Elizabeth: October 1575, 15-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: October 1575, 15-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp158-172 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1575, 15-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp158-172.

"Elizabeth: October 1575, 15-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp158-172.

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October 1575, 15-31

Oct. 17. 409. Affairs in the Low Countries.
A consideration of the difficulties that are likely to ensue upon the Queen's not aiding and maintaining the Prince and Estates in Holland. First, the inconveniences likely to occur to England in the case of their either submitting to the Spaniards or being conquered by them; secondly, in the event of their obtaining assistance from the French, how these latter would obtain the command of the narrow seas; thirdly, if they be aided by England it will have to be done either secretly, by sending money, or openly. It will be necessary to carefully find out and consider the respective resources of both parties; the realm must also be provided to maintain a war against the King of Spain, and perchance against France. It seems reasonable, whilst these things are in hand, that the Queen should call to her some chosen number of noblemen and persons of the best towns of the realm, to consult, not only whether this enterprise should be taken in hand, but how it may be maintained.
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd. Pp. 3½.
Oct. 19. 410. Daniel Rogers to Walsingham.
Trusts that he has received his letters wherein he makes mention of a colloquy he had with M. Boissot. At his last being with the Prince he made mention of the said counsel, and told him that he had written to Walsingham. He thanked him, and said that he and the Estates had altogether concluded that they would never unite themselves again unto the kingdom of Spain, as if he revoked back his Spaniards and left them their privileges, they would always be in a fear of a massacre of Paris. He said her Majesty had such occasion and offers opened to her that if she would embrace them her posterity should be bound to thank God for her. If she would not harken to them they would be compelled to seek other aid, or be at last overcome. As he could but die once, he would constantly counsel the Estates never to unite themselves to the Spaniards again. MM. de Lumbres and St. Aldegonde are the chief persuaders he has for to demand aid of France. The Estates daily come to him to know what aid they may have out of England, and what hope there were of some grant of money upon certain havens and islands which they would mortgage. The Prince has sent M. Haultayn, the captain of his guard, to command as Governor in Walcheren. Perceives there is a kindling again for French aid.
Endd.: "19 Oct. 1575." P. 1.
Oct. 20. 411. Thomas Wilkes to Lord Burghley.
M. de Thore, departing from Saverne, took the way directly to Sedan, and from thence passed near Dormans to pass the river of Marne, and had gained before the Duke of Guise at least three days' journey, but their evil chance was that at their departure hence they made so imperfect a contract with their reiters, that giving them 10 florins of "Aureicht gelt," for every man concluded with the ritmasters, to have them march into Languedoc before they should receive any pay, omitting their musters and oath of fidelity; whereof ensued two inconveniences, the one for that for 2,000 reiters to whom was paid the money at the rate aforesaid, there came but 800, and of them not 200 good horse; the other was that, being not paid, they mutinied four days' journey before they came to the Marne, and would go no further without pay, whereupon M. de Thore was forced to abandon them to win the passage before the enemy, accompanied with 300 or 400 horse. M. de Clairvaux remained with the reiters, and by persuasions brought them forward to the passage, where they were charged by 2,000 lances and defeated, M. de Clairvaux taken prisoner, and Affestein, his lieutenant, slain. They were not so easily overthrown, but that the Duke of Guise himself was wounded in three places and many of his troop slain.—Strasbourg, 20 Oct. 1575. signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Oct. 21. 412. Instructions for Mr. Corbet.
Draft of the latter part of certain instructions for Mr. Corbet sent to the Commendator Requescens, in Lord Burghley's handwriting. See Oct. 29. No. 425.
Endd. P. 1½.
Oct. 22. 413. The King of France to the Queen.
