre as dowry, 62 (p. 53).

Quesnoy, statement of pay of garrison of, 328.

Quincé, Quinsay, Jean de, governs Monsieur, 110;

mentioned, 143 (p. 140);

Lesieur brings letters to, 199;

commends English, 337 (p. 327);

'Quinze,' mentioned, 404.


Rade, — la, Ralde, captain in army for Don Antonio, 95, 115.

Rambouillet, M. de. See Angennes.

Ramerez, John Diego, in army for Terceras, 112.

Ramires, Alvaro Peres, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Randolph, Avery, quarrels with Norris, 526.

Ransarde, M. de, in command of cornet of horse at Ghent, 180.

Rassenghien, Baron de. See Gand.

Ratcliff, William, Duke of Wurtemburg writes letter of commendation to Elizabeth on behalf of, 314.

Ratclyffe, Frances, Countess of Sussex, 'Susicks,' daughter of Sir William Sidney, helps Nuñez in his suit to Elizabeth, 393.

-, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, Lord Chamberlain, said to be in arms against Leicester, 18 (p. 17);

Mendoza refers to his letter to, 38;

mentioned, 101;

servant of, brings letter to Cobham, 161;

mentioned, 367, 483, 489.

-, -, letters to, 7, 21.

Ravenna, territory of, to be given by Pope to Catholic princes, 106.

Ravensburg, Governor of. See Ked.

Rawley (? Walter), North brawls with, 70.

Réaux, M. de, Monsieur's agent, 86;

'Reax, makes inquiries concerning Lady Arabella Stewart, 324;

Monsieur assigns soldiers to, intercept letters, 441.

Recalde, Juan Martinez de, of Order of St. Jaques in 'army' for Terceras, 112.

Recourt, Philippe de, Seigneur de Licques, said to be slain before Oudenarde, 96;

statement of pay of companies of, 328.

Red Cross, Order of the, King of Spain bestows, upon la Motte, 493.

Reez, 'Retz', in Cleves, Lesieur refers to his letter written from, 315;

old Baron of Anholt living in, 366, 416 (p. 407).

Regensburg, 'Reynzbourge' on the Danube, inventor of artillery at, 35;

reference to truce with Turks at, 198.

Regno Servano [qy. Azerbijan], Persians recover, 347.

Reine Blanche la. See Austria, Elizabeth of.

Reineken, Hermann, merchant of Hamburg, signs petition against Sackford, 351.

Religions-vrede, Duke Casimir fears that his party will be excluded from, at Diet, 76;

nobility of Guelderland urge, 118 (p. 119);

great stir at Brussels about, 118 (p. 121);

States hope to entertain Malcontents with, 169;

reference to, 496.

Religion, the. See Huguenots;
-, Protestants.

René, M. See Bianque.

Renty, Prince of Parma's forces go towards, 364.

Retius, Cornelis, eschevin of Antwerp, 548.

Retz, Marshal of. See Gondi, Albert de.

Révol, Louis, President, sent by French king to Saluces, 4 (p. 3).

Rheims, Tresam intends to go to, 50;

Jehan Gower at, 66.

Rhenen, on the Rhine, held for Monsieur, 438 (2).

Rhine, the, Count Charles Mansfeldt unable to cross, 315 (p. 309);

enemy believed to have passed over, 338, 347, 350;

reference to ships captured by younger Baron of Anholt on, 416 (p. 407);

States' forces pass, 428;

note of towns held for King of Spain and Monsieur on, 438 (2);

plague along banks of, 476.

Rhinegrave, Frederick, Count, reference to Order received by King of Denmark at hands of, 217 (p. 216).

Rhone, river, 73 (p. 63).

Ricardo, Captain [qy. Richards], Cobham sends to Don Antonio, 540.

Rich, Lord, 70.

Richardot, President, (Jehan Grusset), safe-conduct for Oudenarde by, 140.

Richards, Captain Henry, carries letter from Count de Silva to Walsingham, 446.

-, -, letter from, 105.

Richebourg, Risbourg, a 'Signory' in Artois, title of Marquis of, conferred by Philip II on Viscount of Ghent. See Melun.

Richelieu. See Plessis, Françcois du.

Ricquet, Steven, Colonel of Antwerp, 548.

