Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Aargau, Baden in, 247.

Abbeville, 909.

Abdemelech, Emperor of Morocco. See Morocco.

Acerbo, —, house of, at Newington, 100.

Admiral of Castille. See Cabrera.

-, of England, Lord High. See Clinton, Edward. Earl of Lincoln.

-, of France. See Coligny
-, Lorraine, Charles de
-, Savoie, Honorat de.

-, -, office of, 836, 837.

-, of Naples. See Cordova.

-, Judge of. See Dale
-, Lewes.

Adolf, Adolphus, Count of Neuenahr, ready to accompany Duke Casimir into France, 305 (p. 228), 563.

-, his special mission from States to Emperor and Electors, 710, 711, 712, 713, 728, 732, 744 (p. 578).

-, married to Countess of Horn
-, services offered to States, declined, the Prince of Orange preferring his own brethren
-, sent on mission as consolation, 737.

-, letter from, to Davison, 792.

Adolf, Duke of Holstein, opposed to Ubiquitarian views, 246 (p. 181), 249 (p. 187), 323 (p. 245).

-, contracts to supply Portugal with soldiers, 15 s. (p. 432).

-, levies troops for Don John, 651 bis, 767, 775.

-, debts due to, by Don John, for previous levies, 595 ter (p. 460).

Adrets, Baron des, his revolt, 570.

Adrianople, Andriopolly, 604 bis (p. 466).

Adventurers, Merchants. See Merchant Adventurers.

Advertisements. See Newsletters.

-, taken by Don John
-, garrison put to sword, 657
-, mentioned, 760
-, 'yielded' to Don John, 827
-, burnt by Don John, 862.

-, Duke of. See Croy, Philippe de.

Aeth. See Ath.

Africa, Expedition for. See Morocco.

Agen, letter dated at, 349.

Agreda, 160.

Aguirres, Juan de, letter from, 129.

-, in hands of Huguenots, 34
-, valuable for its salt, 136.

Aire, Herre, Governor of. See Meurbeeck.

Aix, Ay, wine of, 589.

-, Est, Isle of, 253.

Alayn, M. d'. See Ligne.

Albanese recruits for Don John, 356, 586, 620.

Alberot, 11.

Albert V, Duke of Bavaria, sends aid to Don John, 117.

-, arranges marriage of daughter and negotiates preferment for son, 246 (p. 182), 305 (p. 231).

-, league of Landsberg promoted by, 323 (p. 245).

-, supports Don John, 398.

Albert Frederick of Brandenburg
-, Duke of Prussia, his insanity
-, question of the succession, 337, 412, 691 bis (p. 538), 752.

Aldenburch. See Oudenburg.

'Alemans'. See Germans.

Alençon, Duke of. See Francis, Duke of Anjou.

Aleppo, Helepo, 720 bis, 777, 890.

Alessandria, Alexandria, in State of Milan, 145.

Alexandria. See Alessandria.

Algiers, old King of, 21 s. (p. 439).

-, in N. Holland, letter dated at, 2
-, Prince of Orange at, 38, 41
-, shipping abundant at, 42.

Allègre, Marquis d', of Auvergne, hostage at Heidelberg, 140 (p. 106).

-, Richard, with Landgrave, 249
-, Ambassador from England to King of Denmark, 364
-, mentioned, 720 bis
-, at Bruges, 728.

'Almaines'. See Germans.

-, Aelst, Alst, 117
-, Spanish at, 539, Don John on road to, 695, 703
-, his 'intelligences' in, 744.

Alum, English trade in, 394, 928, 929.

Alva, Duke of. See Toledo.

Alvaries, Fernando, 560.

Ame, liquid measure, 660.

Amiens, 695.

Amours, Seigneur d', Agent of Madame de Longueville, 247.

-, position of, under Pacification of Ghent, 16, 20, 38, 42, 44, 47 bis, 54
-, armed boats on canal of, 93
-, 'thought to be sure for Don John,' 117
-, Don John's quarrel with Prince of Orange over, 170
-, sends deputation to Prince of Orange at Brussels
-, accord not reached, 273
-, special reference to, by Don John, in communicating Philip's orders to States, 338
-, religious settlement in, 341 (p. 259)
-, States refer to, 371
-, holds out against the Prince, 434, 455
-, attempt to surprise, fails, 457, 461, 507
-, mentioned, 476, 479
-, States of Holland decide to besiege, 513
-, its reported surrender to Prince of Orange, 636, surrenders, 642, 643
-, troops recalled from, 657
-, monks and friars expelled from, and magistrates arrested, on detection of plot to betray, 917 (p. 726).

Anabaptists in Holland, 341 (p. 259).

Andenne, Don John fortifies, 517.

Anderson, —, of the Household of Mary, Queen of Scots, on mission to Flanders and Spain, 117.

-, James, 'Ubiquitarian,' Professor at Tübingen, a 'troublesome divine,' favoured by Duke of Saxony, 140, 246
-, plot to discredit, as being in receipt of pension from French Roman Catholics, 314
-, his influence with Duke of Saxony, 323 (p. 245)
-, Queen Elizabeth on, 392 (p. 295)
-, Swiss objection to, 732
-, meeting convened at Rotenberg to 'publish' his Corpus Doctrinae, 774. See also Schmalkald.

Andriopolly. See Adrianople.

Anduze, in Lower Languedoc, in hands of Huguenots, 34.

Andworskow, Minster of, letter dated at, 364.

Angels. See Money.

-, Angiers, Mayor of, 663 (p. 520)
-, Queen-Mother visits Duke of Anjou at, 691
-, Duke of Maine at, 837 (p. 658).

-, letters dated at, 682, 683, 684, 706.

-, town of, claimed by King of Navarre, 20, 21
-, Duke of Anjou going to, 99.

