Index: S

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: S', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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Sabatka, 575.

Sablon, le, in Norden, 196.

-, Henry, his ship taken by French, 253, 420, 595
-, French complaint against, 663 (p. 518).

Sacramental Controversy. See Ubiquitarian Controversy.

St. Aignan, Count of, officer of Duke of Anjou, 663, 691.

St. Angelo, Angely, Castle of. 640.

-, Castellan of, the Pope's bastard, 744.

St. Augustine's, Works, ordered by Wilson, 847.

St. Avour, in Bishopric of Metz, fortified by Guise, 323 (p. 246).

St. Bartholomew, massacre of, 95, 565, 854. See Coligny.

St. Belmont, Bellamont, Sambellemont, M. de, of Lorraine, commands for Don John, 431, 517, 586, 658.

St. Casciano, Scarchiano, medical baths at, rediscovered, 651 bis (p. 505).

St. Cloud, 814.

St. Denis, 'jewels of,' brought to Paris, 837 (p. 660).

Saint-Gélais, Gui de, the elder, Seigneur de Lansac, his defence of his son to Poulet, 587.

-, Gui de, the younger, Seigneur de Lansac, Vice-Admiral of Guienne, reported a prisoner in Rochelle, 14, re-enforced against those of Rochelle, expected at Brouage, 20, off Brouage, 35, 36, 37, with King seeking recruits, 58, fleet equipped by Navarre and Condé against 68, with Poulet on business of prisoners and merchants, admits prevalence of piracy on French coasts, 99, makes descent on island of Ré, capturing fifty English merchantmen in company of ships of Rochelle, 252, 253, 253A, excuses made for, at Court, 255, 266
-, his action at Ré described
-, cowardice of English, 267
-, his capture supposed, in England, to be the first sign of understanding between France and Spain for joint attack on Queen, 291
-, French King sends to enquire into affair at Brouage, 306, he refuses reparation, Queen replies by arresting French ships at Plymouth, 353
-, his capture supposed, in England, to prove French annoyance at assistance given by Queen to Netherlands, 354
-, French give out that arrested ships have escaped from him, 420
-, French attempts to justify
-, deadlock
-, Queen threatens war, 440
-, Poulet conceives he acted under orders, to provoke war, 447
-, detailed explanations by his Lieutenant, giving names, &c., of ships detained by, 460
-, discussion between Poulet and French King's Minister for arrangement of deadlock originating in his action, 497
-, ship seized by, to be released, 552
-, his father's defence of him to Poulet, 587
-, fresh adventure promoted by, 592
-, Queen's resentment at his insulting treatment of released mariners at Bordeaux, 595
-, last of ships seized by, released, 640
-, 'the late accident at Brouage' discussed in French Council, 663 (p. 519).

St. Genyès, M. de, deputy of King of Navarre, 135.

St. Gertrude
-, Abbot of, his mission to Prince of Orange, 199
-, in plot to bring in Archduke Matthias, 318
-, good patriot, 359
-, member of new Council of State, 379
-, sent by States to negotiate release of Duke of Aerschot, 421, 426
-, of the deputation to Archduke Matthias, 503, 521
-, of the Archduke's Council, 522
-, good friend of Davison
-, helps him to hinder negotiations with Duke of Anjou, 903.

St. Gertrude's, in Hungary, besieged by Turk, 15 s. (p. 432).

St. Germain, 640.

St. Ghislain
-, near Mons, 803, 811, 815, 834, 917
-, occupied by French, 917 (p. 727).

-, Abbot of. See Moulart.

St. Goar, St. Goylers, Duke Casimir at, 44.

St. Goylers, See St. Goar.

St. Jamond, F— de, signature of, on behalf of Reformed Churches of Languedoc, 34.

St. Jean (St. John) d'Angely
-, massacre at, 20
-, active on behalf of Huguenots, 35, 36, 37, 253
-, allotted, by peace, to Condé, 266
-, designs on, 654.

Saint-Luc, M. de. See Epinay.

St. Malo
-, 252
-, English complaint against men of, 610
-, French representations to Queen Elizabeth on behalf of man of, 616
-, English charge against ships of, 653
-, letters of marque issued against, in England, 663. (p. 518).

-, Governor of. See Fontaines.

St. Marcein, Abbot of, concerned in Bishop of Arras' plot, a fugitive, 736, 744.

St. Mark's, Venice, burnt, 553, 620 bis (p. 484).

St. Mighell's, Isle, 486.

St. Omer
-, French designs on, 95, 101, 102, 103
-, Don John's intelligences in, 744, 746, 747, 749
-, garrisoned by States, M. de Capres sent, 805, 815
-, fortified by States, 858
-, alleged admission of French into, 864 (p. 681).

-, Governor of. See Runninghe.

St. Pierre du Bois, curé of, 639.

St. Romain, Sieur de, his petition, 282 (p. 212).

St. Vaast, Vast, Va, Abbot of, arrested for Arras plot, 736, 744, 746, 747, 749.

