Index: R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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-, Egremont, imprisoned and ordered to leave realm
-, offers services to Queen
-, forced into companionship with English exiles, 906.

-, Ratclyf, Henry, knight, his suit touching ship 'stayed' in Netherlands, 842.

-, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, P.C., 3, 4
-, notes by, to be embodied in Queen's letter to King Philip, 495.

Raffin, François, notary to King, 776.

Ragusa, ship of, taken, 145, 15 s. (p 434).

Ramsey, Thomas, Mayor of London, 930.

Randall, Thomas, mercer, 4 s. (p. 427).

-, Thomas, letters from to Davison, 186, 209, 336, 483, 551, 593, 668, 810, 839, 860
-, Rogers' suggestion that he should be sent to proposed Conference of Lutheran Princes, to stay mischief, 211 (p. 153)
-, to be sent into Scotland, 336, stayed, 353, 483, to be sent, 551
-, his French mission alluded to, 568
-, nature of his Scottish mission
-, does not 'agree with his years,' 593
-, his letter to Beale, 612
-, in Scotland, 668
-, praises Davison's 'godly purpose' in getting Mr. Travers to Antwerp, 810
-, Davison's remembrances to, 811.

Ransaw. See Rantzow.

Rantzow, Ransaw, Henry, Stadtholder, counsellor and commissioner of King of Denmark, 171, 249.

Rascowe. See Ruska.

Rassenghien, Baron de. See Gand.

Rastorius, Dr., Vice-Chancellor at Heidelberg, 211.

Ratclyf. See Radcliffe.

-, Regensburg, Diet at, 246
-, Archduke Matthias at, 412
-, diet to be held at to ratify agreement with Russia, 777.

Ravina (Gravina), death of Duchess of, 531.

Raymond, —, Davison's man, 141.

Raynoldes, —, Davison's cousin, 851.

-, Retz, Island on, threatened descent on by Lansac, 252, 253, 267
-, mentioned, 440
-, threatened by La Roche, 607.

Recalde, Juan Martinez de, 70.

Records, in Tower and Treasury, 10.

-, Philippe de, Seigneur de Licques, taken prisoner at Cambrai, 41
-, officer in Don John's army, 546, 586, his son with Don John, 586
-, in communication with M. de la Motte, 787, 789 (p. 616), 797, 805
-, meets Stafford at Calais, 909.

Reder, Dr., syndicus of Senate of Hamburg, 595 bis (p. 458).

Reformed Church of France. See Huguenots.

Regensburg. See Ratisbon.

-, Reines, Rheimes, 282 (p. 211)
-, troops gathering at, 691.

-, Archbishop of, made Cardinal, 674.

Reines. See Reims.

