Elizabeth: September 1559, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: September 1559, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp542-551 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1559, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp542-551.

"Elizabeth: September 1559, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp542-551.

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September 1559, 6-10

Sept. 6.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 429.
1321. Randolph to Sadler.
The gentleman [the Earl of Arran] and he have arrived this morning at Alnwick, desiring to know his pleasure at the next post.—Alnwick, Wednesday, 6 Sept. 1559, 9 o'clock.
Sept. 7.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 429.
1322. The Commissioners for Scotland to the English ComMissioners.
Have received their writings dated Berwick, 4th inst. to the effect that they might not keep the first day of meeting appointed at our Lady Kirk, which answer the writers accept in good part. They will meet them at our Lady Kirk on Monday next, the 11th Sept., and will arrange matters for the peace and quietness of both realms.—Melrose, 7 Sept. 1559. Signed: Bothwell, Richard Maitland, Walter Ker, of Cesford.
Sept. 8.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 430.
1323. Sadler and Croft to Cecil.
Mr. Balnaves arrived here on Wednesday last, at midnight, from the Lords of the Congregation; and they conferred with him yesterday morning. Sadler never having spoken with him before, Balnaves made him a whole discourse of all their proceedings from the beginning. He says they intend to revive the matter, for the Regent has not observed the articles of their last agreement, having set up the Mass again in the Abbey of Holy Rodehouse, which they had before suppressed, and that the French still remain and increase, whereat all Scotland is moved. They also have new matter against her for her mis-government, having abased the Congregation, without consent of the Council. They would have sooner begun but causes have prevented them, whereby they have rather great advantage than hindrance. One, for that the Regent strove to stir James McDonell and other Irishry against the Earl of Argyle, who, being thus occupied at home, would have no time to attend to the matter, wherefore it behoved him to return home; but now he has so well ordered all that the Regent is clearly frustrated. Another reason is that, the harvest being late, they cannot assemble in great power in the fields, without great destruction of the fruits of the earth. Again, during this time their preachers have allured the people to their devotion that their power is double what it was.
He further says that practices have been used and conferences had with the Duke, the Earl of Huntley, and others. The Duke has promised to take no further part with the Regent; the rest he will refer to the coming home of his son, "who," he saith, "may take the matter in hand if he list, to be sick or lame, and to wink at the matter." Balnaves seemed desirous for the coming of the Duke's son, who was indeed nearer than he thought. The Earl of Huntley has promised the same, and they have also won to their party others, the best borderers of the March and Tweedale, who have their preachers among them; and though some of the older draw back, yet, having young and lusty gentlemen for sons, they are content to let them follow their purpose, they themselves dissembling matters with the Regent.
These advantages have they gotten by protracting time, and as soon as harvest is at good point they will assemble. For this purpose the Lords of the Congregation meet on the 10th or 12th, at Stirling, where they hope to have some good comfort from the Queen's hands, and for this purpose had then sent him [Balnaves] to the writers.
Balnaves having concluded, they assured him that the Queen and Council would do all they could for them, without breaking the peace with France and Scotland; and that being wise men, they would consider that this cause (though truly to extirpate idolatry, for the furtherance of Christ's faith and for their own freedom,) would seem to the world but a faction contending against authority. He agreed in this, and said it would be best for the Scots that the Queen should remain in peace, for if the English were in war, they could then find no fault with the coming of Frenchmen into Scotland. And whatever pretence they make, he said the principal mark they shot at is to make an alteration of the state and authority so that they may enter into open treaty with Elizabeth. This is very secret; they mean to bestow it on the Duke; or, if he refuse, his son is as much, or rather more meet for the purpose. And now they hope to have some secret aid of money from England that they may keep 1,000 harquebusiers and 300 horsemen for two or three months.
The writers then said that the only means to help them would be by money, and they doubted not the Queen would do so. Sadler minded him how much King Henry had helped the Scots, and how little they regarded it; Balnaves confessed it to be true, but said that the case was far different, for then the English sought of them, and now they seek of the English. He further promised such secresy as that only some of the Privy Council should know but that the force is levied of the benevolence of the whole Congregation.
