Index: J, K

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: J, K', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: J, K". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Jackson (Jacksonne), Arthur, a London draper
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 205

Jackson, Joseph, a London merchant letter to Wilson sent through, 10

Jacob, Monsieur. See Jacob, Sieur de

Jacob, François-Amadeus Chabot, Sieur de, Governor of Savoy
-, 238
-, Duke of Savoy's Ambassador to France, 311

Jacob [? Henry], a minister of London
-, active amongst Puritan Fellows of Christ's College, Cambridge, 139, 143
-, King orders arrest of, 147
-, to appear before Privy Council, 148

James 1, King of England
-, sale to Swedes of letters written by Hyll to, 2
-, his tenants at Cottingham and Middleton, 3
-, his need of money, 3
-, reported to have undertaken to obtain truce between Spain and Dutch, 4
-, makes grants of money, 5
-, Lady Saltonstall's suit to, 9
-, his woods surveyed in Oxfordshire, 9
-, refuses Giron's request that he procure simple truce for King of Spain, 13
-, draws Lady Cranborne by lot as his Valentine, 16
-, Noel de Caron has audience with, 16
-, Giron magnifies his treatment by, 18
-, pays tribute to Earl of Salisbury's sense of honour, 18
-, letters, etc., to Earl of Salisbury, 19, 26, 82, 124, 158, 160, 168, 172(2), 225, 227, 228(3), 236, 250, 253, 264, 265, 269, 270, 272, 273, 274(3)
-, nominates Commissioners for suits, 22
-, resolved to liquidate his debts, 23
-, tries to strike Coke with his fist, 23
-, his hunting expeditions, 28, 32
-, to be met with music at opening of "Britain's Burse", 37
-, agreement on trade between King of France and, 44
-, proposes to form new Company to improve cloth trade with France, 44
-, 46(3), 56, 59, 60(2)
-, eulogises Earl of Salisbury as Secretary, 47
-, his opinion of Dutch-Spanish truce, 47
-, his gift of timber to University of Oxford, 48, 62, 65
-, trees disposed of for convenience of his sports, 52
-, grants annuity to Lord Sheffield in lieu of patent for manufacture of alum, 55
-, valuation of his woods at Loxwood, 64
-, his book sent to Archduke and various kings and princes, 64
-, recalls Edmondes from Brussels, 64
-, letter to Archduke, 64
-, his Customs concession to English planters in Ireland, 66
-, permits sale and transport of ordnance to Denmark, 69
-, theft of his fawns at Shotover, 70
-, commends game at Rockingham, 71
-, reaction to his book by Archduke and other princes, 71
-, licenses export of bows and arrows, 74
-, memoranda on his woods, 78, 79
-, translation of the Bible undertaken by his command, 79
-, Archduke refuses to accept his book, 80
-, his comments on his book, 83
-, requires survey of provision of gunpowder in shires, 83
-, 85, 97, 101, 102, 113, 126, 148(4), 149, 161, 162, 167, 171, 174
-, requests Edmondes to report on Colonel Patton's behaviour, 85, 86
-, anathematised by priests in Ireland, 91
-, Earl of Salisbury called "my little fool" by, 92
-, critical of Venetian Ambassador, 92
-, interested in buying a clock, 93
-, his opinion of Strange's treason, 96
-, his stable and horses destroyed by fire at Farnham, 96
-, reference to his excommunication by Pope, 96
-, doubts that Spain will risk breach of peace with England to aid Tyrone, 97
-, his reaction to Archduke's refusal to accept his book, 98
-, commissions of inquiry into spoils committed in woods of, 99(2), 100
-, pleased with repairs to his house at Farnham, 102
-, petition of Estates of Jersey to, 113
-, his reaction to King of France's reception of his book, 114
-, visits Isle of Wight with Prince Henry, 115
-, signs declaration on Cleves, 116
-, survey of his lands in Armagh and Tyrone, 117, 118, 121
-, presented with articles concerning silk-worms and silk industry in England, 124
-, his opinion of La Boderie, 124
-, grants audience to Venetian Ambassador, 129
-, entertains Queen's cousin, 129
-, delighted with news of Viscount Cranborne's recovery, 130
-, suffers from a heavy cold, 130, 256
-, entertains Elector Palatine, 130, 133
-, infuriated by theft of deer, 136
-, his letters requested by States General to liberate Dutch taken by Turks, 138
-, angered by election at Christ's College, Cambridge, 138, 139, 142
-, displeased with behaviour of Judges, 140, 141
-, critical of the Privy Council, 141