Rimenam. See Rymenam.

Rinsart. — de, to command Monsieur's company of horse-guards, 499.

Ripaille, men assembling at, to attack Geneva, 5.

Risbourg. See Richebourg.

Riva, Josepho, offers to victual ships from King of Sweden for King of Spain, 442.

Rivau, — du, captain in French fleet for Don Antonio, 115.

Riviera, Alessie de la, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

'Riviere,' castle of, taken by Rochepot, 413.

Rizzio, David, Duke of Guise advises King of Scots to imprison those concerned in death of, 210.

Robles, Gaspard de, Seigneur de Billy, statement of pay of regiments under, 328.

Rocca, Pietro della, of Messina, to enter Sicily with a view to troubling Spain, 538.

Rochefoucault, François, Comte de la, leaves Antwerp for France, 9;

licensed to levy companies for Monsieur, 74 (p. 68);

preparing levies for Monsieur, 86, 113 (p. 111);

Swiss coming to Low Countries under conduct of, 181 (p. 182);

troops of, pass into Picardy, 187;

troops to be conducted by, 288 (p. 282);

men of, in Picardy, 333;

near Gravelines, 487;

at Bruges, 492, 493;

comes to Antwerp, 514.

Rocheguyon, See Silly, Henri de.

Rochelle, King of Navarre departs from, 4 (p. 3);

men of, in great straits (p. 4);

mentioned, 18 (p. 17);

people of, alarmed at slow preparations of army to help Don Antonio, 31;

rumour of army preparing in France to go to, 53 (p. 46);

62 (p. 52);

Strozzi advises people of, to have regard to safety of, 62 (p. 53);

said to have been nearly betrayed by treachery from within, 75;

Captain Pardin starts from, to aid Don Antonio, 187;

Earl of Leicester's 'footman' returns to, 288 (p. 282);

French ships about coast of, 348 (p. 338);

Captain Pardin arrives at Tercera with ships from, 365 (p. 364).

Rochepot. See Silly, Antoine de.

Rocourt, M. de, in command of cornet of horse at Ghent, 130.

Rodez [Aveyron], King of Navarre offers to sell, to French king, 179.

Rodrigues, Melchior, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Rodovalle, Fernan Vas, account of his capture by Kenne, 469.

Roest, fortress between Lierre and Louvain, taken by French, 406, 413.

Rogers, Ambrose, brother of following, 194 (p. 194), 416 (p. 407).

-, Daniel, Lesieur's negotiations touching, 124;

his expenses, 159;

Parma refers to letter written by him for release of, 239 (1);

Lesieur writes on behalf of, 252;

mentioned, 259, 297;

Duke Casimir solicits release of, 312;

Lesieur visits Baron of Anholt on behalf of, 315 (p. 308);

Asheby takes letter from Emperor to Duke of Cleves on behalf of, 316, 323;

Emperor directs Duke of Cleves to release, 327;

reference to charges for 'diet' of, 358;

Fremyn wishes, to be included in any agreement that may be made with Baron of Anholt, 456.

-, -, letters from, 194, 366, 416.

-, John, reference to embassy of, to Denmark, 551.

Rohan, Françoise de, Dame de Garnache, Duchess of Loudunois, M. Bacqueville seeks to marry, 150 (p. 151).

Roll, J. Jeronimus of, from Solothurn, ambassador to French king, 519.

Romans, Geneva formerly beloved by, 73 (p. 64).

Roman Catholics, said to be growing strong in England, 18 (p. 17);

said to have some plan in hand to ruin those opposed to them, 31;

in Fribourg and Solothurn join with Bernese to defend Geneva, 37;

hold Diet at Lucerne, 102 (p. 98);

princes, Pope plans offensive and defensive league of, 106;

cantons corrupted, by money from King Philip, 113;

princes, Fremyn fears some great feat may be executed on part of, 185;

at Augsburg, 310;

reference to sinister practices of, at Augsburg, 453;

in England, pardon from Pope sent to, 497;

people of States fear some secret enterprise among, 499;

in Brussels, 534;

meetings of, 535.