Finally the writers granted them 2,000l., doubting not that if the Queen saw this so employed as to advance their cause, and her own honour be untouched, she would show herself more liberal; wherein the writers pray his [Cecil's] help, that they may keep promise, if need be. Then Balnaves seemed very thankful, and it was settled that within six days they should send for the same by sea, and shall receive it at Holy Island with much secresy.
The writers think that this money which they have adventured could not be employed to better purpose. There are others, as Kyrkauldy, Ormestone, and Whitlaw, who have been captains in Scotland, and having spent much on this matter have lost fifteen or sixteen months' pay, which they should have had from France; these look for some reward. They have been told they have some hope of relief, but before doing more, Sadler would know the Queen's mind.
All this while of their talk, the Earl of Arran was at the castle, having arrived three hours after Balnaves, for Balnaves came on Wednesday at midnight, and the Earl came into the castle on Thursday morning before day. The Earl was asked if he would see Balnaves, which he did, knowing him to be his assured friend. When they were come together, Balnaves rejoiced much at his coming and talked of the state of the country. Last night Balnaves departed as secretly as he had come, by Holy Island. They are now devising for the sure and secret conveyance of the Earl to Scotland, by Tevydale, and from thence to his father's house at Hamilton.—8 Sept. 1559.
Sept. 8 & 9.
R. O.
1324. Obsequy of Henry II., King of France.
"The obsequy of the right victorious Prince Henry, the French King. The account of Sir Edward Waldgrave, master of the Queen's great wardrobe, viz., as well of all sums of money he has received of the Queen's treasure for the use of the said obsequy, as also for the defraying and expending of the same about the emption of black velvet, black cloth, &c., during the said obsequy, which was ordained and kept in the cathedral church of St. Paul, within the city of London, 8 and 9 Sept., 1 Eliz.
£ s. d.
Dr. Ready money received 600 0 0
Cr. Paid for black velvet 62 8 6
Sarsenet, blue and red 14 1 0
Venice gold fringe 33 3 9
Silk fringe 22 16 6
Sewing silk 1 0 0
Riband 13 4
Buttons and tassels 15 0
Buckram 1 13 8
Black cloth 283 3 2
Broad cotton 23 6 6
Narrow cotton 31 16 0
Diverse necessaries 2 8 8
Banner rolls 16 0 0
Banners 16 6 8
Coat of arms 4 0 0
Pencils 21 12 0
Scutcheons 30 14 0
Rich arms, embossed 28 0 0
Gilding the majesty and vallence 16 0 0
Banner staves 1 8 0
Pencil sticks 1 4 0
Helmet, mantlets and swords 10 10 0
Rewards to Garter and the other heralds 20 0 0
The Dean of Pauls 14 6 8
The Clerk of the Wardrobe 5 0 0
The hire of the hearse 6 0 0
The hire of broad cotton 1 1 6
Carpenter's work 5 8 4
The diets for the mourners 38 3 11
Wages 4 15 4
Alms 10 17 4
Sum of payments and allowances 727 0 0
Superplus to the accountant 127 0 0
Signed: Winchester, Edward Saunder.
Note of cloth of gold, satin, (purple and white), damask, (purple), taffeta, (black), and sarsenet, (black and white), delivered from the store of the great wardrobe.
Sept. 8 & 9.
R. O.
1325. Obsequy of Henry II., King of France.
"The obsequy of the virtuous Prince Henry the French King, kept in the cathedral church of St. Paul in London, the Friday and Saturday, viz., 8 and 9 Sept. 1559," viz. paid for
£ s. d.
