Index: C

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1901.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1901), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 12, 1577-78. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1901), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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-, Louis Henriquez de, Duke of Medina-del-Rioseco, &c., Admiral of Castille, on way from Spain to Emperor, 145
-, with the Emperor, who swears to him he was not cognizant of Archduke Matthias' flight, 367
-, he takes his departure nevertheless offended, 412
-, Empress to accompany to Spain, 429
-, nature of his mission, his parade, 465, 15 s. (p. 433).

Cabret, —, his threats against England. 701.

Cade, Walter, 15 s. (p. 432).

Cadiz, Calis, 654.

Cahiers, 'cayers,' of assembly of States at Blois, 663.

Cairsoned, 821.

'Caisar's Louter', between Lorraine and Rhine. See Kaiserslautern.

Calabria, fugitives of, and revolt at Naples, 777.

-, its possible recovery by English, 138 (p. 102)
-, escape to, from Dover. 252
-, Marquis d'Havré at, 534
-, mentioned, 560
-, French ship rescued from English, brought into, 607
-, Don John's troops near 787
-, Stafford crosses to, 909.

-, Captain, or Governor of. See Gourdon.

Caligari, —, Papal Nuncio, 777.

Calis. See Cadiz.

Caliver, 457, caliver shot, 513, caliver proof, 598.

Callignon, —, Agent of Reformed Churches of Languedoc, 34, for King of Navarre, 282.

Callis, —, English pirate, 364.

Calvin's works, bookseller imprisoned for selling, 323 (p. 245).

Calvinists, 131, 131A, 138, 140, 211, 246, 285, 288, 313, 314, 323, 571, 640 bis (p. 496), 774, 820 (7).

-, prisoner made at, 41
-, beer of, 589, 590
-, Conference at, between Commissioners of States and Duke of Anjou, 768, 788
-, forces of Duke of Anjou near, 858.

-, Bishop of. See Berlaymont, Louis de.

-, Governor of. See Jussy.

Campbell, Colin, sixth Earl of Argyll, English attempt to reconcile to Regent, 200.

Campen. See Kampen.

Canalanti, —, Neapolitan Baron of House of, executed, 777.

Canary Islands, English settler in, 66.

-, garrison reduced, 18 s. (p. 437)
-, claimed by Turks, 691 bis (p. 538).

Candich. See Cavendish.

Cantaluppo, castle called, 821.

Cante. See Zante.

Cantecroy, 760.

Canterbury, mentioned, 593, 695.

-, letters dated at, 186, 336, 483.

-, Archbishop of. See Grindal.

Cantillon, —, pirate of Flushing, 202.

Canvas, English trade in, 84.

Cappellius, Ludovicus, of French Reformed Church, 313.

Capres, M. de. See Bournonville.

Caravel, Carvells, 310, 335.

Carelia, Carele, attacked by Swedes, 12 s. (p. 431).

-, Carington, Caringtzon, Nicolas, Financial Agent of States of Netherlands, negotiates English loan, 271, 311, 318, 329
-, letter from, to Walsingham, on behalf of Silvius' copyright, 333
-, negotiating loan, 347, delayed, 362
-, reports money can be had in Antwerp, 385 (p. 291)
-, sent to England on affair of loan, 429
-, Davison resident at Antwerp, at request of States, to assist, 461
-, letter on behalf of, to Merchant Adventurers of Antwerp, re loan to States, 573, Davison's hesitation touching, 597
-, employed on loan, 707, arrives at Antwerp, 747, 749, 751
-, to accompany Gilpin to Germany on business of loan, 805, 815.

Carington, Caringtzon. See Carenzoni.

Carmy, Matthieu de, Agent of Duke Casimir, 844.

Carpen, 298.

Carr, John, of Bristol, merchant, 486.

Carrouges, Carouges, le Sieur de, killed, 20.

Carthagena, 654.

Carthuyse, Governor of. See Ogny.

Cartwright, Thomas, factor for Merchant Adventurers, 202.

Carvel. See Caravel.

Cary, Henry, Lord Hunsdon, Governor of Berwick, Lord Chamberlain of Queen's Hòusehold,

-, questions propounded by, to Mendoza, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720.

-, sent to his charge, on occasion of troubles in Scotland, 847.

-, his signature as Privy Councillor, 874.

Casale, 145.

Casaneufve, —, Agent of King of Navarre, 701.

-, Duke of Pomerania, opposed to Ubiquitarians, 246 (p. 181), 249 (p. 187)
-, ready to accompany Duke Casimir to France, 305 (p. 228), 563
-, mentioned, 323 (p. 245)
-, marriage of his brother, 412, 15 s. (p. 432)
-, Duke Casimir wishes him to accompany his expedition, 931.

Casimir, Duke John, of the Palatinate :—

-, proposal to include nomination in treaty of peace between Henry III. of France and King of Navarre, 21.

-, Condé's Commissioners to treat with, for aid, 23.

-, Queen Elizabeth's denial of her negotiations with, 24.

-, letter of, to Queen Elizabeth, on assembly at Magdeburgh, 27.

-, deputation to, from Reformed Churches of Languedoc, 34.

-, his success in France dependent on safety of Rochelle, 41.

-, meeting between, his brother and Landgrave of Hesse
-, his preparations for French expedition delayed, 44.

-, Duke de Guise's preparations against, 49.

-, English loan to, for relief of Huguenots
-, conditions of loan and secret instructions regarding, 61, 62, 63
-, method of raising, 114.

-, his plan of campaign in France, 68.

-, his relations to Prince de Condé, 90, discovered by Henry III., who demands explanations from Queen Elizabeth, the Duke being powerless without English loan, 100, her difficulties as to reply, 109, 114.

-, money for, sent to Hamburg, nominally for purchase of powder, 125.

-, Robert Beale's credentials to, 130.

