Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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La Couture Ste Catherine, Walsingham's lodging in Paris, 348 (1).

Laet, Jan de, Colonel, of Antwerp, 577.

La Fre
-, 24, 72, 99
-, Queen Mother's dealings at, 289
-, mentioned, 295
-, Captain of, 443.

Laillet, , Captain of Huguenot ships, 95.

Lalaing, Antoine de, Count of Hoochstraet, mentioned as brother of Count of Rennenberg, 707.

-, Emanuel Philibert de, Seigneur de Montigny, at Courtray, 1
-, at Tournay and Nynhove, 10
-, moves to Cassel and Saint-Omer, 19
-, comes to Courtray, 20
-, ranging up and down near Oudenarde, 35
-, escapes attack from men of Ghent, 43
-, at 'Ghetringsberghe,' 53, 89
-, at Poperingen, 98
-, reported to be coming to Flanders, 173, 174
-, said to have retired from Malcontents' camp, 186
-, discord quieted between Parma and, 193
-, descends suddenly on States' camp, with large force, 213
-, nearly taken prisoner by States' men, 214
-, repulsed at Loo, 215
-, on the frontier between Artois and Flanders, 217
-, marching towards Lille, 329, 335
-, besieging Tournay, 384
-, Parma displeased with, 404
-, wounded at Tournay, 410, 411
-, wishes to be governor of Tournay, 431
-, comes to Rousselaere with troops, 446, 486
-, near Bruges, 497
-, allows his soldiers to plunder, 518
-, defeated by Scots, 532
-, does not wish to have help from Spaniards, 543
-, has accident whilst riding, 563
-, in division against Spaniards, 574
-, said to have broken his leg, 580
-, to be sent as hostage to France if Monsieur will quit cause of Low Countries, 583
-, Monsieur practising with, 613
-, Monsieur's negotiation with, has small progress, 627
-, repulsed at Lens, 640
-, will not agree with Monsieur, 642
-, attempt to win, to Monsieur in case of Prince of Orange's death, 649
-, rumour of his death before Lens, 676.

-, Georges de, Count of Rennenberg, Baron de Ville, Governor of Friesland, defeated by Norris, 2
-, brings men, money, victuals and weapons to Malcontents, 67
-, former Governor of Overyssel, 707.

-, Philippe de, Count of Lalaing, 35, 89
-, wishes to be Governor of Tournay, 431
-, does not wish to have help from Spaniards, 543
-, mentioned, 563
-, in division against Spaniards, 574
-, to be sent as hostage to France if Monsieur will quit cause of Low Countries, 583
-, Monsieur practising with, 613
-, cannot abide Prince of Orange's greatness, 642
-, attempt to win, to Monsieur in case of Prince of Orange's death, 649
-, Governor of Hainault, 707 (2).

-, Philippa Christiana de, sister of above, wife of Prince of Epinoy, defends Tournay, 394
-, mentioned, 574
-, tries to win Lalaing and Montigny to Monsieur's cause, 613
-, rumour that she was slain in trying to save Prince of Orange, 642.

Lancastro, gentleman of house of, 540.

Lancosme. See Savary.

Landi, Claudio, Count, conspiracy of, 139.

-, Pier, brings news of Elizabeth's betrothal to Monsieur, 413, 414.

-, enemy near, 329
-, said to have been taken by men of Cambrai, 681
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

Langhe, Jehan de, German Secretary, 576.

Langres, Bishop of. See Prusse, Charles de.

-, deputy from
-, Cond in, 7, 32
-, Turenne and Montmorency sent by Monsieur to see peace established in, 62
-, King of Spain's practices in, 75
-, deputies of, promise to surrender towns, 99
-, Huguenots of to be reconciled at Montauban, 159
-, churches of, wellsatisfied with peace, 195
-, Joyeuse to have government of, 361
-, hope of peace in, 423
-, Huguenots in, practised with to take arms against King, 430
-, Strozzi writes from, 454
-, Huguenots take Montfort in, 521.

