Elizabeth: March 1576, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: March 1576, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp256-265 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1576, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp256-265.

"Elizabeth: March 1576, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp256-265.

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March 1576, 1-10

March 1. 641. Thomas Wilkes to Lord Burghley.
There is a truce taken till the 25th inst. The towns of Decize on the Loire, and Moulins on the Allier, to be delivered to Monsieur, he being bound to render them into the King's hands at the expiring of the truce, so that the King cause to be delivered to Monsieur the possession of Bourges and La Charité, but not otherwise. It is lawful for their army to march towards Paris, so that they approach it no nearer than 40 leagues. The King's forces shall be 40 leagues from them. It shall be lawful for either party to join what force they may. They find the selfsame difficulty that the late Admiral did in the government of the mercenaries wanting his patience, but most his wisdom. Intends to remain at Moulins to observe what shall be done during the treaty. —Boisset en la Limagne d'Auvergnc, near to Gannat, 1 March 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
March 1. 642. Thomas Wilkes to Walsingham.
Contains the same news as his letter to Burghley of the same day.—Boisset, 1 March 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. P. 1.
March. 643. Articles Propounded by Duke Casimir's Deputies.
Duke John Casimir having been many times moved as well by the Duke of Alençon as by the Prince of Condé to peruse the books of the peace to give his advice therein, or add or diminish thereunto as he shall think expedient, has thought it meet to add or charge the points following:—
1. In the first article which touches the free and public exercise of religion, where is spoken of Metz and Verdun, he thinks gook to be added " In the towns and bishoprics of Metz, Toul, Verdun, Marsau, and country of Gause, considering that the same does not any ways prejudice the capitulation made with the Prince of Condé and the Duke of Alençon and others."
2. Considering the poverty of them of the religion, and that the equality required for conservation of peace is not therein observed, thinks that it be made as follows:—That in places where there be many temples, they have the use of one or more according to the number of the audience, and where there is but one, both parties may use the same by turns without prejudice of liberty to build new.
3. In the 10th article it seems good to him to add the 12th of the old books concerning the Duke of Savoy's subjects, and the 41st article of the said books touching the county of Doubs.
4. In the 39th article must be added the children and heirs of the late Marquis of Revel, and the Lord of Chambre.
5. In the 45th article must be added the 52nd of the old books in this wise: That if Madame L'Admirale be yet in prison, or constrained to hear mass, that she be set in full liberty of conscience and use of her goods.
6. To the 5th article, where is spoken of the releasing of them of the religion of the promises made to reiters, there must be added that the Swiss and lansknechts also discharge and release Duke Casimir of all promises for borrowing of money, furnishing of victual, &c., for entertaining his army in France, Lorraine, or the bishopric of Metz.
7. To the 61st must be said thus: "before or since the death of King Henry."
8. The 66th article should be changed thus: That the King ratify all agreements and covenants made by the Prince of Condé, MM. de Meru and de Thore, and the Vidame of Chartrés, with the Count Palatine, Prince Elector of the Empire, and the Duke John Casimir, his son, for their just defence and full assurance of peace.
9. To the 74th article must be added, "All this without prejudice to the capitulation between the Prince of Condé and Duke Casimir touching the bishoprics."
10. The 79th article is altogether superfluous.
11. He considers that no mention is made in this treaty of peace of the strangers who have, to the knowledge of all men, sought all in their power the weal of the realm. Wherefore he requires that to keep them in this goodwill and readiness all reiters and lansknechts be comprehended, and he prays that this article be inserted touching the Swiss: That because the expedition has been made for the King's service and repose of his realm, that he be a mean for them to re-enter into their dignities and goods as they enjoyed them before their expedition; and further to procure by his ambassador in Switzerland that the Edicts against them be made void and of none effect. That they be assured of their payment and passage, as the reiters and lansknechts, for the ease of the people as they pass, and to let foraging.
