Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1903.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1903), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 13, 1578-1579. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1903), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



-, Guillaume de, Baron de Chasteauneuf, 'young Laubespine,' to be sent to Pope, 21
-, Ambassador accredited to Pope, 95
-, to be sent to Pope, for licence to create knights of St. Esprit, 323.

L'Estoile, Lestoile, in Franche-Comt, captured by Duke of Anjou, 283, 287, 295.

-, letter from Queen-Mother dated at, 359
-, edict to be published at, 393, 423.

La Barranca, port of, 615.

La Fre, in Rethelois, suggested retirement to, of Duke of Anjou, 504, 522, 544, said to be there, refused admission by Governor, 550, 555.

La Fin
-, , in attendance on Duke of Anjou, procures his reconciliation with King
-, chosen on the Privy Council and given a Company in reward, 619
-, alleged to have been sent by Duke to Spain. 667 bis.

La Layne, Count. See Lalaing.

La Mocha, Island of, 615.

La Motte. See Pardieu.

La Noue. See Noue.

La Prunay. See Pruneaux, des.

Ladron, Count of, to command Germans in Portugal, 661.

Laiguier, Peter, ingots delivered to, 75.

Lalaing, Countess of, in communication with Queen of Navarre, 9.

-, , M d' Anstrade, Hochstraet, brother of Baron de Ville, 522.

-, Emmanuel Philibert de, Baron de Montigny, his regiment of Walloons, 262, 276, in revolt, 287 (p. 218)
-, put, in charge of them by the Estates, but suspected of favouring Duke of Anjou, 295 (p. 225)
-, espouses cause of his Walloons, 302, 304, 309
-, takes town of Deynse near Peteghem from Gauntois, 374
-, confers with M. de la Motte
-, returns to Mons, 394, 398
-, bribed by La Motte, throws him over, 430, 443
-, his movements, 444
-, M. de Bours sent to, by Prince of Orange, 447
-, outrages by his Walloons
-, letters intercepted addressed to
-, his intrigue with M. de la Motte, 455
-, returns to the Estates' obedience, 457, 458
-, his Companies expelled by the citizens from Mons, 494 (p. 376) agreement between, and the Estates, 496 (p. 379)
-, Combelles ordered to withdraw his troops from, 511
-, his jealousy, as nobleman, of M. de la Motte, 'scant a gentleman,' 516
-, arrests Walloons, when about to betray Cassel to M. de la Motte, 535
-, undertakes to join the Viscount of Ghent and M. de Capres and return, on certain conditions, to the Spanish obedience, if M. de la Motte will join also, 568 (2 and 3)
-, present at meeting of the Estates of Artois, and reported to be active on behalf of the Estates General, 580 (1)
-, governorship of Bouchain demanded for, by Count Lalaing, 580 (2)
-, on the Estates' army estimates for coming year, 585
-, mentioned, 591 (p. 442), 609
-, in command of Walloons, 609, summoned to declare himself in six days by M. de la Noue, 647
-, declares against the Estates, 653, to be general of the Walloons, 654
-, Hainault approves of his own contract with M. M. de Hze and la Motte, 655, its terms, 656
-, massing forces to oppose M. de la Noue, 684
-, confers with Count Egmont and M. de Hze, and, in spite of persuasions of Archduke's Council, forms league with, 694, 695.

-, Georges de, Comte de Rennebourg, Baron de Ville, Governor of Friesland, probable successor to Count Bossu, 468 (p. 361)
-, negotiates relief of Carpen, 502
-, in conference with Count Schwartzenberg, 522.

