Index: B

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Babou, —, Seigneur de la Bourdaisière, Bordesière, officer of Duke of Anjou, 663.

Babylonia, 890.

Baccart, Lieutenant, 761 bis.

Bacha, Turkish, killed, 465.

-, Sir Nicholas, Lord Keeper, instructions to, 10, 17, 18
-, his son Edward with Sturmius, 474
-, hurried Council called at his house, 625.

Baden, Marquis of. See Charles.

Baden in Aargau, 247.

Baesdorp, Basdorp, M. de, sent by States General to Prince of Orange, 38, to require delivery to them of Nieuport, 42.

Baffourde, Bafford. See Balfour.

-, Bagadet, taken by Turks, 777
-, mentioned ('Babylonia'), 890.

Bailleul, M. de, in States' service, 450, 546.

Baize, English trade in, 393.

Bales, or 'ballotts,' weight of, for purposes of duty, 84, 99.

-, Colonel Henry, commands Scots for States, 421, 434, 434 (pp. 325, 327), 461, 545
-, treachery in his ranks reported to, from England, 613
-, reported killed at battle of Gemblours, 620, escapes to Brussels, 627
-, garrisons Brussels, 657
-, procures Hamilton's release, 664
-, mentioned, 759, 760
-, to be employed to convey letter to Scot in Don John's camp. 846.

Ballotts. See Bales.

Baltic Sea, opened to Turk, 285.

Bankers, German, in Netherlands, 465, in Germany, 467, 474, 789.

Bapaume, Beaupaume, Governor of. See Steenkerk.

Baranbio, Domingo de, letter to, 129.

Barbisdorf, —, on mission from Saxony to Palatinate, 211.

-, trade with, 486
-, town in, 531
-, mentioned, 720 bis. See Morocco.

Barcelona, mentioned, 145, 630, 620 bis (p. 484).

Bargerac. See Bergerac.

Barlaymont, Barlemont. See Berlaymont.

Barnes, the two, 560.

Barney, Count, Colonel with Don John, 546.

Barninus. See Ernestus.

Barnstaple, 486.

'Barre. M. de la', alias of M. d'Argenlieu, 418, 425.

-, Ferdinand de la, Seigneur de Mouscron (Hoccoron?), 'suspected patriot,' 142, plot to be opened to, 343
-, thrown into prison by populace of Ghent, 389.

Barrow up Som. See Bergen.

Barwick. See Berwick.

'Bary', Dukedom of, arrangement of Kings of Spain and Sweden touchińg, 15 s. (p. 433).

Basdorp. See Baesdorp.

-, newsletter from, 247
-, Spanish soldiers return to Netherlands viâ, 305 (p. 231), 412 (p. 313), their passage disputed, 890.

Bassa Mamate. See Mehemet Pasha.

Bassonpierre, Baron, of Lorraine, Colonel in Don John's army, 546.

Bast, Captain, 310.

Bastille, 650.

-, medicinal. See Buxton
-, Ems
-, St. Casciano.

Batory, Stephen, 258. See Stephen, King of Poland.

Baulx, M. de, officer in Don John's army, 546. See Vaulx.

Bavaria, great meeting of Popish Princes in, 246, 315, 323 (p. 246).

-, Upper, balliages in, 140.

-, Duke of. See Albert V
-, Ernest.

'Bayes', 560 (p. 417).

Bayonne, Conference of, plot against Protestants begun at, 172, 226, 467, 472. See League, Catholic.

-, Robert, English Envoy to Germany, credentials for, 130, 554
-, instructions for, 131, 131A
-, robbed on voyage by men of Flushing, 164, 180
-, mentioned, 186
-, his mission reported to Regent of Scotland, 200
-, account of his robbery, 202
-, forwards despatch to Davison, 204
-, report by, from Frankfort, on German affairs, particularly touching churches, 246
-, prevents the drafting of 'Confession' in opposition to 'Ubiquitarians,' 246 (p. 181)
-, anxious to return home, 246 (p. 182)
-, summary of his negotiation, 284
-, memorandum delivered by, to Palsgrave, 285, to Duke Richard, 285A
-, letter to Queen from Duke Casimir as to his mission ('le Sieur de Belus'), 288
-, seen by French Agent at Neustadt, 305 (p. 231)
-, Knybbius deputed to accompany, 313
-, Rogers with, at Franklort, 314
-, memorandum by, to German Princes, 316
-, received by Palsgrave, 323
-, applies to Lord Burghley for money, 324
-, his brother returns from, 337
-, Elector of Saxony expected to decline to see, 337
-, his conditional recall
-, his 'discreet handling' approved by Queen, 403
-, his reception by Duke and Duchess of Saxony, 409, 411
-, mentioned, 412 (p. 313)
-, at Erfurt, 413
-, mentioned by Sturmius, 467, 468, 469, 474, by Randolph, 483, who reports birth to him of a son, 551
-, sails from Antwerp for home
-, regrets in letter to Davison having missed him
-, unable to get redress in Holland for robbery on outward journey, in spite of pretended friendliness to England, 612
-, applies to Davison for passport, 613 bis (p. 477)
-, his return, 625
-, 'his Dutchman' in England, 774
-, mentioned, 820 (7), 922.

