Index: H, I

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



'Hable neffe' (i.e. Havre Neuf). See Havre de Grace.

Hackett, George, factor for Scottish King, comes to Antwerp, 143 (p. 140), 151.

Hackney, Pallavicino's house at, 464.

Haeghe, Jonckheer Jacques van der, lord of Gotthem, eschevin of upper bench in Ghent, 284.

Haeght, 'Hayth,' village between Lierre and Louvain, fortress in, taken by French, 406.

Hague, reference to agreement passed at, between Elizabeth and States, 12, 27;

Herle meets Gilpin at, 85 (p. 78).

Haic, Paul de la, deceased in England, relatives of, go to secure money left by, 530.

Hainault, Henogo, Parma sends to towns of, for gunpowder, 53 (p. 46);

Lalaing makes plot to deliver up his charge in, to Monsieur, 85 (p. 80);

Count Mansfeldt made governor of, 96;

French horse may come by way of, 243;

no victuals or munitions to be sent into, from Calais, 284;

full of Spaniards, 286;

general meeting of States of, at Arras, 349;

towns of, disheartened by loss of Lille, 358;

States of, have not yet answered demands of Prince of Parma, 364;

towns of, refuse to take in Spanish soldiers, 375;

French army to march to, 527;

corn scarce in, 531.

Hains, Captain, plunders French merchants, 292.

Hal, French fail in attempt on, 377;

enemy near, 512.

Hallewyn, forces from Artois to go to, 118 (p. 118);

Prince of Parma's ensigns at, 322;

skirmish near, 349, 364;

Prince of Parma finishes his forts at, 375;

people of Menin attack fort at, 391;

'Halowin' States' troops may attack, 500.

Hallinkhoffer, Leuchardt, from St. Gall, ambassador to French king, 519.

Hambach, Duke of Cleves' Court at, 316.

Hamburg, English cloth to be shipped to, 233;

petition of citizens of, 351;

trade of Merchants Adventurers well understood at, 550.

Hamilton, Claude, brother to Lord Hamilton, comes to England to sue for pension, 77 (p. 71);

writes to his brother concerning friendship with Earl of Angus. 210.

-, John, Lord, 'Lord' (Commendator) of Arbrothe, reference to letters from, 24;

mentioned, 74 (p. 68);

Walsingham deals with Elizabeth for pension of, 77 (p. 71);

visits Cobham, 150 (p. 151), 210;

writes to Cobham, 472 (p. 462);

sends letters to Elizabeth and Walsingham, 488.

-, -, letters from, 25.

Hangest, Louis de, Viscount of Argenlieu, his lieutenant admitted into Bruges, 69.

Hanse towns, 'Hanse-stede,' Gilpin brings letters from Emperor to Elizabeth upon causes of, 427;

reference to libels scattered abroad by, against Merchants Adventurers. 453, 550.

Hante, Michiel van, escherin of upper bench in Ghent, 284.

Harbrowe, Hanse von, in Williams' company, 263.

Hardenburg, Princes of Orange and Epinoy to pass through, 151.

Harlay, 'Harle.' Achille de, President of Parlement de Paris, son-in-law to de Thou, 441 (p. 433), 520.

-, Nicholas de, sieur de Sancy, brother of above, former ambassador to Swiss, named as ambassador to Constantinople, 520.

-, Jacques de, Sieur de Chanvallon, 'Cenvalon,' goes to Monsieur, 442;

passes through Bruges, 463.

Harley, Francis, vice-admiral of England, money paid to, by French trader to redeem ship, 292.

Harte, John, in Williams' company, 263.

Harvye, Robert, in Williams' company, 263.

Hastings, Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, 20, 520.

'Hatfill,' —, servant of Swift, 430.

Hatton, Sir Christopher, vice-chamberlain of England, said to have become Spanish, 18 (p. 17);

Mauvissière entreats Elizabeth to pardon servant of, 58;

Middleton supposed to 'appertain' to, 324.

Haultepenne, M. de. See Berlaymont.

Haultfort, 'Hotford,' President. See Bellieèvre, Jean de.

