America and West Indies: August 1711

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'America and West Indies: August 1711', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: August 1711', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: August 1711". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

August 1711

[? Aug.] 63. Governor Douglas to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Since my arrival here my time has been cheifly employed in viewing the forts and magazines, and taking the best measures I could in so short a time to put this Island into a better posture of defence then I found it. I must refer your Lordships to the minutes of the Council and Assembly, which will be represented to your Lordship in their way concerning the late Insurrection. I shall after my return from the Leeward Islands make a diligent enquiry into all particulars relating to that action in order to lay it in the clearest light before your Lordships. I have upon good informations sent home on board H.M.S. the Lark Capt. Norbury, Commandr., three officers in Col. Jones' regiment, Capt. Rookby, Lieut. Wats, and Ensign Smith. The depositions and witnesses that appear against them will convince your Lordships of the dangers this Colony was involved in by men of their principles and behaviour. Capt. Norbury at first scrupled to take them on board pretending he was not properly under my command. I would beg your Lordships to take into your consideration the 69th article of my Instructions, that I may receive that power from the Board of Admiralty that H.M. service may not be obstructed by such pretentions. I am desired by the body of this Island to make application to H.M. by your Lordships about the flags of truce, this Island bearing the whole charge. The other Islands though receiving the same benefit refuse to give any proportion towards it. That H.M. would be pleased to give some orders that this Colony may be eased from so great a burthen as the hiring sloops from and to Martinique and maintaining prisoners of war. If there were two frigats upon this station the Trade of these Islands would be better secured, the French Islands reduced to some distresses by their privateers being forced to leave them who are their principal support, and H.M. poor subjects would not be soe often in a starving condition, while there was such a force at sea. Your Lordships will be pleased to take this into your consideration and to recommend it to H.M. most gratious Majesty. There is a great want of small arms, and the inhabitants expect to be furnisht upon all occasions. There is none in the magazine, 500 arms with swords and bayonets would be sufficient to furnish those that want, and I shall take care they shall be only employed upon publick service. The Assembly are upon altering the Act in relation to their Courts etc.; which I hope they will heartily goe thorow with, etc. Signed, Walter Douglas. Endorsed, Recd. 3rd, Read 8th Nov., 1711. 3 pp. Enclosed,
63. i. Thos. Kerby to Lt. Govr. Yeamans in reply to an order to copy some Acts, etc., Antigua, Aug. 23, 1711. Signed, Thos. Kerby. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 27, 1711. 1 p.
63. ii. Lists of fees taken in Antigua. 8 pp. Endorsed as preceding.
63. iii. Account of powder received for tonnage of vessels in Antigua, Oct. 27, 1710—Aug. 22, 1711. Same endorsement. 1½ pp.
63. iv. Account of stores of war in the Magazine, Antigua, Oct. 1710. Signed, John Brett. Same endorsement. 1 p.
63. v. Account of the stores of war delivered for the fortifications, Antigua, Dec. 1710—Aug. 14, 1711. Signed, Saml. Parry. Same endorsement. 2¼ pp.
63. vi. Account of the stores of war delivered out of the Magazine, Antigua, 1710. Signed, John Brett. Same endorsement. 1½ large pp. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 87, 87 i.–vi.; and (without enclosures) 153, 11. pp. 392–394.]
Aug. 1.
64. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Lord High Treasurer. Request payment of office expenses and salaries, from Christmas 1710 to Midsummer 1711. [C.O. 389, 37. pp. 20, 22.]
Aug. 1.
St. Christophers.
65. Lt. Governor Lambert to the Council of Trade and Plantations. According to the several Instructions directed unto me from Governor Douglas, I enclose the particular accounts of the Island, and whatever can be done shall be forwarded by the soonest opportunity. But find an impossibility of compleating the whole by reason a great many papers relateing thereunto were lost upon the enemy's invadeing the Island, as also by the misfortunes of the hurricance in blowing down most of the houses, and consequently destroying most papers of publick transactions as well as private, to the detriment of the Island in general. Signed, Mich. Lambert. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 27, Read Nov. 27, 1711. 2 pp. Enclosed.,
65. i. Account of Stores received and spent, St. Christophers, Aug. 16, 1707—May. 1710. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 27, 1711. 2 pp.
65. ii. Account of cannon, stores and forts belonging and wanting in Antego. Signed, Saml. Parry. Endorsed as preceding. 7 pp.
65. iii. Census of the inhabitants of St. Kitts, and the number of slaves owned by them. Aug. 10, 1711. Endorsed as preceding. 13 pp. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 88, 88 i.–ix.; and (without enclosures) 153, 11. pp. 397–399.]
Treasury Chambers.
66. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple. My Lord Treasurer desires the opinion of the Council of Trade and Plantations upon following. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd. 11th, Read 12th Sept., 1711. ½ p. Enclosed,
66. i. Col. Corbet to the Queen. Having been appointed Governor of Maryland in the room of Col. Seymour decd., and it haveing been customary between the death of owne Governor and the arivall of another to divide the perquisites between the person who officiates and the succeeding Governor, petitioner prays H.M. to grant him the same benefitt till his arrival. Signed, John Corbet. Subscribed,
66. ii. H.M. refers this petition to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for their report. Signed, Dartmouth. Whitehall, Aug. 28, 1710. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 717. Nos. 44, 44 i., ii.; and 5, 727. pp. 302–304.]
Aug. 3.
