Index: L

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


La Boderie, Antoine le Fevre de, French Ambassador to England
-, English seminary priests allowed to leave with, 95
-, to take leave of King, 124
-, King's opinion of, 124
-, leaves Paris for London, 130
-, returns to London, 197
-, wishes to discuss affairs with Earl of Salisbury, 199(2)
-, Earl of Salisbury's comments on proposals submitted, by, 203, 204
-, 217, 220, 226, 229, 311
-, instruments of Anglo-French treaty signed at the house of, 229
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 320
-, Dr. Bishop to be released from Gatehouse into hands of, 343

L'Abrégé de la Vie du Roy Henri 4
-, Finet sends Wilson pamphlet entitled, 35

L'Abregmont. See Apremont

La Bresse, district of [France]
-, 111, 112

La Bretèche (La Bretauche) [Seineet-Marne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 112

La Greve [Vendée, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 106

Laike, Sir Thomas. See Lake, Sir Thomas

Lake (Laike), Sir Thomas, Clerk of the Signet
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 5, 93, 101, 103, 113, 114, 115, 116, 138, 140, 142(2), 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 158, 161, 162, 179, 192, 196, 197, 216, 219, 233, 237, 263, 264
-, 52, 95, 143, 234, 255, 263, 267, 286
-, deplores increase in knights' fees, 142
-, requests to be given post of Latin Secretary, 163
-, letters to, 229, 279, 280
-, criticised by Earl of Salisbury, 264
-, declares Carr to be instigator of intrigue in House of Commons to provoke bad feelings between King and Earl of Salisbury, 264
-, criticised by King, 265
-, 294, 315(2), 316(5), 317(2), 327(2), 328, 329(6), 331(2), 332(7), 336(3), 337(3), 338(5), 339, 340(4), 341(3), 342(6), 345, 346(7), 348(3), 349(5), 350(8), 351, 352(3), 353, 357(2), 358(7), 359(4), 360(7), 361(9), 362(4)
-, granted rectory of Eaton, 328

Lakerre, Sebastian, dancing instructor to Duke of York
-, King's gift of money to, 362

La Luthumière, Jean le Tellier, Seigneur de
-, relates rumour from Paris of the assassination of King James, 220

Lam, Jacob, of Sandwich
-, acts as broker for sale of pepper at Canterbury, 207

La Magistère (Magisterre) [Tarn-etGaronne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 106

Lambe, Andrew, a Scottish minister
-, his pension bought by Harrison, 180

Lambert, Simon, of Buckingham, co. Bucks.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Lambert, Captain, naval commander
-, informed of activities of pirates, 209

Lambert, Mr. of King Street, Westminster, London
-, 38

Lambert, Mr.
-, 38(4)

Lambesc (Lombers) [Bouches-duRhône, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 110

Lambeth (Lambith, Lambet), London
-, letters dated from, 61, 64, 131, 138, 148, 155

Lamentes, Jeremy
-, conveys ordnance overseas contrary to King's commission, 88

Lamersine, Gart, Master of the St. Peter of Bergen
-, 206

Lampine, Mr.
-, 315

Lamyer, John
-, to be admitted as freeman of City of London, 349

-, 2, 8, 188, 326
-, inquiry into illegal transportation overseas of calf-skins from, 257
-, recusants in, 296

Lancaster, Duchy of
-, sale of woods belonging to, 54, 66
-, 60, 188, 331
-, liberty of, in London, 221
-, Enfield Chase, a parcel of, 221
-, Attorney of. See Brograve, Sir John
-, Chancellor of. See Parry, Sir Thomas

Lancaster Castle, co. Lancs.
-, 188

Landsberg (Landsbourg) [Bavaria, Germany]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 245

Land's End, co. Cornwall
-, 213

Lane, Sir William, of Horton, co. Northants.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 235
-, 367

Lang, William
-, appointed to be in charge of King's almshouse in Bristol, 339

Langarud (Langarru) [Persia]
-, 325

Langarru. See Langarud

Langdale, Mr. See Langdale, Marmaduke

Langdale, Marmaduke, of Langthorpe, co. Yorks.
-, prisoner in the Fleet, 56

L'Angez. See Langeais

Langeais (L'Angez) [Indre-et-Loire, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 105

