Elizabeth: October 1575, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1880.

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'Elizabeth: October 1575, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp147-158 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1575, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1880), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp147-158.

"Elizabeth: October 1575, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 11, 1575-1577. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1880), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol11/pp147-158.

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October 1575, 1-15

Oct. 1. 382. The Regent of Scotland to Killegrew.
Since his last letter there arrived a Scotch ship at Dieppe and in her some Scottish archers, one of whom Duncan Balfour, declared that on the 16th ult. Mons. D'Alencon escaped out of Paris and departed towards Almain. They are advertised in France that England and Scotland are drawing some draft (of treaty) against France. By the copy of a letter from John Livingstone to his wife he may see that there lacks not intelligence to and from the Scottish Queen. Gives a list of the persons and places whom he met with or visited during a progress from Dalkeith round by Stirling to Edinburgh. Has made this journey as quietly accompanied as ever in his life, and had never better treatment or contentment. Certifies him hereof that he may the better answer the frequent bruits to the contrary.—Holyrood House, 1 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Oct. 1. 383. Sir Valentine Browne to Lord Burghley.
Reminds him that it is ordered that the musters for the garrison of Berwick should be quarterly made and sent up to the Privy Council. Forasmuch as before the muster books are delivered there can be no perfect reckoning for the next pays, he desires that the Governor may be directed to send up the particular muster books for every quarter of this year with such convenient speed as may be.—Hoggesdon [Hoddesdon] 1 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
Oct. 2. 384. Sir Valentine Browne to Lord Burghley.
Complains that the pastures of Berwick have been made common since August, for which he can get no redress from the Governor, who denies the same.—Hoxdon [Hoddesdon], 2 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
Oct. 2. 385. The Prince of Orange to Lord Burghley.
Letter of credence for his agent M. Calvart. Dort, 2 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
Oct. 3. 386. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley
News are come this day that the Queen Mother and Monsieur have met twice at Chambourg, and are concluded upon a surcease of arms for three months upon certain conditions if the King like them; that Montmorency and other prisoners shall be delivered; that Monsieur shall have a large appanage, and shall have Blois at his commandment to remain in; that Monsieur shall travail for a general peace; that the Chancellor and other adverse persons shall not deal in the treaty therefor. Men look hourly for when Montmorency shall be delivered, and do much allow of the discreet government of Monsieur in that he assures himself of his liberty and yet will not repair to the places that are in the King's subjects' possession, by that means to be without crime himself, and the more indifferent to treat of a peace.—Paris, 3 Oct. 1575. Signed.
P. 2/3.
Oct. 2. 387. Dr. Dale to [Sir Thomas Smith and Francis Walsingham].
Since his last letters of the 28 September the Queen Mother continually followed Monsieur, soliciting him by letters and messages to speak with her. Monsieur would not do so till he was past the Loire. The Queen Mother went to Blois, and it was reported they had appointed to meet in the faubourgs of Blois, which are beyond the Loire. The Queen Mother put the King in hope by her letters that she would appease all things; in the meantime Monsieur passed the Loire without any let, neither were they able to let him if they would. Monsieur has 1,000 horses with him, and the King's forces of horsemen come in very slowly. The King's men of ordnance are scant, 25 in a company, and they that are, be with the Duke of Guise. The King's Ban and Arriere Ban do not come in at all. Such as are about the Court are gone to M. de Nevers, who has tarried this while at Chartres, and has scant gathered six or seven score horses. News in the Court is that La Noüe is come to Monsieur. Is advertised Monsieur has answered that he will meet the Queen Mother for duty sake to satisfy her, but he cannot treat of any pacification without Montmorency. The company of Monsieur abstain from all violence as they go, and permit the husbandmen quietly to follow their labour, which wins him much goodwill. If he meet with any gentlemen of credit with the King he sends them to him with request that he may have sent him such of his servants as are in prison, whereupon St. Remy is put in hope of delivery. The King musters daily in Paris such footmen as can be assembled, and lodges them in the faubourgs. The King of Spain's galleys have taken Portum Veneris, and two other places adjoining to Genoa of great importance. Now the King of Spain perceives the French King cannot annoy him in the Low Country he deals with them of Genoa boldly. The French King is very much grieved he cannot help the Genoese at this time. It is reported Danville has taken Sommieres and another place of the Duke d'Uzes, called Maleguce, with great store of victuals.
