Index: H, I

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: H, I', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: H, I". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Haberley, William, member of the Corporation of Portsmouth
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 191

Hackney, London
-, letter dated from, 122

Haddam. See Hadham

Haddington, Lord. See Ramsay, John

Haddon, co. Hunts. manor of, 6(2)

Hadham (Haddam), co. Herts.
-, letter dated from, 40

Hadzor [? Richard, of the Middle Temple]
-, employed by Lord d'Aubigny, 6

Haggatt (Aggat, Haggot), Bartholomew, of Mincing Lane, London, land surveyor and, later, merchant
-, letters to Calvert, 53, 60, 79
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 66
-, his information against Johnson, 73, 88
-, 119

Haggett, Stephen, Fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge
-, 323 and n.

Haggot, Mr. See Haggatt, Bartholomew

Haghe, The. See Hague, The

Hague, The (Haghe, La Haye) [S. Holland, Netherlands]
-, 115, 205, 232, 233
-, letters dated from, 126, 206, 210, 354, 356
-, Viscount Cranborne at, 247

Hainault, Forest of, co. Essex
-, Chappel Henault Park and Chappel Plain in the, 342

Hales, Richard
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Hales, Richard
-, granted a Poor Knight's room in Windsor, 343

Hales, Samuel
-, granted office of Keeper of Ordnance stores conjointly with Hammond, 350

Half Moone, The, of Amsterdam
-, Henry Hudson, Master of, 152

Halford, Sir William, of Welham, co. Rutland
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Haling House (Halinge), near Croydon, co. Surrey
-, letter dated from, 71

Halinge. See Haling House

Hall, John, of Hall's Manor, Bradford-on-Avon, co. Wilts.
-, to inquire into abuses at Bradford, 342

Hall, William, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 198

Hall (Hawle), William, of High Meadow, co. Gloucester
-, alleged to be recusant, 228

Hall, —
-, commits abuses in Sherwood Forest, 57

Hallewyn, François de, Sieur de Suevingham
-, reference to his coming to England to solicit money for insurgent Low Countries, 58

Halsey, William, one of the King's porters
-, grant to, 342

Halyburton, George [? in the service of the Earl of Kellie]
-, 361

Hamborough. See Hamburg

Hamburg (Hamborough, Hamburgh) [Germany]
-, money delivered from England to insurgent Low Countries at, 58
-, cloth trade in, 94
-, factors of Merchant Adventurers arrested by Emperor's orders at, 225

Hamilton, Claud, an Undertaker in co. Armagh, Ireland
-, 346

Hamilton, Sir James
-, his pension bought by Welles, 180

Hammond (Hamond), John
-, granted office of Keeper of Ordnance stores conjointly with Hales, 350

Hammond, William
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 9

-, Crown property in, 4
-, recusants in, 155, 296
-, Sheriffs' Roll for, 187
-, 327, 367

Hampton, Thomas
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Hampton, co. Middlesex
-, 358

Hampton Court (Hamtton Court), co. Middlesex
-, letters, etc., dated from, 28, 32, 125, 128, 129, 148, 250, 251, 313,
-, 71, 131, 137, 143, 150, 172, 228, 234(3), 235, 258
-, Honour of, 313, 342
-, park of, 331

Hamtton Court. See Hampton Court

Hanbury, co. Worcester
-, manor of, 43

Hanbury, Thomas, of Summerford, Isle of Wight
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 365

Hancock (e), William, Mayor of Coventry
-, signs joint letter to Privy Council, 42

Handylstan, John
-, 57

Hanslope (Hanslop), co. Bucks.
-, King's trees to be sold at, 42
-, park listed as Queen's property, 185

Harbert, Sir Edward. See Herbert, Sir Edward

Harboowne, William. See Harborne, William

Harborn, John
-, purchaser of a pocket dag, 221

Harborne (Harboowne), William, [? of Mundham, co. Norfolk, former English envoy to Turkey]
-, 164

Hare, John, Clerk of the Court of Wards and Liveries
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 133

Hare, Robert
-, holds office of Coroner and Attorney of King's Bench, 332

Harford. See Hertford

Harfordbreg. See Hartford Bridge

Harieson, Mr. See Harrison

Harington or Haryngton, John, 1st Baron Haryngton of Exton
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 3, 51
-, lessee of King's woods at Combe and Binley, 40
-, Lord Lieutenant of Rutlandshire, 51
-, granted sole right of buying timber in Combe, 51
-, reference to his charge of Princess Elizabeth, 51
-, accused of engrossing woods, 52, 53
-, holds woods in Leicestershire, 74