Sainte Aldegonde, M. de. See Marnix.

Sainte-Colombe, —, a prisoner, 20.

Sainte-Geneviève, Abbot of, 650.

Saintonge, heavy guns removed from, to Bordeaux, 640.

'Saker and minion falcons', 19.

-, Bertrand de, Seigneur de la Mothe-Fénélon, 255
-, his intrigues with Scotland, when Ambassador in England, 857.

Salis, Giulio and Augustine, 720 bis (p. 556).

Sallet, Captain, 787.

Sallmes. See Solms.

Salsyn, monastery of, Don John's troops at, 517.

-, valuable asset of Huguenots, lost by surrender of Brouage and treachery of Damville, 135, 136, 252
-, bought in France by English, 440, 460
-, imported from Portugal, 486, from Papal States to Switzerland, 575.

Saltash, ship of, bound for Bilbao, 240.

-, Saltonston, Richard, of London, merchant, English subsidy to be delivered to, in Antwerp, 872
-, form of receipt to be given to, 891
-, his expenses, 892
-, mentioned, 916.

Saltpetre, 125, 12 s. (p. 430), 17 s., 21 s.

Salvador, Señor, 240.

Salza, 820 (7).

Sambitores, Baptista de, English denizen, 486.

Samon, Mr., 461 (p. 345).

Samson, Sanson, Castle of, on Maas, taken by States, 330, 502, 517, 541.

San Juan, Señor, 129.

San Sebastian
-, letter dated at, 19
-, mentioned, 160.

San Susti, 160.

Sandras, —, Secretary to Navarre, 529.

-, —, brother of the Secretary, Governor of Valéry for Condé, 529.

Sanello, Silvio, Lord, 575.

Sangiacho. See Sanjak.

Sanjak, Sangiacho, of Tauris, 604 bis (p. 466).

Santberghe, or Jandbergh, M. de, officer in States' army, 450.

Sarazin, —, 132.

-, Arnoul, President of Privy Council at Brussels, his mission to Friesland in support of Count Bossu, 14
-, with Prince of Orange, re Amsterdam, 38, 42
-, tempts members of Estates of Holland and Zealand, 42
-, member of the Archduke Matthias' Council, 522.

Satin, 543, 595.

Saventhen, M., 95.

-, Charles-Emanuel, de, M. de la Garnache, son of the Duc de Nemours, a prisoner, 20
-, his release arranged, 283.

-, Honorat de, II., Marquis de Villars et Comte de Tende, Admiral of France, to be removed from post in Guienne, at request of King of Navarre, 283
-, expected at Court, 507
-, his office granted in remainder to his son-in-law, 837 (p. 658).

-, Jacques de, Duc de Nemours, his son a prisoner, 20, 283.

Savona, town near, seized by Spain, 379.

-, Spanish troops in, 14, leave for Netherlands in small parties, 305 (p. 231), 18 s. (p. 437)
-, 'very bare, by reason of the former Spaniards,' 608
-, money passing through, to Don John, 691
-, precedence claimed for, over Tuscany, 701
-, 'droyth' in, 848.

-, Duke of. See Emanuel-Philibert.

-, Duke of. See Francis
-, Henry.

Saxon Formula. See Ubiquitarian Controversy.

-, clergy of, their tenets, 140, their desire to oppress Calvinists, 211
-, religious exiles from, 249 (p. 187)
-, open to Turkish invasion, 258
-, estate in of Admiral Coligny, to be restored to family, 282
-, Ubiquitarian Controversy originated in, 604.


-, Duchess of. See Anne.

-, Duke of. See Augustus.

Sayn, Count of,member of confederacy of the Wetteraw, 41.

Sboquen, —, 173.

Scarchiano. See St. Casciano.

-, Scharenberge, —, Secretary, with Don John at Namur, not allowed by populace to return to Brussels, 320
-, officer in Don John's army, 546. See Staremberg.

-, Scheldt, Schielde, river, its defences, 42
-, Dendermonde on, 636.

Schenck, —, son of former Governor of Guelderland, to command 'reiters' for States, 356, 461, 546, 656, 664, 675, 746, they arrive at Antwerp, 834, 861.

-, Caspar, Baron de, or van, Grobbendonck (Grobbenduc), his mission to Friesland, 14
-, Envoy of the States to Prince of Orange, 16, to Don John, 45
-, sent to the States by Don John, 55, 65
-, declaration by, on behalf of Don John, 86, the States' reply, 92
-, his declaration referred to by Don John, 96, by the States, 110
-, with Don John, 117
-, his communication to States on behalf of Don John, 133, 189, 190, 191
-, letter from, to States, 197
-, mentioned, 199, 203, 207
-, letter to, from States, 208, his reply, 210
-, brings fresh proposals from Don John, 214, 215, 218, 220, 222, 223
-, letter from, to States, 227, 228
-, persuades States of Don John's good intentions, 231
-, his mission to Don John, 233, 259, professes himself sick to avoid going to, 273
-, his opposition to mention of English alliance, in Articles submitted to Don John, 273
-, plot to be opened to, 343
-, Rogers visits, 731.

