Index: T

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Tadei, Bongiani, 560.

Taffin, Jacques, ex-Receiver General of Cassel, Agent of Prince of Orange, 3, 4, 41, 47, 74, 101.

Tailles, charge on, 691.

Tantenberg, —, levies 'reiters' for States, 691 bis (p. 538).

Tapestry, presented by States to, but declined by Duke of Anjou, 375, 405, 455.

Tarassa, in Cilicia, 890.

-, threaten Poland, 412
-, prepare force against Muscovites, 701
-, let loose on Poland, 720 bis
-, ravage Podolia and Lemberg, 752.

-, See also Crymonya
-, 'Toator.'

Tassis, Archdeacon, sent to Pope by Don John, 744 (p. 578).

-, Taxis, Jean Battiste de, Secretary to Don John, 110, master of his household, jealousy of Flemings, 476, 479, mentioned, 830 (p. 648).

-, Leonard, letter from, 112.

-, Taxis, Don Pedro de, of Don John's Council, 827.

Taurin. See Turin.

Tauris, Sanjak of, 604 bis (p. 466).

Taxis. See Tassis.

Teck, Duke of. See Lewis, Duke of Wurtemberg.

'Temple', Colonel, in command of Walloons at Brussels, 657.

Templou, Templon, States' army at, 531, 541, 599, 600, 760.

Tennis, 546. (p. 409).

Ter Goes, island, Don John's attempt on, 42.

Terlon. See Treslong.

Termonde. See Dendermonde.

Teron. See Theron.

Ters, Jehan van. Lord of Weremont Puttingen and Wildvich. 13.

'Terzo', the, of Naples, 15 s. (p. 433).

Themeraye, 282 (p. 211).

-, John, Tyron, Agent of Prince of Orange, a Gascon by birth, his presence objected to by Don John in Brussels at meetings of States General, 11 (6), 14, 43, 44
-, Rogers negotiates with, 41
-, remembrances to, from Horsey, 78
-, his expulsion from Brussels demanded by Don John. 93
-, with Prince of Orange, 112
-, mentioned, 146, 241
-, 'devoted to the Duke' of Anjou, 346
-, brings letter from Duke, 375
-, Duke's gift to, 405
-, active for Duke, 429
-, mentioned, 476, 479.

Thessalonia, Jew of, 720 bis.

Thevalle, M. de, Governor of Metz, letter from, 155, the reply, 162.

Thiois, 544.

Tholen, surrender of by Germans, expected, 95, 101, 102, 103, 117, 216, 217, 450.

Thomas, 'Father,' Jesuit, in Paris, letter to, 257.

Thompson. See Tomson.

Thoré, M. de. See Montmorency, Guillaume de.

Thretius, Christopherus, a Pole, 305 (p. 231), deputy present at Frankfort Assembly, 313, 337.

Throckmorton, young Mr., 82.

Ticada Pasha, called 'Renegato.' See Cigala.

Tiepolo, family of, 821.

Tilbury Hope, 486.

-, 503
-, revolt of, to Don John, expected, 623
-, in Don John's hands, 642, 643, 827.

Tilloye, M. de la, 'suspected patriot,' Governor of Béthune, 546.

Timber, trade in, 196.

'Toator', the, 606.

Tockmead, Richard, 4 s. (p. 427).

Tokay, Tockhey, 575.

Toledo, Bishop of his see charged with contribution to expenses of war, 720 bis.

-, Ferdinand Alvarez de, Duke of Alva, 13, 42
-, spectacles ordered for, in England. 308
-, his rule in the Netherlands, 341, 479, 539, 746, 747, 749
-, his design to surprise Cologne, 774
-, war in Netherlands undertaken by his advice, 821.

Tollern, Count of, his services retained by Ferdinand of Austria, 140.

Tomson, Ralph, of Yarmouth, 552.

