America and West Indies: September 1711, 1-13

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'America and West Indies: September 1711, 1-13', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: September 1711, 1-13', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: September 1711, 1-13". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

September 1711, 1-13

Sept. 3.
86. Order of Queen in Council. Referring following to the Council of Trade and Plantations for their report thereon. Signed, Christo. Musgrave. Endorsed, Recd. Jan. 31, Read Feb. 1, 17 11/12. 1¼ pp. Enclosed,
86. i. Petition of Capt. John Walton to the Queen. Refers to Representation on the Virgin Islands, April 17, 1711. Petitioner never had notice of the persons who attended the Board, and consequently no opportunity to confute their allegations, for want whereof their Lordships have mistaken several matters in fact, and omitted others that were necessary. Prays H.M. to hear him by his Councill, etc. Copy. 2 pp.
86. ii. Copy of Representation of April 17, 1711. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 96, 96 i., ii.; and (without enclosure ii.) 153, 11. pp. 418–421.]
Sept. 3.
87. Governor Dudley to Mr. Secretary St. John. Encloses copy of letter formerly sent by a merchantman. What has occurred since is that on the 29th of July, the General and all the Fleet and Force being ready set saile with a fair wind and thirteen days after were spoken with near the mouth of the River, and the winds and weather since have been very good and easey, so that I account them to have been in sight of Quebeck ten days at least and hope in God they are well proceeded in their approach to the town, and twenty days more will I hope give in good news from them. On the land side Lt. General Nicholson has been at Albany these 25 days, and as he advises by his letters is gon 10 days since from Albany towards Woodcreek where the battoes, and provisions must take the water to go down towards Mount Real, and 10 days will bring them thither. We have no doubt but by the favour of God the forces, stores and provisions on both sides are superiour to the enemy and sufficient for the service. And we take courage from H.M. most just and honourable declaration in her instructions to these Governments of the reasons of her proceedings to which every sensible man must agree. We are in expectation of the Mast Fleet, tho' doubt it will be late, by which safe conveyance I always send home the years accounts etc. Capt. Parkington and Capt. Goodall are both here in H.M. ships which they command to see if any French Fleet threatned Port Royall, but we suppose ourselves and that Garrison is in no danger from the French this year, but if the war hold and the French King at leisure, may see them next summer. Signed, J. Dudley. 2½ pp. Enclosed,
87 i. Same to Same. Boston. July 11, 1711. Col. Nicholson arrived here June 8 with H.M. commands. Upon which the several Governours met at New London, the midway between Boston and York, and soon concluded the severall quotas of the Governments of New York, Connecticutt, East and West Jersey, and Pensilvania, to make 1600. Which being joyned with H.M. regular troops consisting of 400 at New York makes the 2000 which H.M. has commanded to send on the land side towards Mount Royall, Troy River and elsewhere. At my return from the Congress I found the whole Fleet arrived and General Hill and the forces in good health, who are now all encamped on the shore to be refresht and fitted for the remaining part of the Voiage, and I have obeyed H.M. command for my thousand men for the Provinces of the Massachusetts and New Hampshire, they are drawn and at this time putting on their cloths, my transports and provisions will be ready in five days time to go to sea. The only want is of good salt provisions for H.M. Brittish troops, which it is impossible to kill and provide at this season of the year, and that forces us to send as far as Virginia and all the remote parts for such salt victuals and bread as can be gotten, which will delay some short time. The General and the Admiral are with utmost diligence pressing forward, and I hope everything will be ready from the other Provinces, so as to put to sea before this month be out. And if God please that they have a good voiage, they will be yet time eno'., tho' it had been unspeakably better if the Fleet had arrived a month or six weeks sooner as was projected. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 898. Nos. 9, 9 i.]
Sept. 3.
88. Order of Queen in Council, granting letters of denization to Moses Israel Henriquez, Jacob Rodrigues Mendiz, Isaac Peixoto of London and Rodrigo Pacheco of New York. Signed, Christo. Musgrave. 1½ pp. [C.O. 5, 11. No. 68.]
[Sept. 4.] 89. Petition of John Evans, Captain of H.M.S. Defiance, to the Queen. Petitioner being Commander of the Richmond man of war in 1693, was sent to attend the Province of New York, where he continued almost 6 years, and performed considerable service for the benefit of that Colony. Col. Benjamin Fletcher, then Governor, in consideration thereof, and of £500 paid to him by petitioner in lieu of his established fees upon grants of lands, by letters patent under the Great Seal of that Province granted petitioner a large tract of unappropriated land call'd Murderer's Creek, containing 18 miles in length fronting on Hudson's River, and 30 miles backward, which had been bought by Col. Dongan when Governor of New York from the Indian natives for £70. On which tract petitioner expended great summs of money in clearing severall places for farms, and planted several familys of Scots and Irish under annual rents, intending to retire thither himself when there should be a happy and lasting peace. After Col. Fletcher and petitioner were commanded from New York to England, Governor Lord Bellomont, having conceived some prejudice to them both, and designing to take to his own use and profit several tracts of land which had been granted by Col. Fletcher to petitioner and others, in order thereunto procured an Assembly to be chosen of ignorant, necessitous and profligate persons, (most of them Dutch) who by his direction passed an Act for destroying extravagant grants etc., whereby petitioner was stripped of his lands and improvements, but the said Act being sent over for the confirmation of the late King, H.M. upon a true representation of the ill practices used to obtain that Act, refused to confirm it, but not rejecting it, the same continued in force till repealed by a subsequent law. Upon the arrival of Governor Lord Cornbury, the inhabitants of the Province, thinking their titles precarious whilst such an Act remained in force, apply'd for redress to the first Assembly conven'd by his Lordship, who by another Act unanimously repealed it, whereby petitioner was restored to and enjoyed his lands till your Majesty sent a great number of Palatines to New York, when your Majesty having not been truly informed how those Acts were obtained, was prevailed on to confirm the Act of Assembly made in Lord Bellomont's time and to reject the Act of repeal, and to grant petitioner's lands to those Palatines, by which means petitioner who has been in your Majesty's sea-service during your whole reign etc. is deprived of his property, and of an estate for wch. he had been offer'd £10,000 sterl. in England, without being heard in his defence, or having the least notice thereof, till at his late return from ye streights, he was inform'd of it to his great surprize. Prays to be restored, there being other unappropriated lands in New York sufficient to receive the Palatines, or that he may be given an equivalent. Subscribed,
89. i. Lord Dartmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Whitehall. Sept. 4, 1710 (sic). Above is referred to the Council of Trade for their report thereon. Signed, Dartmouth, Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 31, Read Nov. 1, 1711. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 5, 1050. No. 28; and 5, 1122. pp. 441–444.]
Sept. 5.