-, despatches and letters from, 164, 202, 246, 316, 323, 324, 612, 613 bis (p. 477).

-, despatches and letters to, 403.

-, endorsements by, 410, 411, 554.

Béarn, Queen of Navarre not likely to submit to restraint in, 607 (p. 471).

-, James, Archbishop of Glasgow, Scottish Ambassador in France, with the Queen of Navarre, 14
-, intrigues with Englishmen, 475, Irish and Spanish, 837.

Beaucaire, gained by Bellegarde, 908.

Beauce, Beaussy, La Noue's house at, 607.

Beaumont, 'abandoned' to Don John, 827, he receives Wilkes at, 830.

Beaune, Beane, wine of, 589.

Beaupaume. See Bapaume.

Beauraing, Don John's forces at, 517.

Bech, Matthias, 781.

'Beckelem', in Palatinate, 140.

Bedford, Bernard, English merchant in Spain, letter from, 19.

-, present of, made by Davison, 377
-, English in Netherlands import beer for own consumption, 393, 394
-, varieties of, 589, 590.

Beersel, Barcelie, Bersele, M. de. See Witthem.

Beicos, 427.

Bellegarde, Roger de Saint Lary, Seigneur de, Marshal of France, gains Beaucaire, 908.

Bellièvre, M., 640.

Belot, Pierre, King's notary, 776.

Belt, the, 171.

Berangeville. See Bellangreville.

Bergamo, mentioned, 145.

-, 'Alemans' in Spanish pay at, 14
-, Prince of Orange, warned to secure, 47
-, outrages by German soldiery in, 57
-, Germans in, hindered from aiding those in Antwerp, 95
-, surrendered by Germans, 95, 101, 102, 103, 112
-, mentioned, 146, 173, 216, 217, 261, 450.

Bergen, in Cleves, 691 bis.

-, Bargerac, Deputies of Huguenots meet at, to discuss terms of peace with King, 99
-, letters dated at, 135, 230
-, breaches of peace concluded at, 252
-, proclamation of peace of, 255
-, definitions of peace of, 282, 283.

Berlaymont, Barlaymont, Duke of Anjou's troops attacked at, by Spaniards, 903.

-, Charles de, Comte de Berlaymont, in attendance on Don John, 44
-, goes to the Spaw, 47
-, 'practised' on by Don John, 59
-, supporter of Don John, 398
-, fortified at Marche-en-Famine, 517
-, Colonel for Don John, 546
-, Governor of Namur, ibid. (p. 408)
-, with Don John, 586, 827.

-, Claude de, Seigneur de Hautepenne, officer in Don John's army, 546, 586.

-, Florent de, Seigneur de Floyon, his troops to be disbanded, 11, garrison Namur, 47, 49, disbanded 223
-, commands troops for Don John, 517, 546, 586, 588.

-, Gilles de, Seigneur d'Hiergés, seizes Charlemont and Philippeville for Don John, 47
-, his regiment, 49
-, recalled by States, on penalty of forfeiture, 49
-, applied to by Germans in Antwerp for aid, 95
-, his design on Namur, 95
-, at Namur, 142
-, his regiment heretofore disbanded, 223
-, plot hatched with, in Flanders, 343
-, supporter of Don John, 398
-, flight of his secretary to Brussels, 429
-, mentioned, 476, 479
-, commands regiment for Don John at own expense, 517, 546
-, with Don John, 586
-, intended treachery to States of his old captains, 588
-, attacks Duke of Anjou's troops, 903.

-, Lancelot de, Comte de Meghem, his regiment at Namur, 49
-, enquiries as to state of English affairs, 119
-, mentioned, 203
-, in command of 'Germans,' 218
-, his regiment heretofore disbanded, 223
-, his attempt with 'Germans,' on Maestricht foiled, 231
-, supporter of Don John, 398, his commands under, 517, 546, 586, 588.