Angoumois, guns moved from to Bordeaux, 640.

Anhalt, Duke of. See Joachim, Ernest.

-, Princes of, their attitude to Ubiquitarians, 246, 249, 323 (p. 245)
-, letter to, from Queen Elizabeth, touching Schmalkald conference, 925.

Anjou, Duke of. See Francis.

Anne of Austria, Queen of Spain. See Austria.

Anne of Denmark, wife of the Elector Augustus of Saxony, daughter of Christian III of Denmark, her influence with her husband, 41, 323.

-, Robert Beale's credentials to, 130
-, complimentary letters from, to Queen Elizabeth, 409, 410.

Anonymous letters
-, to Don John, 39, 40
-, cf. 128.

Anrittgelt. See Eintrittgelt.

Ans, Guerart d', his Walloons, 760.

Anspache, Marquis. See George Frederick.

Antilles, Drake sails for the, 250.

Antragues, Entragues, Charles d', his fight with Caylus, 837 (p. 659).

Antuyn, Seignory near Mons, 749.

Antwerp :—
-, Losses of English merchants at sack of compensation required, 8, 59
-, German troops at, 14
-, business of Merchant Adventurers to be shifted from, to Holland, 41
-, M. de Champagny to be Governor of, 44
-, armour bought at, for King of Portugal, 44
-, Don John's designs on, 47
-, Prince of Orange recommends States to seize, 47
-, Prince de Chimai, Governor of Citadel of, offers his services to States General, 49
-, Lieutenant of Castle of, a partisan of Don John, 49
-, German garrison at, stands to arms, 49
-, negotiations at, for reduction of German troops in Netherlands, 50
-, Don John's design to introduce German troops into, protest by States, 57
-, failure of design, 76
-, Germans expelled from, 87, 88
-, demands of Don John touching, 93
-, account of the flight of the Germans from, 95
-, Davison arrives at, 101
-, town being fortified, castle to be raised, 101, 102, 103
-, mentioned, 129
-, disturbances in, described by Spanish friar, 129
-, negotiations at, by Huguenots, for sale of salt to Italy, 136
-, demolition of citadel of, 142, 202
-, mentioned, 150
-, state of, discontent in, its causes, 173
-, exchange vid, 185
-, reports from, 199
-, civility shewn by Burgomaster of, to Mr. Beale, 202
-, affection of people of, to Prince of Orange, 202
-, store of powder found at, 202
-, Prince expected in, 206
-, news from, 211
-, sack of, alluded to, 216, 217
-, demolition of citadel, 226
-, Orange at, 231, his great reception, 233
-, correspondence between merchants of, and Don John, 231
-, deputation from States to Orange at, 236-238
-, Beale leaves in wagon, 246 (p. 182)
-, sack of, mentioned, 261
-, Prince of Orange leaves, 264, 265
-, English loan to States, money taken up in, 271, 297, 311, 312, 318
-, military uniforms found in merchant's house at, 273
-, English loan negotiated at, 329, 347
-, return to, of Prince of Orange, 330
-, sack of, alluded to, 341 (p. 256)
-, joins in petition for appointment of Prince of Orange as Governor-General, 346
-, newsletter from, 360
-, English loan to be taken up on 'burse' of, 362
-, newsletter from, 379, 382, 383
-, Prince and Princess of Orange at, 379
-, satisfaction in, at appointment of Prince as Ruward of Brabant, 384
-, English treaty rights in, 393, 394
-, house in, with fleur-de-lys on door, 418
-, controlled by Prince of Orange, 429
-, English loan cannot be negotiated in, 441
-, Archduke Matthias received at, 457
-, the Fuggers house in, 457, 465
-, mentioned, 470
-, Prince renews magistracy of, 513
-, sack of, alluded to, 539
-, supports Prince of Orange, 544
-, English merchant at, 7 s. (p. 429)
-, post vid, 9 s., 18 s.
-, advice from Hoddesdon's factor in, 18 s.
-, attempt to raise English loan in, 573, 597
-, base for English troops, 588
-, beer brewed in, 589, 590
-, Prince of Orange to remove from, to Brussels, 591
-, newsletter from, 599
-, suggested by Prince as port of landing and arsenal for English troops, 617, 618
-, newsletter from, 620
-, the States General retire to, 636
-, mentioned, 656
-, newsletter from, 675
-, Lord Seton expelled from, 747, accuses persons in, 767
-, English loan to be taken up in, 768, cannot be raised in, 789
-, commissioners of Duke of Anjou to be brought to, to prevent intrigues in Hainault, 789
-, Schenck's 'reiters' arrive at, 834
-, English house in, and Divine service there, 852
-, Jesuits expelled from, and Friars Minorites like to be, for refusing oath to States, 883, 884, 885
-, cost of exporting bullion to, from England, 892
-, officers who surrendered Philippeville report themselves at, 910
-, sale of alum at, 928, 929.

-, despatches and letters dated at, 14, 129, 142, 202, 231, 233, 234, 235, 242, 245, 334, 359, 362, 385, 389, 405, 406, 415, 429, 434, 438, 448, 457, 461, 508, 509, 513, 514, 515, 521, 531-534, 541, 545, 549, 556, 597, 612, 613 bis (p. 477), 623, 627, 636, 642, 643, 644, 645, 648, 651, 657, 658, 664, 690, 710, 723, 729, 730, 731, 732, 733, 736, 737, 738, 743, 744, 747, 749, 751, 765, 768, 786, 789, 803, 805, 806, 807, 808, 811, 812, 815, 816, 817, 843, 844, 850, 851, 855, 857, 861, 877, 883, 893, 903, 917, 920.

