Elizabeth: January 1576

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: January 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp224-240 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1576', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp224-240.

"Elizabeth: January 1576". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp224-240.

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January 1576

Jan. 1. 559. Rowland Fox to Walsingham.
1. Has written his proceedings both from Antwerp and Cologne. By the advice of Dr. Furstemburg he was willing to stay from proceeding further until he might have a letter from her Majesty to the town of Cologne. Begs that none but he and his friends may have the delivery of the letter. Has been entertained with such promises that he doubts not to be able to furnish the money at 5 per cent. Beseeches him notwithstanding the malice of his enemies to continue his good opinion of him. Desires to know his pleasure.
2. The Emperor is elected King of the Polonians. There are still great preparations of horsemen and footmen in this country towards France.—Cologne, 1 January 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Jan. 2. 560. The Count of Meru to Lord Burghley.
Takes advantage of the coming over of the Sieur du Plessis to assure him of his goodwill for his service.—Camp at Bellac, 2 January 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Fr. Pp. 32/3.
Jan. 6. 561. M. de la Porte to Walsingham.
Has received the letter it has pleased the Queen to write to Monsieur, but his mission will be in vain if he have not one for Duke Casimir also, which he begs him procure. He and M. de la Mothe intend returning on Wednesday.—From the lodgings of their ambassador. Monday 6 January 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 8. 562. Duke Casimir to Dr. Dale.
Has given M. de la Fin charge to communicate with him. Begs him to assist in the obtaining of a good and firm peace. —Chastelet, 8 January 1575. Signed.
Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
Jan. 8. 563. Duke Casimir's Instructions to M. de la Fin.
He is to inform the King that Duke Casimir was loth to advance with his army while there yet remained hope of peace, but the coming of the Seigneur de Beaufort in the territory of John Duke of Deux Ponts has compelled him to advance but very gradually. The Embassy of the Sieurs de Bellieure and Missery was very cool, and sought an uncertain truce with no mention of peace. A peace should be negotiated by envoys of the King, together with deputies of the Duke of Alençon, the Prince of Condé, and of the churches. He is to pray the King for passports for his people and those of Alençon, so as to facilitate the negotiation for the peace, and for passports into Germany to communicate with the Elector Palatine about the peace. Should he be compelled to arms, he begs that it be attributed to the Sieurs de Bellieure and Missery, and to others who have spoken evil of his remonstrances. He has many friends in Germany to assist him.—Chastelet, 8 January 1575.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 9. 564. The Prince of Condé to Dr. Dale.
Thanks him for the good will he has shown to the advancement of peace, and begs him continue therein.—Attigny la Tour, 9 January 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
565. Copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
Jan. 9. 566. Edward Castelyn to Walsingham.
Encloses such letters as he has received from Roland Fox and Furstemburg, whereby he may plainly see how peevishly they are bent, that without the sight of her Majesty's commission or express letters of credit to the Lords of the City of Cologne they will not deal. It were sin if for lack of these so good and commodious service should be overslipped. Although the Queen have no need of the money, yet by entering on in this matter friendship, credit, and intelligence may be increased between England and these countries, and so the Queen have credits for money when other Princes and states cannot get it any price.—Antwerp, 9 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 12. 567. Holland and Zealand.
To be considered in this matter of Holland and Zealand:—
1. Causes of the Prince of Orange taking arms, and what he and his party demand.
2. In what sort the Prince and the States have notified their griefs to the King of Spain, and what answer has been given thereto, and specially what were the impediments that the last treaty at Breda took no effect.
3. Whether they have complained to the Emperor and States of Germany, and what answers have been made thereto and offers made to them.
4. Whether they cannot be content to refer the said impediments to the consideration of the General Estates of the Low Countries, and in the meantime procure a general abstinence of arms.
5. If they cannot yield thereunto, what they would require at the King's hand besides for their safety.
6. Whether since the breaking off at Breda any new treaty has been propounded.
7. Whether by common justice it be lawful for the subjects to renounce their obedience to the King or his lieutenant, and if he shall reform whether the subjects ought not to return to their obedience again.