Schielde. See Scheldt.

Schlaigre, Christopher, Colonel of 'reiters' in Don John's army, 546.

-, meeting appointed at, of Princes, to subscribe the Corpus Doctrinœ
-, Duke Casimir invites Queen Elizabeth to upset, 820 (7)
-, Queen promises to send deputies to, 868, her letters for, 911, 912, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926.

Schmalkaldic League, history of, 467.

Schoenhoven, 93.

Schomberg, —, Agent of the Emperor, with Prince of Orange, 38.

-, Schoneberg, Caspar, Colonel of 'reiters' in Don John's army, former Marshal of Germans in France, 546 (p. 409).

-, Dietrich, or Diets, von, with Duke of Guise, 20
-, writes by orders of Henry III. to secure German aid, 138 (p. 102)
-, 'Rittmeister' to Henry III., who forwards complaint of Duke Casimir to Emperor by, 246
-, presses for neutrality of Empire, 258, 286, 305 (p. 230)
-, Colonel of 'reiters' in Don John's army, 546.

-, George, his fight with Caylus and death, 837 (p. 659).

Schõnberg. See Schomberg.

Schoneberg. See Schomberg.

Schwartzenberg, John Christopher Freiherr of. Envoy from Archduke Matthias, 738.

-, Swartberg, Schwarzbourg, Gunther, Count of, levies 'reiters' for States, 356
-, brother-in-law of Prince of Orange, visited by Archduke Matthias, 413
-, described as Emperor's Commissioner, in error, ibid.
-, to command 2,000 horse for States, 434, 441, 455
-, in Antwerp, described, in error, as cousin to Count Schwarzenberg, 513
-, officer in States army, 546
-, his troops expected, 596, 657
-, where levied, 656
-, expected, 675
-, objects to increase in Duke Casimir's command, 731 (p. 565)
-, proposes himself as the Archduke's Lieutenant, 732
-, jealousy of, of Count of Neuenahr, 737
-, date of his arrival, 746
-, levying 'reiters,' 752
-, mentioned, 755, 759
-, backwardness of his levies, 774
-, musters at Witzhausen, 866
-, his 'reiters' arrive in Guelders, 903.

-, Otto Henry, Count of, Marshal of Court of Emperor, Commissioner from Emperor to States, wrongly identified with 'Count Schwarzburg,' 413, and as his cousin, 513
-, at Cologne, 531, 545
-, due at Antwerp, 549
-, at Antwerp, with Prince of Orange, 591
-, his race, character, &c.
-, nature of his mission, 599, 600
-, his commission, 631
-, 'a dangerous man,' persuades States to send commissioners to Liége, 744
-, his mission supplemented by dispatch of special legate, 859.

-, Suendianus, Swendius, Sweney, Baron Lazarus, in command in Hungary, 246 (p. 181)
-, his opinion of Batory, 258
-, recommends toleration to Emperor, 337
-, his retention would make fortune of any German league, 467
-, lieutenant to Archduke Ernest in Hungary, 469 (p. 351).

Schwyz, Canton of, 247.

Scluse, 264.

Scluse Castle. See Sluys.

Scoti, Count Honorio, 620 bis (p. 484).

Scotland :

-, disorders on Marches, piracies on coast, 64, 200.

-, Walsingham asks Regent to send troops bound for Dantzig to Netherlands, whence they came, 64.

-, English aid for Regent, 132.

-, Lord Seton leaves, for Spa, 142, 203, 206, 235.

-, French alliance with, used against England, 172 (p. 131).

-, English league with Protestant Princes approved in, 172 (p. 132).

-, reported coalition in aid of Queen Mary, 181.

-, English Agent sent to, in support of Regent, on pretext of disorder on Marches, &c., 200, 201, 353, 483.

-, French intrigue in, to remove Regent, 212, 214.

-, rumoured move by Catholic powers in, 231, 233, 235.

-, success of English policy in establishing King's authority in
-, gratitude of people, 249 (p. 186).

-, French Agent in, 252, his intrigues, 336.

-, Thomas Randolph to be sent to, 336, but stopped, 353, 483.

-, ships of, to escort Ambassadors of States in England home, 347.

-, Scots in Paris apply to Poulet for passports to join Queen, 420.

-, Mr. Bowes appointed Resident Agent in, 483.

-, English Agent to be sent to, 551, to negotiate offensive and defensive league with, 593.

-, Scot at French Court gives Poulet information, 607.

-, the Queen 'has not the liberty' of, for 'just occasion,' 652.

-, ship of, in St. Malo trade, 653.

-, Thomas Randolph at Edinburgh, 668.

-, affairs of, under consideration in England, the Regent deposed, 704, 714.

