Elizabeth: February 1576

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: February 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp240-256 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp240-256.

"Elizabeth: February 1576". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp240-256.

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February 1576

Feb. 1. 600. Dr. Dale to Smith and Walsingham.
The bearer hereof, M. Doru, treasurer to the Scottish Queen, comes into England to clear his accounts with his mistress, and has desired this letter in manner of a passport, thereby the better to have access unto them.—Paris, 1 February 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. P. ⅓.
Feb. 1. 601. Duke of Alençon to Walsingham.
Sends the Sieur du Plessis to beg the assistance of the Queen, and desires him further his negotiations. Has despatched him by way of Rochelle, so that he be not interfered with as was the Sieur de la Porte.—Bellac, 1 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd.: Received 29 March. Fr. P. 2/3.
Feb. 1. 602. Duke of Alençon to Burghley.
Before leaving this place to join the reiters he has thought good to send the Sieur de Plessis to inform the Queen of all that has passed and to beg her assistance, in the which he prays him aid him all that lies in his power.—Bellac, 1 February 1576. Signed.
Add., with fine seal. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
Feb. 4. 603. Letters from the Queen by de la Mothe Fenelon.
To the Queen Mother of France.
Does not doubt that a mother so well disposed to the good of her sons will be guided by Him who can bring all things to good end. Wishes that all the world would believe as truly as she does the King's word that he does not doubt the fidelity of his brother. Nothing can alter her opinions and desires in the matter [of the marriage], but some occasions have arisen to move her to use other language than she would have desired, which M. de la Mothe will better explain than she.
To the Queen of France.
Assures her that it is not through pride that she has not before written to her, but because nothing is more disagreeable for her than to write, and particularly in the Roman hand. Rather than not return her courtesy she sends this rude writing, believing that it will blush to be in her hands, to be seen by eyes to which it is unaccustomed. Hopes that she will think it has been written while gallopping in the chase. M. de la Mothe has made her a long discourse about her goodwill to herself, and she cannot doubt its sincerity. Sends her most cordial good wishes.
Copies. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 6. 604. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
There is a new stir by the departure of the King of Navarre more than ever. The King would have peace if he might and is angry with them that have hindered it. The Queen Mother is fallen out with the Guises more than ever she was and they say these things fell out by her sufferance.— 6 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
Feb. 6. 605. Dr. Dale to Smith and Walsingham.
The King of Navarre is departed and fled. He went forth under colour of hunting, and had caused horses to be provided for him by Lavardin and others. Being about Senlis, 10 leagues from Paris, upon the sudden turned back and passed over Pont St. Cloud to Vendôme, to pass over the Loire at Saumur. Lavardin and Fervaques who have each of them a company of men-at-arms for the King have assembled between them 700 or 800 horses and are gone with him with many other gentlemen. He has conveyed all his great horses with him. He was nothing mistrusted at this time, because he had been divers times a hunting eight or nine days together and used to return on the sudden and sometimes in the night when he was least looked for. No man thought of any such thing till St. Martin, one of his men, put to him by the Queen Mother brought word of his departure. The Queen Mother has kept her chamber since her coming to Paris; she begins now to stir, though she cannot well go for sciatica. It is reported that the Castle of Bordeaux is taken for Monsieur by M. Mareanes. The reiters are thought to be about Roanne, 12 leagues from Lyons, either passed or ready to pass the Loire. For all these troubles the King has used of late to call certain poets and philosophers into his chamber to hear them dispute three or four hours together de primis causis de sensu et sensibili and such like questions. The auditors are none but the King, the Queen of Navarre, the Duke of Nevers, the Countess of Retz, and another lady or two. The King has not yet had any answer from M. Biron who went to Monsieur. The forces of Danville march to join the reiters. Some say the King is so discouraged with the departure of the King of Navarre that he will have peace, cost what it will. He has sent for the deputies of Languedoc that are with Monsieur to come to treat of a peace, but now the difficulty will be on the other side.—Paris, 6 February 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. Pp. 1⅓.
Feb. [6.] 606. The King of Navarre.
Account of his departure from the Court related in similar terms to that in Dr. Dale's letter to the Secretaries of State of the 6 February.
P. ½.
Feb. 7. 607. Two Intercepted Letters.
