Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



-, Maes, Mase, Meuse, the river, 'reiters' raised for Estates pass
-, crossed by Don John's forces, 81
-, not yet passed by Duke John Casimir, 157
-, lands on other side of, to form apanage of Duke of Anjou, in tail male, 163 (p. 133)
-, Duke John Casimir crosses, 166
-, losses of Don John near, 263
-, parts of Luxembourg on, harried by Duke of Anjou, 287
-, effort to block passage of, 304 (p. 236)
-, Spanish cross, to relieve Deventer, 318
-, mentioned, 358, 408 (p. 315)
-, Prince of Parma builds fort on, 443, crosses, 555 (p. 417)
-, English about to cross, 687
-, mentioned, 695.

Mabeuge, Mabuse. See Maubeuge.

Maclyn. See Mechlin.

Madriaens, 179.

Madrid, Madrill, mentioned, 211, 550, 609, 661, 696 (2).

-, letters dated at, 85, 86, 580, 607.

Maes. See Maas.

-, threatened by enemy, 33 (p. 26)
-, mentioned, 358
-, army of the Estates near, 380, 407
-, threatened attack on, by Prince of Parma, 450, and Mondragon, 455, 457, 460
-, the Prince's 'intelligence' in, discovered, 473
-, still besieged, 488, 494, 'reiters' to be sent to relieve, 496
-, army of Prince of Parma 'about,' 496, reinforced, 504, 'summoned' by Prince of Parma, 516
-, refusal to garrison with Walloons, 587
-, the Spanish forces, closing in on, 601, blockade, 609 (p. 452), attack with canon, 614
-, priests expelled from, 621
-, strong and of good spirit to resist, 623
-, connection between siege of, and M. de la Motte's manuvres in Flanders, 629
-, battered with great ordnance, assault about to be made, ibid., 630, 634
-, attacked by mining, 635, battered, 638
-, successful sortie from, 641, 642, 643
-, storming party repulsed by, 647, 653, 654, 655, 656
-, the Prince of Parma ordered by the Duke of Terranova to raise siege. 653, 654, 694
-, M. de la Noue to be employed to relieve, 657, 'reiters' to relieve, 668
-, expected to hold out 'for some months yet,' 670
-, like to prove a siege of Haarlem, 675
-, three mines discovered at
-, slow progress of relief force, 684
-, entered, as far as bridge, 687, 688, 691, 692
-, enemy gains tower on wall, 694
-, hope to induce Count Egmont and other 'malcontents' to relieve, 694
-, murmurs against Prince of Orange, for not relieving
-, soldiers and peasants in, mostly killed, 695.

-, Dalen near. See Dalen.

Magazen, river, in Morocco, 210.

Magellan, Straits of, 615.

Mahomet Pasha, consents to diplomatic relations with Tuscany, 65.

- See also Mohammed.

Mahumet Zarcon, of Larache, 210 (p. 167).

Mailleraye, M. de la. See Moy.

Mainz, Mens, Mentz, alternative routes to, from Emden, 626.

-, Elector of. See Brendel.

Majorca, 682 (p. 513).

Malby, Molby captain, report by, on state of Netherlands, 60-63.

Maline, M. de, base brother of Viscount of Ghent, 60.

Malines. See Mechlin.

Malvande, , Spanish merchant, creditor of Don John, 362 (p. 276).

Malvesyre. See Mauvissire.

Mamora, in Morocco, 210.

Manans, 209.

Manners, Mannors, John, friend of Walsingham, 202.

Manny, Seigneur de. See Manuy-St.-Pierre.

Mansart, M., 425.

-, Mansfelt, Charles, count of his death reported, 33
-, at Don John's devotion, 53.

-, Mansfeldt, Wolrath, Count, with Duke John Casimir, heads revolt of 'reiters' from the Estates, 272
-, said to be going to Duke of Anjou with 3000 horse, 286.

-, Jacomo, servant to English Embassy in France, joins English Ambassadors in Netherlands, 47
-, reports opinions in Don John's camp to Walsingham, 177, carries dispatch, 195, 238.

Manuel, King of Portugal. See Emanuel.

Manuy-St.-Pierre, Manny, Manuys, Seigneur de. See Aubremont. Nicola d'.

Manuys. See Manuy-St.-Pierre.

Marbecke, M. de, Governor of Aire, 60.

Marburg, Marpurg, route vi to Frankfort, 626.

