Elizabeth: November 1575, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: November 1575, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp181-192 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1575, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp181-192.

"Elizabeth: November 1575, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp181-192.

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November 1575, 16-30

Nov. 16. 453. Robert Corbet to Lord Burghley.
Has written to the Council of such conference as has been betwixt the Governor and himself, and desires order for his further dealing in these parts. Encloses advertisements. From Mr. Hastings he can hear nothing, the King's forces in these parts never weaker, the hearts of the country never more alienated, and the Governor much dismayed.—Antwerp, 16 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Partly in cipher. P. 2/3.
Nov. 16. 454. Advertisements.
All the nobles and gentlemen of the Low Countries having any charge as governors or captains are sent for to be here by the 21st inst., because of some doubt they have of a foreign enemy. Count Lalain has already come, and returned to his house to meet the Count de la Roche, Governor of Artois, and it is reported that the Duke of Arschot will be there to meet sundry of the nobility, and so come together to this town. The Council have chosen the Count de la Roche as chief Maiestro del Campo in the place of Vitelli. The King's men remain in the islands they have lately taken, and there have been sent to them out of Holland seven ensigns of Spaniards, eight of Almains, and two of Walloons. The poor peasants who inhabited Zericksee have most of them forsaken their dwellings, leaving all to the soldiers, who are forced to pull down houses and old buildings for firing, there being no wood in that country, so clean were their lodgings made by the Gueux before their entry, so as it is thought they will have hard wintering there. Order is taken by the Com mendator for sending wood and turf thither with all expedition. Certain of the Gueux ships lie about the islands so as the King's side pass not from one to the other without danger, and if the floods of the rivers rise higher they might cut off the passage between them. They of Zericksee, by report, are not in extremity, but well provided, and also have means to be helped by their friends. Those having charge in those isles are Mondragon, being Governor, and Sancho d'Avila, captain of the castle here, with 3,000 men of all nations. There is levied a regiment of Walloons, whose colonel is one of the sons of M. de Barlaimont called M. de Floyon, and another regiment is to be taken up, which it is thought that the Commendator will bestow upon an Italian named Francisco del Gasto. The taxations and charges in the towns and villages lying about the camp are such that the inhabitants will be forced either to depart or deny any further disbursing. Gives notice of different appointments in the Low Countries. Out of Germany is continued the report of the great preparation of the Turk for Hungary; also, of the Prince of Condé and Casimir setting out accompanied with great forces. From Italy there was no news save that the troubles of Genoa were likely to be brought to quietness. The Turk prepares his army by sea towards those parts. By the post were returned many letters of protest, so that it is not unlikely some bankruptcies will fall out here; by proclamation such letters are not to take effect during six weeks' space. The Pope's coming to Bologna is confirmed. From Paris is certified great treating of peace. Letters from Spain of 26th ult. say that the Duke of Alva is dead, and that his steward and secretary Moreno and Albernois were taken by the King's order.
Endd. by Lord Burghley. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
Nov. 16. 455. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Monsieur has governed himself hitherto with much discretion to make his bargain so well for them that follow him, them of the religion, and the Prince of Condé. The King is brought to great necessity, and it is thought he will be fain to grant to greater things to have a peace, since he is constrained to a truce to continue at the pleasure of the other.—Paris, 16 November 1575. Signed.
Nov. 16. 456. Dr. Dale to [Sir Thomas Smith and Francis Walsingham].
By the persuasion of M. Biron and from necessity the King was induced to subscribe to the articles sent by the Queen Mother. M. Biron was sent with instructions to stick hard at these points, namely, whether he should permit exercise of religion in those town which are to be delivered to Monsieur, and whether he should part with Mezieres for the Prince of Condé, and to save them for the King if it might be. Thereupon it is given out that the King will not condescend to these points, yet he has subscribed to both. Understands of no other assurance for the rendering of the towns if peace do not follow than the promise of Monsieur. For countenance sake the Cardinal of Bourbon will needs take upon him to answer for the Prince of Condé. Thus for this time Monsieur has the staff in his hand. The Queen Mother takes much pains in this matter, and is gone to deliver Angouleme to Monsieur, it is said she will do the like at Bourges. The Dukes of Guise, Maine, and Nemours are so much offended with this conclusion that they say they will to their houses. The Duke of Guise is utterly to lose his hearing on the one side, and like to have little use of one of his eyes. The bone that joins his jaws of that side is broken in such wise that it is thought he shall not be able to open his mouth. The King would not part with Angers, because he keeps it for his wife's dowry. She was named of late to be with child, but now it falls out to the contrary. It is said M. de Rohan has taken a good post in the mouth of the Loire, named St. Nazaire, while Monsieur and the Queen Mother have been in talk.
