Index: N

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: N". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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-, Malcontents assembling forces near, 78
-, Prince of Parma said to be at, 186
-, mentioned, 239, 446
-, Parma at, 452, 497, 499, 503
-, trouble about, 532
-, mentioned, 574
-, Parma sends to, for reinforcements, 582
-, Italian and Spanish captains arrive at, 588
-, footmen come from, 605
-, Duchess of Parma at, 613
-, supplies cut off from, 636
-, failure of enterprise on, 658, 662, 681
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

-, 7
-, Huguenot ships leave, 95
-, mentioned, 182, 190
-, 'Naunce,' river of, 248
-, Don Antonio on his way to, 499
-, question as to why Strozzi did not repair to, 723.

Nanteuil, Count of Schomberg's house, 423.

-, tumult in, 7
-, Kingdom of, 56
-, Duke of Osuna to be 'placed' Viceroy of, 117, 130
-, news from, 139
-, Spanish companies from, 275, 407
-, Parma to be Viceroy of, 452
-, King of Spain's arms said to have been thrown down in, 562
-, French said to be busy at, 574
-, rumour of troubles at, 581
-, people levied for Spanish King in, 588
-, mentioned, 668.

-, Viceroy of. See Osuna, Duke of.

-, Archbishop of. See Capua, Hannibal da.

-, Prior of, 94.

Narbonne, Captain of. See Du Puy du Val.

Narva, open war going on in, 426.

Nassau, Catharine of, Countess of Schwartzburg, her grief at Prince of Orange's wound, 646 (p. 599).

-, Emilia Antwerpina of, daughter to Prince of Orange, her christening, 574, 585.

-, Justin of, bastard son of Prince of Orange, slays Janreguy, 634.

-, Marie de, eldest daughter of Prince of Orange, 646 (p. 599).

-, Maurice of, son of Prince of Orange, to be Grand Equerry to Monsieur, 646 (p. 599).

-, Philip of, Count van Buren, son of Prince of Orange, detained in Spain, 56, 621, 646 (p. 600).

