Elizabeth: September 1559, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: September 1559, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp551-567 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1559, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp551-567.

"Elizabeth: September 1559, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp551-567.

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September 1559, 11-20

Sept. 11.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 437.
1335. Cecil to Sadler and Croft.
This 11th received theirs of the 8th, and (according to the Queen's order,) read the same at his house at Stamford and sent it to her, with his opinion that they deserve commendation for their wisdom, and thanks.
Came hither on Friday last, and must depart on Sunday, meaning to be at the Court on Sunday night. Would be glad to hear of M. de Beaufort's entry; they know what Earl he means. Has written to Court that Lord Ormeston, Kircaldy, and Whytlaw might have some relief. They write not of the receipt of the new cipher which he sent. The Earl of Arran borrowed of the writer in London 200 crowns, which he said should be paid to Mr. Sadler; prays him, after a time, to ask for it. Is himself like a bird out of a cage. The Lord Admiral and he mean to return by Standen on Sunday at dinner.—11 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd.: Received at Newcastle, 14 Sept., at 11 o'clock before noon.
Sept. 11.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 438.
1336. Lord Clinton to Sadler.
The bearer is a suitor to Crofts to be placed captain of a band in Berwick, wherein he has already served honestly, and has obtained letters in his favour to Croft from some of the Council. Asks Sadler to further this young gentleman.— Sempringham, 11 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig., with seal.
Sept. 12.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 439.
1337. Sadler and Croft to Cecil.
On Sunday, about two in the morning, the Earl of Arran was safely delivered to his friends in Tevidale, and when he reaches his father the writer will let Cecil know.
They are told that diverse Scotch merchants have sued to the Queen Regent for a safe conduct to traffic in England, and she has refused, not willing Scots to be in England now. Therefore both Balnaves and Alexander Whitlaw have required that the writers would sue to the Queen for a safe conduct, and also for licence to buy ten geldings for the Lords of the Congregation, as he will see by Whitlaw's memorial, here enclosed.
Sept. 12. Yesterday the Earl of Northumberland and they met the Scotch Commissioners on the frontiers, who found fault with their commission, because it contained no special authority to treat for the ransom of prisoners, yet they refused not to treat of it when the English offered. The writer also found fault with the Scotch Commissioners that they have no authority to make laws for the common quiet of the frontiers. Still they agreed to enter into treaty with them upon two special points, until they have larger commission. To-day they will meet again.
The disorders of the West Marches are greater than those of the East and Middle, for they have no Warden there.— Berwick, 12 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig., partly in Sadler's hand. A few words in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 12.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1338. Another copy of the above.
Sept. 12.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 441.
1339. Sadler to Cecil.
Among the letters received by the writer from Cecil by Mr. Raylton was one addressed to the Lady Carnabie from the Queen, to borrow her house at Hexham, for the Keeper of Tyndale. Thinks this house not meet for this service, for no Keeper save Sir Reynold Carnaby himself ever resided there. The places best for this purpose on the frontiers are Haughton, Langley, or Chipchace, in one of which men have been always placed for that office of Tyndale. Learns that Mr. Slingsbie, brother-in-law of the Earl of Northumberland, has great desire to lie in Hexham, but, indeed, he has been these twelve months in another house, which now might serve him as well; though he wants Lady Carnaby's house, being the fairest in the town. Also there are in Hexham two towers belonging to the Queen, which would serve as good a man as he. In this matter my Lord of Northumberland is very earnest. The Queen's letter contains a gentle request that Lady Carnaby will condescend to let the Keeper have part of her house; and the Earl's contains an imperious command. Sadler speaks not upon information, for he has the Earl's letters to show, the like of which he has not seen written by any subject. Sadler having written to the Earl, he replied very earnestly, and said that he would not bear the contempt offered him by the Lady Carnabie and her friends. He now hears that the Earl will send up his brother Slingsbie to complain, and therefore prays him to return the matter by commission to the Earl, Sir James Crofts, or himself, charging them to call together wise men by whom to learn the meetest places for the service of the Keeper of Tyndale, thereby to know if in wanting Lady Carnaby's house he seek his own ease or the Queen's service.
Has known this frontier for twenty years, and never knew it in such disorder as now. And in these last wars he hears what he never heard before, that to be assured from spoil, the English borderers pay the Scotch certain tributes, which proceeds from the lack of stout officers. Therefore good and wise officers should be chosen.
Cecil will understand that he does not write of malice or ignorance.