If their Majesties shall resolve on that form of interview in private they should consider such points as he has touched in his letter to the Queen Mother. Sends thanks from the Countess of Montgomery for his goodwill, and how her eldest daughter desires a passport, for she will not remain in England although there be that desire to marry her.
In a letter to Pinart of the 9th of January.
To Lord —
Is ready to depart to Scotland and to do faithful service to A. and to his Lordship. Will shortly send one to him to deal in matters which he will not write. Doubts not that he will forget to pursue that business he spoke to him for.— London, 7 Feb. Signed: "Ye wait wha."
Endd.: "Extract of letters intercepted Kylsithe, Scotland." Pp. 2.
Feb. 8. 608. M. de Mauvissiere to Walsingham.
Begs him write a letter to the Marshal of the Admiralty to keep in custody Clement Jolly, so that he may examine him on behalf of the merchant of St. Malo.—London, 8 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
Feb. 9. 609. Sir H. Keith of Forssa to Lord Burghley.
Sends him a cast of hawks, and commends the bearer, Hendrick Barnis, to his favour. Stockholm, 9 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Feb. 12. 610. Mission of M. Champigny.
1. The sum of the speech that passed between Champigny and her Majesty at his access.
2. Her Majesty conceived his message to stand upon three points:—
First, in putting her in mind of the great goodwill his master had always borne her in the time of her sister procuring her liberty and other friendly offices used towards her, as banishing her rebels.
Secondly. That she would not be abused by the offers of any of his rebels into giving any countenance or assistance to them.
The last. That whereas St. Aldegonde was one of the rebels mentioned in the King's letter she would in accordance with the treaties banish him.
3. In answer of these three points.
For the first touching goodwill, she has used friendly offices to the King sending him special letters and messages advising him to grow to accord with his subjects of Holland on account of the secret intelligence between them and the French.
To the second, she never thought it honourable to defend rebels, but as they had thrown themselves into the protection of the French she thought it a matter so full of peril that she was bound to look into it; and also if the King altered the government there by planting garrisons of Spaniards, there would follow no less peril and inconvenience to her estate than if the French possessed the land.
Touching the last, she did not see how with honour St. Aldegonde being sent from the Prince to satisfy her touching their dealings with the French, as of the causes why the colloquy at Breda took not effect she could either stay him or send him away.
Endd. by Burghley: "This was reported by her Majesty 12 Feb. 1576 to the Lord Treasurer, the Earls of Leicester and Sussex, and Secretary Walsingham."
Pp. 1½.
Feb. 13. 611. Thomas Wilkes to Lord Burghley.
From Heidelberg only wrote to Walsingham, because the army was far off and he in some danger if he had made abode but only half a day more than he did. Doubts not that he was advertised by Walsingham what he had done with the Palsgrave. Overtook the Prince and Duke Casimir at Chalons in Lorraine eight days' journey from Heidelberg. After the musters made of the army they departed feigning their passage by Champagne where the enemy had prepared for them both in forces and spoil of the country. On the sudden they turned their bulk into Burgundy and took the very same way that the Duke of Deux Ponts did with his army, which they did not so suddenly but the country as they went began to disfurnish the villages of victuals and provisions, whereby their army remained distressed eight days, which forced the Prince to burn and spoil where they went. He besieged the town of Nuits, razed it, and put the people to the sword, brought his forces and set them before Dijon, had some light skirmishes both there and before Beaune, and passing thence found store of victual always. He summoned no town but rendered forthwith as Chagny, Maesiny on the Loire, where they passed the whole army, Aunay, La Palice, and Vichy, where also they passed the army to join with the Duke, who with his forces is come within 15 leagues, and divers others. Marshal Danville departs not out of Languedoc, but sends such force as he has and may spare under the conduct of the Viscount of Turenne, who is already joined with the Duke They hear the King prepares for war. All the world trembles where they pass; men enter into a good opinion of the Prince, seeing his levity towards the people and good order in his army The Prince himself has marched in the head of his army these six days with 2,000 horse still accosting the enemy, and has very discreetly taken in spite of the enemy both the passages of the Loire and the Allier.—Vichy, 13 February 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
Feb. 14. 612. Dr. Dale to the Queen.