-, William of, Prince of Orange, 2
-, reference to letters to and from, 3
-, Hoddesdon sent to, 8, 9
-, mentioned, 10, 11
-, at Amsterdam, 35
-, reference to letters from, 37
-, Hoddesdon visits, 38
-, mentioned, 42, 43, 50, 51, 53
-, Four Members of Flanders send to, to prepare for defence, 60
-, mentioned, 61
-, his bastard son dines with Cobham, 62
-, goes to Amsterdam, 79
-, M. des Pruneaux sent to, from Monsieur, 99
-, at Delft, 105
-, mentioned, 117
-, Scottish soldiers promise to remain loyal to, 123
-, Fervacques awaits news from, 137
-, mentioned, 146, 167
-, Hoddesdon commends Gilpin to, 167
-, mentioned, 170
-, 172, 186, 198, 201, 212
-, Monsieur writes to, promising help, 213
-, Monsieur sends his secretary to, 214
-, mentioned, 215
-, Rogers' enemies angry at his speaking with, 235
-, mentioned, 239, 254
-, reference to Monsieur's letters to, 328
-, Monsieur aggrieved with, for not sending help to him, 335
-, said to be coming to Bruges with Monsieur, 342
-, mentioned, 348
-, plot to poison, 348 (1), (2)
-, messages between Monsieur and, 449
-, goes to meet Monsieur, 350
-, mentioned, 356
-, comes to Bruges, 359
-, mentioned, 365, 372, 373, 379, 382, 383, 384, 388, 393, 394
-, state of Flanders gives whole government of wars into hands of, 395
-, reference to contract made between city of Amsterdam and, 400
-, reference to letters to, 404
-, 'Gentners' visit, to demand better government, 410
-, at Ghent, 411
-, people of Brussels murmur against, 419
-, seeks to rescue no town that is besieged, 420
-, mentioned, 422
-, sends companies of English to Bruges, 427
-, mentioned, 432
-, States trust only in, 446
-, Rochepot joins at Antwerp, 447
-, ill of a tertian, 448
-, goes to Zealand to meet Monsieur, 452
-, said to be willing to assist in assassination of Monsieur, 483
-, goes to Zealand to meet Monsieur, 486
-, at Middleburg, awaiting Monsieur's coming, 496, 497, 498
-, people of Flanders send to, for explanation of Monsieur's long delay, 503
-, in Zealand, 507
-, very melancholy, 509
-, refuses to recognise disunion of Provinces, 510
-, mentioned, 512
-, reference to 'pretence' intended against, 517
-, Don Antonio sends Ambassador to, 518
-, mentioned, 519
-, orders on equipment of vessels of war given by, 527
-, grants ships to Don Antonio, 532
-, mentioned, 533, 549
-, Schomberg sends messenger to, 551, 552
-, mentioned, 557
-, proposes to leave one church in Antwerp free for mass, 560 (2)
-, Herle writes to Leicester concerning, 574
-, serving in Council of State, 576
-, mentioned, 578, 579, 580
-, backs Monsieur with regard to 'Religions frede,' 581
-, in much trouble with regard to religious disputes, 583
-, present made to, at his daughter's baptism, 585
-, mentioned, 587
-, backs Monsieur in allowing mass to be said in Antwerp, 594
-, mentioned, 597
-, does his utmost to allow freedom of worship to papists in Antwerp, 599
-, mentioned, 608, 609
-, employing all means to provide that things go forward as they are planned, 612
-, wishes limitations of authority of colonels of Antwerp to be declared, 613
-, disunited provinces resolve to receive Spaniards against 'tyrannical designs' of, 614
-, appointment of general fast with prayer for recovery of, 615
-, report of wounding of, 617, 618
-, fears for his recovery, 621
-, mentioned, 624
-, account of his wound, 627
-, recovering, 628
-, reference to wounding of, 630, 631, 634
-, mentioned, 637
-, fresh outbreak of his wound, 638, 640, 642
-, Parma hopes for death of, 643
-, account of his wound, 644
-, requests that his assassinators should be pardoned, 646
-, to be Grand Chamberlain to Monsieur, 646 (p. 599)
-, Trelong sends letters to, 647
-, his wound, 649, 650, 651, 654
-, beginning to recover, 655, 656
-, reference to shooting of, 657
-, his wound, 658, 660
-, recovering, 661, 662, 663
-, mentioned, 665
-, continues to improve, 666
-, mentioned, 669, 671, 676
-, ready to come to Court, 691
-, account of his wound, 693
-, out of danger, 694, 698, 703
-, mentioned, 704 (p. 648)
-, Governor of various provinces, 707
-, reference to letter written by, 715
-, continues to improve, 716, 717.

-, -, letters from, 29, 30, 54, 55, 56, 195, 196, 399, 495, 586, 714.

-, -, letters to, 169, 178, 309, 329, 537.

-, William Lewis, Count of, son of Count John of Nassau Dillenburg, comes to Antwerp, 574, 583
-, mentioned, 707.

Nassau Dillenburg, John, Count of, brother of Prince of Orange, sent for to Antwerp, 621.

Natolia, Turkish Ambassador in Paris comes from, 414.

Nattrys, Barne, bailiff to Earl of Westmoreland, sends Middleton with letters to Spain, 12.

Nau, Claude, secretary to Queen of Scots, 639.

-, 'Navarrette,' Contador, 62
-, dies in prison, 254.

-, Spanish King furnishes towns in, with new garrisons, 85
-, Court of, letters from, 162
-, Spanish King places new viceroy in, 228
-, question as to why King of Navarre may not recover, 723.

-, King of. See Henry.

-, Princess of. See Catherine.

-, Queen of. See Margaret of Valois.

Nave, near Cambray, enemy retires to, 325.

Needham, , letter bearer, 516.

Neesen, Dionys Vander, secretary of Antwerp, 577.

Negri, John Anthonio, 158.

Nemours, Duc de. See Savoie.