Marchant, , 541.

-, Marchandt, P., signs on behalf of the Estates of Artois, 500, 581 (1).

Marchaumont, Marchemont, Marchmont, Pierre Clausse, Seigneur de, Agent of Duke of Anjou in Paris, 71, 84, 579 (p. 431), 618.

Marche, Robert de la, historical case of, cited, 130.

-, Marche in Ardenne, Marshe in famine, Don John carried to, in litter from Namur, 295 (p. 225), his body taken to, 294
-, landsknechts reach, to join Prince of Parma, 302.

Marchpane, 179.

Marck, Franoise de la, Duchesse de Bouillon, employs French soldiers to surprise castle of Saney, her late husband's, 259, 276.

- See also Marche, Robert de la.

Mardick, M. de la Noue's victory at, 655.

-, Duchess of Parma, Governess of Netherlands, 443
-, report of her death, 468 (p. 360)
-, 'has come to life again,' arranges marriage of Emperor to Infanta, 505.

-, Queen of Navarre, Princess of Barn, Duchess of Vendme :

in communication with the Countess of Lalaing, 9.

going to Duke of Anjou at Alenon
-, delays rejoining her husband, 21 (p. 16)
-, arrives at Alenon, 37, 47.

acting for Duke of Anjou, 84.

on way to her husband, 187, 188, 232, 235, joins him at La Role, 323.

towns in her apanage submit to her husband, 323.

complimentary letter to, from Queen Elizabeth, 603.

settled by mother at Pau, 619.

holograph letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, 698.

Margate, Duke John Casimir embarks at, 567.

Margrave, The. See Frederick.

Maricheaga, Juan de, Notary of Portogalete, 562.

-, held by Don John, 53
-, assigned to Duke of Anjou, if he can recover it, 163 (p. 133).

Marmier, Jean, Seigneur de Gastel :

memorandum of the speech made by, to Don John, in favour of concluding peace, with covering letter to Walsingham, 183, 184, 185.

Walsingham's acknowledgements to, 191, 192.

conducts Embassy to Don John, 194.

Marnix, Philippe de, Sieur de Sainte Aldegonde :

Latin books by, sent to Lord Burghley, 48.

his skill at deciphering, 52.

two Latin books 'done by,' forwarded to Lord Burghley, 65.

Commissioner of Estates to confer with English Ambassadors, ibid.

Lord Burghley's comments on supposed work by, 153.

letter from, on behalf of the Estates, to Duke John Casimir, uging him to continue, &c., 296, 297, 308.

deputed by Estates to settle dispute between Walloons and men of Ghent, 302, 457.

jealousy of, as belonging to inner council (arrire conseil) of Prince of Orange, 443, 468 (p. 360)
-, repudiates letter attributed to him on subject, 522.

mentioned, 448, 449.

appointed to confer with Count Schwartzenberg, 522.

Deputy from the Estates to Peace Conference at Cologne, 555 (p. 417).

Marolles, Maroilles, Abbot of. See Yve.

Marpurg. See Marburg.

Marque, letter of, 615 (p. 458).

Marseilles, Spanish fleet at, 347.

Marshe in famine. See Marche.

Martin, Alderman, robbed by workmen of silverplate he had made for Lord Hunsdon, 606.

-, Richard, warden of the Mint, letter from, re loan, 240.

-, Matre Gilles, Doctor of Laws, Secretary to the town of Antwerp, sent from the Estates to the Duke of Anjou, his instructions, 465, letters of credence, for, 469
-, commissioned to Count Lalaing, 470
-, with Duke at Cond, 487, 495
-, letters signed by, to the Estates, 497, 499.

Martinists. See Lutherans.

Mary of Castile, Dowager Empress, Bishop of Ross has Papal brief to, 565.

-, Queen of Scots :

Queen Elizabeth's dislike to Government that had replaced her, 122.

French representations to Queen Elizabeth on behalf of
-, Lord Shrewsbury directed to consult her wishes, 228.

the Bishop of Ross' plot on behalf of, 516, 565.

possible suit for her hand, by Duke of Anjou, 633 (474).

plot of the Guises on her behalf, 686.

Mase. See Maas.

Massene. See Messines.

Mastrech, Mastright. See Maestricht.

Matignon. See Goyon.

Matthias, the Archduke. See Austria.