-, Lord Seton sends messenger to, 747.

-, 'advertisements' of affairs in, reach Davison, 751.

-, Queen Catherine's profession to Poulet touching, 762
-, he is authorized to negotiate with her for French neutrality there, 779.

-, La Roche bound for, 796.

-, 'in quiet and at her Majesty's devotion,' 810.

-, 'inclination for troubles in,' 811.

-, 'those of the Scottish fashion' have long and frequent meetings in Paris, 814, 836.

-, Manderville's mission to, from France, inspired by House of Guise, 836, 837.

-, Randolph returns from
-, country subject to alterations
-, poor King in danger, 839, 847.

-, Lord Hunsdon sent 'to his charge'
-, they cannot agree in, 847.

-, condition of, due to intrigues of M. de la Motte-Fènelon when Ambassador in England, 857.

-, mentioned, 860.

-, the House of Guise determined to use, as point of attack on England and Protestantism, 864.

Scotland, Regent of. See Douglas, James.

-, King of. See James VII.

Scots, in service of Don John dismissed, 42.

-, bound for Dantzig from home, after return from the Low Countries, 64.

-, in service of States General of Netherlands, 176.

-, in Spain leave, to join Don John, 218.

-, Scot killed outside Breda, 298.

-, for service, with English, in Low Countries, 342.

-, under Colonel Balfour join States' army, 421, 434 (pp. 325, 327), 461.

-, preferred to English, in Netherlands, 449, 450.

-, numbers of, in Netherlands, 455.

-, company of (horse), lost at sea, 513.

-, under Ogliby, join States, 545.

-, in service of States, 546.

-, their splendid service, in defence of Dantzig, 595 ter (p. 460).

-, at Dantzig, offer their services to States, 606.

-, defeated at Gemblours, 620, their bravery, 623, 627.

-, companies of, forced to evacuate Louvain, 636.

-, garrison Mechlin, 637, 657.

-, Spanish barbarity to, at Namur, 657, 664.

-, fetched from Dantzig, for service of States, 658.

-, Balfour procures Hamilton's release to redeem his own men
-, men of his command taken at Namur return home, 664.

-, in States' muster roll, 755, their commanders, 759.

-, their re-organization after Gemblours, 760.

-, in States army, 827.

-, letter to be smuggled into Don John's camp to Scot, 846.

Scrope, Henry le, Lord Scrope of Bolton, Warden of the West Marches, 64.

Scuriale. See Escurial.

-, Lord Leicester's, bear and ragged staff, 271
-, French royal arms, 864.

Sebastian, King of Portugal, armour bought for, in Antwerp, 44.

-, his fleet preparing, 132, 651 bis.

-, takes up money at Florence, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, letter to, from his Ambassador in England
-, gunpowder stopped in, from doubts as to object of his expedition, 611.

-, Stewkley to aid, in African enterprise, 651 bis (p. 504).

-, letter from, to States General of Netherlands, with thanks for assistance, and request they should explain nature of expedition to Queen Elizabeth, 696
-, his 'Germans' start
-, Davison's doubt as to their destination, 834, Poulet's, 837 (p. 658).

Secretaries, the, in England (Walsingham and Wilson) :—

-, mentioned, 584
-, the dual appointment made, 629
-, Davison reported as considering their directions 'insufficient, fond, and childish,' 835.

-, dispatch from, 679.

-, dispatches to, 504, 505, 507, 514, 532, 547, 548, 549, 550, 574, 575A, 587, 592, 607, 608, 623, 630, 640, 650, 654, 658, 663, 664, 667, 674, 691, 701, 728, 730, 731, 732, 747, 748, 768, 790, 796, 807, 814, 817, 834, 837, 848, 850, 858, 903, 904, 908.

'Secretary' or Court hand, 171 (p. 128).

-, (Eszedane), Huguenots near, to join Duke Casimir, 138 (p. 101)
-, Duke of Guise hunts near, to meet Don John, 226 (p. 167)
-, to be besieged by Duke of Guise, 246 (p. 182).

Sega, 145.

Ségur-Pardaillan, M. de, Envoy to England of King of Navarre, 282, credentials for, 349, letter of recommendation for, 446.

Seilles, Ceille, on the Maas, taken by composition by States forces, 502, 513, 517.

Seine, 'hither side of,' 68.

Selle. See Seilles.

Selles, Baron de. See Noircarmes.

Selnererus, Nicholas, Ubiquitarian, Lutheran divine 'belonging to' Elector of Saxony, 246.

Selvages, 129.

Seneccerus, 140.

Serilacq, —, a prisoner, 20.

Serin, 546 (p. 409).

Sessa, Duke of. See Cordova.

-, George, Lord Seton, at Antwerp, on way to Spa, 142. at Liége, 203, 206, 235
-, his 'credit' with Duke of Alva causes his expulsion from Mechlin and Antwerp, a prisoner at Bruges, 747, 749, to be racked, 767, released, 811, goes home, 861.