Black cloth (390 yards) 249 11 8
The hearse 86 16 8
The majesty of the hearse and "the quishions" 97 18 1
The helmet and mantlets 3 10 6
"The carpet for the communion table" 16 13 4
Banners, banerols, and pencils 168 8 2
The helmet, mantlets, and swords 10 10 0
For hanging and covering the ground of the chancel and choir 48 4 3
Rewards for the heralds at arms 20 0 0
The duties of the church at Pauls 13 6 8
The hire of the hearse 6 0 0
The offerings 0 17 4
Reward to the clerk of the wardrobe 5 0 0
Necessary expenses 7 4 0
For setting up and taking down the hearse 5 8 3
The charges of the diet for the mourners and other officers on Friday at night, void, and Saturday dinner, kept at the Bishop of London's Palace 31 8 9
The board wages of the officers 4 2 8
The turn broche 0 6 0
The dole 10 0 0
Summa totalis 789 10 10
Pp. 20.
Sept. 9.
R. O.
1326. Obsequy of Henry II., King of France.
"The charges of the obsequy of Henry, King of France, 9 Sept., 1 Eliz.," arranged under the heads of Mourners, Assistants, Bishops, Ambassador, gentlemen ushers, officers of arms, officers of the wardrobe, vergers and bell ringers of Paul's, amounting (with sundry necessaries) to 789l. 10s. 10d.
Pp. 4.
Sept. 9.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 436.
1327. Northumberland to Sadler.
Encloses letters from the Scotch Commissioners, according to which he will not fail to be at Berwick on Sunday by two o'clock to advise in the things concerning the same meeting.—Warkworth, 9 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Sept. 9.
R. O.
1328. Stores for Berwick.
"Emptions to be provided and bought for the furniture of the town of Berwick," 9 Sept. 1559, to the total amount of 476l. 12s. 4d., consisting of ropes, canvas, handsaws, marlyne, iron, copper, nails, tacks for ladels, clout nails, tallow, rosin, turpentine, linseed oil, pitch, tar, cresset lights, links, tallow candles, elm timber, naves, "fellows," spokes, exeltrees, "handspecks," chests for bows and arrows, "maunds for curriours, harquebuts, and daggs."
Pp. 2.
Sept. 9.
R. O.
1329. Throckmorton to the Council.
The Bishop of Argyll, brother to the Duke of Chastelherault repairs shortly out of this country towards Scotland, minding to take the Court there in his way. Signifies the same, that in his passing homewards they may give order not only for his easy and quiet journeying by the way, but that he may have more than common entertainment.—Ferté Melun, in Valois, 9 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 9 & 10.
B. M. Cal. E. V. 65.
1330. Obsequy for Henry II., King of France.
An account of the obsequy kept in S. Paul's Cathedral for Henry II., late King of France.
"Mourners: The Lord . . . . (fn. 1) the Lords William Howard, Hunsdon, Scrope, Darcye, Dacres, Burgaveny, Cobham, banner bearer.
Assistants: Sir Richard Sackvile, Sir Edw. Warner, Sir Wm. Sentlow, Sir Charles Howard.
Bishops: The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops of London, Hereford and Chichester.
Ambassador: The Ambassador of France.
Gentlemen Ushers: Mr. Frankwell, Mr. Brook.
Kings: Sir Gilbert Dethick, Clarencieux, Norroy."
"The charges of the black cloth for all the mourners and other officers cometh to 251l. 11s. 8d. The garnishing of the horses, 88l. 16s. 8d. The majesty, 97l. 18s. 1d. The helmets, mantles, and swords 14l. 0s. 6d. . . . Rewards to the heralds, the duties of Paul's Church, the hire of the hearse, the offerings, reward to the clerk of the ward[robe], expenses necessary, the charges of the dinner, and the dole." [Some portions burnt off.]
The document is too much destroyed by fire to admit of a satisfactory abstract; the following details, however, occur.
The chief mourner had twelve servants, each of whom had an allowance of 1½ yard of cloth; each Lord six servants, each Knight had two; Garter had for himself, 6 yards, and two servants, each at 1½ yard; the heralds Clarencieux and Norroy had each 4½ yards, and two servants, each at 1½ yard; the master of the wardrobe 6 yards; the clerk of the wardrobe 5 yards.