-, Mabeuge, Mabuse, Bussy d'Amboise sent to siege of, 104, surrenders, ibid. (p. 104), 107, 112, 126
-, protest by English Ambassadors against attack on, 109
-, French in winter quarters at, 329
-, French garrison to quit, 511.

Maumaker, Treasurer, arbitrates between Flushing and Mr. Pointz, 676.

-, M. de, Governor of St. Omer, negotiates with M. de la Motte, 580 (4), on bad terms with him, 609
-, garrison of St. Omer mutinies against, 621.

Mauvissire, M. de, French Ambassador in England. See Castelnau.

Maximilian, the Emperor, his suit to Queen Elizabeth for his brother, 234, 633.

Maxwell, John, seventh Lord, in revolt, 141.

-, John, Lord Herries, in revolt, 141.

May, Richard, of London, clothier, 627.

Mayenne, Mayne, Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Mechlin, Maclyn, Malines:

army of Estates near, 112, 126, 227, 236, 237.

'conquest' of, by Prince of Orange, 130 (p. 112).

English ambassadors at, awaiting safe conduct to Don John, 176, 178, they leave, for Louvain, 180.

fortifications of, 227.

demanded by Duke of Anjou, 283, 295 (p. 225), 304 (p. 236), opposition of Antwerp, 318
-, offered to the Duke by the Estates, 329, 502, 504.

castle and universities of, 362 (p. 276).

sedition in, suppressed by the Estates, 380.

mentioned, 408 (p. 315).

threatened by Prince of Parma, reinforced, 504.

contribution from, to expenses of army, 585.

warning against treason in, sent from Rouen, 591.

English and Scottish troops meant for, sent to Flanders, 647
-, refused admission to, by burghers, 653
-, 'broil' at, 655, 656.

represented at general assembly of the Estates General, 656.

troops from, at Antwerp, dispatched to secure Brussels, 687.

garrison of the Prince of Orange expelled from
-, Protestants quit, 688, 691.

-, letters dated at, 176, 177.

Medekerke, M. See Meetkerke.

Mdicis, Catherine de, Queen-Mother of France. See Catherine.

-, Franois Marie de, Grand Duke of Tuscany, 'Duke of Florence' :

Masino Delbene sent envoy to, from France, 21.

pirate 'biremes' captured by, 95.

opens diplomatic relations with Turkey, ibid.

sends Ambassador to Duke of Anjou, to deter from enterprise in Netherlands, 120.

negotiating loan to Spain, 686.

-, Pierre Don Pedro, de, brother of the Grand Duke, to command Italian levies in Portugal, 661, 677.

Meenen. See Menin.

Meetkerke, Medekerke, Adolphe de, Councillor of State :

Commissioner of the Estates to confer with English Ambassadors, 65.

reports to the Estates on claim of the Merchant Adventurers
-, a Commissioner to consider, 258.

sent to Ghent, 362, to Artois, 449, 450, 451
-, returns from Artois, 496 (p. 379), returns, 609 (p. 452).

appointed to confer with Count Schwartzenberg, 522.

Commissioner from the Estates to the Duke of Anjou, to conduct him to frontier, &c., 535, 544.

Deputy from the Estates to Peace Conference at Cologne, 555 (p. 417).

report from, on affairs in Artois, 580 (4)
-, reply of the Estates to his overtures, 581 (1).

Meghem, Megen, mutinous English and Scots at, 694.

-, Count. See Berlaymont, Lancelot de.

-, Meighem, Meyeghem, Minge, at Ghent, 357
-, outlaw and 'ronnygate,' murder by, 413 (p. 321)
-, arrested at Middelburg, 449, but suffered to escape, 455 (p. 352)
-, to be exempted from general amnesty, 468.

Melanchthon, Philip, 673.

Meldeburg, suprised by men of Ghent, 695.

Melfi, Melphi, Prince of. See Doria.

Melford, Long, co. Suff., letter dated at, 141.

Melphi. See Melfi.

Melroy, M. de, of Namur, sent by the Estates to the Duke of Anjou, 595.

Melun, near Paris, Ambassadors to French Court to be lodged at, 323.

-, Pierre, de, Prince d'Epinoy, Seneschal of Hainault, Governor of Tournai, invited to secure secession of Tournai from the Estates
-, his fidelity probable, 338
-, Prince of Parma writes to, 422
-, brother of the Viscount of Ghent
-, prepares, with him, to go over to Spanish party, 523.

