Elizabeth: September 1559, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1863.

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'Elizabeth: September 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp567-575 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1559, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1863), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp567-575.

"Elizabeth: September 1559, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 1, 1558-1559. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1863), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol1/pp567-575.

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September 1559, 21-25

Sept. 21.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 454.
1352. Sadler and Croft to the Privy Council.
Acknowledge the receipt of their letters of the 15th August respecting John Fleming and the fifty gunners from Guysnes whereupon they signify to the Council that of the fifty only five or six have left their rooms, and it has been thought good to supply their place with others. When the fortifications are finished, 100 gunners at the least will be needed for the great ordnance; therefore they think that the number of fifty should be continued.—21 Sept. 1559.
[Sept. 21.]
R. O.
1353. The Gunners of Carlisle.
Petition of Christopher Chambrelayne, Ralph Pomfret, Robert Powley, John Foster, and other ten gunners, gunners of Carlisle, to Cecil; reciting that the late Queen Mary, (fn. 1) after the sacking of Guisnes, appointed them to take charge of her great ordnance at Carlisle, granting 8d. per diem each, payable by her Treasurer at Berwick, in fetching their wages from which place (being seventy-two miles from Carlisle), and sometimes returning without payment, they have been forced to consume a great part thereof. Having petitioned the Lord Treasurer to allow Mr. Ashton, the Queen's Receiver in those parts, to pay them their wages at Carlisle, as he does the other gunners and soldiers there, they pray Cecil for his letter to the Treasurer to return the said warrant to him for this purpose.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Sept. 21.
R. O.
1354. The Duke of Chatelherault to Sadler.
It has pleased the goodness of God to conduct his son safely to him, by whom he understands the friendship which he has received at Cecil's hands, whereof he gives most hearty thanks. Will requite the same; for his son's presence and safety is the writer's greatest worldly rejoicing. Their proceedings since his son's coming they refer to the sufficiency of the bearer.— Hamilton, 21 Sept. Signed: James.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Dux Chast. to Sir R. Sadler. Pp. 2.
Sept. 21.
R. O.
1355. The Earl of Arran to Sadler.
The bearer of this letter will inform him of such news as has occurred in "thir" parts since the writer's arrival. Has written at length to the Queen's Secretary, and begs he will "gar had thir letters to him" speedily. Requests that Randall may be sent, who will do him "meikil steid" here. thankful for Sadler's kindness.—Hamilton, 21 Sept. Signed: James Hamilton.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 21 Sept. 1559. Earl Arran. Pp. 2.
Sept. 21.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 455.
1356. Knox to Croft.
On Monday, the 17th Sept., the Lords of the Congregation left Stirling for Hamilton, (the Earl of Arran being with them,) for reconciliation to be made between the Duke and some Lords whom he had offended. The men who were last with Cecil and the Laird of Grange were in that company. Repeats what he had said before to Cecil, that unless some support were made to particular men, especially those whom he signified in writing, they could not serve in this action. Money, by the adverse party offered largely, could not corrupt them; but their poverty may compel them to remain at home, what money they have being superexpended already. If any one says they can serve without support they deceive him [Croft]. Unless he perfectly understood their necessity he would not thus write so precisely; but his knowledge of their poverty, and his desire to prosper the cause, makes him bold to speak his judgment. If they lack those, whom in a former letter he expressed, their cause will be weaker. France seeks to diminish their number. Croft is not ignorant what wealth can do when there is poverty. Has done what he could to prevent corruption from entering in among them, but advises him to be warned in time and to warn others.
Begs him or Sadler to obtain from the Queen a licence for his mother, Elizabeth Bowis, to visit him and remain some time with him; the comfort of her conscience is the cause of this request, which cannot be quiet without God's word truly preached and His Sacraments rightly ministered.
Edinburgh Castle has narrowly escaped betraying. They have begun to fortify Leith. The soldiers act as pioneers for augmentation of their wages.—S. Andrew's, 21 Sept. 1559. Signed: John Sinclear.
Sept. 21.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 453.
