Index: N

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: N', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: N". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Nachtgelt, due to 'reiters,' 116, 136, 211, 271, 276, 278, 408 (p. 314).

-, mentioned, 13
-, towns in county of, held by Don John, 53
-, Don John's victory at, mentioned at, 162
-, plague at, 196
-, Don John's forces near, 211, 221, 259, 271, 276
-, garrison of Nivelles withdraws to, 263
-, Estates' army expected to move on, 272, 278, 287, 302
-, one thousand natural born Spaniards buried out of hospital of, dead with disease and penury, 287
-, Don John carried from, in litter, 295 (p. 225), his bowels buried at, 302
-, the army of the Estates moves against, 309
-, Prince of Parma at, 374, leaves, 422
-, peace delegation at, 426, 455
-, execution of Englishmen at, 473, 510
-, M. de Hierges succeeds his father in governorship of, 488
-, gentleman of, see Melroy
-, bishopric of, conferred on the Abbot of Hannon, 634
-, mentioned, 695.

-, Bishop of. See Wallon-Capellius.

-, Governor of. See Berlaymont, Gilles de.

-, 71
-, Fitzgerald takes ship from, for Spain, 232
-, woad shipped to, from Bordeaux, 402
-, galleys from, to convey Duke of Anjou to England, 667 bis.

Naples :

money sent to, from Spain, taken by Turkish corsairs, 32.

release of English ships arrested at, alluded to, 37.

mentioned, 85.

Englishman in service in, 111.

French designs on, 235.

fate of the barons of, 638.

army being raised in, 661.

Nassau, Philip of, Count Buren, son of the Prince of Orange, schemes to liberate him from Spain, 362.

-, William of, Prince of Orange :

considers it necessary to accept the Duke of Anjou's offers, 3.

the Duke's relations with, 9 (p. 6), 13.

his efforts to secure recognition of Protestant worship in Netherlands, 13.

claims of Merchant Adventurers to be urged upon, by English Embassy, 17 (p. 13).

applied to, for pay for English troops
-, their good conduct dependent on its receipt, 22.

misconduct of an English quarter-master reported to, 23.

reply to his overtures, by King Henry III.
-, warned to accept Spanish terms, 27.

his wife's pension, ibid. (p. 21). Agent of Duke of Anjou with, 33.

levies for, by MM. de Mouy and Ranty, 37.

Lord Leicester's commendations to, 41.

letter to be shewn to, written by La Motte, 50.

substance of negotiations between, and English Embassy, 57.

declines to negotiate with Don John
-, demands retention of Archduke Matthias as 'Governor,' ibid. (p. 40).

offers to treat touching 'cautionary towns,' ibid. (p. 41).

his attitude to negotiations with Duke of Anjou, ibid. (p. 43).

his capture of guns from Tournai alluded to, 58.

his troops at Arras, 60 (p. 47), and Ath, ibid. (p. 48).

his anxiety on the question of toleration for the Reformed Religion, 65, 69.

informs Walsingham that the enemy has crossed the Maas, 81.

explains to Walsingham, and Lord Cobham, that the Estates will be compelled to accept the Duke of Anjou
-, and that this resolution is due solely to lack of aid, as promised, from England, 89 (p. 70).

his solution of the relative positions of the Duke and Archduke, ibid.

rumour of match to be made between his daughter, and the Duke of Anjou
-, the Duke to be Lord of the Netherlands, and the Prince, Governor under him
-, Queen Elizabeth affects to believe, and directs Walsingham to ascertain truth from both, 106.

'never more perplexed' than how to deal with Duke of Anjou, 108.

allusion to his achievements, 130 (p. 112).

military dispatch to, from Count Bossu, 142.

Lord Burghley forecasts division of Netherlands, he 'retaining the islands,' 153.

endeavours to revive cloth trade in Holland and Zealand, 164.

proposal to expel, as Protestant, from Low Countries, 165.

'inclined to French,' 170.

Wilson's commendations to, 172.

urgent representations by, for loan from England, 181.

incurs suspicion in Netherlands among the people, as the abettor of Duke of Anjou, 227.

entertains Mr. Digges, 227.

the Queen's refusal of aid, reported to, 247.

his aid to be invoked to secure copy of Mendoza's instructions, 254.

report to, by the Abbot of Marolles, on refusal of Quesnoy, &c., to submit to Duke of Anjou, 261.

baptism of his child, 276.

letter from, to Lord Burghley, to use his influence with Queen for aid, 277.

amount of his salary, 285.

town belonging to, in Franche-Comt, seized by Duke of Anjou, 287.

letter from, to the Magistrates of Ghent, rebuking their factiousness, their spoliations of Church property, and foretelling the ruin to result from it, 292.

accused of vast peculations, ibid. (p. 221).

his profession of faith in the Gospel, ibid. (p. 222).

restrains men of Ghent from attacking the Walloons, 295 (p. 225).

Duke John Casimir's suspicion of, combatted by St. Aldegonde, 296.

blamed in England, for the want of gratitude shewn by the Estates, and for their neglect of Duke John Casimir and of the English contingent in their army, 299.

proposal to secure, by his means, confirmation by the Estates of form of prayer in use at the English House in Antwerp, 300.

Duke John Casimir, in defiance of, goes to the aid of the men of Ghent, 302.

his reported design to seize Brabant, in agreement with Duke John Casimir, 304.

upbraided by the Estates, as the cause of the troubles at Ghent, 304 (p. 236).

his headquarters at Antwerp, ibid.

informed by Count Bossu of imminent break-up of army for lack of pay, 307.

at his urgent request, Davison makes advance to, for pay of troops, without authority, 308.

assures men of Antwerp that occupation of Mechlin by the Duke of Anjou would not injure them, 318.

warned by English Ambassadors to have eye on garrisons of Aire and St. Omer, 328.

invited to Ghent, by Duke John Casimir
-, declines, for fear of seeming 'intelligence with' the Gauntois, 329.

Rossel anxious to conceal his correspondence with Walsingham from, 333.

holds Archduke Matthias in little respect
-, suspected of design to seize the Netherlands and introduce 'religion' everywhere, ibid.

Killigrew anxious he should 'join with' the men of Ghent, as best for his own safety, and for the 'advancement of the Gospel,' 336.

satisfaction sought from, of claims of English merchants against Holland and Zealand, 356.

consulted by the Parliament of Dijon, as to choice of a leader against King of France, 362, 468.

enters into schemes for the rescue of his son from Spain, 362 (p. 276).

abuse of, by Beutterich, in letter to Rogers, 365.

Wilson's fears for his safety, 371.