Languet, Hubert, his death, 350, 365.

Lansac, M. de. See Saint Gelais.

Lanury, Mattheus de, Echevin of Antwerp, 577.

Larache 'Alarache'
-, in Barbary, Spanish fleet preparing for, 502
-, mentioned, 522.

Lardeo, Alleretho,' poet in Biscay, 458.

Latimer, Mr. See Neville, Edmund.

-, translation to be made of marriage contract, 216
-, translation of 'Joyous Entry,' 587.

-, Pope put dissension between Swiss cantons about choosing Bishop of, 246
-, Bishop of. See Gorrevod.

Lautern, letters dated at 14, 18, 664

Laval, house of M. de Laval, 95.

- See Coligny, Guy de.

Lavalette, the elder. See Nogaret, Bernard de.

-, the younger. See Nogaret, Jean Louis de.

Laverdin. See Beaumanoir, Jean de.

Lawrence, Francis, Dutchman resident in Lisbon, 528.

Lay, Liey, John, master of Flower-de-Luce, 402.

'Layng', Count of. See Lalaing, Philippe de.

Leaden Hall, Spinola receives money from Commissioners of, 158.

League, Ligue, Catholic, the, constrain Huguenots to take arms, 454.

-, Jean de, Sieur de Puygaillard, 'Pye Gallyard,' sent to Compigne in command of gendarmery, 228
-, with Monsieur, 271.

Lebby, Christopher, alias for Blechington, Thomas (q.v.), 572.

'Le Berge'. See Liberge.

Leeffdael, Rogier van, Echevin of Antwerp, 577.

Leeuwarden in Friesland
-, 'Streuwarden' (?), relieved, 78
-, 'Lee Werden,' 421.

Leghorn, Duke of Tuscany at, 588.

Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert.

Leigh, John, merchant of London, 542.

-, Custodio, Diego Botelho sends letter by, 103
-, 'Leyton,' with Count Vimiso in Paris, 256
-, 'Leytam,' letter-bearer from Betelho, 530.

Leito, Fray Estevan, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128.

Lennox, Earl of. See Stuart, Esm.

-, Lady. See Entragues, Catherine de Balsac d'.

-, Philippe de, Abb of Barbeau, Bishop, with French King at St. Germain, 49
-, Burghley notes as favourer of Huguenots, 469.

-, Giles de, Baron d' Aubigny, descends suddenly on States' camp with large force, 213
-, at Rousselaere, 486
-, near Bruges, 497.

-, in Artois, enterprise of French upon, 532
-, taken by States' army, 638, 640
-, enemy departs to, 642
-, Frenchmen take, 643, 646
-, Parma marches to besiege, 647
-, burghers of, carried prisoners to Cambray, 651
-, reference to taking of, 656
-, Parma besieges, 658
-, French fortify, 662
-, enemy besieging, 663, 665, 666, 676
-, reference to taking of, by enemy, 681, 693 (p. 637)
-, governor of, 707 (2).

Leon, 'Lyon,' reference to former kingdom of, 190 (p. 178).

Lepe, 'Leape,' Ayamonte's troops at, 69.

Le Picart, Marie, Mme de Marchaumont, letters to, 227, 237.

Lescano, Don Peter de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, L'Escluse, Lescluize (Nord), Parma lying near, 151
-, taken by Monsieur, 317, 331.

L'Escu de France, inn at Abbeville, 325.

Lesdiguires. See Bonne, Franois de.

-, tienne, 'Sidney's Stephen,' leaves Antwerp on business of Daniel Rogers, 167
-, carries letter from Rogers to Assonleville, 170, 235
-, back at Antwerp, 612.

-, -, letter from, 617.

-, John, Bishop of Ross, Secretary to Mary, Queen of Scots, reference to letter from, 32
-, corresponding with Mendoza, 57
-, mentioned, 190, 348
-, goes to Rome, 371
-, takes hold of every occasion where he may show his factious mind, 424
-, causes Campion's book to be printed, 489
-, presents book to French King, 491, 493
-, mentioned, 508, 517, 521, 550
-, reference to intercepted letter to, 619.