-, Queen Elizabeth's negotiations with, touching the Magdeburg Assembly, 131, 131A.

-, convenes Conference of non-Lutheran Princes at Frankfort, disapproved of, by Queen, 131.

-, his troops reported with States', 132.

-, sending of money to, from England, known in France, 135.

-, receives the Agents of Prince de Condé and Daniel Rogers
-, declares money sent from England insufficient, and refuses to move, 136, 137, 138.

-, declines to realise rings pledged with, by King of France, 136.

-, to meet the Landgrave of Hesse at Ems, to concert Protestant League, 136.

-, occupies Neustadt by force
-, receives Daniel Rogers there, 138
-, converses well in French, his wife in 'Dutch,' 138.

-, his distrust of M. de la Personne, its grounds, 138.

-, 'ravished with an heroical enthusiasm,' he describes what he could do, if supplies from England were doubled, 138 (p. 101).

-, his compliments re English soldiery 138 (p. 101).

-, designs to retain Metz, Verdun, and Toul, as own share of spoil, 138 (p. 102).

-, complains that La Personne did not explain to Queen Elizabeth the difficulties of raising 'reiters,' 138 (p. 102).

-, his dispute with brother, touching paternal inheritance
-, Queen Elizabeth's warning, 138 (p. 102).

-, states his requirements from England at 60,000l., 138 (p. 103).

-, ready to serve under any other prince in the empire, 138 (p. 104).

-, letter from, to Walsingham, acknowledging receipt of letter sent by Rogers, 139.

-, his dispute with his brother, touching their paternal inheritance explained, 140.

-, pressure put on, by German Princes and his brother, to abstain from voyage into France. 140 (pp. 105-6), 305 (p. 230).

-, money to be paid to, on French King's account, by Duke of Lorraine, 140 (p. 106).

-, rumoured victory by, 147.

-, returns from conference with his brother, the Elector
-, suspected by his brother of belonging to Calvinistic, anti-Lutheran, league
-, moves his Swiss to Kaiserslautern to oppose Guise
-, attends meeting of 'Rheinkreis,' 211, 246 (p. 182).

-, summary of his reply to Rogers, 213.

-, forwardness of his preparations
-, English hopes, 229.

-, expected at Frankfort, but appoints Rittmeisters to meet him at Oppenheim, 246.

-, his dispute with his brother, 246.

-, letter to, from Henry III., promising payment of 'reiters' and deprecating sale of jewels pledged to, 154, 155
-, his reply, with remarks on the King's folly in persecuting his own subjects, 161, 162
-, further letter to, from King, 174
-, his reply, 286.

-, terms of agreements between, and Queen of England and King of Navarre respectively, 166, 167, 168, 169.

-, expected to bring horse to aid of States, 176.

-, his relations to his brother the Elector, 188.

-, mentioned, 200.

-, Duke of Guise on frontier of Lorraine to oppose, 246 (p. 182), 323 (p. 246).

-, retaliation by their Catholic fellow countrymen on Swiss in pay of, 247.

-, at Ems, with Landgrave and Rogers, 249, 251, 258.

-, French pension for, refused, 282 (p. 212).

-, letters from, to Henry III., touching pay of 'reiters' and jewels pledged, 286, 287, 305 (p. 231), 323 (p. 246).

-, French hostages in hands of, to be sent into Prussia and Pomerania, 286.

-, letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, touching Beale's mission, 288.

-, publishes Confession of Faith contained in father's will, 288.

-, pressed by Rogers for reply as to expedition into France, requires larger instalment of money, 305.

-, his mistrust of King of Navarre, 305 (p. 229).

-, the Reformed Churches of France would welcome, as their sovereign, ibid.

-, negotiations with others, for levy of 'reiters,' quicken his movements, 305 (p. 230).

-, 'the fittest man they may find for a Prince in Germany,' 'his skill, faithfulness and valiantness,' Rogers' report, ibid.

-, letter to, from Emperor, touching the French King's application by Schomberg, and the like from Duke of Saxony his father-in-law, ibid.

-, ready to move in a month, moving on Netherlands, if peace were concluded in France, 305 (pp. 230, 231).

-, intends to send Agent to England, 305 (p. 231).

-, the assembly of Calvinistic Divines convened by, at Frankfort, described, 313
-, date fixed for like assembly next year, 691 bis.

-, informs Rogers that 'Ubiquitaries' were in receipt of French pensions, 314.

-, jealousy towards, of his brother the Palsgrave, 323.

-, sermon printed at request of
-, printer prosecuted by Duke of Saxony, 323 (p. 245).

-, Beale visits, ibid.
-, a 'worthy, sober prince,' 323 (p. 246).

-, his small 'partage' of paternal inheritance, 'appointed vassal to his brother,' a thing 'never before seen in Germany,' ibid.

-, anxious for reply from England, 337.

-, intercedes for son of Duchess of Bouillon at Strasburg, 337.

-, letters sent to, by States, to bring 'reiters,' 356.

-, in treaty with Colonels
-, his brother's fear of him, while provided with army, 366.

-, Rogers recalled from
-, the Queen willing he should assist the States
-, the money sent to Hamburg not to be paid him, but to remain there
-, payment to be required of him, on account of former advances, out of money paid him by Duke of Lorraine, or out of the French King's jewels
-, nevertheless the Queen will not abandon the Protestants in France, or elsewhere, 392.

-, Walsingham anxious as to his brother the Palsgrave's designs against, 400, 403.

-, his influence in Germany over-rated in England, 403.

-, well-informed as to strength of Princes in Germany, 403.

-, convinced peace in France will not hold, preparing, 412.

-, his command in Netherlands, 434 (p. 325), 441, 455, 461, 546.

-, letter from, to Walsingham, recommending Dr. Beuttrich, 526, 527.

-, recommends friend, through Rogers, to Poulet
-, his correspondence in France, 529
-, Poulet's disgust, 607, 630.