M. de la Mothe Fenelon, his late ambassador at her Court, has given him to understand of her continued goodwill and affection towards him, and he has no greater desire than to show the like good offices. Is pleased at her recommendation of M. de la Mothe, and her satisfaction at his conduct during his embassy. Is satisfied at the reasons she has given for not allowing him to visit the Queen of Scots, more especially as she has allowed his two nephews to visit her. Thanks her for the honour she has done his ambassador by her handsome present to him, and he will try on every occasion to repay her good offices.—Paris, 22 Oct. 1575 Signed: Henry; Countersigned: Brulart.
Add. Endd. Royal letter.
Oct. 23. 414. M. de Mauvissiere to Lord Burghley.
Has received a letter from the King his master of the 13th instant, which has been four or five days in passage from Calais. Had wished on the occasion to have audience with the Queen, but he has run a penknife into one of his nerves, which has swollen and caused him great inconvenience. Has sent one of his secretaries to Smith or Walsingham with a copy of the letter for him to communicate it to the Queen. Has commanded him also to call upon him to give him knowledge thereof. He will see the good intention the King has towards his subjects, and how he derives pain rather than pleasure at his victories over them. The King is careful to preserve the friendship of the Queen, and he trusts that he himself will be able to help to a thing which is necessary to the welfare of both kingdoms, and hopes that he [Burghley] will employ himself to the same end.—London, 23 October 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Fr. P. 1.
Oct. 23. 415. Queen Mother's Negotiations with Monsieur.
The Marshal de Cosse is commanded to give Monsieur to understand on the part of the Queen Mother—1. That for the benefit of the people and the good of the realm the mercenary troops be sent back to their own country, and a truce made to last till Easter or the feast of John. 2. For the security of Monsieur and those in arms with him he shall have Blois or some other town. 3. That the terms he and his party will the King to accord be delivered to the Queen Mother to be considered by the King and his councillors during the truce. 4. He may if it please him consult with the Prince of Condé as to the terms to be proposed.
Answer made by Monsieur to the above and the Queen Mother's Replies thereto.
1. He thanks her for her goodwill she bears to the welfare of the kingdom, and begs her to continue therein.
2. He is agreeable to the truce proposed, and will further it by all means in his power.
3. He cannot agree to a long truce or a peace without consultation with the Prince of Condé, Marshal Danville, and those provinces that are in arms.
Answer. He is thoroughly capable of concluding the negotiations, seeing he is well informed of the desires of those that are in arms.
4. The Prince of Condé, the Sieurs de Meru, and de Thore have raised a great army of Swiss, Lansquenets, Walloons, and reiters who must be paid. Monsieur would be in great danger should this army be disbanded and the peace not follow the truce.
5. That she should herself send to the Prince of Condé to delay the mercenaries, and also to Marshal Danville, the Viscount of Turenne, La Noüe, and the provinces and towns in arms.
6. That 200,000 crowns be sent to the Prince of Condé with which to stay the mercenaries.
Answer. She will use her influence with the King to provide 100,000 or 150,000 livres for this purpose.
7. That for the security of his person he have Orleans, Bourges, La Charité, Angouleme, and garrisons according to the strength of each town.
Answer. She cannot pledge herself to this article, but will endeavour to obtain for him one town, which he must return to the King in the same state that he received it, if the peace do not take effect. He may have a garrison of 1,000 footmen and his company of gendarmes. Nothing is to be taken from the people therein without payment.
8. Similarly that the Prince of Condé have Mezieres, Langres, or Chalons-sur-Saone, without which security the Prince cannot enter France.
Answer. The Prince of Condé shall be provided with good and sufficient passports for his security, and the Queen will supplicate the King on the part of the others who have retired from the kingdom because of the troubles.
9. That he be provided with money sufficient to pay 3,000 footmen, and gendarmes, and light cavalry.
Answer. This has been satisfied by the answer to the 7th article.
10. That the King disband his mercenaries, nor raise others during the truce.
Answer. The King will dismiss them at a time that shall be agreed on, with the exception of 1,200 Swiss, who form his ordinary guard, and the Corsicans, who are in ordinary garrison.
11. That freedom of exercise of all religions be accorded during the truce.
Answer. This she accords.