-, Philippe de, Comte de Lalaing, Governor of Hainault, probable surrender of Hainault by, to Duke of Anjou, 9 (p. 7)
-, more zealous for Duke than the Estates of Hainault, 13
-, proofs of his intrigue with Duke of Anjou intercepted, 33
-, his lieutenant devoted to Don John, 53
-, his French faction, 58 (8)
-, Governor of Mons, 60 (p. 47), which he was like to deliver to Duke, 76
-, garrisons Soignies, on withdrawal of Don John, 104
-, to be ordered by Estates to deliver certain towns to Duke of Anjou, 163 (p. 133)
-, attributes disturbance at Valenciennes to Duke's Agent, 178, 180
-, two of his companies of foot 'cut in pieces' by 'Gauntoys,' 211
-, Valenciennes requests to be removed from government of, 236, 237
-, arrested and confined in the Town-house by burghers of Valenciennes, 259, 276
-, reconciled with the Estates, 271
-, released from Valenciennes, deprived of governorship of, 276
-, present at interview between the Estates' Commissioners and Duke of Anjou, 283
-, his intrigues with the Walloon soldiery, 295 (p. 225)
-, at Valenciennes disliked by people, supported by magistrates, 380
-, compelled to quit for fear of arrest, 398
-, goes to Antwerp, 396
-, Prince of Parma writes to, 422
-, hostile to Spain, 425, 443
-, attempts reconciliation with the Estates, on departure of the Duke of Anjou, 468
-, confirmed in his position by the Estates, 470
-, on the discovery of the Duke of Anjou's treachery, the burghers of Mons deprive him of the keys, 476, 488, hold him as prisoner, 494 (p. 376). he appeals to the Estates, ibid., the Prince of Orange supports him, 497
-, warned by the Duke of Anjou to find garrisons for places evacuated by French, 511
-, notifies the Estates of approaching attack by the Duke of Guise, 568 (1)
-, demands the governorship of Bouchain, for self, or brother, from the Estates, with threat, if refused, 580 (1)
-, mentioned, 591 (p. 442), 609
-, remains true to French interest, compelled to leave Mons by people, 629
-, consents to conclusion, by Artois, of three months truce with Prince of Parma, 634
-, the Duke of Anjou offended with
-, reconciled with the Estates
-, if a better man of business, would secure Hainault, 635
-, recalled to Antwerp, ibid.
-, offers to come to Antwerp
-, his assent to truce makes him suspect, 638
-, M. de la Motte makes overtures by, to the Estates
-, will come to meeting of the Estates, under safe conduct of Prince of Orange, 642, not arrived, 647, expected defection of, 654.

-, letters from, 580
-, to, 470.

Landersey. See Landrecies.

Landgrave of Hesse. See William.

Laloo, A. de, contersigns letter of Don John, 190.

Lancaster, Duke of. See John.

Landreau, , 'a revolted Poitevin,' equips ships, 552, 553.

-, Landersey, assigned to Duke of Anjou, 163, burghers protest, 247, 259, 261, 276, alternatives to, demanded by Duke, 283, 295 (p. 225)
-, country near, ravaged by French on way home, 333
-, mentioned, 407
-, the Duke tries to seize Mons as alternative to, 504.

Landsknechts, Lanceknights, Lanskenicks, Lansknights, Lansquenets, German, 13, 23, 90, 227, 276, 302, 408 (p. 314), 413 (p. 323), 561.

-, quarrel between the Comte de Damville, and M. de Chastillon in, 347
-, Queen-Mother's intrigues in, 393
-, reported revolt in, against King, 468
-, deputies of, demand the free exercise of religion throughout France
-, like to 'set the realm on fire,' 579
-, open war in, between Damville and Chastillon, ibid.

-, Hubert, Councillor of Duke John Casimir, consulted by Duke at Ghent, 365, 413 (p. 322), guides him with discretion, 452
-, mentioned, 488, 498
-, in spite of his age, to accompany Duke to England, 516
-, a friend of Sturmius, 673.

-, between Lille and Tournay, sacked by French under Combelles, 329, 339 (p. 259), 351
-, Walloons at, 420
-, negotiations with Walloons at, 473.

Lansac, the young. See Saint-Gelais.

Lansquenets. See Landsknechts.