12. That the Elector Palatine may declare his intention by his ambassadors.
13. Seeing never an article for the Duke of Alençon, sees it both just and reasonable that the King give him the place of Lieutenant-general through all his realm, with an agreeable appanage, for he, the Duke Casimir, has resolved never to lay down arms till the establishment of religion, and the estate of the Duke of Alençon be accomplished. He beseeches the King to have regard to the King of Navarre for the losses he has suffered in his realm, &c.—Vansac, 1 March 1576.
Endd. by Dale. Fr. Pp. 4¼.
644. Another copy of the above.
Fr. Pp. 3¼.
645. Translation of the above in English.
Endd. Pp. 3½.
March 2. 646. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Has gotten out Captain Thomas with much importunity, who thinks he has been hardly dealt with at being kept in prison so long. By the letter of his delivery he is banished the country under pain of death, which seems great rigour, since he has done none offence but to discover the practice of La Roche against the Queen, and the entertainment and doings of James Fitz Morris in this country. He has done the Queen good service, for since it is known their doings are discovered they may be less willing to permit these practices to be put in execution.—Paris, 2 March 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
March 3. 647. M. de Harlay to Walsingham.
Commends to him M. de Slavata, a Baron of Bohemia, who, having travelled over the greater part of Europe, is desirous of visiting England and Scotland.—Paris, 3 March 1576. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
March 3. 648. Customs of Berwick.
1. It is not amiss to let the free burgesses export the raw hides, as there is no tanner between Berwick and Morpeth, neither is bark to be got, on account of the great want of timber.
2. The rate of the customs is to be considered, because they buy four [daker] for the value they pay for one of southern breed.
3. The like is to be considered for wool-fells, because they are both small and very coarse.
4. For the merchant strangers, that there should not be custom paid by them for all commodities brought in and transferred.
5. Also consideration should be had for the import of wines, as they are a kind of provision and necessary for store.
6. That the burgesses of Berwick may be discharged from paying tonnage and poundage.
Exhibited by Robert Ardern, customer of Berwick, to Lord Burghley.—3 March 1576.
Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
649. Another copy.
Endd. P. 1.
March 4. 650. John Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1. On Thursday last, at 6 p.m., four ships of war of Flushing and Armuyden met with him within six miles of Dover, and shot four great shot at him, and one hit his boat within four inches of the water, so that he was forced to yield. They then entered his boat and spoiled them of all their goods and money, and took away their swords and daggers, and also robbed the poor ladies of all their chains and bracelets. Told them before they came on board who they were, which they might easily have discerned by their flag; and when they spoke to them of their good Queen they, like varlets, answered unreverently. The took old Watson of Dover, their master, away, and would have cast the good old man into the sea, but one honest man stood up and saved him. All this, they say, was because he would not strike his topsails to the Prince of Orange's ships. "If my ship had been equal to his I would have sent him to God or to the devil." They have by force brought him to Armuyden. Desires that his Lordship will be a means to her Majesty for the delivery of the "poor lady" and her company, whom these varlets mean to put to ransom, and make them all Spaniards. As the Queen had taken her and her company into her protection, he begs Burghley to see to this. They say he was hired by the ambassador of Portugal. Desires that he may have somewhat to show them from her Majesty that they may perceive that he was appointed by her to this service.—Middleburg, 4 March 1576.
2. There be 12 persons come here from Zerickzee who would have delivered the town to the Spaniards. The Prince has taken an island over against Dort from the Spaniards. Is commanded by Boissot, the Prince's admiral, to keep his lodgings. If her Majesty will write in the "poor lady's" behalf to the Prince he will endeavour his service in it. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
March 4. 651. —to Francisco Giraldi.
Letter almost illegible from Giraldi's secretary.—Plemua [Plymouth], 4 March 1576.
Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
March 4. 652. Henry Mason to Lord Burghley.