Harlem [N. Holland, Netherlands]
-, Viscount Cranborne lodges at, 247

Harley, Sir Robert, of Brampton Bryan, co. Hereford
-, recommended by Sir Edward Herbert as guardian to his children, 192

Harlow (Harlowe), co. Yorks.
-, sale of woods at, 56

Harnham (Harneham) Bridge, Salisbury
-, 331

Harnham (Harneham) Gate, Salisbury
-, 331

Harrach, Baron Charles von, Ambassador from the King of Hungary to Spain
-, recognised by King of Spain, 5

Harris, William, a London goldsmith
-, paid for jewels supplied to Queen, 327

Harrison (Haryson), Jacob, Fellow of Christ's College, Cambridge
-, 193

Harrison, John
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Harrison, Thomas, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 198

Harrison (Harieson), Mr., one of the King's guards
-, Sir Thomas Dutton in the custody of, 233

Hart, John, woodward and surveyor at Broyle Park
-, 52, 54

Hartest Wood, co. Suffolk
-, 178

Hartford Bridge (Herfordbridge, Harfordbreg), co. Hants.
-, letters endorsed by post at, 48, 122, 152

Hartford Castle. See Hertford Castle

Hartley, Rosamund (Rosymond)
-, 365

Hartley, William
-, 365

Harvey, Thomas [? merchant of Chester]
-, 7

Harwold, —, a falconer
-, granted lease by Lord Clifton at Buckworth, 89

Haryngton, Lord. See Harington, John

Haryson, Jacob. See Harrison, Jacob

Hasset, Baron. See Blennerhasset, John

Hassett, Mr.
-, 142

Hassia, Landgrave of. See Hesse

Hastings, Lady [? Dorothy]
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Hastings, Sir Francis, of Holwell, co. Dorset
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 26
-, 212

Hastings, Henry, 5th Earl of Huntingdon, son-in-law of Alice Stanley, Dowager Countess of Derby
-, receives profits from Isle of Man, 7
-, his mother-in-law writes on his behalf to Earl of Salisbury, 57
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 59, 69

Hatfield House (Hattfeld), co. Herts.
-, coal to be used instead of wood to burn bricks at, 2
-, reference to building at, 34
-, 123, 127, 137, 215
-, estimate of joiners' work at, 259, 278
-, expenses of work done at, 320
-, particulars of works carried out at, 326

Hattfeld. See Hatfield

Hatfield Wood, co. Herts.
-, 34.

Haughton, Thomas. See Houghton, Thomas

Haurech, Marquis of. See Havré

Hausbye, Ralph (Raph)
-, made Keeper of Tickhill Castle, 316

Haverfordwest, co. Pembroke
-, request for money to erect shirehall and gaol at, 281

Havering, co. Essex
-, King at, 130
-, letter dated from, 131
-, included in list of Queen's property together with two parks, 185

Havering, John ap, a felon
-, forfeits his bond to King, 342

Haviland, Matthew, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 123

Havre (Le) [Seine-Inférieure, France]
-, seizure by English of a ship of, 189

Havré (Haurech), Charles Philippe de Croy, Marquis de
-, solicits money from Queen Elizabeth on behalf of insurgent Low Countries, 58

Haward, Sir Thomas. See Howard, Sir Thomas

Hawkesworth, William, prisoner in the Fleet
-, petition to Earl of Salisbury, 365

Hawkins (Hawkyns), Sir Richard, naval commander
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 57

Hawle, William. See Hall, William

Haw's (Hawes) Wood, Sall, co. Norfolk
-, 332

Hay, Lord. See Hay, James

Hay, Sir Alexander, Secretary for Scotland
-, his proposal to send Irishmen to serve Marquis of Brandenburg, 162(2)
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 165

Hay, Sir George, later 1st Earl of Kinnoul, cousin of James Hay, Lord Hay
-, suggested as possible Secretary for Scotland, 173

Hay, James, Lord Hay, later Earl of Carlisle
-, 5, 18, 47, 148, 197, 254, 349
-, attempt to invalidate lease of late Brouncker by, 45
-, awarded fine imposed on Knightley, 55
-, his report to King on Balmerino, 172
-, his pension bought by Lady Cary, 180
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 199, 210, 218, 236, 257, 279
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Hay, William
-, purchaser of a pension, 180