Roman religion, Jehan Gower examined on, 66;

Bellièvre urges to have churches for exercise of, in Low Countries, 85 (p. 81);

people of Tournay, Lille, Courtray and Armentières swear to maintain, 96;

Gower joins insurrection of Westmoreland and Northumberland for love of, 149;

two places granted at Brussels for exercise of, 169;

magistrates of Cologne resolve to have no religion but, 260, 310 (p. 305);

William Ratcliff professes, 314;

Prince of Épinoy a favourer of, 391;

Duke Casimir writes concerning subversion of, 495, 495, 496;

la papaultè, free exercise of, granted in certain places in Low Countries, 535.

Romburg, Herr, Councillor and Master of horse to Duke of Cleves, 438.

Rome, Venetian ambassador returns from, 4 (p. 4);

Pettingall makes recantation at, 33 (p. 30);

Prospero Spinola imprisoned at 48;

Jehan Gower ordained priest at, 66;

Pallavicino awaits result of his man's journey to, 83;

news from, concerning Fabrizio Pallavicino, 87, 88;

Pope sends courier to, to make league with Catholic princes, 106 (p. 103);

reference to imprisonment of Fabrizio Pallavicino and Prospero Spinola at, 108;

none from England to remain in, except in seminaries, 137 (p. 134);

French fail of former credit in, 162;

wagers laid in, that French king and Monsieur would 'pass great peril,' 179;

Scotch Jesuit goes to, from Duke of Lenox, 210;

Pallavicino hopes to learn something of his brother's affairs at, 224;

Shelley refers to his profession made in, 295;

Shute in, 332;

King of Spain obtains money from, for war in Flanders, 347;

Franciscan friars made bishops at, 348 (p. 339);

Cobham receives letter from, concerning Osborne's vessel, 352;

treatment received by Muscovite ambassador in, 385;

Paget intends to go to, 397 (p. 395);

Irishmen go to, 423 (p. 415), 437;

Giraldi says he is going to, 442;

news from, 465, 472 (p. 461);

English Jesuits at, inform Elizabeth of practices of Scotland, 485;

Prince of Parma sends messenger to, 494 (p. 485);

reference to Queen Mother's process judged in, 518;

news from, 518 (p. 509);

Dominican friar goes to England from, 538.

Roncherolleo, François de, Marquis of Mayneville, a Norman, chosen by Queen Mother to be sent into Scotland, 396 (p. 392), 423 (p. 414);

'Mannymgvyll,' Guise's wish, to be sent into England, 424;

reference to proposal to send, into Scotland, 444, 457;

reference to instructions delivered to, 480 (p. 472).

Ronquillo, Don G., of Ascoale, in 'army' for Terceras, 112.

Roper, Andrew, servant to Davene, payment made to, 46.

Roque. See Secondat.

Roquemorret, —, captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95, 115;

killed in battle off Azores, 353 (p. 346).

Roquendolfe, Count, servant of, arrested on suspicion of attempting to murder King, 188.

Roquetaillade, René de Lansac, baron of, Danett sends message to Monsieur by, 165, 'Rochertalliado,' returns to France, 477.

Rosendaal, States of Holland carry victual to, 335.

Roses, Alonzo de, in 'army' for Terceras, 112.

Ross, Bishop of. See Leslie, John.

Rossel, Jacques, of Burgundy, muster-master and correspondent, complains of having received no consideration of his service, 10, 15;

signs muster-roll of Williams' company, 263;

still offers his service, 523.

'Rosselieu,' M. de, French king's provost. See Plessis, François du.

'Rossne' [qu. Rhone], Switzers march to rendezvous upon, 18 (p. 18).

Rothes, Earl of. See Leslie, Andrew.

Rotis, or des Roues, Dr. Petrus de, Doctor of Civil Law in Germany, Gilpin meets at Augsburg, 489.

-, letters from, 490 (1), 490 (2).

Rouen, John Dowes about to go to, 75;

Spanish merchants of, 86;

John Dowes goes to, 91;

letter from merchants of, 129;

Cobham moves French king on behalf of English merchants in, 150 (p. 149);

Earl Bothwell at, 150 (p. 151);

Doyly goes to, 152;

mentioned, 162;

Salcedo hanged in effigy at, 181 (p. 182);

English merchants delivered from, 188;

Salcedo born near, 203;

Hamilton and Bothwell confer at, 210;

Pallavicino sends letter by way of, 223, 224;

proclamation made in, that no one shall trade with Spain, 238;

news from, 302;

petition of merchants of, 340, 341;

Queen Mother wishes to send Bishop of Ross from, 348 (p. 339);

fugitives licensed to dwell at, 349;

Bishop of Ross at, 369.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 20, 91, 341.