Terms offered by the Queen Mother of the 28 October.
1. For his security she has offered him Angouleme and La Charité, to which the King has agreed, and if he be not content she will ask for Bourges.
2. She will write to the King for the town that the Prince of Condé demands.
3. She will endeavour to obtain 300,000 livres from the King. She will herself take assurance for the return of the towns by Monsieur, peace or not peace.
4. She will further take assurance that the money be delivered only into trusty hands.
5. The mercenaries on both sides shall be dismissed, and all other troops disbanded, except those that are to be retained for the security of the persons of the King and Monsieur.
6. She will pray the King that Monsieur may have 1,000 men more.
7. Commerce and traffic shall be free and uninterrupted during the truce.
St. Germains, 28 October, and delivered to Monsieur the same day.
Answers of Monsieur to the above Terms and the Queen's Replies thereto.
1. He desires that the truce shall take effect from now to the feast of St. John.
Answer. This she accords.
2. He cannot negotiate for peace or long truce without Condé, and Danville, and others, and desires passports for them.
Answer. They shall be given.
3. To bring about the disbanding of the Walloons she must deliver without delay 200,000 crowns to the Prince of Condé.
Answer. She can only promise 300,000 livres, for the rest she must write to the King.
4. During the truce he demands Angers, Pont-de-Ce, Bourges, Angouleme, and La Charite, and for the Prince of Condé, Mezieres, Langres, or La Fere, in Picardy.
Answer. She cannot answer to more than she has already done. Angouleme and La Charite she has accorded, and as for Bourges, Angers, and Pont-de-Ce, she will write to the King, as she will also do for the town he demands for the Prince of Condé.
5. That he have 2,000 footmen, 100 gentlemen, and his company of men-at-arms, and be given their pay during the truce.
Answer. The Queen hopes that the King will not refuse this article.
6. A week after the resolution of the articles, those nominated by him to be in command of the towns shall be despatched there with their forces, and the inhabitants, whether of one religion or the other, be disarmed. The provinces that are in arms shall remain so during the truce, it being understood that they commit no act of hostility, and the garrisons therein shall be reduced as low as possible.
Answer. The Queen Mother has no doubt the King will grant this article, and will write to him to that effect.
7. Within a fortnight after the conclusion of the article the King shall dismiss all his mercenaries, except the Swiss of his guard.
Answer. This is agreed, except that he retain the garrison of Corsicans.
8. That exercise of their religion be allowed to the Protestants in as ample terms as the King has already offered to the deputies, till it be more fully provided by the articles of peace.
Answer. This she accords, and in addition assures him that the nobles and clergy can return home and live in complete security.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 9½.
Oct. 23. 416. Advertisements.
Rough notes in Burghley's writing, chiefly relating to the arrival of Don John of Austria in the Low Countries, and the numbers and disposition of the Spanish forces in Flanders.
Endd., 23 Oct. 1575. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 23. 417. James Harvie, Junior, to Lord Burghley.
Attends the advice of the Count Palatine's factor. Zericksee holds out, though the Commendator offers them largely to surrender. Julian Romero, with 30 ancients of soldiers, thought to have taken an island by Dort, but the Prince himself encountered him, and has slain or taken 600 or 800 men and certain boats.—Antwerp, 23 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Oct. 24. 418. Prince of Condé to Lord Burghley.
Has received a singular pleasure in knowing that he is so much interested in their success. Prays him continue his good offices towards the Queen, so that at his instance she may continue to show her zeal for the advancement of the glory of God and the tranquillity and repose of France by her favour to them and to Monsieur, whom it has pleased God to deliver from the hands of his enemies. Forbears to send him news, as he has instructed the Sieur de Villiers by the bearer to declare all to him.—Strasbourg, 4 October 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Oct. 24. 419. Sir Thomas Smith to Daniel Rogers.