Sir James Croft and he made a despatch unto Cecil on 29 Aug., at which time he also wrote to Cecil his private letter, wherein he found fault with Cecil's clerk, who in directing the packet styled him "The Queen's Ambassador, resident upon the frontiers of Scotland." Has the same despatch come to his hands ? Upon some occasion Sir James and the writer have conceived a suspicion that their letters are opened sometimes before they pass Newcastle, and percase some of them "eloyned." Asks him to mark their packet when it comes to hand, whether any man has opened it by the way. It shall be sealed with Mr. Croft's seal, as heretofore. This has been a common custom used of late years. Will do what he can to take them with the manner.—Berwick, 12 Sept. 1559, "with the rude hand of your own most assuredly, R. Sadlir."
Orig. Sadler's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
Sept. 12.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1340. Another copy of the above, omitting the last paragraph.
Sept. 12.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 438.
1341. Cecil to Sadler.
Wrote yesterday mentioning the receipt of Sadler's letter of the 8th, and in which he perceives of the coming of Balnaves and the Earl of Arran. This night remembered that Sadler was advised to lend the Protestants money, as of himself, taking secretly the bonds of them to render the same, so as the Queen should not be a party thereto. Now leaves it to his own discretion. Prays him to hasten Hughes at York in collecting money for the soldiers at Berwick. Sir Richard Lee has missed him [Cecil] by the way. Would have him inquire what becomes of the Frenchmen that went by the west seas, which was the Bishop of Amiens and La Brosse, with eighty horsemen. The Lord Admiral departs hence on Friday.—12 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Endd.: Rec. at Newcastle, 15 Sept., at 10 o'clock before noon. Rec. at Belford at 12 o'clock at night. Rec. by Sir Ralph, 15 Sept. at midnight.
Sept. 12.
R. O.
1342. Francis, Duke of Guise, to Throckmorton.
Has received his letter of the 10th inst., and a copy of the petition presented to the Queen of England by Thomas Cotton. He replied to the herald who came to him after the taking of Calais, for the deliverance of the son of the said Cotton, that they did not wage war against children or women; but also told him that at the taking of St. Quentin, one of the sons of the wife of M. de Crezecques, who was very young, had been taken prisoner and was detained in the Low Countries, and promised to keep the son of the said Cotton, and use him as the English would the son of M. de Crezecques, who hitherto has been unable to liberate her son from captivity. As a large ransom is demanded for the liberation of the son of this lady, it must not be considered strange if Mme. de Crezecques should demand the same. The intention of the King has never been to ask a single denier more than was demanded for the ransoming of Mme. de Crezeques' son, which is acting more graciously than had been done by others towards herself. Assures him that he will act either for the deliverance of the said Cotton's son, without the payment of any ransom or otherwise, according to the course which those who retain her son will adopt.—Longpont, 12 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add., with armorial seal. Endd.: The Duke of Guise's answer to my first letter which I wrote to him from La Ferté Milon, for Mr. Cotton's son. His first letter. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 12.
R. O.
1343. [Throckmorton] to the Duke of Guise.
Has received his reply to the letter sent yesterday by the writer in the matter of young Cotton. Although Mme. Crezecque may do as she thinks fit in her own private affairs, yet her case in no wise affects that of Cotton, who ought not to be made to pay and suffer in the cause of another person. The war, in which occurred the capture of Calais, exclusively affected the English, and the promise then made by the Duke had especial reference to the women and children of our nation then taken at Calais, and not elsewhere. The injury done to Mme. de Crezecques was not done by the English; her son was captured not by an Englishman but by a Burgundian, who now detains him prisoner. It appears unreasonable that the said lady should avenge herself upon those who have done her no harm; and further, that the promise then made by the Duke should be frustrated, instead of being inviolably observed. What the law of arms and reason require is obvious. If the Duke will write to Mme. de Crezecquez for the deliverance of the said Cotton at a reasonable cost, to be settled by the Duke, it shall be paid without delay.—Sept. 12, 1559.
Copy. Endd.: To the Duke of Guise, from Soissons. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 13.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 445.
1344. The Queen to Sadler and Croft.
Has seen their letters containing their discourse with Balnaves, wherein they have behaved with wisdom and circumspection, for which she heartily thanks them.—Hampton Court, 13 Sept. 1559. Signed.
P. S.—Will, in a few days, more fully advertise them of her pleasure on their said letters.
Sept. 13.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 445.
1345. Sir Wm. Ingleby to Sadler.
By negligence the sum of 5,000l. is not yet received, which is greatly prejudicial to the soldiers, so long unpaid. If more speed be not made by the collectors, doubts if the sum of 15,000l. appointed to Berwick, be had in those parts.—Ripley, 13 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Sept. 13.
