Elizabeth: November 1575, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: November 1575, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp172-181 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1575, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp172-181.

"Elizabeth: November 1575, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp172-181.

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November 1575, 1-15

Nov. 1. 433. The Elector Palatine to the Queen.
Refers her to Mr. Wilkes for an account of the state of affairs here, and also of the manner in which he has fulfilled his promises. Although, owing to the treachery of certain people, matters have not been quite as successful as they wished, still the principal object of the first expedition has been attained, which he trusts she will not allow to be lost for lack of the money which he asked from her by his last messenger.—Heidelberg, 1 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓.
Nov. 2. 434. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
News are come since his last letter that the Queen Mother being in utter despair to do any good by treaty with Monsieur has sent Montmorency to entreat him. There was much consultation whether he should be sent or not, for it was feared he should tarry with Monsieur, still doubting he might be committed to prison again if the peace went not forward, or if anything should come to his brother Danville otherwise than good. The King would have the Queen Mother to return, but she lingers still to try the uttermost what she may do. In the meantime they of the religion had taken two towns in Auvergne, one named Yssoire, the other Flistelin. Count Vantadour sent some of his men to Limoges, the head town of his government of Limosin, in whom they of the town would not suffer to enter but slew 40 or 50 of them. Vantadour has gathered forces and taken the city of Limoges and besieged the town, for Limoges is divided into two parts, the town and the city. It is said the Viscount of Touraine and they of Rochelle have joined their forces to the siege of that town. The Duke of Nemours greatly intreats to have the government of Paris if the King go in person to the wars, or else otherwise to be employed in council in these troubles sometimes. La Roche Guyon, a man of great living, is gone to Monsieur with 300 or 400 horses, and La Noüe is come to him likewise with his horses, so that it is thought he has 4,000 horses. This night De Gas, that had so great credit with the King, is slain in his house, they that did the deed had their horses ready and fled incontinentily over the Seine being very low, and went towards Beauce. It is not known who they were, but the Baron of Viteaulx is suspected. This matter is taken very heavily and grievously by the King, for he thinks that they which durst to be so bold as to make an attempt on De Gas may adventure some greater matter. De Gas is little mourned of others, for he has slain divers and always had his pardon. A secretary is come to the King from the Prince of Orange, who keeps himself secretly. It is given forth he comes to tell the King Danville would have the Prince of Orange join with him, but in truth it is thought he comes to demand some aid of the King if the time would any way serve. John Furrier went away the 30th October early in the morning towards Spain with a large passport.—Paris, 2 November 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1½.
[Nov. 2.] 435. Occurrents in France.
A paper in the handwriting of Dr. Dale's secretary, containing the same news as that in Dr. Dale's letter to Lord Burghley of the 2 November 1575.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 3. 436. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
In July last two English ships laden with wine were taken by them of St. Malo under pretence that they trafficked with the King's enemies, and that they had lost a certain rich ship which they said was taken by a ship of Mr. Hawking's, and was carried to Ireland, where they could have no justice. By these former dealings it appears what is the determination of them of St. Malo touching the two ships laden with salt, for remedy whereof he and M. de la Mothe had conference. War cup and Nutshawe are detained from hour to hour for their despatch. La Mothe travailed for them during the time he was here, but now he is gone to the Queen Mother, and uncertain it is when he is to return. Touching the point that may be in question for aiding the King's rebels, besides the fact that the parties have proved they did not relieve the enemy with any munition, it has been an old question what the law is in that case. It cannot stand salvo jure fœderis that the King can forbid the Queen's subjects to traffic in any part of his realm; and certain it is it cannot be good prize to the taker, though other penalties might be imposed by the Prince. Furthermore, the Rochellers were declared by the last pacification made at the levying of the siege by the King that dead is, and by the capitulations passed by the King that now is to be good subjects of the King, neither is there any declaration against them since that time, and though there were, yet were not strangers bound to take knowledge of it, nor were they bound to it, being no subjects of the French King. And salt being the thing the Queen's subjects do most need, and to be had nowhere in this realm but at Rochelle, what inequality of league were it to forbid the Queen's subjects to go where it is to be had, not to aid the enemy but to relieve themselves? Is tired in these suits, yet can he neither get an end nor have cause to complain, they feed the poor suitors with such cunning delays.—Paris, 3 November 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 4. 437. Count of Meru to Lord Burghley.