Langford, co. Norfolk
-, 91

Langley, Mr. See Langley, Richard

Langley, Richard, Deputy-Town Clerk of the Company of Merchant Taylors
-, 207

Langon [Gironde, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne crosses the Garonne at, 107

Langthorpe, co. Yorks.
-, survey of grange of, 56

Langton, Dr. See Langton, William

Langton, William, chaplain to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 260

Languedoc [France]
-, 108, 138
-, Governor of. See Montmorency, Henri I, Duc de

Lanier or Lanyer, Nicholas, musician in the service of the Earl of Salisbury
-, Viscount Cranborne wishes to take him to Italy to learn the "viol", 212
-, the proposal approved by Earl of Salisbury, 215

La Nonvalaise. See Novalesa

Lans-le-Bourg (Lunebourg) [Savoie, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 238
-, 239

Lardner, John, Mayor of Portsmouth
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 191
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 224

La Réole [Gironde, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 107

La Rochefoucaud (Rochefoucaut)
-, François, Comte (later Duc) de
-, castle of Chaumont in possession of, 104

La Rochelle [Charente-Inférieure, France]
-, stay of goods in Spanish ports of merchants from, 10
-, Viscount Cranborne ill of smallpox at, 106
-, his description of, 106
-, salt shipped to Bristol from, 210
-, calf-skins and Yorkshire kerseys sent by ship from Lancashire to, 253

Lascelles (Lassells), Sir Thomas, of Breckenbrough, co. Yorks.
-, 132

Lasley, Mr.
-, 189

Lasonbye, Richard. See Lazomby, Richard

Lassells, Edmund, former Groom of the Chamber
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 197

Lassells, Sir Thomas. See Lascelles, Sir Thomas

Lasso, Don Rodrigo de, Chief Chamberlain to the Archduke Albert
-, Count Visconti deputises for, 4
-, created a Count in Spain, 85
-, made a member of Council of War of Spain, 86
-, authorised to demobilise Spanish forces in Low Countries, 86

Lathaite, Thomas, prisoner in Newgate
-, petitions Privy Council, 155

La Tour de Cesar [? Kaiserswerth, North Rhine, Germany]
-, Archbishop of Cologne maintains 800 armed men at, 246

La Tour D'Oudon. See Oudon

La Tour du Pin [Isére, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 238

-, reference to furnaces for manufacture of, 292

Lauder, William, an Undertaker in co. Armagh, Ireland
-, 346

Laugharne, co. Carmarthen
-, letter dated from, 68

Launde (Lawne) Abbey, co. Leicester
-, woods surveyed at, 74

Launde Wood (Lawndwoods), co. Rutland
-, 4, 51, 52

Lauterbah, Thomas, member of the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260

Lavardin, Jean de Beaumanoir, Marquis de, Marshal of France
-, 210

Lavelly. See Llanelly

La Verpilliere (La Vorpiliere) [Isère, France]
-, Marshal Lesdiguieres's house at, 238

Lavis (L'Aviso) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 244

L'Aviso. See Lavis

La Vorpiliere. See La Verpilliere

Lawe, Ralph (Rawffe), tanner, of Charnock, co. Lancs.
-, involved in case of attempted transportation of calf-skins abroad, 258 (3)

Lawndwoods. See Launde Woods

Lawne Abbey. See Launde Abbey

Lawreston, Lord. See Straton, John

Lawrick, Edward, mariner
-, engaged in shipbuilding, 329

Lawson, Sir Wilfrid (Wilfride), of Isell, co. Cumberland
-, named Commissioner for the North, 180

Lazomby (Lasonbye), Richard, Master of the King's Crossbows
-, to survey game in Theobalds Park, 251

Lea, Captain. See Lee, Gilbert

Lea, River, co. Middlesex
-, 36

-, one of main exports from Bristol, 123
-, reference to furnaces for manufacture of, 292

Leake, Jane, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Leake, Mr.
-, praised as trainer of falcons, 137

-, measures taken at Bristol to counteract scarcity of, 123
-, scarcity in Lancashire of, 257
-, new method of gilding and painting, 316

Le Brave, Dom Jouan. See Bravo

L'Ecluse. See Chiusa

L'Ecluse, fort of [Ain, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes by, 111

Le Connestable, Monsieur. See Montmorency

Lee (Lea), Gilbert, Captain
-, his dispute with Pratt, 36
-, involved in legal proceedings, 156