-, Queen's message to his uncle touching, 554.

-, Queen recommended to let loose, on coasts of France, to 'roam about Normandy,' 555.

-, memorandum of Princes willing to serve with, 563.

-, Bishops bordering on egged on to attack, 571 (p. 425).

-, Prince of Orange advises negotiations between, and Swiss Protestant Cantons, King of Denmark and Counts of the Wetterau for formation of Protestant League, 604.

-, levying 'reiters' diligently, 607 (p. 471).

-, his Agent in England, 625, 640 bis (p. 496).

-, formal accord between, and brother the Elector, by arbitration, touching lands and religion, 640 bis (p. 496), 651 bis, 691 bis.

-, complimentary letter from, to Davison, 641.

-, his Agent to England also accredited to Prince of Orange, ibid.

-, States send to, for 3,000 'reiters' and regiment of Swiss
-, doubts if he will move without force entitling him to supreme command, 657, 664
-, expected, 675.

-, letter of Secretaries to, with offer of 40,000l., to enable him to raise force suitable to dignity and as the equivalent of English troops Queen was unable to send, 679.

-, Rogers directed to proceed to, with above offer, 680.

-, his ill-judged querulousness against Huguenot leaders, 691 (p. 535).

-, possible massing of troops against, ibid. (p. 536).

-, levying 'reiters,' 691 bis (p. 538), 752.

-, messenger sent to, by States, taken by enemy, 703.

-, Queen's proposal to employ, accepted by States, 721.

-, his cavalry necessary, if English footmen were to be employed in war, 727.

-, long delay before his force could be put in field, 728, the effect, 730.

-, Dr. Beutterich's negotiation for, in England, 730, with States, 732.

-, the engagement of, discussed by States, personal objection of Prince of Orange to increase of troops under, as weakening own position, 731.

-, his conditions
-, his Agent's self-seeking, 732
-, proposal that English footmen should serve with, 732, 744 (p. 579).

-, epigram on (Latin), by Rogers, 733.

-, letter to, from Archduke Matthias, communicating Queen's proposal, 738.

-, Rogers sets out to, 744, 746.

-, date of his expected arrival, 746, 749.

-, Marquis d'Havre's negotiations touching, 753, 763.

-, mentioned, 755, 759.

-, Hoddesdon's authority to deliver money to, 758, 784.

-, inventor seeks introduction to, with coinage device, 765.

-, his factor in Cologne, 774.

-, plot against, to close Montbéliard to, 774.

-, his uncle's marriage
-, his sister's courtship, 774.

-, Colonel 'Malbrowne' serves under, 775.

-, payment to, by France, at Frankfort, to redeem jewels, alluded to, 777.

-, Queen's message to, as communicated by Rogers, 785.

-, certificate by, of his having received 'letter of exchange on Christopher Hoddesdon, merchant, now resident at Hamburgh,' with undertaking to discharge Estates of Netherlands of sum received upon same as for money received from them, 808, 841.

-, not expected before midsummer, 812.

-, letter from, to Davison, covering letters to Queen and others, 819.

-, letters from, to Lord Leicester, holding him to promise to join him in Netherlands
-, to Wilson, thanking for greyhounds and requesting his good offices for further subsidy
-, to Sidney, desiring he may be attached to his person on expedition
-, to Stafford, requesting good offices with Queen for despatch of English force
-, to Wilkes, of compliment
-, to Queen, to send representative to Germany to prevent the subscription, at Schmalkalden, of Andreas' Corpus Doctrinae, 820, 820A.

-, letter from, to Queen Elizabeth, begging her steady support, 822.

-, letter from, to same, requesting payment of second subsidy, and due notice if she altered her purpose, 820, 823.

-, letter from, to Walsingham, requesting his good offices with Queen for payment of second subsidy, which States could not find, at Cologne, at certain date, 820 (3), 824, 825.

-, Walsingham's instructions to Rogers touching subsidies to
-, the receipt for first (cf. No. 808) to be made out to States
-, the second to be paid him by States out of money raised on Queen's bonds, 826.

-, note as to time and cost required for levies by, 833.

-, his intentions not known to States, 834.

-, States request Queen to advance him second subsidy, 843.

-, negotiations or capitulation between, and States, 844. Cf. 931.

-, expected in six weeks, 862.

-, his Agent receives bullion from Hoddesdon, 866.

-, second subsidy granted to, by Queen
-, her letter, 868, 869.

-, Queen accepts his suggestion to send Agent to Schmalkalden, 868.

-, fails to obtain Swiss infantry
-, Walsingham anxious they should be replaced by English, 871.

-, the second subsidy to be sent to Antwerp, and delivered to him by States, 872
-, conditions touching, imposed on States, 874, 875, 893, 894, 895, 896
-, Queen's letter to him announcing its intended payment at place of muster, 879.

-, Queen announces to, her intention of sending deputies to Schmalkalden, 879.

-, letter from, to Davison, requesting him to see to execution of Queen's promise, 886.

-, letter from Hoddesdon to Walsingham, enclosing his and his Agent's receipts, 887, 888, 889.

-, form of receipt to be given by Davison for second subsidy for, 891
-, cost of exporting bullion for subsidy, 892.

-, Queen threatens to bid him not go forward if States continue to negotiate with Duke of Anjou, and to withhold second subsidy from him, 893 (p. 700).

-, allusion by Henry III. to his expedition, 914 (p. 718).

-, Davison's instructions to stay second subsidy for, in event of States accepting Duke of Anjou
-, explanatory note by Walsingham, 916.

-, Prince of Orange makes light of Queen's threat to stay, 917 (p. 725).

-, Davison proposes, under correction, to detain second subsidy for, at Antwerp, as being useless to, in shape of bullion, and impossible to be conveyed to, with safety, 917 (p. 725).