8. How many persons of estate and towns have joined in complaints with the Prince, and how many in the charges of the war, and the renunciation of the King's obedience.
9. Whether a decree made wherein some of the said towns do not give their consents is valid.
10. How many persons of estate and towns have not joined, and for what consideration.
11. What examples are on record of the renunciation by the subjects of Holland and Zealand of their Earls.
12. How a prince no way interested by title in the said country may justly accept the government of the same.
13. Whether the Prince have people enough to increase his power, and if not, what number of strangers and what money will be needful.
14. If any foreign Prince take them into protection till such time as they may be assured to be governed by the King of Spain according to these ancient liberties, or else receive them absolutely as subjects, then what assurance can such prince have for his charges, and that his people shall be well used, and that no revolt be made from their accord.
15. What profits will those countries yield in time of troubles and in time of peace.
16. What power of men-of-war by sea and land the Prince has in wages, and how many are in garrison, and how many are free to be otherwise commanded.
17. In what sort is the money and victual levied which is employed by the Prince in these wars.
18. How many towns does the Prince keep fortified and guarded and how many not.
19. What may be the estimate of that which the Prince receives of the revenues properly belonging to the King, and how much is answered to the use of the King.
20. What is the monthly levy that is gathered for the common cause, and who are the treasurers thereof, and how is it probable that the country may continue that contribution considering the interruption of the traffic by sea and land.
21. Whether they have made at any time any offer of the said government unto any Princes their neighbours.
22. Whether they have made any offer to the French King, and how he has accepted thereof.
23. Whether any offer has been made to the King of Denmark, and whereupon he refused it.
24. What fautors they have of the Princes of Germany.
25. Whether the rest of the Low Countries have any intention to revolt, and if they have, to whose government it is likely they will yield.
Endd. by Burghley, "12 Jan. 1575." Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 13. 568. Petition of certain Merchants.
Beg that the sentence against Thomas Clark and other English captains, ordering them to restore certain goods seized by them at sea, may be speedily put in execution, in order to prevent the evasion of the said sentence by the removal of the goods. In the margin is an order to the bailiffs at Nieuport commanding them to arrest all goods belonging to the said captains in satisfaction of the sentence.— Dated at Ostend, 13 Jan. 1576. Signed: Hausman and A. de Proost.
Rough copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 13. 569. M. de la Porte to Walsingham.
Begs him procure an audience for him of the Queen.— London, 13 January 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Walsingham. Fr. P. 2/3.
Jan. 14. 570. Petition to [Don Luis de Requesçens].
1. His Excellency having declared by proclamation of last August 30 that the goods of all rebels taken at sea should be held to be lawful prize, William Cotton through one of his captains named Clerk towards the end of last October seized the vessels and goods of certain Hollanders and brought them into Nieuport; they were scarcely arrived there when certain English merchants claimed the goods before the Commissioners deputed to settle these causes, who, without hearing the other side, decided in their favour, and ordered the goods to be restored and damages to be paid to them. In accordance with this judgment the said Clerk has been put in prison and several of their ships sold under their value. Begs that his Excellency will command the officers and judges to suspend all further execution, set Clerk at liberty, and deliver up to the petitioner his ships and goods. Exhibited at Antwerp, 14 Jan. 1576.
2. Note in margin ordering that the English merchants should be informed of these statements and required to answer them in 15 days, and in the meanwhile that all further execution should be suspended.—Brussels, 16 March 1576.
Rough draft. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Jan. 14. 571. M. De La Porte to Walsingham.
Has heard nothing of him for three or four days, so sends the present letter by his nephew to beg him appoint him an interview.—London. 14 January 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. ⅓.
Jan. 14. 572. M. de la Mothe Fenelon to Walsingham.
Their return has been appointed these five days, yet they have had no despatches from France, begs him therefore inform them if he has any advertisement of the affairs of Monsieur. Sends the memorial that the Queen of Scots' ambassador delivered to the King, so that he may see that he has no other matters to deal in than those he has already told him of.—London, 14 January 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¾.