-, Castle, Don John's intrigue touching government of, 49, 74, 75
-, his further demands concerning, 93
-, proposal to raise
-, garrisoned by M. de Bours, 101
-, mentioned, 129
-, Don John's design to oust Duke of Aerschot from government of, 479
-, Mendoza's allusion to States' capture of, 700.

Antwerp, Margrave of, bad man for place, 173.

Antwyn, — d', bailiff of Mons, 703.

Appocle, M. d', alderman of Ghent, 426.

Apremont, —, squire of Queen-Mother of France, killed, 20.

Apulia, corn shipped from to Naples, 145.

-, Richard, of Exeter, his ship spoiled by French, 595, 609
-, Poulet forwards his petition against men of St. Malo, but indicates its vagueness, 653
-, his despoiler a Breton, 686.

Arenberg, Count of. See Ligne.

Arenberg, M. d', officer in States' army, 546.

Arennes, Sieur a', President in Court of Parliament of Paris, his claims pressed by King of Navarre, 282.

Argenlieu, M. d'. See Hangest.

Argyll, Argyle, Earl of. See Campbell, Colin.

Armenian, murder by an, 651 bis.

-, pattern of, sent from England, 483
-, prices of, 598
-, for Spaniards, arrested at Coblenz, 774.

Arnold, —, secretary to M. de Mauvissière, in France, 99, 253.

Arpentin, —, officer of Duke of Anjou, 663.

-, Bishop of Arras' plot to deliver to Don John, 728, 729, 736, 737, 744, 746, 747, 749
-, M. de Capres sent from, to secure St. Omer, 805
-, fortified by States, 858.

Arras, Bishop of. See Moulart.

Arschot, Duc d'. See Croy.

Arteveldt, Philip van, Castellan of Ghent, historical parallel from, 38.

-, Don John's intrigues in, 74, 75
-, regiment of, 223
-, deputies of, approve reception of Archduke Matthias, 330
-, insufficiently represented in States, 539
-, Duke of Anjou's 'intelligence' in, 549, 729, 730
-, levies for States in, 636, 637, 642
-, Bishop of Arras' plot to deliver to Don John, 744
-, taxation in, for war, 744
-, French practices in, 788
-, Commissioners of Duke of Anjou near, 789
-, clergy of, 'practise' against Prince of Orange 'for the cause of religion,' 805
-, French in sympathy, 857, 858
-, deputies from, in States, prefer Duke of Anjou to Archduke, 885.

-, Governor of. See Ghent, Viscount of.

Arundell, John, Cornish magistrate, Roman Catholic, 240, 250.

Asbourge, Isburg, Conference at, 214.

Asia, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, Minor, Turkish operations in, 571.

-, Jehan des, Protestant, Secretary to new Council of State in Netherlands, 379
-, countersigns Archduke Matthias' despatch to Don John, 646.

Asseliers, M. d', his shipping case against Sir Henry Ratclyf, 842.

-, M. d', Envoy from Don John to the Imperial Diet, 315
-, commands horse from Luxembourg, 517.

Assigny, M. d', of Douai, 395, 396, 404.

-, Assonville, Christophe d', Conseiller, a 'good patriot,' 14
-, with Don John at Namur, not allowed by populace to return to Brussels, 320
-, Duke of Aerschot's plot with, 404
-, officer in Don John's army, 546.

-, Aeth, At, Att, near Mons, 728, 737
-, Don John's intelligences in, 744, 746, he threatens, 747, 749, 788, 917 (p. 726).

Athenian constitution cited, 171 (p. 127).

Attorney, Mr. See Gerrard, Gilbert.

-, M. de l', Secretary of Finance, sent on special mission by Henry III. to England, to announce peace, 307
-, informed by Queen, and by Privy Council, of her demand for punishment of Lansac and restitution of ships, 440.

Aubigny, Baron d'. See Lens.

Audenarde. See Oudenaard.

-, Augusta, Papal Legate at, 378, 434
-, Archduke Ferdinand invited to, 465
-, bears cost of Schmalcaldic war, 467.

-, letters dated at, 378, 466, 553.

Augsburg, Augustan, or Lutheran, Confession, 131, 131A, 140 (p. 107), 188, 200, 246, 284, 285, 288, 313, 316, 323, 324, 571, 820 (7), 868, 890, 911, 922.

Augusta. See Augsburg.

Augustan Confession. See Augsburg.

-, Duke, or Elector, of Saxony :— ruled by wife
-, his proposed inclusion in Protestant League, 41.

-, Robert Beale's credentials to, 130.

-, orders religious assembly, to condemn error, at Wittemberg
-, scared by prodigies on the occasion, 136, 140.

-, anxiety of Queen Elizabeth to secure, for League, 138, reasons he should incline to it
-, his hold over Emperor, by reason of debts due to, by Emperor's father, 138, 323 (p. 245).

-, his strength
-, detested by subjects, 172.

-, sends agent to Palsgrave, touching subscription of anti-Calvinistic declaration, 211.

-, his influence with the Palsgrave Lewis, 246.

-, his vehement support of Ubiquitarian divines, 246, 249.

-, the King of Denmark's influence with, to be used in Ubiquitarian controversy, 249, 284.

-, Emperor's permission to be sought by, for alliance of Evangelical Princes of Germany with England, 258.

-, writes to son-in-law, Duke Casimir, at Emperor's instance, to deter him from French expedition, 305 (p. 230).

-, embassy sent to, from conference of Calvinists at Frankfort, 313.

-, design to shake credit with, of Jacobus Andreas, 314.

-, invited to meeting of Popish Princes in Bavaria, 315.

-, Beale on way to, 316, 323.

-, declines audiences readily
-, ready to enter Popish League
-, his infatuation for Andreas, 323.

-, Duke of Deuxponts writes to, declining to sign 'book,' 337.