Lee (Leygh), Sir Henry, of Ditchley Park, co. Oxford, Master of the Armoury
-, letter with gift to Earl of Salisbury, 39
-, his death, 301
-, 367

Lee, Hugh, English Consul at Lisbon
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 15
-, requests that he be given
-, allowance in form of imposition on English goods, 15

Legate, Bartholomew, English heretic
-, to be burnt in London, 294, 339

Le Gouche, Stephen, a foreign merchant
-, paid for jewels supplied to Queen, 327

Le Grand, Monsieur. See Bellegarde

Le Gué Charraud (Le Gué Charrou) [Charente-Inférieure, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 106

Le Gué Charrou. See Le Gué Charraud

Leicester, co. Leicester
-, letter dated from, 75

-, Lord Harington accused of trying to engross woods in, 53
-, sale of King's woods in, 70, 74, 75
-, recusants in, 232
-, 308, 363

Leigh (Ley), Sir James, Attorney of the Court of Wards
-, his New Year's gift of plate to Earl of Salisbury, 1
-, 45, 179, 348

Leigh, James, Master plasterer to the King
-, reversion of his office, 338

Leigh, Oliph (Olavus), of Addington, co. Surrey
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Leigh, Robert, a keeper of the King's game
-, 36

Leigh, Thomas
-, 360

Leighe, Olavus. See Leigh, Oliph

Leighfield (Leighfeild), co. Rutland
-, Forest of, 3

Leighton, Sir Thomas, of Feckenham, co. Worcester
-, 314 and n.

Leighton, Sir Thomas, Governor of Guernsey
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 43

Leithecow. See Linlithgow

Leitiver, Sir Sterton (Sterten)
-, 271

Leman, Lake [Switzerland]
-, forms part of defences of Geneva, 111

Leman or Lemon, Thomas, English merchant
-, 125

Lemicon (Limecon, Leimcon), co. Cork, Ireland
-, Easton at, 308

Lennard, Sampson, of Knole Chevening, co. Kent, husband of Margaret, Baroness Dacre
-, granted precedence due to eldest son of "Lord Dacre of the South", 353

Lennox, Duke of. See Stuart, Ludovick

Leopold, Archduke, Count of Tyrol, brother of Ferdinand, Archduke of Gratz, later Emperor Ferdinand III
-, enters Jülich on behalf of Emperor, 88, 100
-, receives gifts from Archduke Albert, 101
-, sends envoy to Brussels, 101
-, 114(2), 244
-, his envoy's failure in talks with French King, 117
-, reported to be gathering munition in castle of Jülich, 117

Le Pavillon [Aube, France]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 112

Le Péage [Isère, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 110

Le Petit Niort [Charente-Inférieure, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to Duc d'Epernon's chateau at, 107

Lepton, John, Clerk of the Council of the North
-, letter to King, 95
-, 97, 140(2), 141

Lerma, Francisco de Sandoval y Rojas, Duke of
-, his daughter-in-law expecting a child, 18
-, opposition to government of, 69
-, plans to marry his grandson to Duke of Savoy's daughter, 72
-, arrogant behaviour of his nephew as Spanish Ambassador in Rome, 81, 82
-, shows his unfriendliness towards Spanish Ambassador in England, 312
-, Digby complains of dilatoriness of, 333

Lesdiguieres, François de Bonne, Duc de, Marshal of France
-, his house at La Verpilliere, 238

Lesieur, Sir Stephen, diplomatist
-, 5
-, solicits Earl of Salisbury's help to obtain post, 61
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 66, 298
-, Gyfford imprisoned at Florence by, 293

Leslie or Lesley (Leslye), James, son-in-law of the late Lord Lindores
-, arrests Sir Robert Stewart for debt, 165(3)

Leslie, Patrick, 1st Lord Lindores 165(4)

Leslie, William [? of Aberdeenshire, Scotland]
-, granted recusants' land, 299

Leslye. See Lesley, James

Les Pennes (Epenes) [Bouches-duRhône, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 109

Les Ponts-de-Ce (Pont de Ce) [Maine-et-Loire, France]
-, 105

[Ossy] Les Trois Maisons [Seine-etMarne, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 112