90. Lt. Governor Spotswood to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges letters etc. of March 12 and April 13. Immediatly upon the receipt of H.M. commands concerning the boundarys, I dispatch'd an express to Mr. Hyde, whom we look upon here, to be Governor of North Carolina, desiring him to let me know whether he had received authority from the Lords Proprietors to appoint new Commissioners, that I might pursuant to H.M. pleasure appoint the time and place of their meeting, and shall upon the return of his answer take all possible care for expediting this affair. I shall according to H.M. commands publish the repeal of the Law passed in 1666 declaring what is meant by seating of land. But I hope your Lordps. will be fully satisfyed by perusing the Act for settling the titles and bounds of lands passed last Session of Assembly, and what I have formerly writt on that subject, that there is no occasion for publishing H.M. Order in Council of April 17, 1707, of which your Lordps. have now sent me a duplicate. Your Lordps. will observe by some of my former letters how much the Country disliked the Instruction for regulating the taking up of land, insomuch that it was the chief greivance with which they charged their Representatives to the last Assembly. That in pursuance of this charge the house of Burgesses made early application to me for granting patents for land upon the former terms, and that by my answer to their Address and some other means I had the good fortune to stave off a representation which they intended to make to H.M. on that subject, by all which your Lordps. will find how little hopes there is, that the Assembly will pass the 84th Article of my Instructions into a law as is proposed by H.M. Order in Council of March 24th. The condition of cultivating and improving mentioned in that Instruction, has been and is still thought so hard and impracticable, that your Lordps. may remember what pressing applications the President and Council formerly made for obtaining an alteration of it; yet notwithstanding the general prejudice against this Instruction, I thought myself so far obliged to support it, that I would not suffer the last Assembly in their law concerning land, to mention anything of the manner of granting or terms of seating otherwise than to oblige the Patentee to comply with the condition of his patent on the penalty of forfeiture of his land; and having afterwards made the patents conformable to H.M. Instructions as to the conditions of cultivating and improving. I am humbly of opinion that H.M. Instruction being the rule for the Governor's granting of land, and the late law making it so penal for the patentee if he does not comply with the condition of his grant, H.M. intentions are as fully answered as if that Instruction were passed into a Law in terminis, which can never be expected from an Assembly. For tho' the necessity of passing in the last Assembly a law to settle the titles of land between party and party, for avoiding that confusion wch. must have been introduced in all the Courts of Justice upon the repeal of the former, made them more easily yeild to the clauses I proposed, yet the people are now so much convinced that all the fraudulent practices formerly used to avoid the payment of their quitt-rents are by this means obviated, that they would gladly lay hold of any handle to new-model that Law, and I very much fear the proposing the enacting H.M. Instructions into a law, would rather give them occasion not only to complain against it, but even to endeavour a repeal of that now in force, which is look'd upon as one that contains a clause or two the most beneficial for the Crown, that ever passed a Virginia Assembly: and as I may say it was not without a good deal of Address that I obtain'd them, so I'm sure I yeilded none either in this law or any other that I passed, which I imagined would be anyways prejudicial to the Crown or to Great Britain, as indeed the Virginians do me the honour to characterize me for a person who will take care that neither of those interests shal lose ground when I command; while on the other hand they do not stick to tax their Burgesses with being either asleep or guilty of too great complaisance when they passed a law which abridges them of their former priviledges. So that upon the whole matter, I hope your Lordps. will beleive I act for H.M. service if I forbear to lay H.M. Order in Council before the Assembly untill I receive your Lordps. further opinion upon what I have here represented, tho' I'm afraid it cannot be so speedily dispatch'd as to reach hither before the next session, which is to meet Nov. 7th. Notwithstanding H.M. positive orders notifyed to the Lords proprietors and Government of South Carolina to permitt the traders of Virginia freely to pass through that Province to trade with the Western Indians, that Government have in June last thought fitt to pass an Act in contradiction to H.M. order, and thereby imposed on the Virginia traders all the hardships H.M. intended graciously to remedy by her Order in Council, and having obtained from Coll. Quary now lately returned from Carolina a copy of that Act, I have here inclosed it not doubting your Lordps. will thereupon make such a representation to H.M. as may free the inhabitants of this Colony from the like future impositions. Signed, A. Spotswood. Endorsed, Recd. April 10, Read Dec. 11, 1712. 3 pp. Enclosed,
90. i. Copy of Act of Carolina, June 28, 1711, to oblige those traders that come from Virginia and other neighbouring Colonys to trade with the Indians or white persons living within this Province and Government to come first to Charlestown and take out licences to trade, and to be subject to the like regulations and pay the same dutys of import and export with the inhabitants of this Province and Government who trade with the Indians living within the bounds of the same. Same endorsement. 4 pp. [C.O. 5, 1316. Nos. 84, 84 i.; and (without enclosure) 5, 1363. pp. 416–421.]
Sept. 5.
91. Lt. Governor Spotswood to [? Lord Dartmouth]. Acknowledges letter of April 14, with H.M. Order in Council March 24 q.v. The measures I have taken already in making all patents for land conformable to H.M. Instructions, together with the clauses I got inserted in an Act pass'd last Session of Assembly, (v. March 6), will I hope fully answer H.M. intentions without putting the Assembly to the tryal of enacting that into a law against which the countrey has already show'd a general dislike. I have writt fully by this conveyance to the Lords Commrs. for Trade, etc. Signed, A. Spotswood. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 1337. No. 14.]
Sept. 9.
From on board the Windsor in the Spanish River.
92. Brigadier General Hill to Lord Dartmouth. Encloses duplicates of July 31. The 30th of July wee sayled with a fair wind from Nantasket Bay, in New England, and had a very good passage to Gaspée Bay, where the wind took us short Aug. 18, and obliged us to go in there for a day or two, but it coming fair the 20th, wee continued our voyage to the River of St. Lawrence wth. various winds, and Aug. 22 the wind came up very fair, and wee being with all the men of warr and transports in the mouth of the River, hoped for a very quick passage to Quebeck, but about half an hour after tenn at night, the Fleet fell in with the land of the North side of the River, near the Isle of Eggs, where with great danger to the whole Fleet wee lost the transports Malbrough, Smirna marcht., Colchester, Saml. and Ann, Isabel Ann and Catherine, Chattham, Nathl. and Eliza, John and Sarah, with the officers and numbers of men mentioned in the inclosed list, with severall flatts of cloathing and a large quantity of provisions, and one of the three ships with corne etc., which I was obleiged to buy at Boston, before the arrivall of the provisions from New York. The next day and the day after the Leopard and some sloops were employed in bringing off the scatter'd remains of six and twenty companys of Seamour's, Windress's, Clayton's and Kane's Regiments, which were so mangled and bruised on the rocks, and naked withall, that they were not in any condition of service. After this sudden and unexpected disaster, it was thought adviseable to know the opinion of the sea Captains, and to examine the pylotts touching our further navigation of the river, who were unanimously of opinion, it was impracticable (v. enclosure ii.). In consequence of which I and the Colonells under my command thought it for the service, that since wee could not gett up to Quebeck, wee should without loss of time come to an anchor in such place as the Admirall should think most proper, in order to arme what remained of our shipwrackt troops, and to make a disposition for attaqueing Placentia, according to the 21st Art. of H.M. Instructions. At first the Admirall proposed Gaspée Bay, but on second thoughts judged Spanish River more proper, as being just opposite to that place; wee sayled Aug. 25th from the River of St. Lawrence, and arrived not here till the 4th instant. The Kingston by which wee expected three storeships, wch. Coll. Hunter was to send with victualls from New York, joyned us a day or two after, but brought no provisions; upon this disapointment a Councill of Warr of sea and land officers was held, in which the state of our provisions was considered, and finding them scarce sufficient to carry us to England, being but 10 weeks at short allowance, and there being no probability of being supplyed wth. more at Placentia, by reason of the winds and slouny [? stormy] weather, of which seamen have had experience this season of the year, the Councill of Warr was unanimously of opinion that the attempt upon Placentia was at this time altogether impracticable. (Refers to enclosure iii.). Yesterday the Enterprize and Tryton's prize from Virginia came into this place, and wee were in great expectation when wee saw them in the offin, that the three storeships with our provisions from New York were come, which would have most happily changed the scituation of our affairs, in renewing our hopes of taking Placentia in our return, but the Captains of those ships told us that Coll. Hunter had sent the Victuallers by the way of New London. Finding by severall letters which have been intercepted from Placentia, to some of the French inhabitants of Nova Scotia, as well as to Monsr. Ponchartraine, the Secreatary of the Marine in France, that H.M. Garrison of Annapolis may possibly be attaqued from thence, I thought it for the service to make a detachment of 350 private men, with a proportionable number of officers, together with one company of Mohaques, who will be of use for scouring the woods, and according to the power given me in my Instructions, I have appointed Major Cawfield, a gentleman that has served very well, to be Deputy Governour, which was absolutely necessary for keeping good order and discipline in the garrison. I have likewise sent an ingenier and a sufficient quantity of ordnance stores: and Col. Vetch having represented to me that a man of warr for attending that garrison is indispensably necessary, and that he was promissed one from England, I have desired the Admirall to appoint such ship as he should think proper for that service. I have only now to add, that I am sencibly afflicted for the loss of so many of H.M. troops, and the great disappointment wch. this disaster has occasioned to your hopes of success, and my endeavours for promoting this service all that was in my power, referring you to Coll. Clayton's relation of particulars, whom I have sent to England for that purpose. Signed, J. Hill. 8 pp. Enclosed,
92. i. List of officers, men and women (35) lost. Total, 740. 1 p.