Has had audience with the King and Queen Mother. The King's talk was as it most commonly is in general terms, only that he were much beholden to her if she would give ear to his brother's suit, and that he would be very glad to content his brother by all means. The Queen Mother was very inquisitive what liking she had of the negotiations of the ambassadors. Said he understood she though it strange that there should be so much unfriendly dealing between them here, pretending so great goodwill to Monsieur's advancement. She said it was a suspicion without ground, and a matter invented by them that would not have her sons agree, yet she hoped very shortly all would be well. Upon this commended her travail for the peace and advised her first to reconcile her sons and make peace at home. She said that was all her care, and she doubted not to bring it shortly to pass. Replied somewhat of the unwillingness or rather wilfulness of some of the King's ministers which she liked very well, and began to speak more loud than she had before that the Queen who sat by her might understand that another found fault with them as well as she. She seemed to gather courage as she talked, and was glad to discourse how much the concord of her sons would advance the quietness of the whole realm, and desired her (Elizabeth) to help it forward. Told her what he had learnt of the slanderous book against her, lately burnt by her Majesty's commandment, for the which she thanked her very much. She is not able to stand by reason of her sciatica, and seems to be much broken during her absence. Noted her eye is nothing so quick as it was wont to be.—Paris, 14 February 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Feb. 14. 613. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Sends various letters and documents. Begs he will be a mean to the Queen to abridge his time here.—Paris 14, February 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. P. ½.
[Feb. 14.] 614. Dr. Dale to [Sir Thomas Smith and Francis Walsingham.]
They make light of the departure of the King of Navarre in the Court. The King makes fair weather to induce him to live quietly in his country, and not to join with Monsieur and the Prince of Condé. His train has leave to go after him with his stuff, neither is any man restrained to go to him that list. He stayed two or three days at Vendome, and then went to a town of his not far from hence called Fleche, and from thence to Alençon. The young Count Montgomery met him with 200 or 300 horses, and is gone to Normandy to gather forces or do any other exploit that may happen to fall in his way. Many gentlemen of the religion resort to the King of Navarre daily, both out of Picardy and Normandy. There is a secret report, and very constantly affirmed of men that look to be credited, that a day or two before the King of Navarre departed it happened that the Duke of Guise and he were playing at dice upon a very smooth board in the King's cabinet, and that after they had done there appeared suddenly upon the board certain great and round drops of blood that astonished them marvellously, finding no cause in the world of the blood but as it were a prodigy. Biron's report is that Monsieur is content to stand to his agreement, but at his departure from Monsieur the departure of the King of Navarre was not known. There is a new device in hand to deliver Monsieur Moulins and Decize, a town on the Loire a little above Nevers, a town of the Duke of Nevers which has a bridge to pass the Loire, and Biron is despatched back again to deliver them. It is said the Duke of Nevers being moved by the Queen Mother to deliver that town to Monsieur, answered that it should never be said of him he rendered any of the King's towns to a rebel, and that thereupon the Queen Mother gave him the lie, and said he should well know that her son was no rebel, and that he and others that put that opinion in the King's head should repent it, with other great menacing words. M. Bellieure is returned from the Prince of Condé, bringing with him that which he went with, nothing but words. The reiters are past the Loire and draw towards Moulins. The King has sent 30,000 crowns more to the Swiss to hasten them away, and makes as much money as may be gotten to pay the reiters that are coming for him and little provision made for the reiters that are with the Prince of Condé. Puygalliard is joined with the Duke of Maine, and other forces of the King draw thitherward with as much speed as may be. Has been very earnest both with the King and the Queen Mother for Mr. Warcup's matter, and the King desired Chiverny as earnestly as a man might do to see it despatched out of hand; Chiverny said he marvelled it was not done, and confessed there was a great fault that it was not done long ago. Copy.
Enclosure. Pp. 3½.
615. The Queen of Scots.
Has secret advertisement that there is a practice in hand for the escape of the Scottish Queen, and that the Duke of Guise has promised to have ships at the sea to receive her. It is much doubted that Doru has intelligence therein. Knows of his own knowledge that Mauvissiere promises great things, and puts her friends in great hope. Has also advertisement that letters in cipher have come from her of late to this Court. In cipher deciphered.
Enclosure. P. ½.
Feb. 14. 616. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
The peace must take place very shortly, or there must needs be open war. The King's forces with the Duke of Maine are so near the reiters, and the Guises and reiters for the King do come on so fast, men doubt lest the reiters with the Prince of Condé will be set on before their friends can join with them. Prays him remember how fain an ambassador in France would be at home.—Paris, 14 February. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
Feb. 14. 617. Advices.
