Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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-, revolts in favour of Don Antonio, 676
-, said to be still in devotion of King of Spain, 693 (p. 637).

Madrid, 239, 370.

-, 170, 254
-, Parma sends to, for reinforcements, 582
-, Governor of, 707 (2)
-, Monsieur wishes to establish Council of Finance similar to that ordained by Emperor in, 722.

Maffei, Cardinal, ordained for execution of bull in France, 94 (p. 93).

-, Magallanes, straits of, 130, 620
-, 'Magalains,' fleet of, departs to winter in Brazil, 502.

Maier, Matthew, merchant of Embden, 165.

Maine, Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles of.

Maintenon, M. de. See Angennes.

-, 'Malepina,' Monsignor Orazio, has audience with French King, 491
-, has audience with Queen Mother, 493
-, does not approve of marriage between Elizabeth and Monsieur, 508
-, appointment to bishopric of Albenga, and death, 521.

-, desire 'treves,' defeated by men of Cambrai, 1
-, defeated by Norris, 2
-, burn villages in Flanders, ib.
-, discomfited by French, 9
-, with Montigny, 10, 19
-, try to take Bruges by treason, 20
-, agree to receive aid from Spain, 35
-, skirmish between men of Cambray and, 35
-, mentioned, 40
-, hold meeting at Mons, 43
-, strong at Cambrai, 50
-, mentioned, 51
-, gathering forces at 'Ghetrinsberghe,' 53
-, general meeting of, at Mons, 60
-, Rennenberg brings reinforcements to, 67
-, do little in Flanders, 68
-, hope for victory, 72
-, cause of, against France to be terminated by battles, 78
-, Prince of Parma with, 79
-, care not for Monsieur nor his forces, 80
-, mentioned, 89
-, defeat cornets of States' horse in Flanders, 98
-, mentioned, 117, 127
-, Fervacques purposes to fight, 130
-, between Douay and Cambrai, 135, 151
-, badly payed, 167
-, round Cambrai, 172
-, mentioned, 174
-, Gentners burn town belonging to, 186
-, camp round Cambrai, 193
-, fortify Saint-Venant for their retreat, 213
-, skirmish between States' army and, 214
-, in Brabant, 215
-, beaten by States' camp at Loo, 217
-, take Breda, 249, 250
-, dislike Monsieur's dealings in Low Countries, 328
-, near Valenciennes, 335
-, re-take Saint-Ghelayne, 342
-, intend to besiege Cteau-Cambrsis, 344
-, gathering forces, 349
-, men of Cambrai and Cambrsis fight against, 359
-, angry with Parma, 446
-, grow stronger, 451
-, cornets of French horse refuse to serve, 486
-, lords, proposed meeting of, at Douay, 510, 512
-, said to have proclaimed war against Monsieur, 518
-, declare Monsieur and the French to be enemies of King of Spain, 519
-, nobility of, in doubt of their estate, 532
-, scheming for an agreement, 535
-, meeting of, at Tournay, 543, 548
-, Monsieur urges that freedom of worship will bring them to States' side, 574
-, mentioned, 578
-, division among, about admitting Spaniards, 580
-, astounded by arrival and reception of Monsieur, 581
-, leave Flanders, 583
-, papists in Flanders seek to join, 590
-, do not attach much importance to reception of, 612
-, overthrow Villiers's cornet of horse, 613
-, decide to endure yoke of Spaniard rather than that of a Frenchman, 614
-, Monsieur's negotiation with, has small progress, 627
-, take castle of Doulemont, 630
-, Aniastro goes to, 640
-, refuse to harken to Monsieur, 642
-, disagreement and contentions among, 662
-, take castle of 'Gasebeck,' 716.

-, Diego, Secretary to Spanish Embassy in Paris, 32, 254, 348 (1)
-, has audieuce of Queen Mother, 511.

Malicorne. See Chourses, Jean de.

Malines. See Mechlin.

Mallart, A. de, letter from, 686.

Mallstrom, sound of, 704 (p. 652).

Mallt. See Melle.