-, his requests, by Rogers, to Queen, touching payment of second subsidy, English contingent, allowance for noblemen accompanying, wartgelt, &c., 931, 932, 933.

'Cass', Cassamyer. See Casimir.

Cassel, receiver general of. See Taffin.

-, Michel de, Seigneur de Mauvissière, French Ambassador in England, protests against support given to enemies of France, 24, against the Queen's reception of Condé, 89, 90
-, his secretary, Arnold, in France, 99
-, important interview of, with Leicester, 100
-, reports dismay in England at any French successes, 135
-, aids escape of prisoner from England, 252
-, Queen and Council demand reparation from, for Lansac's outrage, under threat of war, 440
-, substance of Queen's discourse with, touching proposed revocation of the Edict, 565
-, his negotiations, re Lansac, 587, 595
-, hints at King's desire for Garter, 595
-, letter from, to King, forwarded by Poulet, 607
-, urges cause of Queen of Scots on Queen, who directs Poulet to complain to Henry III, 609
-, letter from, on Queen Mary's behalf, to Walsingham, 610
-, Poulet's complaint of, to Henry III, 652
-, La Roche to write to, 654
-, 'bill' of complaints from, of injuries by Englishmen to French commerce, 663 (p. 518)
-, Gondi intrigues to succeed, 796
-, Stafford lacks passport from, 909.

Castile, charge on revenues of, 821.

-, Admiral of. See Cabrera.

-, Commendator of. See Requesens.

-, King of, King of Spain so described, by Portuguese, 611.

-, Mary of. See Mary.

Castowe, Castaw. See Kaschau.

Catania, 18 s. (p. 437).

Cathérine de' Medicis, Queen-Mother of France:—

-, her esquire killed, 20.

-, gives audience to English Ambassador, 83.

-, gives audiences jointly with the King, her son, 99, and instructs ambassadors, 100.

-, her flattery to Leicester, 100.

-, to accompany her daughter to her husband, the King of Navarre, 132.

-, charges Queen Elizabeth with subsidizing 'reiters,' 134, 135.

-, Protestant Agent visits
-, Duke Casimir's suspicions, 138 (p. 100)
-, cunning at seducing men from their allegiance, ibid. (p. 102).

-, La Personne's explanation of his audience with, ibid. (p. 104).

-, she and King communicate the news of the conclusion of peace to Poulet, 224.

-, Poulet explains to, that young Englishmen 'sought their adventure' in France, at own will, on either side, 256.

-, anxious to recover Rochelle, 267.

-, recognition of her share in French government, 269.

-, to conduct her daughter to her husband, 283.

-, influenced Casimir to sign treaty, 286.

-, her treasurer mentioned, 314.

-, gives audience, with King, to Agents of States, 420, 461, 503.

-, her pro-Spanish policy, 429, 465.

-, offer by, of mediation, to States, 433.

-, letter of hers in English hands, 485.

-, mentioned, 565, 568, 587.

-, intervenes in dispute between sons, 650, 652, 691
-, returns from Duke, 674.

-, 'one that has the skill to make and mar in France at her pleasure,' 652, 'to breed quarrels and appease them'
-, 'her credit stands upon divisions'
-, backed by House of Guise, 663.

-, governs by playing off one son against the other, 691.

-, her professions to Poulet
-, his distrust, 762.

-, procures French cardinals to be made, 777.

-, Poulet authorized to negotiate with, privately, for French restraint of Don John and non-interference in Scotland, 779.

-, her supposed cognizance of Duke of Anjou's designs in Netherlands
-, her intrigues to support, 789.

-, promotes marriage of Prince de Condé, 796.

-, sends Gondi to England, 796, 814.

-, believed by Poulet to be wholly Spanish, and her negotiations touching Netherlands and Scotland a blind, 814.

-, sets out to visit Duke of Anjou at Bourges (? Bourgeuil), 836, 837, 848, 864 (p. 681)
-, her labour lost, ibid (p. 682), 865.

-, gives audience to Poulet
-, professes desire to secure armistice in Netherlands
-, promises to 'move' King in matter
-, sends message that she can effect nothing. 837. Cf. 914 (p. 719).

-, Bussy d'Amboise visits, when in Paris, 858.

-, her pretended indifference to intrigues in Scotland, 864 (p. 688).

-, Walsingham alludes to, and her snares, 881.

-, returns from Duke of Anjou, 907, having bidden him visit the King, and not risk his inheritance of the Crown
-, and having warned him not to quarrel with Spain 'the only stay of this Crown against the ambitious greatness of the Houses of Bourbon and Guise,' 908.

-, her rule less absolute
-, governs by shifts, aided by friends, 908.

-, account of her reception, with King, of Poulet and Stafford, 914, 915.

Cattaro, 575.

Caucry, wine of, 589.

Cautionary towns
-, inception of policy of, in England, 291, 311, 597, 617, 622, 642
-, Davison suggests Sluys as suitable, 643
-, Island of Walcheren demanded, 676
-, the use of such place, as base, 727
-, Poulet's regret that Gravelines had not been so occupied, 796 (p. 622).

Cave, Lisle, endorsements, &c., by, 68, 394, 790.

-, Candich, Candish, Capt. Henry, commands English contingent for States, 759
-, recommended by Walsingham to Davison, the Prince of Orange, &c.
-, takes 500 men with him, 799
-, arrives with insufficient funds, 855, 857, 871.

Caylus, Kellus, Quaylus, Comte de. See Lévis.

Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer :—

-, his signature as Privy Councillor, 3, 4.

-, takes waters at Buxton, 44.

-, mentioned, 82, 134, 181.

-, memorandum by, touching Low Countries, 398
-, Davison's reply, 454, 455, 455A.

-, his cipher, 414.

-, Sturmius' suggestion that he, and his wife, a good Latinist, should visit Denmark and the Elector of Saxony, 467, 468, 469.