Duke of Anjou conceives a 'jealousy' of, 372.

reported arrest of the commissioner sent by, to Arras, 374, ibid. (p. 289).

his desire to leave Antwerp
-, deserted by the Council of State, ibid.

the Vidame de Chartres unwilling to use his credit, 378.

plots being hatched against, by malcontents, 380.

Baron Lazarus Schwendi, the Emperor's peace Commissioner, distasteful to, 380 (p. 293).

named Governor of Flanders by faction at Ghent, 394, 395.

presence of Duke of Aerschot and Count Lalaing in Antwerp dangerous to, 396.

influence with, of 'Minister Villiers' used in favour of the Duke of Anjou, 397 (p. 305), 407.

protest by the Duke of Aerschot against his appointment as Governor of Flanders, the Duke's own office, ibid., 398.

nominated as Governor of Flanders by party at Ghent, and by the other 'members' of Flanders
-, desired by the Estates to accept
-, starts for Ghent, reaches Dendermonde, 398, 399, 401, 407, 413.

letter from, at Dendermonde, to Davison, by M. de Famar, 400.

upon discovery of Spanish plot in Artois, &c., Walsingham urges that he should come to terms with Ghent, 403.

his reconciliation to Duke John Casimir similarly expedient, ibid., 411, 419, 428.

quarrel between, and the Duke of Aerschot, 407.

Duke John Casimir declines to visit, 413.

leaves Dendermonde for Ghent, 413 (p. 323).

at Ghent
-, entertains Duke John Casimir, 421
-, deals plainly with Burgomaster Embize, 425
-, further reports of his proceedings at, 430-435.

Rogers to repair to, 438
-, Rogers' instructions, 439, 440.

desires Count Bossu as Deputy Governor of Ghent, 443.

growing jealousy of
-, complaint of his inner council
-, Antwerp doubtful for
-, urged by Count Bossu to act with the Estates, ibid.

good progress of his negotiation at Ghent, 444, 445, 448, 449, 450, 451.

letter of thanks from, to Davison, for his action at Ghent
-, also for intercepted letters, 446.

letter from, to the Estates, informing them of the concession by Ghent of the religions vreydt, 448.

revising the civic constitution of Ghent, 449.

Duke John Casimir on excellent terms with, 449, 450, 451, his skilful management of him, 452, 473.

the policy of his friends to substitute the Duke of Anjou for the Archduke Matthias, 453, 457.

temporising policy of, attacked in Flemish pamphlet by Dathenus, 455.

his grief at Count Bossu's illness, ibid., 457.

taxed with encouraging Embize and his faction, 457.

insists on the toleration of Catholics, and the exemption of Meghem from general amnesty, at Ghent, 468 (p. 360).

complaints of his arrire conseil, or inner Council, ibid., 494 (p. 376), 522.

fears fresh sedition in Ghent, 475.

on discovery of Duke of Anjou's treachery, proposal in his absence, to 'break' all French officers in the Estates' service, 476.

Spanish Ambassador in England complains of English recognition of, 483.

Duke John Casimir's relations with, 488.

invited by Duke of Anjou to furnish garrisons for towns Duke was minded to restore, 488.

many of the Nobility 'hate his felicity,' the publication of the Religions freidt and his proceedings at Ghent, 488 (p. 371), 638.

in his absence from Ghent, Catholic predominance a danger, 492.

about to return to Antwerp, ibid.

arranges that Walloons shall have rendezvous at Herenthals, discontent occasioned by the proposal in Brabant, 493, 494.

reports negotiations with Duke of Anjou at Cond to the Estates, 495.

deputies from Friesland, &c., in his absence petition the Estates against 'the religion,' 496.

sends M. de Froidmont to appease Mons, 497.

sends ultimatum to the Walloons, 498.

assured by Artois of their loyalty to the Estates, with entreaty to secure pacification, ibid.

suggestion that he advised the Duke of Anjou to seize Mons
-, offers made by, to Duke to detain him, 504.

his wife joins him at Ghent, 504 (p. 385).

will be made responsible for failure, on point of religion, of peace negotiations, 505.

present sent to, by Lord Leicester, 506.

letter of adieu to, from Duke of Anjou
-, with request to furnish garrisons on withdrawal of French troops, 511.

jealousy in Netherlands of 'the Prince's greatness,' 513.

encourages the jealousy of MM. Montigny and Hze against M. de la Motte, 516.

his absence from Antwerp 'breeds confusion' there, 519, supposed to be 'making himself Count of Flanders,' 522.

detested by the Nobility
-, under cloak of Religion they designed to gratify their spite against, 523.

his withdrawal to Holland, a condition imposed by Spain for peace, 523.

regrets that Lord Leicester was not sent over, 531.

King Philip invites men of Bourbourg to 'shake off the yoke' of 'the Prince of Orange,' 580 (5).

the Captain of Hungarians in service of the Estates, deserts, having quarrelled with, 587.

recalls his body-guard, alarmed by sedition in Antwerp, 591.

directs defence of Borgerhout from ramparts of Antwerp, 595.

applies to Davison for supply of beer brewed in London, 598.

the policy of Artois 'nothing less than to make war on,' 609.

offers to be present in person at campaign in Flanders, 609.

his ships arrive to guard river, ibid. disappointed in character of the Viscount of Ghent, 629.

an 'extraordinary resolution' attributed to, 634.

his engagement of Mr. Cobham mentioned, 640.

his esteem for Adrian Dorp, 641.

gives Count Lalaing a safe conduct, 642.

popular dissatisfaction with his support of the French, 642 (p. 480).

his 'industry' in reconciling Hainault and Artois, 643.

advised to write personally from time to time to Queen Elizabeth, 660.

overtures to, by Don Antonio, of Portugal, 661.

Queen Elizabeth demands reparation from, on behalf of the merchants of Ipswich, 662, 663.

consents to the dispatch to England of the pledged jewels, 670.

letter to, from 'those of Flushing,' on claim by Ferdinando Pointz, 676.

report to, from Paris, on Spanish preparations, supposed to be against England, 677.

letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, on Davison's recall, in his praise, 679.

appeases religious riot in Antwerp, provoked by the Archduke Matthias, 684.

Count Egmont's attempt to seize his house at Brussels, 687
-, his orders to secure Brussels, 687, 688
-, the Count expresses regret to, 691.

his garrison expelled from Mechlin, 688.

jealously of, in Hainault and Artois
-, popular murmurs against, because Maestricht is unrelieved, 695.

text of agreement between, and the magistrates of, Antwerp, 697.

-, letters and dispatches from, 277, 292, 400, 446, 448, 495, 679.

-, letters and dispatches to, 142, 261, 511, 677.

