Index: J, K

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Jackson, —, letter bearer, 33(p. 30), 156. 188.

-, —, servant of Swift, 430.

Jacobi, Robert, lapidary, sent by King of Denmark to Elizabeth, 117.

Jacobz, Cornelis, master of Cygne, of Middelburg, 63.

James VI, King of Scotland reference to his being heir to throne of England, 18 (p. 18);

reference to letter sent through Fremyn from, 31;

Duke of Guise said to have sent horses to, 53 (p. 46);

Monteith refers to letter from, 71;

rumour of his going into France, 77 (p. 71);

special matter in handling between Monsieur, Prince of Orange, and, 118 (p. 120);

sends commissary to congratulate Monsieur, 126 (p. 127);

King of Spain likely to take part in favouring designs of, against England, 128 (p. 128);

Earl Bothwell fears to give offence to, by going to England, 136;

Duke of Guise sends present to, 137;

letters to Monsieur from, 143 (p. 140);

reference to present to, from Duke of Guise, 150;

said to have 'conformed himself with his mother's meaning,' 150 (p. 151);

Duke of Guise gives advice to, 216;

if Elizabeth uses more courtesy to Queen of Scots it will keep her in way to do some good with, 218;

said to have apprehended certain Scottish nobles, 250;

said to have given orders to Scots in Low Countries to withdraw, 273;

rumour that Jesuits think of abducting, from Scotland, 286;

Elizabeth makes offer to, of anything she may do for safety of his person, 298;

grows strong in Low Countries, 302 (p. 297);

said to have been deprived of his liberty, 323;

d'Aubigny thought to be trying to convey into Spain. 324;

rumour of marriage between King of Denmark's daughter and 324;

orders d'Aubigny to leave Scotland, 326;

Elizabeth said to wish to get, into her hands, 343 (p. 335);

friends of, ought to embrace amity of England, 357 (p. 354);

King of Spain seeks to establish marriage between his daughter and, 358;

in d'Aubigny's keeping, 368;

Sir James Balfour said to have been restored to favour of, 370;

Scottish nobles said to be trying to send, into Spain, 377 (p. 375);

said to be passionately affected to d'Aubigny, 397 (p. 395);

Elizabeth ever careful of safety of, 402, 421 (p. 412);

la Mothe-Fènelon sent to negotiate new league with, 423 (p. 414);

report of his having been made prisoner by nobility, 424;

nuncio offers money for release of from nobles, 441 (p. 434);

satisfied with Elizabeth's attitude towards him, 449;

gives contentment to the lords who possess him, 456;

la Mothe to inform French king of present estate of 467;

closely guarded, 472 (p. 461);

served by persons holding the right side, 476;

Elizabeth employs herself for preservation of person and dignity of, 480 (p. 472);

German troops thought to be levied in France for, 486;

offers pardon to Lord Hamilton, 488;

mentioned, 494 (p. 485);

successor to English Crown, 520;

supposed practice of Pope and King of Spain for better estate of, 538;

French king wishes to join with Elizabeth in doing good offices to, 541;

may marry King of Spain's daughter, 545.

Janberder, —, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Janissaries, spahi at Constantinople killed by, 178 (p. 177).

Jannis, Captain le, follower of Duke of Guise, thought to be plotting against king, 441.

Jaques, Ferdinand Garcia, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

-, Captain, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Jeams, Mark, mariner, note of spoils taken from, by French pirates, 543.

-, Thomas, merchant, note of spoils taken from, by French pirates, 543.

Jehan, son of Duke of Cleves, administrator of Münster, 438.

'Jenisac,' M., a Provençal, brings news of French forces to Antwerp, 319.

Jenkinson, Anthony, reference to commission of, to Embden in 1577, 551.

Jesuits, 4 (p. 3);

increasing in Germany, 12;

French king promises to have an eye upon English, 33 (p. 28);

Dukes of Guise and Maine promise to build colleges for, 33 (p. 30);

in Paris, Gower applies to, for money, 149;

Duke of Guise erects house for, at Eu, 150 (p. 151);

hope to swarm over into England, 162;

Scotch, waits on Duke of Lenox, 210;

play their part in Denmark, 217 (p. 217);

accompany French king to Aewergne, 248;

'Jessuesyts,' college of, at Terceras, made into hospital, 393;

French king sends, away from him, 457;

come to Southampton from Terceras, 461;

English, at Rome, inform Elizabeth of practices of Scotland, 485;

in Pope's new Council, 494 (p. 485);

Governor of, gives money to English, 520.

Joachim, Master, Le Brumen lends money to, 96.

John, former King of Denmark, reference to treaty between Henry VII and, 551.

John III, King of Sweden, report of death of, 187;

crews of, intercept English ship, 293;

may send help to Low Countries, 434;

offers help to Spain, 442;

trouble may arise between King of Poland and 408;

said to have changed his religion. 476.