Hautemer, Guillaume de, Comte de Grancey, Seigneur de Fervaeques, reference to his quarrel with Baron de Viteaux, 55:

Monsieur's horse and foot under government of, 62 (p. 53);

Chevalier Breton writes letter for killing of, 70;

receives charge from king to levy companies in Normandy, 91;

comes to Cambresis, 118 (p. 118);

Norris hopes to relieve Oudenarde with help of, 119;

said to be at Mons. 143 (p. 139);

expected at Dunkirk, 154, 164;

Swiss coming to Low Countries under conduct of, 181 (p. 182), 214;

'Varvacus,' rumour of his coming into Flanders. 306, 456;

near Gravelines. 487:

at Bruges, 492, 493;

at Court, 499, 502:

jealousy between Biron and, 514;

will be able to put some good order in Low Countries, 515.

Havers, Captain, of Berwick, does good service before Ghent, 302 (p. 298).

Havault, Baron de, statement of pay of companies under, 328.

Havre, Havrech, Marquis of. See Croy, Charles Philippe de.

Havre de Grace, Havre Neuf, 'hable neff,' French navy to be embarked at, for Scotland, 43;

Duke of Guise said to have shipped horses at, for King of Scotland, 53 (p 46):

ships at, laden with artillery for Scotland, 69;

mentioned, 74 (p. 68),75,90;

John Dowes goes to, 91;

Scottish messenger goes by way of, 369;

new expedition for Terceras to start from, 457.

Hawes, John, merchant of London on board Emanuel, 6.

'Heitzen,' John, mentioned in letter from Venero to Anñastro, 46.

Heland, Ghedraedt, eschercin of lower bench in Ghent, 284.

Helgeland, Helgalandiam, mentioned in former treaty between England and Denmark, 551.

Hellebourg, Court, 'Courdtherkelmberch,' imprisoned by merchants of Rouen for taking their ships, 129.

Helmond, Elmont, taken by Monsieur's troops, 529.

Hemmar, Diggory, in Williams' company, 263.

Henry V, of England, more Englishmen in Lyons than since days of, 137.

Henry VI, King of England, reference to treaty between King of Denmark and, 551.

Henry VII, of England, reference to his refusal to join league of Cambray, 295;

reference to treaty between King of Denmark and, 551.

Henry VIII, King of England, reference to friendship between Francis I and, 507 (p. 498);

reference to treaty between King of Denmark and, 551.

Henry II. late King of France, Salcedo's father served, 203.

Henry III, King of France, news from Court of, 3;

receives Queen of Navarre, 4 (p. 2);

grants audience to ambassador of Savoy, 4 (p. 3);

mentioned in contract between Monsieur and States, 18 (p. 16);

Cobham tries to sell diamond to, 24;

Monsieur sends du Vray to, to remove impediments to marriage, 26;

his dealings with Flemish fugitives, 29;

Cobham informs of Elizabeth's desire touching her 'indisposed' subjects, 33;

makes restitution to Marbury, 34;

Cobham hopes to be sent to Monsieur at expense of, 37;

Mauvissière wishes to maintain amity between Elizabeth and, 47;

Pullavicino begs help from, for his brother's cause, 48;

Estates wish all trading with enemy to be forbidden by, 53 (p. 46);

his answer to Cobham concerning English seminary men and priests in France, 54;

Vimioso confers with, 59;

at Fontainebleau, 62 (p. 52);

will send Biron to Flanders, 62 (p. 53);

mentioned, 64;

forbids trading of Calais and Mézières with enemy. 70;

mentioned, 72;

his dealings with Geneva, 73;

leaves Fontainebleau 74 (p. 67);

Cobham to give some answer to, touching Elizabeth's marriage. 77 (p. 71);

said to have allowed powder to be sent to Scotland, 77 (p. 71);

commands Mauvissière to write on behalf of French merchants, 78;

said to be sending Biron to Flanders, 79;

desires Mauvissière to speak to Council concerning the Hermine, taken by Knollys, 82;

stays passage of reiters through Pieardy, 85 (p. 81);

said to be concerned in siege of Geneva, 85 (p. 81);

Bellievre has access to, 86;

not well in health, 87;

makes gratuity to Wareop. 89;

gives charge to Fervaques to levy companies in Normandy, 91;

said be going to 'make lame' King of Spain's encrosehments, 100;