-, Louis de, archbishop of Cambrai, at Rome, 15 s. (p. 433)
-, sides with Don John, 586.

Bellangreville, Berangeville, M. de, Chamberlain of, Duke of Anjou, 65.

-, Berne, proclamation in, that none should serve against French King, 247
-, Consul of, 691, bis (p. 539)
-, help sent from, to Geneva, 890.

Bernaldin. See Fitzgerald.

Bernard, Claude, with Don John's troops, 517.

Berny, M., letter from, to Poulet, 639.

Berry, Le Blanc in, 283.

Bersele, Bersell. See Beersel.

-, —, Don John's secretary, letters countersigned by, 54, 55, 96, 111, 126, 127, 193
-, desires to return to Brussels, prevented by people, 320
-, in plot to bring in Archduke Matthias, 404
-, officer in Don John's army, 546.

Berwick on Tweed
-, Barwick, garrison of, 64
-, Treasurer of, 200, 201.

Besse, John, French merchant, 486.

Bestalling, 844, 931.

Béthune, Petune, Governor of. See Tilloye.

-, Beutereich, Beutrich, Dr. Councillor of Duke Casimir, 136, 138, 140, 181, to be sent on mission to England, his wife ill, 305 (p. 231), her death, 413
-, letter of recommendation for, from Duke to Walsingham, 526
-, arrives in England, 625
-, acknowledges Davison's kindness, 641
-, his negotiations, 679, 680, 730, 785
-, looks to his personal advantage in dealing with States, but finds Orange less compliant than Condé, 732
-, approves employment of English under the Duke, 744 (p. 579)
-, with Rogers, 774
-, his mission to England referred to, by Duke, 820, 823, 824.

Bevere, Councillor, of Ghent, on the Archduke's council, 522.

Béziers, held by Danville, 908.

Bickner, Mr., of Rouen, conveys Poulet's despatches, 99, 134, 650.

Biervliet, Biraflite, 611.

-, letters dated at, 70, 160
-, ship of Saltash, bound for, 240
-, naval preparations at, 654.

Billy, M. de. See Robles.

Binch, Bins, in Hainault, taken by Don John, 703, 728, 737, 746, 747, 749, 827.

Bingen, Electors of Rhine meet at, 140 (p. 105).

Bingham, Mr., goes over, to serve under Prince of Orange, 829.

Bins. See Binch.

Biponte, Duke of. See Deux-Ponts.

Biraflite. See Biervliet.

-, René de, Chancellor of France, 650, 663 (p. 508)
-, created cardinal, 674
-, trusty friend of Queen mother, 908.

Bird, Byrd, John, 335.

Biron, M. de. See Gontaut.

Biscoglea. See Biskoglina.

-, Edmund, English Captain in Low Countries, 737, 759
-, letter from, to Davison, 798
-, spy hung for corrupting his troops, 877.

Bisignano, Duke of, buys admiralship of Naples, from Duke of Sessa, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, alias Biscoglea, Captain, 21 s. (p. 439)
-, his death alluded to, 651 bis (p. 504).

-, Pietro, letter from, 251
-, his suit, 613 bis (p. 478).

Blackstone, Charles, Papist, his plot, 701.

Blanke, Alderman, 9 s. (p. 429).

Blaye, Blay, English ships at, 420.

-, case argued before King at, 283 (p. 214)
-, La Noue's house near, 607.

-, Assembly of, or three Estates assembled at, their declaration of war, 226 (p. 163)
-, memorandum of Queen Elizabeth's views touching their invitation to the King to 'reduce' France 'to one only religion,' 565
-, their cahiers to be acted on, 663.

-, Treaty of, between England and France, 100, 663 (p. 518).

Blomfield, —, in service of Don John, 447.

Blount, Blunt, Mr., brother to Lord Mountjoy, taken by States, 356, carries Davison's despatches to England, 421.

-, Louis de, Seigneur de Treslong, Terlon, Tourlon, Lieutenant of Duke of Arschot in castle of Antwerp, 'sworn to Don John,' 49, and ordered to introduce German troops into city, 57
-, his plot fails, he is taken prisoner, 76
-, his release demanded by Don John, 93
-, account of his plot at Antwerp, 95
-, ill-treated by officers of States, Don John's remonstrance, 151
-, to be released, 216, 217, 338
-, mentioned, 470, 479
-, threat to maltreat M. de Buren in Spain if he was maltreated, 517.

Blunt. See Blount.