Hay, Mr., servant to Sir William Dormer
-, 25

Hayes, Lord. See Hay, James

Hayling (Haylinge), Isle of, co. Hants.
-, suspected piracy at, 164
-, letter dated from, 164

Hayward, Thomas, King's woodward in Worcestershire
-, letter to Lord Eure, 41

Head of Hothe. See Howth Head

Heathouse, Cheshire [? or Salop]
-, 61

Heidelberg (Hidelberg) [Baden, Germany]
-, 218

Heigham, Sir Thomas
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 208

Helford (Hilford), co. Cornwall
-, 11

Henderson, Sir Robert, Colonel of a Scottish Regiment in the Low Countries
-, 217

Henderson (Anderson, Henryson), Thomas, merchant and voyager
-, 17(2)

Hendley, Henry
-, compensated for surrendering his interest in tithes on lands enclosed by King, 328

Heneage, Sir Thomas, Gentleman of Henry VIII's Private Chamber
-, mentioned, 711(a)

Henley, Sir John, of Henley near Crewkerne, co. Somerset
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Henry III, King of England
-, 50

Henry IV, King of France
-, Viscount Cranborne goes to St. Germaine with, 33
-, libels circulating in France against, 35
-, shows special favour to Viscount Cranborne, 35
-, agreement on trade between King and, 44
-, reference to his edict for confiscation of English cloth, 55
-, book sent by King to, 64
-, Archduke's brusque treatment of niece of, 81(3)
-, undertakes to guarantee compromise between Neuburg and Brandenburg over Cleves, 82, 89
-, sends cavalry to frontiers of Champagne, 82, 89
-, advertises his support for Margrave of Brandenburg, 101
-, his exchange of territory with Duke of Savoy, 111
-, his answer to King's book, 114
-, proposes to levy 10,000 mercenaries in Switzerland, 115
-, his reaction to Imperial manoeuvres over Cleves, 114, 117
-, sends letters to States General to assist liberation of Dutch taken by Turks, 138
-, 178, 203, 215, 277(2), 345
-, proposal for defensive alliance between King and, 203
-, said to be intending to go in person to Cleves, 208
-, references to assassination of, 219, 220, 222, 223, 230, 237, 269
-, reference to bestowal of the Garter on, 233
-, takes Oldenbarneveldt into his protection, 355

Henry VII, King of England
-, his treaty with Low Countries mentioned, 154
-, his encouragement of voyages of discovery commended, 276

Henry, Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall, son of James I
-, Ferrour submits petition to, 21
-, his manor at Cheylesmore, 21
-, invites Earl of Salisbury to show him his pictures, 39
-, 17, 68, 96, 103, 113, 116, 143, 170, 171, 230
-, horses purchased in Venice for, 84
-, thanks Earl of Salisbury for gift of a nag, 84
-, visits Isle of Wight with King, 115
-, his itinerary in Hampshire, 115
-, his opinion of Pope, 146
-, reference to investiture of, 170
-, hunts with King in Isle of Wight, 179
-, petition from Mayor and citizens of Chester to, 222
-, 234, 275, 285, 322, 338, 367
-, involved in transaction concerning extraction of silver from lead, 249(3)
-, statement of revenues of, 270, 271
-, proposal that order of knighthood for encouragement of voyages of discovery be presided over by, 276
-, details of his expenses, 300
-, Edmondes criticises French offer of marriage for, 309
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 326
-, rejection of proposal of marriage between Infanta of Savoy and, 343
-, buys a cabinet of antiques, 352
-, Carver to. See Mainwaring, Sir Arthur
-, Clerk of the Spicery to. See Knollis, Henry
-, Keeper of Privy Purse to. See Murray, Sir David
-, Master of the Horse to. See Douglas, Sir Robert
-, Secretary to. See St. Antoine
-, Tutor to. See Newton, Adam

Henry, Roy, of Faversham, co. Kent
-, acts as broker for sale of pepper in Canterbury, 207

Henryson, Captain. See Henderson, Thomas

Henwood, co. Warwick
-, 228

Herbert (Harbert), Sir Edward, later Lord Herbert of Cherbury
-, his claim to woods in Montgomeryshire, 103
-, dispute between Earl of Pembroke and, 190
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 192