1. Has not received any answer to his former letters to his Lordship, and being forced within a few days to go to Utrecht he craves his speedy answer as to whether he shall remain about the Court or employ himself in such service of the King's as daily presents. Has yet refused to accept any commission or charge. The Grand Commendator has departed to Brussels, where he has adjourned the Estates of Brabant, but being sick of an imposthume in his side there is nothing as yet done. The Spaniards for 10 or 12 days past have begun to mutter and rebel for payment in Brussels, but it has not come to any effect, and two are executed. The cavalry continued in their rebellion and thought to surprise Courtrai in Flanders, but were repulsed, and divers slain, and each town keeps a vigilant watch, so they have elected out of each company twain to ask the Commendator for their pay. The Prince has taken the forts of Crempen, near Dortrecht, by hungering out the garrison. The States of the Low Countries are fully deliberate not to yield to give one penny more, or to consent to any imposts or tribute except on conditions of peace. The news out of Spain is that Don John of Austria shall take the government of the Low Countries, and the Grand Commendator shall return to Italy, and that the Cardinal Granville shall come also with a train of 6,000 Spaniards. Those of Genoa are not yet fully pacified. The Grand Master of Malta has intelligence that the Turk privily prepares a mighty armada, and has written to the Pope and King of Spain for help. The want of money causes the Grand Commendator to give safe conducts and licences to the merchants to traffic in Holland and Zealand with the rebels, on paying a certain tax, but as yet they will not yield thereto. On account of the scarceness of money it had been moved in Council to enhance its price, but after great disputations it is found requisite to try some other remedy, for that the mint masters have found out a way to coin a new kind of trash money, which will advantage the King above 1,000,000 of florins in the year. The King has levied already in Spain 1,500,000 ducats.—Antwerp, 4 March 1576. Signed.
2. P.S.—Knows not into whose hands his letters may fall, so minds to take from henceforth his mother's father's name of Thomas Germaine.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 4. 653. Edward Castelyn to Walsingham.
1. Has again travelled to Cologne, where, after conference with Dr. Furstemberg, he finds the matter concerning money to be had there for her Majesty, still after the manner as he wrote in September last, that is to say, money enough, and not above six per cent., but still they sing one song, that they will see good commission and letters of credit from her Majesty to that purpose; and yet they have denied, and still do deny, their Lord Emperor and many great princes. Sends a letter from Dr. Furstemberg, who has travailed faithfully and most diligently. They have found that her Majesty may have far greater sums than by Walsingham's letters are expressed, upon the city of London and the Merchant Adventurers' bonds. If the Queen will take order to put in surety on this side the seas, as either the city of Cologne or Hamburg, she may have 200,000 or 300,000li and much more for five per cent., where other princes cannot have it at any price. Was very honourably entertained and presented with wine by the lords of the town. Has presumed to present unto Dr. Furstemberg, in the Queen's name and her gift, a fair gilt cup of the value of 10li 6s, which with much work he got him to receive. To get the surety the Steelyard may be practised with, who may easily cause the cities of Cologne and Hamburg and others to give out their bonds, having the city of London and the Merchant Adventurers' counter bonds for their indemnity. Fox has sold one of his horses to Furstemberg for SO dollars, which is 16li sterling. Commends the bearer. Thomas Bursilde, who for his well-known honesty and secrecy he has made privy to all his travails, whom he begs may be considered for his charges. He dwells at Westminster, in the Little Sanctuary.—Antwerp, 4 March 1575. Signed.
2. P.S.—His charges to Cologne, remaining there 16 days and returning, are 20li 3s, and the cup 10li 6s, which is 30li 9s, which he desires may be delivered to the bearer, together with 17li 4s, which long since he delivered unto Fox; if it is not already paid.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
March 5. 654. M. de Languillier to Walsingham.
Announces his intention of marching in three or four days to join with the Duke of Alençon and the King of Navarre, who have written him several letters, the copies of two of which he encloses.—Rochelle, 5 March 1576. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
Feb. 24. 655. Duke of Alençon to M. Languillier.