-, Dillenburg, John, Count of, Governor of Gueldres, 'Grave' John, his horse in camp at Bois-le-Duc, 61, 62, 63
-, mentioned, 408 (p. 313)
-, delayed in Gueldres by agitation there, 443
-, complaints of Gueldres against, and desire to remove from government, 468 (p. 360), due to Catholics, 473, 496.

-, Htel de, letter dated at, 296, 297
-, the 'Nassau mansion,' in Brussels, 688, cf. 687.

Navarre, King of. See Henry.

-, Queen of. See Margaret.

Naves, M. de, Commissary General of Don John, his castle of Saney, 276.

Nayghtgellthe. See Nachtgelt.

Nazareth, Bishop of, Papal Legate to Duke of Anjou, 126.

Nrac, Queen Mother negotiates with King of Navarre at, 579.

Nethe, Great and Little, rivers, 97.

Netherlands :

setting up of 'divers kinds of commonwealths' in, expected, 48.

list of noblemen in, at Don John's devotion, 53.

list of towns in Don John's hands, ibid.

instructions to, and reports by, Mr. Killigrew, and others, touching disposition of inhabitants of, to Don John, strength of towns in, &c., 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63.

refusal of people of, on any hint of peace, to pay taxes
-, historical instance of, 57 (p. 40)
-, like report by Lord Cobham, 65.

parties in, 'Secret Protestants,' 'bons patriotes,' 'Johannists,' 58 (3 and 4).

the question in, really a religious question, Lord Cobham's report on, 65
-, Walsingham's fears of a split in, over the question of toleration, 66, 67, 69.

Duke of Anjou's intervention not approved in, save in Hainault, 76, 80.

toleration of Reformed Religion proclaimed in, ibid.

concern of Pope in affairs of, 95.

peasants of, repel 'Almains' seeking to relieve Deventer, 107.

growing credit of Duke of Anjou in, 120 (p. 99).

parishes near Tiel hostile to Estates' forces, 125.

open preaching by Protestants in, 126.

in French or Spanish hands a menace to England, Lord Sussex's opinion, 148.

Queen Elizabeth disapproves toleration of religion in, 197 (p. 157), cf. 77.

religious changes in, 211.

peasantry destroy parties of soldiers quartered on, ibid.

religionis freidt, toleration, generally accepted by provincial Estates in, 259.

enormous wealth of, as security for any loan, 269.

whole country round Brussels devastated by Estates' own army, 279, 291, 292.

alleged offer of Low Countries to Duke of Anjou, with hand of the Infanta, 298.

peasantry kill all soldiers, irrespective of party, 317, 323, 329.

Papists in France rejoice at internal disputes in, 323.

the people in, of a contrary humour to the nobility, 333.

Wilson on civil dissensions in, 345.

Flanders in state of civil war
-, disruption of, imminent
-, the growth of French influence, opens door to Spain, 351.

neither age nor sex spared by the Estates' army
-, at Tongres, men and women stripped naked and driven out of their houses, 358.

Wilson anticipates dismemberment of, 371.

reconciliation of Hainault, Artois, the Walloons, and most of the nobility of, to Spain, discovered by Poulett, 403, described by Davison, 413 (p. 322).

risings of the peasantry, or 'bowres' in, 455.

'hostages,' demanded by 'reiters,' to take home to Germany, in satisfaction of pay
-, allowed in France, but not the custom in Netherlands, 457.

in France, the wealth is in the country
-, in the Netherlands, in the towns, ibid.

opposition of Nobility in, to Prince of Orange, 488 (p. 371, 638.

struggle for liberty more expensive to, than servitude, 496.

a war of Religion commencing in
-, the Nobility jealous of the Prince of Orange, 523.

great peasant risings in 550, 555, 560, 573, abating, 587 (p. 440), renewed, 621, 629, 642.

troubles in, occasioned by the ambition of the nobility, 600, 634, 635, 638.

newly-printed map of seventeen provinces of, 623.

peasants help to defend Maestricht, 635, 647, 653, 695.

Netherlands, Deputies of the Estates General of, at Antwerp and Brussels :

Davison refuses advance of 15,000 florins out of 20,000l. English loan to, 1.

negotiations between, and Duke of Anjou, Queen Elizabeth's orders to Davison touching, 3, 6.

Walsingham's warning to, of Spanish designs near Calais, 4.

report on Duke of Anjou's relations with, 9.

Gilpin fails to negotiate loan for, in Strasburg, 11, 33, 40.

urged by Estates of Hainault to recall the Duke's commissioners, 13.

disposition of forces of, 13.

proposed authorization by, of Protestant worship, 13, 33.

instructions, and draft instructions, for English embassy to, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Queen Elizabeth's policy touching, viz., that they should be 'kept in due obedience to their natural prince,' retaining their 'freedom and privileges'
-, the French not to be allowed 'to alter the state of their government, 17.

Sluys and Flushing to be pledged by, to Queen Elizabeth, in event of English military intervention, 17.

projected English co-operation with Duke of Anjou on behalf of, 21.

great expectations in, from English special mission
-, Davison warned to allay, 24.

Queen Elizabeth promises to aid Duke of Anjou in rescuing, from Spanish tyranny, if he did not 'usurp upon them,' 25.

Spanish terms, viz. maintenance of Roman Catholic religion and 'liberties as in the days of the Emperor Charles V.'
-, urged by King Henry III. of France to accept, 27
-, Davison's doubts as to genuineness of advice, 33.

report by Davison of negotiations between, and Duke of Anjou
-, Count Lalaing's treachery to, confirmed
-, minor Spanish successes over forces of, 33.

difficulties between, and Duke Casimir, touching entertainment of his officers, 33 (p. 26), cf. 17 (p. 13).

arrange a 'party' with merchants, for advance on Queen's credit, part in alum, part in cash
-, Davison reports the arrangement with, their urgent request for the expediting of the Queen's bonds, 34, 35.

genuine wish, in Poulett's opinion, of Duke of Anjou to assist, but 'for his own greatness,' 37.

instructions by Walsingham to Davison for letter to Secretary Wilson, to be laid before Queen, exposing their necessities and urging her to succour them by expediting bonds for loan, and by 'forbearing' any part of sum raised, 40.