'Lesmonte, Conti di,' [qy. Earl of Leicester], 515.

-, le Pine, French Captain in States' army, routs Malcontents, 78
-, wounded, 98.

Le Veneur
-, Tanneguy, Seigneur de Carrouges, Count of Tillires, appointed Commissioner for marriage-treaty of Monsieur with Elizabeth, 23
-, mentioned, 44
-, authorised commissioner to Elizabeth, 62
-, French King's commission to, 81
-, King causes company of men-at-arms of, to make muster, 85
-, mentioned, 100, 243.

Levesque de la Cassire
-, Jean, Grand Master of Malta, committed to chief inquisitor, 16 (p. 23)
-, 45 (p. 50)
-, arrives in Rome and has audience of the Pope, 407 (p. 381).

Levis, Antoine de, Comte de Queylus, seneschal of Rouergue, created knight of St. Esprit, 493.

Lewes, Dr., English papist in Italy, 541.

-, Dr. David, Judge of the Admiralty, letter from, 672.

-, Count, or Elector, Palatine, 498
-, his wife dead, and himself ill, 693 (p. 638).

-, Don, Infante of Portugal, Don Antonio claims to be legitimate son of, 207.

-, Landgrave of Hesse, letter from, 121.

Leycester, George, 503.

Leyden, in Holland, 11.

Leyton, Leytam, Custodio. See Leitao.

Leyva, Alonso de, money owing to, 401.

Liancourt, King goes to, 423.

-, Jehan, sent to Cobham from Henry III, 7
-, dispatched to England, 16.

Libourne, Monsieur at, 99, 117.

Licques, 'Lickeques,' M. de. See Recourt.

-, Lewke, 43
-, Duchess of Parma at, 79
-, Ernest of Bavaria to be installed bishop at, 94, 239
-, reference to feigned discourse made by fugitives at, 384
-, Bergen and Hautepenne at, 509.

-, Cardinal of. See Groesbeck, Ernest.

-, 167
-, governor of, 707.

-, Lietkerke, castle of, near Alost, enemy lays siege to, 666
-, not besieged by enemy, 671
-, secured by capture of Alost, 715.

-, Risselles [i.e. Ryssel], news from, 53
-, mentioned, 89, 135
-, attempt to surprise, 186
-, refuses to take in soldiers, 328
-, Montigny marching towards, 329
-, States' camp attacking places near, 335
-, enemy preparing to attack, 349
-, Parma marching towards, 359
-, news from, 404
-, men of, offer money to get Menin, 446
-, mentioned, 486
-, news from, 512, 518
-, mentioned, 549, 563
-, enemy collects artillery at, 594
-, enemy collects pioneers from country near, 605
-, enemy near, 611, 613
-, reference to book prejudicial to Elizabeth sold at, 617
-, castle near, besieged by enemy, 628
-, Malcontents take house near, 640
-, mentioned, 642
-, news from, 643
-, cannon from, sent to Lens, 651
-, mentioned, 662
-, news from, 665
-, mentioned, 697
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

Lima, money taken from merchants of, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Lymborough, La Noue imprisoned at, 43, 151
-, governor of, 707 (2).

Limeuil, ? Galliot and Francois de, 'nephews (i.e. cousins) to Turenne, 16 (p. 20).

Limours, Lymeurs, house near Paris given by King to Joyeuse, 348, 379.

-, 6, 7
-, 'Lasheborne,' plague in, 13, 16
-, fleet preparing at, against England, 69
-, ships at, 92
-, parliament at, 105
-, houses prepared at, for King of Spain, 118
-, mentioned, 158
-, sworn to Don Antonio, 190
-, Don Antonio asks Elizabeth to send ships to, 207
-, Frenchmen imprisoned at, 209
-, mentioned, 256
-, news from, 275
-, King Philip at, 407
-, Alva's lodging in, blown up with gunpowder, 424
-, mentioned, 425
-, King of Spain at, 502
-, German and Dutch merchants resident in, 528
-, King's Court at, 590
-, ships from, might be employed against Dunkirk, 613
-, mentioned, 621
-, ships from, arrive at Antwerp, 693 (p. 637)
-, ships depart from, for Indies, 716.