Copy. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
Oct. 3. 388. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. Willed his wife to know his pleasure what might be done for his coming home. Lord North made an entry for him at his return. Hopes that he will roll away from him this stone, which is as the stone of Sisyphus. Signed.
2. P.S.—At the closing up of these letters Montmorency was delivered. The King has taken again to prayer, and goes from church to church as though deserted by all his people. It is almost incredible in France that M. de Nevers, whom the King sent against Monsieur, has not seven score horses; they which he has do shrink from him daily.
Partly in Latin. Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Oct. 4. 389. George Southwicke to Lord Burghley.
On the 27th ult. he came out of Holland to East Duiveland, where the Governor lay with his camp, being about 800 men, and there dined with him on the 28th, when they could see the King's power preparing to come over with 25 galleys and a number of boats, yet he wrote him letters to the Admiral and the Council of Zealand, with which he took his leave of him. That night the King's power landed in Duiveland between two and three a.m.; some waded to the armpits and some by galleys and boats to the number of 5,000 men, with the loss of 500 drowned and shot. The river was about two English miles broad where they landed, at which landing M. Charles de Boissot was slain with a caliver shot, which passed through the upper part of his right arm, and so under his armhole into his body, and but six more slain of all his company. His body was brought to Middleburg, where the writer saw him buried on the 1st inst. in the abbey there. By his death this side has lost much, and now not one man comparable under the Prince to take his room. The King's power lies about Zericksee, Browershaven, and Bommel. All Holland is like to be gone, and not without great danger to the Prince's person. He is at Dort, and his wife with him. That marriage pretended no goodness, as the common people now well see, so that St. Aldegonde, who contracted the marriage, is out of credit with the commons. M. Dorpe, the Governor of Zericksee, is also sore in suspicion, for the King's greatest power came over at the bulwark whereof he had charge, in which he had left but 12 men, and himself and company lay a mile off, wherethrough is doubted was great treason wrought. As for M. Charles de Boissot, no man can tell whether it was with the shot of the enemy that he was slain or of his own men. This country stands in great peril, for the enemy will stop all the passages between Walcheren and Holland, so as they can have neither beer nor other victual out of Holland. English beer and all other victual is now well required. Out of Holland the people prepare to fly into England, both men, women, and children, not only those of the religion, but also the Papists, for none dare abide the government of the cruel Spaniards, a nation not fit to be here, such near neighbours of the realm of England. Her Majesty might well take this island without any charges or breach of intercourse with the house of Burgundy, but if the Spaniards be once here she cannot drive them out with 500,000li charges. If the Spaniards plant in this island the English will be the first to repent it. Complains of Mr. Rogers' mismanagement of the merchants' causes, which will be the undoing of many, of whom the writer is one. They had 400li from him for passports which he never used, save the two which he caused a Dutchman to alter, and put in salt in place of raisins. It was ever their promise that he should have his passports changed when he would one merchandise for another, as he has their letters to show; yet have they dealt so cruelly with him, selling his salt, amounting to 1,850li, and keeping the money that he paid for his passports, amounting in all to 2,300li, for which he has been a suitor here these eight months, and has spent besides 100 marks.—Middleburg, 4 Oct. 1575. Signed: George Southwicke, merchant.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 4. 390. The Regent of Scotland to Walsingham.
Has despatched the bearer, Michael Lym, goldsmith, to London for some tools requisite in the mint, and for some plate for himself, and desires that he will procure his licence for the making of the tools and transportation of the plate. Has sent up with the bearer some little rubies to be "tabled," and desires that he will send one of his own servants with him to be present and see the condition with the craftsman touching the working thereof.—Holyrood House, 4 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Oct. 4. 391. [Walsingham] to Dr. Dale.