Dampmartin's oration to, on behalf of Duke of Anjou, 42
-, text, 45, 46.

particulars of sums 'taken up' by, under Queen's procuration to Davison, 43, 44.

letter of attorney from, to certain persons, to receive ingots from English Ambassadors, to coin and return, 51.

bond by, to Queen Elizabeth, to indemnify her for bonds to Pallavicino, for money lent them, 56.

summary of negotiation between Prince of Orange on behalf of, and English Embassy, 57.

details of garrisons of, 60.

statement of forces of, and their composition, 61, 62, 63.

summary of English negotiation with, in form of eleven questions, 64
-, their reply to each article, 52, 73, 74.

their reluctance to negotiate a peace
-, injury done them by treaties of peace in past
-, the hope of peace a bar to the collection of taxes
-, according to Lord Cobham's report, 65.

decisive fight between forces of, and Don John's, imminent
-, Walsingham's estimate of their relative strength, 68.

even if defeated in battle, the 'strength of their towns,' and Duke Casimir's force in reserve might save them, ibid.

French force under Rochepot to join army of, 71.

a re-settlement of religion formally demanded by, in reply to Queen Elizabeth, 72.

their apology for waging a defensive war, ibid. (p. 55).

their resolve 'to shake off the yoke of the intolerable servitude to Spain,' ibid.

request powder and saltpetre from England, ibid. (p. 56).

reported, by Lord Cobham, to be determined to prosecute war, and shake off their allegiance, 76.

toleration of religion guaranteed by
-, the order sent to the provinces, ibid.
-, Queen Elizabeth's disapproval of the step, 77.

letter to, from Duke of Anjou, announcing speedy junction of his forces with theirs, 78, 79

determined to fight, without waiting for Duke John Casimir, 80.

their camp formed at Lierre
-, unable for lack of money to collect their foot
-, urgent request by Walsingham for aid to be sent them, 81.

utterly disappointed in English Embassy, they are compelled to make terms with Duke of Anjou
-, the Queen's delay in signing bonds destroyed her credit with them, 87.

details of their camp at Lierre, ibid. 89 (p. 71).

disquisition by Davison on situation created for, by interposition of Duke of Anjou, 87 bis.

their acceptance of the Duke of Anjou compelled by failure of Queen Elizabeth to fulfil promises to, 89.

Archduke Matthias to preside over as 'governor', the Duke to be styled 'Defenseur de la libert Belgique,' ibid.

particulars of their fighting strength
-, on eve of battle, 90.

English Embassy to, recalled
-, Queen's anger at their refusal to attempt negotiations with Don John
-, demand addressed to for sea-ports in pledge, and repayment of loans
-, with refusal of further borrowing powers on bonds, 91, 92, 93, 94.

depute the Duke of Aerschot to welcome the Duke of Anjou, 97.

particulars of their army, 97, 98, 104, 112.

letter from, to the Duke of Anjou, desiring him to send someone, with full powers, to treat with them, and the English Ambassadors, 99, 100, 101.

Queen Elizabeth determined to obtain repayment by, of previous loans out of new one, and offended at the 'imperious' tone of their articles, as unreasonable 'between subjects and their prince,' 102.

refer the requests for instruction re Duke of Anjou, from Lille, Douay, &c., to the Estates of their several provinces, 104 (p. 85), 112.

Lord Cobham and Walsingham urge their cause re signature of bonds for English loan, 107, 108, Davison also, 112.

arrangements between, and Duke John Casimir for payment of levies, 116.

pay of English troops in service of, 117.

the Duke of Anjou's account of his negotiations with, his commissioners appointed for final settlement, 118.

party in, desire to retain the Spanish allegiance, while securing their liberties
-, proposal that Queen Elizabeth should take them into her protection and 'restore them afterwards' to Spain, 120.

representations on behalf of, by Privy Council to Queen Elizabeth, re loan, 123.

operations of French contingent in service of
-, ill management in relation to troops, pay, &c., 125.

convoys arrive from Duke of Anjou at Antwerp to treat with, 126, 127.

forces of, entrenched near Mechlin, 126.

Lord Cobham reports that party in, best affected to Spain, will hear of no peace 'without Don John retire,' 127.

summary of all the proceedings between, and Queen Elizabeth, for loan to, 129, 130.

a 'Representation . . . by a gentleman of France,' addressed to, on their relations to the King of Spain, 130.

their army in action near Rymenam, gallantry of English, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139.

waiting for the result of the Imperial Ambassador's answer from Don John, 136.

Duke John Casimir complains of, to Queen, 143.

the Queen throws responsibility on, of having invited, and of maintaining, Duke John Casimir, 149 (p. 122).

the Queen instructs Walsingham to consult, as to dismissing, or endeavouring to use, the Duke of Anjou, 151, 152.

English Ambassadors' intervention in negotiations between, and Duke of Anjou, 156.

details of army of
-, they capture Aerschot, 157.

fail to conclude with the Duke of Anjou's commissioners
-, refer the decision to the Provincial Estates, 157.

if necessary, to secure them from the Duke of Anjou and Spain, the Queen Elizabeth prepared to send troops and sign bonds
-, she will require maritime towns as 'gages' from, 159.

text of agreement between, and Duke of Anjou, 163, forwarded, for Queen's approval, by the Ambassadors, 166.

need money only, to be independent both of France and Spain, 166.

request English Ambassadors to go to Don John, ibid.

Don John's inclinations to peace with, reported by the Imperial Ambassador, 167.

dispatch from, to Queen Elizabeth, desiring her approval of their treaty with the Duke of Anjou, 169.

dispatch from Privy Council, to the Ambassadors, signifying Queen's approval of the above treaty, subject to their maintaining their allegiance to Spain, 174, 175.

urgent request by, to England for loan, 181.

inform Davison of arrangements made for paying Duke John Casimir's troops
-, allege that he had brought more than bargained for, 182.

their deputies with Don John, 194, 206.

their camp quiet, awaiting end of negotiation with Don John, 196.

Queen consents to further advance to, on security of jewels
-, she insists on their Spanish allegiance, and objects to articles in treaty between, and Duke of Anjou
-, and comments on 'daily defections' from, 197, 198, 199.

formal thanks by, to English Ambassadors for their good offices with Don John, 207.

protest addressed to, by Quesnoy, 209, 246.

their truce with Don John prolonged, 211.

power to arrange peace with, committed by King Philip to Emperor, ibid., 221.

send Commissioner to deliver frontier towns to Duke of Anjou, 211, 236, 237.

inaction of their camp
-, excesses by soldiery, ibid.

Walsingham sets out the alienation produced among, by Queen's niggardly policy, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220.

description of camp of
-, troops starving and raiding
-, ravaged by plague, &c., 227.

Don John declines further treaty for peace with, on ground that the matter had been taken out of his hands and confided to Emperor, 236, 237.

arrangements by, for pay of troops, ibid.

plague in camp of, 236, 237.

to be required to pay 11,000l. to Duke John Casimir, as condition of loan of 28,000l. from England, 241, 242.