-, Thompson, Laurence, letter to, 144
-, request by Davison for regular advices from, 176
-, letters from, to Davison, as to his allowance, 184, as to French practices in Scotland, 212. hinting at delivery to England, of Holland and Zealand, as security, and at demand from States of security for possible loss to English shipping in Spain, 291, announcing warrant for his allowance, &c., 353, recommending a friend. 419, in Puritanic strain, touching minister for English congregation in Antwerp, 516
-, letter from, to Davison, being an unofficial report by Walsingham that Queen was dallying with Spanish faction, 622
-, the like, from himself, explaining Queen's hesitation was increased by threat of an invasion of Ireland, 659
-, letter from, to Davison, requesting copy of document sent him, 899
-, mentioned, 916.

-, endorsements, &c., by, 1, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 30, 38, 62, 91, 95, 110, 113, 123, 136, 137, 142, 143, 166, 168, 169, 170, 189, 191, 195, 214, 216, 230, 246, 249, 253A, 261, 269, 270, 277, 283, 288, 298, 305, 313, 323, 333, 334, 340, 341, 344, 348, 356, 367, 371, 374, 393, 395, 398, 435, 441, 450, 455, 462, 468, 477, 479, 504, 511, 514, 529, 532, 546, 547, 552, 561, 562, 564, 3 s. (p. 426), 23 s. (p. 440), 577, 578, 587, 595, 595 bis (p. 460), 609, 619, 625, 634, 651 bis, 655, 657, 660, 676, 679, 680, 683, 684, 697, 700, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 716, 720, 721, 724, 726, 732, 741, 743, 751, 753, 763, 764, 771, 793, 817, 823, 825, 833, 865, 866, 888, 889, 901, 906, 927, 933.

Tomson, Mr., 132.

Torgau, Torge, 'book,' or 'confession,' drafted at, 691 bis (p. 538).

Toscano, haven of, 575.

Tossanus, Daniel, deputy from Palatinate to Frankfort Assembly, 313.

Toul, Bishopric of, Duke Casimir's designs on, 138, Guise's troops in, 323 (p. 247).

Toulouse, Chamber for Languedoc not to be held at, 282.

Tour d'Auvergne
-, Henri de la, Vicomte de Turenne, in Périgueux. 68
-, reported going to relief of Brouage, 99
-, his company for Guienne, 283.

Tourlon, M. de. See Treslong.

-, Don John's intrigues in, 74, 75
-, Germans at, 216, 217, 261
-, vote of, in States, equal to that of all Brabant, 539
-, troops for, 910.

-, Governor of. See Hainault, Constable of.

Tournesis, Governor of. See Hainault, Constable of.

Tower of London. See London.

Trade. English with Denmark, 10, 17, 18, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 33, 171.

-, - - France, Rouen, and Brittany, 24
-, grievances of English merchants in France, 82, 84, 89.

-, - - Holland, negotiation concerning, between Queen and Prince of Orange, 38
-, Merchant Adventurers threaten to remove business to, from Antwerp, 41.

-, - - Morocco, 9, 94, 179.

-, - - Netherlands, most favoured nation treatment claimed for, 72, 101
-, clause in draft treaty touching, 269 (p. 203)
-, restrictions on, 393
-, in alum, 394, 928, 929.

-, - - Poland, proclamation in favour of English traders by King, 781, 782, 783.

-, - - Portugal, 26, 94, 310.

-, - - Russia, 28, 29.

-, - - Spain, in guns, from Plymouth, 19, 250.

-, - - Zealand, 309.

-, French, with England, in salt, 440, 460
-, in green woad, 607.

-, Genoese, in silk, 21 s. (p. 439).

-, Neapolitan, with Apulia, in corn, 145.

-, Netherlands, with Königsberg, in corn and timber, 196.

-, Portuguese, with England, in sugars, spices, &c., 486, in ivory and cochineal, 560.

-, See also Hamburg
-, Merchant Adventurers.

-, Vaivode of, 691 bis (p. 538)
-, flight to, of King of Poland. 866.

Trapani, 575.

-, Mr., 'the Lord bless his labours with increase of fruit,' 132
-, Davison's 'godly purpose' in getting him to Antwerp, 810
-, minister of English House, Antwerp, 852.

Treasurer, Lord. See Cecil, William.

Treasury, Records in, 10.

Treerer. See Trèves.