67. Council of Trade and Plantations to Lord Dartmouth. Enclose extracts from Mr. Lillington's letter, June 13, concerning exchange of prisoners and threatened attack on Antigua. Enclosed,
67. i. Extracts referred to in preceding. [C.O. 29, 12. p. 364; (Coverning letter only); and (enclosures only) 152, 42. Nos. 71–76 and 64.]
Aug. 6.
68. H.M. Warrant appointing John Carver to the Council of Jamaica in the room of Thomas Clarke decd. Countersigned, Dartmouth. [C.O. 324, 32. pp. 101, 102.]
Aug. 7.
Office of Ordnance.
69. Board of Ordnance to the Queen. In obedience to Order of Council July 30, relating to stores of war for the Leeward Islands (v. June 29). We humbly report to your Majesty, that wee do not know what stores of warr they now have, so we can make no judgement what arms and other stores may be necessary to be sent to those Islands. But if it is your Majesty's pleasure any quantity of arms etc. should be sent thither, we must begg leave to informe your Majesty, that the Parliament has not given this Office any money for such service, and we humbly conceive, if the Islands cannot as formerly at their own charge supply themselves with stores of warr, then their particular demands should be laid before the Parliament. Signed, C. Musgrave, Ja. Craggs, Wm. Bridges. 1 p. Enclosed,
69. i. Extract from Lt. General Hamilton's letter, April 5, referred to in preceding.
69. ii. Copy of Address of the General Council and Assembly of the Leeward Islands to Lt. General Hamilton, March 3, 1711, praying H.M. to supply stores of war, etc. ¾ p. [C.O. 152, 42. Nos. 70, 70 i., ii.]
Aug. 9.
Span. Towne.
70. Governor Handasyd to Lord Dartmouth. Duplicate of part of July 16th. Signed, Tho. Handasyd. Addressed. 2½ pp. [C.O. 137, 51. No. 52.]
Aug. 10.
Off Cape Brittoun.
71. Col. Vetch to Mr. Secretary St. John[s]. I was honoured with the coppy of yours to Col. Nicholson in Aprill last, by which I was commanded to leave the garison of Annapolis Royall and Government there, in order to putt in execution H.M. commands signifyed to me by you, to take the command of the troops of New England and nighbouring Governments who are in conjunction with the troops of great Brittan, under the command of Generall Hill to reduce Canada conform to a scheam I had the honour to lay before H.M. three years ago. I have accordingly left that Government to Sr. Charles Hobby as my Deputy: by order of the Congress have raised, moduled and embark'd all the said troops, and are now near half way upon our voyage to the said place: the getting to which place by reason of the deficulty of the navigation I look upon to be the dificultest part of the enterprise, being myself if not the only att least the best pilot upon the Expedition, although none of my province. However I doubt not ere long to have the honour to congratulate you upon the success of H.M. arms in reduction of the said place and country: by which H.M. will be sole Empress of North America, six times larger then all her European Dominions. In the vein of all which success be pleased to allow me to accquaint you that notwithstanding my having layd the scheame of those affairs and having bein last year honoured by H.M. Royall Commission as Generall in the reduction of Port Royall, and afterwards when reduced by H.M. Royall Instruction being made Governour of the same with about 500 troops and 50 commissioned officers, the maintaining of which characters, and keeping a table hath occasioned me a verry great expense, for all which as yett I have had neither allowance, salary nor establishment, and being now in the greatest hurry imaginable called from my Government upon the present Expedition to command the troops of the American Governments concerned in the Expedition by sea, from whom I have not one groat allowance though my equipage and preparations hath already cost me severall hundreds of pounds, I must intreate your Lordship's favour and concurrence with my Lord Dartmouth in procureing from H.M. such a summ of money as in your consummate wisdom may answer my great expense etc., etc. Signed, Sam. Vetch. 1 p. [C.O. 217, 31. No. 2.]
Aug. 10. 72. Same to Lord Dartmouth. Similar letter to preceding. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 9. No. 100.]
Aug. 14.
From on board the Windsor man of war.
73. Col. King to Mr. Secretary St. John. I thought I should have had opportunity of sending you the inclos'd from Boston by a merchant man. But our General and Admiral thought it afterwards for the service, to stop all vessells going from thence to Europe till we were ready to sail. So that this occasion by the Devonshire's and the Humber's being order'd home, is the only one I have had since I left Plymouth. The season is now so far advanc'd, we must have all the good fortune imaginable both by sea and land, to be able after the reduction of Quebeck to take Placentia. However 'tis certain that the most proper time to attack that place is from the middle of October to the latter end of April. For then the French fishermen are absent; and while they are there they can give 2000 as good militia as any in the world towards the defence of it. Wherefore if the season is not very boistrous at our return, our General will undoubtedly proffitt of the occasion, and the more because he will then have the thousand New England troops which must be sent home to assist him in reduceing it. Having reduc'd the great plan of the River of St. Laurents to a more moderate size, I have sent you a copy of it by Mr. Cole Lieut. in the Humber man of war: as also the plan of the town of Quebeck—mention'd in the enclos'd letter. The freedom with which I have writt part of the enclos'd would I think admitt of no excuse if my great regard to truth and duty to you had not oblig'd me to it. The inclos'd list of stores I gott provided for us at Boston by what they call a Committee, with a good deal of fatigue. This Committee is composed of five persons, and when they have made up their accounts, another like Committee is order'd to audit them to prevent their imposeing on the Queen. As this method has been always practis'd there, and as it appeared to me a reasonable one, I thought it properer that the stores etc. should be provided that way than by me who was a stranger to the vallue of all sorts of things in the country. For the same reason Governour Dudley is the most proper person to pass the accounts finaly for them, and draw bills on the Treasury or Office of Ordnance for what summs they'll amount to: wherefore I have engag'd him to do it at our General's desire: and as all the said stores are indeed very bad except the strong gynn, crane, block carriage, chevaux de frize, and sling cart which I made with my own artificers, I hope he will take care that the Queen may be charg'd proportionably for them. We are now with all our Fleet about 10 leagues south from the most easterly part of the Island of Anticoste with the wind at S.S.W., which I hope will bring us into the mouth of the River: from whence we must have an easterly wind to carry us up. The Heavens have been hitherto so favourable to us in our navigation that I doubt not but we shall have it: and that in a short time afterwards I shall have the pleasure of sending you all an account of our happily succeeding, etc. P.S. I am persuaded I may assure you that our forces both by sea and land are resolv'd to succeed or perish in the attempt. Signed, Rich. King. 3¾ pp. Enclosed,
73. i. List of things provided at Boston for the present Expedition. 2 pp.