Largile, M. de, Captain for Estates at St. Omer, 60.

Larguas, Alfonso de, 682.

Laubespine. See L'Aubespine.

Laudas, , signs on behalf of the Estates of Tournai, 437.

Lauenburg, Duke of. See Francis.

-, 408
-, letters dated at, 2, 5.

Laval, Gui XIX., Comte de, his rivalry with Rohan, in Brittany, 667.

Lead, export of, from England, 624.

-, Catholic, the Holy League, the Ligues, power of Duke of Guise by means of, 21
-, effect of the threats of the 'Holy League' on action of Duke of Anjou in the past, 45 (p. 34)
-, existence of Holy League between France and Spain affirmed, 95 (p. 78)
-, Don John's death a blow to, 304 (p. 236)
-, league between France, Spain and Pope never stronger, 619 (p. 464).

Lectoure, Lestore, King of Navarre to meet Queen-Mother at, 298.

Lee. See Leigh-on-Sea.

-, Leeuw, Estates' camp at, 358
-, proposal to assault, 362
-, garrison reinforced by Spaniards, 380 (p. 293), 398.

Lefebre, Nicolas, Alderman of Arras, 374.

-, Pierre, tailor, hung at Arras, 367, 374 (p. 289).

Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert.

-, Lee, co. Essex, copper arrested on hoy in 'Lee roads,' 32
-, shipments at, 625.

-, Thomas, Captain of Guernsey, sells eargo of woad for own profit
-, French complaint against, 402, 524.

Lenoncourt, M. de, of Lorraine, Governor of Nivelles, for Don John, 263, 276.

-, Earl of
-, Lady Lenox. See Stuart.

-, Gilles, de, Baron d'Aubigny, joins the Walloons, 394, 399, outrages by, 447
-, his castle burned by 'bowres,' 455, affair described, 458.

Leo. See Looz.

Lepipre, , magistrate of Arras, 374 (p. 289).

Lergant, Louis, appointed magistrate at Arras, 374 (p. 289).

Lermite, Peter. 429.

-, Lesley, John, Bishop of Ross, Secretary to Mary, Queen of Scots, expected in Paris, 347, 348
-, has 'long whispering' with the House of Guise, 478
-, report that he is 'stayed' in Germany, 512, by the Duke of Ltzelstein, 516
-, verbal orders respecting, from England, 526
-, Mr. Candyshe's relations with, in Paris, 553
-, list of letters, &c., found on, 565
-, permitted to return to France, at request of Emperor and Duke of Guise, ibid.
-, Poulett declines visit from
-, has been absent from Scotland 9 or 10 years, 579 (p. 431)
-, reported to favour deliverance of Queen of Scots by favour of Queen Elizabeth rather than by force, 686.

Lessart, , 110.

Lestoile. See L'Estoile.

Lestore. See Lectoure.

Lettenghen. See Peteghem.

Letteren. 179.

'Lettres de Catherine de Mdicis', cited, 667 bis.

Lewin, William, recommends servant of Lord Oxford to Davison, 12.

Lewis, Duke of Wirtemberg and Teck, a Commissioner on behalf of the Emperor to negotiate peace, 473.

-, the Elector Palatine, reported to be dying, 488 (p. 372)
-, gives orders for frontier to be watched, 516
-, Sturmius advises English embassy to, 673.

Leyden, efforts to revive cloth trade in, 164.

Libnah, 370.

Libourne, Queen-Mother at, 362.

Licques, Liques, M. de. See Recourt.

-, -, Madame de, the Baron her son, &c., 374 (p. 289).

-, mentioned, 42, 53
-, provisions sent from, sunk in Maas, 304 (p. 236)
-, Estates' camp in territory of, 358, 380, 397
-, the Prince of Parma's army near, 473.

-, Prince Bishop of. See Groesbeck.