Mallvenda (?), letters from, intercepted in Antwerp, 716.

-, affairs of, 16, 45, 94, 370, 407 (p. 381), 455
-, Grand Master of, see Levesque
-, French King discontented with Pope's proceedings against, 491, 493
-, French said to be busy at, 574.

Man, Isle of, 57.

Mananez, John de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Mandcrscheid, Johann von, Bishop of Strasburg, 35.

Maningvil. See Manni.

-, Captain Cencio (called Maninville), Strozzi's foster-brother, 'this gentleman,' 409
-, brings letter from Cobham to Walsingham, 418
-, sent to England by Strozzi, 552
-, leaves cipher with Walsingham, 593. (Not the 'Maningvil' = Mayneville of Bowes' Correspondence, &c.)

Manriques, John, levying German foot in Tirol, 275.

Mansart. See Maulde.

Mansdale, Cornelius van, under-sheriff of Antwerp, two proclamations by, 615.

-, 'Manssel,' Charles de, concerning payment of debt to M. de Pena by, 525
-, leads Monsieur's reiters, 717.

-, Peter Ernest, Count of, departs to Luxembourg, 1
-, to take command in Luxemburg, 254
-, besieges Tournay, 384
-, to be sent as hostage to France if Monsieur will quit cause of Low Countries, 583
-, governor of Luxembourg, 707 (2).

-, Count Wolrad of, the late, 717.

-, 'La Mante,' Monsieur's companies allowed to march through, 85, 203
-, Queen Mother and Monsieur at, 220, 224, 228
-, mentioned, 232, 243, 245, 250, 252, 263
-, Monsieur leaves, 268, 271
-, mentioned, 352.

Mantua, Duke of. See Gonzaga, William of.

-, Prince of. See Gonzaga, Vincent de.

Manucci, Captain Jacomo, servant of English embassy in France, 63, 589, 687.

Manwood, Thomas, ship-owner, 492.

-, Franois de, knight of the Order and steward to the King, Commissioner to Elizabeth, 154, 155
-, 'Mauraphin,' accompanies Prince Dauphin to levy troops, 646.

Maratolle, Philippe, Doctor of Laws, Privy Councillor of States, 576.

Marburg, letter dated at, 121.

-, Charles, brings letter from Walsingham to Cobham, 695
-, Cobham speaks to Pinart about his losses, 696. (See Acts of Privy Council.)

Marchant, Jacques, Doctor of Laws, Privy Councillor of States, 576.

Marchaumont. See Clausse, Pierre.

-, Madame de. See Le Picart.

Marche, in Luxembourg, rendezvous of Spanish and Italian foot at, 574.

Marchetto, Signor, 544.

Marchville, Marchevilette, in the Ardennes, assembly held at, 548.

Marcilly, Philibert de, Sieur de Sipierre, his son gone to Marshal Coss, 94.

-, William Robert de la, Duke of Bouillon, 62
-, 'pretends right title' to princedom of Bouillon, 79
-, mentioned, 94, 154, 155, 275, 554, 637.

-, John Robert, Count of la, brother of above, 154, 155.

Marcoin, taken by Anjou's troops, 305.

'Marcuin, Anguiolo,' Milanese, to command an Italian force, 553 (p. 499).

-, Duchess of Parma, late Governess of Netherlands, 7, 16, 40, 56
-, in Paris, to oppose Monsieur's enterprise towards States, 105
-, at Namur, 446
-, rumour of her death at Namur, 497, 503
-, may be sent as hostage to France, 583
-, smally respected at Namur, 613
-, mentioned, 707 (2).