-, expected to decline audience to Beale, 'so fierce is he of nature,' 337.

-, Queen Elizabeth's despatch alluding to, 392.

-, Landgrave's relations with, distrusted by Walsingham, 400.

-, rhapsodical letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, 411.

-, his retention of 'reiters'
-, his respect for the Landgrave William
-, his timidity arising from large experience of life
-, his frendship with Emperor Maximilian
-, 467.

-, Catholic designs against, 571.

-, represented at Diet of Warsaw, 691 bis (p. 528).

-, to meet Emperor at Prague, ibid. (p. 539).

-, Ambassador of Savoy appeals to, re precedence, 701.

-, special Envoy sent to, by States, to request him to prohibit levy of troops for Don John, 710.

-, to attend meeting at Rotenberg to publish Andreas' book, 774, the meeting fixed at Schmalkalden, 820.

Augustus College. See Luther.

Aumale, —, d', steward to M. de Lumey, 341 (p. 259).

Aumâle, Duke of. See Lorraine, Claud de.

Aumont, M. d', 135.

Aussy, M. d'. See Auxy.

-, affairs in, 258
-, to come into partitions, between brothers of Emperor Rudolf, 337
-, Estates of, refuse supplies unless liberty of preaching is conceded, 412
-, partition of, averted, 775
-, cheapness of victuals in, and high wages, 890, 905
-, propositions exhibited at the 'Ostrich Lansdaie or Parliament' in, 905.

Austria, Upper, Diet held in, 890.

Austria, Osterrich, Cardinal of, 821.

-, Anne of, wife of Philip II. of Spain, letter to, from Queen Elizabeth, 66.

-, Charles, Archduke of, Uncle of Emperor, goes to Vienna, 246 (p. 182).

-, Ernestus, Archduke of, the Emperor's brother, to be his Lieut.-General in Hungary, 246 (p. 181)
-, aspires to Crown of Poland, 337
-, his father's lieutenant in Poland, 412, his brother's, 469
-, declines to command in 'Pannonia,' acts as regent at Vienna, 890, 905.

-, Ferdinand, Duke of, uncle of Emperor Rudolf, raises troops for Don John, 140, 315, 323 (p. 246)
-, goes to Vienna, 246 (p. 182)
-, supports Don John, 398, 412
-, invited to Augsburg, 465
-, dispute between, and people, referred to Pope's arbitration, 575
-, sends money to Don John, 744 (p. 579)
-, to command troops, levied in Suabia, for Don John, 890.

-, Don John of, Queen Elizabeth's letter to, deprecating his censure of Prince of Orange, professing her love of peace, and promising to repress piracy, 8
-, his allegations against the Prince, 42.

-, his Articles to the States General, and their reply, 11, 12.

-, Ambassador Wilson takes leave of
-, he 'heaps up good words of affection' to Queen Elizabeth, 14.

-, States General desire removal of Escovedo from attendance on
-, his resentment
-, his return to Brussels conditional on submission of city, 14.

-, to meet Queen of Navarre at Namur, 14.

-, recommends George Norton, English 'rebel,' to Duke of Guise, 14.

-, embassy from, to Henry III. of France, re preparations of Prince of Orange, 20.

-, his Agent with Prince of Orange, touching Amsterdam, 38.

-, his letters to Philip II. intercepted, 38.

-, nature of Viscount of Ghent's negotiations on behalf of, 38.

-, his bribes to the Prince of Orange, conveyed by Drumesius, 38.

-, his design on England, 38.

-, anonymous letters to, warning him of design on his person, 39, 40, occasion his retreat to Namur, 40, 45.

-, his relations to Pope and King of Spain, 41.

-, M. de Goignies won over to, 41.

-, encourages Amsterdam to oppose Prince of Orange, 42.

-, intrigues with members of the Estates of Holland and Zealand, 42.

-, attempts to surprise Ter Goes Island, 42.

-, entertains Queen of Navarre at Namur, which he seizes and garrisons, 42, 44, 49, 72, 73.

-, accuses Prince of Orange of breaches of Pacification of Ghent, 42.

-, discharges French and Scottish troops, but retains German, 42.

-, his Articles to the States General, and their reply, 43, 44.

-, his escort to Namur, 44.

-, sends Escovedo, vid Nantes, to Spain, 44.

-, new French Ambassador accredited to, 44.

-, formal remonstrance of States General with, on his retirement to Namur, 45, 46, and retention of German soldiers, 48, 49.

-, garrisons Namur, Charlemont, and Philippeville, 47, 49, 64.

-, attitude to, of States General
-, advice of Prince of Orange as to policy to be pursued with regard to, 47.

-, forces at his disposal
-, his supposed understanding with the Duke of Guise, 49.

-, the lieutenant of Antwerp castle won over by, 49.

-, negotiations with, for payment and removal of German mercenaries, 50.

-, correspondence between, and States General, after his retirement to Namur, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 60, 65, 85, 86, 92, 93, 96, 110, 113, 126, 127, 128, 133, 143, 146, 150, 151, 156, 157, 170, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 197, 208, 210, 216, 217, 221, 222, 223, 226, 227, 244, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 276, 289, 290.

-, his indictment, in letter to States General, of disloyalty of Prince of Orange and of Holland and Zealand, 54, 95.

-, William Davison accredited to, 56.

-, States remonstrate with, upon his plot to seize Antwerp, 57.

-, his rumoured intention, on the occasion of his seizing Namur, to 'put nobility to the sword'
-, their flight to Brussels, 59.

-, consent of States to increase of his bodyguard, 65, 86, 92.

-, conduct to be observed to, by Davison, 72, 73.

-, Davison instructed to warn the States against, 72, 73.

-, Prince of Orange reviews his accusations and conduct in letter to the States, 74, 75.