-, offered to Queen Elizabeth, 13, 71
-, Prince of Orange proposes to raise, 47, and Don John, 49
-, expected to attack in Champagne, 58, 100, 134
-, English money for raising, 135
-, dread of, in France, 135
-, refuse to move without pay (anrittgelt) in advance
-, sum sent from England insufficient, 136
-, question of payment in advance (enreutt gelt) and assistance from, for Huguenots, 138
-, French King's indebtedness to, and protest of German Electors, 136 (p. 97), 138 (p. 102), 140 (p. 106), French promises to, 154, 155
-, sale of French Crown jewels deposited with, insisted on, 161, 162
-, certain, controlled by Duke Richard of the Palatinate, 211
-, those in Circle of Rhine forbidden to serve with French King, 211
-, Casimir raising, 229, 246
-, Colonels of, in French pay, decline to serve against States of Empire, 246
-, Swiss, 247
-, levied for France, and for service with Prince of Orange, 249, for Condé, 258
-, clause in peace with Huguenots touching payment of, 266
-, reported invasion by, of France, to recover Imperial towns, 267
-, insist on distribution of French pledges, 286, 287, 305 (p. 231)
-, at their meeting with Duke Casimir at Oppenheim insist on pay in advance and 'anrittgelt,' their demands unreasonable
-, French King's retained, 323 (p. 247)
-, to be levied for States. 356
-, would raise their terms if dealing directly with England, 366
-, levied by Archduke Ferdinand for Don John, 412, retained for, 434 (p. 326), retained for States, await payment before moving, 455, 513, 531, paid, 461
-, universal retention of, by Princes of Germany, 467
-, Colonels of, in Don John's service, names, 546 (p. 409)
-, difficulty of States' Agent in supplying 'exeen gelt' for, 553
-, levied in Pomerania and Mecklenburg for States, in Brunswick and Holstein for Don John
-, debts due by Don John in latter for former supplies, 595 ter (p. 460)
-, levied by Duke Casimir, 607 (p. 467)
-, at defeat of Gemblours, 620
-, the slackness of the States in levying, a grievance with Queen Elizabeth, 634
-, summoned at last by States, 637, 642
-, levied in Holstein for Don John
-, in Mecklenburg and Bremen for States, 651 bis, 656
-, money for, paid down by States, 664
-, additional levy of, by Duke Casimir, to be paid by England, 679, 680
-, levied near Wittenberg, for States, 691 bis (p. 538)
-, States' appeal to Empire to withdraw Don John's and to permit them to levy, 711, 732, 768
-, Duke Francis of Saxony levies, for Don John, 720 bis (p. 556)
-, Prince of Orange familiar with levying, 732, his plan for feeding, 744
-, for States, dates of arrival, 746, 749
-, levies for Don John prohibited by Dukes of Mecklenburg and Julius of Brunswick, 752
-, rate of pay of, 759
-, difficulty of provisioning in Netherlands
-, delay in levy of, for States, 774
-, Don John's supply of, 774, 775
-, ravage on their own account, 775, 792
-, 'begin to march' for States and Don John, 811, 815
-, Duke of Brunswick prohibited from levying against States by Diet of Worms, 827
-, time and cost needed for levy of, by Duke Casimir, 833
-, Schenck's arrive at Antwerp, 834, 861, others expected in Guelders, 861, 903
-, ruin any country into which they are introduced, mutinous and ready to quarrel, 864 (p. 680)
-, refuse to join Don John without 'gelt,' 917 (p. 726).

Rembach, Lord of. See Brant.

Remonde. See Ruremonde.

-, letter dated at, 766
-, King's letter to, 776.

Republic, the head of, a symbolization of people, 373 (p. 281).

-, Don Luis de, Commendator of Castile, question of his powers re pacification, 69
-, his rule in the Netherlands, 341, 413, 479, 720, 737
-, endeavour to lay hands on his secret instructions to Mendoza, 849, their nature, 927.

Ressinghem. See Gand.

Retz, Marshal of, trusty friend of Queen-Mother, 908.

Retz, Isle of. See Ré.

Reuberus, Dr. Justus, 640 bis (p. 496).

Reus, Reux, Count de. See Roeulx.

Revel, Chamber for Languedoc to be at, 282.

-, English ship seized in port of, 364
-, attacked by Russia, 12 s. (p. 431), 575 (p. 445).

Revers, M. de, born in Orange, Agent of Henry III. in Netherlands, 789.

Rheimes. See Reims.

-, Circle of the Rhine, measures concerted by, against French, 136, 140 (p. 106)
-, meeting of, attended by Duke Casimir, orders issued for no aid to be given to French, 211, 246 (p. 182).

Rhenish Princes and Protestant League, 467.

-, 'balliages' between, and Lorraine, 140
-, threatened retaliation by French on parts of Germany near, 246
-, mentioned, 323 (p. 245)
-, Duke Casimir's muster on, 824, 844
-, 'reiters' retained for States, other than the Duke's, muster on, 834, 858.

-, Electors of, the four, meet at Bingen, 140 (p. 105), to meet Emperor, 691 bis (p. 539).

Rhine wine, 589.

Rhone. See Rouen.

Ribeirac, Ryberacq, François, Vicomte de, his fight with Caylus, 837.