-, Duchess of. See Este, Anne d'.

-, 24, 31, 159, 268
-, King of Navarre calls conference near, 389.

-, letter dated at, 334.

-, M. de, carries letter from Cobham, 97, 102
-, sent for by Monsieur, 203.

Nesle, Franoise, Marquise de, daughter of Cardinal Birague, proposed marriage of elder Lavalette with, 162, 200.

-, Low Countries, wish for help from France against King Philip, 7
-, Fervacques recalled from, 16
-, mentioned, 24, 33, 34, 45, 47, 85
-, to be comprehended in association between England and France, 106
-, mentioned, 126
-, Duke of Anjou embarked in cause of, 150
-, mentioned, 157, 159, 162, 170
-, Monsieur raises army to conduct to, 178
-, mentioned, 185
-, Elizabeth refuses to treat of marriage with Monsieur till she knows his intentions towards, 188
-, mentioned, 189, 190
-, French King wishes charges of enterprises in, to be borne by Elizabeth and States, 191
-, Monsieur promises to help, 202
-, merchants of, summoned to town-house at Frankfort, 211
-, Monsieur resolute in his professions to people of, 224
-, Elizabeth wishes stay made to full conclusion of marriage till Monsieur should be maintained in prosecution of enterprise in, 225
-, Elizabeth wishes enterprise in, to be pursued without her aid, 232
-, Rogers refers to his journey in, 235
-, mentioned, 239
-, Elizabeth will not conclude marriage until she knows how Monsieur will be maintained in, 242
-, reference to Monsieur's enterprise in, 243, 245, 247
-, Elizabeth does not wish to help Monsieur in his enterprise to, 263
-, Prince of Parma wishes to leave, 275
-, secret agreement to be made between Elizabeth and French King for matters of, 277
-, affairs of, more important to France than to England, 278
-, Elizabeth willing to help Monsieur in enterprise of, 280
-, concerning Monsieur's actions in, 281
-, Elizabeth wishes Monsieur's actions in, to proceed, 282
-, many desire to see Monsieur in, 285
-, troubles of, to be debated at general meeting in Germany, 286
-, mentioned, 312
-, Elizabeth does not wish to give open help to, 313
-, mentioned, 329
-, Monsieur sends horse and foot into, 344
-, Monsieur refers to his expedition to, 354
-, urge Monsieur to cross, 363
-, Emperor intends to call Diet to consider affairs of, 389
-, Elizabeth will aid Monsieur in, 397
-, merchants of, request Ymans to remain in England to prosecute their causes before Elizabeth, 398
-, Elizabeth will not bear charges of war in, 415, 433
-, questions on maintenance of Monsieur's force in, 437
-, mentioned, 438
-, Archduke Matthias to be King of Spain's governor-general in, 448
-, rates of pay for officers and men in, 453
-, notes of debts due from, 467
-, Elizabeth will aid Monsieur, rather than he should leave his actions in, 474
-, mentioned, 483
-, affairs in, do not pass to Monsieur's satisfaction, 508
-, disunited, 510
-, Elizabeth does not wish to pay attention to affairs in, 515
-, Monsieur said to be coming with army to, 541
-, Elizabeth's share of Monsieur's enterprise in, 553
-, Monsieur to be Duke of, 573
-, Duke of Guise said to have accused Monsieur of usurping, 574
-, French said to be busy in, ib.
-, order taken for resettlement of, 581
-, King of Spain offers Duchy of Milan and his daughter to Monsieur if he will quit cause of, 583
-, Archduke Ferdinand to go to, as general, 588
-, likely to fall into hands of England and to depend entirely on Elizabeth, 590
-, Cobham confers with French King on help to be given to, 616
-, Parma makes enquiries touching Monsieur's journey to, 617
-, mentioned, 641
-, troops of, to be under M. de Laval, 663
-, domains in possession of, to be delivered into Monsieur's hands, 693 (p. 636)
-, trading ships from, in Sound, 704
-, Laval to command cavalry of, 716
-, French King's dominions towards, forbidden to withstand States, 723.