-, ill, 540.

-, thanked by States for good offices, 585.

-, requested by Prince of Orange for his aid, as in past, 594, 603.

-, interviewed by Portuguese Ambassador, 611.

-, attends hurried Council at Hampton Court, 625.

-, Poulet desires letter may be shewn him, 662.

-, letter to, from Walsingham, desiring his presence at Court at Greenwich on Scottish affairs, 704.

-, his special compliments to Rogers, 733.

-, Woodshawe solicits his interest, 737.

-, Walsingham advises Davison to apply to, to procure his recall, 770.

-, order to, as Lord Treasurer, to deliver money to Marquis d'Havré for States, 793, his receipt, 800, 801, 802, 804.

-, Poulet's compliments to
-, his 'godly and politic counsel,' 813.

-, Poulet applies to, to obtain his recall, 836, 838.

-, mentioned, 855.

-, his signature as Privy Councillor, 874.

-, order to, as Lord Treasurer, 891, order by, 916.

-, despatches and letters to, 37, 44, 58, 59, 81, 124, 182, 203, 225, 231, 232, 245, 266, 267, 275, 295, 296, 306, 321, 322, 324, 349, 359, 360, 361, 380, 381, 388, 389, 414, 421, 423, 424, 434, 446, 454, 455, 455A., 456, 457, 474, 496, 506, 513, 531, 540, 8 s. (p. 429), 9 s., 10 s., 11 s., 12 s., 14 s., 16 s., 17 s., 20 s., 22 s., 584, 585, 586, 588, 594, 595 ter (p. 460), 603, 604 bis (p. 465), 620 bis (p. 483), 626, 640 ter (p. 497), 691 bis (p. 537), 704, 720 bis (p. 554), 729, 737, 744, 749, 752, 762, 765, 784, 789, 805, 813, 815, 836, 890, 905, 915, 919.

-, endorsements by, 5, 302, 321, 373, 404, 434, 471, 487, 488, 513, 531, 568, 17 s. (p. 435), 727, 729, 800, 805, 827, 908.

'Cecil Papers', Calendar, cited, 16 s. (p. 434).

Cecill House, 335.

Ceille. See Seilles.

Centner, 21 s. (p. 438), 640 bis (p. 495), 651 bis, 928.

Cervoise, 660.

Cesar, Luis, superintendent of Portuguese arsenals, 427.

Cessa, Duke of. See Cordova.

Cetvelt, Captain, superintendent of Lierre, 546.

Chamberlain, Lord. See Cary, Henry.

Chambéry in Savoy, Spaniards at, 14.

Chambres mi-parties, of Parliament of Paris, Huguenot demand for their discontinuance, 20, to be continued, 21.

Chambry, 586.

-, 20, 22
-, Duke of Guise in, 49, to oppose the 'reiters,' 58
-, passport from Duke across, 175
-, stores sent from, to Don John, 475, troops prepared in, for, 549
-, the government of the Duke of Guise, 864 (p. 682).

Champagny. See Perrenot.

-, Arthur, knight, letter to, from Walsingham, 89
-, accused of plundering French ships arrested at Plymouth, 609.

-, letter dated at, 307
-, Duke of Anjou to meet King of Navarre at, 864 (p. 682).

Chancellor, the, of France. See Birague.

Chancery, Court of. See Prothonotary.

Channel Islands, 561.

Chanry, Governor of. See Goignies.

Charenton, 814.

Charke, Mr., minister proposed for English congregation in Antwerp, 516.

-, garrisoned by Don John, 42, 45, 47, 49, 59, 117, 150, 191, 194, its proffered surrender, 216, 217, 261
-, mentioned, 330
-, in Don John's hands, 434, 517, 541
-, suspected of 'traffic' with States, 789.

Charles, Duke, of Sweden, brother of King, courts sister of Duke Casimir, 774.

Charles, Marquis of Baden :—

-, Robert Beale's credentials to, 130.

-, suit between, and Madame de Longueville, in Imperial Chamber at Spires, 247.

Charles V
-, Emperor, mentioned, 41
-, aid given to, by Counts of the Wetteraw, 41
-, towns of Charlemont and Philippeville built by Prince of Orange for, 47
-, Don John's allusion to, 113
-, mentioned in letter from States to Philip, 198, in address by Don John, 226
-, Emperor Rudolf contrasted with, 258
-, his partition of his inheritance, 412
-, rights of which he deprived Ghent, restored, 429
-, the Schmalcaldic War and, 467
-, mentioned, 472, 528, 646, 649, 655, 655A., 697, 700, 789.

Charles IX of France
-, his interview with sister at Bayonne, 226
-, mentioned, 568.

Charterhouse, near London, letters dated at, 1, 94.

Chastre, —, La, officer of Duke of Anjou, 650, 663.

Château Sampson, seized by Don John, 150.

Château Thierri, 126 (p. 157), 127, 261.

Châteaubriant, Château Bryan, in Brittany, Duke of Anjou at, 691.

Châteauneuf en Themeraye, 282 (p. 211).

Châteauneuf, —, concerned in act of piracy, 686.

Châtellerault, place for prêche in, demanded, as a seneschalry, 283 (p. 214).

-, Gaspard de, Seigneur de Coligny, Admiral of France, allusion to his murder, 242, 565
-, reparation claimed for his family by King of Navarre, 282.

-, Sieur de, governor of Montpellier, 282
-, his petition, 282 (p. 212)
-, commended, 654.

Chauncy, Maurice, head of English Carthusians in Bruges, 778.

Chavany, —, officer of Duke of Anjou, 663.

Cheke, Cheek, Henry, letter from, to Lord Burghley, 124.

-, -, John, letter from, to Lord Burghley, 267.

Chémerault, Sieur de, 283, 447.

Cherf, M. du, his regiment disbanded, 223.