1. Vienna, 21 Jan. 1576.—Arrival of ambassadors from Poland, who inform the Emperor of his election to the throne of that country.
2. Antwerp, 17 Jan.—Mission of M. de Champagny to England to treat with the Queen for her mediation in bringing about a peace in the Low Countries. Withdrawal of the Spanish forces from Holland to the frontier. The siege of Zerickzee still continues.
3. Venice, 4 Feb. 1576.—News of the foundering of two Venetian vessels with 400,000 crowns' worth of specie in the Bay of Biscay on their voyage from Lisbon towards London. Birth of a female monster with two heads near Vicenza. Execution of criminals at Venice. Departure of an ambassador towards the Grand Duke of Tuscany. News from Lyons of the prosecution of some servants of Monsieur. The negotia tions for peace have been placed in the hands of the Dukes of Montpensier and Montmorency. The Signora Veronica Franca, poetess, left Venice yesterday for Rome.
Endd.: 14 Feb. 1576. Al Sigr Spinola. Ital. Pp. 4.
Feb. 18. 618. The Count de Reux to Lord Burghley.
Has in accordance with his letter assisted the merchant his friend in making provision of trees, so that he will be able to embark them at Sluys.—Bruges, 18 Feb. 1576. Signed: Jan de Croy.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
Feb. 18. 619. M. Villiers to Walsingham.
Commends to him the Sieur de Harcourt, who in seeking justice for wrong he has suffered.—London, 18 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. Fr. P. ⅓.
Feb. 20. 620. Dr. Dale to Burghley.
As soon as La Mothe and La Porte, who are newly arrived, have made their report, minds to demand audience to deal with the King and Queen Mother conformably to the treaty had with them there. Cannot understand of any effectual matter to be put in execution to bring these matters to concord, but continual preparation of the King's side and little provision made on the other side to assist the reiters that are come with the Prince of Condé. Although the Queen Mother is desirous to have things pacified, yet they that have the "maniement" of the King's forces are wholly bent to the contrary, and continually call upon the King to have commission to give battle before the forces on the other side be assembled. They have gotten leave to do so twice, and had they not been countermanded by the Queen Mother's means they had done it already. The man that came suspiciously to speak with him was one of a secular kind of religion of a college in this town, and because he sent word he came from the Pope's Nuncio he differred to speak with him. Has learned it was but a matter feigned of himself. It is most true, as he writes, that they are in great jealousy of intelligences from thence. Has discovered that Monsieur is abused himself, and things revealed sometimes by them he puts in trust. The most intelligence they have had of things of England has been out of Germany. Mauvissiere's advertisements are like himself, full of asseveration without any ground, and so he thinks they are for the most part taken. It is made a great matter that the Queen will have her hands full with the King of Spain, and have no leisure to look hitherwards.—Paris, 20 February 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 20. 621. Complaint of William Cotton.
Complains of the injury sustained by himself and his companions by the decision of their cause in the favour of Thomas Pullison and other English merchants without their statement being heard and also through other irregularities in the judicial proceedings. Also points out the hardship of the said Cotton being held responsible for all the acts of his subordinates, and that his goods should be arrested to answer the misdeeds of others. Finally, the passport and certificate of one of the complainants, Gerard Menertson, is false and counterfeited, by which he pretends to belong to the Isle of Schelling, whereas really he is a Hollander.—Exhibited at Brussels, 20 Feb. 1576.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 6¼.
Feb. 20. 622. Pietro Bizarri to Burghley.
1. Expresses his desire to serve her Majesty.—Cologne, 20 Feb. 1576.
2. P.S.—Some captains are making levies of reiters in the name of the King of France, and the musters are to be held at Bonn or Aldernahr, places belonging to the Elector of Cologne. Believes their numbers to be between 3,000 and 4,000. Signed.
Add. Endd. Ital. P. 1.
Feb. 21. 623. Dr. Dale to Francis Walsingham.
Thanks him for his friendly care to his return; he cannot do him a pleasure more to his contentment. These things here stand upon the pinch either to have a battle or a truce very shortly, the wisest in Court cannot tell which of both. As he writes very wisely it is hard to judge what effect the doings of the King of Navarre may work.—Paris, 21 Feb. 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. Pp. ½.
Feb. 21. 624. Events in France.