Jan. 14. 573. M. de Mauvissiere to Walsingham.
Prays him forward to the Queen of Scots certain wearing apparel, bonbons, and letters, and to grant a passport to certain tailors to go to her at Sheffield. He, la Mothe, and la Porte wish very much to speak with him and the others that were deputed to negotiate with them, to show that the news that has come is without foundation, for had it been true they would have been advertised of it by their Majesties or M. Pinart, and the English ambassador would not have neglected to write of it.—London, 14 January 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 15. 574. Answer given to the Hollanders.
Her Majesty has upon report made to her of their last speeches had with certain of her Council, and of their offers and requests, conferred thereupon with the rest of the Lords of her Council, and has found in this great cause many difficulties. Being so hardly treated as they have been, and no remedy found by their submission, there is appearance of reason in their defending themselves and seeking aid other ways; but in other circumstances, which more properly concern her Majesty, as to give them aid in such manner as they require, there appear so many and great ifficulties as this present time will not permit her to help them with forces and thereby to enter suddenly into war with the King of Spain. The war would require great provisions of money, men, armour, and munitions, and also the consent and goodwill of the Estates of the realm, who both, with the expense of their substance and the adventure of their lives, must be answerable hereunto. Besides this, the entry into war with the King of Spain would not only banish the trade of the merchants with his dominions, but yield to him as a prey all their goods which shall be there at this time. The Queen has occasion by the return of Sir Henry Cobham, who was purposely sent to the King of Spain for their cause, to proceed presently another way, which if it shall not procure that good for them which she most desires, yet shall bring no hurt to them. The King has answered that at her request he will deal favourably with his subjects, and has written to the Commendator, so that her Majesty has cause to think that if she shall freshly and without delay cause him to be solicited to come to a better consideration by a colloquy to a peace in those countries it may be profitable for both the King and his subjects; or else if she finds the Commendator and the King's ministers void of reason and not disposed to have peace with reasonable conditions, she shall in the sight of the world have more probable occasion to proceed this other way by openly aiding them from their subversion and ruin as a nation most dear to her next her own. To this end her Majesty means to urge the Governor to accord a cessation of arms with such earnestness that he will think she will not leave her ancient allies (if by the colloquy a good end cannot be got) to be vanquished and conquered by the Spaniards.
Draft in Burghley's writing, with notes. Endd.: 15 Jan. 1575. Pp. 3.
Jan. 16. 575. Notes on the Answer to the Hollanders.
That her Majesty continues in mind to send to the Commendator both for a treaty to be newly made and for a cessation of arms in the meantime. Also having received answer from the King of Spain of his allowance of her motions to procure peace, and comparing therewith the answers and speeches used by the Commendator, and by Rodas, and Champigny, she cannot take any other course, but first prove this.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd.: 16 January. P. ¾.
Jan. 16. 576. Thomas Van Gheer to —.
Has received his letter of 14th ult., which came on the 16th. Has communicated all matters with Rowland Fox. If the sureties may be had, doubts not but there will be money enough, and that good cheap, otherwise they will only lose time and money.—Cologne, 16 January 1576.
Copy translation. Endd. P. ½.
Jan. 20. 577. Memorial to the Commissioners for Spanish Causes.
Don Hector Nunez Portingale, Doctor of Physic, having requested restitution of certain goods stayed in Spain, it is doubted whether he should be allowed as a natural subject of her Majesty. This being referred to the Lords of the Council, it was resolved that forasmuch by the rule of the civil law he having remained here above 20 years was reputed a natural subject of this realm, and also by that pretence had his goods arrested in Spain; therefore the Commissioners might suffer him in reason to have interest in the restitution being made. As on examination of his claim he has warrant for 632li 16, whereof he has received but 212li, the Lords of the Council require the Commissioners not to make any further claim on him for reimbursement of his proportion towards the restitution to be made to the subjects of the Low Countries.—From the Court, 20 January 1576.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Jan. 21. 578. Things to be Considered by the Queen of England touching Holland.
