Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



La Bare, —, captain in French fleet for Don Antonio, 115.

La Barre, French captain in States' army, tries to surprise Lierre, 439.

Lacroy, M. de, captain of compagnies d'Ordonnance of Prince of Epinoy, 180.

Ladru. See Lodron.

Laet, Jan de, Colonel of Antwerp, 548.

La Fere, in Picardy, given to Queen of Navarre as jointure, 62 (p. 53);

Prince Dauphin's troops mean to make their rendezvous at, 323.

Lagos, Don Antonio proposes landing his army at, 383.

Lagrime, near St. Michael's, French army lodges at, 353 (p. 346).

Lalaing, Emanuel Philibert de, Seigneur de Montigny, discord between Parma and, 53 (p. 46);

sent to Oudenarde with summons to surrender, 81;

wishes to be governor of Hainault, 96;

made governor of Flanders, 135;

false report of his capture, 217;

'Ballodue' passes himself off as, 217, 219;

lieutenant colonel of, captured, 234 (237), 238;

Prince of Parma offers generalship of new Spanish, forces to, 304;

statement of pay of Walloon infantry under, 328, puts soldiers into Lille, 358, ill, 440;

mentioned, 445;

report of his death, 478.

-, Philippa Christiana de, wife of Prince of Epinoy, very ill, 18.

-, Philippe de, Count of Lalaing, at Valenoiennes, 53 (p. 45);

report of his death, 81, 85 (p. 80), 96;

people of Mons refuse to ring bells for death of, 110.

Lalsing, 'La Laynne,' castle of, near Dousy, taken by men of Bouchain and Cambray, 53 (p. 45);

people of, persuade Douay to submit to Monsieur, 118 (p. 121).

Lamarck, Count de, Monsieur makes secret contract with, 85 (p. 79).

Lambertes. —, citizen of Geneva, robs house near Paris, 478.

Landa. M. de, in command of cornet of horse at Ghent, 180.

Landereau, M. de, in command of troops for Don Antonio, 95;

'M. Landrew,' comes to Tercera in command of small fleet, 105;

news of approach of French fleet sent to, 353 (p. 345);

'Landarus,' 383;

returns from Terceras, 457.

Landi, Count Claudio, discovery of practice intended by, against Duke of Parma, 86;

reference to execution of, 396 (p. 394).

-, Count Ottavio, comes to Paris secretly from Prince of Parma's camp, 396 (p. 393), 401;

visits Cobham, 424 (p. 417);

Duke of Ferrara recommends, to Duke of Guise, 442;

mentioned, 482.

-, Pier, visits Pope's nuncio on behalf of Italian prisoners from Smerwick, 114 (p. 114);

returning to Bouen, 223;

Pallavioino sends letter to Walsingham by, 224;

reference to his report of battle of Azores, 266;

reference to letter sent by, 275;

goes to England, 471;

mentioned, 472 (p. 460).

-, letter from, 264.

Landrecies, statement of pay of garrison of, 328.

Lange, Peter, merchant of Hamburg, signs petition against Sackford, 351.

'Langrone,' M., sent to commissioners in Switzerland, 150 (p. 150).

Languedoe, disturbance in, between Papists and Huguenots, 113 (p. 111);

trouble expected in, 114 (p. 114);

difficult to remove Montmoreney from government of, 209;

French king supposed to be going to, 248;

cannons to be made for, 348 (p. 338);

Bellieèvre, Montmorency and others confer in, 348 (p. 339);

King grants tax on salt in, to Condé, 348 (p. 340);

many men in, trained for war and unable to do any other work, 372;

Joyeuse goes to, 396 (p. 394), 424 (p. 417);

brother of Count Vimioeo comes into, 467;

Matignon to levy money from people in, 482.

Langnet, Hubert, reference to his opiuion on help given by England to Portugal, 300;

reference to memoranda left by, 530.

Lannoy, Mattheus de, eschevin of Antwerp, 548.

Lanouer, M., Captain of the Bull of Dieppe, note of spoils taken by, from English merchants, 543.