-, Queen of Navarre (Princess of Barn, Duchess of Vendme) with Monsieur at Bordeaux, 24
-, sends for Marshal Biron, 85
-, at Bourg-sur-Gironde, 94
-, mentioned, 95, 159, 162
-, privy resolutions between Monsieur and, 224
-, mentioned, 268, 275
-, ill, 379
-, in good health, 406
-, mentioned, 423
-, Queen Mother intends to meet, at Chenonceau, 491
-, intends to come to French Court, 493, 508, 521
-, at Saint-Jean-d'Angely, 553
-, to journey to French Court, 583
-, Monsieur writes to, 607
-, Monsieur trusts to negotiations of, with French King, 613
-, Queen Mother goes to meet, 619
-, desires to come to Paris, 652
-, mentioned, 657
-, visits Queen Mother at Saint-Maixent, 668
-, does not intend to return to Guyenne, 669
-, mentioned, 670, 695, 696.

Margaret, Duchess of Savoy, widow of Emanuel Philibert, daughter of Francis I, 407.

Margate, grain sent to Low Countries from, 60.

Marienburg, governor of, 707 (2).

Marivaux, 'Maryvall.' See Isle, Claude de l'.

Marle, Guillaume de, Sieur de Versigny, letter from, 403.

Marmault, M. de, with Monsieur, 293.

-, Philippe de, Sieur de Sainte-Alde-gonde, comes to Blois, and has conference with Queen Mother, 62
-, Cobham obtains news from, 63
-, mentioned, 79, 80
-, Monsieur sends letters to, 186
-, sent to Monsieur, 328
-, mentioned, 349
-, at Bruges, 359
-, goes to Monsieur, 383
-, mentioned, 384
-, in England, 386
-, reference to letters from, 404, 410
-, mentioned, 503, 509, 574
-, serving in Council of State, 576
-, mentioned, 578, 586, 587
-, reads Monsieur's speech to States-General, 599
-, Gilpin refers to conversation with, 600
-, deals with States-General about Elizabeth's satisfaction, 610
-, mentioned, 627, 644
-, Prince of Orange sends to States-General, 646, 649, 650
-, mentioned, 662.

-, -, letters from, 238, 556, 557, 656.

Marriage negotiations. See Commissioners.

Marrigni, Mme de, of Poitou, governess of Princess of Lorraine, 695.

-, Spanish galleys wrecked in gulf of, 117
-, mentioned, 234.

Marsh, , unfriendly to Bodenham, 502.

Marshall, Christopher, of Exeter College, 550

Marsillire, M. de la See Berzian.

Martena, Duko, prisoner in Friesland, 239.

-, Philibert de, sieur de Rinsard, 50
-, commanding troops at Cambrai, 375
-, to be captain of guard of archers about Monsieur, 646 (p. 600).

Martin, Bartholomey, merchant in Paris, 224.

-, Richard, loan to, from Elizabeth, 484.

Martinez, Diego, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Martini, Willem, Greffier, 577.

Martinists, the, join with Papists, 590.

Mary of Castile
-, daughter of Charles V, wife of Emperor Maximilian, expected in Spain, 7, 286
-, in Italy, 407
-, mentioned, 588.

-, late Queen of England, reference to marriage of, with Philip II, 189, 233, 277
-, mentioned, 712.

-, Queen of Scotland, 32, 57
-, rumour of attempted escape from England of, 117
-, mentioned, 130, 182, 246, 275, 311, 348
-, resigns her estate to her son, under conditions, 361
-, mentioned, 424
-, Lord Hamilton denies that he depends on, 540
-, reference to letters from, 639
-, papists hope will be set at liberty, 669.

Marzi, Cavaliero, imprisoned for riot, 85.

Maseland Sluse, Hoddesdon's expenses at, 37.

-, Mazzars, in county of Foix, King of Navarre goes to, 423
-, meeting to be held between him and Marshal Montmorency at, 444.

-, the, banished from Bruges, 217
-, Rochepot's soldiers send for priest to say, 447
-, Prince of Orange proposes to leave one church in Antwerp free for, 560 (2)
-, people of Antwerp do not wish to be sole agents in re-establishing, 581
-, Roman Catholics at Antwerp attend, at Monsieur's lodgings, 583
-, attempt to restore, in Antwerp, 585
-, claim for, delays establishment of order in Low Countries, 594
-, Monsieur granted one church in Antwerp for, 601
-, M. Theron attempts to set up, in Brussels, 608
-, said at St. Michael's, 612
-, Brussels, 'tolerated with' touching, 613
-, restored in Antwerp, 614
-, few in Antwerp repair to, 628, 646.