Copy. Enclosure. Pp. 1⅓.
Nov. 19. 457. Captain William Cotton.
Promises to repay to Gaspard Anastro the sum of 100li Flemish.—Nieuport, 19 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
Nov. 20. 458. John Hastings to Sir Thomas Smith and Walsingham.
Took ship at Harwich on Wednesday in the afternoon, and arrived here the next day. Was no sooner at his lodgings than the Prince came thither, and the next day "convited" him to dinner. Has been used most courteously both by him and the Estates. They can see no ways any surety by means of peaceable treaty, but first confusion to themselves and afterwards to their neighbours. What for want of any encouragement from England, and the solicitation lately of the Prince of Condé and M. de Noüe with the Prince here to deal with France, they have been brought into doubtful state; but now they are determined to make offer to her Majesty to make her rather lady than protectrix of all, which offer he has "firmed" with their hands, and 1,000,000 florins yearly besides during the wars, instructions fully for the justness of the cause, the force of their enemies, the force of themselves, and many things else, all which he hopes this day to receive when he will make his repair to her Highness with what speed he may. They have had great losses of men, and what with manning the ships and other particular defences, they have great need of help, and the frosts comingon they will be in more danger. The enemy likewise have had great loss at Bommel, and therefore are making 2,000 Walloons. Chapin Vitelli is departed at Antwerp, and divers of the bravest sore hurt. There remain not against Zerickzee past 1,500. They are making galleys at Antwerp. They hear from Antwerp that the Spanish fleet in England stays for 30 more coming from Spain. They be almost at a peace in France. There are 29 vessels fitting out from Flushing. The King's soldiers are far behind in pay. To receive her Majesty's answer and to proceed further in this matter there comes over the advocate of this country, and a doctor of North Holland, and M. de St. Aldegonde.—Rotterdam, 20 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 20. 459. James Harvie to Lord [Burghley].
Gives details of his transactions with George Schezers, the Count Palatine's factor. The Commendator has caused the head of the haven at Zerickzee to be piled up with stacks in order to famish them. The Estates are called together to grant some money to the Commendator. Mr. Corbet has had audience and very fair words. The common people rejoice, and hope that now that the Queen deals for peace all will be well, and they out of these disordered troublesome ways.— Antwerp, 20 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 3½.
Nov. 20. 460. Expenses of German and Swiss Mercenaries.
The charge of the whole army prepared by Duke Casimir and levied at the Count Palatine's expenses for the use of the Prince of Condé.
The names of the colonels and their numbers:—
Buck 3,000
Stein 2,000
Ters 1,000
Duke Casimir 2,000
Cornets 10
" 7
" 4
" 6
Enrecht gelt for 8,000 reiters at 12 fl. for every horse 96,000
Pay for one month of 27 cornets at 6,000 fl. the cornet 162,000
Pay for every colonel, for himself, and his officers at 6,000 fl. the month 24,000
For the marshal of the camp and his necessary officers 10,000
Sum 292,000
The Swiss being 8,000 have 26 ensigns.
Their prest money to the muster place, for every ensign 800 fl. 20,200
The entertainment of every captain and ensign at 3,000 fl. the month 78,000
Three colonels of the Swiss and their necessary officers 20,000
Sum 108,200 (fn. 1)
The Walloons being 3,000 have 15 ensigns.
Their prest money to the muster place at a florin for every man 3,000
Their pay for the month at 6 fl. for a man 18,000
For the colonel, his lieutenant, and other officers 8,000
For 15 captains at 200 fl. by the month 3,000
The artillery being 4 cannons, 2 culverins, 4 bastards, 12 falcons, 12 small field pieces, and 12 organs.