One Rochepose is arrived of late from M. Biron to the King with message that Monsieur is contented to make a truce for two months, so that he may have Moulins and Decize, and that otherwise there is no hope of any quietness, and because there may be an assured surcease of arms Monsieur requires that the King's army withdraw from Moulins, and that neither his reiters or Swiss approach nearer during the truce. The Queen Mother employs her friends very carefully to persuade the Duke of Nevers to be contented to part with Decize, and she is very importune with the King for Moulins and for the execution of the rest of the demands of Monsieur, wherewith the Guises are so offended that they withdraw themselves and come not to the Court so much. How constant the Queen Mother will be, and how she shall be able to compass these things, it is hard to judge. There is news the King of Navarre begins to draw towards Saumur.
Enclosure. P. 2/3.
Feb. 22. 625. John Willes to Walsingham.
The King has sent all his train and stuff to the King of Navarre, who is gone from Alençon to La Fleche, 14 leagues from Saumur, where he intends to pass the river if they of the town will let him, which is doubted as yet. His force is not above 600 horse and 500 or 600 footmen, but he looks daily for more. His religion is thought to be good, for he has received the communion with 200 men with him in one day, and is daily at the sermons. Many children have been christened in his presence. He has utterly reviled the mass and all papistry, and says what he did at Court was not with his conscience, and therefore he cries God mercy for his feat. He will join with the Duke as soon as he can. Some say the Duke has sent 300 horse to Saumur to receive him there and give him passage. There is news come of 2,500 horse and 6,000 footmen ready to march out of his country to join with him. The King has proclaimed the Duke of Maine lieutenant-general of his whole army; many have therefore retired, saying plainly they will not be commanded by a boy that never saw wars and cannot tell which way to command. Many of the best men retire from the Court, and will not march without the King himself do. If M. de Biron had not arrived when he did, the Duke of Maine had fought with the reiters. They look for Biron and the deputies within these two days, all men hope of peace, and the King himself says he will have it with any reasonable offers. The Queen Mother is fallen out with the Council, and says she has been bitter hard and not taken so much pains in the other wars. She says that all men who say her son is a traitor do lie, and in spite of them all it shall be peace. This day the King has taken medicine, and is sick; God send him short life. The Duke of Maine is in Moulins, and will not give it up to Monsieur for all that M. Biron can do. The Prince's reiters are past the Loire, and be in Auvergne, within 16 leagues of Monsieur; it is thought they be joined together now. The 10th 1,000 of the King's reiters be about Chalons, and tarry there for money; 6,000 Swiss are in Burgundy, and will not come forward as yet; what it means is not known. A gentleman is come out of Navarre in post, who says there are ready to march 3,000 horse and 9,000 footmen, with eight pieces of ordnance, to take the King their master home, whom they have not seen of long time. The King has footmen and horse about Paris to the number of 20,000 at least. They work at St. Denis to make 27 bulwarks the strongest it is possible; it will be stronger than Paris. There is great talk the King will have a voyage into the Low Countries; it has been talked of in Council. The Queen seeks all means to make peace, for she loves Monsieur well, and is daily about getting some of the towns into his hands. La Porte and La Mothe are welcome to the King. La Porte goes away within two days. As yet he has not been with the ambassador, for day and night there be that do watch him and who come and go to him. He says he will write to him [Walsingham] before he goes.—Paris, 22 February 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham: "From John Furrier." Pp. 2.
Feb. 25. 626. Nicolas Breytthampt to Frederick Count Palatine.
On behalf of himself and his father Hans Breytthampt desires the licence or privilege to import 200 pieces of cloth from England (wherewith to make Court dresses) free of all duty or impositions.—Heidelberg, 25 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Ger. Pp. 2.
Feb. 25. 627. Dr. Furstemburg to Walsingham.
Whilst he was expecting letters, Mr. Edward Castelyn came and declared that which Rowland Fox had given them to understand before, namely, that he should essay to find money for the Queen's use upon reasonable conditions. Has assisted them very willingly, but not found good success herein, as the men who have the money cannot see by what means the same may be assured to them, which was the cause why nothing was done. Declares his readiness to employ himself in the service of the Queen and her noble realm. Knows not how to thank the Queen for sending him a silver gilt cup. If he should offer himself to be a cryer and publisher of her divine virtues, her justice, and bountifulness, it would be as ridiculous in him as if he should make his boast that he was able to "give more light to the sun.—Cologne, 25 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
628. Translation of the above.
Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
Feb. 26. 629. The Privy Council of England to the Regknt of Scotland.