Trent, Tryende, 575.

Trent, Council of, secret decree of, 172.

Treslong, Tourlon, M. de. See Bloys.

Trèves, Treerer, Archbishop and Elector of. See Elst.

Trevues, 171 (p. 127).

Trias, Fernando, 560.

Tripoli, false report of English expedition to, 250.

Triumph, the, 597.

Troucheman, 830 (p. 646).

Troyes, Treaty of, between England and France, 663 (p. 518).

Truchsess, Gebhard, of Waldburg, Dean of Strasburg, competitor for Archbishopric of Cologne, 469, elected, 503. like to be confirmed, 777, appeal lodged against election by Duke of Bavaria, 821.

Truro, Spanish claim before justices at, 240.

Truxis, Baron. See Truchsess.

Tryende. See Trent.

Tsarratz, Commissary, re-organizes Walloon regiment, 760.

Tserclaes, Commissary, his report on Walloons, 760.

Tunis, 285.

-, John, 82
-, reports on French naval preparations in Brittany, 252
-, rejoins Poulet, 662.

Turenne, Vicomte de. See Tour d'Auvergne.

-, Taurin, news from, 305 (p. 231)
-, troops at, for Don John, 346.

'Turk, the great', 604 bis (p. 466).

Turkey, Turks, reported league between, and Spain, 140, 181.

-, negotiations for truce between, and Spain, 145, 285, 429, 434, 15 s. (p. 433), 575.

-, Turkish galleys beaten off, in Italy, 145.

-, French alliance with, directed against Spain, 172 (p. 131).

-, called in by Moriscoes of Spain to their aid, 199.

-, money collected in Germany for defence against, 246 (p. 182).

-, Poland at mercy of
-, consequent danger of French alliance with
-, effect on policy towards France, of Empire
-, suggested alliance of England with States of Empire, on basis of enmity to all friends of, 258.

-, history of, 258 (p. 195).

-, the Baltic opened to, 285.

-, insult Imperial Ambassador and prepare for war, egged on by Pope and King of Spain, 412, 469.

-, defeated in Hungary, 465.

-, attack Spanish town in Barbary, 531.

-, occupied in Asia Minor, 571.

-, prepare fresh invasion of Hungary, 15 s. (p. 432).

-, Turkish raiders defeated in Hungary, 575.

-, Sultan hurt by fall, 575 (p. 444).

-, league between, and Poland, 604 bis (p. 465).

-, rebellion against, ibid. (p. 466).

-, war by, against Persia, ibid.

-, league between, and Poland, 620 bis (p. 483).

-, revolt of noble in, to 'the Sophia,' ibid.

-, Papal Ambassador supposed to be captured by Turkish corsairs, ibid. (p. 484).

-, Spanish negotiations with, for peace, 630, 663 (p. 518).

-, Sultan receives 'the Ochialim,' 651 bis (p. 504).

-, messenger dispatched from Sultan to Spain, ibid.

-, murder of a Turk at Venice by an Armenian, ibid.

-, threaten Venice with war, for Crete, 691 bis (p. 538).

-, beaten off by Pole, in Moldavia, ibid., 701.

-, opinions in, on comet, 720 bis.

-, Persian revolts to, ibid.

-, Spanish embassy to, for peace
-, Morocco included, ibid.

-, acquainted with politics in Netherlands, ibid.

-, set Tartars on Poland, ibid.

-, money collected against, in Empire, lent by Emperor to Don John, 744 (p. 579).

-, raid Hungary, 752.

-, conquer Baghdad from Persians. 777.

-, renew peace with Empire, ibid.

-, efforts to prevent truce between, and Spain, 848.

-, invade Styria, threaten Hungary, 890.

-, history of quarrel between, and Persia
-, progress of Persian war, 890 (pp. 696, 697).

-, Spain purchases truce from, on terms of tribute, 890 (p. 697).

-, See also Murad.

-, Turkish attack on galleys of, 145
-, Portuguese negotiations with, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, Duke of. See Medici, François Marie de.

Twoll. See Zwolle.

Tymonires, 588.

Tyron. See Theron.