-, letters dated at, 308, 314.

Livonia, part of, to be given to Poland, 94.

Livron, Huguenots desire to keep, 190, 210.

Lochem, letter dated at, 218.

Loches, Montgomery at, 44.

Locke, , letter-bearer from Bodenham, 13.

Lodi, Bishop of. See Taberna.

Lohorayne [qy. O'Halloran], John, Irish Jesuit, 550.

Loire, the, deputies of Reformed churches from, to be made to understand peace negotiations, 159.

Lokeren, 'Lochre called van Eynde,' colonel governor of Berghes-Wynoxand Veuren, 707.

Lombardy, 667.

-, 4, 11, 103, 152
-, Spinola receives payment from Chamber of, 158
-, mentioned, 199, 211, 235, 275
-, citizens of, 355
-, Don Antonio leaves, 356
-, Ymans sent to England on behalf of Flemish merchants in, 398
-, ships belonging to merchants of Amsterdam arrested in, 400
-, mentioned, 415, 440
-, reference to Spaniards said to be imprisoned in, 458
-, merchants of, 462
-, money sent to Papists at Rheims from, 521
-, ships of, 529
-, Portuguese goods taken to from Bristol, 534
-, mentioned, 550, 574, 634, 637, 672, 673
-, merchants of, 704
-, Corporation of, 708.

-, letters dated at, 158, 347, 364, 377, 402, 488, 501, 530, 620, 639, 672, 710, 711.

London, Bishop of. See Grindal, Edmund.

Longarte, Alfonso Lopes de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Longjumean, letter dated at, 567.

Longle, M., to be French King's agent in Spain, 606.

Longua [qy. Langon], letter dated at, 159.

Longston, Thomas, 66, 692.

Longueval, Maximilian, sieur de Vaux, afterwards count of Bucquoy, letter to, 46.

-, 108
-, States' camp at, 193
-, mentioned, 213, 214
-, States' camp at, 215, 217
-, mentioned, 328
-, enemy near, 611.

Lopetius, Dr. See Lopez, Ruy.

Lopez, Pantaleon, money owing to, 401.

-, Ruy, Dr., 147, 163, 248, 669
-, brother of, goes to England, 392.

Loreno, Lewis, money owing to, 401.

-, Jacques de, Count of Montgomry, 44
-, Bze writes to, 87
-, retires from Fervacques's troops, 182
-, with Monsieur, 287, 293
-, mentioned, 469.

-, M. de, with Monsieur, 293.

-, Anne of, youngest daughter of Nicholas of, Count of Vaudemont, 24, 146
-, proposed marriage of Lavalette with, 348, 361, 619.

-, Catherine of, Duchess of Montpensier, 16, 117, 228.

-, Charles III, Duke of, Duke and Cardinal of Guise go to Court of, 16
-, Duke of Guise with, 62
-, mentioned, 340, 348
-, King desires to give satisfaction to, 361
-, fights in tournament at Court, 370, 371
-, expects favour from King, 389
-, at Council, 391
-, has long talk with Queen Mother, 392
-, proposed marriage of son of, with Duke of Tuscany's daughter, 406
-, mentioned, 414, 423, 619.

-, Charles of, Duke of Mayenne, or Maine, 'Mena,' 16
-, rumour of secret treaty between Lesdiguires and, 62
-, mentioned, 75, 95, 148
-, French King entertains, 182
-, to command troops in Dauphin, 190, 191
-, mentioned, 203
-, his army diminished by Privy Council, 210
-, mentioned, 224
-, to be dispatched to Dauphin, 228, 246
-, mentioned, 275, 352
-, Churches of Dauphin complain of, 388
-, razes walls of towns in Dauphin, 407
-, mentioned, 454, 455
-, statement of forces in Dauphin under, 470
-, French King seeks to compound with, for office of Admiralty, 553
-, to command troops levied in France, 606
-, mentioned, 652
-, offers services to Monsieur, 666
-, mentioned, 668, 670.