The pay of the master of the artillery, his high officers, cannoniers, and others for a month 2,750
Three hundred harquebussiers to attend on the artillery, a florin a man to the muster place 300
Their pay for one month at 6 fl. a man 1,800
Prest money for 500 pioneers, at a florin a man to the muster place 500
Their pay for a month at 6 fl. a man 3,000
To draw the artillery and munition, 400 horses, the charge for them and those that keep them at 6 fl. a man, and two horses 2,400
Sum total 442,950
Deducting the Enrecht gelt of the reiters, the prest money of the Walloons and Swiss, shot for the artillery and pioneers, the whole charge for the army for one month amounts to the sum of 322,950
The charge of message, embassies, advertisements, spies, and the furniture of Duke Casimir himself, amounts to 30,000
The arming of the Walloons with 3,000 harquebusses, morions, flasks, and touch boxes, at 6 fl. for a man 12,000
Corslets for the Swiss 30,000
Powder for the harquebussiers, Swiss and Walloons, 5,000 lbs. at 3 lbs. for a florin 1,666
Powder for the great artillery, as well serpentine as other, 60 milliers 13,334
Sum total of the whole charge of the army 529,950
The sums that must necessarily be disbursed before they enter into the field, and that by the Elector Palatine:—
The Enrecht gelt of the reiters 96,000
The lans gelt of the Swiss 3,000
The lans gelt of the Walloons 20,200
The lansgel of the shot for the artillery and pioneers 800
The horses that draw the artillery, a month's pay before hand 2,400
The expenses of Duke Casimir 30,000
Armour for the Swiss 30,000
Armour for the Walloons 12,000
Powder for the artillery 15,000
Deducting 80,000 florins there remain 129,400
Sums disbursed by the Palatine for the voyage of M. de Thore:—
To Balbain, the banker 10,000
" Clervaux 6,000
At another time to Clervaux 5,000
To the Prince of Condé 4,000
"said Prince again 1,600
" said Prince again at Basle 6,000
22,600 (fn. 2)
Endd: The charge for one month amounts in English coin to 134,365l. 12s. 6d. Endd. by Burghley: 20 Nov. 1575. Pp. 3.
Nov. 20. 461. Events in France.
July 4.—An uproar in Paris of 1,500 young men intending to have killed all the Italians there.
" 15.—Henry III. was exaugurated from the kingdom of Poland.
" 18.—Vomeny, a singular player of the lute, and a follower of Monsieur's, committed to prison.
" 20.—Earl of Pembroke at "the Spaw."
Aug. 6.—Mauvissiere is sent to England.
" "—Montmorency in the Bastille.
Oct. 3.—The Queen Mother communes with Monsieur at Chambery. La Noüe is with Monsieur.
" 9.—The Duke of Guise hurt in a skirmish to stay the reiters that are coming to Monsieur.
" 10.—Sir Henry Cobham in Spain. Richard Verney died there.
" 27.—M. de Thore came to Monsieur with 1,200 horse.
" 28.—The Prince of Condé is at Strasbourg ready to come on to France to join with Monsieur. Mr. Wilks was with the Prince.
Nov. 3.—Duke Casimir, the Prince of Condé, and M. de Meru send Thomas Wilkes to England to the Queen.
" 8.—A truce made by the Queen Mother till St. Thomas' Day between the King and Monsieur and the Prince of Condé; the forces with Monsieur are 4,000 horses, 6,000 footmen. Beauvais la Nocle, and la Noüe are with Monsieur.
" 20.—The town not being delivered to Monsieur according to the truce, the Prince of Condé marches towards Paris with the reiters.
Endd. In the handwriting of Burghley. Pp. 1⅓.
Nov. 21. 462. John Hastings to Lord Burghley.
1. To the same effect as his letter to Walsingham and Sir Thomas Smith of the 20th inst.—Rotterdam, 21 Nov. 1575. Signed.
2. P.S.—Some say that Corbet was well entertained by the Commendator, and some say that after he had done his message he was commanded to keep his lodging, and afterwards commanded thence.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1⅓.