As he can get no resolute answer in the merchants' matters from the Prince, but rather a flat denial to do them right, he advises him to lose no more time about them, and so save his credit at least, and, peradventure, some money.—Windsor, 24 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd.: "Recd., 15 Nov., at Flushing." P. 1.
Oct. 27. 420. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Received not his letters of the 15th September before the 22nd October. For the principal matter does not deal in it as yet, because of the departure of Monsieur, whereby the case is altered, and by reason of the absence of the Queen Mother, without whom nothing can be done. M. de la Mothe has come to him very courteously, and professes himself to do all the good offices he may possibly do. As yet feels no fruit thereof, but takes it that he has done what conveniently he might. Desired him plainly to tell his mind whether it were possible to bring the matter to effect, things standing in such terms as they do at present. He answered that the King was never so desirous to bring the matter to effect, and he hoped all would be well directly between the King and his brother. Touching the personage of Alençon, it hangs wholly as it pleases God to incline the heart of the Queen of England. The imperfection of face is daily less as he grows in years. It may be these troubles will set forward the matter, the King having no way so good to appease them. At his last audience with the King, put him in remembrance that these things had not happened if Monsieur had been in England, "Pleust a Dieu," quoth the King, very passionately. Now de la Mothe is purposely sent to the Queen Mother to take occasion by his report to persuade Monsieur that the King is earnestly minded to travail for him with the Queen—Paris, 27 October. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 3.
Oct. 27. 421. Occurrents in France.
M. Thore has joined quietly with Monsieur, and has brought 1,200 horses, besides the two cornets that were cut off from him. Since his coming there have been many resolutions to and fro touching the coming of Monsieur to Blois, but he has always been dissuaded to come thither. The Queen Mother has gone to him with 50 horses amongst all his army, which is called now "L'Armee de Monsieur." Montmorency is sent to Blois, the better to induce Monsieur to come thither. All the Court is in great expectation what the end may be of the treaty between the Queen Mother and Monsieur. Monsieur sticks hard to have Orleans, it is said the Queen Mother is contented to grant it him. Some speeches have been cast out as though it were a good thing for the King for Monsieur to be shut up in Orleans. True it is the Queen Mother has granted him somewhat that the King and Council showed themselves much to mislike of. She has removed to Amboise to be near Monsieur. There have been divers practices to make contention in his army. There are two Courts at present, one with the King and the other with the Queen Mother, and therefore men are much cumbered that have to do in Court, for he has but half done, that has his dispatch in any of the both places. Order is taken by the King to furnish Monsieur's army with victuals, and purveyors sent who make provision for Monsieur in the King's name. It is said the Viscount of Touraine and M. la Noüe are in the way towards Monsieur, with good forces and four or five pieces of ordnance. The King says he will needs have peace, and it is said has remitted the capitulations to Montpensier, Montmorency, the Marshal de Cossé, and the Queen Mother. It is bruited likewise that Monsieur remits his cause to them likewise. Touching them of the religion, it is well to be thought they will have some to deal for them that are of the religion. Notwithstanding this treaty the King assembles an army at Monterau-fault-Yonne. M. de Guise was thought to be in very great danger, for that his headpiece being of proof the bullet could not pass, and so being beaten back did hurt the hinder part of his head more dangerously in the rebound, there was the hurt of his face, but now it is said he is past danger. One of the sides of his face is mangled and disfigured for ever, and his ear clean torn away. Men judge also that his hearing and memory must needs be impaired. The Duke of Maine, M. d'Aumale, the Marshal de Retz, and all the chiefest of the gentlemen that were with the Duke of Guise are returned, and are marvellously welcomed by the King. The Marshal of Retz has won the favour of the Guises in this voyage, and is used very familiarly by the King since his coming home. The King has sent as much money as may be presently made into Germany to levy reiters. He cannot get any Swiss, because he is so much in their debt for their service past. An ambassador is arrived from Venice to the King, and is exceedingly well entertained, his fellow that came with him died at Turin. There comes much incommodity to Monsieur by this treaty, for that divers that would repair to him dare not discover themselves, doubting lest Monsieur might make some agreement whereby they might remain in displeasure with the King. In the meantime the King prepares his army. Has received letters of the 20th September from Sir Henry Cobham, from Tolosa in Spain, wherein he writes that he passed France very well till he came to Talmont between Bordeaux and Ponts, where he was met by certain of the religion, and put in fear, and some of his men misused. In the end they parted friends, saving that a Frenchman of the religion was taken out of his company. It was bruited in the Court that he was devalised of them of the religion and his writings only delivered him again. They that have seen the Queen Mother of late say she is much worn. She has been and is continually vexed, and blamed on both sides. The King puts the fault of the departure of Monsieur in her. Monsieur trusts her as little, and she herself begins to doubt lest she may be attrapped herself by some of the company of Monsieur.