Herbert, Henry, 2nd Earl of Pembroke
-, mentioned, 224

Herbert, Sir John, second Secretary of State
-, nominated Commissioner for suits, 22
-, signs letters on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 44, 56
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84
-, 271

Herbert, Mary, wife of Sir Edward Herbert
-, 192

Herbert, Philip, Earl of Montgomery
-, letters to Viscount Cranborne, 125, 160, 184, 291, 319, 364, 365
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 159, 254
-, 163, 185, 224, 249
-, wins money at tennis from Viscount Cranborne, 299
-, suffers from smallpox, 319
-, letter to Privy Council, 368
-, protests against scandal circulating about him and Countess of Essex, 368
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Herbert, Susan, Countess of Montgomery, wife of Philip Herbert, Earl of Montgomery
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 179, 205

Herbert, William, 3rd Earl of Pembroke
-, 176, 190, 327
-, involved in dispute concerning Tintern wireworks, 189, 190
-, controversy between Lord Herbert and, 190
-, his relations with town of Portsmouth, 190, 191
-, to meet Marshal of Poland at Gravesend, 290
-, sale of wood out of Forest of Dean to, 327, 348
-, granted authority of J.P. within precincts of Cathedral of Salisbury, 330
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Herbert, Sir William
-, 324

Hercey (Hercy), John, a surveyor
-, letter to Caesar, 32

Hercy, John. See Hercey, John

-, 58, 302
-, recusants in, 228, 270, 296, 299
-, protest against jurisdiction of Council of Wales by inhabitants of, 278

Herfordbridge. See Hartford Bridge

Hericke, Sir William. See Herrick, Sir William

Heron, Samuel, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 198

Herrick (Hericke), Sir William, jeweller to the King
-, paid for jewels supplied to Queen, 328

Herriot (Heriote), George, jeweller to the King
-, paid for jewels supplied to Queen, 327(2)

Herronden (Herunden), Anthony, counsellor of Lincoln's Inn, London
-, 6

Hertford (Harford), co. Herts.
-, 123

Hertford, Countess of. See Seymour, Frances

Hertford, Earl of. See Seymour, Edward

Hertford Castle, co. Herts.
-, 20
-, Wilson interested in purchase of, 34
-, rumours of treasure hidden in, 122, 126, 128

-, communication to Earl of Salisbury on supposed treasure by J.P.s of, 128
-, 177
-, timber for Navy from, 307
-, request to be made for contributions to loan for King from gentry of, 318
-, muster to be taken of trained bands of, 327
-, Receiver-General for. See Davyes, Sir John

Hertingfordbury (Hartingford Berry), co. Herts.
-, timber for Navy from, 307

Herunden, Mr. See Herronden, Anthony

Hesketh, co. Lancs.
-, inquiry into illegal transportation of calf-skins held at, 257

Hesketh, Robert, of Hesketh, co. Lancs.
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 257
-, conducts investigation into illegal transportation of calfskins, 257, 258
-, 258 (2)

Hesse (Hassia), Maurice, Landgrave of
-, Wotton proposes to visit, 75, 76

Heton, Martin, Bishop of Ely
-, approves proceedings of Fellows of Peterhouse in appointing new Master, 15
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 43
-, recommends Clerke as Master of Christ's College, Cambridge, 139
-, 143

Heveningham (Hevenyngham), Sir Walter, of Aston-byStone, co. Stafford
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Hewett, Israel, of Christ's College, Cambridge
-, petition on his behalf for a Fellowship, 193

Heymeadowe. See High Meadow

Hickes, William (Wyllyame), Alderman of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 123

Hicks, Sir Baptist, of St. Laurence in the Old Jewry, a London mercer and contractor for Crown lands
-, his factor at Florence, 25
-, grants to, 336, 342

Hicks (Hickes), Sir Michael, of Ruckholt, co. Essex, former secretary to the Earl of Salisbury
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 137
-, 296
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Hidelberg. See Heidelberg

Higham, co. Kent
-, Earl of Salisbury's woods in, 230

High Meadow (Heymeadowe), co. Gloucester
-, 228

-, King condemns neglect of, 141

Hilford. See Helford

Hill, Adam of Spaldwick, co. Hunts, 299

Hill (Hyll), James, diplomatist
-, letter to Privy Council, 2
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 3