Bellievre gives out that he is ready to perform all that Elizabeth requires to further marriage, 101;

mind of, in regard to affairs of Geneva and Scotland, 102;

mentioned, 106;

will do all he can to help Monsieur, 110;

Cobham hopes for audience with, 113;

re-constructs Privy Council, 114;

spends much money on Portuguese exploit, 114 (p. 113);

his promises for shutting up passages of Mézières and Calais not performed, 118 (p. 119,;

receives knowledge that the Swiss are loth to renew league with him, 122;

calls Council at Fontainebleau to consider great causes on foot, 122;

Cobham to complain to, of Bacqueville's conduct in attacking English ships, 127;

reference to letter to, from Elizabeth, 141;

supposed to be likely to abandon Netherlands altogether, 143 (p. 139);

Cobham's audience with, 150;

gives audience to Pope's nuncio and ambassdors of Venice and Savoy, 150 (p. 150);

help from, much wished for in Netherlands, 151;

rumour of severe illness of, 151 (p. 153);

King of Fez sends letters to, 152;

reference to letters to Cobham from, 162;

called the Pope's eldest son, 162;

said to be ill, 165;

wishes to receive English dogs, 166;

Mauvissière wishes Elizabeth to send answer to, 168;

sends money to Cantons, 169;

Cobham's audience with, 173;

des Ouches takes horses to, from England. 174;

writes to Mauvissière touching defraying of Monsieur's charges in wars of Flanders, 179;

to meet King of Navarre at Champigny, 179;

Guisards scheming to alienate, from Monsieur, 182;

promises Elizabeth anything she could in reason desire, to further marriage, 183;

Prince Dauphin will only come to Low Countries by express command of, 185;

Jesuit arrested on suspicion of attempting murder, 188;

Monsieur sends news of Salcedo's conspiracy to, 192;

promises to discharge Elizabeth of all charges of war if she will marry Monsieur, 200;

Monsieur sends news of Salcedo's plot to, 203;

gives Monsieur's troops leave to march through France, 203 (p. 203);

Monsieur awaiting answer of, concerning Salcedo and Egmont, 204;

changes sundry governors in his provinces, 209;

reference to letter from, to Pope, concerning Osborne's ship, 211 (b);

Pallavicino uncertain whether Monsieur will be helped by, 212;

friendship between King of Spain and, 216;

report of plot to murder, 220;

league concluded between Swiss and, 226;

plotters against, apprehended in Paris, 227;

French troops will come to Low Countries at bidding of, 227 (p. 228);

Cobham has audience with, 229;

denies that be knows of any commission that might prevent Elizabeth's subjects from trading in Spain, 230;

Monsieur sends news of Salcedo's conspiracy to, 231;

people of Lierre swear to be enemies of, 234 (p. 237);

ambassadors from, come to Bruges, 235, 243;

reference to conspiracy discovered at court of, 238;

commands a coach to be made for Elizabeth, 246;

Cobham has audience with, 247;

goes to Auvergne, 248;

wishes marriage of Elizabeth and Monsieur to proceed, 249;

French soldiers placed in Flemish towns for contentment of, 258;

Guises dissatisfied with Monsieur for sending Salcedo's confession to, 266;

Salcedo confesses plot against, 273;

will be in peril if King of Spain recovers Low Countries, 275;

goes to Lyons, 283;

forbids victuals and munitions to be sent into Artois and Hainault from Calais. 284;

goes to Lyons, 287, 288 (p. 281);

Bordeaux merchants appeal to, for help against English pirates, 291, 292;

supposed to be going to make accord underhand with King of Spain, 302 (p. 295);

Bellievre and Brulart sent to, 307;

reference to aid given by, to Don Antonio, 317;

declaration by, concerning marriage of Elizabeth and Monsieur, 318;

mentioned, 326;

assigns tax on salt to Monsieur, 331;

at Bourbon-Lancy, 333;

stays letters to Low Countries from Spanish and Portuguese merchants, 337 (p. 328);

mentioned, 340;