Pp. 2½.
Oct. 29. 422. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
As he writes, the case of the Duke is so near the case of the wars of the Bien publique, that he understands the Queen Mother has sent the book of Philip Comines to the King to read of purpose for this matter; yet it may it well be that she may misreckon herself one point or two. First there is the case of religion, which is so spread in this realm that it is impossible to be rooted out, but as occasion will serve will always burst out and will never be quenched, the furtherance of which stands all Princes and persons Protestant earnestly to tender as their own, as the Papists through Christendom do take the case to be theirs. They that are parties in this play have greater cause of diffidence than ever men hap, and if Monsieur would be abused, cannot that that other will; neither is there a Louis the Eleventh alive that was his craftsmaster, who spent not his time going from abbey to abbey and devising with dames, and riding about the town to buy primers. Finds the King very desirous of the Queen's amity. This day news are come that Monsieur has broken of his talk with the Queen Mother, and is gone to Chastillon-sur-Yndre to meet with M. la Noüe and other friends. The Queen Mother is gone after him as far as Loches, and is at her wits end, doubting lest she may happen to fall into some of their hands that follow Monsieur.—Paris, 29 Oct. 1575.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 1¼.
[Oct. 29.] 423. Dr. Dale to the Queen.
M. de la Mothe has made honourable report to the King both of her and of her Court. He has been with him and presented his service in anything he may do. He said he had satisfied the King fully in all suspicions, and that the King was fully persuaded by him of her most sincere meaning in her former treaties, and that he was never so desirous effectually to deal with her for Monsieur as he is now. M. de la Mothe is sent to the Queen Mother that Monsieur may be advertised of the negotiation, and persuaded of the intent of the King towards his furtherance. Now the King repents himself full sore that he has not travailed more effectually therein. At his former audience he burst out passionately with these words, "O pleust a Dieu qu'il fut allé en Angleterre." Desired the King to put away all suspicions that men would put in his head; the King said he was fully satisfied of her good meaning towards the quietness of the realm. He seemed to rejoice when he heard she would be glad to put her hand to some reconciliation between him and his brother, he said he would write to his mother to know her mind, and if she were of his opinion he would desire her (the Queen) to take some pains between them. The King is very devout now a day, and goes about from church to church and abbey to abbey, and many time takes the Queen with him, and comes into the University among the booksellers to buy primers and such other books. M. la Mothe desires her to remember the Queen with a letter, and says the King will take it kindly.
Copy. Pp. 3¼. Enclosure.
Oct. 29. 424. Instructions for Mr. Corbet sent by the Queen to the Commendator.
1. First he shall be informed before his departure of the message which Sir Henry Cobham had in charge to deliver to the King of Spain, the sum whereof was to give him to understand the likelihood that the Prince of Orange and the States of Holland would yield themselves to the Crown of France, and to require him to consider the peril that would grow to himself and to the Queen, in order that the Prince and the States might have his favour with reasonable conditions whereby they might return to their ancient obedience.