1357. The Mayor of Newcastle to the English Commissioners for Scotland.
Has received their letters of the 18th inst. touching the entrance and return of James Hume, son of the Lord of Coldingknowes. He has made his entrance unto Sir Robert Brandlinge, to the use of Lord Wharton, agreeable to his bond. The writer has nevertheless returned the same James Hume by these bearers, doubting not that he [the writer] will be discharged of all incumbrances, if Lord Wharton, hereafter, calls for him at his hands.—Newcastle, 21 Sept. 1559. Signed: Oswald Chapman, Mayor of Newcastle.
Sept. 22.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 459.
1358. Ingleby to Sadler.
According to the advice of Sadler and Croft in their last letters, the writer will certify the Queen's Council of the lack of money, and shall in the meantime speedily procure what is to be had, and arrive with the same at Berwick. What he has now received is too small a sum to send without double charge to the Queen—Ripley, 22 Sept. 1559. Signed.
P. S.—According to Sadler's wish has sent him two couple of hounds.
Sept. 22.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 457.
1359. Border Affairs.
Articles for the reformation of all attempts upon the Borders:
1. All bills already filed to be delivered to the Wardens of either realm in the Middle Marches, on Tuesday, the 28th [26?] Sept., and for the East Marches for Monday, the 2nd Oct.
2. The Wardens shall keep their conventions and diets at the towns and places accustomed; and shall appoint their assessors according to the ancient usage.
3. The Warden of one realm shall deliver bills of complaint to the Warden of the other, the opposite Warden taking upon his honour "that sic gude wantit within that time and filit that March."
4. All persons of either realm shall enter to their takers, or pay their several bonds, written or verbal, under pain of forfeiting the money promised in the said bonds.
5. If any controversy arise about the bonds, the persons aggrieved shall complain to the Warden of the opposite March, and for Berwick to the Captain thereof.
6. All prisoners that have been allowed to go home shall be compelled to return.
7. It is "menit" [complained] to the Commissioners that there are divers prisoners in either realm, some put in irons and fetters, or cast into horrible pits, or wild places, against the order of charity among Christian men; wherefore they ordain that all prisoners be honestly treated in time coming. —The Kirk of our Lady of Upsetlington, 22 Sept. 1559. Signed: Bothwell; Richard Maitland, [of] Cesford; R. Sadler; James Croft.
Sept. 23.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 236.
1360. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Wrote on 19th inst. Has since learned, by a credible person, that the French are in hand with practice for taking Portsmouth and Wight, and have inquired for cartes and situation of the same; minding to trouble her that way by the French only, and at the same time with their force of Almains to be busy northward. The common bruit of all men touching the French Queen's title to England is an assured confirmation of the French meaning towards her. Wishes to be present with her, as he could do her as good service as here.
On the 21st inst. the King of Spain's Ambassador visited him. All their communication was touching the French practices against England. He said we had need to look about us. On the 18th inst. the writer visited the Count d'Egmont, and did her command to him. He thanked her, and said he was ready to do her all the service he could, and wished her in anywise to look well to her things in England. One Roz, (who conducted the last man of war landed in Scotland) shall be despatched into Scotland again with six ensigns of footmen, which, with those already there, will make up the full number of thirty ensigns. There are in readiness also to be despatched into Scotland 200 men of arms.
Advises her to despatch some meet man for practice among the Bas Almains upon the sea coast, in order to have some of them to serve her in case of necessity, and also to hinder the French practices amongst them; and that Lady Stafford be appointed to be absent from her Court. Begs her to use good entertainment to M. de Carrouge, who is of the French King's chamber and the Duke of Guise's faction.
Recommends "il Cavallier Barzelino" of Venice, who desires to serve her and become her pensioner; is a man of experience in affairs of war and peace. Signor Giovanni Capello, who came from Venice to condole and congratulate with this King, died of a fever at Paris. Count d'Egmont is departed hence for Flanders; and the Prince of Orange is arrived here, who will not continue long unless the surprise of the town and castle of Guise lately attempted stay him here. The Duke of Guise is gone thither.—Rheims, 23 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
P. S.—Asks her to stay the execution of Stranguishe until he, the writer, may speak with her.
Orig. Nearly wholly in cipher, deciphered by Cecil. Water-stained. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Sept. 23.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 511.