Sept. 9 & 10. Black sarcenet for the hearse, 88 yards; black velvet for the posts, 44 yards; small silk fringe for the hatchments, clothes for covering of the rails (no amount). Black velvet was provided for fourteen cushions, and black cloth for as many cushions and stools. An offering carpet of cloth is mentioned, as also for the helmet and mantlet cloth of gold, white satin, black velvet for powderings, an ounce of Venice gold for tassels, two buttons with tassels. (Mr. Garter provided the helmet, sword and [mantlets].) The carpet for the "Communion table" was of black velvet. The scutchions were of black taffeta; black sarcenet was also provided for pencils, banners, and scutcheons, purple damask for a banner, and purple satin for a coat of arms. There were one great banner of damask, and four large banners of sarcenet. The French King's arms embossed within the Garter and the great arms in the Garter with the imperial crown are mentioned. A gilt "Majesty" of taffeta was provided, and the gilding of twenty-two yards of vallence with letters and arms is charged. Sixty-eight yards of vallence were gilt for hatchments. Twenty-one banner staves and thirty-six dozen of pencil sticks were provided. "Item, in cotton for covering all the ground in the cathedral in Paul's church, 896 yards. Item, in broad cotton for hanging round about the chancel, 113 yards."
The expenses include the following heads; to which, however, no sums are affixed. "Reward to Mr. Garter, reward to the heralds, the Dean of Paul's agreed with the waxchandlers for the hiring of the same. Paid to the Lord Treasurer for offerings, the charges of the dinner, and payment to poor folks."
Much injured by fire. Pp. 7.
Sept. 10.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 225.
1331. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Understands (since his last letters by Sir P. Mewtas) that Labros is now returned again towards Scotland without any increase of men of war or ships. De Brian, a gentleman of his company, came from him to this Court from Dieppe; who is yet here, but will shortly be despatched into Scotland, through England; his elder brother married Lord Seton's widow. Robert Bog, one of the said Lord's servants, arrived from Scotland the 6th inst., and one Protestant, the courier, is likewise arrived on the 7th, out of England. Bog has brought advertisements from the Queen Regent of Scotland of the forward state of things there touching religion, and of the strength of her adverse party; and from others there that the said Queen is not like to live long; and also of Sadler being at Berwick.
Upon consideration of all such things, and seeing religion in Scotland in such towardness, and that the greater part is on that side, they are agreed for the continuation of the Scots at their devotion, (since they are not able with force to bring things to pass as they would,) to give them liberty to use such religion as they shall agree upon among themselves; so as they will still entertain their league with France and refuse to enter any other league with England, which they seem to fear. To effect this, they have sent for one named La Roche, who is noted to be a great preacher among the secret congregation here, in hopes the King's mother should have heard him preach. He was sent to the Court by Mme. de Roy, sister to the Admiral of France, and mother to the Prince of Condé's wife; however, he has been dismissed back again to Paris without any preaching at all. Asks what is to be done for the letting of this practice; as those who are of the French faction in Scotland devise to send their instruments, being Scotchmen, into France through England, thereby to serve their purpose. The Prior of St. Andrew's, by Bog, has written to the French Queen, his sister; but Throckmorton does not know the contents of the letter.
On 5th inst. there arrived at this Court one Don Federigo de Portugal, of the order of Calatrava, sent from the King and Queen of Bohemia, to condole with this King. The Duke of Savoy has a tertian fever. After the Sacre is despatched (for the order whereof the Cardinal of Lorraine has gone to Rheims,) the King here minds first to accompany the Duke of Lorraine and the Duchess into Lorraine, and after to conduct the Queen Catholic towards Spain.
M. de Noailles has told the writer that the present for Mr. Mewtas should be 800 crowns. An Ambassador from the Duchess of Parma has arrived here; he was presented by the King of Spain's Ambassador, at Villiers-Coste-Rez, on 7th inst. They begin again to persecute here for religion more than ever they did; three or four have been executed at Paris for the same, and diverse great personages threatened. The Cardinal of Lorraine said it is not his fault, and that no man hates extremities more than he, and yet it is known that it is altogether by his occasion.