Mather, Edmund, reference to his conspiracy (1571) and Spanish ambassador's complicity, 235 (p. 222).

Matignon, Marshal. See Goyon, Jacques de.

Mattart, , French pirate, 94.

Matteucci, Captain Giacomo, sent by the Pope against Piccolomini, 407.

Matthias, the Archduke. See Austria.

Maugiron, Laurent de, Lieutenant-general of Dauphine, his brother suggested as ambassador to Rome, 117.

Maulde, Guillaume de, sieur de Mansart, governor of Oudenarde, turned out of town, 419.

Maulwart, M. de, 155.

Mauny, M. de, Governor of St Omer, descends suddenly on States' camp with large force, 213.

Mausdale, Cornelis van, Sheriff of Antwerp, 577.

Mauvissire, M. de, French ambassador in England. See Castelnau.

-, Madame de, Jeanne de Bochetel, 347.

Maxfield, , Captain of Scots horse, slain at 'Comen' castle, 172.

Maximilian, Archduke of Austria, 286.

May, Richard, dispatch from, 158.

'Maydavit'. See Rouxel.

-, Mayens, Mentz, Bishop of, 35
-, said to be dead, 662, 693 (p. 638).

Mayarny, M. de, 155.

'Meausens'. See Miossans.

Meaux, M. le Vidame de, with Monsieur, 293.

-, Monsieur presents abbey near, to M. de la Fert, 631.

-, Malines, 'Mechell,' 123, 167, 419
-, Great Council of, 648, 676, 693 (p. 636)
-, safe from enemy, 706
-, governor of, 707
-, secured by capture of Alost, 715.

Mecot, Cobham glad to understand that he is out of trouble, 540.

Mdavy, 'Maydavit.' See Rouxel.

-, Ferdinand, Cardinal de', brother of Grand Duke, ordering of Bologna committed to, 6, 7
-, in charge of King of Spain's business with Church, 588
-, heir to Duke of Tuscany, on his nephew's death, 670.

-, Filippo de', son of Duke of Tuscany, his death, 670, 687.

-, Francesco Maria de', Grand Duke of Tuscany and Florence, obtains castles of Pitigliano and Soriano, 7
-, mentioned, 85, 139
-, jealous of Guise's proceeding to advance his house, 162
-, Pope renews league with, 371
-, sends secretary to French King, 406
-, wishes his daughter to marry Marquis of Ponts, 454
-, offends Pope, 521
-, made knight of the Golden Fleece, 588
-, death of his son, 670, 687.

-, Maria de', daughter of above, proposed marriage of, with Marquis of Ponts, 454.

-, Don Pietro de', brother of Duke of Tuscany, 7, 16
-, companies levying in territory of Florence for service of, 94
-, gathering new soldiers, 105
-, shot at, in Lisbon, 407
-, mentioned, 424, 479.

Medina, Bernabe de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Ventura de, money owing to, 401.

- del Campo, Duarte de Crasto, taken prisoner in, 228, 389.

Mediterranean Sea, 477.

-, Adolf van, Councillor of State, employed to draw Malcontents from Parma, 574
-, serving in Council of State, 576.

Meilleraie. See Moy, Jean de.

Melle, Mallt, near Ghent, 716.

Melo, Balthazar de, money owing to, 401.

-, Pierre de, Prince of pinoy, Espinoy, 'Pino,' 'Pinoy,' letter from, referred to, 3, 10, 19, 20
-, mentioned, 35, 89, 108
-, letter of, to Four Members, referred to, 151, 174
-, makes a raid in Hainault, 217
-, reference to letters from, 335
-, between Berghes and Saint Omer, 342
-, near Dunkirk, 359
-, mentioned, 372, 373, 384, 388, 394, 404
-, his men enter Tournay, 410
-, at Ghent, 411
-, comes to Antwerp, 452
-, goes to Zealand to meet Monsieur, 486, 497
-, mentioned, 503
-, admonished not to accept office in Council of State, 574
-, mentioned, 599
-, tries to win Lalaing and Montigny to Monsieur's cause, 613
-, mentioned, 621
-, rumour that he was hurt in trying to save Prince of Orange, 642
-, to be Grand Master to Monsieur, 646, 716.