Walsingham laments to Lord Burghley, the alienation caused among, by the Queen's policy
-, two months' pay for their army would suffice, the King of Spain being weary of the war, 243.

their camp moved to Kempenhout, 246, to Waveren, 247, 259.

seek to reimpose tax called 'moyens grands,' 246.

depute the Abbot of Maroilles to arrange surrender of Quesnoy, &c., to Duke of Anjou, ibid.

prepare process against Champagni, ibid.

Lord Cobham reports effect on, of Queen's refusal of aid
-, their camp in revolt at the news, 247.

the Queen instructs Ambassadors to secure reductions of their armaments by agreement with Don John, pending settlement of Peace by Emperor, 253.

to be invited to consent to an Interim qua religion, ibid.

continued refusal of Queen Elizabeth to make advances to, without gages, 255.

appoint Commissioners to consider claim of Merchant Adventurers to exemption from export and import duties, 258.

their army seeks to give battle, 259.

removal of, to Brussels, deferred, ibid.

Walsingham informs Cecil that their forces were greater, and their government better, than he had supposed, needing only English support
-, spread of Protestantism a strength to, 260.

Quesnoy and Landrecies refuse to obey orders of, for their transference to Duke of Anjou, 261.

petition to, from Baron Montigny's regiment of Walloons from Luxembourg, against their mis-handling by men of Ghent, 262.

movements of their army
-, Nivelles taken by
-, sickness, famine and lack of pay prevalent in, 263, like to mutiny, 265.

Duke John Casimir's resolve to quit service of, 264.

desire the English Ambassadors to go home and explain to Queen the effects of her 'closeness'
-, consent to delivery to her of jewels, &c., 265.

Queen Elizabeth resents that she alone of Reformed Princes of Europe is called on to assist
-, her grievance against, re loan, 268.

report by the English Ambassadors of negotiations with, for jewels in pledge
-, their reluctance to grant
-, their urgent need
-, disposal of sum thus raised, 269, 271.

the Ambassadors submit Queen's proposal to, for armistice and reduction of forces, 270, 271.

towns taken by forces of, 271.

the Duke of Anjou demands that two of his representatives shall be present at their deliberations, ibid.

Count Lalaing reconciled with, ibid.

the negotiation, by Emperor, of peace with, only a device to gain time, 271.

their army marching on Binche, thence to Namur
-, soldiers, for lack of pay, turn robbers
-, wastage in
-, mutiny of Duke John Casimir's 'reiters' against, 272, 276, 278.

grant toleration in every town where 100 persons demand it, 276.

stand godfather to child of Prince of Orange, 276.

their army unpaid and mutinous
-, desertions from, to Duke of Anjou
-, attacks on, by Duke's troops
-, surrounded by thieves, who plunder under guise of Spaniards
-, discipline in, at an end, 278
-, particulars of looting by, 279.

articles of complaint against, of Merchant Adventurers, with their replies, 280, 281.

reported desire of town of Luxembourg to join, 282.

the Duke of Aerschot, and other Commissioners, report their negotiation with the Duke of Anjou to
-, in lieu of Quesnoy he demands Tournay, Bruges, &c., 283, 284.

the Duke of Anjou communicates successes of his troops in Franche Comt to, 283.

rates of pay in army of, salaries of officials, 285.

continued inaction of their army, which wastes away with plague. &c.
-, attempt to compound with Duke John Casimir's 'reiters'
-, country round pillaged by their own troops, 286.

country wasted by their army, ruined peasants come to their camp to beg alms
-, desertions continue
-, plague rages in
-, Gemblours captured, 291.

Prince of Orange writes touching mutiny in army, and devastation wrought by, in Brabant
-, the turn of other provinces from rabble soldiery to come, 292.

their camp at Busec, 293.

Duke John Casimir in letter to, declines to take orders from any but the Archduke, least of all from the Duke of Anjou, 295.

their camp at Gosseliers
-, pay found for one month, ibid.

take steps to coerce the Walloon regiments, ibid. (p. 225).

M. de Sainte-Aldegonde replies for, to Duke John Casimir, 296, 297.

Duke John Casimir 'greatly wronged' by, in Walsingham's opinion, 299.

blamed in England, for want of gratitude, for ill-using the Duke, and for slighting English troops, ibid.

proposal to obtain their authorization to form of prayer in use at the English House, Antwerp, 300.

unable to profit by the death of Don John
-, their alarm at Duke John Casimir's intervention in the quarrel between the men of Ghent and mutinied Walloon regiments, 302.

send mission to induce men of Ghent to pay their share of the moyens generaux, 304.

movements of their camp
-, attempt to blockad Louvain, ibid.

unable to pay troops owing to non-arrival of contribution from Flanders, ibid.

send for Prince of Orange, and accuse him of causing the troubles at Ghent, ibid (p. 236).

Queen Elizabeth orders that her letter shall be delivered to
-, but that the money for Duke John Casimir shall be delivered to the chiefs of their council, believing that the nobility will be more likely to apply the sum duly, 306.

their army breaking up, dying in incredible numbers of sickness and want
-, never an army worse led
-, hope of pay abandoned, 307.

advance made by Davison, without authority, for payment of their troops, 308.

their negotiations between men of Ghent and the Walloons
-, movements of their army, 309.

recommended by Queen to appease their quarrels, and to abate the heat of religious reformation, 316.

continued wastage of their army
-, 'reiters' to be dismissed
-, French leaving
-, dying in misery, 317.

their Commissioners instructed to offer assistance to Ghent against the Walloons, if the 'religions freidt' be granted there, 318.

reconnaissance by army of, of Spanish position, towns ravaged
-, keeps field with great distress
-, arrangements to pay, 318.

Walsingham anxious that they should have an advance of money to keep their army in field, 319.

undertake to obtain obligations from Antwerp, and other cities, in respect of English loan, 321.

advance of 8,000l. to, by Queen, to be preferentially employed for payment of Duke John Casimir's troops, 322.

Walsingham's suggestions as to nature of letter of thanks to be written by, to Queen, for 8,000l., 327.

Walloons willing to serve, where ordered, if men of Ghent will allow exercise of Catholic religion and restore goods to churchmen, and if they receive four months' pay, 329.

offer Mechlin to Duke of Anjou, ibid.

movements of their army, preparing for winter quarters in three camps
-, wasted by 'sickness, the enemy and bowres,' 329.

pending settlement of trouble at Ghent, and payment of contribution to, by Flanders, for army, other provinces withhold their quotas from, 333.

forward pay for army, ibid.

deputation to, from Artois, re religion, 333.

Walloons decline their offer of pay
-, unable to settle dispute between, and Ghent, 338.