-, -, letters from, 145, 201, 233.

John Frederick I, elector of Saxony, on his way to Diet, 99;

wishes Cantons to recognise Duke of Savoy's title to Geneva, 150 (p. 150);

arrives at Augsburg, 175, 179;

reference to Order bestowed on King of Denmark in presence of, 217 (p. 216);

soldiers raised for King of Spain in province belonging to, 260;

does not consider war in Low Countries a matter for action in Empire, 323;

alienated by representatives of Aachen at Augsburg, 333 (p. 323).

John George, elector of Brandenburg, arrives at Augsburg, 179;

son of, holds archbishopric of Magdeburg, 333 (p. 323).

Johnson, Nicholas, in Williams' company, 263.

Johnston, Colonel, Scots regiment under, to be reduced, 18 (p. 17).

Joliffe, Henry, merchant, note of spoils taken from, by French pirates, 543.

Jongh, Francis de, 'Dr Junius,' sent with letter to States, 10;

sent to Antwerp, 238.

Jorga, Renit, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Jorqueti [qy. Porquet], Pierre, captain of French infantry, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Jourdan, Isle, King of Navarre offers to sell, to French King, 179.

Joyeuse, Duke of. See Arques.

-, Duchess of. See Lorraine, Margaret of.

Jubin, Pierre, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Judea, Pigafetta writes books of his travels in, 339.

Jugge, Richard, in Williams' company, 263.

Julius, Duke of Brunswick, expected in Netherlands for King of Spain's service, 28.

Junius. See Jongh, Francis de.


Kaas de Torup, Nicolas, Chancellor of Denmark, 254, 552.

-, -, letters from, 261, 262.

Kars in Persia, model of fortress of, assaulted by Turks, 178 (p. 176).

Ked, IIerr van, Councillor of Duke of Cleves, and Governor of Ravensburg, 438.

Kendall, cotton, tax on, in France, 341 (p. 332).

Kenne, Chene, Kern, Captain Thomas, of Bristol, bond of Portuguese to, 452;

depositions against, 469;

protestations against Portuguese brought into England by, 481.

Kennedy, John, Earl of Cassillis, might be stirred up to favour d'Aubigny's party, 472 (p. 461).

..... Sir Thomas of Colzean, tutor of above, might be stirred up to favour d'Aubigny's party, 472 (p. 461).

Keppel, castle of, in Guelderland, won from enemy, 404, 416 (p. 408);

general of, said to have died of plague, 428;

held by Monsieur, 438 (2);

lord of, prisoner with Count William, 473.

Ker, Janet, sister of Sir Walter Scott of Buccleugh, Lady Fernhurst, Fanhurst, brother of, comes to Paris from Scotland, 465;

reference to letter from, 472 (p. 461).

-, Thomas, Laird of Fernyhurst, 'Fanhurst,' receives pension from King of Spain,' 343 (p. 335).

Kerpen, castle of, on the Rhine, statement of pay of garrison of, 328;

held for King of Spain, 438 (2). See Carpen.

Kerse or Cars. See Menteith.

Kerton, —, married to Cobham's niece, takes letter to Walsingham, 87, 101.

Kethulle, Francois de, Sieur de Ryhove, 'Riova,' governor of Ghent, 142;

in command of cornet of horse, 180;

sent to receive Duke of Montpensier at Bruges, 487.

Ketler, Herr, Kammermeister and Councillor of Juliers, 438.

Kiesfelt, Joris, Secretary of Antwerp, 548.

Killigrew (probably Thomas), son of Sir John Killigrew, slain before Ghent, 302 (p. 296), 303.

Kirckhout, Andreas, one of Rogers' captors, executed, 416 (p. 407).

Knollys, Sir Franois, Treasurer of the Household, 280.

-, Francis, brother of following, reference to information given to Walsingham by, concerning action with French, 280.

-, 'Knowels' Henry, son of the above, takes VIIermine of Brest, 47, 82;

Frenchmen try to obtain ships from, 89, 166;

mediates between Norris and North, 119;

causes disagreement between Morgan and Norris, 190;

reference to good offices of, to English nation, 237 (p. 241);

continues good offices to Norris, 283;

Villiers speaks well of, 300;

comes to Antwerp, 377 (375);

Norris chooses, to decide controversy between himself and John Cobham, 390;

'Knowls,' ill, 477, 502;

his death, 523.

-, -, letters and dispatches from, 280, 394.

Kotwitz, Colonel Gaspar, in command of German soldiers raised in Meissen for king of Spain, 260.

Kremer, Heinrich, merchant of Hamburg, signs petition against Sackford, 351.

Krickart, —. eschevin of Lierre, 237.

Kronenborg, letter dated at, 245.

Kyel, Balthazar, of Schwyz, ambassador to Paris, 519.