Setschine. See Szecsen.

Sevenbergen, fortified by Prince of Orange, 93, surrendered to the States, 117.

Sevenoaks, Sevenock, co. Kent, 877.

Seville, Duke of. See Cabrera.

Seymey. See Chimay.

Sfortia, Ludovic, Duke of Milan, 917.

Shaftons, the, disorders committed by, on Scottish border, 64.

Shambergh. See Schomberg.

Shaw, James, Scot, joins Don John, 218, captured by States, 356.

Sheik Azdan. 9.

Shereef, the. See Morocco.

Ships, Anne Gallant, 460.

Black Lion of London, 4 s. (p. 426), 5 s., 6 s., 7 s., 11 s.

Castle of Comfort, 616.

Elizabeth, 486.

Evangelist, 460.

La Florissante, of Rochelle, 663.

Foresight, Faussee, of London, 460.

Hart, of Le Conquet, 486.

Hound, 486.

Immanuel of Plymouth, 552.

James of Poole, 486.

Mayflower of Leigh, co. Essex, 4 s. (p. 426), 7 s., 15 s.

Mildred, 486.

Minion Gale, 842.

Richard of Arundel, 460.

Royal Merchant, of London, 663 (p. 521).

St. Anthony, Portuguese, 560.

St. John the Evangelist, 460.

le Saulveur, of St. Malo, 616.

Seaflower, 640 bis (p. 495).

Shelton of Yarmouth, 552.

Star, formerly the Minion Gale, 842.

Ships, called 'Cromstevens,' 42.

Shore, Mr., 164.

Shotten, William, arrears of pay due to, from King of Spain, his case recommended by Wilson, 80.

Shotton, —, hung for spy, 877.

Shute, William, 169.

Shyncke. See Schenck.

-, Sichem. Sychena, town belonging to Prince of Orange, besieged, 657
-, taken
-, garrison retire to castle, ibid. (p. 513), heavy loss of enemy at, 664, massacre at, 760, 827
-, burnt by Don John, 862.

Sicilian Vespers, 18 s. (p. 437).

-, Spanish troops from, for Don John, 346
-, reported revolt in, 389, allayed, 18 s. (p. 437)
-, defences of, 575
-, Spanish garrison leaves for Netherlands, 608
-, burdensome taxation in, proposal to Spain, to redeem, 651 bis (p. 504)
-, English ship arrested at, 691 (p. 537).

-, Viceroy of. See Colonna.

-, Philip, esteemed by Prince of Orange, 38
-, mentioned, 136, 138, 140, 246, 249
-, agreeable to Prince of Orange
-, suggested by, as Lord Leicester's deputy, 293
-, mentioned, 313
-, letter to, from Duke Casimir, desiring his appointment by Queen to accompany Duke on expedition, 820, application renewed, 931.

Silesia, open to Turkish invasion, 258.

-, ordered in Paris, 523
-, scarcity of, in France, 543
-, Genoese fleet laden with, 21 s. (p. 439)
-, duty imposed on wearers, 660.

Sille, Dr. N., Secretary to new Council of State in Netherlands, 379, 808, 841.

-, Antoine de, Comte de Rochepot, Chamberlain and of the Council of the Duke of Anjou, messenger from the Duke, 663 (p. 520), 691, his Commissioner to treat with States, 789, 803, 805, 811
-, arranges levies for Duke in Picardy, 814, 818
-, Commissioner for Duke at Mons, 834
-, leads Duke's troops into Netherlands, 864 (p. 681)
-, acting as his Commissioner in Antwerp, 877.

-, William, King's Printer, Governor of sons of Prince of Orange, at Louvain University, copyright for, 333
-, letter from, 334.

Simay. See Chimay.

Simier, Cymieres, Simiers, Jehan, Sieur de Lamenitre, officer of the Duke of Anjou, 650, 663.

Simon. See Sinan.

Simon, Pedro, 70.

Sinan, Simon, Pasha, in command against Persians, 777, 890.

Sinzendorf, Joachim, Imperial Ambassador at Constantinople, 890.

Sixe. See Szikszo.

Slavonic, 'Slavon tongue,' 777.

Sleydan, 323 (p. 244).

-, Scluse Castle, 'important in respect of trade to Bruges,' secured for States
-, suggested by Davison as a suitable cautionary town, 643.

Smalcaldic League, Smalcaldye. See Schmaldkald.

Smart, Edmund, 158, 185.

-, John, knight, English Ambassador in Spain, 82
-, at Amiens on return, 695
-, Mendoza sent with, 700.

Smit, Laurent, attorney of Mr. Pullison, 478.

Snowe, John, of Bridgewater, Spanish merchant, 19.

Sodom and Gomorra. See Comet.

Soeiro, Simon, Portuguese, 560.

Soignies, Soigny, Walloons at, 760, Spanish at, 827.

Soleer, the Divine, 246 (p. 181).