-, Godefroi de, Baron de Grevenbroek in Gueldres, Colonel-General in command before Ruremonde, retires to Venlo with fever, 377
-, his visit to England mentioned
-, dead at this date, 765.

-, M. de, bastard son of M. de Grevenbroek, thanks Davison for present of beer, 377
-, carries letters to Estates from Bishop of Liége, 744.

Bock, Colonel of Reiters, 136.

Bocke, Abraham, 691 bis (p. 538).

Bodinus' 'De la République', cited, 569.

Bodleian Library, letter-book in, cited, 540.

Bodley, Mr. 132.

Boillebault, Sieur de, equerry of King of Navarre, robbed when going to master with passport, 283.

Bois, Philippe du, kinsman to M. de Villeroy, appointed Ambassador from France to Netherlands, 44.

Bois de Vincennes, 640.

-, 'Alemans' in Spanish pay at, 14, 47, expected to surrender, 95, being confronted by troops of Prince of Orange, 101, 102, 103, still at, 191, 216, 217, movement to succour, their growing boldness, 218, Don John's order for their withdrawal from, 227
-, surrendered by 'Germans' to States, 231, 239, 242
-, 'Germans' attempt to reach, 231
-, joins Brussels in requesting appointment of Prince of Orange as Governor-General, 346
-, mentioned, 450, 470, 544.

-, Pensionary of. See Hessels.

Boisseson, 'Bossulus,' Matthieu, signature of, as representative of Reformed Churches of Languedoc, 34.

Boissot, Charles, brother buried with, 42.

-, Louis, the Admiral, brother of above, his body recovered, 42.

-, See also Boschott.

Bombay, sugars from, 486.

Bon, John Rodrigues, 486.

-, Nicholas, 129.

Bond, George, merchant, 486.

Bonne Espérance, Abbot of, concerned in Bishop of Arras' plot, a fugitive, 736, 744.

-, Bonnicourt, M. de, to be sent into Germany by Henry of Navarre, 283
-, with Duke Casimir, 529.

Bonner, John, 4 s. (p. 427), 11 s., 12 s.

Bonnier, land measure, 660.

Bonnivet, M. de. See Gouffier.

-, near Brussels, butcher defeated troops, 675
-, 'bowers armed by Counts of Wetteraw against 'reiters,' 775.

-, English ship seized at, 253, 460, 497
-, wine of, 589
-, release of English mariners at., 595
-, naval preparations at, 640
-, English traitors ship from, to Ireland. 701.

Bordelle, M., servant of Condé, 202.

Borderers, English soldiers equipped as, 545.

Bordesière, M. de la. See Babou.

Borgonia. See Burgundy.

Boricq, Sieur de, his violation of passport disavowed, 283 (p. 214).

Boris Kovalitch, his letters shown to Queen Elizabeth, 271.

Borissa. See Prussia.

Borus Kualysh. See Boris.

Boschott, John (?), advocate fiscal, 849.

-, See also Boissot.

Bossu, Boussu, Count. See Hennin.

'Bossulus'. See Boisseson.

Bouchain, to be assigned to Duke of Anjou, 903.

Bouche, M., Alderman of Ghent, 426.

Boucon, an Italian, 789 (p. 615).

Bouge by Namur, 596.

Bouillon, Buillion, Bullyon, Duke of. See Marck.

-, Charlotte de, daughter of the Duc de Montpensier, wife of William of Orange, Queen Elizabeth's letters to, 38
-, joins husband at Antwerp, 379, dines with him at Davison's, 508
-, Lord Leicester's 'humble commendations' to, with 'my blessing to my little daughter,' 681, her enquiries after him, 730, 733
-, Wilson's thanks to, for remembrance of his daughter, 847
-, unwell, 857
-, mentioned, 921.

-, Elizabeth de. See Elizabeth.

-, François de, Prince de la Rochesur-Yon, afterwards (1582) Duc de Montpensier, at Mons with Queen of Navarre, 14.

Bourbon, Henri de, Prince de Condé :—

-, to be restored to government of Picardy, 20, 21.

-, commission by, to agents, to treat for help from England and Duke Casimir, 23.

-, jealousy of Reformed Churches of his Roman Catholic entourage, 34.

-, defends Brouage, 58, 68.

-, English aid for, in shape of loan to Duke Casimir, 61, 68.

-, undertakes not to make peace without English assent, 68.

-, Queen Elizabeth's motives for declining to receive, on his way to Germany, 89, 90.