English merchants at Rouen complain of heavy taxes to be paid to, 341;

note of taxes on English goods exported from France in reign of, 341 (p. 332);

gives commission to Biron to go with Prince Dauphin to Flanders, 343;

writes on behalf of Cassie, 344;

said to have made new league with Swiss to his great satisfaction, 347;

mentioned 348;

sends ministers through realm to obtain loan, 348 (p. 339);

grants tax on salt in Larguedoo to Prince of Bellieèvre, 348 (p. 340);

makes proclamation at, Calais that no stranger shall dwell on his frontiers, 349;

mentioned, 352;

libels set up on street corners in Rome prejudicing name of, 352;

mentioned, 353 (p. 345);

Elizabeth does not wish letters from, to Queen of Scots to be sent through Mauvissière, 357;

will not help war in Flanders, 358;

mentioned, 368, 369;

sends costly clothes to Scottish king, 370;

wishes Elizabeth to aid him, if he undertakes war with Spaniards, 372;

makes complaint of King of Spain before Senate of Venice, 381;

said to have decided to bring great hulks from Flanders to aid Don Antonio, 383;

comes to Paris, 396;

refuses to meddle with affairs of Scotland, 396 (p. 392);

renews league with Swiss, 397;

said to have agreed to all Monsieur's demands touching marriage and charges of war, 398;

mentioned, 401;

Elizabeth would help Don Antonio if backed by, 402;

court of, at Dollenville, 408;

Cobham's conversation with, concerning English merchants in the Levant, 421;

Salcedo craves mitigation of his torture from, 423 (p. 414);

Swiss send ambassadors to, 423 (p. 415);

intends to send la Mothe-Fènelon to England, 424;

rumour in Flanders of illness of, 428;

reference to dealings of, in Low Countries, 434;

Cobham's audience with, 437;

writes on behalf of English merchants in the Levant, 440;

Pope wishes to preserve friendship between King of Spainand, 441 (p. 434);

King of Navarre wishes, to annoy King of Spain, 442;

mentioned, 444;

necessity for a successor to, 449;

speech in Low Countries of war between King of Spain and, 454;

sends away his Jesuits and priests, 457;

mentioned, 458;

goes to funeral of President de Thou, 465;

la Mothe to inform, on Scottish affairs, 467;

tries to get Swiss Cantons to enter into alliance, 468;

goes to Notre Dame de Liesse, 472;

not very willing to give assistance to d'Aubigny. 472 (p. 462);

sends gentleman to Duke of Mantua, 478;

resolutions of, touching Elizabeth's difficulties in regard to marriage, 479;

accepts Elizabeth's amity gladly, 480;

levies reiters and Swiss, 482;

pleased at prospect of la Noue's release, 483;

Queen Mother troubled by voice like that of, 486;

Swiss ambassadors admitted to presence of, 494;

resolves to have new Council for introduction of decrees of Council of Trent, 494 (p. 485);

Swiss deal with, 498;

feasts Swiss, 507;

Cobham's audience with, touching marriage of Monsieur and Elizabeth, 507;

la Mothe sends details of his negotiations with Elizabeth, 508;

reference to new Council established by, 510, 515;

keeps Christmas, 517, 518;

intends to make new knights of Saint-Esprit, 518 (p. 509);

names of Swiss ambassadors sent to treat with, 519;

Count Montreal seeks favour of, for appeasing Bernese, 520;

mentioned, 522;

reference to supposed letters from Pope and King of Spain to, concerning practice against Elizabeth, 538;

has done much in helping Don Antonio, 540;

would take offence if Elizabeth refused to marry Monsieur, 545.

-, letters and dispatches from, 211 (a), 211 (c), 318, 409.

-, letter to, 436 (1).

Henry, King of Navarre, goes to Béarn, 4 (p. 3);

Elizabeth's good disposition towards, 33 (p. 29);

sends ambassador to Monsieur, 53 (p. 46);

in Gascony, 62 (p. 52);

ministers sent to, from every province in France, 75;

about to return to Saint-Jean-d' Angely, 86;

said to have sent captains to Geneva, 91;

mentioned. 113;

Montmoreney adheres to, 114 (p. 114);

at Saint Jean-d' Angely, 125;

proposed meeting between French king and, at Champigny, 179;

French king wishes to compound with, for his governments, 209 (p. 208);

agents of, sent to French court, 230;

goes to Bordeaux, 248;

Cobham receives letters from, 250;

Duke of Savoy sends ambassador to, 288 (p. 282);

mentioned, 298;

Prince of Bellieèvre repairs to, in Béarn, 309;

brings Duke of Savoy's ambassador to confer with his sister, 348 (p 339);

Monsieur sends Charetier to, 352;

his reasons for wishing for a foreign war, 372:

Duke of Savoy sends Belgard to, 424 (p. 417);

mentioned, 434;

wishes French king to annoy King of Spain, 442;

thought to be coming to Paris, 467, 482;

friend of Duke of Guise wishes for better amity between Duke and, 484;

ambassador of, at Turin returns, 498.