92. ii. Resolution of Council of War of Sea officers. At a consultation of sea officers belonging to the squadron under comand of Sir Hovenden Walker, Kt., Rear Admirall of the White, on board H.M.S. Windsor, Aug. 25, 1711, in the River of St. Lawrence. The respective pilots on board the men of warr having been severally examined, wee are unanimously of opinion, that by reason of the ignorance of the said pilots, it is wholly impracticable to go up the River of St. Lawrence with the men of warr and transports so farr as Quebeck, as also the uncertainty and rapidity of the currants as by fatall experience we have found. Signed, Hovenden Walker, Jos. Soanes, Jno. Mitchell, Robt. Arris, Geo. Walton, Hen. Gore, Geo. Paddon, Jno. Cockburn, Augustin Rouse. Copy. 1½ pp.
92. iii. Resolution of Council of War of sea and land officers held on board H.M.S. Edgar in the Spanish River, Sept. 8, 1711. The 21st Art. of H.M. Instructions to the Generall, for attacking Placentia in his return from Canada, together with the 10th Art. of the Admirall's Instructions to the same purpose being severally read, as also a letter from Governour Dudley to ye Admirall touching the lateness of the preparation of provision now makeing in that Colony, for supply of the troops, if they had wintered at Quebeck, the question was putt as followeth (vizt.), the state of provissions for the ships of warr and land forces being considered, which provisions not amounting to above 10 weeks at short allowance computing it from ye 12th of this instant September, as appears by the Agent Victuallers' signed account thereof, and allowing it to be all good, and to hold out to that time, the said 12th Sept. being the soonest we can saile from hence, and there being no hopes of any supply from New England before the beginning of November at soonest, as appears from advice received from the Governour of New England, and the opinion of two of the members of the-Councill of Warr who know that country, together with the uncertainty of any provisions coming to us at Newfoundland by reason the season of the year is so farr advanced, which makes the navigation of that coast so dangerous. The Councill of Warr is unanimously of opinion that the attempt for reduceing Placentia under the circumstances and difficultys above-mentioned, is at this time altogether impracticable, and that it is for H.M. service that the squadron and transports with the Brittish troops do forthwith return to great Brittain, and the forces raised in New England, to that Colony. Signed, Hovenden Walker, Joseph Soanes, John Mitchell, Robt. Arris, Geo. Walton, Hen. Gore, Geo. Paddon, Jn. Windor, Jn. Cockburn, Is. Cooke, (Brigadier) J. Hill; (Colls. of H.M. troops), Char. Churchill, Wm. Windress, M. Kempenfelt, Jaspr. Clayton, P. Kirke, Hen. Disney, Richd. Kane; (Cols. of the forces raised in New England) Sam. Vetch, Shad. Walton. Copy. 2½ pp. [C.O. 5, 9. Nos. 14, 3, 12, 13.]
Sept. 10.
93. Deputy-Governor Saltonstall to Mr. Secretary St. John. As soon as I recd. H.M. commands of Feb. 21 last, relating to the Expedition, I ordered a convention of the Council and Assembly. They unanimously agreed with me to express our gratitude and ready obedience to H.M. (Address enclosed by this first opportunity of the Harley packet boat), and afterwards did with all readiness pass the necessary Acts, for furnishing our quota of men for that service. With them I march'd to Col. Nicholson at Albany. I took leave of him there, July 29th, he designing the next day to follow the troops to Woodcreek (where they take water to pass the Lake Champlain) the most of which were on their march thither some days before. There was a very good appearance, at Albany of the 5 nations of Indians, commonly call'd ye Iroquois, and everything requisite in the Expedition was in good readiness by the indefatigable care and diligence of H.E. Col. Hunter, and Lt. Genll. Nicholson: The Indians shew'd a good forwardness in the service. Upon my return to this Colony I mett with the good news of Genl. Hill's and Admiral Walker's being in the River of St. Laurence, standing up for Quebeck, with a fair wind, on Aug. 13th. And I am in good hope that I may in a short time advise your Honr. of the good success of H.M. arms, etc. Signed, Gurdon Saltonstall. Endorsed, R. Oct. 22. 2 pp. Enclosed,
93. i. Address of the Governor and Company of Connecticut to the Queen. We your Majesties most dutifull and loyall subjects convened in Generall Assembly, having received your Majesties commands to be aiding in carrying on the Expedition your Majestie has ordered against the French inhabiting North America; esteem it our duty in the most humble and thankfull manner, to acknowledge the great instance which, in appointing that expedition your Majestie has given us of your Royal concern for the safety and weal of your Colonys against that enemy. Their lying in wait to kill and scalp single persons on our frontiers, their surprizing and cutting off families, their stealing of captives, torturing and making slaves of them, and suchlike murthers and cruelties, is what they call carrying on the warr. All which is frequently done by their skulking parties (in conjunction with the Indians in their interest, whose bloody and barbarous manners they have imbibed, and long practised). And these are mischiefs which nothing can give us so good hope of security from, as that removall of this enemy which your Majestie designes. We shall with all possible vigour and diligence apply ourselves to the executing of that part, which your Majestie has allotted us, etc. Return thanks for supply of clothing, arms, and ammunition, and pray for success of the expedition and H.M. arms everywhere. June 19, 1711. Signed, Gurdon Saltonstall, and Caleb Stanley, Secy. By order of the Generall Assembly. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 898. Nos. 14, 14 i.]
Sept. 11.
From on board the Windsor in the mouth of Spanish River in the Island of Cape Britton in N. America.