Nov. 22. 463. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
One of those sent to the party he wots of is returned to Court with letters and a copy of the truce to deliver to the Queen. He is much guided by the advice of Beauvais la Nocle, and La Noüe, who give him singular com mendations for his wisdom, constancy, and tractableness. They are persuaded that the great offers made are to entrap them, and they mean to deal warily. Their number increases daily. The having of the town will be marvellous strength to them.—Windsor, 22 November 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 22. 464. The Prince of Orange to the Queen.
Perceives by her letters, and also from Mr. Hastings, her goodwill for the accomplishment of some good peace in this country, for which he humbly thanks her. Will not trouble her further, as Mr. Hastings is able to report all that passed between them.—Rotterdam, 22 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Nov. 25. 465. Memorial for Thomas Wilkes.
He shall tell the Count Palatine that her Majesty greatly commends his zeal and forwardness in the defence of the common cause of religion, wherein he is not only willing to spend his treasure, but also to venture his dearest son, Duke Casimir, an infallible argument of a most Christian and religious zeal; also that she is well satisfied with his careful proceeding for the assurance of the 50,000 crowns lent by her. That the cause why he was not despatched with expedition according to the Palatine's request, was that her Majesty was given to understand that there was likelihood of a truce. He is to warn them to deal warily in this matter, as there is less peril in trusting too little than trusting too much. Whereas she is given to understand that the French King has condescended to disburse 500,000 crowns for the payment of the reiters, she hopes that the Count will take care to see her satisfied of the sum by her disbursed. According to the answer given to him by the Palatine touching the rendering of her money, he is to despatch one presently to the Queen, that order may be given to Harvie for the receipt thereof.
Endd. 25 Nov. 1575. P. 1.
Nov. 26. 466. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. Has not hitherto written the success of this truce, for neither has the King known what the Queen Mother has done, neither she what privy practices have been with the King for the breaking of it. The marching of the Prince of Condé agrees not with the delivery of the towns, yet it is thought the King could be content to end with his brother if he might though he should continue in war with other. What will be the end the wisest cannot tell.—Paris, 26 Nov. 1575. Signed.
2. P.S.—Begs him set his successor forward while opportunity serves. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 26. 467. Dr. Dale to [Sir Thomas Smith and Francis Walsingham].
Sends letters from Sir Henry Cobham in Spain. There is great difficulty in executing the articles of the truce. The towns that are to be delivered to Monsieur refuse to submit themselves. Ruffecq, Governor of Angouleme, says he has nothing in recompense for all his service but that government, and therefore refuses to depart till he be otherwise recompensed by the King. La Chastre has put them of Bourges in that courage that they have prepared themselves to stand to their defence, and not to receive Monsieur. It is said the Duke of Nevers claims a right in Mezieres either within the town or the faubourgs, and withstands its delivery. The Guises, the Duke of Nemours, and the Chancellor do all they can to hinder the matter at every occasion that is presented, and put in the King's head to treat of a full conclusion of peace before he puts in execution the capitulations of this truce. Notwithstanding, the truce is published in the army of Monsieur, and the King has already discharged half the number of his bands of footmen, and has reduced every band that remains undischarged to half the number they were wont to have. Biron has come back from the Queen Mother to persuade the King to cause her agreement to be performed. Monsieur has sent one expressly to the same effect. The King is advertised that the Prince of Condé and the reiters march very strongly, so that he cannot assure himself of any truce that way. There have been many loving meetings between the Queen Mother and Monsieur. She would have treated also for a peace, but Monsieur's Council said they would not hearken thereunto until the articles of the truce were put in execution. She is gone to Poitiers attending answer from the King. Is advertised that she has given Monsieur money at two several times, but not past 4,000 francs at a time. It is said Saumur is in readiness to receive Monsieur, but cannot understand that it is delivered; many of Monsieur's army are within the town already. The truth of the report that they of the religion had taken Pont St. Esprit is, that there was a mutiny between themselves, and the Governor for the King was put to the worst and constrained to send to the Duke of Uzes for succour. Had news John Furrier is passed Bordeaux.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 26. 468. The Prince of Orange to Walsingham.
Mons. St. Aldegonde and others having been sent over by the States on a mission to the Queen of England, he has directed them to address themselves to Walsingham, and begs that he will give them all the assistance that he can.— Rotterdam, 26 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
Nov. 26. 469. The Prince of Orange to Lord Burghley.
