America and West Indies: September 1711, 17-30

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'America and West Indies: September 1711, 17-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712, ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].

'America and West Indies: September 1711, 17-30', in Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Edited by Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,

"America and West Indies: September 1711, 17-30". Calendar of State Papers Colonial, America and West Indies: Volume 26, 1711-1712. Ed. Cecil Headlam (London, 1925), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.

September 1711, 17-30

Sept. 17.
100. Order of Queen in Council. Referring enclosed petition to the Council of Trade and Plantations, who are to report upon the premises, and to make a strict enquiry, how the money appropriated by the Assembly to the use of the two sloops has been applyed, etc. Signed, John Provey. Endorsed, Recd. Sept. 25th, Read Oct. 23rd, 1711. 1¼ pp. Enclosed,
100. i. Petition of Thomas Simson, of Port Royal, and —Gandy, widow and administratrix of Charles Gandy, of Jamaica, to the Queen. The General Assembly in March last passed an Act for raising £5000 for the fitting out two sloops to cruize about the Island for security of the Island against privateers. Thomas Simson, Thos. Finch and the late Charles Gandy, being all of the Assembly, were appointed Commrs. and authorized to fitt out the said sloops, and Charles Chaplain, H.M. Collector, was ordered to pay the said £5000 to them for that purpose. The Commissioners agreed for the hire of the said two sloops, but could not procure sailors to mann them, tho' there were near 3000 registred seamen about a year before who had all deserted. Simson and the other Commrs. in the next Assembly laid before them an account of their proceedings, as directed by the Act, but to Simson's great surprize Charles Chaplain, H.M. Collector, produces to the Assembly receipts of Finches, one of the Commrs., to the value of £3800, pretended to be paid him in pursuance of the said Act, without Simson and Gandy, the other Commrs'. authority or priority. Finch absconding, and Charles Gandy being lately dead, the bond executed to your Majesty by Simson, Gandy and Finch in the penalty of 5000l. for a due application of the publick money, was putt in suit against Simson and Gandy, who were obliged to pay or secure to be paid the said £3800. Petitioners are credibly informed that Finch never received the said £3800 of Chaplin upon accot. of the said Act, tho' he had given receipts purporting the same, but that Finch was indebted to Chaplin in the like sum upon some former account, which they contrived to discharge this way. This is a manifest fraud and deceit in Chaplin, to prosecute petitioners in your Majesty's name, when he hath still the publick money in his own hands, and not one penny issued but applyed by himself to discharge a private demand, betwixt Finch and himself, wch. your petitioner's bond had no relation to. Pray for relief, etc. Copy. 3 pp. [C.O. 137, 9. Nos. 46, 46 i.; and 138, 13. pp. 356–360.]
Sept. 18. 101. J.S. to the Earl of Dartmouth. Remarks upon the present state of Maryland without a Governor from, persons' letters of undoubted credit etc., by J.S. Addressed. Postmarks. 1 p. Enclosed,
101. i. Copy of trial of Thomas Macnemara and John Mitchell for the murder of John Graham (v. infra.), July—Oct. 14, 1710. Verdict of "homicide by chance medley." Macnemara, pleading benefit of clergy as a clerk, is branded in the left hand with the letter M.; Mitchell is pardoned. 8 pp.
101. ii. Extracts from letters from Maryland concerning above. (a) Maryland, Aug. 13, 1710. Macknemarra of Annapolis has killed a master of a sloop and has had ye honour to be in irons these 4 or 5 months, and his cousin Rudman; if there had been justice done him he should have been hang'd; the manner, I suppose he was employ'd as a lawyer to gett a small quantity of money of one Graham (a Philadelphia mercht.) and knowing him to be a stout fellow borrowes a pair of pistolls of Garrett. It was such a pedling buisness the Sheriff would have no hand in it, so he gets Garrett's boat away for ye sloop which lay in ye Bay without an order from ye Sheriff, so boarding ye sloop, Graham cry'd, Do ye come friends or enemies ? Cried they, Friends. Then you are welcom, said Graham. With that said Macknemarra, You are my prisoner. I'le carry you ashoar with me. With that Graham getts hold of him to toss him overboard; in ye scuffle Macknemarra shootes Graham under ye armpitt with a brace of balls. Graham with falling breaks his arm and all ye time Macknemarra laying him on with ye cock of ye pistoll till he fractur'd his skull in severall places. Graham cryed, you have murder'd me. Then being in that weak condition he getts him ashore to his own house, and sends for Dr. Moor and some others, but all in vain, he dy'd ye next morning. Macknemarra and Rudman were immediatly clapt into irons and try'd, but to no purpose, it was brought in chance medly, tho' it was wilfull murder. If they had been honest fellows they had been both hang'd presently. This Country does no justice in ye world it quite stinks for want of a Governour to sett them to rights. They threaten to pull down all ye prisons if they putt anybody in prison for protested bills. People runn away daily with 2 or 3 families at a time in sloops with negroes and all to North Carolina. (b) Maryland, Arpil 4, 1711. I am sorry we have not a Governour with us to putt some life and courage into a drooping people. The villain Macknemarra privately gott away from hence to Virginia, and from thence in a small scotch vessell for Scotland. You will probably see or hear of him in London amongst the merchts., and perhaps he will endeavour to be accquainted with ye Governour; wherefore take a true relation of his villanies and barbarities. Describes murder as in preceding. He was arraign'd for murder, but ye Roman Catholicks all his bosom friends pack't a jury for ye purpose, who found it manslaughter only, for which he was burnt in ye hand. He staid with us till Dec. last in which month contrary to ye order of nature, he bugger'd Wm. Taylard's little boy, who made his own complaint, whereupon a warrant was issu'd out against him. He absconded for a few dayes, and afterwards went off incognito. Mr. C. a noted Roman Catholick was much his friend in having him accquitted of ye murther. 3 pp. [C.O. 5, 720. Nos. 8, 8 i., ii.].