Thanks him for his goodness to them, and proffers his service. Hears that the Turks have advanced to within 10 or 12 leagues of Vienna, spoiling the country but not without loss of some men. Marshal Danville writes to him that he has taken a town in Languedoc, called Emargues, by assault, and is besieging Sommières, for succour whereof the Sieur de Saint Gilles was sent with a cornet of cavalry and three companies of infantry, but was defeated by the Sieur de la Croizete, his lieutenant. Hopes by next St. Martin to enter France with 8,000 horse, Swiss and Gueldres soldiers, and 18 pieces of ordnance.—Strasbourg, 4 November 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 4. 438. Captain Cockburn to Lord Burghley.
Is pleased that all those who looked for war between England and Scotland are disappointed. These persons like little of Mr. Killegrew, "He was called in Berwick, with such "as desired, stimp stamp my lord basketmaker," nevertheless he has at sundry times done good offices in Scotland, and is marvellously well loved with all who fear God and love peace. The Regent likes well of him, and not without cause, as he has pacified many matters hereafore. If one who knows all their papist "irne schoue" wearers, and that believes in witches and warlocks could be sent here it would serve for "mekill" and more than he looks for. The good Lord of Hunsdon hangs all the Scotch thieves. He takes as great pleasure in hanging thieves as other men in hawking and hunting. There has been a slaughter of 15 of the Earl of Menteith's men by the hand of Lekkie, but it will make no "stimp stamp." Signed: "Your Lordship's right humble and obedient with service to command for ever and longer."—Edinburgh, 4 Nov. 1575.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓.
Nov. 4. 439. The Regent of Scotland to Killegrew.
1. Has "deliberat" to ride to the Borders with some power to suppress the insolence of the thieves, of whom a good number have not ceased to make nightly incursions both in England and Scotland continually since the Redswyre. Means to leave some horsemen and footmen behind him there. Has appointed Lord Ruthven and others to meet Lord Hunsdon. Desires that he may have some answer to the notes which he delivered to him. Asks his advice about sending Mr. Elphinstone into England. Has received a tale from Lord Hunsdon of his hawks which were taken from Killegrew's servant in Northumberland which be come into Scotland, if the fault be with Scotchmen they shall not escape punishment. Thanks him for Carmichael's speedy release, and will not himself be unmindful of her Majesty's favourable dealing in this matter. Has written to Secretary Walsingham something of the Scotch merchants lately beside Belford, the circumstances look strange, as " our thieves" are not accustomed to wear corslets of harness nor feathers in their hats. It has been said that the merchant's horses and purses went after Killegrew's hawks.
2. Has also written to the Lord Treasurer against the counterfeiters of Scottish money upon the Borders, and desires that all coining tools may be taken from "Heisle side."—Holyrood House, 4 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
Nov. 4. 440. The Prince of Orange to the Queen of England.
Has received her letter of 7 June, complaining of certain spoils and outrages committed upon her subjects, and has done all in his power to take order in this matter, as the "Sieur de Rogers" can testify, who can also inform her that the facts were not so enormous as they have been represented. Touching that which has been reported to him that she wishes that the merchants of the Staple should have complete freedom of traffic, without paying for licences or any other charges, he assures her that he desires to do everything in his power to please her and maintain the privileges of her subjects, but this permission of traffic is so manifestly to the ruin of the countries of Holland and Zealand, and the cause which they have undertaken to maintain, that it cannot redound otherwise then to the damage of her Majesty and her Crown. Therefore he humbly begs the Queen in the name of his country that she will pardon them if on this point they are not able to obey her.—Rotterdam, 4 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
441. Copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2¼.
Nov. 4. 442. The Prince of Orange to Walsingham.