-, finds fault with Earl of Salisbury on matter of college election, 142
-, orders investigation into electoral proceedings at Christ's College, Cambridge, 143
-, orders examination of Bainbridge, 143
-, opposed to choice of Pemberton as Master of Christ's College Cambridge, 143, 144
-, grants relief in aid levied on University of Cambridge, 144
-, receives controversial book under cover of packet addressed to Carr, 145, 147
-, orders arrest of Jacob as suspected author of book, 147, 148
-, reference to case between Dudley and, 148
-, concerned about Queen's return to London because of plague, 149, 150
-, attributes persistence of plague in London to negligence of inhabitants, 149
-, his plan to establish Company of merchants to trade with France, 150
-, grants monopoly of import of pepper to English East India Company, 154
-, his reply to King of Denmark's requests, 158
-, his views on Sir John Kennedy's case, 159
-, states his preference for election of Carey as Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, 160
-, his views on Lord Stafford's petition, 161
-, promises post of Latin Secretary to Sir Thomas Lake, 163
-, receives letter and gift of hawks from Duke of Courland, 162
-, Lady Anne Brouncker's petition to, 166, 167
-, permits transport of plate to Ireland free of Customs duties, 168
-, his attitude towards Balmerino, 172, 173
-, his obligations as regards Cautionary Towns, 175
-, papers relating to woods and forests of, 176, 177
-, hunts with Prince Henry in Isle of Wight, 179
-, account of New Year's money gifts given by and to, 180
-, loan by farmers of Customs to pay off debts incurred by, 183
-, Commissioners of States General received in audience by, 184
-, offended by alleged theft of deer by Sir Edward Coke, 192(2)
-, his plan to establish new legal office opposed by Coke, 194
-, licenses export of gunpowder, 196
-, pleased with Earl of Salisbury's commendation of his thrift, 196
-, agrees to conference between French Ambassador and Earl of Salisbury, 197, 199
-, sends gift to Princess Elizabeth, 200
-, sale of manors and lands of, 201
-, in debt to the Palavicini of Genoa, 202
-, proposal for a defensive alliance between King of France and, 203
-, to sign Anglo-Dutch defensive treaty, 204
-, Prince Maurice's letter to, 210
-, resolved to support Geneva against Duke of Savoy, 210
-, permits export of money from England to assist plantation in Ulster, 210
-, 212, 219, 230, 234(2), 257
-, advises Viscount Fentoun against accepting pension from States General, 216
-, appoints Leonel Sharpe as Provost of King's College, Cambridge, 216
-, his views on "Great Contract" and attitude of House of Commons towards it, 217
-, disagrees with Dutch on question of fishing rights, 217
-, warned to be cautious in his dealings with German Lutheran Princes, 218
-, refuses to sign letter appointing Babington Bishop of Derry, 219
-, rumour of his assassination circulating in Paris, 220
-, French King's murder generates anxiety about safety of, 222, 227
-, orders arrest of Emperor's subjects and their goods in England, 225
-, grievances of Parliament presented to, 227
-, to ratify Anglo-French treaty, 229
-, his prowess in hunting, 235
-, a gentleman of the Margrave of Brandenburg received in audience by, 237
-, impatient with speeches made in House of Commons, 256
-, veiled criticism by anonymous M.P. of, 260, 261
-, rumour of anti-Scots petition by Parliament rouses fury of, 263, 265
-, Carr declared to be instigator of intrigue to provoke bad feelings between Earl of Salisbury and, 264
-, his blunt letter to Earl of Salisbury, 267
-, dissatisfied with Parliament, 265, 266
-, letters, warrants, etc, to Privy Council from, 266, 267
-, Earl of Salisbury replies to criticism by, 267
-, his instructions to English Ambassador in Paris, 269
-, his answer to proposal for marriage alliance by King of Sweden, 272, 273
-, his suspicions of Parliament, 274
-, requests names of officials who voted against grant of subsidies, 274
-, is the subject of a scandal, 275
-, proposal to increase farm of Customs for benefit of, 277
-, 280(4), 282(2), 286, 289
-, his revenues from Customs and impositions, 283, 285
-, opposition in House of Commons to his alleged right regarding impositions, 286
-, gains nothing from patent for tobacco, 287
-, reactions to his attack on Pope, 287
-, urged to allow liberty of conscience, 288