-, his and his friends' letters intercepted, alluding to aid from Duke Casimir
-, explanations demanded from Queen Elizabeth by Henry III, 100.

-, his Agents with Duke Casimir, 136, 137, 138.

-, requested by Duke Casimir not to send M. de la Personne to him, 138.

-, outrage by men of Flushing, pretending to serve under, 164, 202.

-, measures by Catholic Swiss, against Swiss in service of, 247.

-, pressure put, by French King, on Empire, to prevent levy of 'reiters' for, 258.

-, to retain town, till assured of government of Picardy, 266.

-, expected at Rochelle, 267.

-, towns to be selected by, for exercise of Reformed Religion, 282 (p. 211).

-, distrust of, and of King of Navarre, by Huguenots, 305 (p. 229).

-, petition against 'Ubiquitaries' signed in his name, 313.

-, detested by Henry III., 447.

-, his chance of success at one time great, 472.

-, his Agent with Duke Casimir, 529.

-, proposed revocation of Edict communicated to (Aug. 1577), 565.

-, names of his 'counsellors' (not calendared), 570.

-, names of noblemen and gentlemen about (not calendared), ibid.

-, La Roche declares that his preparations are not intended against, 607.

-, Duke Casimir's ill-judged quarrel with, 691.

-, proposed match between and Queen's sister, Churches' remonstrance, 701, furthered by Queen-Mother, 796.

-, gives Beutrich, Duke Casimir's Agent, a stipend while with him, 732.

-, beguiled by Henry III.
-, Strozzi's mission to, 796.

-, Duke of Anjou's intrigues with, 864 (p. 680).

-, Louis de, Duke of Montpensier, objects to terms offered by Henry of Navarre as insufficient, 21
-, received by King, 253, 256
-, charge in favour of, on revenues of Brittany, 282
-, denies any arrangement touching Loudun, 282 (p. 212)
-, intercedes with King, to revoke tax in Brittany, 766
-, Duke of Anjou and King of Navarre to meet at house of, 864 (p. 682).

-, Louis de, Prince de Condé, 13.

Bourbon, House of, Spain 'the only stay of Crown against ambitious greatness of,' 908.

-, 787
-, garrisoned by States, 805, fortified, 858.

Bourdaisière, M. de la. See Babou.

Bourges, 691. See also Bourgeuil.

-, Bourges, 836, 837
-, letter dated at, 867.

-, Jean de, Seigneur de Froymont, Governor of Namur, married to Louise de Croy, sister of the Duke of Arschot, 44
-, to receive Castle of Namur for States, 216, 217, 261
-, of Archduke Matthias' Council, 522, 731.

Bourguignon, Antonin, called Le Sonchault, of Le Blanc in Berry, to be tried at Paris, 283 (p. 214).

Bourne, Anthony, ill-affected, 235.

-, Oudard de [Comte d'Hennin], Baron de Capres, a 'patriot,' 14, accounted friend of Prince of Orange, 41
-, confers with Agent of Prince of Orange, 47
-, mentioned, 158
-, sent to invite Prince to Brussels, 236-238
-, commands troops for States, 450, 517, 546, 755
-, sent to secure St. Omer, 805.

Bours, M. de. See Noyelles.

Bousies, M. de, Governor of Avesnes, 897.

Boussu. See Bossu.

Boussy, M. de, Governor of Vennes, 546.

Bouvignes. See Bovines.

-, Bouvignes, Bouvines, 216 (p. 157), 217, 261
-, surrendered to States. 330
-, affair at, 502, 517
-, attacked by Don John, 637, and taken, 657, 827.

Bowers. See Boores.

-, Robert, Treasurer of Berwick, sent to the Regent of Scotland, with instructions to endeavour to confirm his authority, 200, 201
-, his report favourable, 353
-, appointed English Agent to reside in Scotland, 483.

Boylson, John, clothworker, 4 s. (p. 427).