[Sept. 20.] 102. (a.) List of inhabitants of Nevis and St. Kitts with the amount of their losses by the late invasion proved by the Commission, submitted by Stephen Duport, who appears as their attorney to receive the debentures granted them by Parliament. 4 pp.
(b.) Form of a Certificate that the above remained after the invasion and that they or their agents are resettling their plantations, and that their shares of the bounty have not been bought or sold by way of stock jobbing, etc. The whole endorsed, Recd. Read Sept. 20, 1711. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 152, 9. Nos. 78, 79.]
[Sept. 20.] 103. Draught of a debenture to be issued to the sufferers of Nevis and St. Kitts. Endorsed, Sept. 20, 1711. Printed. 1 p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 80; and 153, 11. p. 372.]
Sept. 20.
104. Mr. Popple to Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor General. Application having been made to the Council of Trade and Plantations by several persons here in behalf of the sufferers of Nevis and St. Christophers, that debentures may be issued to them, pursuant to an Act past the last Sessions of Parliament, their Lordships are desirous to speak with you thereupon, etc. [C.O. 153, 11. p. 371.]
[Sept. 20.] 105. H.M. Instructions to Governor Parke for granting lands in the French part of St. Xtophers. Nov. 30, 1705. q.v.
A return of the same is to be made to the Ld. High Treasurer, and grants by the Governor are not to be for a longer period than 2½ years, etc. St. James, Nov. 30, 1705. Countersigned, Godolphin. Endorsed, Recd. 19th, Read 20th, 1711. 2½ pp. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 81.]
[Sept.20.] 106. H.M. Confirmation of Mrs. Elizabeth Bowden's grant of plantation lands in St. Kitts. Aug. 14, 1707. Countersigned, Godolphin. 2¼pp. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 82.]
Sept.22. 107. The Attorney and Solicitor General to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Reply to Sept. 20. We will attend yr. Lordps. on Thursday, etc. Signed, Ed. Northey, Rob. Raymond. Endorsed, Recd. 22nd, Read 25th Sept., 1711. Addressed. ¾ p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 83.]
Sept. 22.
108. Earl of Dartmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Mr. Hugh Totterdell of Jamaica being very well recommended to H.M. to be one of Her Council in that Island, I desire to know whether you have any objection, etc. Signed, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. Oct. 30th, Read Nov. 1st, 1711. 1 p. [C.O. 137, 9. No. 49; and 138, 13. p. 374.]
109. Mr. Popple to the Secretaries of the Treasury. The Council of Trade and Plantations recommend H.M. confirmation of the grant of land in St. Kitts to Lt. Governor Lambert, as proposed by Mr. Blathwayt (v. Aug. 15), "provided there be a reservation of the usual quit-rents, as their Lordships find it reserved in a grant of the like nature to Mrs. Bowden, Aug. 14, 1707, but omitted in the above grant from Col. Parke to Col. Lambert." [C.O. 153, 11. pp. 374, 375.]
Sept. 25.
110. The Earl of Dartmouth to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Captain Teate, H.M.S. Reserve, having brought five persons from Virginia, by order of the Lt. Governor, who setts forth in the warrant he has signed for taking them into custody, that they had raised a rebellion against the established Government of North Carolina, and failing in their attempts, were fled from justice; I am to desire you will be pleased to communicate to me what accounts you have received of this matter, particularly in relation to the evidence produced against them. Signed, Dartmouth. Endorsed, Recd. Read 26th Sept., 1711. 1 p. [C.O. 5, 1316. No. 68; and 5, 1363. pp. 331, 332.]
Sept. 26.
111. Council of Trade and Plantations to the Earl of Dartmouth. In reply to preceding enclose extracts from Lt. Governor Spotswood's letter etc., July 25th. We have recd, no affidavits or other proofs, nor is there any mention in his letter to us of any persons being sent over hither. [C.O. 5, 1363. pp. 331, 332; and (rough draft) 5, 1335. p. 130.]
Sept. 27. 112. Mr. Attorney and Mr. Solicitor General to the Council of Trade and Plantations. Having received yr. Lordps. commands to deferr our coming to the Board, (v. Sept. 22), wee will attend on Thursday, etc. Signed, Edw. Northey, Rob. Raymond. Endorsed, Recd. Read Sept. 28, 1711. ¾ p. [C.O. 152, 9. No. 84.]
[Sept. 28.] 113. Petition of Alexander Skeene, Secretary of Barbados, to the Queen. Prays to be appointed to the Council, there being now a vacancy by the death of George Lillington. 1 p. Overleaf,
113. i. The Council of Trade and Plantations are to report their opinion on this petition, etc. Signed, Dartmouth. Whitehall, Sept. 28, 1711. The whole endorsed, Recd. Sept. 29, Read Oct. 11, 1711. 1¼ pp. [C.O. 28, 13. Nos. 64, 64 i.; and 29, 12. p. 368.]
Sept. 29. 114. Petty Expences of the Board of Trade, postage, stationery, etc. 6 pp. [C.O. 388, 76. Nos. 122–124.]