1361. Another copy of the above.
Forbes' transcript.
Sept. 23.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 238.
1362. Throckmorton to Cecil.
Refers to letters to the Queen of matter of importance touching the Frenchmen's practice against this realm. Since a great part of the Government depends upon Cecil's shoulders, therefore begs him to foresee that the commonwealth be provided for and the worst prevented; and not to judge of these advertisements as Mr. Wotton's were judged for Calais, as it would then be too late. Being daily troubled with the common bruit of the French Queen's pretence to the realm of England, her usurping of arms and all other things sounding to that end, must needs put him in remembrance hereof. "Let us not tempt God too far, as Queen Mary did," referring all to God without doing anything ourselves. Refers him to the letter to the Queen.—Rheims, 23 Sept. 1559. Signed.
P. S.—Has made a motion to the Queen to license him to come over in post to speak with her.
Orig. Add. Endd. Chiefly in cipher, deciphered by Cecil. P. S. in Throckmorton's hand. Pp. 2.
Sept. 23.
B. M. Sloane, 4143. 514.
1363. Another copy of the preceding.
Forbes' transcript.
Sept. 23.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler. 1. 460.
1364. Cecil to Sadler.
Sends a bill for 200 crowns; prays him to deliver it where it ought to be. Begs him to say in cipher his opinion about changing the Wardens of the East, West, and Middle Marches, which is here seen to be very necessary. The Warden of the East and Middle Marches desires to come to Court, which he shall do, after ending his commission. Would gladly have some good matter against the Warden of the West Marches at his coming up.—Hampton Court, 23 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Delivered at Hampton Court at 9 o'clock before noon. Received at Newcastle 27 Sept. at 9 o'clock at night.
Sept. 23.
B. M. Cal. B. x. 38. Sadler, 1. 461.
1365. Balnaves to Sadler and Croft.
Having opportunity of writing by Quhitlaw advertises them of his proceedings. Arriving at Stirling on the 16th, (where he found the Lords and the Earl of Arran,) he secretly communicated his affairs to a certain number, and as speedily as might be they got their men from all countries together upon four days warning. Then, purposing to have the certainty of the Duke's mind in this cause, they passed to Hamilton on the 19th, and there, having opened their cause to him, he gladly subscribed all the bands they had made, for religion and other affairs of the Commonwealth; and wrote to the Earl of Huntley, to join them and come forward with all his friends. It is believed he shall be upon this side. When at Hamilton they heard that the French had entered to the fortifying of Leith; and being displeased thereat, the Lords wrote to the Regent to cause them to desist. No answer has yet come, but final conclusion is taken by the Lords, to convene with all their strength on the 15th of next month, and not to part until they have accomplished the change of this authority, and to have their intent of the Frenchmen, either by one means or other. They intend in the mean time, if it be possible, to take Edinburgh, that the French may be impeded of their enterprise of fortifying Leith, "and because we would be sure of the castle of Edinburgh to friend, there is letters sent to my Lord of Erskine with secret credit. I trust he shall meet my Lord Prior this next Sunday to commune upon the matter. As such matter shall take effect I shall advertise you from time to time; but the passage is very difficile."
The Earl of Arran is very desirous to have Mr. Randolphe to commune with; moreover, if they have not the like thing he [Balnaves] brought with him, sped thither about the end of next month, it will be impossible to keep their men longer together; therefore begs to be advertised what time the same may be "lippynnit" to be received, that he may appoint some secret man to this effect, for he cannot be absent from the Council himself.
This enterprise of Leith has much inflamed the people's hearts against France, from which realm he thinks there will follow a plain defection for ever.—Stirling, 23 Sept. 1559. Signed: Henry Balnaves, of Halhill.
P. S.—Lately has chanced slaughter between the Grames of Eske and Mr. Maxwell, "our friend;" if the same be not staid by the Warden of the West Marches, Maxwell cannot bring forth his men for them in their necessity. This should be done, so as that the strength of Maxwell may make for them.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 2.