-, failure of his design on citadel of Antwerp, 76, 95.

-, application to, on behalf of Burley and Shotten, Englishmen in Spanish pay, 80.

-, temperate reply of, to States, 86, their rejoinder, 92.

-, letter from, to Colonel Fugger, with condolences on expulsion from Antwerp, apologies for non-payment of troops, and summons to join him, 87, 88.

-, articles presented by, to States, with their replies appended, 93.

-, his charges against Prince of Orange, in detail, 93, covering letter, 113.

-, account of his reception of the Queen of Navarre
-, his subsequent sojourn at Namur, on pretext of design against his person, after the discovery of the intercepted letters
-, his correspondence with the States
-, and his attempt on Antwerp, 95.

-, letter from, with peaceful professions, and renewed offer (see No. 86) to retire in favour of governor more to their taste, 96, 97, 98. See also No. 113.

-, requests States that his Spanish correspondence may be forwarded to him, 96, the States' reply, 110.

-, levying troops
-, his supposed understanding with France, 101, 102, 103.

-, Davison sends special messenger to, on arrival, with Queen's letter, 101, 102, 103
-, his reply, 111, 117.

-, bad state of his finances, 103.

-, letter of, to Empress, recounting attachment of States to the 'damnable Prince of Orange,' his retirement to Namur, and pledging himself to repay money due to her, 104, 105, 106.

-, re-statement of complaints of States against, 110. See also 113 and 226.

-, clergy subscribe for, 112.

-, statement of, that King would not have consented to Pacification if he had supposed it involved change of religion in Holland
-, letter to States, covering Articles, No. 93 above, 113.

-, his 'practices against the States and England,' 114.

-, details by Davison of his recruiting, contrasted with inertness of States, 117.

-, emissary of Mary, Queen of Scots with, 117.

-, Davison's application to, of English proverb, 119.

-, increases his forces stealthily, to deceive States, 119, 120, 121, 122.

-, his offer renewed to States, to retire in favour of some other governor to be appointed from Spain, 126.

-, defends himself to States, as guiltless of breach of 'Pacification,' 128.

-, his retreat to Namur, 'to secure his person against plots, 128.

-, compatriots' fears for, 129.

-, his possible relations with Duke of Anjou, 132.

-, French aid for, 132.

-, his pacific declaration to States
-, his proposed retirement in favour of new Governor, 133.

-, Ferdinand, Duke of Austria, raises troops for, 140, 315, 323 (p. 246), 398, 412.

-, his troops forced to evacuate Gemblours, 141.

-, alleged plot against, and his withdrawal to Namur, announced in Italy, 145
-, summons troops from Italy to his aid, 145.

-, his special pleading touching 'Intercepted letters,' his plot with the 'Germans,' &c., 146.

-, troops brought by to Namur, 147.

-, States' reply to, re 'Intercepted letters,' 'Germans,' &c., 150.

-, requested by States to renounce league with Duke of Guise, 150.

-, intervenes with States for better treatment of their prisoners, 151.

-, Queen Elizabeth's alarm at his operations, 152.

-, alleges dismissal of Spanish troops as proof of peaceful intentions, 156.

-, English alarm at his relations with Duke of Guise, 158.

-, detailed reply of States to his communication (No. 146) touching 'Intercepted letters,' &c., 170.

-, his alleged design for a descent on England, 170.

-, historical review of his attitude to Prince of Orange, particularly as to Amsterdam, 170.

-, passport for Captain going to, signed by Duke of Guise, 175.

-, details of forces at his disposal, his forecast, 176.

-, hope to cut his forces in two, 178.

-, final replies to, of Estates, 189, 190, 191.

-, forbidden by Philip to wage war
-, ill reception of his Secretary in Spain
-, dismisses Germans, 192.

-, communicates decision of Philip to States, the acceptance of his resignation, and order to maintain the Pacification, 193, satisfaction thereat of States, coupled with demand for evacuation of Namur, &c., 194, 195, 226 (p. 166).

-, ill with 'stomach ailment,' 197, 210.

-, negotiates for 'security of his government,' pending arrival of his successor
-, Council of State and Deputies from Empire confer with, 197.

-, letter of States to Philip II., requesting his retirement, &c., 198.

-, alleged decision of Philip, as communicated by him to the States, held by them for his invention, 199.

-, commissioners of Duke of Cleves with him, 199.

-, troops revolt from, to States, 199.

-, short of money, to pay Duke of Brunswick for aid, 203.

-, 'alteration in his countenance,' on receipt of despatches from Spain, 204.

-, his prompt surrender of fortresses the only hope of peace, 207
-, ultimatum to that effect, 208, acknowledged, 210.

-, 'his cruel, revenging, insolent nature' would never submit to be 'chased out of his government by a sort of drunken Flemings,' 214.

-, his plot against States framed in May, at Isburg, with commissioners of Roman Catholic Powers, 214.

-, his Articles of Pacification, sent to States, 216, 217, 221.

-, proposes to retire to Luxembourg, 216 (p. 158), 217.

-, troops for, from Duke of Brunswick, Archbishop of Cologne, and Bishop of Treves, 218, 323 (p. 246).

-, Spanish troops to rejoin, from Genoa, 218.

-, acceptance by States of his terms, with suggestions for carrying them into effect, 222, 223
-, cf. 233.

-, review of his conduct, in newsletter, 226.

-, text of his address to country, 226 (p. 163).

-, suspected conference between, and Duke of Guise, 226 (p. 167).

-, signs orders for withdrawal of Germans, to be delivered to States on terms, 227, 228.

-, disorder in camp of, 227, 228, viz., an attack on States' forces, 231.

-, his endeavour to hinder coming of Orange to Brussels, 231, 233.