-, Duke, of the Palatinate, uncle of Duke Casimir, 136
-, intervenes between, and brother, 138 (p. 103), 140
-, desires retaining fee from England for service of 'reiters,' 211
-, mentioned, 246
-, memorandum delivered to by Beale, 285A
-, his influence with nephew, the Palsgrave, 323
-, Queen's message to, by Beale, 554
-, his marriage 774.

Richmond, co. Surrey, letters, &c., dated at Court of, 44, 56, 61, 64, 71, 77, 78, 80, 89, 115, 125, 130.

Ridolfi, —, his 'practices,' 607 (p. 467).

-, Robert, 560.

-, Martin van, Bishop of Ypres, envoy from States to Don John, 117, 128, 133, 150, 156, 157
-, opposed to bringing over of English troops, for fear of Orange, 429
-, his attempted escape from Ghent, 434.

-, See Riove.

Riga, Rye, attacked by Russia, 12 s. (p. 431).

Rio, Dr. del, 827.

Riove, M. du, garrisons Bruges, 728. See Riethove.

Rirgrave, Count of, Colonel with Don John, 546.

Roberts, John, carries Powlett's dispatches, 134.

-, Gaspard de, Seigneur de Billy, with Don John, 47, officer in his army, 546, 588
-, Portuguese by birth
-, sent by Don John through France, to King Philip, 744 (p. 578)
-, of Don John's Council, 827
-, dispatched from Spain with orders for vigorous prosecution of war, 877.

-, Marquis de la, his preparations against England, with James Fitzgerald, 24, 83, repudiated by Henry III., 100
-, prepares voyage, 252, 587
-, solicits passport from Prince of Orange for voyage to India
-, his true objective, Zealand, 592, or Rochelle
-, a follower of the Guises, and therefore of Duke of Anjou, who finances him, 607
-, puts troops on Loire, for expedition with Fitzmorris, against Ireland, 639, 640
-, Poulet's protests
-, he is sent to Poulet by King to disclaim any design against England, 650, King's own assurance to same effect, 652
-, report of Poulet's interview with, 654
-, leaves Court
-, his preparations intended for Ireland, 663 (p. 520), 701
-, at Court, seeking compensation for frustrated expedition, 766
-, leaves Paris for Picardy, to join Duke of Anjou, or go to Scotland, 796, his continued preparations, 837 (p. 658).

Roche-sur-Yon, Prince of. See Bourbon, François de.

-, La, 14, opposes French fleet, 20
-, Condé at, 23
-, English succour for, French complaints, 24
-, Dutch aid for, 35, 36, 37, 41
-, importance of, to England, 41
-, M. de la Personne at, 68
-, men of, take Marans, 99, report denied, 134
-, 'broil' at, officers hanged, 134
-, minister from, accompanies mission to Germany, 138
-, mentioned, 138, 153, 253, 256
-, refuses to come to terms with Queen-Mother, 267
-, endangered by fall of Brouage, 323
-, mentioned, 440
-, English aid for, 460
-, surrounded by enemies, 507
-, French preparations against, 587, 607, 639, 640
-, deputies from, received by Henry III.
-, confirmation of privileges sought, 663
-, preparations against, 700.

-, letter dated at, 267.

Rochepot, M. de. See Silly, Antoine de.

Rocque, M. de la, gentleman of King of Navarre, 607 (p. 467).

Rodas, Jeronimo, 821.

Roderigo, Henrico, Portuguese, 560.

Roderigues, Manual, 560.

Rodriguez, Gaspar, merchant of Antwerp, 231.

Roermonde. See Ruremonde.

Roeulx, Count of. See Croy.

Roger, Captain, passport for, from Duke of Guise, going to Don John, 175.

Rogers, Daniel, English Agent in the Netherlands :—

-, his interviews with Prince of Orange, 38, 41, 47.

-, instructed to arrange loan to Duke Casimir for purposes of expedition into France, 61, 62, 63.

-, meets Duke Casimir and Agents of Prince de Condé at Neustadt, 136, 137, 138, 139, 168.