-, -, letter from, 251.

Hepburn, Francis Stewart, young Earl of Bothwell, visits Cobham, 74 (p. 68);

well affected to Elizabeth, 87, 150 (p. 151);

Elizabeth willing to receive, 101;

afraid to pass into England, 136;


Lord Hamilton confers with, 210.

Hephæstion, de Péna compares Walsingham to, 269.

Herbert, Henry, Earl of Pembroke, 154.

Herenberg or 'sHerenberghe, held for Monsieur, 438 (2).

Herentals, new supplies sent to, 325.

Herle, William, reference to letters of, 175;

'Earle,' gives out tale of Norris's unpopularity, 227 (p. 229);

'Herlem,' 260;

Lesieur sends letter through, 315 (p. 308);

goes to England, 688.

-, -, notes in hand of, 548.

-, -, letters from, 18, 28, 85, 100, 118, 134, 143, 151, 163, 169, 203, 234, 302, 358.

sHertogenboech, 'Sartingemburs,' Norris's troops pass through, 320, 'Sehertogenborch,' 337 (p. 327). See Bois-le-Due.

Hertford, Earl of. See Seymour, Edward.

Hesdin, between Montreuil and Abbeville, Barwick robbed by Burgundians from, 267.

Hess, Mark, vice burgomaster of Copenhagen, to buy cloth in England, 233.

Hetfelt, 'Etfelt,' M., governor of Lierre, escapes from town, 231, 237.

Hiegler, Peter, from Mulhausen, ambassador to French king, 519.

Higgons, Thomas. English merchant at Rouen:

signs petition, 341.

Hinkaert, Jean de, Sieur d'Ohain, postmaster general for Low Countries, complains that his postmen are molested by Vander Putte, 242;

sent to receive Duke of Montpensier at Bruges, 487.

Hipolito, Dr. physician to Prince of Parma, goes to help those wounded before Ghent, 347.

Hoboken, Jan van, Greffier of Antwerp, 548.

Hochtmans, F., letter from, 534.

Hoddesdon, Christopher, stepson-in-law of Sir Francis Walsingham. Governor of Merchants Adventurers 27;

reference to letter to, 42;

Gilpin leaves with Longston 'substitution' made by, for receipt of such money as States are to pay, 67;

Longston sends money to, 197;

letters from Emperor to Elizabeth sent to, 427.

Hoesden, 'Housden,' on the Waal, Norris's troops pass through, 320;

Norris at, 337 (p. 327);

held for Monsieur, 438 (2).

Hofsacks, Herr van [qy. Hohensax, q.v.], defeats enemy at Limburg, 157.

Hohenlohe-Langenburg, 'Hollock,' Philip, Count. of, entertains la Boque at the Hague, 85 (p. 78);

defeats enemy in Limburg, 157;

tries to surprise Bois-le-Due, 205;

comes to Bruges, 220;

victuals Lochem, 234 (p. 237), 237 (p. 241);

Sempill tries to entrap, at Breda, 238;

'Hollach,' comes to Antwerp, 260;

relieves Lochem, 297;

comes to Antwerp for new supplies 306;

loses his baggage in defence of Lochem, 315 (p. 309);

with Norris, 320;

'Houenloe,' defends Lochem, 337 (p. 327);

sends request for English companies, 350;

said to have overthrown Malcontents in Guelderland, 361;

States of Guelders and Friesland dislike, 392;

'Hollosk,' will determine nothing without advice from Norris, 394 (p. 388).

Hohensax, John Philip of, Swiss Baron in States' service, Schenok in custody of, 194 (p. 195). See Hofsacks.