-, Estates of, called upon to pay off soldiery, 11
-, influence in, of Prince of Orange, 41
-, the Prince fortifies towns in, Don John's protest, 54
-, usages of, 65
-, 'secret intelligences' of Don John in, 76
-, quota of taxes to be furnished by, 91
-, mentioned, 95, 146 (p. 114)
-, vote of Prince as one of the ten or twelve nobles of, 311
-, deputies of, vote on the reception of the Archduke Matthias, beseech the Prince to return to Brussels, 330
-, peasantry of, ruined by soldiery quartered on, 330
-, Don John's hatred of, 341 (p. 257)
-, loth to part with the Prince, 346, 356
-, special privileges of, 373 (p. 284)
-, the Prince chosen 'Ruward' of, 379, 384, 404
-, English treaty rights in, 394
-, seal of the Estates of, 426
-, strength of Prince as Governor of, 429, 546
-, Dendermonde the key to, by water, 429
-, privileges of, 479
-, insufficiently represented in the Estates General, 539
-, demand of, that Prince should continue Ruward, 544
-, treatise on the Ruwards of, 558
-, military regulations of, 559
-, Prince confirmed as Governor of, 591, 599, 600
-, Germans pass through, to join Portuguese expedition, 611
-, 'reiters' expected in, 862
-, votes for acceptance of Duke of Anjou, 885. See also Antwerp and Brussels.

Bracey, Mr., recommended by Poulet to Walsingham, 795.

Braillon, —, Agent of French King, 287, 305 (p. 231), 323 (p. 246).

Braine le Comte, Brain, taken by Don John, 703, 746, 749.

Brandenburg, House of, the wife of the Marquis of Anspach daughter of last Marquis of 'Cuistryne' belonged to, 774.

-, Albert of, Duke of Prussia. See Albert Frederick.

-, Elector of. See John George.

-, John of, Marquis of Kustrin. See John.

-, Marquis of, Marquis of Anspach. See George Frederick.

-, son of the Elector of. See Joachim Frederick.

Brant, John, Lord of Oude and Rembach, his services offered to England, 71 (cf. 13).

Brasyer, Thomas, of Barnstaple, merchant, 486.

-, 'Alemans' in Spanish pay at, 14, 47, 95, expected to surrender. 95, 101, 102, 103, 117, still at, 191, 216, 217, movement to relieve, 218, Don John's order for their withdrawal from, 227, on eve of surrender to States, 231, 242, still at, 261, their surrender daily expected, 273
-, surrendered to Orange, 298, his retirement to, 320, 330, 354, 356, 379, 406, 407
-, 'Colloquy of' alluded to, 413
-, mentioned, 450.

Bredenarde, 761 bis.

'Breme', Archbishop of. See Bremen.

-, Breme, English league with suggested, 41, its advantage, as providing port of landing for troops in Germany
-, a member of the Steelyard, 172
-, troops levied for States of Netherlands in See of, 651 bis, 656.

-, -, Archbishop of. See Henry of Saxe-Lawenbourg.

Bresse, Brus, Brusse, Seigneur de, intermediary between the States-General and Don John, 45, 46, 52, 55, 60, 65.

-, gallion of, 135
-, captain of, 252
-, naval preparations at, 639.

Breton, Chevalier, officer of Duke of Anjou, 663.

Bridgewater, co. Somers., 19.

Bridgis. See Bruges.

Brie, passport through, 175.

-, new haven of, fortified with freestone, 42
-, importance of, to Netherlands, 373.

Brissac, Count. See Cossé-Brissac.

-, news sent viâ, to Spain, 250
-, merchant of, 486.

-, English trade with, 24
-, French preparations (naval) in, 252
-, revenues of, charged in favour of Duc de Montpensier, 282
-, Duke Casimir to operate in, 555
-, letter from, 639
-, naval preparations in, 640
-, Fitzmorris in, 654
-, advices to Poulet from, 663 (p. 520)
-, application to president of Parliament in touching piracy by Breton, 686, 837
-, Duke of Anjou goes to Châteaubriant in, 691
-, King to visit, 701
-, oats ordered from, by States, 744
-, advices from, 766, 796
-, resistance in, to fresh taxation, 766
-, Stewkeley reported shipwrecked off, 848.

-, Duchy of, sought by Duke of Anjou, 663.

Brives, Brive-la-Gaillarde, 58.

-, William, Lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, mentioned, 593
-, ordered by Queen to send special messenger to M. de la Motte, 797
-, letter to, from Davison, 812
-, to be sent on special mission with Walsingham to Netherlands, 872, 881, 901, 917.

Brooke, alias Cobham, Henry, knight, his Spanish mission referred to, 69, 479.

-, John, [nephew of] Lord Cobham, commission to, from Archduke Matthias, to raise troops (English) for States, 809
-, returns to England, 812, Davison writes by, 815.

Brool, —, Secretary to Don John, officer in his army, 546.