Rouergue, assigned to Queen of Navarre as dowry, 62 (p. 53).

Rousbrugge, 'Rousbrughe,' Ruysbroek, Prince of Parma places Spaniards in, 304.

Rousselaere, 'Roislar,' enemy makes head towards, 157.

Rowleman, —, bailiff of Flushing, King of Spain sends letter to, 234 (p. 237);

237 (p. 241);

discovers treason to Prince of Orange, 238.

Rudgis, John, clerk in States' army, 263.

Rudolf II, Emperor, Jesuits supported by, 12;

Casimir does not wish to obey summons of, to Diet, 76;

goes to Diet at Augsburg, 80;

his illness, 99;

delays in going to Diet, 126 (p. 126);

arrives at Augsburg, 139;

said to have turned back from Augsburg, 152;

mentioned, 175;

enters Augsburg, 175;

mentioned, 198;

Duke of Braganza's son to marry sister of, 209 (p. 208);

causes articles to be read at Diet, concerning consideration of troubles in Flanders, 209 (p. 209);

King of Spain said to be going to give Low Countries to, in dowry with his daughter, 234 (p. 238);

said to have proposed some matter not liked by Protestant princes, 243;

mentioned, 266;

reads letters from Elizabeth at Imperial Diet, 302 (p. 297);

Archbishop of Mentz does homage to, 310 (p. 305);

writes to Duke of Cleves on Rogers's behalf, 316;

Ashby to take letters to Elizabeth from, 323;

directs Duke of Cleves to release Rogers, 326;

proposes that Imperial States should contribute to Turkish war, 333 (p. 323);

writes to Duke of Cleves to set Rogers at liberty, 366;

Prince of Parma sends false news of Monsieur to, 374;

Pope intends to entangle Muscovite in confederations with, 385;

Gilpin brings letters from, to Elizabeth, 427;

returns to Vienna, 468;

report of marriage of, with daughter of Spain, 480 (p. 471), 482;

mentioned, 518 (p. 509);

reference to letter from Elizabeth to, 550.

Ruisseau, M. du, counsellor of Queen of Scots, 2;

'Rosseau,' said to have taken letter from Pope to Queen of Scots, 210;

Mauvissiére considers him honest, 218;

visits Elizabeth, 255;

mentioned, 291;

about to visit Walsingham, 395.

Rumelia, people from, take part in festivities at Constantinople, 178 (p. 174).

Ruremonde, letters from Italy intercepted at, 85 (p. 81);

Italian troops go into Guelderland by way of, 350;

enemy said to have withdrawn to, 362;

held for King of Spain, 438 (2).

-, Bishop of, slain on his way to reconsecrate church at Lierre, 260.

Russia, Muscovia, deliberation at Augsburg concerning embassy to be sent into, 198;

letter from merchants of, 373;

King of Denmark demands that trade of England with, may cease, 551.

Russinger, Marx, from Basle, ambassador to French king, 519.

Rust, Captain Bernhard, of Hamburg, attacked by English pirates, 351.

Ruthven, Patrick, Lord 'Ryvaine,' said to have been apprehended by King of Scots, 250.

Ruthven, raid of, allusions to, 298 (p. 291), 323, 326, 343 (p. 335).

Ruyau. — du. captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95.

Ruzé, Guillaume, Bishop of Angers, comes to Court with news of battle of Azores, 288.

Rycroste, John, in Williams' company, 263.

Rye, French boat robbed by English pirates near, 75.

Ryhove, 'Riova,' M. de. See Kethulle.

Rymenam, 'Remmenye,' States' camp to go towards, 283;

reference to States' camp at, 302 (p. 296).

Ryse, Thomas, English merchant at Rouen, signs petition, 341.

'Ryvaine,' Lord. See Ruthven.

Ryvell, Robert, English merchant at Rouen, signs petition, 341.