Sept. 23.
MS. Burton-Constable.
1366. Copy of the above.
Sept. 24.
R. O.
1367. The Queen to [the Earl of Northumberland].
His old suit for his repair hither having been renewed by his brother-in-law,—Slingsby, Esq., she gives him licence to come up as soon as her commission for treating with the Scots is ended; taking, however, such order for the supplying of his place during his absence as may be for the quiet and safety of the border under his charge.
Draft. Pp. 2.
Sept. 24.
R. O.
1368. The Queen to Lord Dacres.
Meaning to have some better orders established as well in his wardenry as in the Middle, for the weal of her subjects within the same, and for the continuance of peace upon those frontiers, he shall prepare to repair here with all speed so as to return the sooner to his charge.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: M. to my Lord Dacres to come up to Q. Court. 24 Sept. 1559. P. 1.
Sept. 24.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 239.
1369. Throckmorton to the Queen.
Wishes to God he had some good occasion to vary his advertisements concerning the French determinations; but they are resolved to prosecute the French Queen's title to England, as he has declared in his other letter to her. Her service would not be much set back if she licensed him to come over to her in post to speak with her, as in these cases he cannot well commit to writing what he has to say. Has seen the like done in cases of less moment in her father's time. If she consents, he desires to know if he is to make the French King privy or accomplish the journey covertly.
Makes suit for the respiting of the execution of Stranguish and all his complices; nevertheless, to keep them in prison until he speaks with her. On the 24th inst. the King departed hence towards Bar le Duc, in the frontier of Lorraine. M. Jones, or rather M. Killigrew, can supply his place during his absence.—Rheims, 24 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Sept. 24.
B. M. Sloane, 4134. 515.
1370. Another copy of the preceding.
Forbes' transcript.
Sept. 25.
R. O.
1371. The Queen to the Duke of Finland.
Is glad to hear that he has arrived in England in safety after a tedious and stormy passage, but wishes that he had landed at some port nearer London. In order that his journey thither may be more easy, she has despatched to him Henry Knolles, and has commanded the Earl of Oxford, the "prefect" of the district, to arrange for the Duke's journey.— Hampton Court, 25 Sept. 1 Eliz.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Lat. Pp. 2.
Sept. 25.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 489.
1372. The Council to Northumberland and Sadler.
For answer to their letters of the 4th, they shall understand as follows: First, since his Lordship wrote that the Lady Carnabie refused her house for the Keeper of Tynedale, they have considered that since her house is far from the frontiers, and that she, being a widow, and having a daughter with her, cannot conveniently spare any part of her house, they wish that the Earl had found out some fitter place for the Keeper; yet in order that his authority may be maintained, they propose that the Keeper should remain there fourteen or twenty days at most, excepting the Lady agree to a longer abode, and then remove to some other. And that the said Keeper be then not destitute of an abode, they remind the Earl of Tarsett Hall, belonging to the Lord Bowrows, and of Hawgston to Sir John Wetherington, being meet places for such a thing.
Touching the inhabitants of Tyndale being offenders, they think he should put the leaders in ward, and even execute some, for the terror of the others. They request Sadler to call Sir Ralph Gray, and consider what covenants passed between the late Queen and him for the defence of Warke. They would know in writing the names, abodes, and causes moving those gentlemen who have absented themselves from their houses near the Borders, to call them to account, and to defend the Earl's credit and authority.—Hampton Court, 25 Sept. 1559.
Sept. 25.
R. O.
1373. Soldiers for the Garrison of Berwick. (fn. 2)
The Queen to Henry Lord Stafford, Lord Robert Dudley, Sir Ambrose Cave, and Lord Williams, to raise 300 men in Staffordshire, 200 in Warwickshire, and 200 in Shropshire, and to set them forwards to the town of Berwick.—Hampton Court.
Copy. Endd.: 25 Sept. 1559. Pp. 2.
Sept. 25.