Lansac, M. de. See Saint Gelais.

Lansac, René de. See Roquetaillade.

Lapuele, —, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Laredo in Biscay, Stroxxi said to have taken, 29.

La Scala, du Vray's commis, wounded before Ghent, 302 (p. 298).

Latin, grammar, Masino del Bene knows too much, 275;

inscription written on gate in Ghent, 279;

apology against slander of Hanses printed in. 453;

copy of Salcedo's judgement written in, 465;

inscription affixed to gate at Antwerp in honour of Duke of Anjou, 512.

Lanenburg, Lowenburg, Duke of. See Francis II.

Lauters, letter dated at, 476.

Laval. See Coligny, Guy de.

La Valade, Captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95, 115.

Lavalette, M. de. See Nogaret, Bernard de.

Lavergne, —, 'I' Avernie,' officer of Monsieur, uses Norris with great Courtesy, 428.

Laveros, Thomas de, killed in battle off the Asores, 213.

Laverye, —, captain of horse in Friesland, slain, 306.

Léaumont, Jean de, Sieur de Puygaillard, sent to Monsieur as counsellor, 209 (p. 208);

gathers horse for Monsieur in Picardy, 331;

at Cambray, 338;

to have especial charge in army for Flanders, 343 (p. 334);

near Pierrepont, 348 (p. 338);

consigns his companies to Biron, 423 (p. 415);

joins Biron, 441 (p. 433.)

Leefdael, Rogier van, eschevia of Antwerp, 548.

Legendre, Thomas, merchant of Rouen, writes to la Mothe-Fènelon, 129.

Leghorn, Commander of, Duke of Florence visits, 494 (p. 485).

Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert.

Leitam, Leitão Custodio, appointed by Don Antonio to go to England and Flanders, 114 (p. 113);

Cobham sends letter to Walsingham by, 136;

to reside in Paris for Don Antonio's affairs, 230;

comes to Paris from Flanders, 287 (p. 280);

mentioned, 288 (p. 282), 498.

-, -, letters from, 153, 171.

Lemacon, R., letter from, 51.

Lemos, Christopher de, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452;

account of his capture by Kenne, 469.

-, -, George de, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

-, -, Jacob de, Portuguese merchant, signs bond to Captain Kenne, 452.

Lennox, Duke of. See Stuart, Esmé.

-, Duchess of. See Entragues, Catherine de Balsae d'.

Lens, Giles de, Baron d' Aubigny, statement of pay of companies under, 328;

'Dobignie', said to be refusing to serve any longer, 349.

Lens in Artois, 118 (p. 118).

Leon, Pedro Ponce de, nephew to Marquis of Santa Cruz, in army for Terceras, 112;

'Ronoe' de Leon, takes report of battle between French and Spaniards to King Philip, 215.

Leoninus, Elbertus, 'Longolius,' Doctor, Gilpin confers with, 12.

Leprobor, Pierre, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

L'Esoluse, between Douay and Bouohain. French horsemen at, 118 (p. 118);

Prince of Parma marching to besiege, 375;

reference to loss of, 439, 440.

Lesieur, Etienne (afterwards Sir Stephen), working to obtain Rogers' release, 194;

Longston sends money to Hoddesdon by, 197;

more money required for, 218;

'Stevens,' reference to his report of English mutineers, 259;

'Lisiture,' 316;

takes letter to Duke of Cleves from Elizabeth. 326;

'Stephanus,' 333 (p. 324);

'Mr Stephen' sends request to Walsingham touching charges of Mr Rogers' 'diet,' 358;

desires Longston to furnish him with money, 388;

negotiations of, concerning Rogers, 416;

Longston unable to furnish with money, 427;

reference to return of, 487.

-, letters from, 124, 159, 177, 199, 252, 253, 297, 315.

Leslie, Andrew, Earl of Rothes, might be stirred up in favour of d'Aubigny's party, 472 (p. 461).