If the Queen intends to aid the Hollanders, in case she cannot procure the accord between the King of Spain and them, they must, until her ministers have been with the Commendator, keep secret the said intention, and rather pretend to hope for aid out of France. The ministers who shall be sent to the Commendator shall declare to him as reasons moving the Queen thus speedily to send to him to procure a peace. First, that her Majesty sees that if there shall not speedily be some good end to these troubles, not only shall the King lose for ever Holland and Zealand, and so not be able to keep the rest of the Low Countries, but also that the Crown of England shall be in perpetual danger of war by reason of their addition to the dominions of France, so that the Queen is moved thus to do, to show her goodwill to the King, and to procure a remedy against the manifest danger to her own Crown by prolonging this civil war. And because her Majesty has formerly notified to the King of Spain and the Commendator the intelligence which the French have with the Hollanders, moving them to receive the subjects to mercy and grant them their reasonable demands for their surety, and for that the King appeared to take her motion in thankful part, and pretended that they had been offered all reasonable conditions at the late colloquy at Breda, and that for her sake he would receive them all to mercy, and that he had not given them any just cause of revolt, and finally would advertise his mind to the Governor, for this cause her Majesty has thought it very necessary to prosecute her former action by sending, even now again, him who was with the King in Spain. She has most certainly found since his return by dealing with the Hollanders that they have resolved to accept the offers of the French, notwithstanding her dissuasions to the contrary, and further sees, without doubt, that if they be not reduced by peaceable means to the King's obedience, with surety to enjoy their privileges, and that without delay, the country will be possessed by the French.—21 Jan. 1575.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 579. — to Henry Killegrew.
1. Has heard that the Prince of Condé should have been poisoned by a French gentleman that went under the form of a malcontent, whereof the Prince had so good intelligence that the other is in fear not to be well used. There was this week one clad in friar's weeds at the ambassador's house to speak with him at such times as he was not at his house or otherwise busy; the last time he used these words to one of the servants: "I have done mine endeavour to speak with his Lordship, since I cannot have the means I am sorry, perhaps so will he be too that he hath lost that occasion, which when he would he shall not find," and such like words, knitting them up with "God save the Queen of England." Some noted in him an appearance of one of some quality and the fashion of a gentleman. One Rowland, a Frenchman, brought a great packet out of England last week to the Queen of Scots' ambassador, who despatched him again with letters; this messenger may be in England as soon as he. Desires him not to be acknown to understand thus much by him, for he is ill willed here of the Papists extremely, and of the other matter it might be thought he intermeddled with that which touches the ambassador, but he knows to whom he writes.—Paris, 23rd January 1575.
2. P.S.—Bussy d'Amboise has defeated a company of the King's in Limousin the 24th January.
Add.: "To the right worshipful my singular good friend, Mr. Henry Killegrew, at his house by Paul's Church at London."
Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 23. 580. Thomas Copley to Dr. Wilson.
Means in all things truly to serve that good King, who now sustains him, against all his enemies and rebels, or in what other kind it shall like his Majesty, or the most virtuous and sweet Prince who now represents here his royal person, to employ him. So if he shall understand anything to be practised to the conquest, ruin, or destruction of the Queen's Majesty's person, his dear sovereign, or of his natural country, he will surely give warning thereof. There is nothing which hinders him from being in place where he might freely have at the first hand that which now with charge he has at the second but only the great respect which his Highness has for the Queen's Majesty, whom he seems doubtful to offend in case he should give him the countenance and place that otherwise he would afford him. Sends herewith the draft of a letter which he wishes the Queen would send in his favour. Likens himself to a high flying hawk laden with heavy bells, so is he held down by the heavy weight of poverty and want of favour.—23 Jan. 1576. Signed: T. C.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 581. The Queen to [the Commendator].