R. O.
1346. Francis, Duke of Guise, to Throckmorton.
In reply to Throckmorton's letter, which was in answer to one written by the Duke yesterday, the writer states that his promise to release the son of Thomas Cotton was only conditional; had it been otherwise, he would have released him at once. It is unreasonable to separate the war which the English and Burgundians conjointly last year waged against the French. The English had done much mischief at the taking of St. Quentin's, and during the whole of that year. If young Cotton is to be released, it must be by exchange with the son of the lady of Crezecques without the payment of any ransom, and Cotton will be treated in the same way, otherwise it would be unreasonable to favour a foreigner to the prejudice of a native.—Feor en Tartenoys, 13 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Add., with seal. Endd. by Throckmorton: The Duke of Guise's answer to my second letter which I wrote to him from Soissons. His second letter. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 14.
R. O.
1347. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to Elizabeth.
Asks for a safe conduct and passport for James Melvill, James Livingstoun, and John Livingstoun to pass through England on their way to France.—Edinburgh, 14 Sept. 1559. Signed: [y]our gud suster and allye, Marie R.
Orig. Add., with seal. Endd. Broadside.
Sept. 14.
R. O.
1348. The Queen Dowager of Scotland to Elizabeth.
Asks for passport for John Livingston and his company, going from Edinburgh to France on the Queen Dowager's business requiring expedition, and also the use of post horses from London to the sea coast.—Edinburgh, 14 Sept. 1559. Signed: [y]our gud suster and allye, Marie R.
Orig. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Sept. 14.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 446.
1349. Cecil to Sadler and Croft.
The Queen has sent the enclosed letters to be forwarded to them, and has willed him by her private letters to assure them for relieving Kircaldy, Ormeston, &c. Trusts they have heard of the Earl of Arran being with his father. The Queen would have them have regard to whom they deliver the money, both for honour of the persons and for secresy.
Sends them a specialty for 200 crowns, whereof if they hear anything, prays them to receive the money and deliver the bill. Though it is of his own purse, would not wish more haste than is convenient.—Burlegh, 14 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered.
Sept. 15.
B. M. Galba, C. 1. 40 b.
1350. Marsh to Cecil.
The captain of Calais and some other French had made a practice to take Dover and steal away the French hostages.
Sept. 16.
B. M. Cal. B. x. 35. Sadler, 1. 447.
1351. Sadler and Croft to Cecil.
Have received his letters of the 11th inst. In addition to what they stated in their letter of the 13th inst., respecting the sure entrance of M. de Beaufort, they have now certain information that he is safely in the castle of Hamilton with his father, where he remains so secret that his arrival was not known in Edinburgh. He has sent hither for Randall, whom they will despatch to him.
The old Laird of Lethington told them that he had been willed by the Regent of Scotland to declare that diverse Scottishmen had licence to pass through England into Scotland, and out of Scotland into England, contrary to the treaty. The writers admitted it, and Croft took the blame upon himself. All this is because she mistrusts the coming of the Earl of Arran through England. They have got some knowledge that a Frenchman should secretly pass through Alnwick, and because they cannot learn "where he is become, therefore they be so inquisitive."
The English borderers on the West Marches, called the Graymes, have made sundry incursions into Scotland upon the Lord Maxwell; they have slain his cousin, the parson of Annan, and chased the said Lord Maxwell, who hardly escaped them. He is so occupied in defending his country that he has no leisure "to look the other way." It seems very strange that in time of peace they should do this; whether it be a practice or no they will not judge; but they perceive that the Scottish Commissioners find no fault with it. They will try to learn why the Graymes are so busy. Lord Dacres is at Carlisle, and either suffers it or cannot amend it. Why commit rule to such men as the Wardens are there, "being indeed rank Papists?" (fn. 1)
P. S.—Sadler received Cecil's other letters of the 12th inst., recommending him to lend the Protestants money as of himself. Cecil and he had talked of this before the writer left the Court. The money is already delivered to Balnaves, who, by reason of a contrary wind, was forced to tarry six days in Holy Island; and therefore, to avoid further trouble in sending back for it again, having Alex. Whitlaw in his company, he desired to have the money with them, to which the writers consented. On Wednesday last they sailed homeward with a very good wind.
They do not hear of the Bishop of Amiens and La Brosse, who, however, are looked for in Scotland. They will not come by the west seas lest they fall in the danger of the Protestants. They have word even now that the Earl of Arran has discovered himself in Edinburgh; he has sent Cecil's 200 crowns, though the same were not required by the writers. Cecil should send him his bill.
Croft received commendations this morning from the young Laird of Lethington, Secretary to the Regent, offering his service to the Queen of England; he also sent word that he attended upon the Regent no longer than he might have a good occasion to revolt unto the Protestants. These commendations he sent by one Melvin, a Scotsman, servant of the Constable of France, now passing hence to his master.— Berwick, 16 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, partly deciphered by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Sept. 16.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1352. Another copy of the above.