Desire that he will take order for the restoration to the Graymes of certain cattle seized suddenly by the Maxwells, with whom they had ceased to be at feud.
Copy. Endd.: 26 Feb. 1575. Pp. 1¾.
Feb. 27. 630. Count Palatine Frederick to Queen Elizabeth.
In support of the application of Nicholas Breytthampt (vide No. 630).—Heidelberg, 27 February 1576. Signed.
Add. Ger. P. 1.
Feb. 27. 631. Rowland Fox to Walsingham.
1. Mr. Castelyn arrived here on the 11th instant, by whom he understood his pleasure to accomplish his commandment. Shall understand what success they have had by Dr. Furstemburg's letter. Will send the coach horses which the bearer has seen as soon as he can have commodity of weather for their travelling. Is advertised by his wife that Walsingham has paid 10li for him at Christmas, for which he thanks him. —Cologne, 27 Feb. 1576.
2. P.S.—Begs that the bearer's bonds, who stands bail for him in the King's Bench, may be discharged. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Feb. 28. 632. Dr. Dale to Burghley.
The King and Queen Mother assure themselves of a peace. La Porte and others, which deal for Monsieur, are of the same opinion. Other men cannot tell what to judge, saving that they are weary on both sides before they begin, and have little means to continue war. Felt the King and Queen Mother as well as he might, and could not understand any further by them but that the deputies are to come shortly for treaty of peace, but cannot understand either that the King would accord to their demands or that they would demand such things as the King would like of, neither can he as yet perceive that either part enter so far into the matter as yet. Has written to the Queen what the King and Queen Mother answer touching the negotiations of her ambassador, which is that they think themselves very much beholden to her, and accept all things in very good part; they say that whosoever shall come from her shall be right heartily welcome. —Paris, 28 February 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. ¾.
Feb. 28. 633. Events in France.
Monsieur is without hope of Moulins or Decize, but he is promised Amboise till Bourges be delivered. In the meantime there is a truce for 40 days. It is agreed that the King's forces shall not assemble nor approach nearer to the Prince of Condé; and that the reiters of the Prince of Condé shall be paid and furnished with victuals by the King for that time. Monsieur has sent the deputies from all parts, who are looked for here shortly to treat of a peace. Monsieur lies at Limousin. La Chastre lies about Bourges for countenance sake to keep them, that none go out, nor any come into them. There is some speech that they begin to be willing to submit themselves to Monsieur. There have been divers messages from Monsieur and the King of Navarre for their reconciliation. The King of Navarre has remained hitherto on this side of the Loire, removing to and fro between Alençon, La Fleche, and Vendôme. Many resort to him daily. It is said he appoints to be at Saumur very shortly, and thence to go to join with Monsieur. There was like to be some quarrel between them, for Bussy d'Amboise slew one that was sent from the King of Navarre, whereupon the King of Navarre would have slain one of them that came from Monsieur, but Monsieur showed himself so much offended with the fact that the King of Navarre would not suffer Monsieur's man to have any harm. It is said the King has sent 10,000 francs to the King of Navarre, and much discourse is made what the cause should be, for it was reported the King had to borrow the money of a merchant, because his Treasurer had no money, and there was such haste made that they had scant leisure to tell the money. The colour was made that his train could not get out of the town for lack of money, both to pay what was due and for their charges by the way, and therefore to gratify him the King made shift to get the money. Men can hardly be satisfied with this pretence. The King sends Monsieur 50,000 francs out of Monsieur's own revenue. The King of Spain has lost four galleys, which were sent to Don John of Austria by the Levant seas with great treasure. It is reported that the Viscount of Turenne is joined with Monsieur. Nutshawe is so earnestly promised his money that he hopes to be paid very shortly; stands also upon the despatch of Mr. Warcup's matter one way or another. The King has given order for the delivery of Captain Thomas, the Irishman. The 26th of this present the King sent La Touche very privily to persuade the King of Navarre to meet him, and La Verdyn to forsake the King of Navarre. The 27th the Queen and the Queen Mother went to St. Germain en Laye, and appoint to go to Gallion if the King of Navarre can be induced to come thither.
Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Feb. 28. 634. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
1. La Porte would needs persuade himself there is nothing meant but good faith, that Monsieur and the King of Navarre would be one, and they of the religion have their own desire. How many unlikelihoods there are of these things all men do see. Men are weary of war, and have no means to maintain it; therefore it is likely enough there may be a peace patched up. The Guises make themselves as evil content as other, and are nothing privy to the Queen Mother's doings, and she likes as evil of them.—Paris, 28 February. Signed.
2. P.S.—Sends him two jewels received for Mayllard.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. Pp. 1⅓.
Feb. 28. 635. Dr. Dale to Sir Thomas Smith and Francis Walsingham.
Contains the same news as does the enclosure in the letter to Lord Burghley of the same day.—Paris, 28 February 1576 Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. Pp. 2⅓.
Feb. 28. 636. Thomas Wilkes to Walsingham.
1. In the army the minds of great and small are wholly bent to the peace, the rather for that the stranger is governed with great difficulty for want of pence, and that the changeable humour of the nation daily seeks something new, soon hot, soon cold, soon on horseback, soon down. A truce is taken till the 25th March, Moulins and Decize on the Loire are to be delivered into the Duke's hands. At Moulins the peace is to be treated by Montpensier, Montmorency, and Biron on the King's part and by Alençon himself, the Prince of Condé, de Meru, de Thore, &c. They are to meet the 6th of March at the furthest. Some imperfections cause them to stoop lower far in their demand for peace than the sack of Paris. They seek not to have the Italians removed from the government nor the Queen Mother from her authority. They desire only that the Chancellor Biragues and M. de Retz meddle not in the matter of religion when it shall be treated. They find all difficulties voided for the peace saving one which is that the King will hardly grant Metz, Verdun, and Toul to the Duke Casimir according to the contract of Heidelburg, which he thinks will be voided also. Judges the Queen will have good opportunity to solicit promises. The bruit is here that she has resolutely undertaken the enterprise of the Low Country, and it seems to be resolved here that when peace shall be concluded the forces here shall be employed there, a thing that Duke Casimir is so affected to, that if the French neglect it, he will further it. —Boisset en la Limagne d'Auvergne, a league from Gannat, the last of February 1576. Signed.
2. P.S.—Prays him procure him one and forty crowns to be sent forthwith by the ambassador to Moulins to bear his charges there during the treaty, for he has little store of money. He may do some good to see the handling of things there.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. Pp. 2.
[Feb.] 637. Occurrents in France and the Low Countries.
1. By letters from Paris of the 15th, news is come that peace was in a manner concluded, and the 13th there arrived gentlemen from Duke Casimir, the Prince of Condé, and the rest of the Protestants requesting for their better assurance Metz and Toulouse [Toul?], which the King utterly denied them, and thereupon departed the next day, so that all is broken off. The King is very strong and fortifies himself in Paris.
2. Of Zerickzee, has understood that the King's side lost two galleys which were taken and one ship sunk and one burnt. The Prince's folk lost two or three flat boats which were sunk. Since which time they have made one venture but returned presently and did nothing. It is thought they will make an attempt more with the full of the moon. The King's side is 4,000 strong of divers nations. The island is marvellously fortified with bulwarks, strengths, and ditches. The head fortified greatly, kept with six ancients of Walloons; the passage strongly chained and piled, and within the chains lie 10 of the greatest ships the King has, and three galleys besides a bulwark whereon lie six great cannons, so that it is impossible to pass that way, and no means to victual it but by landing men on the side where the Prince's men have charge. At Oudewater the Almains are all revolted; means are made to pay them, as it is thought they shall be all discharged. Sancho Davila came yesterday to town to make the funeral of his wife. It is written for certain out of Bohemia that the Turk makes preparation to come into Hungary this summer.
Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 638. Instructions for Sir Henry Cobham.
Directs him to urge upon the Commendator the necessity of taking steps for the pacification of the Low Countries, and more especially of granting an abstinence from arms in the meanwhile; and in the case of his refusal, to say that the Queen will be of necessity forced to take steps for her own preservation.
Endd.: "The Commendator died before his despatch and so these were never used." Pp. 4½.
Feb. 639. Complaint of the Inhabitants of the Low Countries to Philip II.