The French Cardinals despatched to Rome have in commission to give their voices to the Cardinal of Ferrara. Cardinal Morone is set at liberty, and (as it is said) will be chosen Pope. The election will fall upon one of these four: Morone, Carpy, Puteo, and Cessy.
Mont Alcino is rendered into the Duke of Florence's hands. King Philip's fame and honour are so increased by his doings for his friends and his great liberality, that if he ever happen to have wars again, he shall easily have as many men of war as he can desire. The Bishop of Argyll, on 7th inst., sent to Throckmorton for a passport for his more quiet passing from the sea coast to the Court of England, which was furnished. He is a plain, honest man, and simple, and of very small practice. Sends her such articles as are brought hither from Scotland, and agreed upon between the Scots and the Queen Dowager. On 11th inst. the King removes towards Rheims.
Reminds her of the greyhounds for the Constable. During the time of the King's abode at Villiers-Coste-Rez, the Con stable has never been at the Court; albeit the King of Navarre is there, yet the house of Guise does all, and the King of Navarre meddles not. Baron de la Gard is arrived here; he is well received, and is like to have some present charge, viz., the setting in order of galleys to be employed the next spring towards Scotland. The Duc d'Aumale's son, and the Baron of Curton are deceased; also the Duke of Venice, one of the house of Friuli.—Ferté Melun, in Valois, 10 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Considerable portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 5.
Sept. 10.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 486.
1332. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Sept. 10.
R. O.
1333. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Remits him to the letter to the Queen for such occurrences as have come to his knowledge since Mr. Mewtas's departure hence.
Nisbet, the Duke of Chastelherault's servant, has arrived at this side, and has passed by the Court of England and was despatched with his commodity. Wonders that he has heard nothing from Cecil concerning the same, considering that he is a man of trust and such a one as by whom he might safely have sent, like as he always may by them whose credit the writer commends unto him. (fn. 2) The stay in these cases makes him doubt how to behave himself towards him and others; this imports much the Queen's service. Prays him to despatch Barnabe, the writer's servant, from thence. Trusts he shall shortly have his gardener, who has promised that as soon as he can rid himself of the Cardinal's service (with whom he is at present), he will make ready to repair into England.— Ferté Melun, in Valois, 10 Sept. 1559.
P.S.—As Cecil desired to have the pedigrees of some noble houses in this country, had applied to one of Mr. Wotton's old acquaintance, who is in these matters well instructed, but he had not kept promise with him. The same person said that Mr. Wotton is the best experienced man in all genealogies that lives in any nation. Cecil may now know where he may be best speeded. Perceives that his credit is not so great with Faron as to win anything of him. (fn. 3) Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 10.
R. O.
1334. Throckmorton to the Duke of Guise.
Has this day received a letter from the Queen, who commands him to remind the Duke about the detention of the son of Mr. Cotton, formerly porter of Calais, detained prisoner by Mme. de Crezeques. As he is kept prisoner contrary to promise and against the law of war, being a minor, the father of the said child has presented to the Queen a request to speak about it to him. Which request he now sends, together with a letter which Mme. de Crezecques has written to the said father, by this bearer, who waits for an answer.—La Ferté Melun, 10 Sept. 1559.
Copy. Endd.: To the Duke of Guise, for Mr. Cotton's son, from La Ferté Melun, upon the receipt of the Queen's letters, by Mr. Cotton's servant, for that purpose. My first letter. Fr. Pp. 2.


  • 1. " The chief mourner was the Marquis of Winchester, Lord Treasurer, assisted with two other lords mourners, with all the heraults in black, and their coat armours uppermost."—Stow's Annals, p. 640. See also Machyn's Diary, p. 209.
  • 2. Portions in cipher, now first deciphered.
  • 3. The whole of the postscript is in Throckmorton's writing.