Hoit, Captain, plunders French merchants, 292.

Holder, Botolph, Giraldes intends to pay debt due to Walsingham through, 407.

Holland, people of, promise to repay Elizabeth's loan, 12;

States agree to shut up traffic of victuals between Gravelines and, 18 (p. 16), 70;

Herle's journey in, 85 (p. 78);

Martin Dro to be admiral of ships of, 85 (p. 78);

people of, discouraged by failure of French king's promises, 118 (p. 119);

people of. come to assembly of States-General, 143 (p. 149);

Norris to receive money from people of, 165;

Schenck conveyed into, 194 (p. 194);

Monsieur gives banquet to States of, 204;

Count Maurice goes to, 205;

mentioned, 224;

treason revealed against towns of, 235;

mentioned, 302 (p. 295);

States of, show themselves obstinate against Monsieur, 335;

Monsieur said to be going into, 337. (p. 328), 338;

Norris gives orders in, for mares to be sent to England, 379;

French gentleman said to have embarked at port of, to go to d'Aubigny, 508.

Hollanders, said to be in fleet for Don Antonio, 383.

Holland, reference to letters from, touching rescue of Portuguese caravel by Emanuel, 6 (p. 7).

Holler, John Leonard, Duke of Lützelstein sends letter to Elizabeth by, 429.

Hollock, Earl of. See Hohenlohe-Langenburg.

Holt, Father William, 286.

Hoogstraten, castle of, Alonso accused of treachery by soldiers in, 487.

Holy Cross, church of, at Augsburg, 333 (p. 323).

Hommerston, John, bookseller in London, Popish books consigned to, 22.

Honde, Pe Mattheus d', eschevin of lower bench in Ghent, 284.

Hondschote, 'Hounscott,' enemy near, 160;

'Houndscolt,' controversy between English and French upon spoiling of, 208;

burnt by French soldiers, 220.

Hooghe, Jan de, escherin of lower bench in Ghent, 284.

Hooghstraet, 'Hoghsare,' Baron of, Rogers wishes Prince of Orange to write to, 366.

Hopton, George, English merchant, delivered from Rouen, 188, 210.

Houfflin, J., signs for States of Netherlands, 242.

Housdon, Edward, English merchant in Venice, 295.

Houtain, — de, Governor of Walcheren, 182.

'Houton,' 'Hoton,' clerk of Customs in London, detains property of Bordeaux merchant, 291.

Howard. Charles, Lord Howard of Effingham, 367.

-, Lord Charles, takes Count Hellebourg from prison, 129.

Howe, —, merchant of London, spoiled by Bacqueville, 150 (p. 151).

Hoyssen, Jaret, in Williams'company, 263.

Huddy. Captain, servant of Earl of Leicester, does good service before Ghent, 302 (p. 298).

Hugoo, Glade, in Williams' company, 263.

Huguenots, in great straits at Rochelle, 4 (p. 4);

bad economy the ruin of, 9;

too simple, 31;

Duke of Lorraine puts great number of, out of his state, 33 (p. 30);

John Poisle, former persecutor of, 41;

help to defend Geneva, 62 (p. 52);

Captain, admitted into Bruges, 69;

Huguenot letter-bearer, formerly teacher of Oriental languages at Oxford, sent by Mauvissière to Walsingham, 72:

papists in Foix use violence towards, 86;

Sir Edward Unton wishes his son to govern himself by advice of, 90;

say that companies in Picardy act under advice of M. de Guise, 91;

Biron said to have deceived, 98;

Duke of Lorraine banishes, from his territories, 99;

assembly of, at Saint-Jean-d'Angely, 113 (p. 111);

mentioned, 114(p. 114);

at Cologne, wish for exercise of their religion, 118 (p. 119);

Duke of Savoy murders, in vale of St. Martin, 150 (p. 150);

would be glad if Bellieèvre should marry Princess of Béarn, 178;

Salcedo's father murdered as, 203;

in Bruges fear they will not be allowed to use their conscience. 284;

people of Cologne make edict against, 310 (p. 305);

said to have stirred up practice against Guises, 441;

said to have captured Marquis de Pescara, 457;

Mayneville fears to be intercepted at sea by, 480 (p. 472);

hope for la Noue's release, 483;

French king ought to seek to remove all occasions of jealousy of his proceedings towards, 510;

mentioned, 549.