Desires him to show favour to Thomas Copley, who has already done good service to the Commendator, as he is not one of those traitors and rebels who have fled from her realm, nor did he leave through any villany or crime, but simply on account of his religion, and for the liberty of his conscience. Cannot deny that he is "aucunement" of her blood, and that he has formerly honourably served her.— Hampton Court, Feb. 1576.
Copy. Enclosure. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
"I have, according to your request, spoken with your friend, whose answer is that he cannot send you the bird before it be hatched. The hen has busily built her nest and sits fast. So soon as any more of her eggs shall be disclosed, you shall be sure to have speedy advertisement, not by letter, but by a trusty messenger whom I have already sent for many miles hence to serve that turn; you must procure him a passport from that side, and he will take charge to do the like from hence. Here is much more likelihood of war than of peace."
Fragment enclosed in the above.
Jan. 24. 582. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
No man can judge what to think of these things, their treaties and their doings are so repugnant. At the coming of the Queen Mother it will appear what will become of it.— Paris, 24 January. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 1.
583. Dr. Dale to [Sir Thomas Smith and Walsingham].
All the fair promises of the delivery of Bourges and La Charite are like to come to nothing, as may appear by the enclosed letter of Monsieur to the Court of Parliament. There is a secret league between Guise, Nemours, Nevers, Maine, and others of that house, together with the Chancellor, against all that would have any peace, and if it should be made, to begin a sharp war afresh. For this respect, reiters and Swiss are sent for to be in readiness for the King, and there are already two or three cornets passed the Rhine under Count Mansfelt. They appoint to make the King of Navarre their head, but hitherto neither has he consented thereunto, nor do they open to him their secrets. Those that are here for Monsieur find things far in other terms than they are treated of, and perceive plainly that the dealing on this side is but to win time and cool the courage of them that follow Monsieur. The Duke of Maine has had fourteen ensigns defeated by two cornets of reiters, who now march towards Dijon in Burgundy. It is said also that Bussy d'Amboise has of late defeated a company of horsemen and 300 footmen of young Villeclere's, who were reported to be laid in ambush to have surprised Monsieur if he had come to the Queen Mother again. The Prince of Condé has apprehended one Brissac (a great servant of the Duke of Guise, and who robbed M. Pibrac, going in embassy for the King to Poland, but since reconciled to the King), who it was discovered had taken an enterprise upon himself against his person, and for that purpose came to him with 200 harquebussiers. Danville has taken divers towns in Languedoc of great importance. These things notwithstanding, the Queen Mother gave out that she brings the conclusion of the peace with her, and it might be so indeed if the King would cause the articles agreed upon to be put in execution, for Monsieur has been always well inclined to quietness, and Montmorency travails earnestly for peace. The King of Navarre and many of the Court are gone to meet the Queen Mother at Orleans; and now the King, the Cardinals, the Duke of Guise, and the rest of the Court are gone to meet her this night at Estampes to bring her to Paris with as much honour as may be.
Enclosure. Pp. 2.
Jan. 9. 584. The Duke of Alençon to the Parliament of Paris.
Assures them of his great desire to obtain peace and quietness for the kingdom, and expresses his regret that the terms which were agreed upon between him and his mother have not been kept, obliging him to remain in arms still, employ mercenaries, excusing himself on the ground that he is making war against those only who are promoting and encouraging war, and desiring no less than the ruin of their country and the house of Valois. He has no desire to be in arms against the King, towards whom he has no greater wish than to cherish love, honour, and obedience. — Chabanois, 9 Jan. 1576.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2¼. Enclosure.
Jan. 27. 585. Jacque's Taffin to Walsingham.
On his arrival this night in this town about the affairs of the Prince of Orange he has been informed that it is intended to arrest him. Desires that he may be assured against this, and promises to be ready to answer any complaints brought against him.—London, 27 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
Jan. 28. 586. Louis de Boissot to Walsingham.
Desires that the bearer may have licence to export some "gotelincks" (light artillery) for the service of the Prince and the cause. This year will not pass without great effusion of blood. The enemy are very active and give him no rest.— Flushing, 28 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 28. 587. Henry Mason to Lord Burghley.