-, correspondence between, and merchants of Antwerp discovered, 231.

-, any peace, or terms, accepted by, only temporary, 233.

-, 'patched peace' between, and States, 242.

-, stipulations by, as to 'Germans,' &c., 244.

-, Duke of Guise ready to aid, on frontier, 246 (p. 182).

-, alleged design to make him King of England and Scotland, 249 (p. 188).

-, recalls Spaniards to Netherlands, who return in small parties, 258, 305 (p. 231), 323 (p. 246), 17 s. (p. 435).

-, fresh Articles of States presented to, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, with mention of English alliance, inserted at instance of Prince of Orange, 261, 273, 329.

-, gentry of Netherlands continue with, though recalled under penalties by States, 273.

-, summary of situation of, as against States, 273.

-, fretted 'to the gutts' by reception of Orange at Brussels, 273.

-, his annoyance deprecated by States, 276, 329.

-, a danger to the Empire, 285.

-, announces his immediate departure to Luxembourg to States, reproaching them with calling in Prince of Orange and demolition of citadels, 289, 290.

-, retires to Luxembourg, leaving garrison of returned Spaniards at Namur
-, his breach with States final, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297.

-, skirmishes between his and States' forces, 298, 299, 320.

-, letter to, from nephew Emperor Rudolf, announcing departure of Archduke Matthias for Netherlands, 301-304.

-, cipher used with, 308.

-, his Envoys at Diet of Empire at Frankfort, to request despatch of Deputies, 315, 323 (p. 246).

-, reported levies for, in Bavaria, 315, 323 (p. 246).

-, meeting of, with Duke of Guise, 320, 330, 356.

-, list (not calendared) of his supponters in States, 321.

-, 'Justification of Estates,' against, copyright in, 333, 334.

-, recruiting for, 337, 356.

-, letter from, at Luxembourg, to Estates, announcing Philip's decision, their absolute submission, or war, 338-340, 356.

-, historical review of his connection with Netherlands, 341.

-, plot on behalf of, in Flanders, 343.

-, reinforced from Turin, 346.

-, vows special vengeance on Brussels, 346.

-, letter from, to States, warning them not to break their allegiance by receiving the Archduke Matthias, 367-370
-, mentioned, 384.

-, the reply of States to his letter (No. 338), 371.

-, Papal Legate on way to, 378, 434 (p. 326).

-, applies to Fuggers for loan, 378.

-, Guise's troops handed over to, 379.

-, Queen Elizabeth's estimate of peril from, 392.

-, 'Antidotes' to his letter, No. 289, 397.

-, memorandum by Lord Burghley touching his strength as compared with States', 398.

-, Spaniards and Italians join by hundreds, by route through Lorraine, 412 (p. 313).

-, Henry III. promises to forbid nobles to serve with, and to recall Count Mansfield from, 420, 425.

-, proposes Spanish match to Duke of Anjou, 421.

-, reinforcements for, 421, 434, 607.

-, his Agent in France, M. de Vaux, loses ground, 425, 429.

-, letter to, from Antonio de Guaras, 428.

-, English friends of Queen of Scots with, 429.

-, report on numbers of his army, 431, 434.

-, captures Fumay, 434 (p. 326).

-, companies revolt from, to States, ibid.

-, French Ambassador to Don John, affects neutrality at Liége, 434 (p. 326).

-, Mr. Copley's regard for, 447.

-, Englishmen in service of, 447.

-, troops from Spain destined for, landed at Genoa, 447.

-, his friends in Amsterdam, 457.

-, levy of troops for, permitted in France, 461.

-, surprises Mariembourg, 465.

-, indictment of, by Ambassadors of States in England, 470, 471
-, M. de Gastel's reply, 476, 477
-, replication of Ambassadors, 479.

-, French King provisions, 475.

-, proclaimed traitor by States, 480, 481, 482, 503.

-, his successor accepted by them, 489-494.

-, his conduct arraigned by Queen in letter to King Philip, 495.

-, his Agent in England. See Marmier.

-, movements of his troops at Namur, 502
-, his growing strength, 503, 513, 517, 531.

-, recruits for, pass through Piedmont, 507.

-, Queen proposes to negotiate armistice with, 510.

-, his friends in Bruges, 513.

-, at Luxembourg
-, money received by, from Italy and France, 517.

-, league between, and Henry III.
-, alleged copy of text in hands of Huguenots, 529.

-, instructions to English Agent charged to negotiate armistice between, and States, 535, 536.

-, Queen Elizabeth's allusion to his treatment of her Agent at Hoye, 535.

-, stronger in numbers than States, 541.

-, short of provisions, 541.

-, Emperor negotiates between, and States, 545.

-, troops destined for, ready in Champagne and Burgundy, 549.

-, money provided for, by King Philip, 553.

-, writes to Emperor to bid Archduke Matthias to wait advices from Spain, 553.

-, memorandum on his French resources, 555.

-, precedents for his deposition, 558.

-, reputed leader of anti-Protestant league, 571.

-, match between, and Mary, Queen of Scots, proposed, 571.

-, sends for Osmaro, 15 s. (p. 433).

-, English negotiation with, for armistice, 581, 582, 583, 613.

-, list of persons with, &c., 586.

-, selects Duke of Parma as his Lieutenant-General, 586.

-, debts due by, in Holstein and Brunswick, for former levies of 'reiters,' 595 ter (p. 460).

-, skirmishes between his men and States', 596.

-, money for, from Genoa, Venice, and Spain, 596, from Paris, Nantes, and Savoy, 691 (p. 537).

-, volunteers for, from Naples, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, refused aid by Henry III, ibid.

-, Guaras' correspondence with, 607 (pp. 470, 471).