94. Col. King to Mr. Secretary St. John[s]. Encloses continuation of Journal (v. July 25). I flatter'd myself so much with the hopes of succeeding on this expedition so truly advantagious to England and so heartily desir'd and put into that forwardness and good method by you: that I can't express the greatness of my concern for the dissapointment: nor the uneasiness it gives me to think what a loss it will prove to our poor American Coloneys, how much it will contribute to depopulate their frontiers: to diminish their trade, and discourage all people by the constant wars they must now be oblig'd to maintain, from settleing among them or improving the lands. And what is still a more melancholy reflextion, that they dare hardly expect any releif for the future, when they see this great effort England made to succour them thus ruffled and defeated, notwithstanding a General conducted it who did all that was humanely possible to make it successfull. This is what was obvious to all, and a justice that must be done him upon all occasions to his Queen, his country and friends. Since it's determin'd we are to return, I hope in a very little time after you receive this, I shall have the honour of waiting on you in London, etc. Signed, Rich. King. P.S. I sent you by Capt. Cullyford of the Humber an account of our proceedings to Aug. 15, etc. Endorsed, Rd. Oct. 6, per Col. Clayton. 2¼ pp. Enclosed,
94. i. Continuation of Col. King's Journal. Aug. 15, 1711, the Devonshire and Humber left the Fleet to cruize to the latter end of this month betwixt the Island of St. Paul's and Cape Ray, and then to proceed to St. John's in New-found-land, and from thence to England. This day the Admiral sent likewise away the Chester to Boston to convoy the mast fleet from thence. The 16th we made the Capes Bonaventura and Gaspa, and the 17th the Island of Anticosta. As we were both these dayes prevented by contrary winds from entring into the mouth of the River of St. Laurens, the Admiral thought fitt to sail with all the Fleet to the Bay of Gaspa the 18th and anchor there, least we should be despersed or drove back by contrary winds. Aug. 20th. The wind coming to the East we sail'd out of the Bay of Gaspa and the Admiral order'd a Basque fishing vessell we found there to be burnt, not being able to gett her equipt in time to carry her with us. The 21st the Mountague, Saphire and Sunderland join'd the fleet. They were sent to cruise off of Bonaventura and the Bay of Gaspa while we were there at anchor, etc. The 22nd since yesterday at noon to twelve a clock to-day our course was N.W. and by W. distance 34 miles. The 23rd we had rainy and foggy weather with a very fresh gale at East. At 8 at night we found by our logg to have run since yesterday at noon 45 miles west. At this time the Admiral lay'd by for fear of falling foul on one side or other of the River: for it was then so excessively dark we could not see from one end to the other of our vessell. At half an hour after ten we saw land to leeward of us, and as soon as we were convinc'd it was so (for we all imagin'd to be several leagues distant from it) we made with the utmost expedition all the sail we could to gett clear of it, but finding we could not we were forc'd to come to an anchor near 1' Isle aux Œufs in 7 fathom water with a shoal of rocks on each quarter within a cable's length of us, which we plainly perceiv'd by the waves breaking over them in a very violent manner. Till the minuit we came to an anchor it rain'd very hard and blew a perfect storm directly on shore, when of a sudden it fell quite calm. If it had continu'd with the great violence it did before we came to an anchor; our anchors could not have held and we should have all been lost. For the wind and the vast seas which ran would have broke our ship in moment in ten thousand pieces against the rocks; and betwixt them and the shore' twas at least five miles. At two in the morning the wind shifted to the north. At four we weigh'd our sheet anchor; and at five a fresh gale coming fortunately off the shore from the west, we cutt our small and best bore cables and saill'd off. All the night we heard nothing but ships fireing and showing lights as in the utmost distress: so that we could not but conclud that the greatest part of our Fleet was lost: and indeed there were not 10 ships in the whole that were not in danger of being cast away. The 24th the Leopard with several sloops were sent in to bring off the men and provisions that were sav'd from the wracks. In the afternoon we had an account that we lost ten sail, viz. eight transports with soldiers, one loaded with corn, and a sloop belonging to a suttler. All this day the wind was contrary at Southwest, so we ply'd from one side the river to the other. The 25th the Admiral call'd a Council of war of all his captains aboard the General to have their opinion whether we could proceed with any safety. They all unanimously agreed that it was not practicable to go up the River with this Fleet so late in the season without Pilates: every one of those we had declaring they were not capable of takeing the charge of any one of the men of war: so that the General and Admiral resolv'd forthwith to return: quitt the Quebeck expedition and endeavour to reduce Placentia: and having given orders to the Leopard with three brigantines and sloops to bring off some of our men who went into the woods and all the provisions he could: and then to follow us to Spanish River in the Island of Cape Britton, about 7 in the evening we bore away with all the rest of the Fleet for the Bay of Gaspa. The 26th the Admiral sent away the Mountague to stop the Devonshire and Humber, and the Saphire to Boston with letters to recall Nicholson, and to acquaint the Governours Dudley and Hunter of our misfortune. Sept. 4th we came to an anchor in the mouth of Spanish River. The 5th we were employ'd in takeing an account of our provisions in order to make an equal distribution of them, and in makeing an enquiry through all the Fleet for Pilates to Placentia. The 6th the Leopard join'd the fleet with the sloops left with him to bring off the wracks: and eight of the New England transports which did not see us when we bore away or return'd. There join'd us likewise with him the Kingston man of war, who being assur'd by Capt. Cullyford of the Humber, Aug. 20th, off of Cape Britton that our Fleet was then at Quebeck: he took our fleet in passing by us in the Lake of St. Laurens for the French Fleet, therefore stood from us: and if he had not fortunately mett with the Leopard at his returning out of the mouth of the river, he would have made the best of his way to Quebeck. He brought an account from Boston, from whence he parted Aug. 12th that Capt. Southwyck, Commander of the Province gally, would be ready to sail from thence in eight dayes with the brigantine hir'd for the transportation of the artillery stores from Annapolis: that the provisions to be provided in New England could not be sent away before Oct. 1st: and that Col. Hunter would send as soon as possibly he could the remaining part of the provisions he was order'd to provide to New London, from whence the Admiral said he would take care they should be convoy'd to us. He brought us likewise the copys of two letters from M. Coste Belle, Governour of Placentia, to M. Ponchartrin, wherein the receipt of a letter from him of Feb. 15th was acknowledg'd, giving an account, that preparations were makeing in England for an expedition against them and Canada: and that these preparations consisted of seven men of war and 3000 men: that just before the dates of his letter which are of July 22 and 23 he had intelligence by several fishing sloops belonging to New England taken and brought into Placentia that our Fleet was arriv'd at Boston. Then having given a tolerable exact account of our force both by sea and land and what we were to be join'd by from our American Coloneys: he proceeds to give much the same account we had at Boston of the strength of Quebeck: how prepar'd they were there to receive us. But that their cheif defence and what they depended most upon was the difficult navigation of the River, which he hop'd would defeat us; that he had sent H.E's. letters by a sloop to M. Vaudreul, who had already invited all his Indian allies to come to Quebeck to a feast he would there prepare for them of English flesh; that he (M. Coste Belle) had for some time expected to be attack'd; therefore had made preparations accordingly: and did not doubt but to give a very different account of Placentia to what the Governour of Accadia did of Annapolis: that the regular troups, the militia and fishermen at Placentia would make above 2000 men; however he begs he would order that the three companies taken at Annapolis might be sent him: as also some provisions which he should be in extream want of; the greatest part of those that were coming to him from Quebeck being lost in sloops coming down the River of St. Laurents: that he had sent Monsieur la Ronde (under the pretence of settling an exchange for prisoners) to observe what preparations were makeing there, and disswade the Governmt. from giving us any supplys of men or provisions. With the copys of these letters there was one from the Ingeneer of Placentia directed likewise to Monsieur Pontchartrain wherein he assures him that the forts and redoutes there were in a very good condition and capable with the forces they had to make a long defence: that all the inhabitants of Accadia by the ill usage and great severity they mett with had taken up arms and block'd up our fort there: that he understood they had a great opinion of him: therefore he beg'd he would order him thither, and he did not question but he would in a very little time drive us out of that country. The Kingston man of war had these letters from the Warwick off of Cape Britton, who was going with them to the Governour of New England according to orders he had receiv'd to carry or send him all news of consequence he should meet with. They were taken in a merchant vessell going to France by two of our privateers. The 7th the General and Admiral call'd a Council of War of the sea and land officers to lay before them our present state and to have their opinion how we should proceed further. As soon as the Council had examin'd the account of our provisions and found it would only serve for 11 weeks at short allowance, they all unanimously agreed (I'm inform'd) that without risquing the loss of both fleet and army, there was no other course to be taken but returning from hence directly home to England. Whereupon, the 8th, the Agent Victuallers were order'd to make an equal divident of the provisions that in case of separation each vessell might have wherewithall to carry him home. The artillery stores provided at Boston and put aboard the Brittish transports were order'd to be put aboard the New England vessells in order to be sent to Annapolis: and to garrison that place and releive the New England troups and marines there 350 men with officers in proportion were appointed to be detach't out of our forces. The 9th the master of a sloop from Quebeck bound to Placentia with provisions was brought in here. He said he left Quebeck the 22nd of the last month, that they had been working at the fortifications of the town all the summer: that they had perfected the inward rampart which was ruin'd and that they had made a strong retrenchment from Beauport to the Town, the only proper place for landing at; that M. Vaudreul was at Montreal fortifying that place; that there were 1000 regular troups in Canada, and above 10,000 militia: that hearing nothing of us when he came away, they did not expect we could visit them this year; and that they had no account at Montreal the 16th of Aug. that our troups were advancing by Chambly. The 10th the Enterprize and Triton men of war join'd us here from Virginia, they brought no other news than that Governour Spotswood had sent 900 barrils of pork to New York to be sent from to us. This day it was resolv'd to send the Leopard man of war to England to inform the Governmt. of our misfortune and that we were coming all home. 8 pp.