-, -, letters from, 11, 329.

-, Robert de, Marquis of Roubaix and Richebourg, 'Rysebrock,' 'Risbourg,' Viscount of Ghent, brother of above, retires from Cambray, 19
-, comes to Courtray, 20
-, his lieutenant taken prisoner at Cambray, 35
-, aids Montigny, 43, 53
-, at Arras, 135
-, withdraws from Cambray, 213
-, besieges Tournay, 384
-, wishes to be governor of Tournay, 431
-, comes to Rousselacre with troops, 446, 486
-, near Bruges, 497
-, said to have slain M. de Capres, 518
-, defeated by Scots, 532
-, does not wish to have help from Spaniards, 543
-, reference to quarrel of, with Capres, 544
-, Spanish faction persuade, to take his charge again, 563
-, in division against Spaniards, 574
-, resumes office of general of cavalry, 581
-, to be sent, as hostage to France if Monsieur will quit cause of Low Countries, 583
-, Scots take messenger bearing dispatches to, 611
-, at the camp, 612
-, will not be 'in place' where Epinoy has authority, 642
-, Governor of Artois, 707 (2).

Melun, 162, 227.

-, letter dated at, 227.

-, refuses to surrender, 49
-, surrendered, 210.

Mendez, Alvaro, partisan of Don Antonio, 256, 340.

-, Don Bernardino de Hurtado de, Spanish Ambassador in England, 15, 57
-, has not for a long time had audience of Elizabeth, 62
-, mentioned, 126
-, report addressed to Burghley, concerning demands of, against executors of Spinola, 158
-, Rogers does not accuse, of his capture, 235
-, mentioned, 254, 275
-, Elizabeth's usage of, 294
-, sent to obtain restitution of plunder from Drake, 304
-, mentioned, 314
-, wishes to avoid breach in friendship with Elizabeth, 364
-, mentioned, 458
-, complaints of, 477, 478
-, demands of, concerning Roberts's depredations, 534
-, Pinart debates Monsieur's pretensions to Low Countries with, 573
-, mentioned, 617, 620
-, rumour of practice against Elizabeth by, 621
-, said to be a creature of Alva's, 627
-, mentioned, 634, 672, 720.

-, -, letters from, 364, 377, 402, 501.

-, gentleman of House of, coming to Paris as ambassador from Spain, 389.

Meneses, Antonio de, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128.

-, Don Fernando de, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128.

-, Don Jorge de, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128.

-, Don Pedro de, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128.

-, Don Simon de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Meenen, 172, 186, 213
-, Flemish camp near, 328
-, mentioned, 329, 404
-, copy of letter from Governor of, 410
-, enemy likely to attack, 427, 431
-, mentioned, 446
-, enemy takes houses near, 497
-, Scots at, slay Germans, 518
-, Scots make successful skirmishes from, 532
-, enemy resolved to attack, 560 (2)
-, enemy thought to have enterprise on, 563, 580, 582
-, people of Lille insist on an attack upon, 594
-, enemy besieging, 605, 611
-, garrison of, takes prisoners from enemy, 612
-, enemy near, 613
-, mentioned, 621
-, enemy 'makes show' to besiege, 628, 631 640
-, French companies enter, 643
-, mentioned, 662, 665
-, news from, 681
-, enemy determines to lay siege to, 697
-, governor of, 707
-, enemy repulsed from, 719.

Mennens, Guillaume, usher of Council of State, 576.

Menuche, Bernardo de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Meppell, 42.

Merchant Adventurers
-, the Company, 29, 60, 119, 165
-, Gilpin dispatched with letters to Emperor from Elizabeth by, 168
-, complaints of injury done to Empire by, 211
-, Hanse towns solicit, against Count of East Friesland, 545
-, Count writes to thank, 547
-, wish Gilpin to go to Diet of Augsburg, 610, 626.