1. Has understood of the good services he has done to the Kings his ancestors. He is assured that he can help him by his counsel and advice, and prays him join him with as great a following as he may.—Montmorillon, January 1576. Signed.
2. P.S.—Has written to them of Rochelle to supply him with money and other things that he may need.
The King of Navarre to M. Languillier.
Sending the Sieur de la Broissiniere to Rochelle to inform them of his intentions, he has thought fit to order him to call upon those who are of the same mind with himself. Begs him join him at once, with as great number as he can, as he desires to be well accompanied on his journey to Monsieur.—Beaufort, 24 Feb.
Copies. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 7. 656. Daniel Rogers to Francis Walsingham.
Being bound towards Flushing was driven by tempest to Ostend, whence he came to Antwerp, where he found the ways so looked to that he will be compelled to return to Ostend in order to go to Flushing. Has talked with divers of his old friends touching the state of the country, which is much more miserable than it was at his last being here with Mr. Wilson. The King's debts increase daily, and the soldiers are not paid, and the Spaniards come into greater contempt daily, wherefore they scant go about to do anything. Three weeks ago the Commendator had an enterprise in hand against Brielle, which because it took no effect his sickness increased. He had been sick three weeks of divers imposthumes, which at last broke out under his arm and in his back in such sort that he is departed out of this world on the 5th inst., about 4 a.m. Many are afraid lest some sedition be made among the soldiers for their pay. Divers Italians who were serving here as horsemen are fled into France to the number of 800, wherefore, to keep the rest in obedience, the Commendator was compeiled to sell divers of the King's houses at Ghent and other places. Many posts have been despatched into Spain for the King to send a Governor. The Commendator not long before his death sent to Ernest Count Mansfeld that he should come and govern by way of provision until the King sent another, and the Estates have sent desiring him to hasten to Brussels. Not long past the King had resolved to send Don John of Austria. The proudest of the Spaniards here desire peace on any conditions, if the Prince would make no mention of religion, and would acknowledge the King's obedience. They would rather lose the country than grant any exercise of the reformed religion. Some Spaniards, and they great men here, affirm that the King loses by the Low Countries even in time of peace, because he is thereby hindered from establishing his authority and government in India, and his treasure is consumed. They have stopped the channel at Zerickzee, so that no victuals can come in, and brought their ships to the head of Zerickzee by a canal which they have cut. Mons. Hierges is looked for daily. Julian Romero is governor of the soldiers about Brussels. The Duke of Saxony sent last month for his niece, who was the Prince of Orange's wife, to understand the cause of her divorce. She gave fair words, but came not. In Saxony advoutery is grievously punished, and therefore it may be that her conscience condemning her was the occasion she would not come. The Duke sent 100 reiters into Hesse to a castle belonging to John Count of Nassau, where she was in custody, and conveyed her into Saxony. He is greatly offended with the Prince. Two of the Nortons are at Bruges; Lord Morley and his wife are at Maestricht; some of the rebels are at Cambray, but the most part are at Liege, where is Jenye, who has caused to be printed a poesy of his in English. The Countess of Northumberland is at an abbey two miles from Liege. Understands that they still have pensions out of Flanders. The Duke of Savoy is dead, and has appointed the Count of Ayamonte [Egmont] tutor to his son. Those in Poland, who have chosen the Vaivode for their King have appointed the 4th instant for his coronation. The Duke of Saxony and the Marquis of Brandenburg are appointed to conduct the Emperor with 6,000 lansquenets and 9,000 reiters into Poland, which two have straitly commanded their subjects not to serve any foreign prince this year, by which means the levies of the King of France will be hindered.—Written in "posthaste" at Antwerp, 7 March 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
March 7. 657. William Herle to Lord Burghley.