-, John, Bishop of Ross, secretary to Mary, Queen of Scots, reference to his book, 18 (p. 18);

goes to Avignon, 87;

said to have practised the betraying of Lierre, 348 (p. 339);

receives letters from Cardinal of Como, 369;

sends letters to Pope, 424;

suffragan to Cardinal of Bourbon, 465.

Lester [qy. George], to repair into Holland, 165;

Lecester, takes obligations of burgomasters of Antwerp into his hands, 180 (p. 180).

Leure, [qy. Lievre], —, captain in French fleet for Don Antonio, 115.

Levant, the, English merchants trading in, 368, 421;

news from, 423 (p. 415);

French king writes on behalf of English merchants in, 441;

news from, 445.

Le Veneur, Tanneguy, Seigneur de Carrouges, Count of Tillières, writes to Mauvissière concerning French ship captured by English pirates, 292.

Levesque de la Cassiere, Jean, late Grand Master of Malta, la Chastre employed by French king about affairs of, 423 (p. 415);

announces a meeting at Malta of Knights of his Order, 468.

Lewall, John, in Williams' company, 263.

Lewes, Richard, in Williams' company, 263.

Libercour, 'Ribbecourte,' troops from Artois march to, 118 (p. 118).

Licques, Gabriel de, statement of pay of companies under, 328.

-, M de. See Recourt.

Lieecis. Saubat de [Sanvat], killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Liége, Swiss, German and French troops to pass through country of, 28;

Jehan Gower at, 66;

people of, make complaints against Monsieur, 310 (p. 305);

Prince of Parma may go towards, 500;

'Lewke,' enemy thought to have gone towards, 527.

-, Bishop of, 85 (p. 79);

proclaims inquisition, 99;

doctors brings letters from, to Monsieur, 126 (p. 126);

rides in post to Germany, 143 (p. 139);

said to wish to be Bishop of Cologne, 499, 500, 537.

Lierre, papist religion said to be introduced in, 113 (p. 111);

'Lyre,' reported loss of, 216;

betrayed by Scots to enemy, 220, 221;

taken by Haultepenne, 222;

'Lire,' loss of, 227, 231;

townsmen of, sworn to be true subjects of King of Spain, 234 (p. 237);

'Leyr,' loss of, 237, 238;

church of, to be reconsecrated, 260;

'Leero,' Monsieur's troops thought to be going to relieve, 279;

many people leave Antwerp on account of loss of, 283;

Prince of Parma sends troops to, 302 (p. 299);

reference to treachery of garrison at, 303;

'Leer,' enemy strong at, 320;

Italians put into, 335;

enemy strong at, 336;

garrison of, attacks castle near, 337 (328);

Bishops of Glasgow and Ross said to have practised betraying of, 348 (p. 339);

reference to loss of, 361;

loss of, thought to have been contrived by Duke of Lennox, 377 (p. 375);

few foreign goods brought to Antwerp since loss of, 388;

French take castles standing on river of, 390;

Lire, French try to surprise, 439;

Saint-Lue said to have been defeated between Antwerp and, 465;

Prince of Parma hangs Spanish captain at, 487, 491, 501, 502.

-, governor of. See Hetfelt.

Liévin, Charles de, Seigneur de Famars, Governor of Mechlin, said to have surprised Aerschot, 109, 110;

fails to surprise Aerschot, 119.

Lievre, Captain, objects to receiving Strozzi into his ship before battle off Azores, 353 (p. 349).

Ligni, M. de, chief counsellor of Emanuel Philibert of Savoy, 331.

Ligny, Charles de, Count of Aremberg, in charge of Spanish troops in Netherlands, 28;

incites States of Empire to take up arms for King of Spain, 310 (p. 306);

comes to Augsburg from Prince of Parma, 323;

suitor and daughter of Duke of Cleves, 438;

Bishop of Cologne marries sister of, 477 [sic;

a mistake for Mansfeldt].

Likerke, castle, near Alost, enemy before, 473, 475, 489, 491, 493;

reference to capture of, 499, 501, 504.