-, besieged by Duke of Mayenne, 20, 35, 36, 37
-, English concern in safety of, 41
-, siege pressed, but thought likely to be raised, 58
-, fleet to be equipped to save, 68
-, Henry III. resolute to take, 99
-, articles of capitulation of, 107, 108
-, Swiss leave for, 134
-, King announces surrender of, to Ambassadors
-, terms of its surrender, 135
-, great loss to Huguenots by seizure of salt in, 135, 136
-, tardy measures for relief of, concerted by Queen Elizabeth, 153
-, its fall reported to Duke Casimir, 155, 162, to Davison, 180
-, salt at, sold by Lansac, 252
-, Lansac at, 253, 267
-, messenger sent to, by Poulet, 306
-, fall of, discussed in Germany, 323
-, release of English ship at, arranged, 552
-, mentioned, 587
-, English hulks detained at, 595, their release urged, 607, reported to have left, 640
-, Lansac's outrage at, discussed in French Council, 663 (p. 519).

Brouck. See Brück.

Brown, —, servant of Robert Beale, 202.

Browne, Andrew, his news from Lisbon, 335.

-, Robert, carries Rogers' despatches, 732.

-, young Mr., English Roman Catholic, in Paris, bound for Spain, his movements reported by Poulet, 837 (p. 659)
-, son of Francis Browne, of co. Norfolk, 907.

'Browne's bottle'. See Brunsbüttel.

Brück, Brouck, letter dated at, 792.

-, Drumesius born at, 38
-, exchange at, 185
-, mentioned, 202
-, tolls on English goods at, 394
-, intrigues with Don John, 513
-, Marquis d'Havré expected at, 545
-, Spanish Consul at, 560
-, Dr. Rogers at, 18 s. (p. 435)
-, energy and loyalty to States shewn by, 643
-, letter sent from, 695
-, garrisoned from Ghent, 728, 729, 733, 737, 746, 747
-, Lord Seton a prisoner at, 747, 767, 811, released, 861
-, complaint of English Carthusians in, to magistrates, against quartering of soldiers, &c., 778
-, Englishman's goods arrested at, 780
-, Moffet arrested at, 811
-, English loan secured on, 872
-, scandal among friars minorites at, 903.

-, letters dated at, 59, 164, 849.

-, Bishop of. See Driutius.

-, Nicolas, countersigns letter of Henry III., 174, 456
-, mentioned, 460.

Brune, Thomas, letters from, 59.

Brunning. See Brunynck.

Brunsbüttel, Browne's bottle, on Elbe, 7 s. (p. 428).

-, Brunning, Nicolas, Secretary of Prince of Orange, 42
-, letter from, 415.

Brunswick, levies in, for Don John, in hope of securing payment of his old debts to, 595 ter (p. 460).

-, Duke of. See Julius and Philip.

Brusse, M. de. See Bresse.

-, States General assembled at, 5, where Thomas Wilson waits on them, with Queen's letter, 14
-, Don John declines to return to, till guard is disarmed, burgesses submit, and Theron is banished, 14
-, mentioned, 15
-, design to seize Don John at, 39
-, Don John's return to, conditional on reforms at, 43
-, people of, warn those of Namur against Don John. 44
-, alleged plot to seize Don John at, 45
-, nobility at, inform Prince of Orange of Don John's retreat, 47
-, gates of, guarded, 47
-, nobles in, swear a fresh league, in defence of rights, 49
-, Prince de Chimay, Governor of Antwerp, at, 49
-, Don John refuses to return to, if garrisoned, 52
-, reported flight to, of nobility from Namur, 59
-, Don John's protest against 'privately appointed governor' in, 93
-, Davison received in audience by States at, 101
-, St. Aldegonde at, 114
-, probable descent on, of Don John, 117
-, burgesses of, maltreat an emissary of Don John, 117
-, mentioned, 126
-, preparations by States for defence of, 142, 144, insufficient, 147, 152
-, mentioned, 157, 170, 173
-, demolition of citadel at, 202
-, Count Lalaing at, 202
-, mentioned, 210, 216, 217
-, newsletter from, 226
-, Orange on way to, 231, 233
-, invitation of Orange to 236-238, 242, 242B
-, mentioned, 245
-, detailed account of reception in, of Prince of Orange. 264, 265
-, newsletter from, 320
-, nobles return to, from Don John and Namur, 320
-, restraining effect of Prince of Orange on populace of, 320
-, presentment made by burgesses of, to States General, recommending the appointment of the Prince of Orange as Governor during war, 341, 346, 356
-, vengeance vowed on, by Don John, 346
-, fortification of, decided on, 356
-, contented at appointment of Orange as Ruward of Brabant, 384
-, Lalaing at, 399
-, Prince of Orange besought to return to
-, Mr. Blount sent prisoner to, 421
-, 'at devotion' of Prince of Orange, 429
-, Champagny escapes to, 434
-, Duke of Aerschot back in own house in, 448
-, reasons for absence of Prince of Orange from, 449, 450
-, Archduke to be brought to, 530, 531
-, Address by burgesses of, to States, 539, 544
-, Davison returns to, 545, 549
-, Champagny expelled from, 545
-, supplies for English expeditionary force to be sent to, 588
-, deputation to invite Prince of Orange to, 591
-, Archduke to be accompanied by Prince, on entry into, 596, 599, 600
-, accused of slighting the deputies from Hainault, 605
-, Spanish and Italian soldiery 'make full account of the sack' of, 608
-, Beale unable to visit, 613 bis (p. 477)
-, mentioned, 617
-, Prince of Orange prevents panic in, after Gemblours, 623, 627
-, attack on deferred
-, 'fauburgs' round burnt, 637
-, garrisoned, 642, 643
-, mentioned, 649, 657
-, fortified, 657
-, Nivelle reinforced from, 658, 664
-, M. de Selles at, 664
-, garrison of, routs Don John's foot near, who are butchered by country people, 675
-, camp formed at, 703, 744 (p. 578)
-, well provisioned and fortified, 749
-, Scots reforming at, 760
-, war kept away from, 767
-, Commissioners of Duke of Anjou to be fetched to, 789, 805
-, Count Bossu returns to, 789
-, Duke's Commissioners refuse to come to, 815
-, Count Bossu in command at, 827
-, Duke's Commissioners invited to, 850, at, 857, 858, 861
-, English loan secured on, 872
-, successes by garrison of, 877
-, alleged scandal among Friars at, 903
-, list of men-at-arms and light horse round, 934.