94. ii. An account of the men and vessells that were lost and shipwrack't neare les Isles aux Œufs in the River of St. Lauren's the night of the 23rd Aug., 1711. Totals: Officers (including 1 Surgeon and 1 Chaplain) 31, N.C.O.'s. and privates, 676; women 35, (=742) from General Seymour's, Col. Windress's, Col. Kane's and Col. Clayton's regiments.
Transports lost: Colchester (530 tons); Nathaniel and Elizabeth, 297; Samuell and Ann, 225; Marlborrough, 218; Isabella, 326; Chatham, 150; John and Sarah,—; Smirna merchant, 364; a provision vessel of 120 tuns. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 898. Nos. 15, 15 i., ii.]
Sept. 12.
New York.
95. Governor Hunter to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Acknowledges letters etc. of March 16, April 10, and June 29. I must begin with humbly begging your Lordps'. pardon for having omitted acquainting you with what was contain'd in one of mine to his Grace the Duke of Marlborough relateing to ye stores, arms and amunition in the forts of this Province, and indeed, ye Assemblys of ye two Provinces, the care and imploying of ye Palatines, the Indian affaires, the present expedition, and ye perplexitys in both Governments, hardly affording me time for naturall rest, may be allowed to plead for me, if I should unwarilly be guilty of such another omission at this time. That matter of the stores is now at an end, and sufficientley remedyed by the quantity brought hither for ye Expedition, but can now send noe perfect account of what may remaine because I know not as yet what may be left at Albany after ye troops imployed upon this Expedition are supplyed. As to Mr. Polhampton's Memoriall (v. April 10th) I had long ago taken all imaginable care of ye musters of the four companys, having given strict charge to those that muster them to pass none upon the rolls but ye effectives, but there is an evil there which wants a remedy, and may have occasion'd that Gentleman's mistake in his computation of ye numbers of ye effectives, since ye first establishmt. of these four company's there has not beene one invalid belonging to them taken into ye hospitalls, tho' they have paid all along for that purpose as ye rest of ye army has done, soe that at this time wee have about 50 of that kind who are not able to doe any manner of duty, and are a charge to their Capts. not being able to subsist upon their pay. I humbly propose that some homeward bound man of warr may be ordered to transport them to England in order to their being received in ye hospitalls, or to save ye trouble and expence of transportation that H.M. may be moved to give directions to ye Managers to enter upon outlyer's pay as it is term'd, such numbers of that kind as shall be found by speciall musters and ye Governor's certificate to be actually upon ye place. On June 14th I received H.M. Instructions etc. relateing to ye Expedition against Canada, wherein I had orders to procure 3 months' provisions for 5000 land forces which went by sea, and in conjunction with ye Governors of Connecticut, Rhode Island and Pensilvania to raise 2000 men to march by way of ye Lakes to Montreall under ye command of Francis Nicholson Esq. The Quota's were ascertain'd in ye Council of Warr according to ye proportions in H.M. Generall Instructions etc. Which forces were accordingly raised to a very few, except those of Pensilvania from whence wee have had none, and on Aug. 29th I left them all upon their march beyond Albany toward ye Lakes compleatly armed, clothed, accoutred and victualled, being to be followed next day by 800 Indians of ye Five Nations and their allies from Albany. Inclosed your Lordships have copyes of my transactions with the Indians upon this occasion and of another interveiw I luckilly had with them imediatly before I had received H.M. commands relateing to this Expedition. Refers to other enclosures, Sessional Papers and Acts. I have not time being but just return'd from Albany and the packett on her departure to make my observations on these Acts, neither doe any that are materiall occurr to me at present, which is also ye reason I doe not at this time give yr. Lordpps. ye accots. of these Provinces by seperate letters. I informed yr. Lordpps. how oddly the former Assembly of New York had in a manner dissolv'd themselves. This Assembly which consists of all the same members save one, unaccountably ye day after they had resolved to take ye latter part of my Speech relateing to ye support of Government into their consideration, addressed for a prorogation, they are to meet againe on Monday next, but to as little purpose I beleive as formerly, for soe long as ye Members hold their elections by noe other tenure, but that of saveing ye publick money or starveing the Government, there is nothing to be depended upon from them upon that score, tho' their frequent sessions cost the country more than a reasonable support of Government would doe. I shall make but one remark more on ye conduct of this Assembly. When by inadvertency or designe there happens some mistakes in their Acts, which render'd their passing ye Council impossible, I had noe remedy left but after a first reading in Councill to returne them privately to ye Speaker, as if they had not been read with a request to amend them in their owne house, for they will not admitt of an amendment from ye Councill tho' but of one word in what they call a money Bill, tho' ye safety of ye whole depended upon it. This conduct how unparliamentary soever (for they will be a parliament) I was obliged to follow or baulk ye Expedition. As to ye Palatines, the tumults raised among them by ye ill arts of such as had a mind to crash ye designe, have had a quite contrary effect, for since that time, and a new modell of management, they have been very buissy and very obedient. I have now prepared neare 100,000 trees, and in ye fall sett them to work about ye second preparation. Mr. Sackett, who has ye direction of that work, and seems perfectly well to understand it, has prepared some thousands in a manner to produce a quantity of tarr next spring, but that being little better than an experiment I doe not much depend upon it. Mr. Bridgier's haveing basely declined, nay endeavour'd to betraye this service, has promoted it, soe that I think Providence favours it, for the gentleman now imployed has been three yeares amongst ye tarr workers in the Eastern countrys, and