-, Robert de, Marquis de Roubaix and Richebourg, Vicomte de Gand :

in command of French and Walloons for Estates General, 13.

defeat of part of his 'band of Ordinance,' 33 (p. 26).

his base brother, M. de Maline, 60.

governor of Artois, but absent from post, ibid. (p. 47).

his regiment in camp at Enghien, 61, 62, 63.

captures Aerschot, 157.

skirmishes before Louvain, 259.

visits Bince daily, to inspect siege, 291.

sent to appease Artois, 407, 430, 443, 447, with great success, 449, 450, 451, 455, 457.

prepares to go over to Spanish party, with his brother the Seneschal of Hainault, 523.

protest signed by, that if King will allow the Pacification of Ghent, the general union, and the Perpetual Edict, and will remove all Spaniards, Italians, Albanese and Burgundians, he will faithfully serve him, 568 (2).

allusion to post conferred on, 580 (2).

avows his negotiation with M. de la Motte, 580 (4), 591, 609.

instigated by ambition, 600.

mentioned, 617.

confirmed in government of Artois and Hesdin by King Philip
-, he labours against the Estates General, 629.

created Marquis of Rysbourg, from a 'signory' of his in Artois, by King Philip, 634, 635, 638.

-, Don Bernardino, 'the Spanish Ambassador that is lyger in England,' mentioned, 22
-, La Motte's letter to, forwarded by Lord Burghley to Walsingham, 50, 52
-, suspected of reporting Queen Elizabeth's speeches to Don John
-, his own abuse of Don John, 245
-, search for copy of Requesens' instructions to, 254, 516 (p. 393)
-, mentioned, 372
-, supports the suit of Wolters and Hausman, 483
-, attacks Pallavicino, Walsingham assists to repel, 509
-, intriguing against Portugal in England, 686 (p. 519).

-, Meenen, Menen, on the Lys, seized by mutinous Walloons, 287, 295 (p. 225), 302, 304, 339 (p. 259), 394, 413 (p. 321), 420
-, mentioned, 429
-, evacuated by the Walloons, 430
-, M. de Bours at, 447
-, Walloons continue at, 555, with M. de Montigny, 656, retire to, 675
-, M. de Montigny massing forces at, to oppose M. de la Noue, 684.

Mens, Mentz. See Mainz.

Mequines, Mesquines, in Morocco, 210 (p. 169).

Merchant Adventurers :

their claims commended to care of English Embassy to Netherlands, 17 (p. 13).

their further continuance in Hamburg refused by Senate, after consultation with Hanse League, 29, 30, correspondence on, 273, 274.

memorandums touching Hamburg trade of
-, their petition to Privy Council, 133.

claim exemption from export and import duties in Netherlands
-, Commissioners appointed by Estates to consider question, 258
-, their articles of complaint, with replies of the Estates, 280, 281.

dispute between Governor of, in Antwerp, and the Chaplain there, for non-conformity, 299, 300, 308, settled, 327, 328, 349.

claims by, against Holland and Zealand
-, Walsingham's instructions to Davison concerning
-, will seek relief from Queen 'by the usual means,' in default of payment, 356.

letter from their Deputy, to Lord Burghley, informing him of the actual suspension of their privileges in Hamburg, and requesting that the Steelyard's licence to export, at present suspended, may be cancelled, 503.

their 'post' delayed by Davison, 510
-, mentioned, 545, 600.

-, Governor of. See Loddington, Nicholas.

Mercer, Merche, Matre Jean le, Alderman, magistrate of Arras, Deputy to Estates of Artois, 374 (p. 289).

Merche. See Mercer.

Merida, 682.

Mesopotamia, defeat of Turks in, 496.

Mesquines. See Mequines.

-, Massene, expenses of English mission at, 59
-, M. de Montigny massing force at, to oppose M. de la Noue, 684.

-, proposed levies at, for Duke of Anjou, 9 (p. 7)
-, historical allusion to, 130 (p. 111).

- See also St. Avour.

-, Governor of. See Thevalle.

Meuse. See Maas.

Meyeghem. See Meghen.

Michell, Captain of Light Horse for the Estates, in camp at Bois-le-Duc, 61, 62, 63.

-, obligation to be procured from, by Estates, for English loan, 321
-, arrest of murderer at, 449, who is suffered to escape, 455 (p. 352)
-, deputies from Flushing at, 676.