1. Complains that he has received no answer to any of his letters sent by William Winter, cook to Lord Hunsdon. Esteems himself to be "fluted and frumped" by the said Winter. Recommends Mr. James Harvey, merchant, as a safe agent. Minds to stay with his family about the Court as he is requested by Dr. Parker and other English Louvainists, who will lodge with him and use him in all their suits, whereby there shall be nothing done or practised amongst them, but he will be able from time to time to advertise Burghley thereof. In giving his oath to the King of Spain when he took this charge upon him, he made exception to be discharged thereof in case of war, as he would not bear weapon against his native country. Has had secret communication with Captain Digby, who is here in the service of the King, and finds it good to dissemble and continue in his charge through which he may do greater service to his country, and all enterprises be discovered to his Lordship. Assures him that Digby is a very true and faithful subject to his country and Prince. The States of Flanders have with much difficulty consented to the Prince of Orange 400,000 florins, upon condition that they should have the account and distribution of the said money. The States of some of the other provinces have likewise made similar grants. M. de Ruissingen is made chief of the finance in place of M. de Noircarmes. By letters of the 15th, sent to the Court from London, they are advertised of the arrival of ambassadors from the French King and the Duke of Alençon to submit their differences to the Queen; and also of ambassadors from the Prince of Orange, Holland and Zealand requiring 300,000 angels upon the assurance of certain towns. By spies out of Germany the Court is advertised of the levy of 10,000 reiters in the Queen of England's name and payment. The Prince Bishops of Treves, Mayence, and Cologne make a levy of 8,000 reiters for the King of Spain. The Duke of Saxony, understanding that the Prince of Orange has repudiated his kinswoman and taken another, is marvellously displeased, and has sent his men to the castle of Dillemburg to fetch her from thence. Nevertheless she resisting, and retiring into an inner chamber, they took her by force and set her in a country waggon and brought her to the Duke. There is great dissension in East Friesland between the Earls John and Edzart on matters of religion. The Huguenots of France assemble and attend to join with Duke Casimir to surprise any places in the King of Spain's dominion, and so draw the forces out of Holland, but there is provision made for that by the mustering of the Italian, Spanish, and Burgundian cavalry. On the 12th was taken a packet from the Prince to Count Hohenslohe advertising him of his health and good success in succouring Zericksee for three months. On the 21st other of his letters were taken containing bills of exchange for 12,000 florins. Garrisons of Spaniards are newly put into Louvain, Brussels, Mechlin, and other places to refresh the soldiers and keep them ready for the next enterprise, which is against some parts of Zealand, whereunto great number of ships are building or made, and about 80 flat boats, drawing not above one foot of water, to land men.
2. The King of Spain has lost his credit with the merchants generally by means of certain letters of "decretat" from the Pope to revocate all former oaths, promises, and contracts made with the merchants for payment and interest of all such sums of money levied by his Majesty for his wars since 1560. It is true that Nicholo Grimaldi has purchased the Princedom of Salerno for 900,000 ducats, and since is bankrupt for 9,000,000, however he bides in possession of his princedom, where no man may "execute" him, he imputing his fault upon the King of Spain.—Antwerp, 28 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 6¼.
Jan. 26. 588. Intercourse with Russia.
Note of a speech used by the Emperor of Russia to Daniel Silvester at Moscow, 29 Nov. 1575. Complains of the nonaccomplishment of his affairs committed to Anthony Jenkinson, and that the Queen's message sent by Randolph chiefly tended for the establishing of merchants, and touching Glover and Rutter and other suspected persons, and there was nothing spoken about his affairs for which he thought he had been sent. That which he suspected has now chanced to him, for he has resigned the estate of his government into the hands of a stranger, on account of the perverse and evil dealing of his subjects, who murmur and repine at him forgetting their loyal obedience and practising against his person. He has, therefore, given them over to another prince to govern, reserving in his custody all the treasure of the land with sufficient train and place for his relief, and for this and such like occasions he motioned those proceedings with the Queen of England, and to confirm the same sent his messenger Andreas Savine, but his purpose has been prevented by the practice of traitors, who have misinterpreted his meaning and misinformed the Queen, whose answer was most contrary to his purpose. Understands of certain English residing in Lubeck who use secret conference with his "contetius" subjects by letters, so it may be supposed that the like is betwixt them and the evil disposed of the Queen's subjects, whom he requests may be called hence.