Chertsey, letter dated at, 184.

Chester, Colonel, 41.

-, Dominick, merchant, compensated for losses in Portugal, 486.

-, Mr., at Antwerp, 235
-, letter sent to Antwerp from England by, 453
-, encounters great storm, 461, lost ('Captain Chester') at sea, 513, 545
-, mentioned, 737, 855.

Chevraux, Chevereux, Baron de. See Vienne.

Chiardie. See Kurdistan.

-, Cimay, Seymey, Simay, 517
-, surrendered to Don John, 805, 827, 830.

-, Prince of. See Croy.

Chitreus, David, Ubiquitarian, Lutheran minister of Mecklenburgh, 246.

Christian, King of Denmark, his treaty with Henry VI of England, 171.

-, King of Denmark, opposed to Charles V, 472.

Christmas, Robert, 486.

Christopher, Duke, of the Palatinate, predeceased father the Palsgrave Frederick, 323.

Church, Henry, 892.

Cicognes, —, Governor of Dieppe, entertains Englishman, 837.

Cigala, Ticada Pasha, the 'Renegato, Governor of the Janissaries appointed Capudan Pasha, 777.

Cilicia, 890.

Cimay. See Chimay.

Ciphers, 121, 158, 414, 447, 584, 714, 768.

Circle of the Rhine. See Rheinkreis.

Cività Vecchia, 575, 620 bis (p. 484), 651 bis, 654, 720 bis (p. 555), 752.

'Claramount'. See Clermont.

Clark, David, servant of Mary, Queen of Scots, 203, 206.

Clerevan, Clerevault. See Clervant.

Clermont, Claramount, 'rendered' to Don John, 827.

-, Louis de, Comte de Bussy, Bussy d'Amboise, commands troops in Hainault for Duke of Anjou, 545, 549
-, his broils at Court
-, 'will take no wrong where Monsieur can defend him,' 592, 607, 640, 650
-, employed by the Duke, 663, in Paris, 796, 837 (pp. 658, 660), significance of his visit, 858
-, details of his quarrel with Caylus, 909.

Clervant, Clerevan, Clerevault, Clervaut, M. de. See Vienne.

-, Cleve, Cleveland, Commissioners to Netherlands meet at, 545
-, towns in refuse to pay taxes, to assert freedom of worship, 691 bis.

Cleves and Juliers, William Duke of. See William.

-, Edward, Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral, his signature as Privy Councillor, 3, 4
-, writes to Leighton, 601
-, attends sudden meeting of Privy Council, 625
-, ship seized to his use and sold, 842.

Clock, curious, presented to Henry III, 663 (p. 517).

Clopton, Mr., recommended to Poulet, 907.

Cloth, bleached, English trade in, 84.

Clusius, Carolus, writes from Vienna, 337.

Coins. See Money.

Coach, 'coch,' travelling in, mentioned, 100. See Couchwagons.

Cobham, Lord. See Brooke.

Cobham, Sir Henry. See Brooke.

-, John. See Brooke.

Coblentz, Confluences armour for Spaniards arrested at, 774.

Cochineal, 560.

Cockburn, Cocberne, Captain, 202.

Coetius, Jacobus, of French Reformed Church, 313.

'Cofferer, Mr.', receives sugars and spices for Queen's use, 486.

-, Duke of Nevers bound for, 99
-, wine of, 589.

Coinage, manipulation of, 765.

Coinet, Captain, under Lansac, 460.

Coligny. See Châtillon.

Collein. See Cologne.

Collen. See Cologne.

-, Colen, Collein, Colleyn, English subsidies payable at, 138 (p. 103)
-, mentioned, 140, 202
-, agency of Steelyard at, 314
-, flight to, of Archduke Matthias, 318, 330, 331, 332, 347, 356
-, news from, 337
-, Papal Legate near, 378
-, Count Schwarzburg at, 513, 531, 549, 599
-, English 'disgracements' at, in 1576, alluded to, 5 s. (p. 427), 9 s.
-, Senate of, threatened by Don John, in event of their lending money to Netherlands
-, Alva's design against, 774
-, Duke Casimir's factor at, 774, 824
-, English subsidy to be paid to Duke Casimir at, 824, 844, 872, 874, 916, 931.

-, letter dated at, 251.

-, Archbishops of. See Isenburg
-, Truchsess.

Colonna, Pompeo, Viceroy of Sicily, 575, 651 bis (p. 504).

-, —, to serve under La Roche, 587, 592
-, French companies under, defeated by Spanish, 914 (p. 719). Cf. No. 903.

-, comet star, its significance in Hungary, 575 (p. 443)
-, Venetians dispute whether crinita or barbata, agree it is black, ibid. (p. 444)
-, in Turkey its 'bleaker' colour a sign of plenty or of war
-, appeared before, when Sodom and Gomorra were destroyed, and Pharaoh was drowned, 720 bis (p. 555).

Commandador, Commendator. See Requesens.

Concarneau, naval preparations at, 639.

-, in Hainault, Don John to attack, 746, 747, 749, 788
-, to be assigned to Duke of Anjou, 903.

-, Prince of. See Bourbon.

Condrake, —, lieutenant of M. la Guiche, killed, 20.

Confluences. See Coblentz.

Conquett. See Le Conquet.

-, Imperial Ambassador at, 140
-, Agent from, at Naples, 145
-, Spanish Agent sent to, 15 s. (p. 433)
-, King of Algiers bound for, 21 s.
-, news from, 604 bis (p. 466), 701
-, newsletter from, 720 bis (p. 555)
-, change of Imperial Ambassadors at, 890.

Contarini, kindred of, 821.

Cooveland. See Courland.

-, Mr., suspected traitor, 158, 429, 447, French title for, 475, 496
-, mentioned, 540.

Coppcotte, Rynolde, of Antwerp, 7 s. (p. 429).