2. After his repair to the Low Countries to the Governor, he is to tell him that he is sent to impart her manner of action in the cause between the King and his subjects, so as he shall manifestly perceive her neighbourly care and regard for the preservation of the King's estates in the Low Countries and the recovering and better settling of the ancient intercourse between her subjects and those of the Low Countries. He is to assure him of her sincere intentions, however otherwise he may be informed by malicious and troublesome heads, and require him to understand quietly and without prejudice what he has in charge to say, whereby he may see her honourable, just, and plain dealing is such that if he will set apart the offence that perchance as a man of war he has conceived against the Prince of Orange and his party, and also like a good governor desire that without further bloodshed and expense they may be reduced to a universal good obedience, it is not to be doubted there may be means used not only to do so but to stay them from yielding to France. Also he may say that for her own interest, if good end shall not shortly follow between the King and his subjects, she must seek to provide other places for her subjects, to resort to in way of merchandise, and so perchance settle their trade as hereafter they may have no need or desire to return to the Low Countries.
3. Having thus prepared his mind to give good hearing, he shall declare that last summer upon some probable doubt that the French King should gain some entry to possess the countries of Holland and Zealand she sent Sir Henry Cobham towards the King of Spain to inform him thereof and confer how the same danger might be remedied. But by chance he fell sick by the way so that she cannot have answer as soon as she looked for; and now very lately she is made certain by good means that the practise is far past, and without some speedy stay be made, the countries shall receive aid of the French not only to withstand the King of Spain's forces, but to become subjects to the Crown of France. She is therefore compelled to enter into a more speedy consideration of this matter, finding it so dangerous to herself that the French should come into possession of these countries with their shipping, which she thinks no less a danger to her than their enterprise to subdue the Crown of Scotland which she was forced to prevent to her no small charge and yet without appropriating to herself any piece of that Crown. He is to give the governor to understand that if she were disposed to do what France seeks to do she could prevent this intention, but her meaning is much otherwise, as on the word of a prince she has no greater desire than to have the King of Spain continue lord of all those Low Countries as his predecessors have done, and that his people might be peaceably governed, so as her subjects might enjoy their privileges and trade of merchandise freely. However her actions may be slandered, as being rather directed to maintain these troubles, her meaning is otherwise, for their continuance is most hurtful to her subjects, who are robbed and spoiled on the seas by both parties and their ancient trade of merchandise almost utterly abolished. Besides this the worst sort of her people are secretly enticed on both parts to serve on the seas, under colour of which service most of them become common pirates. If the Governor shall say to this that if the Queen would plainly take part against the rebels they could not continue, he may say that if she perceived that the King would permit his subjects to enjoy their liberties and be governed peaceably, and that they would not with these conditions and good assurances submit themselves she would not spare to join the King to compel them to come to reason. As the matter appears now the war seems to be made to constrain them to lose their liberties, whereby the use of her subjects' intercourse would also be altered, for where countries are governed with men of war the haunt of merchandise will cease. He shall also say that to prevent the speedy prosecution of this matter with France she has sent a gentleman to the Prince of Orange and the States, and given him commission to tell them that she has sent to the King of Spain in their behalf to grant them the benefit of their ancient liberties. He is to deal earnestly with the Governor to know wherein he thinks the difficulty does most rest. If he shall show himself precise or unwilling to hear of any pacification by the Queen's means, he shall say that if the danger so manifestly appearing of the rendering of the countries to the French did not move her, she would neither have sent to him or the Prince of Orange until she had received answer from the King of Spain, and that if the Governor shall refuse to hearken to her he will give her occasion to think that he favours the continuance of these civil wars for some particular respects. Furthermore, he shall use all good means to let these negotiations be known to the Estates and counsellors of the Low Countries, requiring them to show their advice herein, and assuring them of the Queen's desire for