Hill, Robert, divine
-, parsonage of Crayford presented to, 342

Hill, William, an Undertaker in Ulster
-, permitted to transport cattle into Ireland without payment of Customs duties, 271

Hill, Mr. a London draper
-, 79

Hillersden, Thomas, of Hockliffe, co. Beds.
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 90

Hinchingbrooke (Finchingbroke, Hinchinbrooke), co. Hunts.
-, letters dated from, 254, 266, 267

Hirsingeven. See Kitzingen

Hobart, Sir Henry, AttorneyGeneral
-, question of right to cut timber referred by Earl of Salisbury to, 4
-, nominated Commissioner for suits, 22
-, 46, 49, 53, 54, 59(2), 66, 135, 141, 153(3), 195, 206, 265, 272, 291, 297(2), 316, 327, 329, 330, 332, 342, 345, 348, 349, 351, 352, 358(2), 359(2), 360, 362,
-, to draw up bills for execution of two English heretics, 294(2), 389
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 294, 299

Hobocque (Hoboque), Conrad Schetz de Grobbendonck, Baron de, Archduke Albert's Ambassador in London
-, his wife complains of ill usage, 48, 54
-, leaves books behind in London, 64
-, returns to Brussels, 68
-, discusses removal of English conspirators from Flanders with Spinola, 72
-, proposes disbanding of Irish Regiment in Flanders, 72, 98
-, consulted by Edmondes about Archduke's attitude towards King's book, 81
-, 124

Hoby (Hobby), Sir Edward, of Minster, Isle of Sheppey, co. Kent
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Hockliffe, co. Beds.
-, 90

Hoddesdon, co. Herts.
-, Earl of Salisbury's woods in, 33

Hoddesdon, Christopher, a London merchant and former Governor of the Company of Merchant Adventurers
-, reference to his delivery of English money at Hamburg for use of insurgents of Low Countries, 58

Hodgis, Hugh, cloth dyer, of Hesketh, co. Lancs.
-, involved in illegal transportation of calf-skins abroad, 258

Hodson, Thomas, Lieutenant of the garrison in Berwick
-, granted a pension, 350

Hoens, Henrik, a merchant at Antwerp
-, request that he be allowed to trade in the Indies, 19
-, agreement between Archdukes, Richardot and Edmondes over, 42, 48

Hogan, Mr. See Hogan, William

Hogan, William, Keeper of Little Gardens at Hampton Court
-, installs fountains, 143

Hoghill, co. Essex
-, 342

Hoggeston (Hogson), co. Bucks.
-, 90

Hogson. See Hoggeston

Holborn (Holborne), London
-, 61, 221, 279
-, letter dated from house in, 206
-, the plague in, 254

Holcott, Francis, an Undertaker in Ulster
-, permitted to transport cattle into Ireland without paying Customs duties, 271

Holdenby (Hollinbye, Hombe, Homby), co. Northants.
-, letter dated from, 231
-, warrants dated from, 232, 233
-, 236(2), 254

-, French captains return to their posts in, 101
-, 204
-, King disagrees with claim to fishing rights put forward by, 217
-, Viscount Cranborne to visit, 220
-, King urged to follow example of religious toleration given by, 289
-, King demands banishment of Vorstius by, 353, 354
-, religious differences between towns of, 355

Holland, co. Lincoln
-, abundance of grain in, 223

Holland, Thomas, Mayor of Dartmouth
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 152

Hollinbye. See Holdenby

Holly or Hollies, Sir John, an Undertaker in Munster, Ireland.
-, 74

Holmden, Sir Edward, merchant and Alderman of London
-, his ship destroyed by fire, 102
-, receives warrant to sell damaged ordnance abroad, 102

Holmecultran, co. Cumberland
-, woods in the Lordship of, 67

Holme Park, Sonning, co. Berks.
-, alleged spoliation at, 173

Holstein (Holst), Ulrich (Julrike), Duke of
-, 2
-, requests permission to buy ordnance and cloth in England, 94(2)
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 311

Holt, Mr. See Holt, Robert

Holt, Sir Francis, of Henwood, co. Warwick
-, alleged to be recusant, 228

Holt, Robert, of Ashworth, co. Lancs.
-, requests a wardship, 2
-, his death, 8

Holtby. See Holtby, Richard

Holtby, Richard, English Jesuit
-, thought to be in Sir Christopher Roper's house, 63

Holyhead, co. Anglesey
-, Lord Carew leaves for Ireland from, 304

Holy Island, co. Northumberland
-, stone conveyed to Durham House from, 29

Holy Trinity, Hospital of, Salisbury
-, foundation of, 330

Hombe. See Holdenby

Home, Lady Anne, eldest daughter and co-heir of George Home, Earl of Dunbar
-, 172

Home, George, Earl of Dunbar
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 30, 47, 222
-, defends his action in the case of Balmerino, 30
-, Queen's dislike for, 30
-, 129, 142, 165(2), 212, 263(3), 265, 324 and n.