Middlesex, jury of, Walsingham hopes he may be tried by a, 121.

Midenburg. See Wiedenbrck.

-, French designs on, 235
-, Duchy of, offered to Duke of Anjou, with hand of Infanta, 298
-, pistols to be coined, with arms of, 362
-, Don John's marquisate in, conferred on Prince of Parma, 468 (p. 360).

-, Walter, knight, P.C., his son with Walsingham, in Netherlands, 67
-, his son, Walsingham's nephew, sent to Duke John Casimir, 82, to negotiate his acceptance of Duke of Anjou and the Marquis d'Havr, 96, 264
-, note to, from Davison, 290
-, conveys thanks, on son's behalf, to Davison, 326.

Milles, Mylles, Francis, one of Walsingham's secretaries, 202, letter from, to Davison, advising him to get Signet Bill passed under Great Seal and enrolled, 489.

Minge, Captain. See Meghen.

Minions, the, of Henry III. :

use the Duc de Montmorency as counterpoise to House of Guise, 9.

urge King to make war on his brother, ibid. (p. 6).

provided with governments on coast, 37.

report that King had banished, and the Duke of Anjou his, denied, 71.

odium incurred by King, due to his partiality for, 232.

murder by Guise of 'one of the King's minions,' but who had no great credit with the King,' 548.

'Arques, one of the King's minions (as they term them here),' 619.

Moers, letter dated at, 543.

Mohammed Khodabendeh, Shah, Sophia, Sophy, of Persia, succeeds brother, wages war on Turks, 32, 95, defeats them, 496.

- See also Mahomet.

Molan, Denis, memorandum by, on state of Ireland, 7.

Molby. See Malby.

Moluccas, the, 615.

Moncheau, M. de, Governor of Bouchain, his death, 580 (2).

-, Franois de, 339 (p. 260)
-, letter from, to the citizens of Arras, alluding to civic revolution in, and forwarding letter of Prince of Parma, with exhortation to return to the King's obedience and uphold Catholic faith, 343
-, letters to, from Gilles de Moncheaux, 363, and Jrome de Moncheaux, with reports of reception of his letter in Arras, 367
-, letters from, to M. de Vaux, on progress of Catholic revolt, particularly at Arras and Douai, 374, 379.

-, Giles, Gilles de, alluded to, 339
-, letter from to Francois de Moncheaux, on affairs at Arras, 363.

-, Jrome de, letter from, to Franois de Moncheaux concerning receipt and circulation of his letter at Arras, 367.

Monon, Mousson, Philip II. at, to meet Queen Mother of France, 318, 362.

-, Montdoucet, Claude de, Agent of Duke of Anjou, 65
-, arrives at Antwerp to meet English Ambassadors, 80
-, mentioned, 87 bis
-, account of Walsingham's interview with, 89, 109
-, his intrigues at Brussels, 112
-, Deputy of the Duke to confer with the Estates General, 118, arrives, 126, 127, successful, 163
-, mentioned, 170.

Mondragon, letters dated at, 547.

-, Christopher de, Colonel with Don John, reported killed by explosion, 33, 42, 49
-, devoted to Don John, 53
-, his death, by plague, reported, 295 (p. 225), alive, and preparing to besiege Maestricht, 455
-, his headquarters at Limburg, 488.

Money and Coins :

batzen, 278.

ducats, their value in Castilian money, 528.

Flemish currency expressed in sterling, 59.

groats Flemish, 117.

guilderns, 328, 353, 369.

livres Tournois, 667.

pistols, coined at Genoa, with arms of Milan, 362.

reals, 542, 615.

'Ryolls of plate,' 32.

'Senteners' of silver, 32.

stuivers, 429.

'tolling and weighing of divers sort of coin,' 287.

Monmorin. See Montmorin.