-, letters, &c., dated at, 5, 6, 39, 40, 45, 46, 48, 49, 53, 57, 65, 76, 79, 91, 93, 101, 102, 103, 110, 112, 117, 119, 120, 141, 147, 159, 189, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 198, 199, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 214, 216, 217, 218, 222, 223, 236, 237, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 273, 274, 276, 276, 281, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 309, 311, 318, 321, 325, 326, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 346, 377, 407, 416, 418, 425, 426, 452, 480, 485, 498, 573, 574, 575A, 577, 578, 583, 585, 586, 588, 591, 603, 604, 605, 614, 615, 618, 621, 638.

-, Governor of. See Hornes.

Bryas, —, officer with Don John, 787.

Brydges. See Bruges.

Bryon, William, master of the 'Seaflower,' 640 bis (p. 495).

Bucho ab Aytta, Ayta, Busche, Archdeacon of Ypres, envoy from States General to Don John, 45, 46, 49, 52, 53, 55.

Buchom, Lord, Imperial Councillor, attacked by Count of Salm, 412.

Buckestones. See Buxton.

Buhy, Buy, M. de. See Mornay, Pierre de.

Buillion. See Bouillon.

Bullion, transport of, 4 s. (p. 426), 892.

Bullyon, Duchess of. See Bouillon.

Burburgh. See Bourbourg.

Buren, Count. See Nassau, Philip.

Burghley, Lord. See Cecil.

Burgos, 160.

-, recruiting in, for Don John, 49, 117, 119, 176, to be stopped, 191, 216, 217, 261, active, 337, 346, 356
-, passage through, of troops to Don John, 412 (p. 313)
-, Burgundians join Don John, 421, 434
-, mentioned, 470
-, troops in, for Don John, 549, 643
-, mentioned 'Borgonia,' 737
-, diversion in, by Duke of Anjou devised, 803, 818, 834, 877
-, Burgundians in States' army, 827.

-, ancient English alliance with, 38, 261 (p. 198), 269, 394, 420, 441, 564, 830 (p. 647).

-, Dukes of, Duke of Anjou's descent from ancient, 803 (p. 627).

-, High, Don John expects aid from, 117
-, regiment from, 586.

Burley, —, 'a tall fellow of his hands,' application to Don John on behalf of, 80.

Burr, Oliff, merchant, 486.

Busche. See Bucho ab Ayta.

Buse. See Buys.

Bussy d'Amboise. See Clermont.

Butkens, M., in suite of Marquis d'Havré, 761.

Buxton, Buckestones, co. Derby, Lord Burghley takes 'cure' at, 44.

Buy, M. de. See Buhy.

Buys, Buse, Paul, 41, 42.

Byckner. See Bickner.

Byrd. See Bird.

Byschoppe. See Bishop.