Copus, Balthazar, deputy from Palatinate to Frankfort Assembly, 313.

Coranus, lecturing in St. Paul's, 132.

Cordova, Gonsalvo Fernandez die, Duke of Sessa, Terranova, &c., recalls Spanish galleys to Naples, 145, 15 s. (p. 433), 575, on way to Spain, ibid. (p. 444).

-, Mario, mutiny of troops under, 199, 203, appeased, 218
-, Colonel in Don John's army, 546 (p. 409), 588
-, sent to Pope, 744 (p. 578).

Corfu, galley from, 145, 15 s. (p. 434).

Corn, carried from Apulia to Naples, 145.

-, - - Konigsberg to Ostend, 196.

Cornelle, Mâitre Jehan, of the Council of Artois, secretary of Bishop of Arras, arrested, 744, 747.

Cornellys, Captain, Scot, killed at Breda, 298.

Cornerus, Christopher, Ubiquitarian, Lutheran divine 'belonging to' Duke of Brunswick, 246.

-, 132
-, Vice-Admiral of, 595.

'Corpus Doctrinæ', of Andreas, 774, 820 (7).

'Corpus doctrinæ Christianæ', of Melancthon, its condemnation proposed, 140.

Corsica, 'rovers' from, 575.

-, Artus de, Marshal of France, 663 (p. 518)
-, to be sent to stop Duke of Anjou, 914, 915.

-, Jeanne de, 'sister of the Comte de Brissac,' her marriage, 640.

Costa, Sebastian da, gentleman of Household of King of Portugal, his Agent in Netherlands, 611, 696.

Couchwagons, 15 s. (p. 434).

Count Palatine. See Frederick, and Lewis.

Counts of the Empire, one of the four, 413.

Courland, Cooveland, 752.

Courtray, plot to deliver, to Don John, 703, 744, foiled by men of Ghent, 746, 749.

Cowley, William, soldier in Netherlands, 798.

Cox, —, his brother secretary to the Vice-Chamberlain, who backs his cause in Netherlands, 872.

Coyde, John, purser, 253.

Cracovius, —, overthrown by Anne of Saxony's influence, 323 (p. 245).

Cray-fish, crevishes, 138.

Crecques, M. de, officer for States, 450.

Crèvecœur, M. de. See Gouffier.

Crevèze, Saint-André at, ex-curé of, supplies Poulet with news, 639.

Crillon, M. de, his regiment, 639.

-, ship of, freighted by Fitzmorris, 639, 776
-, Englishmen arrested in possession of ship stolen from, 814.

'Cromstevens', Dutch ships called, 42.

-, Captain, commands for States at Lyre, 637, 658, 737, 759
-, Davison composes quarrel between, and soldiers, 818.

'Cross sails' to, 132.

Crowns, Spanish expenditure reckoned in, 42.

-, Charles de, Prince de Chimai, Governor of Citadel of Antwerp, goes to Antwerp to secure castleand town for Don John, 47
-, offers his services to the States, 49
-, Don John demands his removal, 93
-, receives Prince of Orange at Brussels, 264
-, his father, the Duke of Aerschot's promise on behalf of, 426
-, commands horse for States, 675.

-, Charles Philippe de, Marquis d'Havré (Marquis of Havrech), halfbrother of the Duke of Aerschot, with his brother at Namur with Don John, 47
-, 'practised' on by Don John, 59, 79, 95
-, Queen Elizabeth admires his wife's dress in picture, 158, 185
-, his mission to England, or France, to request aid for States, 159, to go to England, 163, 176, 178
-, offers to maintain horse at own expense for States, 176
-, letters for, to Lord Burghley and Walsingham, from States, 182, 183
-, visits Prince of Orange on way, 199, 202, 203
-, his mission in England, 233, 241
-, his draft of treaty with 'postills' of States, 269, 270
-, success of his mission, terms granted, 271
-, his admiration for the Prince, 271, fostered by Queen Elizabeth, 272
-, articles conceded to, 277
-, praise of, by Lord Leicester, 279, by Wilson, 280
-, gratification in Netherlands at his success, 293
-, note from, while in England, 300
-, Duke Casimir's allusion to, 305 (p. 230)
-, mentioned, 311
-, in plot to bring in the Archduke Matthias, 318
-, Queen thanked by States for her good reception of, 325
-, instructions to, by States, 329
-, Silvius writes to, 334
-, warns States of coolness caused in England by their dilatoriness, 347
-, declares that Prince approved of the coming of the Archduke Matthias, 351
-, despatch from, to States, requiring definite instructions, and announcing imminent failure of his mission, 354
-, to command 'reiters' for States on his return, 356, 461, 657
-, forced by the Queen in conversation to admit the inconvenience of the coming of the Archduke, 357
-, a member of the new Council of State, 379
-, informs Prince of Orange of the coming of the Archduke when on way to England, 386
-, his attack on Davison, 406, 407, foiled, 416
-, Lord Leicester's comments on his mission, 408
-, undertaking on his behalf by the Duke his brother, 426
-, mentioned, 438
-, ratification by States of his negotiation, 441, 442
-, apologetic letter to, from Prince of Orange, 448
-, his answer to English objections to treaty, 450
-, Queen's reply to, deferred for week, 454
-, communicates to English Government the States' acceptance of English troops, 461, 462
-, indictment of Don John drafted by self and colleague, 470, 471, M. de Gastel's reply, 477, their replication, 479
-, letter to, from brother, handed to Poulet, 475
-, mentioned, 487
-, specially instructed by States to spy on communications between Queen and Prince of Orange, 508
-, Queen's complimentary letters to, on close of his negotiations, 518, 519, 520
-, a member of the Archduke's council, 522
-, Lord Leicester's praise of
-, his inclination to Reformed Religion, 530, 547
-, at Calais on his return, 534
-, his reception at home
-, Davison's doubts as to his trustworthiness, 545
-, an officer in States' army, 546
-, his negotiations ratified by States, 574
-, gives out that Queen advised the States to maintain the Roman Catholic religion
-, annoyance of Prince of Orange, 577
-, his letter to Queen announcing the ratification, requesting cash as well as credit, and early despatch of troops, and alluding to 'French Party' in States, 577
-, letter of thanks from, to Privy Council, 578
-, his mission, thanks of States to Lord Burghley for its success, 585
-, in commission sent to invite Prince of Orange to reside at Brussels, 591
-, Prince of Orange earnest for fulfilment of promises made to, 594
-, sounded by Prince as to Queen's demand for port and arsenal in Netherlands, 597, by Davison, 605
-, his compliments at home to Queen, Lord Leicester and Wilson
-, Wilson's acknowledgments, 613
-, proposal to send him again to England, 643, agreed, 657, 664
-, his negotiation alluded to, in Queen's letter to Archduke, 669
-, Queen's letter to, announcing despatch of Rogers, 673
-, her device for keeping promise to, 679
-, on way to England, 695
-, Queen's instructions touching loan negotiated by, 707
-, cold reception expected for, by Queen's Secretaries, 714, 715
-, acceptance by States of Queen's offer, in lieu of troops negotiated by, 721
-, reasons employed to satisfy him with new offer, 727
-, tells Rogers of Mendoza's insult to Queen, 736
-, awaiting his answer in England, 739, 740
-, the son of Count John of Nassau with him, 744
-, his command of 'reiters,' 746
-, Articles proposed by, and Queen's replies, 753, 754, 763, 764
-, ames of his suite, 761
-, his mission alluded to by Queen, 772
-, warrant for delivery to, of money for States, 793, 794, his receipt and bond, 800, 801, 802, 804
-, Queen's letter sent by, on conclusion of his second mission, to Archduke, 832
-, mentioned, 855, 872
-, Queen's insistence that Duke Casimir shall be taken as representative of the English assistance promised in treaty negotiated by, 874, 893
-, his 'reiters' arrive in Guelders, 903
-, his 'discontented return' from England, 903 (p. 707), equal dissatisfaction of Prince of Orange, 917 (p. 725).