Lille, news of Lalaing's death brought from, 81, 96;

people of, swear to be true to King of Spain, 96;

Parma sends for munitions to, 110;

mentioned, 118 (p. 118);

news from, 304;

Prince of Parma holds council of war at, 323;

enemy makes fort near, 336;

Spanish soldiers before, 337 (p. 328);

news from 349;

Montigny puts soldiers into, 358;

Prince of Parma's forces go from, towards Cambray, 364;

news from, 375;

Prince of Parma departs from, 391;

enemy gathers camp near, 440;

enemy removes from, 454;

news from, 463;

enemy make great vaunt of taking of, 475;

encounter between Prince of Epinoy's horsemen and Malcontents near, 475;

news from, 527, 531.

Limburg. enemy defeated at, 157, 180 (p. 180).

Limesce, —, killed in battle off the Azores, 213.

Lindsay, Patrick, Earl of, Lord Lindsay of Byres, Duke of Guise advises King of Scots to imprison, 210;

said to have been apprehended by King of Scots, 250.

Linx, on the Danube, inventor of artillery at, 35.

Lisbon, Venero gives Nuñez security that there would be no stay at, 45;

account of wheat shipped for, 46;

news from, 74 (p. 68), 86, 100;

relation of army departing from, towards Teroeras, 112, 148;

Pedro Ponce de Leon arrives at, with news of battle between French and Spaniards, 213;

news from, 225;

'Linsobona,' 226;

reference to letters from, 300;

French fleet sailing to, Azores captures caravel going to, 353;

news of battle of Azores sent from, 365 (p. 363);

Giraldes hopes to receive money from, 407;

Kenne robs Portuguese vessel bound for Brazil from, 469;

King of Spain returns to, 480 (p. 471);

mariners from Genoa to be sent to, 494 (p. 485);

nephew of Botelho comes from, 498;

news from, 518 (p. 509).

-, French king's agent in. See Longlée, Lisieux, companies assembled at, 91.

Livonia, Liefeland, reference to 'pulling away' of, by strange potentates, 198;

affairs of, to be discussed at Imperial Diet, 333 (p. 323).

Lobetius, Johannes, of Strasburg, 71.

-, letters from, 310, 468.

'Locheleven,' Lord of, said to have been apprehended by King of Scots, 250.

Lochem, near Zutphen, Baron of Anholt besieging, 194 (p. 195);

victualled by Earl of Hollock, 234 (p. 238), 237 (p. 241);

M. d'Anholt and Verdugo at siege of, 297, 306;

'Lookham,' Norris to relieve, 311;

Spanish camp before, 315 (p. 308);

Italian troops coming to, 319;

Norris going to relieve, 320, 325;

Gascons sent to relieve, 336;

Norris goes to relieve, 337 (p. 327);

enemy send fresh troops to besiege, 338;

news from, expected at Antwerp, 347;

forces about, 350;

Monsieur's forces relieve, 358, 359;

Count Hohenlohe said to have raised siege of, 361;

reference to relief of, 362, 363;

Baron of Anholt slain at taking of, 377;

Norris comes to Antwerp from, 392;

reference to relief of, 394;

Lesieur comes to Baron of Anholt at, 416;

reference to death of Baron of Anholt at, 428;

held by Monsieur, 438 (2);

reference to death of Baron of Anholt at, 456;

English troops return to Antwerp from, 460;

reference to relief of, 473.

'Lochingam,' —, Sieur de Pamele, persuades burgesses of Oudenarde to yield to enemy, 151 (p. 153).

Lockwood, Robert, in Williams' company, 263.

Lodron, Count Jerome, colonel of Germans in army for Terceras, 112.

Loker [qy. Lokerem] regiment of, at Dunkirk, 175.

Lombardy, horsemen from, coming to Low Countries, 85 (p. 81), 88.

Londey, William, mariner, note of spoils taken from, by French pirates, 543.