-, Monts, description of, 60 (p. 47)
-, Agents of Duke of Anjou at, 65
-, like to be delivered to Duke, by Governor, 76
-, the Duke at, 84, 87, 87 bis, 89, 93
-, Duke active at, 97
-, La Noue at, 98
-, question of the Duke's presence at, 104
-, mentioned, 109
-, Ambassadors from Pope, Venice and Savoy, at, 111, 126
-, mentioned, 112, 118
-, Walsingham to visit, 119
-, French designs on, 136
-, mentioned, 162, 167
-, Walsingham returns from, 170
-, mentioned, 174
-, Count Lalaing, released from Valenciennes, returns to, 276
-, M. de La Noue visits, 279
-, coveted by the Duke of Anjou, 286
-, Neufville at, 298
-, the Duke at, 309, 329
-, French horse refused admission to, 317
-, precautions by townsmen to prevent surprise of by French, 329, 333
-, Marquis of Havrech having expressed his discontent at Antwerp, repairs to the Duke of Anjou at, 333
-, Duke of Aerschot recalled from, by the Estates, 338, 396, 397, 398
-, league of malcontents at, seeking to separate Hainault and Artois, &c., from the Estates, ibid.
-, allusion to position of Duke of Anjou in, 339 (p. 259)
-, 'league of malcontents' at, 362, 397
-, Montigny and de Hze go to, 394
-, Duke of Anjou ill at, 407
-, Prince of Parma writes to, 422
-, mentioned, 436, 455, 458, 460
-, the Duke of Anjou at his departure from, attempts to surprize, 471, 473, account of the plot, indignation in Netherlands, 476, denied by M. des Pruneaux, 485
-, suggested explanation of ambuscade at, 488
-, burgers of, expel Montigny's companies from, 494 (p. 376)
-, the Duke's design on, discredited, 496
-, efforts to appease. 497
-, allegation that the Prince of Orange suggested seizure of town to Duke, 504
-, mentioned, 580 (4)
-, won over to Spanish party by bishop of Arras, 623, Count Lalaing compelled to quit, 629
-, assembly at, of the Estates of Hainault, 655, 656, 675
-, the Marquis of Havrech escapes to, from Arras, 656
-, meeting at, decides to fight Spain, 695.

-, letters dated at, 83, 266, 283, 404, 405, 442, 462, 463, 568, 580.

-, Governor of. See Lalaing, Count of.

Monsieur. See Francis, Duke of Anjou.

Montalvo, Antonio Garcia de, corregidor and chief justice of the lordship of Biscay, 578.

Montbliard, 647.

Montdoucet. See Mondoucet.

Montfort, M. de, Baron of, in command in Franche-Comt for Duke of Anjou, 283, 287.

Montigny, Georges de, Seigneur de Noyelles-Stade, his regiment at camp of Estates at Enghien, 61, 62, 63
-, 'of good account' in Flanders, appointed Governor of Valenciennes, 276.

-, Baron de, M. 'Mountayne.' See Lalaing, Emmanuel Philibert de.

Montlouet, M. de, brother of M. de Rambouillet. See Angennes, Franois d'.

Montluc, Jean de, Bishop of Valence, with the Queen Mother, 393.

Montmartin, M. de, officer of Don John, 194.

Montmorency, , Governor of Hesding, 60.

-, Franois de, Duc de Montmorency, Marchal de France, called to Court, at instigation of the Minions, as a protection for them against the House of Guise, 9
-, proposal to make him Constable of France, ibid. (p. 7)
-, leaves the Court, ill satisfied, 187
-, mentioned, 553
-, to be employed in Normandy, distrusted by all parties, 579.

-, Henri de, Comte de Damville. Marchal de France, to meet the Queen Mother, 298
-, to be reconciled by her to Chtillon, 323, in Languedoe, 347
-, hostages held by, ibid., his servility to the Queen Mother
-, at Toulouse
-, no base dealing strange to, 393, 407, (p. 312)
-, the Deputies of Languedoc demand his removal, 579
-, open war between, and Chtillon, in Languedoe, ibid.

-, Guillaume de, Seigneur de Thor, demands by the Estates of Languedoe on behalf of, 579.

-, House of, jealousy of greatness of, 9.

Montmorin, Monmorin, Jacques, Seigneur de, et de la Bastie, to be sent to the Bishops of Germany, 21.

Montpensier, Duc de. See Bourbon, Louis de.

Montrose, Mountrosse, Earl of. See Graham.

Monvry, in Morocco, 210.

Mora, Michael de, secretary to King of Portugal, 689.

-, Moura, Don Christopher de, Ambassador of the King of Spain accredited to Portugal, 607, 696 (2).

Morando, Simon de, 689.

Morbecque, M. de, 379.

More, Laurence, chaplain to James Fitzgerald, 528.

Moret. near Paris, proposal to lodge Ambassadors at, 323.

Morgan, , Captain in the army of the Estates, 358.

-, Thomas, acquittance by, 335.

Mornault, Mornaulx, Mornow. See Mournault.