-, letters to, 304.

Mercur, Duke of. See Lorraine, Philip Emmanuel of.

-, Duchess of. See Luxembourg, Marie de.

Mrode, Bernard de, sieur de Rumen, lieutenant to Prince of Orange, governor of Friesland, 707.

-, Guillaume de, sieur de Waroux, (?) son of above and brother of following, wounded, 98.

-, Robert de, sieur de Thiant, 78
-, commanding forces in enterprise against Bthune, 89, 98
-, disaster to troops under, 108
-, at Tournay, 329
-, troops of, admitted into Oudenarde, 419
-, Gantois refuse to allow regiment of, to enter town, 448
-, fails in enterprise on Alost, 503
-, quarrel between Yorke and, 603
-, takes Alost, 701, 702, 706
-, governor of Nynove, 707
-, appointed governor of Alost, 716, 717.

Merville, village, burnt by States' forces, 89.

Mesa, Maria de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, N. de, Seigneur de Malassise and de Roissi, councillor of Queen Mother, 104
-, deposed from his Chancellor's 'room,' 511
-, in favour with young Queen, 517.

-, 85, 389, 493
-, government of, bestowed on M. de Rambouillet, 572
-, rendezvous of Swiss and German reiters at, 676.

Meure, M. de la, in command of Brianon, 75.

-, 'Mose,' river, Norris general of troops beyond, 453
-, blocked between Mezires and Mousson, 636
-, mentioned, 642, 693, 707 (2).

-, 574
-, Meuse blocked below, 636, 662
-, mentioned, 693 (p. 638).

-, Colonel, serving States, 2
-, nearly taken by Malcontents, 9
-, mentioned, 707.

Michell, Dr. Josephus, attending on Prince of Orange, 693.

-, 'Madelbourghe,' 'Midebourg,' Gilpin's expenses at, 41
-, mentioned, 54, 168, 186
-, Rochepot and his troops at, 420, 503
-, reference to Monsieur's reception at, 583.

-, letters dated at, 495, 496.

Middleton, Mydelton, Thomas, searcher at Dover, 12.

-, 'Symond,' of Ingleton, near Stanerruppe in Yorkshire, 12, 619.

-, William, son of above, sent to Spain, 12.

Midle Harnesse, Hoddesdon's expenses at, 37.

-, 85, 130
-, rumour that companies levied in, will descend into Saluces, 268
-, companies from, marching towards Flanders, 275
-, mentioned, 407
-, Archduke Ferdinand repairs to, 573
-, French said to be busy in, 574
-, Duchy of, King of Spain offers to Monsieur, with his daughter as wife, 583
-, people levied for Spanish King in, 588
-, murders committed in, 588
-, mentioned, 667, 668, 669.

-, Governor of. See Guzman y Zuiga.

Mildmay, Anthony, son of Sir Walter, nephew to Walsingham, 592.

-, -, letter from, 596.

-, Francis, knight, 437.

-, Humfrey, son of following, 392, 540, 549, 700.

-, Walter, knight, Chancellor of the Exchequer, 88, 392.

- -, letter to, 38.

Miletire, 'Myllytyre,' M. de la, 700.

Milles, Francis, Walsingham's secretary, 560 (1).

-, Amina, castle of St. George of, to be given to Elizabeth, 176, 179
-, Elizabeth sends squadron to, 180
-, 'Elmina,' 'the Mine,' 481.

-, the, of Henry III, 16, 104
-, procure themselves rich marriages, 104
-, mentioned, 130
-, send horses and arms to Monsieur's followers, 228
-, mentioned, 340, 391
-, list of, 469
-, mentioned, 652.

Miossans, 'Meansens.' See d'Albret.

-, French camp at, 151, 172
-, French defeated at, 173.

Mirebeau, 'Mirbo,' 657.

Mocqueron, Mouscron. See Barre.