Sept. 18.
R. O.
1353. [Challoner] to the Queen.
Since the receipt of her letters of 26 August, he has not written by any express courier, but has sent letters to the Secretary touching the death of the late Pope, and the tumults at Rome. Since the King's departure hence, as well the Regent as the Councillors and great men here have used a kind of progress; but of late, upon a conjecture of the time likely for the King's landing in Spain, the Regent, M. d'Arras, and others of the Council are repaired to this town of Brussels, about the despatch and order of the country, the King having left certain affairs imperfect through his hasty departure. Since their being here they have been occupied herein whole days.
Has presented her letters of gratulation to the Regent, having been conducted to her by certain principal Italians of her Court; which at his coming he found very honourably furnished, as to her estate appertained, most part with Italians. She not only received the Queen's letters very gently, but answered in Italian with great thanks to her for her remembrance. Thereupon he moved her for licence as well touching M. Granado and the horses, as also about the powder and Collen cleves. Her "Altezza," (that is her style here) answered that no such remembrance thereof had come into her hands, whereupon he presented one in writing, which he had ready. She said that upon conference with some of her Council she could inform herself of the same. Noted her to be a very well spoken and wise lady, well practised how to supply such a realm by the great doings she had about Papa Paulo Farneze.
He thought it also convenient to resort to M. d'Arras, respecting the two points, who made him with good usage courteous answer. (1.) The number of the horses, he said, was so small, that it seemed rather like a private motion, and that herein he would do his part. (2.) As for the munition, the quantity being so small he seemed not to disapprove of it, and promised that he would do, upon conference with the Regent and Council, as much as in him were possible.
Challoner "axed" M. d'Arras whether any certain news had arrived of the King's landing in Spain. "Not as yet," quoth he, "save only that a pilot here brought word that he met him on main seaboard, so far passed the coast of England as that it is judged he has long since arrived there. Marry, perchance at the Groigne, or parts of Galicia; which being out of the ordinary post ways hath hindered hitherto the sooner novelles thereof." Of Romish advices little had been brought, but M. d'Arras said that he looked for them by the merchants' post this Monday; adding he thought the Consistry would at the end rest upon the election of an Italian Pope, and of no other nation.
Challoner moved these two questions not without purpose; for here it is marvelled they have as yet no other news by express courier of the King's landing; and reports from Rome have here been touched of diversities all tending to the tumult among the people there, as cause men's minds to rest suspended for knowledge of more certainty.
Touching other occurrences: not four days past the Prince of Orange and Count d'Egmont, having sent their trains before them, returned by post into France for hostages; having upon their words by the late French King been licensed for a time to return hither, and now again by this young King (to whom they had not given their words) revoked. The restitution of the forts on both sides shortly proceeds. Theonville, Marienberghe, and others, which the French on this side ought to restore, are already delivered; St. Quentin, Haen, and Chastellet, yet rest in these men's hands until the pieces in Savoy and Piedmont are cleared, as yet they are not. Men here will say it rests only upon want of money in France to pay the soldiers before discharging the garrisons. The Duke of Savoy was sick upon his late arrival in France, but is now well amended, and makes haste to repair into Savoy, not tarrying for the French King's coronation. Of the Scottish affairs greater bruits have been than now is talked of.
Much discourse upon the Queen's marriage, and much loud talk amongst some vulgar folk, most proceeding of wicked tongues at home, and worse additions of some evil-tongued Catholics of England remaining in the Low Countries. One called Bowyer repairs hither often upon trifling errands of merchandise. He is now here, and is supposed to be a great packet-conveyer between parties there and here. At his return he may be examined. (fn. 2)
The writer being at Antwerp there resorted unto him a Florentine called Thomaso Marchi, an elderly man, well seen in matters of state. As Florentines have above other Italians discoursing heads, so this man entered into a device for increasing the Queen's revenue without offence of the subjects, discoursing how commodious that province is, through the site, the fertility, the ports, &c., to be reduced to a rare form of wealth. One of his devices busily by himself penned, is herewith sent to her. He is not so simple as he seems at the first part. He desires to repair into England to declare more at large his whole conceit, as well herein as in other devices. In that behalf she may consider a reward is understood, and may find in him some things worth a reward, viz., for the discourse of Spain, Portugal, and the New Indies. He brought unto the writer an Almain miner, pensioner to this King, singularly expert in the search and judgment of mines and minerals and also alum mines, who has been in Spain in that famous mine of Gwadall Cavall; also knows the natural yield, and likelihood of the durability of the same, and of the other mines in Spain not yet worked. He has been in England, and praises the likelihood of the mines in Ireland. Thinks he could procure him to come over. He returns next spring into Spain with Almain miners. The Spanish miners have well nigh destroyed, through ignorance how to shift the rain water, the mine of Guadal Caval.