R. O.
1374. Duke of Guise to Throckmorton.
Has received his letter of to-day, by which he learns that the man that Throckmorton sent to Marseilles to recover his servant has not been able to find him. The reason is that the man who was appointed by the Grand Prior to bring him has been longer by the way than he expected. He has desired him not to fail to send back the man, in order that his promise may be kept.—Vitry-en-Pertois, 25 Sept. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Sept. 25.
R. O.
1375. John Mershe to Cecil.
This evening there came to him one John Damye, a Frenchman now dwelling at Calais, and said he was a denizen of England, and having once taken an oath to the crown there, thinks it is his duty to disclose the following practices which he certainly knows are meant towards England.
That ten soldiers, whereof two are captains, are come from Marseilles, and sent into England, by the Governor of Calais, to view the strength and aptness of the forts and ports. They have already, by the conduct of two Frenchmen, who are men of the Lord Warden's, viewed Dover Castle; and from thence went to London to one Peter Cooke's house, in the Blackfriars, and thence have dispersed themselves into diverse parts of the realm.
Further, that six men dwelling in London have undertaken to convey away the noblemen of France who remain gages in England, viz. the aforesaid Peter Cooke, who (he says,) conveyed away M. de Toye who was taken prisoner in Scotland; (fn. 3) Guilliam de Puye, a goldsmith, dwelling in little S. Bartholemew's; Gallyot, lying in Peter Cooke's house; John Lone and Dewbenye, dwelling in Thomas Spittal in Southwark, and Tibaldo, a combmaker over against Pepper Alley. He further says, that their enterprise is to take Dover, where are certain Englishmen privy thereto, and imagine that there shall be no resistance made to the French at their arrival, and that for that purpose there are presently preparing in Dieppe seven ships with all speed: viz., the bark S. John, Le Chein de Dunkirk, Le Egle, Le Gabrier de Bure, and others. That the like is meant to Berwick with the power which is provided for Scotland. That in Mercels [Marseilles] there are twenty-five galleys appointed to be ready by 1 of March; for what purpose he knows not. That Thomas Galtier, a printer, who sometimes dwelt in England and now in Paris, is one of the chief spies of M. de Guise, and often resorts to England and arrives commonly at Rye. That one John Cooke, dwelling in London, the ordinary post for Antwerp, divers times comes by Calais with letters and is let into the Governor's chamber at midnight. Is very sure that one of the aforesaid ten soldiers had letters to Sir Peter Meytes. He says he knows all these things, because the Governor practised with him to join with the residue and offered him money and letters, which both he refused, but promised to join with them lest he should have been offended, but not minding it came to Antwerp, where he has remained this se'night. He says, that the Governor of Calais asked him if he were acquainted with the searcher of Dover, and because he told him not, he said no more to him about him.
Of all the above things Mershe advertises Cecil, Damye having underwritten them with his hand and avowed them upon his oath, but cannot judge whether he says them for malice to any of the above-named persons, or for desire of reward, or of conscience; but advertises him thereof. He has promised to visit him next morning and then intends to take him to Brussels to the Ambassador to understand further of him; and he to send him to England if necessary.—Antwerp, 25 Sept. 1559. Signed.
P. S.—He further says that the meeting is commonly at Peter Cooke's house. It had been his part to have referred the examination and declaration of this matter to the Ambassador, but as the writer had a trusty messenger and the wind being favourable, he thought it better to take this opportunity and not delay matters.
Orig. Hol. Add: To Sir W. Cyssell, or in his absence to Sir Thomas Parrye. Endd. by Cecil: Mr. Marshe from Antwerp. Pp. 4.
Sept. 25.
R. O.
1376. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Add.: To Cecil, or in his absence to Sir Thos. Parrye. Endd. by Throckmorton: Copy of Mr. Marshe's letters to Mr. Secretary, sent 25 Sept. 1559. Pp. 4.


  • 1. See Acts of Privy Council, 1st May 1558.
  • 2. The greater portion of this entry is derived from the endorsement, frequent blanks occurring in the body of the document.
  • 3. Here, in the margin, Cecil has written: "Grafton, Mr. Mallory."