If ever nation unworthily treated and almost overwhelmed by foreign tyranny had occasion to complain to their Prince, they have cause to do so, seeing that they have been so badly used by the Spanish soldiers notwithstanding the obedience and loyalty which they have always shown towards his Majesty and his illustrious ancestors. Complain of the erection of the statue of the Duke of Alva in the citadel of Antwerp, "a spectacle difficult to look at and endure"; also of the misery brought on the country by the mutiny of the Spanish troops who put towns to the ransom and commit every sort of pillage. As they are the cause of all the evils which they suffer from, they have resolved to drive them out by arms as they will not leave peaceably. Humbly beg that the King will take their action in good part and judge between them, being on the one side a loyal people ready to obey him who during the last war with the French advanced him 40,000,000 of money, and on the other a small band of mutinous rebels who occupy his towns and strong places by force. Trust that he will not listen to any councillors who may advise him to send any more troops, as they are resolved rather to risk their lives and goods than to endure again that which they have already suffered from. If, however, he should act otherwise, they solemnly declare that they will not be responsible for the inevitable evils which will result. Remind him of the speech of the Emperor when he handed over the Low Countries to him, and how he declared that he owed the crown on his head to them. Humbly beg him to believe that they would never do anything against his crown and authority. The proper method would have been to have sent this to his Majesty by some of the great noblemen of the country, but the remembrance of the fate of those who have gone to him charged with similar missions and who have never returned prevents others from daring to undertake this journey. They therefore send this by a courier who is ignorant of the contents of that which he carries.
Copy. Endd.: Feb. 1576. Fr. Pp. 7.
[Feb. ?] 640. Occurrences in France.
1. 13th–15th February, the King of Navarre at Alençon. Young de Lorge, Count of Montgomery, has presented himself to him with 800 horse, and 400 men are since arrived. De Lorge was sent to Normandy to make what forces he could, but especially money. There are come to the King of Navarre 20 ensigns of footmen out of Normandy and Picardy. There are come to him 2,000. He is now besieging Le Mans (12th February). He has declared himself a Protestant, first proof of it by being godfather to a child, he caused to be christened a la Calvaniste. He has razed as they say the chief church at Alençon. He has caused the 6,000 francs coming to him to be sent back to his wife. The Queen of Navarre begins now to show herself gallant in attire, lofty in words, and full of jocundness in behaviour. The King of France would stroke him as a shrewd beast for fear of biting or striking.
2. Monsieur writes earnestly against Chiverny and Biragues, and commends Strozzi. The Queen Mother it is thought will leave the Court clean and cleave to Monsieur. The Pope hearing the reiters would not be levied unless they were full 10,000, has lent the King 30,000 crowns. Danville has left forces sufficient to keep the Duke d'Uzes from stirring, who had order long since from the King for the equipage and furnishing of 1,000. He does no act but a little singeing of the corn and firing of the vines. Monsieur draws towards him. The Viscount of Turenne is marching with 2,000, and Bussy d'Amboise with 800, all horses. The Duke of Maine is at Moulins, no rendering of that to Monsieur. Monsieur would have assigned it to the Prince of Condé, by that means to pass over the reiters.
3. The 15th, the reiters have taken a little town called Vihers, standing on a passage, a particle of the living of the Duke of Nevers. Because they were with almost with the goodwill of the town received they have made no great waste. As for an abbey by it, it is made Casa Carbona, reduced to dust and ashes. The reiters have made a terrible spoil with fire and faggots whereseover they enter. They are past the Loire and between that and the Allier river in Bourbonnais. The King has kept his chamber through an evil upon his hip, which is lanced.
4. The 16th, great talk of truce to be granted for six months, that the Duke of Nevers is received again into grace and yields to the yielding of Moulins, and the Queen Mother should have the Duchy of Bernoise [Bar] absolutely to herself, there to end her days at her beads. The Prince of Condé has written to the Duke of Nemours full of the commendation of the young Prince of Geneva, his son, what great cause he has to rejoice to have so virtuous and valiant a gentleman to his son, to which he made a rough answer that if he did affirm him to be his legitimate, son that he lied in his throat.
5. 14th February. An edict by the King for the gathering of his company the 25th February to be in garrison, and to receive their pay for the quarter of October 1575. The Swiss are about Lyons and will not march, the reiters about Chalons. The Academy is broken up, the captain of the school sick, and the readers dismissed. Some pleasant fellow has set up these verses upon the school door:—
Gallia dum passim civilibus occidit armis Et cinere obruitur semisepulta suo, Grammaticam exercet media rex noster in Aula Dicere namque potest vir generosus "Amo" Declinare potest, vere declinat et ipse Qui bis rex fuerat, sit modo grammaticus.
Endd. Pp. 3.