Informs him of the contents of his letter of this date to the Queen of England, and begs him to endeavour to procure her Majesty to take his refusal in good part.—Rotterdam, 4 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Nov. 4. 443. The Prince of Orange to the Lords of the Privy Council.
To the same effect as his letter to Walsingham of this date —Rotterdam, 4 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 6. 444. Edward Castelyn to Walsingham.
1. Has received his most comfortable letter signifying that although at first this bargain for money procured by him at Cologne was not thought convenient, now it is so well liked as rather it is desired to procure two than one, and therefore it is determined to send over a commission with authority to conclude for as much as will be lent, and that he is to write to those of Cologne to stay the disposing of their monies otherwise, which he has done.
2. Is sorry that the long stay in sending proceeded through Roland Fox's lets, for he fears this long stay will breed suspicion in their heads, being a people most fantastical. Where he wills him to keep to himself the names of the Commissioners and also of the city of London; if the matter had been kept as secret by others as by himself it had been better, for he hears of the offer made to London, which is well liked of some but not by others.—Antwerp, 6 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Nov. 6. 445. James Harvie, Junior, to Lord Burghley.
Has received advice from George Schezer, the Palatine's factor, that he has taken up the rest of the 50,000 crowns, whose bills shall be paid. Has written for a quittance under the Palatine's hand. On Monday Bommel was stormed by the Commendator's men, and of the garrison of 500 men two-thirds slain, and the rest saved by their ships. Many were slain and hurt in this enterprise, and now they mind to have Zerickzee. " The Marquis Vitelli being also in field there by misfortune his horses cast him out of his waggon, and so he hurt himself and fell sick of an ague and came by ship towards this town to have recovered his sickness, but ere he came hither he died upon the water in the ship and shall be buried here. The Commendator has lost a good head of him, for that all the King of Spain's ways were ruled most by his appointment and policy."—Antwerp, 6 Nov. 1575 Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Nov. 8. 446. Accord between Monsieur and the Queen Mother.
It is accorded between Monsieur and the Queen Mother under the sanction of the King:—
1. That the truce continue from the day that the Sieur de Biron returns to the Feast of St. John.
2. Passports shall be granted for those who are to treat for the peace.
3. The King shall furnish for the reiters 500,000 livres to be provided at Strasburg or Frankfort. The reiters shall retire at once and not cross the Rhine, and then the money be given to such persons as shall be selected for distribution, but not otherwise. If they shall have already crossed the Rhine, the King will deal according as has been agreed between Queen and La Guyerche.
4. Monsieur shall have Angouleme, Niort, Saumur, Bourges, and La Charité, and the Prince of Condé Mezieres.
5. Monsieur shall be provided with 2,000 footmen, 100 gentlemen, his company of gendarmes, 100 harquebussiers for his guard, and his Swiss guard.
6. A week after the truce the governors nominated by Monsieur shall enter the town and all the inhabitants be disarmed. Their arms to be put in a place agreed upon.
7. Within three weeks after the commencement of the truce the King shall dismiss all his mercenaries except the Swiss of his guard, otherwise troops can be raised on either side during the truce.
8. Exercise of religion shall be granted to all Protestants throughout the kingdom.
9. The Duke of Montpensier, the Prince Dauphin his son, the Duke of Montpensier, and the Marshal de Cosse shall put in execution the above articles.
Magny, 8th November 1575.
The same day it is accorded that till the return of M. Biron on Tuesday next the army of Monsieur shall do no act of hostility, but remain at Loudon, Montreuil-Bellay, Thouars, or other neighbouring places, and that the army of the King do not approach nearer to Monsieur than Estampes.
Endd. by Burghley. Fr. Pp. 5⅓.
447. Copy of the above, with the exception of the last agreement.
Endd. by Burghley. Fr. Pp. 1⅓.
448. Another copy the same as the last.
Endd. by Burghley. Fr. Pp. 12/3.