73. ii. Copy of No. 61 i. [C.O. 5, 751. Nos. 81, 81 i., ii.]
Aug. 15.
Treasury Chambers.
74. Thomas Harley (one of the Secretaries of the Treasury) to Mr. Popple. Encloses following to be laid before the Council of Trade and Plantations for their opinion. Signed, T. Harley. Endorsed, Recd. 25th Aug., Read 12th Sept., 1711. Addressed. ¾ p. Enclosed,
74. i. Petition of Michael Lambert, Lt. Govr. of St. Christopher's, to the Earl of Oxford, Lord High Treasurer. Prays for the confirmation of a grant of Olivies plantation in the French quarter of St. Kitts, made to him by Governor Parke in consideration for his services, for a certain term, with an equitable title to H.M. bounty for the same, in case the whole Island shou'd remain unto H.M. upon the next treaty of Peace. Petitioner has spent great sums in setling and improving it. 1¼ pp.
74. ii. William Blathwayt to the Lord High Treasurer. Report on preceding. By H.M. Letters Nov. 30, 1705, Governor Parke was directed not to dispose of any part of St. Christophers taken from the French for a longer term than 2½ years from the time of his arrival there, etc. The grant referred to above was made by him Oct. 24, 1707 for 3 years, and is now expired. Proposes that petitioner having been at great expense in improving the plantation, the grant be renewed for 3 years as from April 24, 1710, the time to which it ought to have been at first limited, etc. Signed, William Blathwayt. 2 pp.
74. iii. Copy of Governor Parke's grant of Olivies Plantation, adjoining Monkey Hill, near Basseterre, as above. Oct. 24, 1707. Signed, Daniel Parke. The petition (No. i) is referred by the Lord High Treasurer to Wm. Blathwayt for his opinion. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Treasury Chambers, June 30, 1711. 3 pp. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 75, 75 i.–iii.; and 153, 11. pp. 355–361.]
Aug. 15.
St. Jago de la Vega.
75. Governor Lord A. Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. The inclosed is a duplicate of what I wrote by the Scipio. The Assembly have since met, and four Acts have been past which I shall transmit to your Lordps. together with the minutes of the Council and Assembly and some observations on their proceedings by the Non-such, it not having been possible to prepare them ready for this conveyance. The chief grievance I find among the inhabitants of this land, is the duties laid on by the American Act, tho' people are at present pretty easy on that subject, in hopes of a speedy relief. As this is a real pressure, I doubt not but your Lordps. will continue your good offices in behalf of the Island, for obtaining them some ease from it. I shall now have the satisfaction to mention to your Lops. the success of Mr. Littleton's cruise, which has been the taking of the Vice–Admiral of the galeoons, and another galeoon they call a potache, which are both now in harbour. I can't give your Lops. any particulars of their value, reports about galeoons being very different; these are said to be full of goods, but that Monsieur Du Casse had taken out all the King's Plate, and several merchants their money. However it's beyond dispute that they are very rich prizes. The Admirante of the galeoon died of his wounds. The privateers have brought in four other small prizes. Mr. Littleton sail'd the 14th with his squadron with intent to lye off of Point-Pedro-shoales, there to intercept Mounsr. Du Casse, if he comes to Leeward, as is expected: as soon as this cruise is over (which is believ'd will be in a fortnight or three weeks) the Non-such is to saile with Majr. Genll. Handasyd, by which opportunity I design to do myself the honour of writing again to your Lordps. Signed, A. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. Sept. 28, Recd Oct. 30, 1711. 1½ pp. [C.O. 137, 9. No. 47; and 138, 13. pp. 364, 365.]
Aug. 15.
St. Jago de la Vega.
76. Same to Lord Dartmouth. Repeats part of preceding. Mr. Littleton had not an opportunity of delivering my letter to the Marquis of Suerez. I have detained three of the chief prisoners (from the galleons) which I think a favourable occasion to facilitate the relief of the prisoners at Lima. Signed, A. Hamilton. Endorsed, R. Sept. 28. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 51. No. 53.]
Aug. 20.