Being now the only Ambassador of any Prince of moment left here is like to have more recourse of visitors.—Brussels, 18 Sept. 1559.
P. S.—This Tuesday evening here arrived a Spanish courier with certain news of the Catholic King's arrival in Spain on the 8th inst., whereby it appears he has long remained upon the seas. (fn. 3)
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: M. to the Queen, from Brussels, 18 Sept. 1559, sent by Ro. Farneham. Pp. 10.
Sept. 18.
B. M. Galba, C. 1. 41.
1354. Abstract of above.
Sept. 19.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 228.
1355. Throckmorton to the Queen.
On 9th inst. received by a servant of Sir Tho. Cotton her letters of the 28th of August, touching the Duke of Guise's solicitation for the delivery of Mr. Cotton his son, out of Mme. de Crezecques' hands. For this purpose he sent to the Court and wrote to the Duke, and encloses copies of his letters and of the Duke's answers. The Queen's letters, written in favour of her subjects in like cases, rather hinder than further the suitors.
A Great Seal is lately sent into Scotland with the Arms of England, France, and Scotland quartered, having this style, "Franciscus et Maria, Dei Gratia Franciœ, Scotiœ, Angliœ, et Hibernœ Rex et Regina." The same arms are also graven upon the French Queen's plate; and at dinner he and Sir Peter Mewtas were served with the like.
The King of Spain's Ambassador is very much made of here, and has liberty to have access at all times to the French King; therefore thinks the place will be offered to that Ambassador in preference to himself. For this reason at the Sacre of the King he [Throckmorton] will feign sickness, so to leave the matter of his place as it was, rather than with his presence there to hazard her dishonour. He visited the Spanish Ambassador at his lodging on the 25th inst., and declared to him what he heard of the French King going into Lorraine, to see what he would say thereunto. The Ambassador told him it was a practice of the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine for the conducing of a marriage between the Duke of Guise's son and the Duchess of Lorraine's daughter, which was procured for the Count d'Eu, (eldest son of the Duke of Nevers,) who, in case the Duke of Lorraine die without issue, is next heir to the duchy; for which cause the French practise all they can to make the Duchess of Lorraine French, which will be hard for them to do. She will come to this Court; if she bring her daughter with her the matter is liker to take place; if not, she will not hearken thereto.
To this Throckmorton answered that he had heard that the Duke of Guise did practise to marry his son with a daughter of the Duke of Cleves, which startled him. The Ambassador told him that though the Duke of Saxe was said to depart in some disgrace, it was not so indeed, but only to annoy the Queen, and advised him to have an eye that way. As for the Spaniards, he said that they would watch them; and that he has written to the Emperor at good length with advice to look well to his doings. The Ambassador also said that the French need not make so much haste for the bringing of the Spanish Queen into Spain, for it will not work them so good a turn as they look for. The Spanish Ambassador asked the writer news of Scotland, and what he had heard of the Earl of Arran. Throckmorton told him he had taken shipping at Antwerp and was landed at Leith. Whereupon the Ambassador said the Cardinal of Lorraine assured him that the Earl of Arran was gone into Denmark; and that if he arrived in England, the Queen had assured their Ambassador that she would bind him hand and foot and send him to them; such (the Cardinal said) was her inclination to the continuance of the amity. To this the Ambassador said that he replied little, but thought he told the Queen's tale to his own advantage.
He further told Throckmorton that the Marquis d'Albœuf was in all secresy despatched towards Scotland, without carrying any number of men, but only his own band and that of the Duke d'Aumale; and that the French daily send by 200 or 300 at a time, without any bruit; declaring that when, under colour of religion and suppressing Lutherans in Scotland, they had brought as many men as they could, they would make Englishmen the only Lutherans; he therefore advised the Queen to take heed.
Sept. 19. Throckmorton then discoursed to him what danger their Low Countries stood in by means of Calais; which he confessed to be true, and also the great charges the same caused them to be at; for if the French keep it still in their hands, the Spaniards must be forced to make fortifications at Gravelines and Burborough, to make them serve in lieu of Calais; declaring that one had made an offer to make at Gravelines a haven for 60,000 crowns.
On 11th inst. the King removed from Villiers-Coste-Rez to an abbey two leagues off, called Longpont; the next day to La Fere, in Tartenois, a house of the Constable's; from thence to Fymes; and the 13th to an abbey three leagues from Rheims; where, on 15th inst., he made his entry. There was no show there at all, saving that the arms of England, France, and Scotland quartered were very "brimly" set out to the show over the gate. From thence he was received at Notre Dame by the Cardinals of Lorraine, Givry, Bourbon, and Chastillion, and a number of priests. After an oration by the Cardinal of Lorraine, he was conducted to the high altar by the Cardinals of Givry and Chastillion; when, after he had prayed, he offered to the altar a golden image of St. Francis, kissed the cross, and so went to his palace without any other ceremony or show. The King and about sixteen of his order were apparelled in black velvet coats, with their collars. On the same day the French Queen made her entry.