Letters of Marque
-, granted to a Spaniard against merchants of La Rochelle, 10

Levesie, Mr.
-, 200

Leveson, Sir John, of Halling, co. Kent
-, 12, 31, 313

Leveson, Sir William
-, 329

Levingston, John. See Livingstone, John

Levinston, John. See Livingstone, John

Levinus, Mr. See Munck, Levynus

Leviston, Mr. in the service of Princess Elizabeth
-, 277

Lewis (Lewes), John, of Llanwenny, co. Radnor [? Hereford]
-, alleged to be recusant, 270

Lewkenor, Sir Lewis, of Selsea, co. Sussex, Master of the Ceremonies
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 122 132, 133, 214, 290
-, to make arrangements for visit of Elector Palatine to King, 130

Ley, Edward, of Sawtry, co. Hunts.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Ley, Sir James. See Leigh, Sir James

Leygh, Sir Henry. See Lee, Sir Henry

Leyden [S. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 247
-, Winwood threatens with King's displeasure any attempt to retain Vorstius by, 254

Lézignan (Lusignac) [Aude, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 108

Liberty of Speech
-, draft of proclamation concerning, 322

Lichfield (Lichfild), co. Stafford
-, letter endorsed by post at, 61
-, 197
-, Wightman to be burnt at, 294, 339

Lidlinche. See Lydlinch

Liele, Lord. See Sidney, Robert

Lifeland. See Livonia

Ligon, Arnold. See Lygon, Arnold

Lillo (prov. Antwerp, Belgium)
-, its importance as stronghold mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 248

Limerick, Bishop of. See Barnard, Adam

Limerick, co. Limerick, Ireland
-, letter dated from, 91

Lincoln, Bishop of. See Barlow, William

Lincoln, Diocese of
-, 360

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton, Henry

Lincoln's Inn, London
-, 197
-, letter dated from, 319

-, recusants in, 250
-, 308, 316, 368

Lindhurst (Lindehurst) Wood, Sherwood Forest, co. Notts.
-, 367

Lindores, Lord. See Leslie, Patrick

Lindsay, Barnard, Groom of the Bedchamber
-, his pension, 308

Lindsay, David, Bishop of Ross
-, his pension bought by Francke, 180

Lindsay (Lindsey), Sir James
-, his pension bought by Jolles, 180

Lindsey, Sir James. See Lindsay, Sir James

Lingen, Edward, of Sutton, co. Hereford
-, alleged to be recusant, 299

Lings. See Linz.

Linlay, Lawrence, Groom of the Queen's Privy Chamber
-, granted recusants' lands, 297

Linlithgow (Leithecow), Scotland
-, letter dated from, 222

Linz (Lings) [North Rhine, Germany]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 246

Lion. See Lyons

Lisbon (Lisboa, Lixa) [Portugal]
-, letter dated from, 15
-, 17
-, English Consul at. See Lee, Hugh

Lisle, Viscount. See Sidney, Robert

Lisle (Lyle), William, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge
-, fatally wounds Roger Goad, 53
-, Star Chamber to examine affray between Goad and, 53, 195
-, further reference to case of, 196
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 203

Lister, Mr. See Lister, Matthew

Lister (Lyster) Matthew, physician
-, attends on Lord Cranborne in Paris, 32, 33, 157(2), 212, 215,
-, 218(2), 233

Litton. See Lytton, William

Liusino. See Lizzano

Liverpool (Liverpole), co. Lancs.
-, money to be conveyed from Isle of Man to, 133

Livingstone (Levingston, Levinston) John, Groom of the Bedchamber
-, granted recusants' lands by King, 253
-, his pension, 308
-, King's gift of money to, 343

Livius, Titus (Tite Live), Roman historian
-, his relics at Padua mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 243

Livonia (Lifeland) [Russia]
-, Poles defeat Swedes in, 163

Lixa. See Lisbon

Lizzano (in Belvedere) (Liusino) [Italy]
-, Michell's behaviour at, 24

Llanelly (Lavelly), co. Brecon
-, 270

Llangeinwen (Llangeniwen), co. Anglesey
-, 294

Llangeniwen. See Llangeinwen

Llanwenny (Lynweny), co. Radnor [? Hereford]
-, 270

Llewenni (Lleweny), co. Denbigh
-, letter dated from, 74

Lock, Henry. See Lok, Henry

Lockey, Francis, of London
-, alleged to be recusant, 296

Lode. See Lodi

Lodi (Lode, Lody) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes through, 241