Honiman, Thomas, a London merchant
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 125

Honiton (Honyton), co. Devon
-, letter endorsed by post at, 152

Honyng, —, [? Wingfield Honinge, of Gray's Inn, London]
-, petition from, 373

Honyton. See Honiton

Hoode, Richard, woodward of Charnwood Forest
-, 70

Hookwood, co. Kent
-, wood on King's manor of Charing called, 32

Hooper, Mr. See Hooper, Thomas

Hooper, Thomas, of Boveridge, co. Dorset, Keeper of Cranborne Chase
-, 250, 251

Hope, Sir Roger, an Undertaker in Ireland
-, granted a pension, 347

Hopkenes, John. See Hopkins, John

Hopkins (Hopkenes), John, Alderman of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 123

Hopton, Sir Richard, of Canon Frome, co. Hereford
-, his claim to woods in Montgomeryshire, 103

Hore, Anthony, supervisor of Shotover and Stow Woods
-, signs certificate, 167

Hore, Richard, supervisor of Shotover and Stow Woods
-, signs certificate, 167

Horsemonden (Horsmonden), co. Kent
-, new mine of iron ore found at, 174

-, bought by Duke of Rohan in England, 50
-, purchased at Venice for Prince Henry, 84
-, fire destroys King's horses at Farnham, 96

Hoskins, John, M.P. for Hereford City
-, 262

Houghton Park, co. Bedford
-, 349
-, Keeper of. See Conquest, George

Houghton, Roger, Steward to the Earl of Salisbury
-, 29, 155, 156, 157, 202, 226, 233

Houghton (Haughton), Thomas, collector at the port of Boston
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 231

Household, The King's
-, tax for provision of, 235
-, officers of, 331, 346
-, Treasurer of. See Knollys, William

Hoveden, Roger de
-, reference to, 68

Howard, Catherine, Lady Cranborne, wife of William Cecil, Viscount Cranborne and daughter of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain. See Cecil, Catherine

Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral
-, signs letter on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 44
-, 49, 59, 60, 116, 143, 151, 152(2), 212, 213
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 71
-, presents parrots to Queen, 83
-, reference to his grant of sale of wines by retail in Ireland, 93
-, directed to take proceedings against deer stealers, 102
-, signs Privy Council letter regulating shipping of grain, 224
-, 293, 327, 329, 343, 350, 357, 358(2)
-, paid for hangings delivered by him to King, 327
-, authorised to punish recalcitrant members of Corporation of Shipwrights, 358

Howard, Sir Charles, son of Charles Howard, 1st Earl of Nottingham
-, complaints against, 135

Howard, Sir Edward, Knight Marshal
-, his conduct criticised by King, 141

Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton, Lord Privy Seal
-, Edmondes writes to, 42
-, signs letters on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 44, 56
-, 83, 123, 208, 228, 230, 233, 327, 337, 353, 368
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84
-, signs Privy Council letter on transportation of corn from King's Lynn, 211, 224
-, letters to Earl of Salisbury, 280, 369
-, his role in organisation of loan for King, 315

Howard, Henry, 3rd son of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk
-, 291

Howard, John, yeoman, of Worlington, co. Suffolk
-, indicted for offence of depopulation, 91

Howard, John, tenant of the manor of Pulham, co. Norfolk
-, petition to Queen's Council, 324

Howard, Theophilus, Lord Walden, later 2nd Earl of Suffolk
-, mourner at the funeral of Earl of Salisbury, 374

Howard, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain
-, 16, 40, 83, 96, 122, 133, 137, 141(2), 149, 171, 196(2), 197, 208, 275, 281, 290, 295, 299, 315, 327, 340, 348, 349, 350, 357, 362(2), 363, 368
-, stone quarried for, 30
-, signs letters on cloth trade from Privy Council to Earl of Salisbury, 44, 56
-, called "that true mirror of nobility", 80
-, signs Privy Council letter on provision of gunpowder, 84
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 127
-, writes to advise Viscount Cranborne on matters of health, 127
-, signs Privy Council letters on transportation of corn, 211, 224
-, grant to, 329
-, to be Lieutenant and Keeper of Forest of Braydon, 345
-, granted the right to hold annual fairs at Framlingham, 362