Duke of Aerschot declines to come to, ibid.

secession from, of Hainault and Artois assured
-, overtures to other provinces to unite against, 338.

their camp moved to Jodoigne
-, thence to Diest, or Louvain, 338.

letter of credence for M. des Pruneaux, sent to, by the Duke of Anjou
-, he reproaches them with the effect of their delays
-, recommends the proposals of Estates of Hainault to, 346.

indemnify Davison in respect of his promissory note to Spinola, 349.

list of places taken by army of, 350.

invite Davison to go to Ghent
-, their efforts to reconcile men of Ghent with the Walloons, and stay breakup of Netherlands, 351.

growth of penury and sickness in army of
-, going into winter quarters
-, the enemy held in check by, unless compelled to go to Flanders owing to civil dissensions, 351.

Spanish decline to negotiate peace with
-, their army compelled to abandon field, weakened by disease, desertion, and death at hands of enemy and peasantry, and unpaid owing to civil war in Flanders, 352.

Diest reinforced by Spaniards against forces of, ibid.

Davison pays over balance of loan to Council of, for the use of Duke John Casimir
-, they plead inability to make good 400l. due to Spinola
-, Davison gives his own promissory note for the sum, 353.

Order from, to towns (e.g. Brussels, Bruges, Ghent) to give bonds to Davison, as given by Ghent, in security for English loan, 355.

Queen's intention to repudiate her obligations to Spinola and Pallavicino for loan to, to be hinted to, by Davison, 356.

movements of their camp
-, desertion of French from
-, devastating progress of, men and women turned naked out of house, 358.

The Duke of Anjou invites them to fulfil their promises, or he will join the Walloons, 362.

history of Duke John Casimir's employment by, in letter from Beutterich to Daniel Rogers, 365.

not to be pressed to pay the 8,000l. to the Duke, 369.

Queen little disposed to further assist, owing to their internal discord, 369.

pressed by the Duke of Anjou for settlement of his claims, out of jealousy of Duke John Casimir's presence at Ghent, 373.

Council of State of, deserting the Prince of Orange, 374.

fresh proposals made by, to men of Ghent, 380.

army of, near Mechlin, quitted by Commander in Chief, 380.

write to German States to promote peace, ibid.

furnish Spinola with letter to Queen, for payment of his advance on jewels, 381, 382.

efforts of French party in, to secure acceptance by, of Duke of Anjou, as Lord, within three months, if King of Spain did not before then make peace, 397, 407, 413 (p. 323).

movements of their army
-, pay still deficient
-, the enemy reinforced, 398.

informed by Prince of Parma that he has orders to obey the Emperor, ibid.

invite Prince of Orange to accept the governorship of Flanders, 399.

solemn embassy from Emperor on way to, ibid.

intended defection from, of Souther provinces, and their reconciliation with Spain, discovered by Poulett, 403.

letter to, from the Estates of Hainault, explaining that, at their request, the Marquis of Havrech was about to attend a meeting of the Estates of Artois, and excusing his absence, 404.

grant pension to the Duke of Anjou, 407, 430.

aggressive movements of enemy against army of
-, the principal officers absent from their posts, 407, 413 (p. 323).

gentleman sent from, to Emperor, to announce their intentions, if King of Spain will not come to terms, ibid. (p. 312).

text of Justification addressed to, by Duke John Casimir, 408, 409, 410.

letter from, to Emperor, welcoming his intervention, and appointment of Count Schwartzenberg, 412, in lieu of 'solemn embassy' promised, 413 (p. 323).

army of, disbanded and discontented, deserted by chiefs
-, their artillery in danger, ibid.

profession of loyalty to, from Lille, excusing agreement made with the Walloons, 420, 444.

position of camp of
-, hopes of reorganizing, 426.

treaty between, and Duke of Anjou, mentioned, 426, 430, 443.

letter to, from the Estates of Tournay, on need for peace, 437.

report to, by the Marquis of Havrech of his negotiations on their behalf at Artois, &c., 441.

letter of credence to, from the Duke of Anjou, for M. des Pruneaux, 442.

a 'general consultation,' a 'general summoning' of, at Brussels, appointed, 442, 443, 457, 476.

new contract between, and Duke of Anjou, to take him for their Prince, if within three or four months they cannot compound with King, 445, 453, 457.

letter to, from Prince of Orange, with news of the allowance by Ghent of the religions vreydt, 448.

disposition of their army
-, troubles with 'reiters,' 457.

the Duke of Anjou informs, of his approaching return to France, 462, and of his negotiations in Franche Comt, 463, 464
-, their acknowledgements, by MM. de Froidmont and Martini, with invitation to return, and with request to withdraw French soldiery from Flanders, 465, 469.

the Estates in Session, business before, 468.

confirm Count Lalaing in his position, 470.

negotiations between, and Walloons at Lannoy, hang fire, 471, 473.

proposal to form special guard for, taking orders from them only, 476.

defence of the Duke of Anjou delivered before, by M. des Pruneaux, 485, 486, 496.

their Commissioners negotiate with the Duke at Cond, 487.

arrangements by, for pay of Duke John Casimir's 'reiters,' 488.

Queen Elizabeth 'dislikes greatly,' for their folly and dissensions, 490.

occupied in considering how to get rid of 'reiters,' 494, 504.

deputies from, to attend peace conference at Cologne, 494.

general assembly of, at Brussels opposed, on ground of scarcity of victuals, &c., ibid. (p. 376), 496.

Count Lalaing appeals to, against the burghers of Mons, 494.

letter to, from the Prince of Orange, on the nogotiation with the Duke of Anjou at Cond, 495.

petition to, from Friesland, &c., in absence of Prince of Orange, against 'the religion,' 496.

position of their camp, 496 (p. 379).

seek to include M. de la Motte in their agreement with the Walloons to prevent their serving under him, ibid.

letters to, from MM. de Froidmont and Martini on their negotiations with the Duke of Anjou and at Mons
-, anxious the Duke should not depart dissatisfied, 497, 499.

Articles forwarded to, by the Estates of Artois, based on the 'Pacification of Ghent'
-, if not accepted within one month the Estates will seek other remedy, 500, 501, 523.

general assembly of, will probably be at Antwerp, 502, protest by Brussels
-, question of composition of guard for, 504.

offer the Duke of Anjou Mechlin, Vilvorde and Nivelles, pending settlement of his claims in full, 502, or Ath, 504, 523.

employ Rossel, as muster-master to to pay off, and conduct out of country, Duke John Casimir's French troops, 504, 505, 521, 522.

are sending Bouschot on mission to England, 505, 571.

if they will submit absolutely to the award of the Emperor, the Prince of Parma will do the like
-, proposal, on their behalf, to associate Queen Elizabeth with the Emperor, 506.

propose to send the Marquis of Havrech to England, to secure Queen's mediation for peace, 506, 512, 516.