-, Lira, Lyre, camp of the Estates at, 81, 86, 89 (p. 71), 97, 98, 104
-, bloody affray at, between townsfolk and English soldiery, 126
-, demanded by Duke of Anjou, 295 (p. 225)
-, deputation from, to Ghent, 352, 383
-, likely to be besieged by Prince of Parma, 587
-, refusal of the Estates to garrison, with Walloons, ibid. (p. 440)
-, mentioned, 595.

-, Liesfelt, M. Thierry de, of the Privy Council of the Archduke Matthias, Advocate, Commissioner of Estates to prepare process against Champagni, 246
-, confers with Count Schwartzenberg, 522
-, sent to Davison, to complain of Tipper's patent, 571
-, confers with Count Egmont, and other 'malcontents,' 694, 695, returns, ibid. (p. 526).

Livin, Charles de, Seigneur de Famars, in confidence of Prince of Orange, 227, sent by him to Davison, 400, 413 (p. 321).

Liggins, , Captain, killed at Rymenam, 136, 137, 138.

Ligne, Charles, de, Prince and Count d' Aremberg, devoted to Don John, 53.

-, Philippe, de, Comte de Fauquenberg, with Don John, 60 (p. 48), 142.

-, camp of the Estates at, 329, leaves, 358
-, letters from camp at, 307, 317.

Ligues. See League.

-, description of, 58
-, expenses at, 59
-, applies for instructions, re Duke of Anjou, to Estates General
-, referred to Provincial Estates, 104
-, excitement in, at capture of Ypres, 126
-, public preaching at, 236, 237
-, demanded by Duke of Anjou, 283, 295 (p. 225)
-, threatened by ravages of unpaid soldiery, 292, 304
-, town near, sacked by French, 329
-, Spanish intrigue in, 363
-, mentioned, 374, 379, 407, 413 (p. 321)
-, impending reconciliation of, to Spain, 413 (p. 322), 425
-, composition made by, and district, with the Walloons, without prejudice to their allegiance to the Estates General
-, the Archduke Matthias informed, 420, 444
-, opposes the treason of Arras, 449
-, 'those of the religion' persecuted in, 473
-, reported dispatch of deputies from, to Prince of Parma, 499
-, hesitates to join with Artois
-, 'honest letters' sent to, by M. de Montigny, 535, deputies from, help to keep the Estates of Hainault true to the union, 580 (4), represented at meeting of the Estates, 581 (3)
-, estimate of sum to be charged to, for expense of Estates' army in coming year, 585
-, method employed by the Estates to keep loyal, 587
-, reconciled to the Estates by M. de Willerval, 601
-, affects to consider it unsafe to send deputies to the Estates, after detention of the Abbot of St. Michael, 638
-, postpones sending deputies to the Estates General and to Cologne
-, acts withArtois, 642 (p. 480)
-, not represented on the assembling of the Estates General, 647, 657
-, John Delanoye of, merchant in London, 665
-, sends deputies to the Estates General, 668, 670
-, escape to, of 'prisoners of Ghent' 694.

-, letters and despatches dated at, 420, 568.

-, Governor of. See Gand
-, Ongnies.

Lima, Ciudad de los Reyes, 615.

-, Lymborch, Lymbourne, above Maestricht, surprized by enemy
-, subsequent explosion at, 33 (p. 26), 42, 49
-, held by Don John, 53
-, Prince of Parma at, 443, 450, 453, 473, 488
-, Estates army near, 496.

-, dispatch dated at, 422.

Lincges, Peter, 429.

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton, Edward.

Lingen, route via to Frankfort, 626.

Linz, 'exercise of religion' suppressed in, 212.

Liques. See Licques.

Lira. See Lierre.

-, Stewkley at, 37
-, cut diamonds sent to, from Antwerp, 429
-, letter fromKing Philip to the municipality of, 607, 608
-, probable resistance by, to Spain, 682
-, letter to Papal Nuncio at, 685
-, copy of oath taken by City of, to King Henry, 689, 690
-, declaration by trades of, on receipt of King Philip's letter, 696 (3).