Touching the negotiations of the French Ambassadors, the departure of Monsieur has altered the course of that matter. Is of opinion they did but dally therein, for he does not think that ever a wise counsellor in France, considering the broken state of that country, would have consented to his coming over. Touching La Mothe's request to visit the Scottish Queen and to go into Scotland, he may see by the copy of her letter to the French King how she has denied the same, and thus, if the King shall deal with him in either of these causes, he may direct his speech in such sort that the King may understand there is good concurrence between him and his ambassador. The Queen well allows of the answer he made to the King at his last negotiation, sent with his letters of the 21st September. By the next despatch he shall understand what language the Queen would have him use in this case of his brother's; in the meantime he shall do well to continue in that vein of speech he has already used. This case of the Duke requires that he should curiously search to understand, and, though it be with some cost, how both they mean to proceed against him, as also what course he takes, and what will be the end of his design.
Endd.: "Copy of my letter to Dr. Dale." P. 2/3.
Oct. 8. 392. Piracy.
Depositions of John Faisant of Boston and others of the piratical practices of the "John" of Scarborough of 60 tons, commanded by one Richard Peacock and belonging to Francis Rippin, which ship had about Christmas 1573 overhauled and captured a French ship "La Petit More" of Rouen laden with wine.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3¼.
Oct. 8. 393. Thomas Wilkes to Lord Burghley.
1. M. de Thore having gained 12 leagues before the enemy is this day upon the passage of the Seine near Nogent-surSeine, where by reason of the lowness of the river he passes his forces "aguado." The Duke of Guise pursued him thinking to have distressed him, but seeing his diligence turned short towards Paris, to cut the way between him and Dreux to hinder his joining the Duke.
2. They look to have their new troops of reiters pass the Rhine about the last of the month, and all things otherwise are in good forwardness. There is a bruit of a defeat of 500 horse done upon the Turks by the Hungarians, which is doubted will breed a breach between him and the Emperor.— Strasbourg, 8 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Oct. 8. 394. The Earl of Huntingdon to Walsingham.
Does not think it good that Carmichael should go to the Court after so long stay here, except he were thought worthy of some sharper punishment, whereof there appears no cause. Does not either think it convenient that any reward should be given him at this time. Before this accident he was a necessary and good instrument both for England and Scotland upon the Borders, and it will be a hard matter for the Regent suddenly to find another man so fit for that place. Thinks that her Majesty might bind Carmichael to her devotion by writing to the Regent to continue him in his charge. An admonition to the Lord Warden for Carmichael's safe passage through Northumberland were not unnecessary.— York, 8 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 9. 395. Daniel Rogers to Lord Burghley.
Has according to his Lordship's instructions dealt earnestly with the Prince in Mr. Southwick's matter. Has declared to the Prince that which he wrote with his own hand in the end of the letter, who answered that it might well be that his Lordship had shown him friendship therein, but that the pronouncing him rebel after that sort is of such consequence that the King of Spain, as an occasion offered, requires the Emperor that as her Majesty had pronounced him rebel that he would likewise at the next Diet cause him to be proclaimed rebel through the Empire. This he said he knew through the King's intercepted letters. The Estates of Holland and Zealand perceiving evidently the consequences which have followed the long colloguy held at Breda, and the malice and tyranny of the Spaniards against them, have resolved for ever to sejoin themseles from the crown of Spain and require aid and protection of their neighbours. The Prince is altogether bent towards France. The Estates have small liking of French aid, and gladly would submit themselves to her Majesty as Countess of Holland and Zealand. Divers have handled with Rogers touching this matter proposing the great gain and small expense that the Queen would be at in defending them. The Prince told him that if he could but hinder that in a year's space there came no salt into Flanders he should win such a peace as he wished for. The Estates are so inclined to her Majesty, that if she should take the offer and liked not the Prince as her lieutenant they would take such other as she should appoint. Cannot make them any assured hope, but told them first to take away such obstacles as have justly hindered the Queen from showing them such favour. At his being in East Duiveland with M. Boissot before he was slain, he said that either the Estates would be compelled to seek foreign aid, or make a peace, or be overcome, unless the Turk made war against the King of Spain or the King died, and that they could trust for no aid but at the hands of the Queen or the French King. He said it would be a worthy endeavour to write these two princes, so that they should deal jointly with the King of Spain to move or compel him to call home his Spaniards out of the Low Countries, for otherwise to make a peace with the Spaniards or to be overcome by them would in the end be all one, wherefore they would be brought into servitude and bondage. The King of Spain might then use their great shipping against England, which heretofore he had not at his commandment, as the Estates of Holland and Zealand having need of England would not break with that country, and their Count, the King, could not make war without their consent. Desires to know in what terms he may answer them, for if the Queen will not aid them they will resolve to deal thoroughly with the French King, necessity pressing them and the Prince being bent that way. Thinks that the Prince would change his purpose if he might have such hope offered to him out of England as he takes himself to be sure of out of France. Mr. Chester has received some charge of the Estates to propose to his Lordship.—Rotterdam, 9 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
Oct. 9. 396. Edward Castelyn to Walsingham.