Molan, 'Moleen,' M. de Fleury at, 85.

Moler, Andries Vander, Echevin, 576.

Monceaux, Guillaume de Hamal, Baron de [husband of Cornelia de Lalaing], lieutenant of Verdugo, before Stenwyk, 693 (p. 637).

Monday, Henry, merchants' factor, 7.

Mondon, M. de, in England with Duke of Bouillon, 155.

-, Cristobal de, Captain, 45
-, besieges Tournay, 384
-, Parma wishes to place, as Governor of Tournay, 446
-, sent to Namur, 532
-, Parma's lieutenant at Tournay, 707 (2).

-, Dr. Christopher, 4
-, his heirs, 18.

Monlieu, M. de, 155.

Monluc, Jean de, Seigneur de Balagny, 375.

Monnange, J. de, letter from, 251.

Monrason, Count of, 155.

-, in Hainault, 12
-, meeting of chief Malcontents in, 43
-, de Bours prisoner at, 53
-, enquiries touching Roger's captivity sent to Spain from, 57
-, meeting of Malcontents at, 60, 67, 79
-, trouble at, 89
-, meeting convoked at, 108
-, mentioned, 117, 167
-, Prince of Epinoy raids, 217
-, mentioned, 235
-, Parma retiring towards, 329, 335
-, enemy's forces near, 432
-, mentioned, 446, 512, 544
-, Lalaing at, 613
-, reference to book against Elizabeth sold at, 617
-, rejoicings at, over Prince of Orange's wound, 642.

Monsieur. See Francis, Duke of Anjou and Alenon.

'Monsuicth'. See Nonsuch.

Montafi, Countess of. See Coesmes.

Montaigu, Montagu, 62, 95.

Montalvan, Hernando de, ship belonging to, taken by Knollys, 478.

Montalvo, Licentiate, money owing to, 401.

-, 32
-, King of Navarre appoints meeting with Cond and deputies of the Religion at, 75, 85, 130, 148, 159, 173, 190
-, deputies of Dauphin at, on their way to Court, 210.

Montbreny. See Brunnyo.

Monte, Jan Baptista del, lieutenant-general of Malcontents, taken prisoner, 9.

Monteus, Jacop, Echevin, 577.

Montereau-faut-Yonne, 'fauguyon,' 224, 268.

Montferrant, near Bordeaux, King and Princess of Navarre to meet Monsieur at, 94 (p. 92).

-, county of, Duke of Mantua fears that Duke of Savoy has secret intelligence with, 634
-, Duke of Savoy levying troops for enterprise on, 687.

Montfort, in Armagnac, taken by Huguenots, 521.

Montgomery, Count. See Lorges.

Montigny, 'Mountanye.' See Lalaing, Emanuel de.

Montigny. See Grange.

Montlieu, M. de, son of M. de Jarnac. See Chabot.

Montlivre, Count, accompanies Dukes of Lorraine and Guise, 423.

Montmartin, M. de, of Lorraine, to be Colonel of reiters, 717.

-, Charles de, Baron of Damville (late Sieur de Mru), brother of Duke, comes to Court, 252
-, mentioned, 698.

-, Franois du Hallot de, with Monsieur, 293.

-, Henry de, Duke of Montmorency (late Sieur de Damville), Marshal of France, seeks to be restored to King of Navarre's favour, 32
-, has conference with Monsieur at Toulouse, 44
-, mentioned, 49
-, sent by Monsieur to see peace established in Languedoc, 62, 99
-, entertains Count of Vimioso, 118
-, mentioned, 162, 252
-, King wishes Joyeuse to have government of Languedoc instead of, 361
-, likely to join with Huguenots, 362
-, mentioned, 406, 423, 444
-, Bishop Lenoncourt a favourer of, 469
-, to be Captain of the 'Toyles,' 508
-, Huguenots complain of injustice shown them by, 321
-, mentioned, 634.

-, Pierre de, Marquis of Fosseux and Thury, with Commissioners to Elizabeth, 154, 155.

-, House of, 16, 379.