Croy, Guillaume de, Marquis de Renti, brother of Duke d'Arschot, with Don John at Namur, 47.

-, Jean de, Comte de Roeulx, Governor of Flanders and Namur, distrusted by Prince of Orange, 42
-, his regiment retained at Pacification, 223
-, letter to, from J. de Hessele touching plot in Flanders, 343, 344, to betray Graveling, 359, 404
-, ally of Don John's, 398
-, governor of Namur, 517
-, officer in Don John's army, 546
-, ex-governor of Flanders, ibid. (p. 408)
-, with Don John, 586.

-, Louise de, sister of the Duke of Arschot, wife of M. de Froymont, Governor of Namur, 44.

-, Philippe III de, Duc d'Arschot, Prince de Chimai, mentioned, 38
-, three companies of his accompany Don John to Namur, 44, 47, 49
-, his government 'by Maestricht,' 49
-, recalled by States, on penalty of being proclaimed traitor, 49
-, his lieutenant at Antwerp 'sworn to' Don John, 49
-, professes good will to States, 52, who invoke his good offices with Don John, 53
-, his intrigue with Don John, 59, 64
-, his company in Citadel of Antwerp corrupted by Don John, 76
-, sides with Don John, 79
-, his governorship of castle of Antwerp, 93, Don John's plot to supersede him in, 95
-, greeted by Davison, 101
-, warns Don John, 146
-, Wilson's compliments to, 158, 280
-, his regiment heretofore dishanded, 223
-, receives Prince of Orange at Brussels, 264, influenced by him, 273, entertains, 311
-, at bottom of plot to bring in the Archduke Matthias, 318, out of jealousy of Prince of Orange, 330
-, plot in Flanders concerted with, 343, 359
-, Papal Legate on way to, 378, 434 (p. 326)
-, appointed Governor of Flanders, against popular sentiment, 379, 384
-, his understanding with the Archduke Matthias, 380
-, put in prison by people of Ghent for his 'fond' speeches and on suspicion of treachery, 389
-, Archduke Matthias alludes to his mishap, 399
-, the 'justification' of the City of Ghent for his seizure, addressed to States General, 404, 405, English comment, 417
-, his release negotiated by States, 421, with success, the terms, 426, 429, 434
-, offers to resign the governship of Flanders, 434, 455, 546
-, service rendered to, by Orange, 448
-, Davison's remarks on his arrest, 455
-, despite his release, the arrests are condoned by States, 456
-, his violent opposition to the New Association and acceptance of Archduke Matthias, 461
-, mentioned, 470
-, letter from, to his brother, handed to Poulet, 475
-, mentioned, 476, 479
-, deputed to bring Archduke to Brussels, 503, 513, 521
-, Queen's complimentary letter to, on close of brother's embassy, 518
-, influence with, of his brother the Marquis, 545
-, intrigue to secure as head of a Catholic Party, 545
-, his command in States' army, 546
-, Rogers visits, 731
-, commends himself to Wilson, 733
-, recalls former insulting language of Mendoza to Queen, 736.

-, House of, rivalry of, to House of Orange-Nassau, 103
-, 'the natural imperfection of that house,' 545.

Cruninge, M. de. See Groningen.

'Crymonya', King of, allied with Poles against Turk, 620 bis (p. 483).

Cuevas, Francisco de postmaster at Burgos, 160.

Cuistryne. See Kustrin.

Cuivre, 2.

Cure, M. de, Governor of Landresy, 546.

Curiel, Hyeronymo, Agent of Don John, 428.

Cutlar, Robert, of Ipswich, his claim on States of Holland and Zealand, 281.

Cymieres. See Simiers.