After he had dispatched Roland Fox to him with letters concerning his proceedings in Cologne he rode to Ghent to end there a matter of Mr. Alderman Pallison's, for which he was purposely sent hither with the Queen's letters to the Commendator of Castile, and on his return found Walsingham's letter, signifying that her Majesty well allowed of his proceedings. Those of Cologne have advertised him that they look for some order to be sent shortly by the Queen, or else they will accompt that he went there only to undermine or mock them. Has written to Dr. Furstemburg, and told Monsr. Bellerbach that she will shortly send sufficient commission. This Monsr. Bellerbach is a Protestant, and came here to see how the Commendator speeds in his enterprises, and saw the fight at the assailing of Duiveland, which "dured" four hours, and after the same was won by the King's soldiers returned to Cologne. Encloses a letter from Dr. Rana.—Antwerp, 9 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Oct. 9. 397. James Harvie, junior, to Lord Burghley.
Gives details of the receipt of certain sums of money from different persons. There were above 600 light angels in those which his Lordship sent to him, which he pays out with the rest, but they vex him daily to change them. Hopes they will be put out without loss. The Commendator is still at Barowe, and minds to have Zericksee. Surely it was a notable enterprise to enter those low islands so through the water. There was slain and drowned above 2,000 soldiers and many hurt, but few men of name, but one John Baptista Beaumont hurt, and Gaspero, a Spaniard, Governor of Tergoes, slain. Out of Italy there is news that those of Genoa begin to provide men-of-war to defend themselves against the old Seignory, so there may chance to fall out great broils.—Antwerp, 9 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 10. 398. William Stewart to Lord Burghley.
Having received commission from the Prince to serve with 300 soldiers of his own nation, being in doubt to find arms ready, or of reasonable prices in Scotland, he desires that he may have license to transport out of England 100 corslets with pikes, and 200 calivers with their furniture. Refers him to Mr. Daniel Rogers for advertisement of occurrents.—Rotterdam, 10 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Oct. 11. 399. The Merchant Adventurers to Daniel Rogers.
1. Marvel at his not answering their letter of 15th ult., and require his direct answer thereto.
2. Enclose letters from the Deputy in England.—Antwerp, 11 Oct. 1575. Signed: Thomas Heton, Governor.
Endd.: "Reced at Rotterdam, 24 Octob. 1575.," with seal. P. ½
Oct. 11. 400. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
1. Has written to the Secretaries of such things as have happened since the delivery of Montmorency. The protestation of Monsieur makes his cause the more liked of, because the demands seem reasonable. It is not to be marvelled if other men cannot judge what is like to become of things here, since they themselves cannot tell where to begin, nor what way to take. Much depends on the reiters, for if they should either have a victory, or continue in the country, the King were like to be sore straitened. Hangs hourly upon the despatch of Warcup and Nutshawe.—Paris, 11 October 1575. Signed.
2. P.S.—Has got the most of Jacques de Puy's books to be delivered to him.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 2/3.
Oct. 11. 401. Dr. Dale to [Sir Thomas Smith and Walsingham].