-, Charles de, Duke of Aumle, 117, 228
-, fights in tournament at Court, 370
-, French King goes to christen son of, 414, 438
-, mentioned, 423, 454, 516, 517.

-, Charles de, Cardinal of Vaudemont, 391.

-, Christine of, daughter to Duke of, proposed marriage of Duke of Savoy with, 361, 370, 389, 392, 406, 407
-, mentioned, 414
-, ill, 423
-, mentioned, 429
-, Duke of Savoy does not wish to marry, 438, 454
-, mentioned, 508, 511
-, Queen Mother does not press marriage of Duke of Savoy with, 517.

-, Claude de, Abb du Bec, Chevalier d'Aumale, brother to Duke of Aumle, 517.

-, Franois de, Count of Chausseins, 'Chosyne,' Queen regnant's halfbrother, Villequier's daughter to marry, 414.

-, Henry of, Duke of Guise, goes to Paris, 16
-, plots with Scotland, 21
-, feasts his kinsfolk at 'Jenville,' 62
-, sends Frenchmen to Scotland, ib.
-, mentioned, 75
-, 'the Guisart,' 78
-, no friendship between Monsieur and, 104
-, in Paris, 117
-, mentioned, 148, 162, 224, 228, 268, 275, 340, 348
-, kicked by Joyeuse's horse, 361
-, fights in tournament at Court, 370
-, entertains King at Dampierre, 379
-, mentioned, 389
-, at Council, 391
-, mentioned, 407, 414, 423, 424, 429, 433, 438, 443
-, has secret meeting with chief Catholics, 454
-, mentioned, 469, 489, 493, 516, 517
-, Schomberg brought up as page with, 551
-, mentioned, 553
-, quarrel between Marquis of Elbuf and, 572
-, said to have written to Pope to accuse Monsieur of plotting to overthrow Catholic church, 574
-, friends of, in Antwerp, 574
-, competitor for office of Constable, 606
-, party to Spanish causes in Antwerp, 621
-, mentioned, 634, 652
-, offers services to Monsieur, 666
-, uses 'tempting speeches' to noblemen, 668
-, boasts of having means to deliver Scottish Queen, 669
-, goes to Normandy, 670.

-, Henri of, Marquis of Pont--Mousson, eldest son of Duke of Lorraine, proposed marriage of, with Duke of Tuscany's daughter, 406, 454.

-, Louis of, Cardinal of Guise, goes to Burgundy, 16
-, sets out for Rome, 162
-, mentioned, 228, 268, 407, 429, 511, 517, 634, 652, 668, 670.

-, Louise, daughter to Nicholas of, Count of Vaudemont, wife of Henry III, 7
-, goes to Chenonceau, 16
-, mentioned, 24, 32, 48, 62, 94, 117, 148, 200, 203, 220
-, present at audience of Cobham and Somers with King, 268
-, mentioned, 275, 361, 370, 406, 414, 423, 429, 433, 493, 511
-, departs on a pilgrimage to Chartres, 517, 521, 522
-, returns from Chartres 541
-, performs another pilgrimage, 553, 616
-, King shows kindness to, 619
-, mentioned, 668.

-, -, letter from, 338.

-, Margaret of, daughter to Nicholas of Vaudemont, the young queen's sister, match concluded between M. d'Arques and, 268, 271
-, mentioned, 275
-, reference to marriage of, with Arques, 312, 348
-, mentioned, 429, 511
-, goes on pilgrimage to Chartres, 521.

-, Marie de, Duchess of Aumle, 516, 521.

-, Mary of, mother to Queen of Scotland, reference to her death, 275.

-, Nicholas of, late Count of Vaudemont, proposed marriage between Prince Dauphin and widow of, 117, 148.