To the same effect as his letter to Walsingham of this date. —Rotterdam, 26 Nov. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
Nov. 26. 470. Letters of Marque.
1. It having been reported to William Cotton and Henry Carew that divers captains have abused, to the injury of the King of Spain's and Queen of England's subjects, the commissions granted to them by virtue of letters of marque given by the Commendator of Castile to the said William and Henry, they hereby appoint John Story, captain under their said commission, to be overseer of all such as have any authority under them.—Nieuport, 26 Nov. 1575. Signed.
2. The effect of the Commendator's commission, empowers them to set forth all the power they can make upon the seas against the rebels, but strictly forbids them to do anything prejudicial to anyone else. One tenth part of all prizes to be for the King's use. By virtue of this commission the said William Cotton and Henry Carew have authorised all such as shall serve under them against the rebels to do whatsoever they might or ought to do themselves, observing certain additional conditions for their better government.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Nov. 27. 471. Instructions for M. de la Porte sent by the Duke of Alençon.
After having delivered his letter to the Queen of England, because she may think it strange that he has so readily agreed to the truce with his brother the King, he is to assure her that the conditions are so favourable and honourable that at another time it would have been difficult for him to have obtained such at the cost of two battles. Besides this, he had not been able to obtain sufficient provision of money for successfully carrying on the war. As his Highness cannot depend on his brother, La Porte is to assure the Queen that his principal reliance is on her, and to endeavour to get her to join in the league which is at present made between him and the Elector Palatine. He is further to tell her that his Highness has seen certain articles proposed for their marriage by the King his brother, and to assure her that the principal reason why he withdrew from the King was that he might have the opportunity of an interview with her. He is to request her that this matter may be arranged between them through the means of their confidential ministers without any further intervention on the part of his brother. La Porte is to do all in his power to get the Queen to join in the league with the Elector Palatine, and to establish a firm intelligence between her and his master.—Camp at Montreuil Bellay, 27 Nov. 1575.
Draft. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3¾.
Nov. 28. 472. Duke of Alençon to Catherine de Medicis.
Sends to her the Sieur de la Porte, who is on his way to England with letters and instructions. Begs her to do her best with the Queen of England that things may succeed according as he most earnestly desires. Commends the bearer to her, and begs that she will provide him with a suite becoming his rank and becoming the messenger of her son.— Montreuil-Bellay, 28 November. Signed.
Add. Endd. Holograph. Fr. P. 1.
Nov. 28. 473. Duke of Alençon to Lord Burghley.
Thanks him for the good offices he has always used in his behalf, and begs he will continue to favourably advise the Queen of England respecting him. Sends the Sieur de la Porte, one of his Council and Chamberlain ordinary, to give the Queen to understand of his gratitude for the honourable declarations she has made in his favour during the last negotiations of the Sieur de la Mothe Fenelon. Awaits the time when he can thank her in his own person, and assures him that he will not fail to recompense any service he may do him in that behalf.—Thouars, 28 November 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Nov. 28. 474. Duke of Alencon to Walsingham.
Desires more than ever that the negotiations for the marriage of the Queen of England with himself may have a good and happy termination. Prays him to continue his good offices to bring about his welfare. Assures him that he cannot employ himself for any prince of Christendom who will be more grateful than he.—Thouars, 28 November 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Nov. 29. 475. The Count de Meru to Lord Burghley.
Has asked the Sieur de la Porte to visit him in his behalf, and to beseech him to continue his goodwill towards him, assuring him that no one is more ready to serve him.— Thouars, 29 November 1575. Signed: C. de Montmorency.
Add., with seal. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Nov. 29. 476. The Count de Meru to Walsingham.
Has given charge to the Sieur de la Porte to inform him how greatly he desires a continuance of his favour and friendship. Assures him that in everything he can make use of him as of an intimate friend.—Thouars, 29 November 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd Fr. P. 1.
[Nov.] 477. Truce between the King of France and his Brother.
1. Copy of a portion of a proclamation by the King of France reciting that the Queen Mother had concluded a truce with the Duke of Alençon. [The articles of the truce are not given].
2. Copy of the ratification of the articles by the King at Paris in November 1575.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