-, States General of, 1, 2, 3
-, Hoddesdon sent to deal with, 8
-, mentioned, 10
-, French troops aid, 19
-, reply of, to Hoddesdon, 26
-, mentioned, 29, 30
-, troops of, successful in Friesland 35
-, reference to letters from, to Elizabeth, 37
-, Hoddesdon's audience before, 38
-, mentioned, 39, 41
-, French troops marching to aid, 43
-, in Holland, 50
-, 'slepe' their matters, 53
-, copies of letters intercepted from Spain sent to, 55
-, Prince of Orange lays his answer to King of Spain's proscription before, 56
-, make no preparation for defence, 60
-, new Bishop of Lige joins Malcontents against, 67
-, French dealings with, 72
-, meeting of, at Delft, 78
-, meeting of, 'prolonged,' 79
-, French dealings with, 80
-, Hoddesdon's commission to, 88
-, forces of, burn Merville, 89
-, cornets of horse of, defeated by Malcontents, 98
-, Monsieur coming to, 105
-, mentioned, 112
-, wish Prince of Parma to exchange la Noue, 117
-, Scottish soldiers promise to remain loyal to, 123
-, mentioned, 124
-, Hoddesdon to put pressure on, for repayment of Pallavicino's loan, 149
-, camp to be made in Flanders by, 151
-, mentioned, 157
-, reference to meeting of, at Delft, 168, 169
-, mentioned, 170
-, nothing goes forward, for want of good government on side of, 172
-, meeting of, at Amsterdam, 173
-, Monsieur hopes to aid, 178
-, French King wishes charges of enterprises to be borne by Elizabeth and, 191
-, camp of, at Loo, 193
-, Duke of Anjou writes to, 195
-, assembly of, 199
-, mentioned, 212
-, Monsieur writes to, promising help, 213
-, skirmish between Malcontents and army of, 214
-, mentioned, 215
-, beat Malcontents at Loo, 217
-, mentioned, 232
-, affairs of, shaky, 235
-, mentioned, 263
-, extract from resolutions of, 272
-, mentioned, 282, 294
-, Monsieur complains of not having received help from, 305
-, mentioned, 309, 312
-, approve of Monsieur's dealings with Cambrai, 328
-, reference to Monsieur's letters to, 328
-, mentioned, 329
-, Monsieur hopes to join forces of, 331
-, camp of, takes castle of Causy, 335
-, dislike delays of French, 349
-, mentioned, 350
-, dislike wars lying still, 359
-, matters go badly for, 372
-, mentioned, 376, 382
-, matters go badly for, 383
-, number of soldiers maintained by, 388
-, mentioned, 394, 395, 398
-, Barker treats merchants of Amsterdam severely in order to obtain payment of debt from, 400
-, reference to letters to, 404
-, Elizabeth wishes charges of war to be borne by French King, Monsieur, and, 415
-, mentioned, 419
-, place soldiers in their towns, 420
-, Englishmen quartered by, in Overyssel, 421
-, mentioned, 422
-, enemy boasts to have all towns under government of, in two months, 427
-, all on side of, in Flanders in danger to be lost, 446
-, Rochepot's soldiers too 'Popeholy' to do good service for, 447
-, wish to keep M. du Plessis as adviser, 448
-, assembled at Antwerp, 451
-, note of debts owing to Elizabeth by, 468
-, mentioned, 484
-, evil government among soldiers of, 486
-, in great pain and misery, 497
-, Flemings wish to be governed by, 503