his manner is soe different from Mr. Bridgier's that I have good reason to conclude that he knew little of ye matter and would have served only to have thwarted ye other and obstructed ye designe. I beleive if he were strictly examined he would discover upon what inducements hee has acted soe treacherously. I yeilded to his importunity and let him goe to Boston in ye winter, hee promissing a speedy returne, hearing nothing from him in ye spring when I expected him to attend that work, I wrote to him to meet me at ye Palatine settlements, which by a letter he refused pretending want of sufficient encouragement. I wrote to him againe with possitive orders to repaire thither, as hee was directed by H.M. speciall letters, told him that I had apply'd to your Lordpps. for and additionall sallary for him and putt him in mind that hee had never beene refused money when he called for it, but all to ye same purpose. I protest to yr. Lordpps. whilst hee attended that work hee lived as I did, and to my knowledge hee did not expend ye value of a crowne, and had severall summes of money to ye value of about £30 from me dureing that time. I have had by this pacquett a letter from Mr. Lownds directing me to enquire into some abuses of his with relation to ye Queen's woods. I have not had time to make a perticular enquirey and have only heard in generall that instead of preserveing hee has waisted them by giveing deputations to such as have saw mills, for certain yearly summes of money paid him by them, by which meanes all ye valluable timber in these parts is destroyed. That your Lordpps. may informe yrselfes. whether wee be in ye right in ye pursuite of this manufacture, I'll give you an account of Mr. Sackett's method of prepareing ye trees; in the spring when the sapp is up, hee barkes ye north quarter of ye circumference about two foot in length where ye sun has least force to draw out the turpentine. In the fall, before ye sap falls downe, hee barks ye south quarter about 2ft. 4in.; next spring the east quarter for ye former reason, about 2ft. 8in., and in that fall the remaineing quarter near 3ft. After which the part above what is barked being full of turpentine is cutt downe splitt and putt into kills for tarre. That no hands may be idle we employed the boys and girls in gathering knotts whilst their fathers were a barking, out of which hee has made about threescore barrells of good tarr, and hath kills ready to sett on fire for about as much more soe soone as hee getts casks ready to receive it. Now my Lords tho' I have mett with discouragements unspeakable, yet concludeing it impossible that ye wisdome of H.M. Councills should lett drop so beneficiall a project, and so considerable a branch of trade, when it is in soe hopefull a way, I have launch't out all ye money and creditt I could raise in ye pursuite of it, tho' I have as yet noe returnes to my first bills I have drawne on my Lord Treasurer for about halfe a years subsistance for that people ending June 24th last according to ye inclosed scheme, which I beg your Lordpps. to second with your recommendations. I have made the best bridge in all North America over the river betweene the pine woods and their settlements, have laid in timber and all other matterialls for building the store-house upon the place, and am about the purchase of a convenient house without ye gates of New York on ye harbour for a generall storehouse. Least I should tire your Lordpps. I shall referr you to my next for more perticular accounts of this and all other matters. I shall only beg leave to acquaint your Lordpps. a little with the deportment of one Mr. Birchfeild who came over here Surveyor Generall of ye Customes much abt. the time I did. I acquainted ye Commissioners of H.M. Customes, how hee had without cause turned out ye most sufficient gentleman in ye province of Jersey's of ye Collector's place of Amboy there; and putt in his roome ye most insufficient and infamous person in either province, hee has since that time so persecuted ye Collector here Mr. Byerley, without any aparent cause, and at last suspended him without acquainting me with his reasons, tho' I had told him before hee was a patent officer, and that as such I considered hee had noe power of suspending him, that I verilly beleive hee has some secret reasons for his conduct which hee will not owne. When I urg'd H.M. patent to him, hee replyed she had noe power to grant such a patent, which indeed stop't my mouth, thinking after that all replyes were needless. Since that time I have received H.M. letter commanding me to allow to Mr. Byerley his sallary dureing-ye time of his illegall suspention (as it is there) called by the then Lord Cornbury, and to dissallow to Mr. Faukonier who executed that office for that time by his Lordpp's. commission, the sallary hee has in his accounts made good to himselfe for that service; which I think will sufficiently justifie Mr. Byerley in refuseing his suspention as to his patent. I can guess noe other reason for his conduct, but that hee had a mind to pack a sett of officers for a purpose very frequent in his mouth that hee was sent hither to make his fortune; hee is now gone for England, and Mr. Byerley has acquainted the Lord Treasurer and Commissioners of ye Customes very perticularly with everything relateing to this affaire. P.S. I have not had time to gett a copie of my Interview wt. the Indians before I recd. Mr. Sec. St. John's letters, but I have inclos'd to him that I had, to which I beg leave to referr you. Your Lordps. will also receive herewith the body of Laws of New York from 1691, as you are pleased to order. Signed, Ro. Hunter. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd, Read 31st Oct., 1711. 11 pp. Enclosed,
95. i. Account of subsistance of Palatines at New York, Nov. 2, 1710—June 24, 1711, at 6d. per diem adults, 4d. per diem young. Total, £10,243 19s. 8d. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 22, 1711. 2 pp.
95. ii. Propositions of the Five Nations and River Indians to Governor Hunter in Albany, Aug. 17–18, 1711, relating to the Expedition against Quebec. Indians bring between 7 and 800 warriors for the Expedition, and receive presents etc. Set out, N.Y. Docs. V. pp. 265–277. Endorsed, Recd. Nov. 3, 1711. 23 pp. [C.O. 5, 1050. Nos. 27, 27 i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 5, 1122. pp. 428–440.]
Sept. 12.
New York.