Pallavicino attacked by Mendoza for his dealings with, 509.

Davison represents the damage to her credit if the Queen should repudiate her bonds on behalf of, 512, 517.

Davison deprecates Queen's hard judgment (No. 490) of, 513.

letter to, from the Emperor, appointing peace conference at Cologne, 520.

Count Schwartzenberg explains his negotiations to, 522.

Walsingham informs Davison that it would be well for them to send Agent to England to persuade Queen in matter of bonds, &c., 526
-, the following day he writes that such a mission would be fruitless, 527.

the Queen, on the suggestion of Simier, writes to, to complain of their treatment of the Duke of Anjou, 527, 540, 544
-, proposes to recall Davison from, to save expense, and because 'she finds that people ingrate' for benefits received, 530.

they dispair of any good result from embassy to England, 531.

send the Marquis of Havrech to negotiate with the Estates of Artois and Hainault, 532, 534, 535, 540.

embassy from, to the Duke of Anjou, of the Marquis of Havrech, the Abbot of St. Getrude and M. Meetkercke, 535, 544.

send Count Schwartzenberg again to the Prince of Parma, with offer to submit, as fully as the King, to the arbitrament of the Emperor, as 'mediator,' but not as 'judge,' 535, 540.

their troops scattered about country, unpaid, 540.

appoint committee to keep Davison informed of their transactions, 544.

Queen Elizabeth requires them to pay Spinola and Pallavicino, thus repudiating her bonds, 546, 569, 571.

the Duke of Anjou disposed to await at La Fre the general assembly of the eighteen provinces of, in hope of being chosen Lord, in place of King of Spain, 550.

hold out hopes to the Duke of Anjou to hinder his joining the Walloons, 555.

names of their deputies to treat for peace at Cologne, 555 (p. 417), 'not yet nominated,' 623, appointed, 642.

their ill treatment of the Duke of Anjou alluded to by Queen Elizabeth, 566.

letter to, from Count Lalaing, advertising them of intended attack on, by Duke of Guise, in conjunction with the Prince of Parma, 568 (1).

conditional separation from, of the Viscount of Ghent, M. de Capres and others, 568 (2 and 3).

Spinola declines to apply to, for money due on Queen's bonds, 571.

propose to send over Boischot to complain of Tipper's patent, of piracies, and arrests in England, by individuals, under colour of their bills, ibid.
-, too poor to defray the expense of his voyage, 597.

general Assembly of, to be held
-, des Pruneaux' hopes from, 574, 576, 587 (p. 440).

letter to, from Count Lalaing, requesting, with covert threat, the governorship of Bouchain, 580 (2).

letter to, from the Estates of Artois, and the Deputies of Hainault and Douai, announcing their reconciliation with the King, on the basis of the 'Pacification of Ghent, the subsequent Union, and the Perpetual Edict,' 581.

form of their bond to Colonels of 'reiters' for deferred pay, 582.

estimate of the numbers and cost of the army proposed to be maintained by, 585.

sedition against, in Antwerp, 587.

'reiters' desert from, 587, 591.

endeavour to bring Artois, &c., to terms, by arresting all merchandise on way to, ibid.
-, Artois replies by arresting the Marquis of Havrech, 600, 601.

warnings reach, from Rouen, to beware of treason in Antwerp and Mechlin, 591.

the Emperor informs, that he can only mediate, ibid.

Davison forwards three obligations of, for 45,000l. to England, 592.

'reiters' at Bergen-op-Zoom 'retained' by, 595.

send M. de Melroy to the Duke of Anjou, 595.

endeavour to conciliate M. de Capres by appointing him on the Council of State, 600.

on the point of resolving on the 'Religion wlitz' upon observation of the good understanding among the citizens produced by it, in Antwerp, on occasion of Spanish attack, 600.

send Agent to St. Omer, ibid. (p. 446). their answer to those of Artois is printed, 609.

impossible to hold General Assembly of
-, application by French that the Duke of Anjou shall be declared sovereign by treaty, 609.

Davison urges that the Queen should discharge her bonds on behalf of
-, backs their request for 30,000 fl., 610
-, their letter to the Queen requesting the advance, 611, with covering letter from their Treasurer, Schetz, 612.

fresh envoy to, arrives from Emperor, 614, 623.

'trumpet' send to, by Prince of Parma, with offer of peace on basis of the 'Pacification of Ghent' and obedience to King, 621
-, they send summary answer, 623, 629, 630
-, printed copy of the Prince's letter, 629.

decide to 'levy the tenth penny,' 623 (p. 468).

M. des Pruneaux alleges they cannot send Commissioners to Cologne without prejudice to their contract with the Duke of Anjou, 629
-, they excuse themselves to the Duke, 641.

general assembly of, commences, 634, 638, 642, 647, 653, 656.

appoint certain gentlemen to bring the Duke of Anjou back as Protector, 635
-, to make him approve the peace conference, 641, 642.

refuse to release arrested merchandise going to Artois, 641.

provinces rally to
-, M. de la Motte approaches with terms, 642.

their deputies to the peace conference, 642, 647, 655, 657.

letter to, from Queen Elizabeth as to jewels and bonds, 645.

list of provinces represented at general session of, 647.

devising a Council of war, 653.

send M. de Frezin to the Estates of Hainault at Mons, 656.

departure of their Commissioners to Cologne delayed
-, due to desire of Brabant to be included in Union of Utrecht, 657, 668, 670.

write to Queen Elizabeth, to request fresh bond for the 30,000fl. and payment or prolongation of the 28,000l., 658.

Queen Elizabeth gratified by letters from
-, offended at their previous neglect, 660.

Davison delivers his letters of recall to, 669
-, they consent to the removal of the jewels, 670.

'redress their camp,' 675.

send message to their deputies in Cologne to finish conference in fortnight
-, if no peace, they will then declare the King of Spain deposed, 695
-, the Duke of Anjou to be elected, ibid.

-, letters and despatches from, 99, 100, 101, 169, 207, 258, 265, 321, 355, 412, 469, 470, 611.

-, letters and despatches to, 1, 27, 78, 79, 130, 283, 284, 346, 404, 408, 437, 441, 442, 448, 462, 463, 487, 495, 497, 499, 500, 520, 580, 581, 645, 662, 677.

-, Treasurer General of. See Beken.

Neuenahr, Hermann, Count of, his death, his successor, 488.

-, young Count of. See Adolf.