-, Scots in States' army traitorously correspond with, out of regard for Scottish Queen, 613.

-, wins battle of Gemblours, 620, 621, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628
-, his proud allusion to, 830 (p. 649).

-, Papal assistance for, 620 bis (p. 483).

-, his recall demanded by States, 632, 633.

-, fresh recruits for, from France, 636.

-, movements of his forces, 637
-, like to find Netherlands harder to conquer than Turk, 637.

-, fails to surprise Mechlin, 642.

-, blamed for not following up his victory, 643, 644.

-, Swiss and Spaniards on way to, in Burgundy, 643, 663.

-, communication from, to States, by Baron de Selles, and to Archduke Matthias, 646, their reply, 648, 664.

-, his Address to Netherlands, 649.

-, levies for, in Holstein, 651 bis, 767.

-, towns attacked and taken by
-, total of his forces, 657.

-, cruelty of his troops, 657, 664.

-, his Walloons, 658.

-, the first to enter Diest
-, his share of composition money, 675.

-, in camp, before Nivelles, 687, his reported losses there, 695
-, place capitulates to, 703
-, his further advance, 728, 729, 733.

-, States' relations to, reviewed by Mendoza, 700.

-, endeavour by States to prevent levy of troops for, in Germany, 710, 711, 728.

-, 'person of quality' to be sent to, from England, 720.

-, Francis, Duke, of Saxony, levies 'reiters' for, 720 bis (p. 556).

-, called 'Bastard' and 'unworthy to be counted amongst Princes,' 732.

-, fresh negotiations, with use of Philip's 'blanks,' devised by, while awaiting 'reiters,' 736, 744.

-, traitors resort to, after discovery of plot to deliver Douai, &c., to, 736, 744. Cf. 728.

-, 'Nynehove' attacked by, 737.

-, his 'intelligences' in Douai and elsewhere, 744.

-, his efforts to discredit the Prince of Orange, 744, 749.

-, besieges Philippeville, 744.

-, difficulty of his supplies
-, Prince of Orange will starve his 'reiters' and besiege him in towns, 744.

-, progress of his campaign reviewed, 746, 747, 749, 767.

-, retires to Namur 'to keep his Passover there,' 747.

-, Dukes of Mecklenburg and Julius of Brunswick forbid levies for, 752.

-, Wilkes' instructions for his mission to, 771, 772
-, his letters of credence to, 773.

-, threatens Senate of Cologne in event of their lending money to States, 774.

-, slender provision of 'reiters' for, due to his 'little regard' of them, or difficulty of feeding, 774
-, report modified
-, expects 11,000 'reiters,' &c., 775.

-, troops on way to, from Italy, conspire with Dukes of Savoy and Guise to seize Geneva, 774.

-, expects 11,000 reiters, &c., 775.

-, Queen-Mother of France professes dislike to his successes and opens negotiations, to that effect, privately with Poulet
-, the Queen's permission to Poulet to pursue, 779. Cf. 762.

-, States endeavour to keep him occupied in Hainault, so that 'reiters' may not be hindered entering Netherlands, 788.

-, diversion against, in Luxembourg to be arranged with Duke of Anjou, 789, 803.

-, French depart from 'as malcontent'
-, their charge to surprise frontier towns, 789 (p. 616), 827. Cf. 663 (p. 520), 747.

-, Italian companies of outlaws, called 'earless and noseless,' join, 792.

-, takes Cimay
-, his plan of campaign, 805.

-, his agents at Maestricht caught and drowned, 815.

-, Mr. Fenton's account of towns occupied by
-, distribution of his troops
-, his intrigues with members of States
-, his provision of 'reiters'
-, his merciful conduct of the war
-, his council
-, his temperate life, 827, 828.

-, report by Wilkes of his interviews with, to request an armistice
-, his warning to England not to threaten his brother
-, his declaration that the Pacification of Ghent had been followed by spread of heresy
-, and that, to preserve obedience to the Church and himself, King Philip would hazard all, 830.

-, letter forwarded by Wilkes to be smuggled into camp of, 846.

-, Spanish reinforcements for, at Genoa, 848.

-, meets Duke of Brunswick at Marche, 858.

-, Spanish reinforcements for, to be opposed by Duke of Anjou, 877.

-, orders for, from Spain, for vigorous prosecution of war, 877.

-, expected to send troops to La Motte, 877, 903.

-, takes Philippeville, prepares to attack Avesnes, 897, 903.

-, Walsingham convinced of understanding between, and Duke of Anjou, 902.

-, his troops attack Duke of Anjou's, 903, 914 (p. 719).

-, threatens Maestricht, &c., 917 (p. 726).

-, Governor of Philippeville deserts to, ibid.

-, receives money for hire of 'reiters,' more expected from Genoa, ibid.

-, House of, Turkish leagues of France directed against, 172 (p. 131)
-, object of alliance between England and Protestant Princes of Germany to secure election of Emperor against, 172 (p. 132)
-, 'unquiet and ambitious nature' of, 233
-, Polish policy of, 305 (p. 231)
-, jealousy to be bred in, by installation of Archduke Matthias as Governor of Netherlands, 385, 412
-, Poulet on, 420
-, Archduke Matthias alludes to, 632.

Austria, Matthias, Archduke of, brother of Emperor Rudolf, overtures to, from Netherlands, 233.

-, claims 'partage' of paternal inheritance, 246 (p. 181).

-, his flight from Vienna to Netherlands, 301-304, 318, 329, 365.

-, preparations for his reception, 330 331, 332, 356.

-, deputation to, from States, at Nimuegen, 346.

-, Marquis of Havrech expresses satisfaction at his coming, 347.

-, English anxiety at his coming, 350, 351, 353, 357.

-, his coming approved by Prince of Orange, 351.