-, Philippe de, Seigneur du Plessis-Marly, in England, mentioned by M. de Villiers, 14
-, mentioned, 171 and note
-, referred to, by the Vidame of Chartres, 436
-, jealousy of, in Netheras one of the inner Council of the Prince of Orange, 443
-, befriends Zuleger, 452.

Morocco, kingdom of Fez, in Barbary :

defensive preparations in, by King, against Portuguese
-, ambassador sent from, to Portugal, 32.

Portuguese expedition against, sets sail, 85.

splendidly prepared to resist the Portuguese, 95.

description of victory of, over the Portuguese, at battle of Alcazar, 210.

the news of victory of, reaches Europe, 212, 232, 235, 255, 259, 271.

export to, of munitions of war from England, 636.

alleged Spanish design to attack, 677.

-, King of. See 'Abd el Mlek I.
-, Ahmad V.

Morpeth, 538.

Mortagne, on Scheldt, taken by Duke of Anjou, 362.

Morton, Earl of. See Douglas, James.

Morus, Francis, of Hamburg, 273.

Mothe-Fnlon, M. de la. See Salignac.

Motte, M. de la. See Pardieu.

Mouillerie, M. de la, gentlemen of the Archduke Matthias, sent from the Estates to the Emperor, 407, returns, reports the Emperor, 'greatly moved' at the Duke of Anjou's setting the Turk on Spain, 550, 555.

-, Mathieu, abbot of St. Ghislain, Bishop of Arras, 'my lord of Arras,' his return to Arras expected, 367, 443, stays away, 447, retires to Gravelines, 457, 460
-, his coming to Arras was as Ambassador from the Prince of Parma
-, the Estates of Arras restore, to his place and livings, 473
-, loses credit with Artois and Hainault by his equivocations, 516
-, his negotiation successful. 581 (1)
-, his declaration in accordance with King's letter, ibid. (2 and 3)
-, 587, 600
-, wins over Mons, 623, and expels Count Lalaing, 629.

Mountany, Mountayne. See Montigny.

Mountrosse, Earl of. See Montrose.

Moura. See Mora.

Mounts. See Mons.

-, Mornault, Mornaulx. Mornow, Jean, Captain, his Light Horse in camp at Bois-le-Duc, 61, 62, 63
-, exploit by, 358.

Mousson. See Monon.

Mouy, Moye, de. See Vaudrey, Isaac de.

Moy, Jean de, Seigneur de la Mailleraye, 'one of the three governors in Normandy,' gives out that Duke of Anjou is acting with King's assent, in Don John's behalf, 21 (p. 16).

Moye, M. de. See Mouy.

Moyens generaulx
-, 'general Moyanes,' tax in Netherlands
-, expectations from, 65, granted afresh, 271
-, Merchants Adventurers protest against, 280
-, of money raised by, small part reaches the Exchequer, 292
-, refusal of men of Ghent to pay, 304
-, payment on account of, by Hainault, 468
-, assessment of, 494
-, to be renewed, 591, 597.

Moyens grands, tax, efforts to secure fresh grant of, 246.

Muff, or 'countenance,' furred, but not scented, forwarded by Poulett, to Walsingham's order, for Queen, 548.

Mugaguien, San Juan de, notary public, 578.

Muley Hamet. See Ahmad V.

-, Danthey, 210 (p. 169).

-, Mahomed el Haraun, 210 (p. 169).

-, Nassar, 210 (p. 169).

-, Mahomet, drowned, 210 (p. 167).

Muller, Mulder, Lazarus, 'landsknechts' commanded by, for States, 13.

Mullie Molloque, king of Morocco. See Abd el Malek I.

Mulli Mansor Lautalie, 210.

Murad III, Sultan of Turkey, the 'Emperor Sultan Murad Khan,' letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, with covering letter from Mustafa Bey, 613.

Muriel, , 615.

Mussalya, 210 (p. 167).

Mustapha Pasha
-, to command against Persians, 32, 95, his defeat, 496
-, covering letter from (Mustafa Bey'), to Queen Elizabeth, 613 (2).

-, Juan Alonso de, acting for James Fitzgerald, 528
-, moneys paid by, for raising troops, 542
-, buys powder, 547
-, purchase of ship by, 562.

Myle, Adrian, van der, Deputy from the Estates to Peace Conference at Cologne, 555 (p. 417).

Mylles. See Milles