Since the delivery of Montmorency out of the Bastille things have grown daily more and more towards war. It was granted that Monsieur should have Blois for a place of surety to remain in, yet suspicions have arisen that there were practices devised to apprehend him if he should have remained there. Monsieur departed suddenly thence to Romorantin. It is not true that he entered that town by force, or that any on either side were slain. He remained there peaceably a season, and now is departed towards Le Blanc in Berry. Men daily resort to him, as he is thought to have of his own company 2,000 horsemen beside the footmen that resort to him continually. The King commands musters to be made of as many as will follow him, and prohibits all men to follow Monsieur upon pain to be taken to be within the compass of treason. M. de Nevers, considering he had no means to do any good, forthwith returned to Court. Messengers have been sent daily by the King and Queen Mother to induce Monsieur to treaty, and now Montpensier is sent to him. The Queen Mother is evil at ease, some say of sciatica, others that she is more grievously sick than she will be known of Montmorency keeps his house for all the great countenance that was made to him at his coming out of the Bastille; it is mistrusted he may be committed to prison again if the treaty of peace go not forward. M. de Guise writes that the reiters come on fast upon him, and he is not able to give them battle, whereupon the King has sent away most of the gentlemen of the Court to him, and caused a general procession to be made in Paris for the victory of M. de Guise against the reiters. It is given out the reiters shall be fought withal shortly; it is said they are between Chalons and Rheims; some say they are near Soissons. As long as the reiters are in the field the King can send no force against Monsieur. The Swiss the King had are all departed (except it be his guard), very evil contented for lack of pay.
Copy. Pp. 12/3. Enclosure.
Oct. 12. 402. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
Sends the manner of this late encounter as he can learn it. If it be true that M. de Guise is so sore hurt, or that the reiters be past the Marne, and may join with Monsieur, it is hard to say who has the victory, for Monsieur ranges the country at his pleasure.—Paris, 12 October 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. ½.
[Oct. 11.] 403. Skirmish between the Reiters and Guise.
News came suddenly to the Court that Guise had given an overthrow to the reiters. When first the news came in the morning, and it was reported that all the reiters were overthrown and 1,000 cut in pieces, the bells rang, Gondy sent to all the ambassadors to tell them the news, and a Te Deum appointed to be sung in the afternoon. After dinner the joy was not so great and the Te Deum deferred. As he can learn, the truth of the matter is, when the reiters entered first into France, the Frenchmen that conduct them being 500 or 600 horses marched before and kept the Duke of Guise in skirmish a whole day. In the meantime the reiters passed and got before the Duke of Guise, and so kept themselves continually. Then the Frenchmen kept the tail of the reiters and marched between them and the Duke of Guise. Upon the 9th of this month, Guise being better furnished than he was before with such gentlemen as were sent him by the King marched from Fismes, where he lay the night before, six leagues on this side Rheims, towards the reiters, who lay the same night at Ferre-en-Tardenois, ten leagues this side Rheims. The Frenchmen understanding of the Duke of Guise's coming, showed themselves and gave skirmish, retiring towards the reiters, not minding to give any charge upon the Duke, but only to keep him occupied. It is said, and is not unlikely, that Strozzi in the meantime had set upon the carriage of the reiters which went between the reiters and the Frenchmen and either distressed them or slayed them. So the Frenchmen, retiring towards their carriage, were galled by the harquebussiers of Strozzi being on their backs, and so being constrained to scatter were followed and chased by Guise. In the chase, Guise sent away Fervagues with news to the King without letters, but with a ring which the King had given him in times past. They speak of no man of war either taken or slain, but of the younger brother of that Bussy d'Amboise that is with Monsieur, Rhone, one that has good credit with Monsieur, and went from this Court towards Germany about April last, and one Clarvaux. M. de Guise himself is sore hurt. It is said the rest of the reiters passed the Marne in the meantime, and marched towards Monsieur with great diligence to pass the Seine about Chastillon-sur-Seine. The Cardinal of Guise and one of the King's physicians are gone towards M. de Guise, whereby men entertain he is dangerously hurt.
Endd. Pp. 1⅓. Enclosure.
Oct. 14. 404. Walsingham to the Regent of Scotland.
Is glad that his Grace's doings have shown the world how free he was from evil meaning or intention to offend her Majesty. The Queen's letters will assure him of her satisfaction. Hopes that in a few days order will be taken for Sir John Carmichael's return. Promises to impart to him from time to time such news as they shall receive out of France. Fears that the arrival of the Spanish fleet will greatly appal the Hollanders, being assailed as they are two ways. Thanks him for the cast of falcons, though through some evil dealing, they are by the way intercepted.