-, mentioned, 186, 187

-, received in audience by Elector Palatine
-, success of his representations, 211
-, his fluent 'Dutch,' 211.

-, summary of his negotiation in Germany, 213, 284.

-, Beale meets, 246.

-, dispatch from, with account of his reception by the Landgrave, 249.

-, writes to Sturmius, 258 (p. 196).

-, mentioned, 288.

-, presses Duke Casimir for answer as to his expedition into France, 305.

-, 'moderates' Frankfort Assembly, 313.

-, requests instructions, 314.

-, despairs of persecuting stupidity of German Evangelical Princes, 314.

-, left without supplies in Germany, 314.

-, mentioned, 323, 324.

-, recalled
-, his services approved by Queen
-, his brother's mission to Denmark mentioned
-, all negotiations with Duke Casimir to be suspended, who is to be pressed to repay former loans, 392.

-, Walsingham desires report from, on strength of German Princes, 392 (p. 296).

-, Sturmius' approval of his dispatch to Germany
-, the foundations laid by him of Rhenish League, 467, 474.

-, bearer of letter from Duke Casimir, 526.

-, recommends man, at Duke Casimir's request, to Poulet, 529
-, Poulet's disgust, 607, 630.

-, memorandum connected with his mission, 555.

-, takes message to Lord Burghley from Prince of Orange, 603, and to Queen, 604.

-, in England, 625.

-, accredited to the Archduke, States, and Prince of Orange, 669, 670, 671, 672
-, with letter from Queen to Marquis d'Havré, 673
-, accredited to Duke Casimir, 679.

-, his instructions
-, to explain Queen's proposal to States, and in event of their acceptance to proceed to Duke Casimir, 680, 688, 702
-, the States' acceptance, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726.

-, mentioned, 703, 728.

-, dispatches from, describing the negotiations, 730, 731, 732, 733, 736.

-, the Palsgrave desires he may be sent to him, 732.

-, his exercises in French and Latin, and his epigram
-, to be shown to Lord Burghley and the Queen that good may come, 733.

-, mentioned, 734, 737
-, irritation in England at non-receipt of letters from, with States' decision, 739, 740.

-, review by, of politics in Netherlands, 744.

-, departs to Duke Casimir, 744, 746, nearly caught by enemy at Oudenbosch, 747, 749
-, mentioned, 763.

-, newsletters from, on journey, to Walsingham, 774, 775.

-, Queen's message as communicated by, to Duke Casimir, 785.

-, receipt given to, by Duke Casimir for letter of exchange on Hoddesdon, 808, 841. Cf. No. 826.

-, mentioned, 820, 823, 824, 843, 850, 858, 893.

-, instructions to, from Walsingham, touching subsidies for the Duke, 826.

-, obtains details of secret instructions given to Mendoza to plot in England, 849, 927.

-, deputed to attend Schmalkald meeting, 912.

-, Duke Casimir's requests by, to Queen, 931, 932, 933.

-, dispatches from, 38, 41, 42, 47, 138, 140, 211, 213, 249, 305, 313, 314, 315, 337, 365, 366, 412, 413, 529, 695, 730, 731, 732, 733, 736, 744, 774, 775, 849, 927.

-, dispatches and letters to, 61, 181, 392, 400, 401, 402, 826.

-, endorsements by, 162, 174, 181, 188, 286, 287, 602, 669, 675, 702, 710, 725, 734, 735, 820, 841, 843, 911, 931, 932.

Rogers, John, LL.D., brother of above, Commissioner into Denmark, his instructions, &c., 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33.

-, report of himself and his fellow-commissioners of their conference at Hamburg with the Ambassadors of the King of Denmark touching treaties and trade, 171.

-, mentioned, 7s. (p. 428), 18 s.

Rolhousen, Colonel, counsellor of the Landgrave, 249.

Rollers, 129.