-, matters associated with grants by, 290(2)
-, his arrears of debts mentioned, 290
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 291, 296, 297, 298, 299(2), 300(3), 301, 303, 313, 317, 318, 319, 339
-, grants reversion of Mastership of the Rolls to Sir Julius Caesar, 292
-, 294(2), 296, 299, 302, 308, 309, 312, 316, 326, 328, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 337, 338, 340, 341(2), 342, 345, 346, 350, 351(2), 359(2), 360, 364, 365, 367, 368, 373
-, his instructions to Lord Deputy of Ireland, 295, 304
-, reference to King's bounty, 295
-, licenses Undertakers to transport stock into Ireland free of Customs dues, 296, 299, 300
-, accepts money from shires in lieu of provisions for his household, 298
-, expects to benefit from reduction of armed forces in Ireland, 305
-, said to enjoy unprecedented control over people and affairs of Ireland, 306
-, repairs to warships of, 307
-, pardons Easton, the pirate, 308
-, his attitude towards marriage proposals of the Duke of Savoy, 309
-, signs order regulating trade between England and Scotland, 313
-, organisation of loan for, 315, 317, 318
-, jury returns verdict unfavourable to, 318
-, permits Dutch fleet to pursue pirates taking refuge in Irish harbours, 320
-, mentioned in Proclamations concerning rumours and liberty of speech, 321, 322
-, his views on Parliament, 321, 322
-, critical of members of House of Commons, 321
-, Shirley presents King of Persia's request and offer to, 325
-, Earl of Nottingham delivers hangings to, 327
-, encloses land to enlarge the park at Theobalds, 328
-, his gift of £100 to an Italian, 328
-, suspends pardon for manslaughter, 333
-, French King desires understanding over defence of United Provinces with, 335, 336
-, his instructions regarding Council of Wales, 338
-, his grant to Undertakers in Ireland, 338
-, his almshouse in Bristol, 339
-, receives gift of an animal from Duke of Savoy, 340
-, sends Dr. Bishop to the Doctors of the Sorbonne in Paris, 343
-, his reply to the marriage proposals of Duke of Savoy, 343, 344, 345
-, his free gifts, 343, 346, 349, 352, 258(2), 360(2), 362,,
-, hawks from Newfoundland for, 346
-, his scheme for a plantation in certain counties of Ireland, 347
-, reference to the King's Maundy, 349
-, bestows Order of the Garter on Prince of Orange, 353, 356
-, demands banishment of Vorstius from United Provinces, 353, 354
-, orders treaty to be concluded with Protestant Princes of Germany, 354
-, initiates negotiations with Prince of Orange, 354, 355
-, Prince of Orange suggests that confederation to defend Protestant religion be headed by, 355
-, his policy suspect to some circles in United Provinces, 356
-, Incorporation of Shipwrights granted by, 357
-, his request to States General on behalf of Buccleugh, 360
-, linen, etc. for, 361
-, grants licence for manufacture of gunpowder, 365
-, his revenue, 366
-, his woods, 366, 368, 369
-, learns details of depredations of English pirates, 368, 369
-, Bowbearer to. See Lazomby, Richard
-, Bowyer to. See Jefferson, John
-, Clock-keeper to. See Bull, Randolf
-, Chaplain in ordinary to. See White, Robert
-, Chaplain extraordinary to. See Duport, John
-, Cofferer to. See Cock, Sir Henry
-, Cupbearer to. See Boyd, Andrew
-, Falconer to. See Dwelly, George
-, Founder of iron ordnance to. See Browne, Thomas
-, Gentleman of Wardrobe of Robes to. See Hay, James
-, Gentleman Usher of Privy Chamber to. See Monson, Sir Thomas, Graham, Sir John
-, Groom of Bedchamber to. See Livingstone, John
-, Groom of the Privy Chamber to. See May, Humphrey; May, Hugh
-, Master of the Horse to, See Somerset, Edward
-, Master of the Revels to. See Ashley, Sir John; Buck, Sir George
-, Master of Tents, Hales and Pavilions to. See Seckford, Henry; Jones, Thomas; Bedingfield, Thomas
-, Master plasterer to. See Talbot, Richard; Leigh, James
-, Musician to. See Warren, Thomas
-, Organist to. See Gibbons, Orlando
-, Page of Bedchamber to. See Carse, John; Rothwell, Ellis; Thelwall, Bevis; Toderick, Walter
-, Porter to. See Halsey, William
-, Purveyor of poultry to. See Raymond, John
-, Serjeant-at-Arms to. See Arthur, Edmond; Blakey, Lionel
-, Serjeant Furrier to. See Bland, Peter
-, Surgeon to. See Nasmyth, John
-, Trumpeter to. See Martyn, Henry
-, Yeoman saddler to. See Derrick, Peter
-, Yeoman of the Toyle to. See Brenninge, John; Grave, Robert