-, Sallmes, Salm, Count of, member of the Confederacy of the Wetteraw, 41
-, attacks and wounds Lord 'Buchom,' 412.

Solyman, the Turk, 890.

Somincourt, M. de, officer in Don John's army, 546.

Sommers, Mr., 132.

Sommières, in Lower Languedoc, in hands of Huguenots, 34.

Sonchault, le. See Bourguignon.

Sonnet, French, circulated, 15.

Sophies or astrologians, 720 bis (p. 555).

Sophy, Sophia, the, 620 bis (p. 483), 701. See Persia.

Soranzo, house of, 821.

Sorrèze, Sonrese, Chamber for Languedoc to be at, 282.

Sourdy, —, officer of Duke of Anjou, 663.

South Seas, trade in, insecure, 866.

Southacke. See Southwicke.

Southampton, merchant of, arrested in France, 814.

-, letter dated at, 240.

-, Water, Hampton Water, 486.

Southwicke, Southacke, Southarke, George, of London, letter of recommendation for, from Lord Leicester, touching suit in Low Countries, 484, 545, the like from Tomson, 516, 622.

-, the Spaw, 47
-, Lord Seton visits, for health, 142
-, Queen of Navarre's visit to, 226.

Spain :

-, troops of, in Savoy, 14.

-, pitiable condition of English in, 19.

-, guns exported to, from England, 19, 70.

-, passage for troops of, through France, requested, 20.

-, expenditure of, in Netherlands, 42.

-, Papal Nuncio in Netherlands sent to, 117.

-, design of, to invade England, 120.

-, Ambassador from, in France, returns home, 135.

-, reported league between, and Turk, 140, 145, 181, 285, 15 s. (p. 433), 575.

-, Spanish troops from Flanders to share in Portuguese expedition against Moors, 145, 181, 242, 15 s. (p. 433).

-, coasts of, threatened, 145.

-, vast preparations by, in Italy, against Flanders, 145.

-, league between, and Venice, insincere, 172.

-, domestic troubles of, as affecting safety of England and the Reformed churches, 172.

-, use by France of Turkish alliance to annoy, 172 (p. 131).

-, effect on, of loss to House of Austria of Empire, 172 (p. 132).

-, aid by, to Portuguese, in African expedition, set down to design on England, 181, 249 (p. 188).

-, burning of the Escurial in, 199.

-, alleged religious disturbances in, and revolt of Moriscoes, 199.

-, Spanish troops withdrawn from Flanders, to return, 218.

-, Scots in, leave, and join Don John, 218.

-, communications between, and Plymouth, 240.

-, Indies fleet arrives in, 252, with great store of gold, 308.

-, Spanish troops filter back to Netherlands, at Don John's summons, 258, 305 (p. 231), 323 (p. 246), 356, 421, 17 s. (p. 435).

-, estate in, of Admiral Coligny, to be restored to his heirs, 282.

-, suspected alliance between, and France, against England
-, seizure of English shipping in, anticipated upon discovery of aid given by England to States of Netherlands, guarantee to be asked from States, 291, demanded, 311, 318
-, Lord Leicester's disapproval, 342.

-, Spanish troops return to Namur and garrison it, 293.

-, promised revelation by Davison of practices of, against England, 293-297.

-, Ambassador of, in Lisbon, harbours English rebels, 335.

-, indictment of Spanish tyranny in Netherlands, 341.

-, Spanish opinion of French peace, 355.

-, Spanish bribery in Queen Elizabeth's Court, 355.

-, Empress to be appointed Governor in, during King's absence, 378.

-, Final, marquisate of, seized by, 379.

-, troops of, worsted, near Namur, 389.

-, reported revolt against, in Sicily, 389, 18 s. (p. 437).

-, English designs against possessions of, 428.

-, troops from, landed at Genoa, for Don John, 447.

-, Spanish soldiery better than troops of Low Countries, 449.

-, influence of, in France, promoted by Queen-Mother, 465.

-, French Agent sent to, 475.

-, Spanish troops sent to Don John, 507, 18 s. (p. 437), 21 s., 575, 607.

-, Turks attack, in Barbary, 531.

-, gold in, collected and minted for war in Flanders, 553, 596.

-, precedency between, and France, treatise on, 569.

-, designs of, on England, 571.

-, movements of troops of, in Italy, 15 s. (p. 433), 18 s., 21 s.

-, threatens to 'plague and punish' the Netherlands for an example, 18 s.

-, insolence of Spanish captain, 21 s. (p. 439), 651 bis (p. 504).

-, numbers of Spanish troops with Don John, 586.

-, close understanding between, and France, 607, 640.

-, great preparation of soldiers by, in Italy, Sicily, and Naples
-, their expectations from the sack of Brussels, 608, 663.

-, Spanish loan negotiated in Genoa, 620 bis (p. 484).

-, new Papal Ambassador for, ibid.

-, 'fair weather made' to English nation in
-, Spanish faction in England prevails with Queen, 622.