Roman Catholics
-, English, laws enforced against, in England, 132
-, in commission of peace in Cornwall, 240
-, 'young English gentlemen repaired' to Paris 'for matter of religion,' some 'of good continuance,' others from Netherlands, 388
-, at Rome, 691
-, from Warwickshire, at Rome, 701
-, English Carthusians in Bruges, 778
-, in Paris, 814, 837 (p. 659), 906.

-, 14, 181, 507
-, 'Holy League' renewed at, 607
-, James Fitzmorris at, 611
-, Stewkely furnished from, 640, 651 bis
-, English House in, 691.

-, newsletters from, 145, 15 s. (p. 433), 18 s., 21 s., 575 (p. 443), ibid. (p. 444), 604 bis (p. 466), 620 bis (p. 483), 651 bis, 720 bis (p. 555), 777, 821.

Rosa, George, notary, 888.

Rosencrantz, —, Danish Ambassador, 171 (p. 130).

Rosendale, Alexander van, lieutenant of 'reiters' for States, 656.

Ross, Bishop of. See Leslie, John.

-, Jacques, of Burgundy, Mustermaster, letter from, to Lord Burghley, 729
-, covering letter of Woodshawe, 737.

Rossen, sea-captain of Flushing, apprehended, 917 (p. 726).

Rossignol, M. de, officer in Don John's army, 546.

Rostock, 575 (p. 445).

-, English trade with, 24, 84
-, dispatch forwarded via, 99, 134, 420
-, mentioned, 283 (p. 211)
-, English ships arrested at, 456
-, English at, 475
-, mentioned, 560
-, oppressions of English merchant at, 609
-, mentioned, 650, 654
-, King to visit, 701
-, military stores sent to, 837
-, troops pass, 848.

Rover, 575, 663 (p. 517).

Royan (Ryon?), 20.

Rotelin, lordship of, in dispute, 247.

Rotenburg, Rotteburche, in Franconia, meeting arranged at, to publish Andreas' Corpus Doctrinae, 774.

Rotteburche. See Rotenberg.

Rubempré, M., stops Stafford at Abbeville, 909.

Rudolf II., Emperor :—

-, Agent from, with Prince of Orange, 38.

-, expected to assist Don John, 117.

-, active on behalf of Papacy
-, his differences with Duke of Saxony, 138, by reason of debts due to Duke, 323 (p. 245).

-, his reception at Vienna
-, revokes liberty of religion in, 140.

-, Admiral of Castile sent to, from Spain, 145.

-, overtures from Netherlands to his brother Matthias, 233.

-, complaint to, by French King, of Duke Casimir's proceedings, 246, writes to the Duke, 303 (p. 230).

-, claims against, by younger brethren, for partition of inheritance, 246, 337, 365.

-, appoints his brother Ernest his Lieutenant in Hungary, 246.

-, contrasted with Emperor Charles, 258.

-, reported entry of 'reiters.' in his name into France, for recovery of Imperial towns, 267.

-, notified by Duke Casimir of action of 'reiters' touching French King's jewels and hostages, 286.

-, letter from, to uncle Don John, announcing flight of Archduke Matthias, 301-304, efforts to stop, 365.

-, to be consulted as to dispatch of Deputies to Don John by Diet at Frankfort, 315.

-, temporizes with Protestantism, in Vienna, 337, 469.

-, his brother Ernestus candidate for throne of Poland, 337.

-, letters and commissioners from, to States, 356, 359.

-, treaty for his marriage with Infanta, 365, 599.

-, his designs on Fulda, 365.

-, swears, on word of Emperor, he was ignorant of brother Matthias' flight, 367, but suspected of privity, 380, 384, 412, 469.

-, hereditary claims of, in Netherlands, 385, 412.

-, jealousy of German Princes to, 412.

-, 'altogether Spaniolated'
-, his brother Matthias' attitude to
-, concedes liberty of preaching, and confirms liberties of Austria, to obtain supplies from Estates there against Turk, ibid.

-, employs Count Schwarzburg to negotiate between States and Don John, 413, 513, 531, 545, 549.