James, Peter, a foreign merchant paid for jewels supplied to Queen, 327

James [? Richard, M.P. for Newport, Isle of Wight]
-, 262

James, Walter, in the service of Sir Robert Carr
-, 269

James, William, Bishop of Durham
-, his New Year's gift of plate to Earl of Salisbury, 1
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 73, 88, 118, 119(2), 132, 136, 140, 195, 224
-, prepared to contribute to the "aid" for King, 73
-, 134, 316
-, permitted to go to Bath to recuperate, 330

Janin, President. See Jeannin, Pierre

Japan (Japon)
-, trade reasons for discovering North-West passage to, 276

Jarvis, Mr. See Jarvis, Arthur

Jarvis, Arthur, Clerk of the Pipe
-, 157

Jarvis (Jarvisse), Father [? George] spreads rumour of alleged treasure at Hertford Castle, 126

Jarvis, Thomas, English Catholic
-, charged by Lord Stafford with plotting to gain possession of his land, 187, 188
-, his answer to the charge, 188

Jeannin (Janin), Pierre, President of the Parlement of Dijon
-, Edmondes discusses projected Franco-Spanish dynastic marriages with, 310
-, 355

Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, Scotland
-, goods conveyed by land from England to Scotland to pass through, 314

Jefferson, John, the King's bowyer
-, licensed to export bows and arrows, 74

Jegon, John, Bishop of Norwich
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 253

Jegon, Thomas, Master of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 8, 144, 152
-, appointed Vice-Chancellor of University of Cambridge, 8
-, 95
-, to examine Bainbridge and others, 143

Jehoram. See Joram

Jenens. See Jennings

Jennings (Jenens), Henry, member of the Corporation of Portsmouth
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 191

Jennings (Jenninges), John, Captain, English pirate
-, arrested in Ireland, 151
-, £1,000 offered for a pardon to, 151

Jennings (Jenens, Jennyns), Owyn, member of the Corporation of Portsmouth
-, 164 (4)
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 191

Jenny, Edmond, officer of the port of Ipswich
-, payment to, 361

Jennyns, Owyn. See Jennings, Owyn

Jenville, Prince. See Joinville

Jersey, Isle of
-, petition of the Estates of, 113
-, its defences strengthened upon the news of Henry IV's assassination, 219
-, Governor of. See Peynton, Sir John

Jervey, Richard, member of the Corporation of Portsmouth
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 191

Jessop, John, a physician
-, 45

-, anxious to prevent Protestant succession to Cleves, 117
-, copy of letter extolling, 179
-, negotiations in Venice concerning, 205
-, 257, 288
-, pamphlet printed against, 288
-, in Ireland, 306

Jesuits, English
-, prohibited by Archduke from settling at Watten, 9
-, their quarrel with the English Benedictines, 45
-, displeased with Pope, 45
-, Roper thought to be entertaining group of, 63

Jesuits, Irish
-, dispute in Ireland between priests and, 34

Jesus College, Cambridge
-, letter dated from, 195
-, Master of. See Duport, John

Jewel House, The
-, 180

-, allowed to practice their religion within Papal territory at Avignon, 109

Jobson, Edward, a surveyor
-, 49

Jobson, Humphrey, overseer of tarring of new ships
-, 357

Jobson, Jane, cousin of the Earl of Salisbury
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 44, 156

Jocelin (Josline), Francis, of co. Essex
-, alleged to be recusant, 288

Jocelin (Josline), Margaret, wife of Francis Jocelin
-, alleged to be recusant, 288

Johannes (Johanes), Mr.
-, 236, 279(4)

Johnson, Mr. See Johnson, Thomas

Johnson (Jonesone), Francis
-, petition from, 373

Johnson, Sir Robert, a surveyor of the King's woods
-, 41, 46, 47, 52, 60, 70, 75, 177, 326
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 42, 63, 66
-, criticised by Lord Norris, 62, 67
-, offers his resignation, 66
-, complains against Lord Norris, 70
-, letter to Calvert, 100
-, associated with leasing of woods in Whittlewood Forest, 289, 290
-, sends book to Earl of Salisbury, 326

Johnson, Thomas, a surveyor of the King's woods
-, 43, 54, 56, 66, 79(2), 119(2)
-, his alleged improper proceedings in the sale of King's woods, 56, 60(2), 88
-, defended by Earl of Shrewsbury, 61
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 72
-, complained against by Slingsby, 277