96. Governor Hunter to [? Mr. Secretary St. John]. On June 14th last I had ye honour not without a great deale of pleasure of yours of Feb. 6th and 21st with H.M. Instructions and commands relateing to ye Expedition agt. H.M. enemys in these parts, by an express from ye Lt. Genll. Nicholson who was but just then arrived at Boston with ye two men of warr and transports destin'd for this place. The express reacht me 100 miles up in Hudson's River upon my return from an interveiw with the Five Indian Cantons (v. No. 95 ii.). I hope it will not be tedious to you to read ye occasion of this interview, for I have ever since look't upon it as a favourable presage of success. It was briefly thus; Being inform'd that Joncoeur and Longeuil, two French officers and agents, were then in the Seneca's country, the most remote and powerfull of all our savage allies, that they had already built a block-house in their cheife place of residence, and had projected a fort there, I sent Col. Schuyler with some other men of interest with the Indians to require ye performance of their former promisses and engagements, that the blockhouse should be forthwith pulled downe, the French dismist, and their promise that for ye future they would receive noe more such upon such errands, all which they performed tho' with some difficulty, and desired in company with the cheife of the other four cantons to meet me at Albany, where accordingly I met them. They renewed their covenant, promiss'd punctuall obedience to all H.M. commands, and at my desire broke off the designe of a warr they had meditated agt. some of the farr Indian Nations, promising not to stir from home without leave. Upon receipt of ye express, I dispatch't another back to Albany with orders to detaine 10 Sachims of each Canton till further orders. At New York I gave all necessary orders for bread and other provisions, ordered the Feversham to Virginia and Maryland for pork, this country affording none, and then went to New London in Connecticut to concert matters with the Councill of Warr constituted by H.M. for that purpose. Refers to enclosure. I dispatcht Col. Schuyler from New London with orders to ye Sachims above-mentioned to bring downe imediatley all their fighting men with their arms and canoes to Albany. Being return'd to New York, I had ye Assembly of ye two provinces to manage, provisions to secure for the forces by sea and land, and Indians, and batteaus to build for their transportation. Time begun to press, for at New London wee had news of ye arrivall of ye whole fleet. What past in ye two Assemblys, which met ye one at New York ye 2nd of July, the other at Perth Amboy the sixth, the Journals of Councills and Assembly of both provinces will amply informe you. The Assembly of New York raised £10,000 for that use, and their quota of men being 600: tho' they grumbled much at ye proportion, which however is warranted by H.M. Generall Instructions, yet they resolved to raise them in this manner, 350 Christians, 150 Long Island Indians and 100 Palatines, which they desired of me, on ye Province's account. All which were raised except the Indians, of which number I cold find but 50, all ye rest by ye artifices of those who call themselves their masters being retir'd to their lurking holes in ye woods. I found meanes howe'r to find about 40 more from Connecticut. These sea-coast Indians being of great use for managing batteaus and canoes and all other hard labour. The Assembly of ye Jerseys raised 5000 for this service to be disposed on by me; as the Minutes will inform you. I imployed all hands and arts for levy's there; and with some difficulty found at last neare upon 200 volunteers. In short before ye end of ye month, I had ye troops levy'd, clothed, accoutred and victualled and upon their march for Albany, had ready made 330 batteaus, capable of carrying each 6 men with their provisions, and had sent round to Boston a sufficient quantity of bread, and a very considerable stock of other provisions, the pork from Virginia not being then arrived, and on ye 9th of August went in company with Lt. Generall Nicholson to Albany. I have imployed 300 Palatines in this service, 100 upon the account of this province, about 100 more to compleat the regular troops to their establishment being much weakened by a number of invalids in pay, none of that kind haveing ever beene taken off their hands or disposed of into hospitalls since their first establishment. The rest if the Jersey money does not hold out, must fall to H.M. share. I was troubled to find noe news of our Indians at Albany. Wee made however our other troops ffyle off as they came upp. They arrived at last, on Aug. 24th, a jolly crew, about 800 men in number, very likely men, with all marks of a hearty disposition for the service, as you will better understand by ye Minutes of my proceedings with them, and on Aug. 30th they followed ye troops. These forces consist of Col. Ingoldesby's Regiment form'd out of ye regular troops compleated by ye Palatines and joined by the Jersey forces=600; Col. Schuyler's Regiment consisting of ye troops raised in this province, Long Island, Indians and Palatines=550; Col. Whiteing's Regiment composed of ye Connecticut levys=360; and ye Five Nations with their allies=800. Upon my arrivall at New York on Sept. 1st, I received advice by a letter of Admirall Walker's that ye Fleet which had sailed July 28th was upon Aug. 14th in the mouth of St. Laurence River in good condition and with a faire wind. The Admirall presses much the sending after him more provisions for feare of being obliged to winter there. I have now in this port the Feversham with transports haveing on board a thousand and odd barrills of pork, and as much bread, flower, butter, pease, rum and tobacco as they can carry, which are to saile for Quebeck the first wind that offerrs, which I hope will make all easey. This, Sir, is ye present state of this glorious enterprize, which God prosper, hitherto it has a good aspect, and if there is any creditt to be given to ye report of three French officers whom I have detained prisoners, they comeing under ye mask of Flaggs of Truce (a pernicious custome in these parts) but really to spye, they are not there well provided for such an attempt. I beleive the Queene has not a subject with a heart warmer for her glory and interest than mine. Pardon me this vanity since it is all I have to boast of, but you doe me but bare justice to beleive that the concerne you have in this affaire with that of a freind whom I have esteemed with more than a common affection ever since I have known him, and who is now at ye head of it, wou'd have beene sufficient to determine me to vote all ye endeavours of my life to it's success. I must begg your patience whilst I give you an account of an accident which fell out here, and noe doubt but will be improved to my prejudice, by those who have all along struck at H.M. interest thro' my sides. The Feversham being almost unmann'd by the death, desertion and sickness of her crew, and the only ship of warr then with us, when I had resolved to send her to Virginia for ye provision for ye forces, I consulted some of the Councill about an expedient for manning her, being pinioned by the Act against pressing. They advised to send for all ye masters of ships and sloops embargo'd here, and to borrow some men of each in proportion to ye numbers of their respective crews upon promise to restore them upon the returne of ye Feversham, which would be an aparent advantage to them in saveing their provisions, dureing the embargoe, which accordingly I did, and all of them readily complyed, except one Foy the supercargoe of a brigantine just come in from Bristoll, who used me with that insolence, that the gentlemen present were ashamed of my patience, the other masters gave in the names of such money (sic—? men) as they cold spare. I sent my owne boat on board of them with an officer to receive the men accordingly, hee returned and told me that all that Bristoll ship's crew were desireous to goe; I sent him back with his former orders for one halfe only as it was agreed on, by the time he gott to ye shipps side, this supercagoe was got on board, and ye whole crew fell upon ye officer and soldiers with handspikes, tho' ye officer called to them frequently to take care what they did, that hee came by order of the Government and to doe harme to noe man, but one of ye soldiers being knock't downe, shott one of ye crew who dyed next day. I sent for the crew on shoare and examined them, they declared all that ye man who was shott had beene soe drunck and troublesome, that they had beene obliged to bind him till the boatswain who they blamed most untyed him on purpose for that tumult. Which boatswain imediatley after run away. The Coroner's inquest found that John Moore a soldier had killed that man. Upon which I made him prisoner. Some time after the Grand Jury of this City presented and found guilty of murder the said John Moore and Capt. Riggs upon the evidence of that supercargoe and some others of his crew, not haveing thought fitt to call for any other. The Capt. was gone upon ye Expedition, the soldier I delivered over into ye hands of ye Civill magistrate in order for his tryall. This Sir is a true account of that affaire. The whole Expedition depended upon the saileing of that ship. She was unmann'd partly by the evill practices of ye Country who have not only encouraged such desertion, but protected nay rescued the deserters when legalley secured and in custody of ye constables, and when I had ordered a prosecution of such riotts noe Jury would find for ye Queene tho' upon unquestionable evidence, and ye Queen's evidence were abused and ill treated by ye people upon this occasion. I have wearyed my Lord Dartmouth and ye Lords of Trade with the greivances of this Government. My sufferings are of small account, but I'll venture once more to affirme that without speedy and effectuall remedy H.M. can make noe State of any