77. Governor Lowther to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Encloses Minutes of Council and Assembly, and Acts passed since his arrival, etc. I also take the liberty to send a list of the prizes which the French have taken and carried into Martinique from July 1710 till May 1711; the greatest part of which shipes did belong to Barbados, as I am informed by the merchantes here; they also told me that these great losses were chiefly occasioned from the little regard the men of war paid to the orders Mr. Lillington gave them during his Presidentship, for when he sent them orders to cruise three weeks or more to the windward of the Island, they did not stay there very often above 24 hours, but would go into another latitude: at other times they would be in harbour four or five weekes after they had the President's orders to cruise to the wind-ward of the Island: upon these informations I looked into my Instructions to see how I was to behave myself upon such occasions, and I find I have no power over the men of war, nor no authority to call them to account for the breach of any orders they receive from me; for my 69th Instruction directs me not to exercise any authority over the Captains of the men of war unless I have a commission or power soe to do from the Lords of the Admiralty: I therefore submit it to your Lordshipes' consideration whether it will be for H.M. service that I should have such a Commission from the Lords of the Admiralty. The Sweepstakes, Capt. Thomas Jacobs, Commander, took a prize a little before I arrived here called the Cupid on which were 48 men who made their application to me by several Gentlemen of this Island to be sent to Martinique and exchanged: upon a serious consideration of this proposition, I did not think fit to grant their request; notwithstanding it was urged that the French took more prisoners from us than we did from them, and that therefore it would be for the interest of H.M. and the benefit of the people of this Island not to have the Queen's subjects that fall into the handes of the French sent to Europe, for said they, the sending of them to Europe would be not only a great interruption to trade, but would also be a very great prejudice to particular persons, for which reasons they desired a cartell might be settled with the French at Martinique for the exchange of prisoners that were taken or should be taken on each side. I may admit that the French take more prisoners than we doe, and that the sending them to France is some obstruction to trade, and a high aggravation of the misfortune of such as fall into the hands of the French; yet notwithstanding this I am humbly of opinion, that it is not only against the Queen's interest, but also against the advantage and policy of this Island to settle a cartell with the French: to make this obvious to your Lordshipes, I take the liberty to put you in mind that the people of Martinique are the very dregs and refuse of the French Nation, and that they intirely subsist by piracy and privateering, and that they lose nothing when they fall into our hands but some armes and ammunition. I would likewise remarke that this loss to them is so very inconsiderable when a cartell is settled with them, that those very people which have been taken one week, and sent to Martinique the next, have in the week after they arrived there returned upon our coastes, for they have nothing wherewith to subsist themselves and families but what they take from us, and that therefore it must of necessity happen thus, unless they are sent to Europe; but if they are sent to Europe, there is not one in 50 can ever return to Martinique, having neither mony nor credit to accomplish it, but must be constrained to go into the King's service; so by this means not only many families at Martinique will be utterly undone, and the country distressed by the great increase of the poore rates, but it will also disable them from fitting out their number of privateers which will redound as much to our advantage as to their ruin, being they have little or nothing to subsist on but the provisions they take from the Queen's subjects. I beg leave to say a word or two to obviate one objection more that I fancy may be made against sending the prisoners of war to Europe: the objection is this, that all the ill consequences that attend the French prisoners being sent to Europe will also befall such of the Queen's subjects as are under the like unhappy circumstances: all I shall say to refute this objection is, that the worst of the Queen's subjects that are taken in a trading vessel, have either mony, credit or friends to support them under such a misfortune, and to replace them in the same way of livelyhood, if not in the same condition, which is not the Frenches case, that live at Martinique. I have one more objection to offer to your Lordshipes against settling a cartell with the French at Martinique, which is, that it will give a great opportunity to carry on a trade between this place and them. I desire your Lordshipes to signify the Queen's pleasure to me upon these matters, etc. Signed, Rob. Lowther. Endorsed, Recd. Sept. 10, Read, Nov. 15, 1711. Holograph. 3 pp. Enclosed,
77. i. List of prizes brought into Martinique from July 1710—May 1711. Totals: 56, and 2 run ashore. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 10, 1711. 1 p.
77. ii. Abstract of the Naval Officer's List of Ships entered and cleared at Barbadoes, March 25—June 24, 1711. To England; 10 ships of 1924 tuns burthen (sugar, molosses, cotton and ginger). To Guinea: 5 ships of 165 tuns (rum). To the Plantations: 44 ships of 2133 tons (sugar, molosses, cotton, ginger, rum, (2105 hhds. 799 tierces, 691 barrels) and lime juice. Endorsed as preceding. 1 p. [C.O. 28, 13. Nos. 72, 72 i., ii.; and 29, 12. pp. 377–381.]
Aug. 22.
North Carolina.