-, letter dated at, 429.

-, Archbishop of. See Almeida.

Lisle. See Lille.

Little Hadham. See Hadham.

Locatelli, Innocent, merchant of the steelyard, 624.

-, Nicholas, Governor of the Merchant Adventurers, in Antwerp, his quarrel with Mr. Travers, chaplain there, for not conforming to use of prayer book, 299, 300, 308
-, letter to, on matter, from Walsingham, on appeasement of quarrel,. 327
-, further comments by Walsingham on affair, in letter to Davison, 328, and by Davison in his reply, 349
-, letters delivered to, by Rossel, 318.

Lombres, M. de. See Lumbres.

Londel, M. du, 436.

London :

Teutonic Hanse in, ruined, 29, 30.

trade between, and Bilbao, 32.

mentioned, 88, 205, 268, 525, 632, 686.

plague in, bills of mortality show decrease, 336.

Typper of. See Tipper.

pirates divide their spoil in, 577.

beer brewed in, sent to Antwerp, 598.

merchants of, 627, 665.

letters dated at, 12, 240, 305, 326, 402, 418, 503, 509, 510, 524, 530, 570, 652.

-, City of, bound, with Queen, for repayment of sums taken up by Estates, 43, 77, 88, 130, 226, 240, 334, 681
-, gives banquet in honour of Duke John Casimir, 569.

-, Tower of, Irish prisoner in, 7
-, castle of Lille compared to, 58.

Long Melford. See Melford.

Long, , du, French Officer killed at Borgerhout, 595.

Lons-le-Saunier, Lyon-le Gaulnier, in Franche Comt, attacked by forces of Duke of Anjou, 295.

Loo, Andreas de, merchant of the Steelyard, 624.

Looz, Leo. Spanish force resting at, 609.

Lopez, George, 689.

-, M. de Lenoncourt of, in command of troops from, for Don John, 263, 276
-, the Scottish Ambassador goes to baths in, 686.

-, Duke of, his dread of France, 185.

-, Charles de, Duc de Mayenne, confers with Duke of Savoy, 423.

-, -, refuses to come to Court, 579 (p. 431).

-, Dorothe de, wife of Eric, Duke of Brunswick-Gottingen, 609.

-, Henri de, Duc de Guise :

reported poisoned, 9 (p. 7).

levies troops in Champagne, to assure frontier against Duke Casimir, 13, 21.

sells St. Avour to Henry III., ibid.

his departure, discontented, from Court
-, his readiness to serve the King on behalf of Spainand against Huguenots
-, his great power 'by reason of the Ligues,' 21.

meeting of his kinsfolk at Dijon
-, his scheme 'to make himself dreadful to the King,' 21 (p. 15).

exaggerated report of his preparations, 37.

'troubles will be renewed' in France, 309,' civil war beginning to stir in France
-, M. de Guise is at the head of it,' 317.

Parliament of Dijon proposes as leader, against Henry III., 362.

residing in Duchy of Burgundy, ibid.

avails himself of general discontent in France, 393, strengthening himself
-, King's apathy, 423.

his hostile intentions discredited
-, may come to Court any day, 494 (p. 377).

the Bishop of Ross accredited to, 516.

procures the murder of one of the King's minions, 548.

communications between, and Duke of Anjou, 552.

on very good terms with M. de Bussy, ibid.

efforts to get him to come to Court, 553.

the Duke of Ltzelstein releases the Bishop of Ross out of regard for, 565
-, the Bishop has Papal brief to, ibid.

reported design of, to attack the Netherlands, co-operating with Prince of Parma, 568 (1).

has no credit with the Provincial Estates, 579 (p. 431).

expected at Court
-, not sure of the Duke of Anjou
-, his brother, the Duke of Mayenne refuses to accompany him, ibid.

the 'good or bad amity' between, and the Duke of Anjou, an index to the Duke's sentiments to Queen Elizabeth, 619.

leaves Paris in same coach with King, the Duke of Anjou, and Cardinal de Guise, 619 (p. 465)
-, greatly caressed by King, 635.

levying troops, object unknown, 623.

in same coach with King, on reception of Duke of Anjou, 667 bis.

secret meeting appointed between, and spy from Scotland
-, plot of, for the invasion of Scotland, 686.