Howard, Thomas, 3rd Viscount Howard of Bindon
-, letter to Earl of Salisbury, 45
-, requests portrait of Earl of Salisbury to hang in his gallery, 45
-, brings mysterious letter to Earl of Salisbury, 256

Howard, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Arundel
-, 39

Howard (Haward), Sir Thomas, 2nd son of Thomas Howard, 1st Earl of Suffolk
-, 218, 345

Howard, Lord William, son of Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk
-, Jesuits entertained in a house belonging to, 63(4)
-, Lady Ann Glemham complains of behaviour of, 133

Howell, —
-, alleged to have committed abuses at Bradford, 342

Howth Head (Head of Hothe), Dublin Bay, Ireland
-, Lord Carew arrives at, 304

Howthe, Lady. See St. Lawrence, Elizabeth

Hubbock, John, son of William Hubbock
-, request for his admittance to Westminster School, 373

Hubbock, William, Chaplain of the Tower of London
-, petition from, 373

Hudson, Henry, English navigator details of his voyage in search of North-East passage, 152

Huissen (Hus) [Gelderland, Netherlands]
-, mentioned by Viscount Cranborne, 247

Hull, co. Yorks.
-, 44, 156

Humber, River
-, Earl of Cumberland's project for defence against sea on banks of, 119, 125

Humfredus, Laurence. See Humphrey, Laurence

Humphrey, Laurence, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 259

Hungary, King of. See Matthias

Hungate, George
-, 316

Hunsdon, Henry, Lord. See Carey, Henry

Hunt, George
-, his lease of herbage at Ravensdale Park, 285

Hunt, John, a London merchant obtains protection, 1

Hunt (Hunte), John, Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 260

Hunt (Huntt), Nathaniel, of Collyweston, co. Northants.
-, 347

Hunt, Sir Thomas, of Hammersmith, co. Surrey
-, his name on Sheriffs' Roll, 187

Huntingdon, co. Hunts.
-, examination of case of depopulation at, 89

Huntingdon, Earl of. See Hastings, Henry

-, manor of Haddon in, 6
-, sale of King's trees in, 177
-, 211

Hurst Castle, co. Hants.
-, in need of repairs, 69
-, Prince Henry to visit, 115
-, 365

Hurt, Ralph (Raphe), Alderman of Bristol
-, signs joint letter to Earl of Salisbury, 123

Hus. See Huissen

Hutchinson, William, parson of Kenn, co. Devon
-, pardoned for alleged simony, 332
-, presented with parsonage of Kenn, 332

Hutton, Richard, Serjeant-at-law and Chancellor of the Bishopric of Durham
-, 132, 194

Hyll, James. See Hill, James

Hynde, Sir Edward, of Maddingley, co. Cambridge
-, 40


Ilefordecombe. See Ilfracombe

Ilfardcombe. See Ilfracombe

Ilfracombe (Ilefordecombe, Ilfardcombe), co. Devon
-, 210, 212, 213
-, letter dated from, 213

Imperial Chamber, The
-, Duke of Neuburg and Margrave of Brandenburg ordered by Emperor to submit territorial claims to, 82, 88

-, friendly relations between King of Persia and princes of, 325

Infanta, The. See Isabella

Ingerside Hall, co. Lancs.
-, 326

Ingram, Mr. Dr. See Ingram, William

Ingram, Arthur, courtier
-, purchaser of a pension, 180
-, 280, 337

Ingram, William, ecclesiastic and lawyer
-, to succeed Sir John Bennet in Archbishop of York's Exchequer, 150

Ingrandes (Ingrande) [Maine-etLoire, France]
-, Viscount Cranborne refers to imposition of salt taxes at, 106

Inn (Ins), River [Austria]
-, 244

Innsbruck (Insprouch) [Austria]
-, description by Viscount Cranborne of, 244

Inquisition, The
-, 334

Inquisition, Council of the
-, to be asked to persuade King of Spain to adhere to proposed peace treaty, 4