Montpensier, Duke of. See Bourbon, Louis de.

-, Duchess of. See Lorraine, Catherine of.

Montreal, Count of, sent to England from Duke of Savoy, 517, 634.

-, 'Muttrell,' 'Montrill,' 320
-, money to be sent to, from England, 325
-, Monsieur gathering forces near, 373.

Montrichart, on the road from Blois to Chenonceau, 25.

Morales, Garcia Lopes, money owed to, 401.

Moravians, overthrow Turks, 7.

'Morcele', castle of, near Lykerke, 676.

Moret, 7, 16, 32, 44, 222, 540.

-, letter dated at, 713.

Morgan, John, servant to Herle, 621.

-, Thomas, Colonel in States' army, 11, 196, 574, 642, 707, 716.

-, -, English Papist spy in Paris, former secretary to Earl of Shrewsbury, 16, 513, 517, 541, 550
-, reference to letter to, 619, 668
-, mentioned, 669.

-, William, Welsh priest, 541.

-, , of Islington, reference to letter from, to Bishop of Ross, 619.

-, 7
-, Huguenot ships preparing at, 95
-, ships at, preparing to start for 'Morlese,' Scotland, 21.

-, Philippe de, Seigneur du Plessis-Marly, reference to letter from, 172
-, goes to Prince of Orange, 383
-, mentioned, 384, 387, 388, 419, 432
-, people of Antwerp wish to retain as councillor, 448
-, in Zealand with Prince of Orange, 498
-, mentioned, 509, 533
-, not going to Monsieur, 583
-, reference to letter from King of Navarre to, 593
-, may be sent to Diet at Augsburg, 612
-, mentioned, 627
-, seldom leaves Prince of Orange, 646 (p. 599)
-, Monsieur presents money to, 717.

-, -, letters from, 125, 334, 679, 694.

-, Pierre de, Seigneur de Buhy, brother of above, sent from Monsieur to King, 245
-, with Monsieur, 293
-, sent to Elizabeth from Monsieur, 305.

Mornow, Captain, 10.

Moro, Zuane. 'Clarmo. Johanne,' new ligier of Venice in Paris, Cobham visits, 667.

Morone, Giovanni, Cardinal, his death, 7, 16.

Morris, Captain, sent with company to Bruges, 427.

Morris, Thomas, minister in Kent, receiver of papists, 634.

Morrish, , papist, 668 (p. 622).

Mortara, Genoese merchant, 256.

Morton, 'Mate,' Dr Nicholas, seminary-man of Rome, reference to insurrection contrived by, 712.

-, Earl of. See Douglas James.

Mothe-Fnelon, la. See Salignac, Bertrand de.

Mothe de Saint-Hraye, la, 'La Motte,' house belonging to M. Lansac, King and Queen of Navarre meet Queen Mother at, 668.

Motte, M. de la. See Pardieu.

Motte, de la, captain in kings's guards, 228 (p. 217).

Motthe aux Ausnaize, M. de la, 155.

Moulart, Mathieu, Bishop of Arras, sent to King of Spain from disunited provinces, 614.

Moulins, 106.

'Mounburnio'. See Brunnyo.

Mousbeck, M. de, Governor of Aire, 707 (2).

Mouscron, castle of, States' camp at, 335.

Mouscron, M. de. See Barre.

Mousson, Meuse blocked above, 636.

Mouy, Muy, M. de. See Vaudrey, Charles Louis de.

Moy, Henrich de, secretary to the city of Antwerp, 577.

-, Jacques de, brother of the following, Sieur de Pierrecourte, Bishop of Ross has conference with, 424.

-, Jean de, Seigneur de la Meilleraye, Vice-Admiral of France, 94.

Mulan, Adrian, Hoddesdon gives money to, 101.

-, defeat Poles, 7
-, reference to war against, 426.

Muscovite Ambassador
-, the, 130
-, Pope sends, back with presents, 162.

Muscovite, the. See Ivan.

Muscovy. See Russia.

Mylen, Adrien van der, Doctor of Laws, serving in Council of State, 576.