Another Speech used by the Emperor to Sylvester, 29 Jan. 1576.
Finds his message as ineffectual as the others before this, and in nothing agreeable to his purpose. None of the Queen's answers are to his contentment or import that effect of friendship which he expected, but manifest a sort of haughtiness.
Sylvester's Reply.
If the Emperor would certify to the Queen the occasion of his so great misliking peradventure she would satisfy his expectation therein.
The Answer.
His mislike consists in the scrupulous answers of the Queen, and that she makes dainty to require the like of him; moreover, the affairs of merchants are preferred and made of more importance than his own, whereupon all their success should depend. Her merchants shall be restrained of their privileges if he finds not further liberality than this from the Queen, and the same transported to the Venetians and Germans. Has not so far resigned the Imperial dignity but that at his pleasure he can take the same again. Behold also the seven crowns yet belonging to him, with the sceptre and the rest of the ornaments and treasures pertaining to the Empire yet in his possession. If the Queen had so frankly dealt with him in the accomplishing his affairs the whole country of Russia had been as much at her pleasure as England. To conclude, he has shown more favour than found friendship, as nothing from the first has been accomplished according to his expectation not only in these high matters but in all other things wherefore he has just occasion to repine. "So kissing his hand and the Prince's, his son's, I was dismissed."
Endd. Pp. 3½.
Jan. 29. 589. The Emperor of Russia's Speech to Daniel Sylvester.
Copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 3½.
Jan. 28. 590. Advices from Rome.
Different rumours and reports current at Rome, chiefly relating to the Papal Court.—28 Jan. 1576.
Incomplete. Ital. Pp. 4.
Jan. 31. 591. M. Calvart to Walsingham.
According to Walsingham's resolution with M. de St. Aldegonde it has been thought good that he should undertake the journey into Holland. Begs that he will give him such counsel and information as may be necessary for the business, which if he does not choose to write he may send by M. de Villiers.—31 Jan. 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
Jan. 31. 592. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. The regiment Bussy d'Amboise defeated some time served Bussy himself for the King, who being committed to one Lancomo lodged themselves very near Monsieur contrary to the agreement. Being divers times moved to withdraw they would not, but rather approached, which brought Monsieur in doubt of some secret enterprise against him or his army. Bussy being commanded to remove them set upon them and brake the most part of them, not without the loss of some gentlemen of name, amongst others M. Senarpont le Begue, a gentleman of great execution and earnest in religion. Since that time Monsieur being appointed by the Queen Mother to repair towards Bourges to receive that town, sent some of his army thitherwards under the lieutenant of M. Thore, who were set upon the same Lancomo, divers slain, and the lieutenant of M. Thore taken prisoner. Monsieur was coming after with Montpensier, but understanding of these doings is turned toward Limoges. Montmorency remains at Chastelerault sick of the gout. The Queen Mother returned here the 25th, and since has kept her bed. She declares she found Monsieur and all his company conformable, and called the Cardinal of Bourbon and Villeclere to witness thereof. She declares if the King do not make a peace it will be the ruin of this realm. They that were wont to be against the peace remain earnest in their old opinion. The Pope has already paid 30,000 crowns towards the entertainment of the Swiss. The King of Spain makes the King very great offers to break the peace. Notwithstanding Biron is sent to make offer of Tours and Blois, instead of Bourges, he carries the order of the King's Council declaring them of Bourges rebels. Sancerre is taken again of late by them of the religion, and it is said young Bricquemault is entered into the town with four or five companies. It is reported that the Duke of Maine has entered Chastillon-sur-Seine and slain very many of the town, because they would not suffer him to come in, and because one of his captains was slain in entering. The overthrow he had by the reiters is not so great as it was spoken of. Montmorency unfeignedly continues his travail for peace, both with Monsieur and with his brethren. The Queen Mother employs all the means she has to compass it, but she is always over thwarted either by them about the King or by some accident. Men about the King hinder the execution of those things that should be performed whereby peace should be procured. The King makes great means to borrow great sums of money of particular men of the Court of Parliament and Chambres des Escompts, and other wealthy men, not for the satisfaction of the reiters with the Prince of Condé, but for the payment of the Swiss and reiters that come for himself. Men cannot hitberto be induced to part with their money considering how evil loans are paid in this country. The Prince of Condé and Duke Casimir are before a little town about Dijon called Noyers. Has sent the King's letters to St. Malo, for the restitution of the ship and goods of John Prannel, and other his partners, not with any great hope of any restitution.—Stays for Warcup and Nutshawe's matter to speak with the Queen Mother.—Paris, last of January 1575. Signed.