Nov. 10. 449. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. All things are so out of joint that no man can tell how to set them in frame; while they remedy one piece another falls out of square. Things cannot be appeased without great extremity; they find what a difficulty it is to content so many parties, for it is not Monsieur alone that is to be dealt withal. The Chancellor and the Italians had rather all went to rack than to diminish their credit. The Guises cannot be great unless others be overthrown. The Pope and the King of Spain lay in for their interest, and thus nothing can be brought to any pass. God knows what necessity may drive them to.—Paris, 10 November 1575. Signed.
2. P.S. 1.—With much trolling and travail Nutshawe is appointed his payment. Warcup is put over, as it were, for the want of sufficient proof, and yet near 20,000 francs appointed for contentment of them both, and one sent for to Angers, who has attended here for no other purpose these six weeks but to pay it.
3. P.S. 2.—This morning M. Biron is arrived from the Queen Mother, saying that Monsieur is contented to accept Bourges, La Charité, Niort, Angoulême, and Saumer, with the rest of the former conditions for the Prince of Condé, and that the King must of necessity grant to it.—10 November 1575.
Add., with seal. Endd. Pp. 1½.
[Nov. 10.] 450. Dr. Dale to [Sir Thomas Smith and Francis Walsingham].
The Queen Mother made great means to conclude a truce for six months, and sent Montmorency to deal with Monsieur therein, who travailed very earnestly and used many sharp words to his brother, M. Thore, and many persuasions to others, contrary to the expectation of them that had him in mistrust, and much to the misliking of his friends, who thought he should rather have thought upon his own case and the danger of himself and of his house. M. de la Mothe was also sent. The Queen Mother agreed that Monsieur should have La Charité, Bourges in Berry, Angoulême, Angers, and Pont de Cé upon the Loire also 2,000 footmen and 500 horsemen at the King's cost; that the States should be assembled for the redress of the commonwealth, and some order taken for the appanage of Monsieur; that the Prince of Condé should have Mezieres, and that the King should pay 200,000 francs for the payment of the reiters levied by the Prince of Condé. It was concluded in Council that the King must of necessity accord to anything that might be demanded for lack of means to make war. Thereupon M. Biron and Secretary Saune were sent to the Queen Mother to pass the articles in form. The King's pleasure was that the Queen Mother should stick hard upon Angers, and not grant it if it were possible. It was thought strange that the King should dispossess himself of so many towns of importance, and it was thought that Monsieur would discourage such as followed him with this conclusion, and be always in doubt of practices, and it was to be doubted that when his forces were withdrawn they would not be easily assembled again. All this while the King's camp assembled daily, and ordnance sent in great store out of Paris towards Orleans, and an Edict made for the assembling of the menat-arms throughout France. Before M. Biron came to the Queen Mother the town of Chatelherault, a proper strong town six leagues from Poitiers, yielded voluntarily to Monsieur, and he entered the town peacefully. Thereupon the King sent in all haste to levy reiters in Germany, and sent thither 30,000 crowns, besides that he had sent before by Schomburg and Bassompierre, which was as much more. It was proposed in Council whether it were not best to bestow that money upon the Prince of Condé to stop the reiters that come with him, but they that do not love quietness advised the King and other to employ it upon men to save himself. Is advertised the Pope's Nuncio has proffered to lend the King 100,000 crowns presently, and 200,000 in time to let the peace. The Venetians have made the King a gift of his jewels that were in gage with them, and as some say have promised to lend him 100,000 crowns more upon the marquisate of Saluces. There is a fresh device in Council that the King should require Danville to remain hostage in Lyons and another of the principals to be hostage in Paris during the truce for the assurance of rendering the towns again if the peace take not place, and that in so doing the King would grant to all things. For this point one of the Biragues is sent to the Queen Mother, whereby it is thought this device comes from the Chancellor. They of the religion have taken a strong castle called Lourdon, near to Cluny, not far from Macon, and have taken withal the base son of the Cardinal of Lorraine, who is abbot of Cluny, and great riches of jewels of the abbey and of other gentlemen which were besieged in the castle. The Duke of Guise arrived here on the 6th, and was received with 500 horses; the one side of his face was wholly covered with velvet; his speech is not perfect, and his wound grievous. Immediately after his arrival the King came to visit him and welcomed him with as great affection as might be. He visits him every day, and keeps council at his house. The Queen Mother would fain do something before she returns to the Court, otherwise she doubts how she may be welcomed; she has written very angrily that she is not regarded in her absence, and that all she does is undone amongst them. The King of Navarre uses great familiarity with the Guises, but they make little account of him but for countenance sake. The Queen of Navarre is very sick. Danville has taken Sommieres and a town or two thereabouts. Monsieur is assured of the Prince Dauphin, which is of much importance.