The Sacre and Coronation were deferred from the 17th to the 18th. There were there the six Peers of the church and the six Peers of the temporalty. The Peers of the spiritualty were placed with the Bishops on the right side of the choir; and the temporal Peers, viz., the King of Navarre (representing the Duke of Burgundy), the Dukes of Guise, Normandy, Nevers, Guyon, Montpensier, the Counts of Flanders, Champaigne, Toulouse, and the Duke d'Aumale on the left side; on which were also the Knights of the Order, the Ambassadors of the Pope, Spain, Portugal, Mantua, and two gentlemen sent from the State of Sienna. The old Queen, her daughters, and all the ladies of the Court were all apparelled in dueill, except the young French Queen. The Duke of Savoy was present.
The occasion of the sending of the letter here from the Prior of St. Andrew's and the Earl of Argyll rose upon a sharp letter from the French Queen to them, charging them with rebellion, unnaturalness, and unkindness, and naming them rebels and traitors; and dilating the great benefits they had received out of this country. Whereunto they answered they were neither rebels nor traitors, but were as ready to spend their blood in the maintenance of her state as any other; and would employ in her service life, lands, and goods. But understanding that men of war were prepared to be sent into Scotland for their suppressing, touching the matter of their consciences and God's cause, they said that for the defence thereof they feared no power nor puissance of any Prince or Potentate, trusting entirely in God.
Sept. 19. The Cardinal of Lorraine has of late set out very extreme injunctions, and has taken the pattern from the injunctions set out by Cardinal Pole and the Bishop of London in Queen Mary's time. The same were given to him by one Eldar, who has been heretofore in England, and is as great a practiser and as dangerous for the matters of England as any he knows. He incenses the Cardinal with all such matter as he thinks acceptable to him, and is in good credit with him for such matters. It were well done that regard were had to such as he was acquainted with in England.
On 15th Count Egmont arrived at this Court; and the Prince of Orange is appointed to remain till certain things in the treaty are performed. News have been brought from Mont Araby that King Philip arrived there on the 8th inst. The Queen shall not go to Spain till the spring. The legionaries, lately cassed, will be renewed in every country where they were appointed before. Rockrolle (lately sent with the Duke of Saxe,) shall shortly be sent in the company of Montpesat to the Emperor, to desire him to give licence to the French to levy men in Germany to be employed in Scotland. A gentleman is despatched hence through England to Scotland, to carry thither an Interim for the stay of matters in religion, till further order be taken and things pacified. On the 18th "very brymme" news arrived here that there had of late been a conflict between the English and the Scotch; and two English ships are taken by the Scots. Believes it a mere French rumour.
The Conclave for the Pope's election has been deferred from the 2nd to the 7th inst., at which time the Cardinals entered the Conclave. The election is between Puteo and Carpy. Since the death of the old Pope the people have made a great mutiny at Rome, and set the prisoners at liberty. The Duke of Luneberg is of new entertained by the French King, and has 8,000 francs pension for himself, and for four captains 400 crowns each yearly. The Duke of Saxe has had assignation made unto him of 45,000 francs.
Besides the two bands of men at arms, the Marquis d'Albœuf carried with him, or appointed to come after him, eight ensigns of footmen; and the French mind to continue in Scotland 500 men at arms and thirty ensigns of footmen, who shall remain there. He understands that the French mind verily to have to do with us as soon as time and opportunity serve, and to convert all their force that way. The King's journey towards Lorraine holds still; he minds to keep the feast of the Order of Bar le Duc. On the 18th inst. the Duke of Savoy presented to this King the Order of the Toison from King Philip.—Rheims, 19 Sept. 1559. Signed.
P.S.—Octavian has returned from Scotland, where he has without impeachment landed the Frenchmen, and bestowed them at Dalkeith. Labrosse and the Bishop of Amiens are not yet landed. They have given order for the sending away of eight ensigns by those who carried the last. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. (See next article.) Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 11.
Sept. 19.
R. O.
1336. Decipher of the ciphered portions of the previous letter.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
Sept. 19.
R. O.
1337. Draft of the previous letter. A few portions expressed in cipher.
Endd. Pp. 18.
Sept. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 492.
1338. Another copy of the above, with the cipher deciphered.
Forbes' transcript.
Sept. 19.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 235.