Johnson, —
-, reference to his patent for copper, 200

Joinville (Jenville), Claude de Lorraine, Prince de, brother of the Duke of Guise
-, reference to his visit to England, 138
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 212

Jolles, Sir John, a London merchant
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Jones, Francis, Alderman of London and a farmer of the Customs
-, 361

Jones, Thomas, Archbishop of Dublin and Lord Chancellor of Ireland
-, 196, 302, 347
-, Chichester's tribute to his wisdom and tact, 302

Jones, Thomas
-, reversion of office granted to, 357

Jones, Zachary, of Lincoln's Inn, London
-, regranted Valencia Island for plantation, 341

Jones, Mr.
-, granted lease of a prebend, 134

Joram (Jehoram), a King of Judea
-, King annoyed by allusion made in M.P.s speech to, 263, 266, 267

Joyner, Thomas, merchant of Chester
-, 67

Jude, John, Spanish secretary to Sir Charles Cornwallis
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 4
-, letter to Wilson, 17

Jülich (Juliers, Julyers, Julliers) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Margrave of Brandenburg notifies King of his claim to, 20
-, failure to obtain joint acknowledgment of Neuburg and Brandenburg in, 82
-, attitude of various states towards dispute over, 88, 89
-, Archduke Leopold welcomed by Governor of, 88, 114
-, 100, 101, 235, 236, 246
-, Archduke Leopold reported to be gathering munition in castle of, 117
-, news of the capture of the town of, 252

Juliers. See Jülich

Julricke, Duke. See Ulrich

Justices of the Peace
-, statement on supposed treasure at Hertford Castle submitted to, 126
-, communication on alleged treasure to Earl of Salisbury from, 128
-, criticised by King for neglecting order to repair road to Royston, 141
-, to counteract activities of pirates in Devon and Cornwall, 213
-, provide Privy Council with information concerning prices of corn, 223
-, to grant authority for manufacture of gunpowder, 365

Justo, Count Augustino
-, his house in Verona, 242


Kaisheim (Cashaim) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne mentions Abbey at, 245

Kalmar (Calmar) [Sweden]
-, reported captured by Christian IV of Denmark, 311

Keeling (Keling), John, of the Inner Temple, London
-, holds reversion of the office of Coroner and Attorney of King's Bench, 332

Keighley, Christopher, of Green Hammerton, co. Yorks.
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 319

Keith (Keyth), Sir Andrew, courtier and diplomatist
-, 72

Kelso, Roxburghshire, Scotland
-, goods conveyed by land from England to Scotland to pass through, 314

Kemer, John
-, 229

Kendall, Christopher, of Brill, co. Bucks.
-, leases Godley Corner, 222

Kendall, William, of Launceston, co. Cornwall
-, reference to his patent for manufacture of alum, 55

Kenn, co. Devon
-, parsonage of, 332

Kennedy (Kenneday), David
-, 259

Kennedy, Elizabeth, Lady, wife of Sir John Kennedy
-, her complaints against her husband, 131
-, 179, 255

Kennedy, Sir John, of Barn Elms, Barnes, co. Surrey
-, charged with bigamy, 131
-, King's views on his case, 159
-, to be surety for Sir Robert Stewart, 165
-, 196, 328

Kensington, London
-, letter dated from, 123

-, new mine of iron ore found in, 174
-, 177, 313, 319, 324, 364
-, recusants in, 299
-, timber for Navy from, 307

Kercam, Mr. See Kirkham, Robert

Kercher, Robert, prebendary of Winchester
-, informs Earl of Salisbury of contents of Pope's pardon, 155

Kerr (Kier), Sir George
-, receives letter from French agent, 120
-, conveys King's letter to Privy Council, 182

Kerry, county of, Ireland
-, 337

Kew (Kewe), co. Surrey
-, letters dated from, 4, 51, 253

Keyth, Sir Andrew. See Keith, Sir Andrew

Kibworth, co. Leicester
-, rectory of, 360

Kidson, Robert, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury, 15

Kilmainham (Kyllmaynham), co. Dublin, Ireland
-, decay of King's house at, 306

Kimbolton, co. Hunts.
-, 90 (2)

Kinge, Auditor. See King, Alexander

King (Kinge), Alexander, an auditor
-, 163

King, John, Dean of Christ Church, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University, later Bishop of London,
-, his request to King for timber, 26
-, his request granted, 48
-, reference to his "violence and passion" in securing the timber, 62, 65
-, 346