Loftus, Thomas, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Loire, River [France]
-, 104(4), 105, 106

Loiret, River [France]
-, 104

Lok (Lock), Henry, poet employed by Earl of Salisbury in intelligence work
-, to proceed from Cologne to Prague, 120
-, money provided for, 155

Lombard, Peter, Archbishop of Armagh
-, his authority rivalled by that of M'Carthy's, 72

Lombers. See Lambesc

Lonato (L'Unato) [Italy]
-, Viscount Cranborne passes by, 242

Londesborough (Londesbrough), co. Yorks.
-, letter dated from, 119

-, letters dated from, 7, 43, 49, 53, 55, 66, 133, 202, 215, 223(2), 235, 250(2)
-, King's resolution to discharge his loan from City of, 23
-, stone conveyed from Holy Island to Durham House in, 29
-, attracting trade from Coventry and other towns, 42
-, 53, 202, 290, 308, 316, 336
-, reference to loans to insurgent Low Countries by City of, 58
-, Lord Mayor's banquet at Guildhall in, 144
-, shortage of pewter in, 145
-, persistence of plague attributed by King to negligence of inhabitants of, 149
-, King's proposal to establish Company to trade with France from amongst merchants of, 150
-, £20,000 offered towards payment of King's debts by Aldermen of, 183
-, closely associated with plantation in Ulster, 210
-, liberty of Duchy of Lancaster in, 221
-, close watch kept on plague infested houses in, 230
-, petition of coalmasters of, 230, 231
-, recusants in, 254, 296, 297, 299, 332
-, letter endorsed by post at, 291
-, Legate to be burnt in, 294, 339
-, new Lord Mayor a member of the Company of Goldsmiths of, 317 and n.
-, Frenchman arrested by Company of Sword Cutlers of, 320
-, Company of Brewers and Salters of, 330
-, Catholics attend religious services held in Spanish Ambassador's house in, 334
-, reference to Undertakers in Ireland from, 338
-, Lamyer to be admitted freeman of, 349
-, licence to erect hospital granted to Corporation of Girdlers of, 352
-, Bishop of. See Ravis, Thomas; Abbot, George
-, Lord Mayor of. See Weld, Sir Humphrey; Cambell, Sir Thomas: Pemberton, Sir James
-, Recorder of. See Montagu, Sir Henry,
-, Receiver-General for. See Davyes, Sir John

London, Tower of
-, prisoners in, 24, 47
-, letters dated from, 47, 80, 99
-, rents of tenants at, 191
-, the Bulwark within, 221
-, 294, 295, 368
-, the Armoury in, 301
-, King's storehouse of ordnance at, 350
-, Gentleman Porter of. See Worthington, Sir William
-, Lieutenant of. See Waad, Sir William; Helwys, Sir Gervase

London House, residence of the Bishop of London
-, letter dated from, 155

Londonderry (Derry), Ireland
-, reference to Irish victory at, 182

Long (Longe), William, farmer of the Irish Customs
-, surrenders his patent, 304, 305

-, King's bowyer licensed to export, 74

Longford, county of, Leinster, Ireland
-, 299

Lonsdale (Lynesdale), co. Lancs.
-, 188

Lopian. See Loupian

Lord Admiral. See Howard, Charles

Lord Chamberlain. See Howard, Thomas

Lord Chancellor. See Egerton, Sir Thomas

Lord Chief Baron. See Tanfield, Sir Laurence

Lord Chief Justice. See Fleming, Sir Thomas

Lord Chief Justice (Common Pleas). See Coke, Sir Edward

Lord High Treasurer. See Cecil, Robert

Lord Privy Seal. See Howard, Henry

Lordinge, Thomas, secretary to the English Company at Elbing
-, conveys Hyll's letters to England, 2, 3

Lord Lieutenants
-, their role in organisation of loan for King, 315

Lords, House of
-, 206
-, engaged in negotiations over "Great Contract" with House of Commons, 217
-, bill concerning "Britains Burse" read in, 224

Lords, House of, Irish
-, amenable to King's wishes, 305

Lore, Peter van, a London merchant 366

Loreto [Italy]
-, pilgrims at, 185

Loreyne, the heyre of. See Bar

Loriau. See Loriol

Loriol (Loriau) [Drôme, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 110

Lorraine, Charles II, Duke of reference to his death, 18

Lorraine, Henry, Duke of
-, sends ambassador to Spain, 17, 18

Lotion. See Authion

Lotti, Ottaviano, secretary to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Ambassador Extraordinary to England
-, 293