their quietness. If the Governor shall seem to make less account of the danger of the French intermeddling in the Low Countries by reason of their civil troubles, he may be told that the same being well considered the peril is the greater; for the Duke of Alençon may seem a person meetest both to be an author of a general peace, and also a principal person with the forces of France and Almain now at his command to take the enterprise of Holland and Zealand in hand. If on the other part he finds the Governor willing to hear of her good meaning, he shall let him know how well she likes thereof, and that upon knowledge had from him of his opinion she will not omit any opportunity to bring these differences to some good end for both parties. He is to allege on behalf of the Prince and the States what he shall think good as of himself not using her name. In treating with the Governor, he shall use all his speeches as it may appear that the care she has that the Low Countries should not fall into the hands of the French is the only cause which moves her to deal herein at this time. If he finds it not unlikely, but that he would be content that she should deal with the Prince and the Estates to reduce them to the King's obedience with their surety and enjoying their ancient liberties, he is to move the Governor that he may repair to the Prince. He is to join with John Hastings, and shall move the Prince to such conditions as may seem reasonable for him to assent unto with his surety and the liberty of the country. If he cannot obtain licence to go to the Prince, he shall find some means to advertise him of his negotiations, and for this purpose shall have a cipher to serve between him and John Hastings. He is to use his best endeavour to let the natural persons of the Low Countries know how careful she is of their liberties, and yet not otherwise but to remain subjects of the King as Duke of Burgundy. He is to use all means to understand the numbers and forces of the King of Spain and where they are placed, and to let the Governor know the good usage that the last ships coming out of Spain had in her ports.—Oct. 29.
Pp. 7¼.
Oct. 29. 425. Instructions for John Hastings sent by the Queen to the Prince of Orange.
After he shall be well informed of her messages sent to the King of Spain by Sir Henry Cobham, and to the Governor of the Low Countries by Robert Corbet, and of the messages lately sent hither by the Prince of Orange, and from three persons of the Estates of Holland by Edward Chester without knowledge of the Prince, he shall repair with the Queen's letters of credit to the Prince and the Estates. He shall first deal with the Prince apart, and inform him what she understands by report of Calvart, the sum whereof was, that he and the Estates were occasioned to provide otherwise for themselves than heretofore they had done, which was to require aid of some prince being a neighbour to them, considering their inability to endure their defence against the forces of the King of Spain, and therefore they must accept the offers of France, if the Queen would not take them into her protection. He is to say that she is sorry to hear that the Princes' necessity is such, but most of all that he and the Estates should think it good for them to put themselves in the power of France. As she means as well or better than any other Prince to him and that country, she requires the Prince to communicate the true state of his whole cause to her, and specially upon what points of difference the last treaty at Breda broke off, and what are the forces of the King and of his own party. He is also to say that it cannot be thought that France can yield any help to purpose at the time, the King being so encumbered by the separation of his brother the Duke of Alençon, and if the Prince be borne in hand that this departure of the French King's brother is a devised matter between them for the King's advantage, he may assure him that he is therein abused, for it is well known to her that the Duke of Alençon's departure was for the safety of his life and the help of those who are oppressed. Even if the French King could aid them he will do so for his own gain, and the Estates would only change the oppression of the Spaniards for that of the French, and in the end lose all liberties. She has sent Sir Henry Cobham to the King of Spain to earnestly advise him to accord with his subjects in reasonable sort, but has not yet received any answer, and has therefore sent Robert Corbet to the Governor of the Low Countries to lay before him the danger of provoking the Estates of Holland to relinquish that King's obedience, and to move him to prevent the same by more reasonable dealing with them; and also willed him plainly to understand that she has such an interest for her own countries to have the Low Countries governed peaceably, that she may not neglect any good means to procure them quietness as heretofore they have had. She has also willed a reasonable answer to be made to the Governor, if he should object (as divers times both he and the Duke of Alva have done), that if she should give such aid to the King, as they