1339. Throckmorton to Cecil.
On 17th inst. received his letter of 27 August brought by Nisbet; who said that he had stayed his coming to him because he had been appointed by the Duke of Chatelherault to repair to Chatelherault to speak with Hamilton, the Earl's lieutenant.
The Duke of Chatelherault sent letters lately to the French King and the Cardinal of Lorraine, accompanied by others from the Queen Dowager of Scotland in favour of the contents thereof; which were his suit for the delivery of his son Davy, who is at Bois de Vincent. He desires to know in what state he stands for the dukedom of Chatelherault, and also to understand from them of the Earl of Arran's departure. —Rheims, 19 Sept. 1559. Signed.
P. S.—Perceives his suspicion regarding Robert Bethun, the Lord of Crick, to be unfounded, and that his inclinations to their doings are good. He minds ere long to repair into Scotland through England. At his arrival he should be well used, as he is the Earl of Arran's friend and kinsman. Is sorry that the French have so quietly landed without impeachment. "Barnaby had the songs delivered unto him that you wrote of." (fn. 4)
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 509.
1340. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Sept. 19.
R. O.
1341. [Challoner] to Cecil.
Small occurrents here. Wrote unto him on 27 and last of August by the merchants' post, and one by one Hemminges, Mr. Basshe's servant, on the 2nd inst. Have they all come to his hands? Received from him a letter dated 1st inst. Was well acquainted with his cipher, which is no less easy than cunning, and deciphered his notes readily. Is glad that the Earl of Arran is passed into Scotland; marvels that he hears nothing of his doings, much depends of it. Here they say the Queen will marry with him; it is too strange to write all. God grant that once an honourable marriage decide these busy bruits and discourses. Takes . . . to be an honest man, hears not so by . . . The letter sent herewith he may consider; could not for a season meet with the party. Disbursed to him thirty French crowns; he may deserve it and more, for sundry causes. To another good fellow disbursed 5l. Trusts he will be repaid hereof. Without espial money much service shall be impeached. Is here of Ambassadors left alone. To repair to the Court were over suspicious; to come to their churches were for him dangerous; so these two conferences being taken from him, what resteth but a good table and liberal rewards to espies? Without tools no work is done.
Finds this country marvellous chargeable. Horse room alone with his host's plate of meat cost him 8s. per diem. Prays that the Privy Seal for his diets may be reformed, so that he may receive every three months' diets aforehand; it will do him no pleasure to send for it monthly. Is already a month behind. Asks him to consider how he may be relieved. If the pensions of Mr. Brend, deceased, were transported upon him, he could also say that he had served in Scotland. Is sorry for the death of good Sir Thomas Cardon, but debemur morti nos nostraque.
Wishes he may be informed with speed if the Queen conceives any taste in the overture of the Florentine, or touching the Almaine mineralist, the latter of whom might serve for the discovery of some mine in Ireland. Among other things he said that it was possible to make alum of most kinds of stones.
Has not forgotten Cecil's pedigrees and blasons, and has gotten a "compaignon" for the purpose; in his next letters he shall have some Godspenny of the rest to follow. Would better understand Romish news at Antwerp than here, and likewise things of Almaine and Italy. If of his arms or other devices for his house he would have any "tapessarie" bespoken, here is the well head. The workmen upon the bespeaking will "axe" a time to do it.—Brussels, 19 Sept. 1559.
If the writer's brother Farneham repair for the writer's affairs to Cecil, prays him to be their good aid.
Copy. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Endd. by Challoner: M. to Mr. Secretary, 19 Sept., from Brussels, sent by Farneham. Pp. 4.
Sept. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 191. Calderw. 1. 517. Knox, 1. 413.
1342. The Nobility of Scotland to the Queen Regent. (fn. 5)
Being credibly informed that her army of Frenchmen begin to plant in Leith and fortify the same, and mind to expel the ancient inhabitants thereof, they marvel that she should so manifestly break the appointment made at Leith without any provocation. Seeing that it is done without the consent of the nobility and Council of the realm, they esteem it not only oppression of their poor brethren, but plainly contrary to their ancient laws and liberties. Desire her to cause the same work enterprised to be stayed, otherwise they will complain to the whole nobility and community of the realm and most earnestly seek for redress thereof.—Hamilton, 19 Sept. 1559. (fn. 6)
Sept. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 106.
1343. Another copy of the above.
Sept. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4734. 191 b. Calderw. 1. 518. Knox, 1. 415.