-, Prince of Orange staying meeting of, 507
-, refuse to recognise disunion of Provinces, 510
-, fear that Monsieur will not come at all, 512
-, Don Antonio sends Ambassador to, 518
-, mentioned, 519, 520
-, grain likely to be dear in parts under government of, 532
-, bound to pay debts, 533
-, meeting of, in Antwerp, 535
-, enemy waiting to see what may be dealings between Monsieur and, 543
-, questions put to, to renounce King of Spain, 548
-, mentioned, 551, 553
-, Monsieur swears to keep articles agreed upon between him and, 555
-, disposed to give satisfaction to Elizabeth, 557
-, reference to capitulation made by Monsieur with, 560 (1)
-, Rossel with deputies of, 560 (2)
-, a lord of, offers post to Rossel, 561
-, Monsieur takes oath to, 562
-, making no preparations for defence of towns, 563
-, reference to contract between Monsieur and, 574
-, at Monsieur's proposition to, new Councillors to be chosen or altered, 576
-, reference to bonds of, 580
-, order taken by, for resettlement of Low Countries, 581
-, make no preparations for defence of country, 582
-, to meet to discuss liberty of worship for Catholics, 583
-, reference to Monsieur's oath to, 585
-, Monsieur defers making proposals to, till religious question is settled, 594
-, Monsieur's proposition to, 599
-, mentioned, 600
-, Monsieur demands liberty of religion of, 601
-, Monsieur's proposition to, 602
-, Roman Catholics to take oath of fidelity to, 603
-, reference to Monsieur's proposition to, 608
-, Sainte-Aldegonde deals with, about Elizabeth's satisfaction, 610
-, Parma thinks he will not receive any hindrance from, 611
-, no exercise of Roman religion in provinces except as decided by, 612
-, Monsieur's propositions to, 613
-, Monsieur entertains, on his birthday, 613
-, contends over Establishment of State, 614
-, Elizabeth wishes half the chargrs of war to be borne by, 616
-, grant 'Religions frede' to Guelderland, 621
-, mentioned, 626
-, proceed in nothing till Prince recovers, 627
-, have not yet replied to Monsieur's proposals, 631
-, Monsieur takes public oath to, 638
-, letters from Parma to Four Members of Flanders sent to, 640
-, swear to Monsieur, 642
-, take council with Monsieur, 644
-, Monsicur takes oath to, 646
-, copy of articles exhibited to, at onsieur's proposition, 647
-, petition exhibited on behalf of Monsieur to, 648
-, Prince of Orange requests Sainte-Aldegonde to deal with, 649
-, Sainte-Aldegonde comes to, 650
-, grant Monsieur money to carry on war, 655
-, mentioned, 657, 661
-, dealing of, hindered by Prince's illness, 662
-, mentioned, 663
-, consent to grant money to carry on war, 676
-, Carleil's account with, 680
-, accord Monsieur money for maintenance of war, 693 (p. 636)
-, Elizabeth not to be burthened with Monsieur's enterprise in, 695
-, no forces on side of, able to resist enemy, 697
-, grant Monsieur money for war, 698, 716
-, reference to taking of Alost by, 719
-, Monsieur's address to deputies of, 722
-, French King's dominions towards Low Countries forbidden to withstand, 723.