London, Spanish slaves resoued and brought to, 6;

Merchant Adventurers' trade with, 22;

Geneva compared with, 73 (p. 64);

mentioned, 90;

merchants of, spoilt by Bacqueville, 150 (p. 151);

Gerard Byrboum solicits payment of bonds promised by Mayor and Aldermen of, 186;

Longston sends money to Hoddesdon in, 197;

Pallavicino fears Scott will molest citizens of, 224;

postmaster to merchants exchange at, said to have molested postmen in Low Countries, 242;

Doni wishes to visit, 257, 266;

news from, 302;

mentioned, 333;

Italian gentlemen wish to visit, 339;

English merchants at Rouen write to their chief in, 341;

mentioned 360;

reference to Dutch merchants in, 361;

Dutch merchants consign their goods to other ports than, 388;

la Mothe Fènelon to convey money to Scotland from, 424;

mentioned, 430, 452;

Dutch Adventurers trading with, 462;

reference to Zolcher's journey to, 468;

merchants of Leghorn not to bring any merchandise from, during time of infection, 494 (p. 485);

reference to Scottish news sent from, 494 (p. 486).

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 2, 7, 13, 21, 38, 45, 46, 51, 58, 64, 72, 78, 82, 94, 97, 153, 166, 168, 171, 174, 218, 285, 289, 291, 292, 326, 373, 380, 382, 384, 395, 403, 411, 430, 451, 461, 464, 521.

Longlee, 'Longley,' — de (qy. Jean de la Mothe-Basacé), French king's agent (afterwards ambassador) in Spain, reference to letters from, 230.

Longolius. See Leoninus.

Longston, Thomas, 27;

Gilpin confers with, concerning debt to Elizabeth, 44;

reference to letters from, 165;

Lesieur receives money from, 177;

reference to letters for, 526.

-, -, letters from, 16, 67, 80, 93, 123, 158, 197, 216, 241, 361, 388, 427, 453.

Longueville, Duke of. See Orleans.

Loo, Jan van, eschevin of upper bench in Ghent, 284.

Loo, reference to States' camp at, 364.

Loretto, Our Lady of, French king thought to be on pilgrimage to, 248.

Lorges, Jacques de, Count of Montgomery, coming to Low Countries, 180 (p. 180), 181 (p. 182);

said to be coming into Flanders, 306.

Lorraine, Anne of, youngest daughter of Count of Vaudemont, Epernon does not wish to marry, 518.

-, Catherine, sister to Duke of Aumèle, widow of Nicolas Count of Vaudemont (Duke of Mercœur, 1576), Epernon seeks to marry, 518.

-, Catharine Marie of, Duchess of Montpensier, quarrel between Duke and, on account of his not giving up his government, 249;

mentioned, 352.

-, Charles III, Duke of, puts Huguenots out of his State, 33 (p. 30), 99;

passage through country of, demanded for Spaniards and Italians, 118 (p. 119);

recommends Salcedo to Monsieur, 181 (p. 182), 185;

Salcedo favoured by, 231;

suggestion of marriage between Duke of Savoy and daughter of, 343 (p. 335);

made a means to restore Monsieur to French king's favour, 370;

wishes Salcedo's examinations to be made publicly, 396 (p. 392);

will probably visit French king at Notre Dame de I'Espine, 465;

looked for at Paris, 518.

-, Charles of, Duke of Mayenne, or Maine, intends to go to Italy, 4 (p. 4);

promises to build college of Jesuits at Maine, 33 (p. 30);

rumour of 'heartburning' between Epernon and, 74 (p. 68);

said to be enemy of Geneva, 75;

mentioned, 114, 162, 396 (p. 393);

present at Salcedo's execution, 423 (p. 414);

French king causes Salcedo's examinations to be read before, 441 (p. 433);

to be created Knight of Order of Saint Esprit, 518 (p. 509).

-, Charles of, Duke of Aumèle, Epernon wishes to marry sister of, 518.

-, Charles of, late Cardinal of, reference to murder of Salcedo's father at instigation of, 181 (p. 182).