-, Walsingham's declaration to Envoy of States of Queen's concern at his arrival, 352.

-, his reported visit to Duke of Cleves, 356.

-, Queen Elizabeth consults Prince of Orange as to probable results of his coming, 357, 358.

-, Articles to be presented to, 362.

-, his brother swears, on the word of an Emperor, that he was not cognisant of his flight, 367.

-, Don John protests against his reception by States, 367-370.

-, received at Maestricht, penniless, 372.

-, summary by Prince of Orange of profit and loss to Netherlands by his instalment as Governor, with draft constitution, in case of his taking office, 373, 374.

-, conducted from Maestricht to await States' orders at Lierre, 379.

-, his brother the Emperor suspected to be privy to enterprise, his mother utterly against
-, his character, 380.

-, States resolved to receive, 380, from jealousy of Orange, 384.

-, Davison's opinion as to advisability of English recognition of, 385, 387.

-, Prince of Orange's reply to Queen Elizabeth's questions touching, 386.

-, Queen alludes to, in despatch to Rogers, 392.

-, conspiracy in favour of, at Douay, 395, 396, 434.

-, his letter to the States General, 399.

-, addresses himself to Prince of Orange, 399.

-, Duke of Aerschot's plot in favour of, 404.

-, at Lierre
-, gratified by courtesy of Prince of Orange, 405, 434.

-, jealousy of his adventure among Princes of Empire, 412.

-, tale of his youthful ambitions, 412.

-, possible intrigue to match with Mary, Queen of Scots, 412.

-, visits Count Gunther of Schwarzburg on way, 413.

-, Poulet's opinion adverse to, 420.

-, at Lierre, 421, 434.

-, his reception by States in doubt
-, favoured by the Emperor, 429, 455.

-, 'new association' between Prince of Orange and States, accepting him as Governor, 429 (p. 323).

-, English doubts concerning, 449, 450.

-, his acceptance by States probable
-, removed to Antwerp, 457.

-, 'has little of nature and less of bringing up,' 457.

-, accepted by States, who are busy with composition of his Council, 461.

-, a puppet in hands of Emperor and Spain, Fremyn's theory, 465.

-, Sturmius' project to support, 474.

-, Articles of his admission, 489-494.

-, text of the New Association recognizing, 498-501.

-, deputation to, to conduct him, in event of his acceptance of office, to Brussels, 503, his reception of it, 513.

-, dines with Davison, 508.

-, his acceptance addressed to States, 521, 531.

-, his Council, 522, 541, 605.

-, appointed Governor provisionally, 531, 541.

-, reported embassy to recall, 531, 549.

-, Envoy to be sent to England to announce his election, 534.

-, Queen Elizabeth declines to recognize till return of her Agent from Spain, 535.

-, burgesses of Brussels demand proper Council for, 539, 544.

-, still unsworn, 545.

-, Don John writes to his brother, the Emperor, to bid him wait orders from Spain, 553.

-, reported acceptance of, by King Philip, 553.

-, account of his flight from Vienna, 15 s. (p. 434).

-, expected at Brussels, 577
-, Prince of Orange appointed Lieutenant to
-, his Council arranged
-, people prepared to accept, 591.

-, at Mechlin
-, to be accompanied by Prince of Orange on entry into Brussels, 596, 599.

-, Emperor's Commissioner declines to meet, 599, 600.

-, form of oath of Prince of Orange as Lieutenant-General to, 602.

-, his arrival in Netherlands known to King Philip, 604 bis (p. 466).

-, enters Brussels and takes the oath, 605.

-, his declaration to the Agent sent by King Philip, 632, 633.

-, returns to Antwerp, 636.

-, communication to, from Don John, by Baron de Selles, 646.

-, refused by King of Spain as Governor, 655, 697.

-, letters of credence for Daniel Rogers to, 669, 670.

-, his election notified by special Envoy to the Emperor and Electors and confirmation sought, 710, 711, 712, 713.

-, his advent in Netherlands known to Turks, 720 bis.

-, addressed in Latin by Rogers, 731.

-, Count 'Swarthenburche's' design to be appointed his Lieutenant, 732.

-, bids Rogers to dinner, 736.

-, letter from, to Duke Casimir, 738.

-, proposal to inform Emperor that he would be sent home unless the Emperor aided States, 744 (p. 578).

-, pretended French liking for, 762.

-, commission from, to John Cobham to raise 600 men for States, 809.

-, Duke Casimir communicates with, 819.

-, 'some child, such as,' Don John's remark, 830 (p. 649).

-, letter to, from Queen Elizabeth, on conclusion of Marquis d'Havré's second embassy to England, 832.

-, Duke of Anjou declines to serve under, 877, 901, States object to his being thus supplanted, 883, 903.

-, Maximilian, Archduke of, brother of Emperor Rudolf, claims 'partage' of inheritance, 246 (p. 181)
-, 15 s. (p. 434).

Azdan, Sheik, 9.

Auvergne, Marquis d'Allègre of, 140 (p. 106).

Auxerrois, wine of, 589.

Auxy, Aussy, M. d'. See Hennin.

-, Havenes, people of hang Don John's trumpeter, 744
-, garrisoned, 789 (p. 616)
-, threatened by Don John, 805
-, Count Lalaing demands necessaries for defence of, 897
-, assignment of, to Duke of Anjou demanded, 903
-, garrison of, unpaid, 910.

-, Governor of. See Bousies.

Avolas, Don Casto de. See Vasto.

Ay. See Aix.

Ayala, Diego d', Spanish merchant at Antwerp, 273.

Ayche water, 486.

Aygmond. See Egmont.

Ayloff, Judge, 345.

Aytta, Ayta, Bucho ab. See Bucho.

-, -, Viglius. See Viglius.