-, Nicolas de, Seigneur de Villeroi, employed to reconcile the Duke of Anjou to the King, 71
-, appointed by the Duke of Anjou to negotiate agreement with the Estates, 118, 126, 127, 163
-, sent to the Queen Mother by the King, 188
-, sent by the Duke Anjou to the King and Queen Mother, 232
-, brings money for the pay of the Duke's troops, 279
-, wholly in the Spanish interest, the Duke advised not to employ, 298
-, sent to the Duke by the King, 478
-, mentioned, 579.

Neuss, Nuys, 571.

Neustadt, Newstadt, in the Palatinate, letter dated at, 565.

Nevers, Duke of. See Gonzague.

Nevill, Charles, Earl of Westmorland, in Low Countries, connected with plot of the Guises, 686.

Newbury, trade of, in Kerseys, 627.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, 538.

Newfoundland, French expedition to, 71.

Newmeghen. See Nymegen.

Newport. See Nieuport.

Newsletters :

from Rome, 32.

from Seville, 275.

from Venice, 32, 95.

Newstadt. See Neustadt.

Newton, John, of London, clothier, 627.

Nicaragua, 615 (p. 458).

Niebur, John, Secretary of the Senate of Hamburg, 273.

-, Niewport, in Flanders, reception of English Embassy at, 38
-, Walloons near, 447
-, no soldiers at, 455 (p. 351)
-, defeat of M. de la Motte's men near, 647.

-, letter dated at, 38, 40, 165.

Nimuegen. See Nymegen.

Ninove, seized by Count Egmont, 695 (p. 526).

Niport, Anthony, piracy by, 577.

-, in Brabant, Nivelle, held by Don John, 53, captured by the Estates, 263, 271, 276, garrisoned by Count Egmont, 272
-, Estates army near, 278, 287, 293, 302
-, one of three towns taken by the Estates, 350
-, offered by the Estates to the Duke of Anjou, 502
-, seized by Count Egmont, 695.

-, letters from camp at, 263, 272.

Noircarmes, Jan de, Baron de Selles, Lieutenant of Archers to Philip, King of Spain, sent by him to the Estates at Arras, 580 (1), 580 (4), 581 (3), 587, 600, 675.

Noisy, house of the Marchal de Retz at, 619 (p. 465).

Nombre de Dios, 615 (p. 459).

Normand, Captain, in command at Grobbendonck, 600.

-, partizans of Duke of Anjou in, 21 (p. 16)
-, text of memorial of Estates of, to King for reduction of imposts, 392, mentioned, 423
-, revolts from King, 468
-, Duke of Anjou goes vi, to Angers, 478
-, King's reply to the Estates of, 551
-, ships being equipped in, 552
-, King's evasive dealings with, Montmorency to be sent to
-, understanding between, and other provinces, 579
-, the Duke of Anjou courted in, ibid. (p. 431)
-, Duke of Anjou 'retains' men of arms in, 619
-, negotiations between Estates of, and King, 667.

-, Governor of. See Moy, Jean de.

Norris, Henry, an 'inerter,' 22.

-, John, his proposed employment in Netherlands, 22
-, Colonel 'Norytz' in command of English contingent for Estates, 117, in action, 134, 136, 137, 138
-, importance of securing his recognition as in supreme command of English in service of the Estates, 162
-, Walsingham's cousin
-, endeavours to get pay for his troops, 176
-, mentioned, 358
-, covers flight of 'reiters,' 560
-, cost of his companies for ensuing year, 585
-, in garrison at Herenthals, 587, 591
-, his narrow escape at Grobbendonck, 600, 601
-, excluded from Mechlin, 656
-, dispute re money between, and John Cobham, 659.

Northern dozens, 280, 624.

Norway, English piracy off, 577.

-, Queen's reception at, 171, 173
-, mentioned, 205
-, merchant of, 627.

-, letters dated at, 171, 172, 174, 175.

-, Bishop of, 23.

Norytz. See Norris.

-, Franois de la, Huguenot leader, assists the Duke of Anjou, 37, 84, joins him, 87 bis, his appointment as marshal of army of Estates expected, 98
-, joins Duke, with other Huguenots, 111
-, letter from, with report of Duke's forces, mentioned, 120 (p. 99)
-, his doubtful opinion of the Duke's design, 136
-, skirmishes before Louvain, 259
-, conveys messages between the Duke of Anjou and Count Bossu, 272, 279
-, unable to get infantry for Estates' army from the Duke of Anjou's men, all being gone home
-, M. de Bussy promises to bring him some if needed
-, his standard bearer deserts him, 317
-, marchal de camp, absent from post, at Brussels, 407
-, expected at Ghent, 425
-, dispatched by men of Ghent to make their apologies to Duke of Anjou for attack on M. de Bonivet, 449, 452, 455 (p. 352)
-, approves dispatch of Rogers to Duke John Casimir, 488
-, returns to Ghent, 488
-, sent by Prince of Orange to Dukeof Anjou at Cond, 496
-, in garrison at Herenthals, 587, 591
-, narrow escape of, at Grobbendonck, 600, saved by Schetz', servant, 601
-, to serve in Flanders, 623, 629, 630, his campaign there, 634, 635, 638
-, Artois alarmed at his approach, 641
-, advances too far, French under M. de Mouy sent to reinforce, 642 (p. 480), gone to 'make head against la Motte,' 643
-, defeats 'la Motte's men' near Nieuport
-, gives M. de Montigny six days to declare himself, 647
-, for lack of cavalry fails to follow up defeat of la Motte
-, will have to retire, unless revictualled, 653
-, his victory, at Mardick, 655
-, to be recalled, to relieve Maestricht, 657
-, French companies in M. de la Motte's pay refuse to serve against, 668
-, to attack the Walloons, 675
-, near Rousselaer
-, MM. de Montigny and de la Motte collecting their forces against
-, operations to be conducted against, by M. de Hierges, 684
-, entrenched near Bruges, outnumbered, 694
-, calls on the Four Members of Flanders for reinforcements, if he is to conduct offensive war, 695.

Nova Terra, Duke of. See Terranova.

Noyelles, M. de. See Montigny.

-, Jean de. See Rossignol.

-, Ponce de, Seigneur de Bours, report by, 282
-, sent to Ghent by the Estates, to prevent execution of prisoners there, 301 (p. 236)
-, reports on attitude of Walloons, &c., 318, 426, 447, 448, 449, 455, 498
-, to command ten companies for the Estates in coming year, 585
-, returns, as wise as he went, 609.

-, Newmeghen, assembly at, to arrange offensive and defensive league of Holland, Zealand, Friesland, Gueldres, Groningen and Overyssel, 287
-, mentioned, 408
-, anti-Catholic revolution in, 621.