King, John, goldsmith, of St. Mary Aldermanbury, London
-, protection granted to, 345

King, John
-, guilty of manslaughter at Stepney, 205

King Street, Westminster
-, 38
-, letters dated from, 45, 166

King's Beere (West Beare), Forest of, co. Hants.
-, King hunts in, 103

King's Bench, The
-, grant of offices of, 332 359

King's Bench, The, prison, Southwark, London
-, letter dated from, 221

King's Bench, Chief Justice of. See Fleming, Sir Thomas

King's College, Cambridge
-, letters dated from, 53, 195
-, 196
-, Leonel Sharpe appointed Provost of, 216

King's Lynn (Lynn), co. Norfolk
-, Privy Council issues directions to regulate transportation of corn from, 211, 224

Kingsmeale, Captain. See Kingsmell, John

Kingsmell, Captain. See Kingsmell, John

Kingsmell (Kingsmeale), John, Captain, commander of horse in Ireland
-, his soldiers to protect Bishop of Raphoe, 303

Kingsmill, Sir William, of Malshanger, co. Hants.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 298

Kingsmill, Mr. [? Henry]
-, 4

King's Norton, co. Worcester
-, manor of, 228

Kingston, co. Middlesex
-, 358

Kingswood, Forest of, co. Gloucester
-, 367

Kingswood Chase (Kingeswood Chace), co. Gloucester
-, 50

Kinloche, John
-, brings charges of recusancy against a number of people, 232

Kinnersley Kynnersley), Sir Anthony, of Loxley, co. Stafford
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Kinpe, —
-, 326

Kinston, Mr.
-, commits abuses in King's woods, 178

Kirby (Kyrby) Park, co. Lincoln
-, 308

Kirkham, Mr. See Kirkham, Robert

Kirkham (Cercam, Kercam) Robert, of Richmond, co. Surrey, secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 66, 205, 220, 236, 237, 293
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 375

Kirkham, William, prisoner in the Fleet
-, letters to Caesar, 6(2), 11
-, fears ruin at the hands of his son, 11

Kirkoswald (Kirkoswalde), co. Cumberland
-, King's park of, 13

Kirkpatrick, Sir Thomas [? of Closeburn, Dumfriesshire, Scotland]
-, his pension bought by Lady Newcomen, 180

Kirton, James [? of the Middle Temple, London]
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Kisilagatsch (Cuszal Agatch) [Caucasia, Russia]
-, 325

Kitzingen (Hirsingeven) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 245

Knaresborough (Knarsbruth), co. Yorks.
-, letter dated from, 56
-, sale of King's woods at, 56
-, 85, 277
-, Deputy-Bailiff of. See Norton, Robert

Knarsbruth. See Knaresborough

Knaseborough, Peter, of Walkingham Hill, co. Yorks.
-, alleged to be recusant, 232

Knattishall, co. Suffolk
-, 91

Knevet, Lord. See Knyvett, Thomas

Knight, Francis, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 123

Knight, Richard, supervisor of Shotover and Stow Woods
-, signs certificate, 167

Knight Marshal, The. See Howard, Sir Edward

Knightley (Knyghtley), Sir Richard, of Fawsley, co. Northants.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 55

Knivett, Lord. See Knyvett, Thomas

Knollys (Knollis), Henry, Clerk of the Spicery to Prince Henry
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 367

Knollys, Sir Robert, of Westminster, London, brother of Sir William Knollys
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 229

Knollys (Knolleys, Knowelles, Knowles, Knolles), William, Baron, of Rotherfield Greys, co. Oxford, Treasurer of the Household
-, 36, 62, 234, 327, 367
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 39, 249
-, signs letters on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 44, 56
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84
-, signs Privy Council letters concerning transportation of corn, 211, 224
-, his lease of the post fines renewed, 319

Knowles, Lord. See Knollys, William

Knox, Andrew, Bishop of Raphoe
-, 302, 306
-, to be protected by soldiers, 303

Knox, John, Scottish reformer
-, his History of the King of Scotland (History of the Reformation), mentioned, 288

Knyghtley, Sir Richard. See Knightley, Sir Richard

Knyvett (Knivett, Knevet), Thomas, Lord Knyvett
-, 119
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury and Caesar, 125
-, grant to, 332

Kyffin, Maurice, of London
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 292

Kyllmaynham. See Kilmainham

Kynnersley. See Kinnersley

Kyrby Park. See Kirby Park