-, Christine of, daughter to Duke of, proposed marriage of, with Duke of Savoy, 343 (p. 335);

with Prince of Mantua, 348 (p. 338);

Elizabeth said to wish that Monsieur might marry, 472 (p. 462);

ill, 518 (p. 509);

renewal of Duke of Savoy's suit to, 520.

-, Henry of, Duke of Guise, promises to build college of Jesuits at Eu, 33 (p. 30);

said to have sent horses to King of Scotland, 53 (p. 46);

wishes to confer with 'honorable person' from England or Scotland at Eu, 61;

sends dispatches to Scotland, 74 (p. 68);

order given to captains by, to levy companies, 75;

sending arms to Scotland, 85 (p. 82);

Huguenots hold that companies in Picardy act under orders of, 91;

mentioned, 114;

sends presents to King of Scots, 137;

in Normandy, 143 (p. 141);

sends horses to King of Scots, 150;

erects house for Jesuits at Eu, 150 (p. 151);

goes to Fontainebleau, 152;

mentioned, 162;

Salcedo's father marries one of house of Vaudemont, against wishes of, 203;

gives advice to King of Scots, 210;

French queens at christening of son of, 287, 288 (p. 282);

reference to copy of letter directed to, 287 (p. 280);

mentioned, 323;

proposed dealings of with Scottish commissioners, 370;

dines with king, 396 (p. 392);

Marchaumont too much affected to, 401;

present at Salcedo's execution, 423 (p. 414);

king makes open show of familiarity to, 434;

soldiers of, speak against king and Monsieur, 441;

French king causes Salcedo's examinations to be read before 441 (p. 433);

Duke of Ferrara recommends Octavio Landi to, 442;

reference to gentleman sent into Scotland by, 465, 472 (p. 461);

sends promise of help to Madame la Noue, 484;

Marchaumont writes to, of matters of Scotland, 485;

feasts Swiss ambassadors, 494 (p. 484);

to be in King's new Council, 494 (p. 485);

said to have sent letters to d'Aubigny, 508.

-, Louis of, brother of above. See Guise. Cardinal of.

-, Louis of, son of Duke of Guise, his christening, 287, 288 (p. 282).

-, Louise of, daughter to Nicholas of, Count of Vaudemont, wife of Henry 111, 4 (p. 3);

at Fontainebleau, 62 (p. 52), 74 (p. 67), 86;

mentioned, 113;

kinsmen of, concerned in Salcedo's plot, 203;

goes to baths of Bourbonnois, 209, 248, French king joins at Bourbonnois, 288 (p. 281);

at BourbonLancy, 333;

ill, 340, 348 (p. 340);

comes to Paris, 396;

present at Salcedo's execution, 423 (p. 414);

mentioned, 465;

goes in solemn procession to Notre Dame, 507.

-, Margaret of, daughter to Count of Vaudemont, Duchess of Joyeuse, has measles, 518 (p. 509).

-, Philip Emmanuel of, Duke of Mercœur, son of the last, has news of Burgundian troops marching for King of Spain's service, 86;

government of Britanny assigned to, 188, 209;

goes to Lorraine, 343 (p. 334);

thought to be going to Terceras in command of Queen Mother's new fleet. 423 (p. 415);

to govern Britanny, 441 (p. 434).

-, René of, Marquis of Elbœuf, to marry daughter of Count of Charni, 396 (p. 392).

Lorraine, Treasurer of, Salcedo said to have left memorials at house of, 249.

Lorraine, Lord Hamilton takes baths of, 24;

Spaniards passing through, 71;

Duke of MercMercœuroeur has news from, 86;

reference to murder of Salcedo's father by late Cardinal of, for piece of land in, 181 (p. 182);

Monsieur's Swiss troops come to frontier of, 288 (p. 282);

Duke of Mercœur goes to, 343 (p. 334).

'Loughevarre,' Lord of, might be stirred up to favour d'Aubigny's party, 472 (p. 461).

Loureman, Doctor, Councillor of Duke of Cleves, 438.