Loughdarge. See St. Patrick's Purgatory

Louis, Dauphin of France, later Louis XIII
-, towns in Normandy fortified in name of, 219
-, to take an oath to treaty, 229
-, 234
-, marriage proposed between Infanta of Spain and, 309
-, desirous of English co-operation in protecting United Provinces, 336
-, Edmondes to discuss question of Scottish Guards with, 341

Loupian (Lopian) [Hérault, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 108

Love, Richard, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Love, Thomas, Fellow of Peterhouse, Cambridge
-, signs letter of thanks to Earl of Salisbury, 15

Lovelace, Sir Richard, of Harley, co. Berks., Lieutenant of forest and castle of Windsor, 59

Low Countries, The
-, 51, 64, 79, 220, 341
-, Earl of Salisbury in favour of restricting fishing rights on English coast of, 54
-, description of debts contracted with England by, 58
-, secretary of the Admiral of Aragon arrested in, 68
-, Irish soldiers in, 307
-, Edmondes suspects Spain of wishing to regain control of, 310

Lowen, John, of Cheshunt, co. Herts.
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in lands enclosed by King, 328

Loynenborue, Duke of. See Brunswick—Lüneburg

Loxwood, co. Sussex
-, valuation of King's woods in the manor of, 64

Lübeck [Germany]
-, factors of Merchant Adventurers arrested by Emperor's orders in, 225

Luçon (Lusson) [Vendée, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne dines at, 106

Ludford, John
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 374

Lug or Lugq (Luoeghe) [Tyrol, Austria]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 244

Luke, Gifford
-, pardon granted to, 349

Lullin (Lulin), Clériade de Genéve, Marquis de
-, receives Viscount Cranborne at Turin, 239

Lumsden, Thomas, Gentleman of the Privy Chamber
-, his pension, 308

Lumsden, —
-, 172

L'Unato. See Lonato

Lundy (Lundie, Lundey), Island of, co. Devon
-, activities of English pirate on, 209, 210
-, 212, 213 (2), 214

Lunebourg. See Lans-le-Bourg

Luoeghe. See Lug

Lus, Baron de. See Lux

Lusifisine. See Fusina

Lusignac. See Lézignan

Lusson. See Luçon

-, German Protestant Princes desirous of reconciling Calvinists and, 116
-, King warned to be cautious in dealing with German Lutheran Princes, 218

Luttrell, Sir George, of Dunster Castle, co. Somerset
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Luttrell, Lady Margaret, wife of Sir Andrew Luttrell, of Dunster, co. Cornwall and grandmother of Dorothy White
-, 227

Lutwitch. See Lutwych, Edward

Lutwych (Lutwitch), Edward, of Salop, attorney
-, 289

Lux (Lus or Luz), Edme de Mâlain, Baron de, Governor of Dijon and King's Lieutenant in Burgundy
-, 238

Lyddell, Thomas, Mayor of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 168, 192

Lydlinch (Lidlinche), co. Dorset
-, dispute over incumbency of, 211

Lydney, co. Gloucester
-, letter dated from, 42

Lygon (Ligon), (Sir) Arnold, of Beauchamp Court, Powicke, co. Worcester, High Sheriff of Worcester
-, letter to Sir Julius Caesar, 71

Lyle, Mr. See Lisle, William

Lyming, John
-, made pursuivant of the Court of Wards, 348

Lynesdale. See Lonsdale

Lynn. See King's Lynn

Lynne, Mayor of. See Soame, Thomas

Lynne (Lynn), George, of Southwick, co. Northants.
-, his wardship, 318

Lynweny. See Llanwenny

Lyons (Lion, Lions) [Rhône, France]
-, Michell sends threatening letter to Geneva from, 25
-, Michell at, 26
-, Viscount Cranborne's description of, 110, 111
-, letter dated from, 138
-, Viscount Cranborne stays at, 238

Lyster, Mr. See Lister, Matthew

Lyttleton, —
-, 190

Lytton (Litton), William, son of Sir Rowland Lytton, of Knebworth, co. Herts.
-, reference to his travel on continent, 215