Copy. Endd.: "14 Oct. 1575." Pp. 1½.
Oct. 15. 405. Sir Henry Cobham to Lord Burghley.
Expresses the goodwill which he bears towards him for his good deeds towards him and his father's house. Has found little comfort since his coming to Spain. At his servant's landing, the Inquisitors exercised their authority in visiting his stuff, and taking an inventory thereof; again, on the way to the Court another search was made by the customers, and he was compelled to pay for his stuff and plate. His servant can hardly procure a house for him, so much more curious have they become for respect of religion, as the Queen's Ambassadors are apparently odious here. Has received. none of those courteous offices which are due in respect of her Majesty. Many are warned to abstain from repairing to him. Has now largely set down to Walsingham the rest of their proceedings towards him and his, with a message of warning sent to him by Secretary Cayas. His audience is yet deferred. The last dilatory message was that the King should be troubled with the gout. Don John of Austria is called from Naples, and this King means to help the French King to the overthrow of Danville about Aiguesmortes. With his own hand he writes to Don John, so secretly are affairs carried. The King raises subsidies in Spain. By grant from the Pope the Genoese must restore to the King all interest above 7 per cent that they have taken since 1570. Thus by all means he devises to pay his debts, and will let all perish rather than the cause of his religion should quail either in his own dominions, or in France or elsewhere, and in this and his other negotiations he travails and casts his thoughts, only spending his time herewith. He has all this money brought into his own house at Madrid. George Barckley, Laird of Gartley, has been here these five or six months about the affairs of the Queen of Scots. The King gave him 600 ducats. Here is also a secretary of hers. The Admiral of Castile was ready in most princely sort with certain grandees to go of embassage into France, but since the news of Monsieur's retiring from his brother this journey is stayed. Cannot but lament the death of his dearest cousin, Richard Verney, who died of a double tertian at Buzegillias. Begs that he will bestow on him the post of Marshal of the King's Bench, void by his decease; the Queen should thereby give him an estate to stand by in her service, and by that staff drive from her a beggar.—Madrid, 15 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Oct. 15. 406. Loan for the Prince of Condé.
Acknowledgment by the Elector Palatine of the receipt of 50,000 crowns from M. Jacques Hervie.—15 Oct. 1575. Signed: Fredericus Elector Palatinus.
Sealed. Endd. by Burghley. Fr. P½.
Oct. 15. 407. Dr. Dale to Lord Burghley.
These occurrents, as he has written them to the Secretaries, are far from the report that was made at the first, yet is it much for the King, coming at such a pinch. If the reiters either had had the victory, or passed to Monsieur without some discomfiture the Court and the whole realm had been discouraged, whereas now they pluck their stomachs somewhat unto them. Yet the coming of the reiters has been to very good purpose to turn away the forces of the realm towards them, that in the meantime Monsieur might escape and gather his friends about him. If M. de Guise and the forces that are with him had been at the Court it is supposed that Monsieur should have been pursued with such diligence that he had been much distressed.—Paris, 15 Oct. 1575. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. P. 2/3.
Oct. 15. 408. Occurrents in France.
M. Thore is passed the Seine with 800 horses, and in his way towards the Loire has slain 300 or 400 footmen of the bands of Count Martinengo and others, which lay five leagues from Montargis. Men are of opinion that some of Monsieur's men will come to conduct him over the Loire. The Duke of Guise is sore hurt; he was shot in the face on the side of his nose. Some say the shot went through behind the ears, and then it were incurable; others say the shot went through his jawbone, and did take away but the nether part of the ear, which men think to be curable. The best is made of it to the King. Monsieur is looked for to-day or to-morrow at Blois to receive possession of that town and to put in garrison there at his pleasure until some further conclusion may be had for peace. The Queen Mother is appointed to withdraw herself from thence to Vendôme that Monsieur may be in the better surety. Monsieur would not enter into any talk with Montpensier till Montmorency was set at full liberty, and so now he is delivered and gone to his house at Chantilly. The King says he will use him to do good offices towards Monsieur. The King of Navarre is gone, with permission of the King, to visit the Duke of Guise.
Enclosure. P. 1.