78. Lt. Governor Hyde to [? Lord Dartmouth]. As no one can more heartily congratulate yr. Lp. in that high station H.M. has so deservedly placed yr. Lp., so no one can be less desirous of giving you any trouble now you are in it. But it is my lot at this time to be plac'd in a Governmt. where I find nothing but sedition has been industriously cultivated and rebellion too much practiced. An instance of wch. will be very evident in Coll. Cary, who is now sent prisoner to England. I think this is but the third rebellion he has headed since he came into Carolina, beginning with him in Ashley River, where he headed 300 mob and seiz'd Judge Trot, and twice since he came into North Carolina, concluding with me. He and those people committed with him, wch. he intended evidences for himselfe, were at the request of me and the Councell apprehended by the Hon. Alexander Spotswood, Lt. Governour of Virginia, and I shou'd do very great injustice to that honbl. person, if I did not own that the prospect we have of peace being setled in this Government. is oweing to him, as well as putting an end to this rebellion to his measures; I [? saw] no way left to support H.M. authority and peace here, and maintain the Lords Proprietors' power, but by begging assistance from the Governour of Virginia, who with great compassion tooke the miserable case of that country, and my circumstances (in a manner I may say) into his own protection. I humbly supplicate yr. Lp. (that not having had notice of Coll. Cary's being apprehended and committed before the Fleet sayl'd for England, by wch. it was render'd impossible for me to send evidences to make out our charge at this time against him, wch. I shall have no reason to doubt but I shall do with great clearness) that I may have sufficient time allow'd me to send over my evidences and proofs. But if such a favourable consideration (in yr. Lp.) to the poverty of this country, shou'd prevail with yr. Lp. to get a Commission sent into Virginia to examine not onely evidences, but to try the criminals that are in custody here, (if Col. Cary and those committed with him, shall not by yr. Lp. be thought fit to be try'd allso) must undoubtedly be esteem'd a very great charity. Levy Trewit and George Lumley are two of the most eminent villains that cou'd be pick'd out for Coll. Cary's purpose, the first Coll. Cary made Clarke of Pemptico Court in Bath County, where it will be prov'd he was famous for forging of false judgmts, and razing of records, wch. most in that Court are now raz'd by him. George Lumley was made the Secretary's Clarke by Coll. Cary, and when he recd. the Colony's seale, and the Records he gave bond to restore them when requir'd as whole as when he recd. them, without corruption or imbezelmt., when I sent my order for them he refus'd it, and when I compel'd him to deliver them, abundance of records was not onely raz'd but whole Councells cut out of the booke, the other two Edmund Porter and Callingwood Ward are as usefull for any wicked purpose as the other, and were all of them in arms on board the brigantine with Col. Cary when he assaulted me June 30th last on Col. Pollock's Plantation, but was repuls'd. I hope of yr. Lp's. protection etc., having been most barbarously us'd ever since I came in, by a people I never offended. But the Quakers that have ever strove to overturn the Church Govermt. in this Colony, has since I came in push'd it on with unusuall force, many having tooke up arms themselves. I had allmost forgott to beg of yr. Lp., if John Porter senior, who I hear is gone in a runner for England, shou'd be heard of, he may be tooke up, for he has not onely at all times been the disturber of the peace of this Governmt. ever since he came into it, but in this last commotion has endeavour'd by going in person to severall Indian towns and by promises of reward, to bring down the Indians to cut of man woman and child on the western shore of Chowan, that has been the onely subjects to H.M. that on all occasions has express'd their loyalty. Begs to have his compliments made to my Ld. Rochester and my Lord Guernsey, etc. P.S. I hope Mr. Tobias Knights sent over by this Fleet, who was Secretarye here, may be admitted to give such proofs before yr. Lp. as he is furnish'd with, Coll. Cary being tooke after he was on board, and so cannot be fully prepar'd, as otherwise he might, and wch. I shall take care that he shall. Signed, Edward Hyde. Endorsed, R. April 11, 1712. 2½ pp. Enclosed,
78 i. President and Council of North Carolina to [? Lord Dartmouth]. Whereas Col. Thomas Cary, Levy Truehit, Challingwood Ward, George Lumley and Edmund Porter are at the earnest request of us the President and Councill of North Carolina apprehended in Virginia by order of Lt. Governor Spotswood, and by him committed to a hearing, wee in most humble manner pray leave to inform your Lordship that at a General Assembly holden for this Collony in March last, the said Col. Cary and John Porter were impeached of high crimes and misdemeanours and were thereupon committed to the custody of the Provost-Marshall from whom they made their escape, and to protect themselves from justice did confederate with the abovenamed Levy Truehit, Challingwood Ward, George Lumley, Edmd. Porter, and with one Richd. Roach and several other desperate and evill-minded persons as also with Emanuel Low, Gabriell Newby and many other of the people called Quakers and raised an insurrection against the lawfull authority of the Lords Proprietors, and against the peace and soveraign dominion of our soveraign Lady the Queen, and to carry on their rebellious purposes have endeavour'd by promises of reward to draw into their conspiracy the neighbouring Indians by them to cut off all such of H.M. subjects as shou'd oppose their lawless proceedings, and did man and fit out with great guns etc. two vessels and in them did sail in warlike manner with a flag on the mainmasthead to the great terrour of the inhabitants and severall robberys and other injurys did commit, and in one of the said vessels did make an assault upon us the President and Councill at the house of Col. Thomas Pollock (of the said Councill) in the precinct of Chowan, who there endeavour'd to keep the peace of our soveraign Lady the Queen, and maintain the authority of H.E. the Pallatine and Lords Proprietors, from whence being by God's assistance repell'd, they fled till they were apprehended as abovesaid. Wherefore we humbly crave leave in such time and manner as your Lordp. shall think most necessary, to produce an evidence against the said Cary, Truehit, Ward, Lumley and Edmund Porter, who were committed and sent prisoners to England, before wee had the least notice of it, by which wee were depriv'd of sending our evidences at the same time with him, for which reason wee humbly hope considering the nature of their offences, wee may have sufficient time allow'd us for the doing of it, wherein wee do not doubt but to make out full proofs of whatever wee shall accuse them with. Wee are not out of hopes of yr. Lordp's. great candour in this affair by which wee may fully expect to see law and justice once more restored to H.M. subjects, and this poor country, that for near three years last past has by these rebellions been dispossess'd of all. And considering this country is entirely impoverish'd through these unhappy commotions wee shou'd look upon it an Act of the greatest compassion towards us, if a Commission cou'd be obtain'd to be sent into Virginia, to try the criminals, as well those sent to England, as those that remain in custody here, to prevent that charge which wou'd near complete the ruin of our Colony. P.S. Wee beg leave if John Porter be fled to England (as 'tis by all here concluded) that your Lordp. wou'd please to give orders that he may be apprehended. Signed, Edward Hyde, Graffenried, Tho. Pollook, Tho. Boyd, W. Glover, N. Chevin. Aug. 22, 1711. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 308. Nos. 1, 1 i.]