There was one with him to-day from Paul Buiz desirous that his Lordship should understand the truth of the taking of Giraldi's wife; whereby he will perceive that there was a great fault with the ship of Dover that first passed by them with certain stuff and passengers, by whom the said Flushingers were well nigh provoked to do as they did, for they sending their boat to see if they carried any Spanish wares or had any enemies of their passengers with them, being come on board suddenly there came up from under the hatches at the master's call 30 or 40 strangers, passengers who cast the Flushingers into the sea. This being seen by the rest so kindled them that they boarded the other ships but used no violence to any out of respect to her Majesty. Anything that her Majesty shall command for the order of their restoring those who are taken shall be obeyed, hoping that it shall be no worse interpreted than their meaning is to be dutiful to her, being very sorry that this accident happened. They mean to entertain good amity with the King of Portugal and all his subjects, and not give occasion of offence to the least of them. In this matter they beg that his Lordship will be a maintenance and qualifier of this hard occasion. Desires some answer in writing, as his sickness will not suffer him to wait on him.—Redcross Street, 7 March 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal Pp. 1½.
March 8. 658. William Herle to Lord Burghley.
Reminds him of his letter of yesterday in behalf of the poor men of Holland, for whom he earnestly craves his Lordship's favour.—Redcross Street, 8 March 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
March 8. 659. Marble for the Queen.
Deposition made before the Captain of the Port of Leghorn concerning the refusal of certain masters and captains of English vessels to convey certain marble belonging to the Queen of England to London.—8 March 1576. Signed and sealed.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 4¼.
660. Copy of portion of the above.
Ital. Pp. 2.
March 8. 661. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. Sends a letter of the good masters of Paris to them of Bourges to encourage them to withstand Monsieur. The King of Navarre plays his part apart. He would not come to Gallion to the King, but lies about Saumur to gather forces to march towards his country in Guienne and Bearn. Men cannot assure themselves of any reconciliation between Monsieur and him. If the Queen's pleasure be to send hither, it is time, for all the deputies are coming saving Beauvais la Nocle, who is looked for hourly. He remembers how Mr. Horsey was answered when he came hither for them of Rochelle, that the peace was made and articles delivered, yet was it not done in ten days after his departure, and many things otherwise concluded than was contained in the articles delivered to him.—Paris, 8 March 1575. Signed.
2. P.S.—If any thing may come in the way that might seem not unmeet for a poor civilian, it may please him to have him in remembrance.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 1.
March 8. 662. Dr. Dale to Smith and Walsingham.
It is said the King of Navarre prepares to march towards Poitou. Monsieur is near Moulins either to receive that town or to meet the Prince of Condé and the reiters. It is reported that Vanteny is already in Moulins for Monsieur. The Duke of Maine has withdrawn the King's army from there towards Burgundy. His soldiers daily shrink away from him, and they that remain behave themselves so outrageously, that they are much more grievous to the King's subjects than to the reiters. The Duke has written very earnestly to the King to have leave, declaring that he can do nothing but discredit himself and his friends in losing the goodwill of all men where he goes. For the space of 10 days he was constrained to keep himself in the Castle of Moulins, for doubt of them of the town and his own soldiers. They of the Bourbonnais and Auvergne have assembled themselves to withstand the King's army, and do name themselves "trop endure." The matter begins to be hot between M. la Chastre and these of Bourges, many of the town have been slain and divers sallies made. The deputies are arrived with great hope of peace, it is thought the King will make as much haste as may be to conclude it. La Nocle's charge is principally to deal for the Prince of Condé. It is thought there will be most to do to content Navarre, for the rest are in great readiness. Navarre demands many new things both for himself and them of the religion. There has been done nothing this Shrovetide but making an unruly riding about the town to cast eggs and such other disorders, the King himself as busy therein as the best. The young Count Egmont is come to Court, and is made much of under colour of his nearness to the Queen; but recently it is said he sues to have the reiters that are in this realm for the King and the Prince of Condé to be sent to the Low Countries, if the peace be made. The ships that pretend to go to the Portuguese Indies are in much readiness in Normandy. The King sends one presently to Florence and another to Venice to borrow money, and makes all the shifts possible all other ways.—Paris, 8 March 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Walsingham. Pp. 2.