-, Philip Emmanuel of, Duke of Mercur, 203, 275, 348
-, fights in tournament at Court, 370
-, mentioned, 429, 517
-, competitor for office of Constable, 606
-, mentioned, 619, 652.

-, Ren of, Marquis of Elbuf, 162
-, gathering bands and troops of horse, 190
-, Monsieur appoints him his lieutenant, 203
-, gathers troops to serve Monsieur, 224, 271
-, with Monsieur, 287, 293
-, created Knight of St. Esprit, 493
-, quarrel between Duke of Guise and, 572
-, said not to wish Retz to be made Duke, 606
-, Monsieur declines services of, 631

-, Duchess of. See Valois, Claude de.

-, Princes of, King feasts, 348.

-, of, daughter to Duke of Guise, marriage proposed between Count of Soissons and, 117.

-, province of, 16
-, reiters in, 269
-, mentioned, 388, 423, 662.

Lorrainers, assembly of, held at Marchville, 548.

Loudunois, Dame de. See Rohan.

-, 9, 384
-, reference to letters from, 541
-, Tympel thought to have enterprise on, 706
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

-, the, 414, 423, 429, 493, 517
-, King makes private gallery from his cabinet to Duke of Joyeuse in, 606
-, King appoints monastery of Cordeliers behind, 619
-, mentioned, 668, 669.

Lvenich, Adam von, letter from, 345.

-, adviser to Prince of Orange, 3
-, mentioned, 212
-, reference to letter to, 372
-, mentioned, 378
-, quarrel between Burgundian and, 384
-, mentioned, 404
-, complaints made against, in Flanders, 446
-, mentioned, 509
-, Monsieur said to dislike, 574
-, mentioned, 583 ;
-, Hochtmans requests that he will do all he can to preserve Reformed Church, 608
-, in favour with Monsieur, 627
-, constantly with Prince of Orange, 646 (p. 599).

-, -, letters from, 356, 496, 715.

-, -, letters to, 365, 386, 387.

-, 63
-, sends syndic of Hanse to Emperor's Court 165
-, mentioned, 211
-, assembly of Hanse towns at, 381
-, Senate of, 542
-, mentioned, 704 (p. 650), 724.

-, letter dated at, 381.

Lucas, Claus, master of Andreas, 158.

Lucca, 158.

Lude, M. de. See Daillon.

Lullini, Alvise, letter from, 690.

'Lumelino', Baptist, 158.

-, Marie de, wife of la Noue, requests that Elizabeth may have compassion on la Noue, 62
-, mentioned, 117.

Ltzelstein, Duke of. See George Hans.

-, town of, letter dated at, 390.

-, 1, 2, 35
-, Malcontents make towards, 80
-, King Philip praises Parma for subduing disorders in 239
-, Count Mansfelt to take command in, 254
-, Malcontents receive help from, 349
-, mentioned, 503
-, Spaniards and Italians come to, 532, 574, 580
-, Malcontents ask Parma to keep Spaniards near, 581
-, Parma sends to, for reinforcements, 582
-, footmen come from 605
-, mentioned, 636
-, troops arrive daily at, 693 (p. 638)
-, governor of, 707 (2).

-, Marie de, Duchess of Mercur, 429, 521

-, 402, 442
-, Spanish smack taken to, by English pirates, 477
-, ship of, plunders Spaniards, 478.

-, letter dated at, 248.

Lyon, Margaret, wife of Lord Hamilton, said to be at Angers, 606.

Lyonnois, Swiss Cantons to be paid by customs in, 511

-, 6, 45
-, Duke of Maine at, 75
-, great wild wolf passes through, 130
-, money sent to, from Spain, 246
-, news from, 275
-, mentioned, 479, 492
-, Swiss Cantons to be paid by customs in, 511
-, Duke of Mayne arrives at, 541
-, Huguenots said to have surprised, 572
-, mentioned, 631
-, infantry coming from, 636.

Lys, river, 613, 630.