Aug. 22.
Whitehall, Treasury Chambers.
79. Petition of Humphry South, of London, Merchant, Agent for George Liddell of St. Christophers, and of Robt. Clayton, son and heir of Richd. Clayton, of the same Island, decd., to the Lord High Treasurer. Prays. H.M. confirmation of a grant made to them by Governor Parke for 2½ years of two plantations in the French Quarter of St. Kitts. 3 pp. Annexed,
79. i. The Lord High Treasurer refers preceding to the Council of Trade and Plantations, and to Wm. Blathwayt, Auditor General of the Plantations, for their opinion. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. ½ p.
79. ii. William Blathwayt to the Lord High Treasurer. Recommends that the grant referred to in preceding be confirmed with an additional term of two years, till Oct., 1713. Signed, Wm. Blathwayt. Sept. 20, 1711. 1¼ pp.
79. iii. Copy of grant by Governor Parke, Dec. 1708, referred to in preceding. 2½ pp. The whole endorsed, Recd. 26th Sept., Read 26th Oct., 1711. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 85, 85 i.–iii.; and 153, 11. pp. 380–388.]
Aug. 24.
80. Governor Lowther to Lord Dartmouth. Repeats part of No. 77. Concludes: Mr. Hodges, the present Attorney General of Barbadoes, goes for England in this Fleet, upon which I intend to appoint Mr. Arthur Slingsby Attorney General in his room, having power so to doe, till H.M. pleasure is known: Mr. Slingsby is a gentleman of great worth and partes, and perfectly well acquainted with the customes, laws and constitution of this place, in consideration of which character I desire your Lordship to obtain him a patent for being Attorney General: it will be a favour I shall alwaies esteem, and think myself very happy whenever I have an opportunity to acknowledge it as I ought. I have taken the liberty to send your Lordship 24 quartes of citron water, and 50 weight of sweet-meats, which I intreat your Lordship to accept as a marke of my gratitude for your many civilities, etc. Signed, Rob. Lowther. Holograph. 2 pp. Enclosed,
80. i. ii. List of French prisoners taken by H.M.S. Sweepstakes and sent to England. 3 pp. [C.O. 28, 43. Nos. 65, 65 i., ii.]
Aug. 27.
81. Governor Douglas to Lord Dartmouth. I had not been many daies upon the Island till I perceiv'd it was impractacable for me without endangering the safety of the whole Colony to execute H.M. Orders in securing some of the inhabitants who were the principal offenders in the late rebellion. I cou'd expect no service from part of Col. Jones' regiment here, if they had made any insurrection against me, the officers and soldiers are so corrupted and influenc'd by the chiefest men of this Island. Upon some informations I order'd Capt. Rookby, Lieut. Wats and Ensign Smith, officers in the Queen's troops, to be taken into custody, and sent on board the Lark man of war, Capt. Norbury Commander. Your Lordship will perceive by the depositions and witnesses against them how far they were ingag'd as encouragers or actors in the late tragical action. Capt. Norbury hasreceiv'd my orders to signify the same to your Lordship, or one of H.M. principal Secretarys of State upon his arrival at the first port of England to have your Lordship's farther directions about them. The greatest part of my time has been employ'd in viewing the Forts in the Island and putting it into some better posture of defence to prevent any designs the enemy might have from the animosities and divisions of the people. I cou'd not make any progress in the examination of the rebellion as yet fit to lay before your Lordship. If I had a man of war, with some draughted soldiers well arm'd for recruiting the regiment, and under my command, I had probably sent some of the principal malefactors to England, but Capt. Norbury's sentiments that he was not properly under my power, his intimacy and friendship with some persons has in some measure obstructed what I thought proper for H.M. service, for how can I depend upon those who will find some pretentions to dispute my orders. If I can't at the same time send them off as they are taken, I don't know what might be the fatal consequences thereof. I have writ more fully to Mr. Lewis, which I beg your Lordship's consideration off, that I may be better enabled to put H.M. Orders in execution, etc. Signed, Walter Douglas. Endorsed, Recd., Read Feb. 4, 17 11/12. Copy. 2¾ pp. Enclosed,
81. i. Deposition of Richard Oglethorp, Aug. 22, 1711. Some time before his death Governor Parke sent for deponent, being Deputy Marshall (of Antigua), to go for the purser of the Lark man of war, Capt. Norbury Commander, who informed him there was aboard upwards of 20 days provisions. Afterwards H.E. told Capt. Norbury to cruise about the French Islands for 10 days, and then proceed for Barbadoes for more stores, for that he was was informed of an intended invasion of this Island etc., to which Capt. Norbury answered, he would not, but would directly saile for Barbadoes, to which H.E. said then in a passion, send then the soldiers that I may not want their assistance, to which Capt. Norbury replyed he would not, but if he would have it done to land them himself, and immediatly the Capt. went away in hast, and going by the house where the Assembly were sitting, who presently accompanyed him, and in great hast went downe to the wharf and entred a pinnis and rowed away, the Assembly or the most of them and others huzzai'd him off, and in few houres he put the ship under saile, and did not return till after his death. Signed, Richd. Oglethorp. Endorsed as preceding. Copy. 1¼ pp.