Hugues (?),—de. secretary to Prince of Orange, 165.

Humes, the, might be stirred up to favour d'Aubigny's party, 472 (p. 461).

Hungary, people clad in costume of, take part in festivities at Constantinople, 178 (p. 174);

deliberation on means for defence of, at Imperial Diet, 209 (p. 209);

Emperor suspects King of Poland of demanding certain 'holds' on frontiers of, 385;

Emperor intends to attend to affairs of, 468.

Hunt, —, 324.

Huntingdon, Earl of. See Hastings, Henry.

Huntley, Huntlay, Captain, in States' army, 221;

returning to England, 387.

Huntly, Earl of. See Gordon, George.

Hurault, André de Maisse (Mesant), to be French ambassador in Venice, 62 (p. 53);

reference to information given by, to Signori, 397.

-, Philippe, Comte de Chiverny, keeper of the Seals of France, 150 (p. 151), 173, 309;

present at examination of Salcedo, 396 (p. 392);

to be in King's new Council, 494 (p. 485).

-, -, letter from, 106.

-, Jacques de, brother of above, sent to Queen Mother, 106.

Hurtault, —, captain in 'army' for Don Antonio, 95, 115 (p. 115).

Hussle, Anthonius van, eschevin of upper bench in Ghent, 284.

Hylton, Hylon, Captain, detained by Don Antonio 60;

'Hilon,' 34 (p. 68).


Iceland, ship going from Hamburg to, attacked by English pirates. 351;

Islandia, mentioned in former treaty between England and Denmark. 551.

Iddio, Isolad'. See Dieu.

Idisques, Alonso de, son of following, in army for Terceras, 112.

.....Don Juan de, Spanish King's secretary, promises to pay debt due to Zubiaur, 285.

Indies, the, news from, 86;

Don Antonio's navy threatens to meet fleet from, 118 (p. 121);

Don Antonio will 'prevail' himself of fleet from, 136;

Portuguese, governor chosen in, in name of King Philip, 150 (p. 151);

adventurers from France intend to plunder Spanish fleets of, 213;

Spanish fleet from, said to have been captured, 539, 337 (p. 326);

reference to Spanish trade in, 341;

fleet from, 383;

Captain Soalin captures Spanish ships from, 518.

Ingelmüunster, 'Englemynster,' castle between Bruges and Courtrai, failure of French and Scottish enterprise on, 504.

Inquisition, the Bishop of Liege establishes in his country. 85 (p. 79), 99;

to be 'loosed' upon those in Low Countries who refuse oath to King of Spain, 96;

extends snares to entrap English subjects, 162;

French king proposes to introduce a kind of, 510 515;

persons apprehended in Florence by, 518 (p. 509);

no talk of, in France, 522.

Ireland, Venero intends to remove property from gentleman of, 45 (p. 40);

Spaniards and Italians may be employed to injury of Elizabeth in, 88;

King of Spain likely to favour rebels in, 128 (p. 129);

Duke of Lützelstein's son to go to, 144;

King of Spain said to be arming for, 175;

Knollys lands in, 280;

mentioned, 289;

reference to war in, 295;

Geoghagan refers to his insurrrection in, 308;

Franciscan friar said to be going into, by stealth, 348 (p. 339), 397 (p. 395);

Norris would do good service in, 491;

Williams would rather be in, than Low Countries. 512;

new rebellion said to have taken place in, 538 (p. 526).

Ireland, Richard, mentioned in letter from Venero to Añastro, 46.

Irish, footman of Earl of Leicester, 287 (p. 280);

not to go to England, 288 (p. 282);

friezes, taxes on, in France, 341 (p. 332);

Francisean friar to be suffragan to Bishop of Bayenx, 369;

friars go to Ireland, 397 (p. 395);

Geoghagan promises to perform services against, 437.

Isinghem, village near CorttriCk, burnt by Malcontents. 111.