Copy. Enclosure. Pp. 3.
Nov. 13. 451. Sir Henry Cobham to the Queen.
1. Secretary Cayas was sent to him this morning from the King to declare the King's thanks for her favour shown to Pedro Valdez, who was lately driven with his fleet into the port of Dartmouth. The King further requires her to command that this bearer, Captain Sancho d'Archinyega, passing for Flanders with men and munition in two great ships, and four zebras, may be well entreated in all her ports and haven.
2. Had audience with the King 26th Oct. in his house of Perdo [Prado], two leagues hence. They say he was admitted no sooner to his presence for that the King was pained with the gout. His Majesty received him graciously, inquiring after the Queen's health, and referred him to deal in all his causes with the Duke of Alva, because he resorts not to this town, avoiding the great infection, whereof have died 5,000 persons in three months. Has had sundry conferences with the Duke, who seems zealous in her causes and to understand that the amity and intercourse is convenient for both realms. It seems by the Duke and Secretary Cayas that the King admits the Pope to be superior in causes ecclesiastical within his dominions in such sort as the royal power is bound to assist this domination, which may appear to be dangerous to her subjects trading hither.—Madrid, 13 Nov. 1575.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 14. 452. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
As through the troubles in France the posts often miscarry, he writes but briefly of her Majesty's affairs. Was not admitted to the King's presence until 26th Oct., when he was favourably received and appointed to negotiate his causes with the Duke of Alva. Has been desired to write to the Queen in favour of Captain Sancho d'Archinyega if he fortune to be driven into any of the havens of England; also to certify the King's thanks for the Queen's favour shown to Captain Pedro Valdez, driven by force of foul weather into Dartmouth. Used the best diligence he might in coming here considering the vehement sickness he had both of a pestilent fever and a flux with which he was visited in London. After this he stayed in Paris for the King's passport, without which he could not pass or enter any guarded town, and when he was come to Poitiers ever after he travelled, so continuing until he came to Bourdeaux. In the way, about Blaye, on the Gironde, in a wood, he was set on by 50 men-at-arms under M. de Longshaye, Governor of Talmont, being Protestants, with whom they came to the proffer of the pistol, and notwithstanding their first brunt escaped with small inconvenience or loss. From thence he journeyed forward with much care until he entered Spain, where before he arrived at the Court his dear cousin and only companion died of a double tertian ague. After his coming to Madrid he stayed long for an audience, and in the meantime in one night there died four of his servants, to his further discomfort. Trusts he will let the Queen understand what he has suffered in her service. As he was ending this, John Wells came with the Queen's and his Lordship's letters, and has accordingly sent to desire audience of the King. There is great hope conceived that the Emperor's son shall be King of the Romans. Religion weighs down the balance here. They think themselves to be entirely advertised of the affairs of France, and most assured of the French King. "This King is most wise; a diligent dealer in his own affairs with great secrecy and care, above any other prince; the opinion is that he writes and despatches by billets more (they will say) than all his secretaries, with whom other than Cayas he seldom confers." It seems no persuasion can move them to alter their course. The bearer is the King's servant, and carries this of courtesy.—Madrid, 14 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 32/3.