81. ii. Deposition of Richard Oglethorpe, Aug. 22, 1711. Some few days before Governor Parke was murdered, he sent deponent, who was Deputy Marshal, from the Councill Chamber in St. John's, where the Genl. and the Councill were then sitting, to go to Capt.—Marshall, a Capt. in Col. Jones' regiment, and tell him that it was his possitive orders, that he should not go off nor depart this Island. When these orders were given to Capt. Marshal he was in a boat at Cook's Wharfe, and in a slighting manner putt off and went on board the Larke, Capt. Cunningsby Norbury, commander, where his company of soldiers was, which company with other soldiers were also ordered to be landed, by reason this Island was in some danger from the French, notwithstanding which the Larke, Capt. Marshal and the Queen's regular forces went to Barbadoes immediatly and return'd not again till after the General's death. Signed, Richd. Oglethorp. Copy. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 97, 97 i., ii.; and (without enclosures) 153, 11. pp. 421–423.]
Aug. 29.
St. Jago de la Vega.
82. Governor Lord A. Hamilton to the Council of Trade and Plantations. I trouble your Lops. at this time with duplicates of my two former letters, and transmit the Acts which have been already past this Assembly, with Journals, and the Accots. of the Revenue. The proceedings of a former Assembly will be deliver'd to your Lops. by Major Genll. Handasyd, to whom I referr the giving you such satisfaction touching the Laws then past as your Lops. may require. Amongst them your Lops. will find the Act of Fees, concerning which I had your Lops'. directions, and which I understand to have been amended conformable thereunto. Upon the proceedings of that Assembly your Lops. will observe they came to a resolution that they had a right to adjourn themselves for a longer time than de die in diem, which I am told they intended to assert by adjourning for a month against the Majr. Genll's. positive directions, and when business was yet undone, and which occasion'd an abrupt dissolution. I think myself somewhat oblig'd to mention this matter to your Lops., the better to explain one part of my speech to this Assembly; if your Lops'. leasure should permit you to cast your eyes upon it; but more that I may have your Lops'. opinion and directions in this particular, if ever it should be attempted again; and wherein I cannot but in my own judgment agree with the Majr. Genll. that it would be of very mischievous consequence here, that the Assembly should, at any time, separate themselves against the Governour's commands: But if your Lops. will please to favour me with some Instructions herein, I shall intirely resign my own sentiments to yours. By the Acts past this Assembly your Lops. will find the usual and necessary provision made for the Regiment and other exigencies of the Government: and tho' as yet this is done but for three months, I must do them the justice to acquaint your Lops. it has not proceeded from any want of a good intention, but the necessity of affairs occasion'd by the shortness of time; and the want of having the accots. upon publick funds adjusted, which had been too long omitted, and which inclined me to yeild to them in it; having said upon that occasion what I thought proper to prevent its being drawn into practice. You will find (my Lords) the Act for quieting possessions is now past, exactly agreeable to H.M. pleasure signified to the Majr. Genll., and the other small Act to prevent Hawking, being for relief of a growing inconveniency, I think can meet with no objection from your Lops. I gave them leave to adjourn till Oct. 1st in respect to the season of the year proper for planting; and I dare flatter myself they will then meet in such a disposition as to compleat the Session as satisfactorily as it has been begun: and indeed as I shall always endeavour to keep them in this temper, as much as I can, so your Lops. will observe, there is a more than ordinary occasion for it now, when you find that notwithstanding £3000 had been given to the Treasury, to enable it to pay the Majr. Genll's. salary, I must still be necessitated to ask considerably of them for the contingencies of the Government: and unless they supply it, I am told there is not any money to pay me: But I shall examine further into the state of the Revenue, and endeavour to give your Lops. a more particular accot. of it. In the meantime I beg your Lops. to believe that nothing will be a temptation to me wilfully to forget or omit the nicest part of the duty of my station. There is in bank, I understand, about £2000 of that branch of the Revenue appropriated to fortifications; and I can not but say there seems employmt. enough for it; and I design forthwith to employ it accordingly in repairing old works, and making new where the service and defence of the Countrey may most require it. And upon this head it may be proper to mention to your Lops. that Capt. Hawkins, the Ingenier, has acquainted me of some information he has had of a motion at the Board of Ordinance to send for him away: I hope if anything of that kind be intended, your Lops. will interpose that Capt. Hawkins be not recall'd without somebody's being appointed in his stead; assuring your Lops. that I think H.M. service here does in a particular manner require the assistance of an Ingenier, and especially at this time. I can't send your Lops. the particulars I promis'd you of his expedition to Providence, not having received it of him. I think it my duty to inform your Lops. of a letter I received from the French Genll. of the Coast of St. Domingo, lately arrived there, in the room of the Count de Choiseul, proposing in substance the settling a Cartel, which as I thought inconsistent with the interest of this Island, I rejected, with the unanimous advice of the Council. Mr. Littleton is return'd with the squadron under his command, having had advice that Mounsieur Du Cass sail'd with three men of war (three days after he left the coast) neither taking with him