-, troops sent from, to replace garrisons in Naples and Milan, withdrawn for Flanders, 630.

-, Sicilan proposal to, redeem new tolls, 651 bis.

-, naval preparations in, 654, 656, 837 (p. 658).

-, Spaniards arrive at Namur, under Figuerroa, 657.

-, horrors of their rule, 660.

-, Mendoza sent on special mission to England, 663.

-, 'the Spaniard and his English traitorous servants,' 691.

-, great levies of men in, 691 (p. 537).

-, English Ambassador returning from, on way to England, 695, 700.

-, proposed levies for, in Empire, 701.

-, bishopric in, assessed to war, 720 bis.

-, armour provided for Spaniards arrested in Coblenz, 774.

-, 'I will have no war with the Spaniard,' Henry III.'s saying, 796
-, close alliance with, of France, 814.

-, levies in, for war in Netherlands, 821.

-, passage of Spanish troops through Switzerland disputed, 890.

-, King of. See Philip II.

-, Queen of. See Austria, Anne of.

Spanish brag, 643.

'Spanish Papers. A.D., 1577', cited, 537.

Spaw, the. See Spa.

Spectacles ordered in England for Duke of Alva, 308.

Spencer, Mr. John, 12 s. (p. 430).

Spetie. See Spezzia.

Spezzia, Spetie, galleys leave, for Naples, 18 s. (p. 437).

Spices, 486.

Spineno, Bishop, 575.

Spinola, Antonio, merchant of Venice, 231.

-, Benedict, bill on, 542.

-, Spire, 140 (p. 106)
-, suit in Imperial Chamber of, 247
-, Beale crosses Rhine at 323
-, news viâ, 640 bis (p. 496), 640 ter (p. 497), 691 bis.

-, Bishop of, his deputy attends Diet of 'Rheinkreis,' 245 (p. 182).

Sta Croce, Marquis of, 15 s. (p. 433).

Sta Croce, Valerio, Turkish Agent, 145.

Stafford, Edward, letter to, from Duke Casimir, requesting his good offices with Queen for dispatch of English force, 820.

-, mutilated copy of instructions to, on special embassy to France to hinder the Duke of Anjou's expedition, 870.

-, mentioned, 907
-, welcomed by Poulet, 908.

-, reports his arrival at Paris, and Poulet's hospitality, 909.

-, reports his audience by King and Queen-Mother, and their professions of desire but inability to stay the Duke of Anjou
-, doubts they are sending the Marshal de Cossé to advise rather than to hinder him
-, regards his enterprise as promoted by Catholic League and the beginning of campaign against Protestants, 914, 915.

-, departs, with King's leave, to see Duke of Anjou, ibid.

-, dispatches from, 909, 914, 915.

Staplehill, Christopher, falconer, 15 s. (p. 433).

Staremberg, —, in plot to bring in Archduke Matthias, 404. See Scaremburgh.

Starkey, Alderman. 6 s. (p. 429).

States General. See Netherlands.

-, Bremen a member of, 172
-, letters conveyed by Secretary of, 246 (p. 182), through their Agency at Cologne, 314
-, aldermen of, consulted by Queen's advisers, 23 s. (p. 439)
-, alderman of, 595 bis (p. 460)
-, merchants of, 842.

Steenbach, Colonel, 13.

Steenbeke, M. de, Protestant member of new Council of State, 379, commands troops for States. 450.

Steenkerk, M. de, Governor of Bapaume, 395, 546.

Stein, Colonel of Reiters, 136.

Stenberg, Steenberg, Stemberghe. 173, 216, 217, 450.

Stephen Batory, King of Poland :—

-, besieges Dantzig, 246 (p. 182). 248. 258, 285, 305 (p. 231), beaten off, 337, 412, 9 s. (p. 429), 12 s., 15 s., concludes peace with, 620 bis (p. 483), the terms, 17 s.

-, terms of peace between, and Dantzig, 595 ter (p. 460), 604 bis (p. 65).

-, his league with Turk, ibid.

-, negotiates with Scottish troops at Dantzig, to enter his service. 606.

-, makes league with Turks, for attack, with Swedes and Tartars, on Russia, 620 bis (p. 483).

-, Pole in exile for opposing his election, 777.

-, makes peace with Russia
-, question of 'Lyfland' excluded, 777.

-, proclamation by, in favour of English merchants trading in Poland, 781, 782, 783.

-, his flight to Transilvania, 866.

Stewart, Stuart, Colonel William, letter from, to Davison, offering to bring 1,000 Scots to service of States, being then at Dantzig, in preference to entering service of King of Poland or the Emperor of Russia, 606.