-, letters from, 26, 27, 28, 376, 398, 412, 564.

-, letters to, 177, 198, 310, 317, 355.

Neuenahr, Newnar, Countess of, godmother to Prince of Orange's daughter, 574, 585.

-, Nicolas de, Seigneur de Villeroy, Secretary, 5
-, sent with pacification to Monsieur, 7, 30
-, mentioned, 75, 76, 85, 93, 94, 95
-, King uses for dispatches, 104
-, M. de Gratin and M. Chassincourt confer with, 117
-, mentioned, 159
-, Montmorency affirms, to be at devotion of King of Spain, 162
-, to go to England, 513
-, mentioned, 517, 553, 613.

-, Colonel. See Cormont.

-, M. de la (perhaps identical with the above), Monsieur sends to France with dispatches, 574 (p. 516), 606
-, his conference with Queen Mother, 619
-, not yet returned, 627 (p. 578)
-, his return, 666.

Neustadt 'of the Palatines,' letter dated at, 4.

Nevers, town of, 7.

Nevers, Duke of. See Gonzague, Louis de.

-, Duchess of. See Clves, Henriette de.

Neveu, , secretary to Duke of Anjou, 198, 213, 214, 309, 310, 317, 349.

-, Charles, Earl of Westmoreland, young Englishman sent to, in Spain, 12
-, arrives in Spain, 479
-, going towards England, 669.

-, Margaret, daughter of above, 12.

-, Edmund, 'Mr Latimer, called Lord Latimer,' at Mons, 12
-, Governor of Nivelle, 384.

Neville, , 690.

-, 517
-, ships of, 529.

Newhaven. See Havre de Grce.

'New Hedenfort', Risbourg goes to, 543.

Nicasius. See Yetsweirt.

Nicolai, Albanese captain, killed, 78.

Nicolson, , servant to Lord Vaux, 521.

-, 'Nicosson,' , tutor to Mauvissire's son, 711.

Nienoort, 'Ninnurt.' See Ensum.

-, Nieuwpoort, in Flanders, 193, 398
-, Governor of, 707.

Nio, Gabriel, 'Graviel Ninio,' 92.

Niort, town of, 541.

-, 7
-, Cond at, 62.

-, 'Lord Latimer,' Governor of, 384
-, Cherff (?), Governor of, 707 (2).

Nogaret, Anne de, younger sister of Lavalette, to marry Count of Brienne, 414, 511.

-, Bernard de, Seigneur de la Valette, elder brother of following, Governor of Marquisate of Saluces, 117
-, proposed marriage with Chancellor's daughter, 162, 200
-, French King orders to increase, garrison in Saluces, 268
-, to marry Mme du Bouchage, 379
-, mentioned, 491, 493
-, preparations for marriage of, with Countess du Bouchage, 504, 508
-, office of gentleman of King's chamber to be bestowed on, 517, 553
-, town in Saluces given to, 619.

-, Catherine de, sister of Lavalette
-, suggested marriage of, with du Bouchage, 389
-, mentioned, 391, 406
-, married to du Bouchage, 413
-, reference to marriage of, 493.

-, Jean Louis de, Seigneur de la Valette, Duke of Epernon, one of the King's minions, in danger of losing King's favour, 44
-, at St. Germain, 49
-, to have office of colonel-general de Pinfanterie de France, 62
-, King causes company of men-at-arms of, to make muster, 85
-, company of, placed in garrison at St. Quentins, 99
-, to marry daughter of Marquis de Muy, 104
-, mentioned, 130, 148
-, enters into secret friendship with Cardinal Birague and Duke of Nevers, 200
-, mentioned, 203
-, quarrels with M. de Beauvais, 228
-, quarrel between Joyeuse and, 275
-, all in all with the King, 312
-, proposed marriage with young Queen's sister, 348
-, mentioned, 361, 362, 379
-, quarrel between Mme Joyeuse and, 389
-, favour of, with king, declining, 391
-, mentioned, 392
-, visits Don Antonio, 408
-, created Duke of Epernon, 413
-, mentioned, 414, 423, 438, 454, 469, 491
-, restored to King's favour, 493
-, reconciled with Joyeuse, 508
-, mentioned, 517, 572
-, to command troops levied in France, 606
-, King of France bestows county on, 619
-, mentioned, 652, 668.

Noguera, Amador de, money owing to, 401.

-, Jan de, Baron de Selles, imprisoned at Cambrai, 305
-, taken to Zealand, 518
-, suggested exchange of, for la Noue, 612, 643.

Noisy, Noyse, Marshal de Retz's house, King goes to, 414, 444.

Nombre de Dios, reference to Drake's plunder of ship coming from, 304.

Nonsuch, letter dated at, 343.

-, 57
-, grain sent to Low Countries from, 60
-, mentioned, 606.

-, 5
-, deputy from, at French Court, 7
-, Fervacques marching from, to aid States, 19
-, Chandu sent into, 75
-, Fervacques in, 98, 162
-, Cardinal of Bourbon assembles clergy of, 162
-, Rochepot with Monsieur's troops in, 201
-, Don Antonio said to have come to, 256
-, Bishop of Ross has secret conference with gentlemen of, 424
-, better garrisons to be put in towns of, 444
-, mentioned, 465.