-, Prince of Orange certain that he desired his brother Matthias' acceptance by States, 429, 455
-, 'playing a farce' in the matter, 465.

-, Spanish truce with Turk at his expense, 503.

-, Don John writes to, to ask him to bid Matthias pause, 553.

-, supposed good offices of, to Netherlands, 553.

-, Turk prepares to attack, 15 s. (p. 432).

-, his brother's flight from Vienna described, 15 s. (p. 434).

-, embassy to, from Russia, professing amity with Empire, and announcing intended attack on Livonia, 575 (p. 445).

-, letter from, to States of Netherlands, recommending his Commissioners, and praying release of Charles Fugger, 631, 664.

-, appoints diets, for Electors on the Rhine at Worms, for Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg at Prague, to confer with him on affairs of Netherlands, 691 bis (p. 539)
-, refuses to allow levy for Spain in Empire without their consent, 701.

-, allows precedence of Tuscany over Savoy, 701.

-, special Envoy to, from Netherlands, to seek his approval of brother's election, to procure withdrawal, on pain of ban of Empire, of 'Germans' and 'reiters' in Don John's service, to seek the King's ratification of brother's election, and to license a levy for the States, 711, 712, 713, 728.

-, peace party in Netherlands decides to ask his intervention by special Ambassador
-, deputies from, to meet his Commissioners at Liége, 728, 731, 736, 744, 746, 749, 768.

-, proposal in States to instruct Count of Neuenahr to inform, that unless he helped them, the Archduke Matthias would be sent home, 744 (p. 578).

-, lends Don John large sums out of money contributed by Empire against Turk, 744 (p. 579).

-, arranges to pension brothers instead of partitioning Austria with them, 775.

-, secures renewal of peace with Turk, 777.

-, splendid reception by, of Russian Ambassador
-, converses with him in 'Slavon tongue, 777.

-, treaty of marriage between, and daughter of Spain, 813, 814.

-, refuses permission to own subjects to take service with States, 815.

-, sends special legate to States, 859, 917 (p. 727).

-, courteous, easy of access, industrious
-, observant of privileges granted by father
-, holds Diets at Vienna, Presburg, and Upper Austria, and Diet of Empire at Prague
-, Lutherans in Hungary seek freedom of worship from, 890.

-, his propositions to the 'Ostrich Lansdaie,' 905.

-, English Roman Catholic anxious to serve with, against Turk, 906.

Rugomey, —, 173.

Rumeghem, M. de, in States' Army, 546.

Runninghe, M. de, Governor of St. Omer, 'suspected patriot,' 546.

-, Remonde, Roermonde, on Maas, German mercenaries at, 14, 216, 217
-, Polwiller besieged at, 258
-, Germans at, 261
-, action near, 298
-, Count Hohenlohe besieges, 330
-, Germans at, starved, 356
-, siege of, mentioned, 377
-, sortie from, with loss, 421
-, besieging force at, 434
-, old garrison of, with Don John, ibid.
-, States' forces at, 455
-, Count Hohenlohe shot before, 457
-, mentioned, 470
-, attempt to re-victual, 502, to secure, 503, 513, 531, 541, succeeds, 591, 596
-, Count Hohenlohe's regiment from, 627, 636, 657
-, Polwiller at, 711
-, 'monstrous tyranny' to Carthusians in, 778.

Ruse, Comte de. See Roeulx.

Ruska, Rascowe, 575.

'Russ language' and 'Slavon tongue,' 'do not much differ,' 777.

Russell, William, at Frankfort, 337.

Russia :—

-, Danish opposition to English trade with, 28, 29, 171 (pp. 127, 128, 129).

-, Czar of. See Ivan.

Ruxina. See Lesina.

Ruysbrouck, M. de, officer in Don John's army, 546.

Rybault, Jean, 'son of Rybault, the great rover,' 663.

Ryberacq. See Ribeirac.

-, arrest at, suggested, of messenger from Don John, 607
-, mentioned, 629.

Rye. See Riga.

Ryon. See Royan.