-, Louis de, Cardinal de Guise, leaves Paris in same coach with King, 619 (p. 465)
-, receives Duke of Anjou in King's coach, 667 bis.

-, Louise de, daughter of Nicholas, Comte de Vaudemont, wife of Henry III. of France, proposed marriage of her sister to Prince de Cond, 21 (p. 16), 393
-, proposal to repudiate, as barren, 393 (p. 302), 650 (p. 486).

Lorrola, Pedro de, 542.

Los Valles, 615.

Losignol, M. de. See Rossignol.

Louis XII, of France, 392, 551.

-, Loveyn, English grey friar at, 37
-, held by Don John, 53
-, his army near, 98, 126, his army withdraws to, 142, 157
-, Ambassadors repair to him at, 167
-, lodgings at, prepared for English Ambassadors, 177, 178, 180
-, they return from, 193, 194
-, Don John's army near, 211
-, pestilence spreads from, 227
-, the Estates army likely to attack, 246, their camp at Waveren near, 247, 259
-, allusion to plague at, 254
-, reconnaissance in force before, 259
-, proposed siege of, 263, 276
-, Baron de Chevreaux leaves, 295
-, mortality at, from plague, 302
-, Estates' army to blockade, 304, their camp to be moved to, 338
-, widow residing at, 374 (see 339)
-, reinforced by Spanish, 380 (p. 293)
-, garrison of, withdrawn for service in Burgundy, replaced by Germans, 398
-, aggressive movements from, 407, 504
-, allusion to peace negotiations at, 412
-, Ambassador of Emperor at, 450, 453
-, Prince of Parma expected to retreat to, 595
-, M. d'Hierges collecting force at, 609
-, troops leave, 623.

-, letters dated at, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 206.

Loveyn, Lowyne. See Louvain.

-, convention of Hansa League at, 133
-, news from, 339 (p. 260)
-, merchants of, trading to Iceland, plundered by English pirates, 577
-, hostility in, to English traders, 664.

Lucca, people of, 'Luquoys,' quarrel with Duke of Ferrara, 287.

Lumbres, Lombres M. de. See Fiennes, Eustache de.

Lupo, Pietro, one of the Queen's violins, his claim for debt in Netherlands, 518.

Luquoys. See Lucca.

Lusion, Thomas, of Barcelona, 85.

Lutheran, Confession. See Augsburgh.

-, 'Martinists,' places of worship allotted to, in Antwerp, 211
-, unite with Catholics and Anabaptists against Calvinists, in Antwerp, 374.

- See also Huguenots
-, Religion
-, Ubiquitarian Controversy.

Ltzelstein, Duke of. See George John.

-, Duke of Anjou's troops marching on, 9
-, held by Don John, 53
-, reinforcements arrive in, 112
-, assigned to Duke of Anjou under treaty with Estates, 163 (p. 133)
-, French designs on, 235
-, German levies for Don John arrive in, 236, 237, 276
-, castle of Saney in, captured, 259, 276
-, regiment of Walloons from, in service of the Estates
-, their grievances, 262
-, reported offer by town of, to join the Estates of the Netherlands, 282
-, invaded by the Duke of Anjou, 287.

Lymborch, Lymbourne. See Limburg.

Lyon-le-Saulnier. See Lons-le-Saunier.

Lyonnais, deputies from, complain to King of burdens on, 323.

-, news from, 323
-, Queen Mother on way to, 667 bis, 686 (p. 519).

Lyre. See Lierre.

Lys, river, 287 (p. 219).

Lyt, village on the Rhine, 125.