any merchant men, nor acquainting anybody what way he went. It's suppos'd he went directly home. The success of Mr. Littleton's former cruize I think (my Lds.) was in a great measure owing to his diligence and conduct; nor could there reasonably be any hopes of further, after such an alarm given to the enemy. The galeoon which is taken proves less rich than was expected; which implies that there's still the more on board those ships which Mounsr. Du Cass has with him. I hope from the notice that has been sent, he may still be met with in his passage. Mr. Littleton has now in concert with me determin'd to dispose of the squadron most for the service of the Island, and security of the Trade. One of the sloops fitted out by the countrey, before the arrival of those now in H.M. service, has lately done a very gallant action in having, with 70 men, taken a French-privateer of 120 men from Petit Guavis, after a smart engagement, board and board; which I mention the rather, because that sloop was mann'd out of those privateers who have been so much discourag'd by the duties, and by such behaviour merit something of the favour I hope is intended them. I have now one favour to beg of your Lops., which might have been introduc'd in a properer place of this letter; however I will not omit it here, and that is (my Lords) that your Lops. will please to discountenance all applications which may be made to you for the Council here, without my privity or approbation. I am perswaded your Lops. will entertain so favourable an opinion of my judgment and conduct, as to think me most capable (being upon the place) of recommending to your Lops. the fittest persons for that trust: and your Lops. will easily conceive the usefulness of having somewhat of reward to bestow upon such persons as shall distinguish themselves in the service of H.M. and the countrey, which will always be my rule in such recommendations. I had almost forgotten to mention anything of the old seal, which I herewith transmit to your Lops. Signed, A. Hamilton. Endorsed, Recd. 24th, Read 30th Oct., 1711. 4 pp. Enclosed,
82. i. Account of H.M. Revenue in Jamaica, March 25, 1710—1711. Total, £3470 6s. 3d. Endorsed, Recd. Oct 24, 1711. 4 pp. [C.O. 137, 9. Nos. 48, 48 i.; and (without enclosure) 138, 13. pp. 366–373.]
Aug. 29.
St. Jago de la Vega.
83. Same to Lord Dartmouth. Repeats parts of preceding, including last paragraph as to nomination of Council. I am told that the prisoners at Lima are already discharged; however I intend to detain the galeoon-prisoners at least till I have further certainty thereof. I have not as yet had any answer to what I wrote to the Marquis de Suere by Mr. Littleton, etc. Signed, A. Hamilton. 2½ pp. [C.O. 137, 51. No. 54.]
Aug. 31.
Treasury Chambers.
84. Mr. Lowndes to Mr. Popple. On reading to my Lord Treasurer (enclosed) report of the Rt. Hon. Jon. Howe relating to the severall bills drawn by Col. Vetch for money taken up by him for the use of the garrison of Annapolis, amounting to £7742 2s. 6d., wherein it is represented that there is no provision made by Parliament for such extraordinary expence, my Lord Treasurer transmits said report and desires that the Council of Trade will let him know whether there be not money of H.M. Revenues in that countrey that may be applyed in ease of the said expence, and how much the same doth amount unto. Signed, Wm. Lowndes. Endorsed, Recd. 5th, Read 12th Sept., 1711. 1 p. Enclosed,
84. i. J. How to the Lord High Treasurer, July 10, 1711. Report referred to in preceding. Copy. 2 pp. [C.O. 5, 865. Nos. 67, 67 i.; and 5, 913. pp. 340–346; and 218, 1. pp. 11–18.]
Aug. 31.
85. Mr. Bridger to Mr. Popple. Acknowledges letter of Nov. 18 etc. Explains why a tree must stand two years after being prepared and barked before being tapped for turpentine, and also his process of making tar, etc. Continues:—I cannott be silent on the account of H.M. woods, the wast and destructions made therein daily, and not in my power to prevent, etc. I have no power to prosecute nor have I any foundation to ground an action on, since the Charter is not binding on H.M. side. I pray that I may be enabled by Instructions, Law, or any way as shall be thought proper to save all from destruction. Everyone has land and no limitts to it on that side next the woods, and that land wch. is H.M.'s if any such is common to all, but before Collins' contract I had them under correction, telling them that they could not cut a mast tree on theire own land, but Mico, Collins' factor here, cut all before them, and at the same time are informing against me for destroying H.M. woods. The Governor here has recd. an order from the Treasury, theire being a complaint against me lodged there, to examin and take the oath of these who has informed against me, but theire is not one appears. This is the same complaint as was before theire Lordsps. 5 years since, and because I have made seizures of his masts tho' not confirmed has given them this incouragment to begin againe. I have seen 40 masts, or very near that number now cut and lyes in this river above Mr. Collins' contract, if I could obtaine an order to seize them I am assured it would stoop theire careire, and 'tis not £10,000 will make good the damage H.M. has sustained by that contract, there has been more waste made since that contract than was made in 20 years before. I humbly pray you to lay this before theire Lordps., humbly begging theire protection for such pernitious persons and malitious false and continued vilianys, who has done all the hurt possible and lay it on me. P.S. I wrote you by the Humber, wch. was ordered home, being thought to large for the Expedition etc. I am here loading a ship with masts for Jamaica by the Admiralty's order. This shipp was taken by the Weymouth and Winsor etc. The Winsor is gon for Quebeck, and the Weymouth convoys this shipp to Jamaica, etc. Signed, J. Bridger. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 22, Read Nov. 2, 1711. 2¾ pp. [C.O. 5, 865. No. 71; and 5, 913. pp. 356–360.]