-, Edward, brother of following, 658, 666
-, returns to England, 671, 691.

-, -, letter from, 660.

-, John, Colonel, defeats Malcontents, 2
-, does good service in Friesland, 35, 40, 42, 50, 67
-, mentioned, 78, 157, 196
-, commissioned by States to return to Friesland, 215
-, Rogers's enemies angry at his meeting with, 235
-, defeats enemy in Friesland, 350
-, his pay, 453
-, mentioned, 509
-, besieges castles in Guelderland, 519
-, comes to Antwerp, 574, 579, 583, 585
-, quarrel between Gaunille and, 603
-, mentioned, 642, 660
-, wishes to levy English troops, 666
-, mentioned, 671, 680, 693 (p. 638), 706
-, Governor of Doesborg, 707
-, in Friesland, 717
-, brings forces from Guelders, 719.

-, -, letters from, 71, 421, 520, 601, 618, 625, 654, 658.

-, Richard, letter from, 248.

Norris, Lord, said to have been sent to Monsieur from Elizabeth, 696.

Norische, , cook, 668 (p. 622).

North, Thomas, mariner, letter from, 704.

-, 'Nort,' John, wishes to levy English troops, 666, 671
-, Monsieur gives commission to, 717.

Northumberland, Duke of. See Percy, Henry.

Norton, Richard, at Douay, 12.

Norway, 426, 704 (p. 652).

Notre Dame de Clry, French King and Queen perform pilgrimage to, 553.

Notre-Dame-de-Hault in Hainault
-, Governor of, 707 (2)
-, garrison of, 717.

Nottingham, , master of a ship, King of Denmark offended with, 704.

-, Franois de la, 10, 20, 35
-, proposal for his release, 43, 62
-, his hard treatment, 62
-, Fregoso offers Monsieur means to deliver, 104
-, mentioned, 108
-, suggestions for his release, 117
-, at Limburg, 151
-, mentioned, 213
-, had little success in Low Countries, 235
-, King Philip will not release, 239
-, mentioned, 443
-, Villeneuve Colonel of companies of, 512
-, mentioned, 518
-, reference to capture of, 543
-, said to have been delivered out of prison, for reward, 607
-, suggested exchange of, with Champagny and Selles, 612
-, King of Spain wishes John Jaureguy to be exchanged for, 621
-, to be exchanged for Egmont, 643
-, Parma threatens to avenge his trumpeters on, 646
-, mentioned, 707 (2).

-, Odet de la, Sieur de Teligny, 'Tillenie,' son of above, in charge of French cavalry in Netherlands, 72
-, routs enemy, 78, 80
-, his cornet defeated, 98
-, goes to England with Commissioners, 155
-, mentioned, 443
-, skirmishes with Albanese, 543
-, works hard to obtain his father's release, 612
-, to go to Brussels, 642.

-, Madame de la. See Lur, Marie de.

Noya, Anthony de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Ponce de, Seigneur de Bours, at Courtray, 1
-, revolts at Bouchain and goes to Cambray, 11
-, mentioned, 35
-, prisoner at Mons, 53
-, seized by mutineers at Courtray, 108, 127
-, set at liberty on surety, 135
-, displaced from government of Bapaume, 172
-, leg broken in assault of Tournay, 410
-, his death, 431, 544.

-, Paul de, brother of above, governor of Lens and Bapaume, 707 (2).

Noyelles on the Scheld, 11.

Numan, Pompile, usher to Council of State, 576.

Nuncio, Papal, in France. See Daudino, Castelli.

Nuez, Peter, tailor, money owing to, 401.

Nuol, M. de, 155.

-, Emperor summons meeting of Hanse Towns and Electors at, 165
-, Sudermann sent to, 211
-, Diet to be held at, 432.

-, 10, 19, 20, 72
-, French companies at, 419
-, mentioned, 432, 446
-, M. de Thiant's regiment sent to, 448
-, governor of, 707
-, secured by capture of Alost, 715.

Nyons, Noyon, Noions, 127, 190, 210.