pretend she is bound to do by treaty, and banish all those who resort to her realm and shut her ports against such as withstand the King's power, the troubles would soon be at an end, and the King have perfect obedience of his subjects. Though the Prince seems doubtful that she does not favour him, yet if he considers he will find that by denying this she has not neglected the estate of those countries now assailed by the Spaniards, more especially if he will consider how her realm is subject to the Spaniards' rancour and deep malice hereby. If she should do for the Prince's relief any act overt, she could not but look thereby to enter into open war, whereof the issue is most uncertain, except that thereby her own country and people would be wasted, she is therefore very desirous that these troubles might be ended by some accord, and to that end also she sends him to the Prince to confer with him, and see if by her means by treaty the causes might be ended. He is also to inform the Prince of the dangers to proceed with France, and to remind him of the former examples of Naples and Metz. As for the matter moved to her to receive him and the country of Holland into her protection that cannot be, but that an open war must ensue betwixt her and the King of Spain, and perchance in respect of religion with the King of France. Considering also that she has no title to those countries, she requires the Prince not to think it is any lack of goodwill in her if she first tries all other means to do them good before she enters into a war with the King of Spain. Wisdom also would have her foresee that the great wealth of her subjects in that King's dominions should not be subject to seizure. And for that Edward Chester came with a secret message from Count Culembourg and two others of the Estates of Holland, he is to give them to understand how well she likes of their devotion towards her rather than towards France, and to assure them of her favour, and that she will not omit any reasonable means to procure the restitution of their ancient liberties. He shall use the like reasons to them as he is instructed to use towards the Prince of Orange, and do his best to maintain them in their unwillingness to depend on the French. And because Edward Chester reported that they desired an aid of her of 12,000li a month for a year, and then she should receive the revenues and profits of the countries of Holland and Zealand, which were esteemed above 100,000li sterling, although she would not have him deal directly therein with them in her name, yet of himself he may seem to use speech thereof, and understand what are the accustomed revenues of these countries. He may object that though they should be aided by the Queen, yet it is not probable that at the end of the year the country would be able to pay anything of value on account of its former wasting, and for that their own forces must be maintained and continued. Her meaning is that he should as of himself use all manner of arguments and objections to come to the particular understanding of their estate, and what hope there is of her being benefitted by them or by retaining those countries in her protection.
Draft corrected by Burghley. Endd.: 29 Oct. 1575. Pp. 8½.
426. Another copy.
Pp. 52/3.
427. Original draft by Burghley.
Endd.: 22 Oct. Pp. 7.
Oct 29. 428. John Hastings to the Earl of Leicester and Lord Burghley.
Hearing that certain soldiers were sailing over about the time of his going; in order to avoid occasion of speech, intends taking his passage by Harwich and the Brille. Sends a book with an account of the towns and villages of Holland and Zealand. London, 29 Oct. 1575.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
Oct. 29. 429. Accounts.
An account of money paid in Cologne on the 29 Oct. 1575, amounting in all to 80,000 florins.
Endd. by Burghley. Ital. Pp. 1¼.
Oct. 30. 430. The Vidame of Chartres to Walsingham.
Complains of the bad condition of his affairs. Has had to depend on the favour of the Elector for his living since his stay in Germany. Desires that he will endeavour to obtain some assistance from her Majesty for him, and that he will send answer by the bearer, M. de Villiers, as soon as possible. —Strasbourg, 30 Oct. 1575. Signed: J. de Ferriere.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
Oct. 31. 431. The Privy Council to John Hastings.
Enclose certain supplications from the owners of the ship "Christ" who are unable to obtain any restitution for manifest injury done to them, and desire him to deal therein earnestly with the Prince of Orange.—Windsor, 31 Oct. 1575. Signed by Lord Burghley and others of the Council.
Endd. Copy. Pp. 1.
[Oct.] 432. The Raid of Redswire.
Copy of documents relating to the disorder at the Redswire, consisting of declarations by Sir John Forster and others, and by the Commissioners appointed to investigate the matter, with lists of those slain and taken prisoners, and the names of the offenders. Also numerous copies of letters from the Queen and Council to the Regent of Scotland and others, some of the originals of which are already calendared.
Bound up in form of a book. Pp. 31½.