-, Sir Thomas, knight, rebel, at Lisbon, 335
-, fitted out with a galley by Pope, for descent on England, 607, 620 bis (p. 484)
-, in service of King of Spain, 630
-, his expedition, equipped by Pope and Spain, destined for Ireland, 640
-, 'counterfeit English Duke,' leaves Rome for Portugal, 651 bis, ibid. (p. 504)
-, divers reports touching, 654, 656
-, his expedition intended for Ireland, 663 (p. 521)
-, Poulet's warning against, 691
-, his movements. 720 bis (p. 555)
-, mentioned, 737, 752, 777
-, his shipwreck off Brittany reported, 848
-, his preparations 'in good forwardness,' 917 (p. 726).

Still, John, Queen's deputy to Schmalkald Conference, 912.

Stolberg, Count of, member of Confederacy of Wetteraw, 41.

Stonely, Richard, teller of Exchequer of Receipt, 804.

Stradling, Edward, knt., letter in Welsh for from Rome, 691.

Straeten, Cornille van der, 638.

-, English subsidy to be made payable at, 138 (p. 103)
-, Duke of Bouillon at, 246 (p. 182)
-, Zabern near, 314
-, University of required, by Duke of Wirtemberg, to subscribe 'book' of Ubiquitarians, 337
-, dread in, of French aggression, on occasion of son of Duchess of Bouillon being sent there to study, ibid.
-, cost to, of Smalcaldic war, 467
-, suitable for deposit by foreign Government of large sum against occasion, ibid.
-, magistracy of, refuse to subscribe 'Saxon formula,' 469
-, Duke Casimir's factor at. See Wincker.

-, letters dated at, 181, 258, 467, 468, 469, 472, 473, 474

-, Bishop of, deputies from at Diet of 'Rheinkreis,' 246 (p. 182).

-, Dean of. See Truchsess.

Strasburg Fair, 287.

-, Strozzy, Philippe. Colonel, officer of Duke of Mayenne, 20
-, sent by Henry III. to beguile the King of Navarre and Condé, 796.

Strubec, Lestrubec, Thomas, of Le Croisio, 776, 863.

Stuart. See Stewart.

Stukeley, Stuckley. See Stewkley.

-, John, of Strasburg letter from to Walsingham, 258
-, his work on the Turks, 258 (p. 195)
-, his 'Condé money,' 258 (p. 196)
-, mentioned, 323
-, afraid for himself, if required by Duke of Wirtemberg to subscribe Ubiquitarian 'book,' 337, saved by refusal of Strasburg to subscribe, 469
-, in receipt of English pension, 403
-, letters from, to Walsingham 467, 468, to Lord Burghley, 469, to Queen, 472, to Lord Burghley, 474
-, plea for payment of his money from France, 474
-, reference to, by Poulet. 507.

Styria, invaded by Turk, 890.

Suabia, 890 (p. 697).

Suendianus. See Schwendi.

-, English trade in, with Morocco 9, 179
-, from Bombay viâ Portugal, 486, 560.

Sus, King of, 179.

Sussex, Earl of. See Radclyffe.

Sutton. —, reports to Davison, from States' camp, 621.

Swartz, Mr., entertains Beale at Frankfort, 246 (p. 183).

'Swartzenburg.' See Schwarzburg.

Sweden :

-, losses of English neutrals in war between, and Denmark, 364, 561.

-, money taken on loan by Lübeck for expenses of war with, 23 s. (p. 440).

-, Swedish students sent to Rome, 720 bis (p. 556).

-, King of. See John
-, Eric XIV.

Swendius. See Schwendi.

Sweney. See Schwendi.

Sweveghem, Swevinghem, M. de. See Halewyn.

-, French King's bodyguard of, 35, 36, 37, 58, 134
-, in pay of Duke Casimir, 138 (pp. 97, 101), 140 (p. 105), 169, 211
-, 'cantons' formed by, to resist tyranny, an example to Netherlands, 226
-, in service of French King, 247
-, levied for States, 642, 657
-, marching to Don John, 643, 657, 663
-, further number of, to be raised by Duke Casimir, 679
-, 'Swyzzer infanterie' for States, 827, 862, decline to serve, 871.

-, Helvetia, deputies from Protestant Churches of, 246 (p. 181)
-, measures taken by Catholic Cantons of, to hinder recruiting in, against the King of France, 247
-, Protestant Cantons in, 323 (p. 244)
-, Spanish soldiers pass through, to rejoin Don John, 17 s. (p. 435)
-, embassy from, to Pope, 575
-, salt exported to, from Papal States, ibid.
-, negotiations with Protestant Cantons of, recommended by Prince of Orange, 604
-, Papist Cantons of, grant King of Spain 25 companies, 607 (p. 467), on way, 643, 663, consequent trouble in, 691 bis (p. 539)
-, Protestant Cantons in, curb the Ubiquitaries in Montbéliard, 732.

Sword-blades, 129.

Sychena. See Sichenen.

Sylvester, P—, of Plymouth, 552.

Symay. See Chimay.

Syracuse, 18 s. (p. 437).

Syria, 21 s. (p. 439).

Szecsen, Setschine, 575.

Szikszo, Sixe, near Kaschau, attacked by Turks, 575.