Louvain in Brabant, Jehan Gower lives among Catholics at, 66;

'Loveins,' Nicolon maintained at university in, 89;

Haultepenne parleys with Sempill at, 231;

'Loven.' enemy strong at, 320;

'Lovaine,' 336;

Italians in, 337 (p. 328);

Saisseval undertakes enterprise against, 428;

mentioned, 431;

reference to enterprise against, 439, 445.

Louvre, the, king builds chapel and cell at, for Cordeliers, 369;

French king and Queen at, 396;

followers of Guise said to have conveyed weapons into, 441;

Grey speaks with Cardinal of Bourbon in, 494 (p. 485).

Lowestoft, Leystock, 143 (p. 141).

Lowles, Richard, in Williams' company, 263.

Loyseleur, Pierre, called de Villiers, minister, adviser to Prince of Orange, 15, 18;

Herle desires Walsingham to write to, on his behalf, 85 (p. 80);

reference to letter from, 101;

said to have fashioned declarations for Don Antonio, 118 (p. 121);

mentioned, 139;

reference to letters from Walsingham to, 182;

accompanies Count Maurice to Holland, 205;

reference to letter from, 235;

referred to as 75, 243;

reference to letter from, 258;

reference to packet for, 526.

-, -, letters from, 99, 300, 530, 537.

Lubeck, King of Denmark writes about two citizens of, plundered by Englishmen, 103, 282;

beer, ship freighted with, attacked by English pirates, 351;

Hanse-stedes of, scatter libels against Merchants Adventurers, 453.

Lucan, Pharsalia, i, 127, 128, quoted, in reference to Don Antonio's claim to kingdom of Portugal, 193.

Lucca, bankers of, in Paris, money to be sent to Prince of Parma through, 518 (p. 509).

Lucerne, Catholic cantons hold Diet at, 102.

Luis, Infante of Portugal, father of Don Antonio, 114 (p. 113).

Lumijdt, Willem de, eschevin of upper bench in Ghent, 284.

Lun, Jacobo de, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

Luneberg, beer, ship freighted with, attacked by English pirates, 356.

Lupi, Matheo, killed in battle of the Azores, 213.

Luré (or Juré), Marie de, wife of la None, le Brumen refers to letter from, 483;

Duke of Guise promises help to, 484.

-, letters from:—342, 448.

Lusignan, M. de, sent from King of Navarre to French king, 442, 482.

Lussy, Melchior, from Unterwalden, Swiss ambassador to Paris, 519.

Lutheran, canons, not to be chosen for cathedral churches in Empire, 209 (p. 209).

Lützelstein, Duke of. See George Hans.

Luxembourg, Marie de, Duchess of Mercœur, 423 (p. 414).

Luxembourg, Swiss and reiters to pass through, 18 (p. 18);

mentioned, 73 (p. 66);

forces from Italy in, 184;

troops for Parma pass through, 206;

Spanish troops in, 226;

statement of pay of companies under, 328;

new Spanish troops come to, 349.

Lyme, merchants of, Danett deals on behalf of, 428, 455, 460.

Lyons, news from, 33 (p. 30);

Pallavicino desires his brother to come to, 48;

Mandelot sends money to, instead of to Swiss, 122;

many Englishmen in, 137;

news from, 225, 226;

birthplace of Salcedo, 231;

de Péna refers to money lent by him to Dale at, 256;

French king goes to, 283, 287, 288 (p. 281);

thread, new edict proclaimed upon, 341;

money passing to Paris by way of, 343 (p. 334);

King of Spain obtains money from, for war in Flanders, 347;

mentioned, 352;

banker of, 378;

courier from Bishops of Glasgow and Ross at, 424;

nuncio offers Bishop of Glasgow money from Florentine merchants at, 441 (p. 434);

mentioned, 458;

Lavalette may receive government of, 472 (p. 460);

money to be sent to Prince of Parma from, 518 (p. 509);

Pallavicino has cloth of gold from, 552.

-, letter dated at, 167.

Lyonnois, cannon to be made for, 348 (p. 338)