Italian cornet, services of, offered to Monsieur, 18;

companies reinforcing enemy, 55;

people living in Geneva, 73 (p. 63);

troops collected for Spain and Portugal, 81;

coming to Low Countries, 100;

companies departing towards Terceras, 112;

guard for viceroy of Naples, 113 (p. 111);

prisoners in England, 114 (p. 114);

troops. 118 (p. 119);

foot, said to be going to Franche Comté and La Bresse, 122;

Franciscan friar imprisoned in Paris, 136;

troops in Low Countries, 137 (p. 134);

succours said to be near Oudenarde, 138;

forces marching to join Parma, 143 (p. 139);

friar imprisoned for ruffing with Parisian Franciscans, 150 (p. 151);

troops looked for in Low Countries, 154;

man visits Cobham, 179;

spy arrested in States' camp, 192, 203;

man sent by Parma to help Salcedo, 204;

foot passing towards Flanders, 209 (p. 209);

cavalry passing through Savoy. 226;

forces said to be coming to Bergues, 236;

ensigns arrive at Namur, 238;

in Paris, ill-will towards, 248;

troops expected by Parma, 252;

gentlemen wish to recommend Doni to Walsingham. 257, 266;

troops arrive in enemy's camp, 258;

troops of the Holy League, in Low Countries, 319;

infantry in Low Countries, statement of pay of. 388;

troops put into Lierre, 335;

troops de La Ligue Saincte at Louvain, 337 (p. 328);

troops for Spain come from Sicily to Genoa, 347;

troops de La Ligue Saincte go into Guelderland, 350;

troops in Low Countries said to be returning to Italy, 406;

bankers to leave France. 441 (p. 434);

apology against slanders of Hanses printed in, 453;

troops for Prince of Parma, 477;

troops in Low Countries said to be dying, 489;

troops to be placed in Brussels and Vilvorde, 512;

said to be going to govern at Tournay, 516;

blows pass between Germans and, 527;

troops taken at Eyndhoven, 529:

company tortures prisoners at Dunkirk, 533;

troops in Eyndhoven, 536.

Italy, news from, 4 (p. 4);

Colonna to be general in Netherlands over King of Spain's forces from, 28;

books sent to Dr Allen from, 33 (p. 30);

princes of, combine against Geneva, 33 (p. 31);

news from, 48;

reference to knitting and 'combynding' of princes in, 62 (p. 52);

army said to be coming from to Flanders, 71;

princes of, aiding Duke of Savoy against Geneva, 73 (p. 66);

news from, 74 (p. 68), 85 (p. 81), 86, 87, 88, 100, 106;

not many Englishmen in, 137 (p. 134);

banded against Netherlands, 143 (p. 139);

news from, 143 (p. 140);

great force for enemy coming from, 146;

French fail of former credit in, 162;

news from, 179;

supplies to come to Low Countries from, 180 (p. 180);

troops coming from, to aid Parma, 183 (p. 185), 184, 209 (p. 209);

soldiers of fortune coming from, to join Monsieur, 226;

French king will make known to princes of, how he has dealt for appeasing of Flanders causes, 230;

enemy's forces said to have arrived in Brabant, 235;

Ferrabosco under bond not to leave, 301;

news from, 347;

ladies at French Court receive letters from, 348 (p. 339);

Duke of Ferrara's agent goes to, to obtain money for Monsieur. 369;

Count Ottavio Landi employed by Prince of Parma in, 396 (p. 393);

Landi gives out that he is going into, 401;

Italians from Low Countries said to be returning to, 406;

Duke of Savoy will be much strengthened in, through alliance with Duke of Florence, 419;

princes of, Bishops of Glasgow and Ross send letters to, 424;

news from, 445;

preparation of forces to be sent to frontiers of, 457;

Cardinal Granvelle to go to. 465;

things peaceable in, 468;

news from, 471;

Pope allows King Philip to impose double tenths on certain commanderies in, 478;

Cardinal Granvelle may be sent into, 494 (p. 485);

Prince of Parma sends messenger to princes' Courts in, 494 (p. 485);

Prince of Parma said to be going to, 516;

forces said to be coming to Low Countries from, 535.

Ivan IV, Vasilievitch, 'The Terrible,' Czar of Russia, Emperor of Moscovia, 'the Muscovite.' King of Sweden does not wish to make peace with, 145;

said to be dead, 217(p. 217);

ambassador from, comes to England, 385, 520.