Insprouch. See Innsbruck

Introductio in Artem Jesuiticam
-, printed at Montélimart, 288

Ipswich, co. Suffolk
-, officials of the port of, 361

-, Markham requests Earl of Salisbury to alter his place of banishment to, 8
-, English officer joins rebels in, 10
-, dispute between Jesuits and priests in, 34
-, 40, 102, 168, 174, 181, 184, 185, 186, 188, 190
-, lease of impost of wine in, 45
-, Customs concessions by King to English planters in, 66
-, Pope reported to have undertaken to assist Tyrone's return to, 86
-, priests said to have been sent by Pope to request support for Tyrone in, 86
-, activities of priests in, 91
-, suits for grant of selling wines by retail in, 93
-, measures to be taken to deal with contingency of Tyrone's return to, 97
-, Pope creates new bishops and abbots in, 101
-, claims of Archbishop of Armagh prejudicial to plantation in, 118
-, priests granted safe conduct to attend land survey of Tyrone in, 121
-, investigation into ecclesiastical rights on Church lands in, 121
-, Jennings, the pirate, arrested in, 151
-, naval stores for King's use to be shipped free of Customs duties to, 158
-, proposal to provide Margrave of Brandenburg with soldiers from, 162
-, retailing of wine, etc., in, 178
-, Sir Thomas Phillips and the plantation in, 181
-, Exchequer of, 201
-, mutiny of soldiers from, 202
-, Salkeld, the pirate, recruits men in, 210
-, King permits export of money to, 210
-, 213, 255, 299, 337, 341, 346, 347, 351, 360
-, pursuit of Salkeld extended to, 213
-, little money in specie sent by London to, 232
-, Undertakers permitted to transport stock free of Customs duties into, 271, 296, 299, 300
-, English colonisation in, 278
-, Perkins's project for, 281
-, King's instructions to Lord Deputy of, 295, 304
-, Lord Deputy's views on religious state of, 302
-, measures to enforce Oath of Allegiance and Act of Supremacy in, 302
-, Lord Carew's visit of inspection in, 303
-, Lord Deputy's report on King's revenues and state of plantation in, 303, 304
-, Lord Carew's letter to Earl of Salisbury on affairs in, 304
-, Council of, 304, 306
-, move to reduce armed forces in, 305
-, resistance to King's proclamation concerning maintenance of priests in, 306
-, newsletter from Madrid about, 307
-, Tyrone reported to have solicited help of Italian princes for conquest of, 307
-, alleged plans by Pope for military invasion of, 307
-, English pirates arrive in, 308
-, King permits Dutch fleet to pursue pirates sheltering in harbours of, 320
-, nomination of new bishops for, 329
-, King's grants to Londoners in, 338
-, scheme for plantation in certain counties of, 347
-, description of Customs, subsidies and imposts of, 366

Ireland, Attorney-General of. See Davys, Sir John

Ireland, Chief Baron of the Exchequer of. See Denham, Sir John, Methwold, William

Ireland, Lord Chancellor of. See Jones, Thomas

Ireland, Lord Chief Justice of (King's Bench). See Winch, Sir Humphrey. Denham, Sir John

Ireland, Lord Deputy of. See Chichester, Sir Arthur

Ireland, Lord Treasurer of. See Butler, Thomas

Ireland, John, Lieutenant of the Isle of Man
-, 67
-, to be responsible for conveying money from Isle of Man, 133

Irish Colonel, The. See O'Neill, Henry

Irish Regiment, The, in the service of the Archduke Albert
-, proposal to disband, 72
-, Earl of Salisbury suspects motives behind proposed disbanding of, 98
-, Colonel of. See O'Neill, Henry

-, wood granted out of Forest of Dean for erection of, 348

Isabella, Queen of Spain
-, her encouragement of Columbus mentioned, 276

Isabella, Infanta, daughter of Philip II of Spain, joint Governor of the Low Countries with her husband, Archduke Albert
-, Queen writes to, 19
-, agreement over Hoens with, 42
-, present at marriages and dances, 69
-, rebuffed by Princess of Orange, 81

Isère, River [France]
-, separates France from Savoy, 238

-, Michell's behaviour in, 24, 25
-, Viscount Cranborne to visit, 157, 212, 215
-, diary of his travels through, 239–244
-, Tyrone reported to be planning conquest of Ireland with aid of princes of, 307

Ivar, —, member of the Danish embassy to England
-, presented with gift, 260