1344. The Duke of Chastelherault and Lords to Lord Erskin.
The French are fortifying Leith, or shortly intend to do so, and to expel the ancient inhabitants thereof. Seeing the faithfulness of his antecessors, and especially of his father, (to whom the Estates gave as it were the key of the Council, the justice and policy of the realm, the castles of Edinburgh and Stirling,) they desire him to augment the honourable favour of his house by steady favour and loyalty to the Commonwealth. They have written to the Queen to desist, and beseech him not to meddle with that ungodly enterprise. They warn him not to "thoill" [suffer] himself to be enchanted with fair promises and crafty counsellors. Any man, though he were their father, if he is an enemy to the Commonwealth, which is now assailed, shall be the known enemy of them, their lives, houses, babes, and heritages. Desire him to show his faithfulness in respect to the castles committed to his charge. Are assured that he will be assailed both by craft and force; and as by warning they help him against the first, so against the last he shall not miss in all possible haste to have their assistance.—Hamilton, 19 Sept. 1559.
Sept. 19.
B. M. Sloane, 4737. 106 b.
1345. Another copy of the above.
Sept. 19.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 451.
1346. Sadler and Croft to Cecil.
Can write no special matter of the Protestant proceedings [in Scotland], having heard nothing since the departure of Balnaves; but hear by the common bruit of Scottishmen that all greatly rejoice at the arrival of the Earl of Arran, and much devising there is which way he came, suspecting it to have been through England. The Regent is in great displeasure with the same. The Congregation begins to assemble, and the French devise for their defence, looking daily for the coming of the Marquis d'Albœuf with aid from France. If they were arrived they think themselves strong enough for the Protestants.
The incursions of the Graymes and others into the West Marches of Scotland increase. Lord Dacres, who might stay it if he would, lies at Carlisle and winks at the matter, and says he has no commandment from the Queen, and therefore they may do as they list. The writers are told that he sent two servants to the Regent, who returned on Thursday. He says, they were sent to beg her to appoint a Warden with whom he might confer for redressing these incursions. What he is Cecil knows. Their opinion is that he would be loath that the Protestants in Scotland, (yea, or in England,) should prosper if he might let it. Even also of the same sort is your Warden of the East and Middle Marches. In the meantime, letters should be sent to Dacre to stay the incursions.—19 Sept. 1559. Signed.
P.S.—They suspect that the Earl of Northumberland is advertised from time to time by Alen, the Clerk of the Council there, of all secret matters that concern him or any other.— Berwick.
Orig. The P. S. in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. 19.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1347. Draft of the above, P. S. in cipher, deciphered.
Sept. 19.
B. M. Cal. B. x. 37.
1348. A short memorandum of the above.
Sept. 20.
R. O.
1349. The Queen to Lord Hastings.
Requires him to attend upon her in London at the coming of the great embassy from the King of Sweden.—Hampton Court, 20 Sept., 1 Eliz.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Add.: To the Lord Hastings of Loughborough. Endd.: M. of a letter sent to diverse Lords to come up to the Court, 23 Sept. 1559. Pp. 2.
Sept. 20.
R. O.
1350. The Queen to . . . . . . .
As there is to come to her from the King of Sweden a great ambassade, who are already on their journey hitherward, she wishes them to be accompanied with such of her nobility, both lords and ladies, as is meet for her estate at such an assembly, and requires the person addressed, among others, with my Lady his wife, to attend upon the Queen at the coming of the said Ambassadors.
Draft. Endd.: M. to such as are commanded to attend against the coming of the Ambassadors of Sweden. 20 Sept. 1559. Pp. 2.
Sept. 20.
R. O.
1351. Embassy from Sweden.
A list of the noblemen commanded to attend against the coming of the Ambassadors of Sweden, viz.:—The Duke of Norfolk, the Earl of Oxford, with my Lady, Viscount Montague, the Lords Morley and Cobham, Lord Wentworth, with my Lady, Lord Hastings of Loughborough, Lord Dacres of the South, with my Lady, the young Lord Hastings (fn. 7) and my Lady, the Lord of Burgavenny.
The following names are cancelled: The Earl of Pembroke, with my Lady, Sir Rowland Clerke, with my Lady, Sir Roger North, with my Lady, Mr. Copley, with his wife.
P. 1.


  • 1. These words stood in the original draft (see the next number) but are deleted, and do not occur in the copy sent to Cecil.
  • 2. A portion of this paragraph is in cipher, deciphered.
  • 3. This postscript is in Challoner's hand.
  • 4. This sentence is in Throckmorton's hand, and is written on the back of the letter.
  • 5. This and the letter to Lord Erskin are erroneously ascribed in the Sloane MSS. to Sept. 29.
  • 6. This letter was subscribed by the hands of my Lord Duke, the Earls of Arran, Argyll, Glencarne, and Menteith; the Lords Ruthven, Ochletree, Boyd, and others, and by diverse barons and gentlemen.—Knox, Hist., 1. 414.
  • 7. This name is in Cecil's hand.