Government in this place, and in a little time, the desease may prove too strong for ye cure. You are pleas'd to lay your commands upon me to take into my thoughts the whole state of the Brittish interest in these parts. I am highly sensible of ye honour you doe me, and at the same time of my want of capacity to think much to the purpose on soe great a subject, which indeed deserves and requires the thoughts of ye greatest Councill in the Realme. That it is in a bad state, the frequent tumults in all parts, and ye generall aversion to the support of Government in most, are sufficient indications. What you are pleas'd to hint of putting all North America under one uniforme plan of Government, would most certainely be a sure remedy, but I am afraid it is too lingering a one for the present exigencey. The purchaseing proprietyes and takeing away of usurpations being a work of time and trouble. The propriety Governments which were moddelled according to the humours of their respective proprietors, consist of ye Governor and ye Representatives, the Councill in most being a meer cypher, haveing noe share of the Legislature. By which meanes the Governours depending upon the good will of the people for their daily bread have beene obliged to make such concessions and past them into Laws, that if these Governments be purchased and continued upon ye foot they now stand H.M. pays deare for much trouble and noe dominion. This is ye plan of Government however they all aime at and make noe scruple to owne it. The Legislature of ye Governments imediatly under H.M., is in the Governor, Councill and Assembly by H.M. gracious concession, for the time was when in this very province, the Governor and Councill were the sole Legislature, but the Assembly's claimeing all ye previledges of a house of Commons and stretching them even beyond what they were ever imagined to be there, should the Councill by ye same rule lay claime to ye rights and priviledges of a house of Peers here is a body politick coeordinate with (claimeing equall powers) and consequently independant of the Great Councill of the Realme. A greater assertor of Liberty, one at least that understood it better than any of them, has said, that as Nationall or Independant Empire is to be exercised by them that have ye proper ballance of Dominion in the Nation, soe Provinciall or Dependant Empire is not to be exercised by them that have the ballance of dominion in the province, because that would bring the Government from provinciall and dependant to Nationall and Independant. Which is a reflection that deserves some consideration for the sake of another from ye same person to wit, That ye Colonies were infants, sucking their mother's breasts, but such as if he was not mistaken, would weane themselves when they came of age. Upon the whole I humbly submitt it, if it may not be adviseable at this time, untill a proper remedy be applyed, that H.M. by her royall letters (for what a Governor says passes for nothing) put them in mind that all such priviledges as they claime as bodys politick, they hold of her especiall grace and noe longer then they shall use them for her interest and the support of her Government. This which most assuredly will be of noe force toward the settling of a revenue here, yet may be of use to keep them within bounds in other matters. I wish it were in my power to doe for Mr. Harison as he deserves and I cold wish. There is one imployment which is imediatley in your owne that is ye Secretaries place of the Jersies. Mr. Bass ye present Secretary being soe obnoxious a man, and indeed infamous, that I cannot beleive H.M. will be induced to continue him there after the representations I have made against him. There is another, since Mr. Kiel has given over thoughts of returneing hither, which is Surveyor Generall of the Customes in these parts. Mr. Birchfeild who is possessed of that place being gone for England, and haveing demeaned himselfe in such a manner whilest here that I can hardly be perswaded the Commissioners of ye Customes will send him back hither againe. Hee is very capable of executeing either of these imployments to ye satisfaction of all concerned, and it will be noe small pleasure to me to have him soe provided. I humbly ask pardon for this long tedious epistle, and am afraid I shall be under an obligation to trouble you with more. In the meantime I begg your recommendation to my Lord Treasurer for my bills, and your assistance towards a remedy for my pressures here, etc. Signed, Ro. Hunter. 11 pp. [C.O. 5, 1084. No. 48.]
Sept. 12.
New York.
97. Governor Hunter to Lord Dartmouth. Refers to and repeats parts of preceding. Signed, Ro. Hunter. 1½ pp. Enclosed,
97. i. Duplicate of No. 96.
97. ii. Extract from same.
97. iii. Copy of the proceedings of the Congress at New London, June 21, 22, 1711. 8 pp.
97. iv. Copy of Col. Schuyler's Journal of his journey to Onondage, May 2, 1711, etc.
97. v. Copy No. 95 ii.
97. vi. Copy of Minutes of a Council of War held at Albany, Aug. 23–28th, 1711. 7 pp.
97. vii. Copy of Journal of the General Assembly of New Jersey, July 6–16th, 1711. Printed. 5 pp.
97. viii. Copy of Journal of General Assembly of New York, July 2–Aug. 4, 1711. 12 pp.
97. ix. Copy of Minutes of Council of New Jersey, July 6–16, 1711. 8 pp.
97. x. Copy of Minutes of Council of New York, June 16–Sept. 3, 1711. 38 pp.
97. xi. Duplicate of, No. 95, without postscript.
97. xii. Duplicate of covering letter supra. [C.O. 5, 1091. Nos. 43–57.]
Sept. 12.
On board the Leopard man of war in the Spanish River.
98. George Lee to [? Mr. Fox]. Since my last letters to your Honour by the Humber and Devonshire from Cape Brittoon, our fleet in going up the River of Canada has met with a most fatall accident: whether it be ignorance or carelessness in our Admiral, or by what meanes I know not: the fleet in a fresh gale the 21st Aug. about 12 at night run ashoar on the North side of the River at a place called Egg Iseland: by God's great providence but 9 ships are lost of the whole 75 ships, but no man of war is lost; the forces on board the ships cast away are computed to be about 1500 men officers and soldiers, of which number about 200 were found alive on shoar; the regiments that suffer'd most were Col. Seymour's and Col. Windreil's. The ship I was in with the Rhoad Island men under my command was in the midst of the breaches among the Red: but Providence has say'd us. The next day the Admiral order'd a man of war to find a harbor and to bring off if possible all that were alive on the shoar, which has been effected: 8 or 10 vessells besides ours lost the Fleet. The next night not seeing any signal made by the Admiral who bore away for this River, we turn'd up believing he was sayl'd for Canada notwithstanding the loss: but the winds being against us, forced us to the same place where the ships suffer'd and the Leopard lay to take up the men: we came to anchor and went ashoar, where to our surprize we heard the Fleet was come this way and the Expedition broke, such a dismall spectacle was never seen, nine ships tore to pieces, and the bodies of 12 or 13 hundred brave men with women and children lying in heapes on the shoar: we stay'd with the Leopard three days and then sayl'd hither about 150 leagues; we met with two violent stormes in our passage hither, and sprung a leake, but I bless God we came in safe: here we find the Admiral sending home the New England vessells, and going home with the fleet: this Leopard carries the express with this ill news: our expedition is over, a garrison is going to relieve the men at Port Royall, and the officers that are upon that establishment are order'd thither, of which number I am: I have commanded as Lieut. Colonel the Rhoad Island forces, and notwithstanding the many vacancies I have not interest enough to get a Capt's commission, being wholly a stranger to General Hill, who has an extraordinary good charracter; he thinks it so unreasonable that I should go to Port Royall a Lieut, and be commanded there by those whom I have these two years commanded as Major and Lieut. Colonell, that he has granted me a furlow for 9 months to go home, and if possible to get a captain's Commission; he has order'd me to sayle to Rhoad Island with my 200 men and deliver them to the Government I have serv'd: I designe God willing to do so, and hope to see my good friend Genll. Nicholson, whose advice I shall allwayes begg and take; we are in very great paine for that good man, who is marcht to attack Canada by land, and fear that upon this miscarriage of ours he will be overpower'd and cut off by the French and Indians: I designe to stay six months at Boston to receive your Honour's commands, etc. My humble duty to Lady Fox and all your family. Signed, George Lee. Copy. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 9. No. 15.]
Sept. 13. 99. Wm. Popple to the Secretaries of the Treasury. In reply to Aug. 31st. The Council of Trade command me to acquaint you, that notwithstanding all the Governors in America have Instructions to take care that fair books of accounts of all receipts and payments of publick mony be duly kept, and the truth thereof tested upon oath, and that authentick copies of the same be transmitted half yearly to the Lord High Treasurer and to the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, and notwithstanding their Lordships have frequently writ to remind the Governors of the said Instructions, and to demand such accounts, they have not received any from the Governments on the Continent (and only some few from Jamaica) and therefore their Lordships are not able to inform my Lord High Treasurer whether there be any mony of H.M. Revenues in that Country, that may be applyed in ease of the expence of the garrison of Annopolis. But they presume that Mr. Blathwayt, who is auditor and surveyor of the Revenue arrising in the Plantations may be able to lay a state of this matter before my Lord High Treasurer. [C.O. 218, 1. pp. 18–20; and 5, 913. pp. 346, 347.]