2. P.S.—News is come that the reiters have taken No yers. The Court looks for the return of M. Biron to resolve upon peace or war.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
Jan. 26. 593. Act of the Privy Council of France.
The inhabitants of Bourges are declared rebels and guilty of high treason. The mayor, sheriffs, and other leading men of the town, to the number of 20, are condemned to be hanged, their goods confiscated, and the goods of the other inhabitants publicly sold and cast away, the houses of such as are without the town shall be burnt, and garrisons shall be put at the gates of the town to seize such as shall come out.
Copy. Fr. Enclosure. P. ⅓.
Jan. 31. 594. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
Is in some hope of Jacomo, for it was told him of very late that he was seen in the army of Monsieur since the being of Sir Henry Cobham there. If he be in expectation of what will become of things here it is no marvel, for so are all men here. Men suppose the worst.—Paris, last of January 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
Jan. 31. 595. Dr. Dale to Sir Thomas Smith and Francis Walsingham.
Contains the same news as his letter to Lord Burghley of the same date. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
Jan. [31]. 596. Answer of the Queen to La Mothe Fenelon and La Porte.
She thanks the King and Queen Mother for the offer of the interview and Monsieur for the trouble he wishes to undertake, receiving it as a proof of their goodwill and perfect friendship towards herself. Since her answer of the 5th September the events that have happened in France have made such a great impression in this kingdom that she cannot entertain their offers until the King and his brother be openly in accord, to aid the which she is willing to send one of the most principal people in the kingdom. When this shall be, she will make such an answer to their several requests as shall give them every satisfaction.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 597. Negotiations of MM. La Mothe Fenelon and La Porte.
They are commanded by the French King, the Queen Mother, and Monsieur to say that they consider her answer to them of the 5th September last very honourable, and they will accord most willingly the interview on the terms that she demands. They are agreeable that it be had the second week after Easter next, hoping meanwhile that peace shall be concluded in France. Monsieur will have such a suite as shall be fitting to his high dignity. La Mothe and La Porte are to ask for passports for him and for a ship of war to assure the passage; and that the articles relating to the marriage be reduced to form, and for that purpose the Queen should send an envoy to France, or accept those of the King of France. They hope that all will be ordered as her Council shall deem fit, and the King trusts that the Queen will so act that nothing be done that could touch the honour of his Crown, the dignity of his Mother, or the reputation of Monsieur.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
[Jan.] 598. Objections and Answers touching giving Aid to Holland.
In the form of a number of questions as to the disadvantages of breaking with the King of Spain and the inconveniences of aiding rebels against their lawful sovereign, and the costs and charges necessary for so doing, with replies.
Rough draft. Endd. Pp. 3.
[Jan.]. 599. A similar paper setting forth the dangers that would be incurred by a rupture with Spain, and the steps to be taken to meet them.
Endd. Pp. 2½.