Cecil Papers: July 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp226-230 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp226-230.

"Cecil Papers: July 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp226-230.

July 1610

Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, July 3. Begs him to speak or send to the French Ambassador in favour of the enclosed petition of Edward Roy, merchant of Weymouth. The bearer, Jesper Hussey, follows the suit. Weymouth, 3 July. 1610.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Lord Carew, in behalf of John Roye and Edmund [Edward] Roye, merchants.' 1 p. (196 5)
The Enclosure
John Roye and Edward Roye to the Earl of Salisbury, merchants of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis. In May last they freighted a bark for Bayon in Galicia, which was surprised by a ship called a 'Sattaye' of Marcellez; which ship most cruelly entreated the master and company, rifled them and their ship, and left them without foremast, main mast half cut off, without anchors, cables or ballast, or sea plot or any other instrument to guide them. Beg Salisbury's help in recovering damages by moving the French Ambassador to write to the Governor of Marcellez on their behalf. Undated.
Petition 1 p. (196 6)
Dudley Norton to Roger Houghton
1610, July 3. It is my Lord's [Salisbury's] pleasure that you send me 401 to be employed for the service of secret intelligence. 3 July, 1610.
Receipt at foot.
½ p. (214 65)
Grievances presented by Parliament
1610, July 7 Record of some worthy proceedings in the honourable, wise and faithful House of Commons in the late Parliament 1611.
Note at end. 'These grievances were presented to his Majesty with a speech of Sir Francis Bacon by 12 of the Lower House, 7 July, 1610, in the 4th session of Parliament, because the King commanded 12 and no more. 1621.'
12 pp. (253 2)
Lord Carew to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, July 10. From Weymouth when I was going aboard I wrote to you, and sent my letters to the post at Shirborne, which I hope you have received. Upon the 4th of this month I arrived in Guernesey, where I use my best diligence to inform myself of the estate of this government, which in civil causes (as well as in the ecclesiastique) so far differs from the courses held in England, as I find some difficulty to understand them. Whereby I shall be enforced to remain here more days than I determined when I asked leave of her Majesty, and therefore I pray you she may be prepared that my borrowing of time may be excused. I find the King's charter granted to the bailiff and jurats so much stood upon by them as they are apt to encroach upon the Governor, and the Church discipline aims at superlative power over them both. I observe the King's directions, which is to inform myself of them both as well as I can, and not to discover which way my affections lean, for if I should we should quarrel upon differences; for the people are proud, and the ministers full of heat. I do not think I shall find any of either quality inclinable to the Church of England, so far is the reformed discipline rooted in their hearts. When it shall please God to honour me with the kissing of your hands, I hope to be able to 'anotamyze' this government unto you. Cornet Castle, 10 July, 1610.
Holograph Endorsed: 'Lo. Carew.' 1 p. (196 7)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, July 14. Warrant in behalf of Sir Thomas Mounson, knight, a gentleman usher of the Privy Chamber, upon whom the King has been pleased to bestow all benefit accruing to the Crown by the forfeiture of the manors and lands of Dorothy White, deceased, the wife of one White, a citizen and woollen draper of London. The said Dorothy White was attainted of felony in the time of the late Queen Elizabeth, and was one of the three coheirs of the Lady Margaret Luttrell, deceased. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the fourteenth day of July in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed ½ p. (128 135)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Lord High Treasurer
[1610] July 14. My desire to have had your presence in Parliament this day was for the bill for the King's safety, which in my opinion Mr Solicitor has penned very effectually. Time will not serve to pass it unless it be begun and proceeded in with speed. I pray you let me know your mind whether it be noticed to give it the first reading this morning, notwithstanding that both your Lordship and the Lord Privy Seal be absent. Saturday morning, 14 July.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: '14 July, 1610.' ½ p. (128 134)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, July 23. Warrant in behalf of Henry Shafton, gentleman, to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of Francis Josline of co. Essex, and Dame Margaret, his wife, late the wife of Sir Francis Fitch of Ramesden, co. Essex, alleged to be recusants, upon their conviction within a year of the date of the present warrant. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the three and twentieth day of July in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed 1 p. (128 136)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, July 23. Warrant in behalf of Ralph Beeston and Ralph Bowes to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of Francis Holt, late of Henwood, co. Warwick, and now resident in Middlesex near the city of London, alleged to be a recusant, upon his conviction. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the three and twentieth day of July in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed Sealpp. (128 137)
Sir John Bennet to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, July 29. As to stay of sale of woods in the manor of King's Norton, co. Worcester, part of the Queen's jointure, and the Queen's claims therein. 29 July, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (132 135)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, July 31. Warrant in behalf of John Grey to whom the King has granted the goods and two parts of the lands of John Ewens of Sutton, co. Somerset, Thomas Bayneham of Martle, co. Hereford. William Nayler of Beach, co. Berks, Thomas Walwine of Mitchemarble, co. Hereford and William Hawle of Heymeadowe, co. Gloucester, alleged to be recusants, upon their conviction. 'Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the last day of July in the eighth year of our reign.' etc.
Signed Sealpp. (128 140)
Sir Thomas Bartlett to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, July] Power secluding me from my estate I obtained his Majesty's favour conditionally to take benefit of it. The conditions were so reasonable as to pass the allowance of your Honour and the Privy Council at Hampton Court, and his Majesty's limitation so feasible as that I procured certificate and other complices to clear his Majesty's doubts. With this prize I returned not to his Majesty but to your Honour and presented it on my knee with my service. Since which, to second my conformity to your honourable designs, what notorious dangers and misery I have passed, almost the kingdom can witness. What hitherto I have done has been by your direction on promise to be relieved, the Parliament being dismissed. I am withal seconded with my wife's misfortune. I cannot yet misdoubt your honourable performances, notwithstanding you have been pleased to return me more than a comfortless reply. I crave you lend or procure me fifty pounds, engaging to repay the same, albeit I beg the sum amongst my friends by 10s a man. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'Re: 28 July, 1610.' 1 p. (128 138)
Sir Robert Knollys to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, July] About three years since he preferred a petition to his Majesty for licence to dye, vent and transport fifty packs of coloured and black silk. The petition was referred to the Privy Council, before whom he would have attended to follow the same, had not Sir Thomas Challenor requested him to stay, promising that if he would suffer one John Kemer to insert ten packs for himself into the same grant, he would undertake to compass it for him. He yielded, but Kemer held him for two years with fair words and large promises, protesting he had often moved their Lordships and received assured hopes. Is persuaded otherwise, and fearing to be prevented by his delays delivered a new petition at Newmarket, which the King referred to Mr Chancellor and others of the commissioners for such causes, at whose meeting so much as concerned the abuses of the silk dyers was not liked, but the matter of transportation was thought reasonable. Being assured that nothing can pass before it comes to Salisbury's view, presents his petition hereenclosed, leaving the dyers to be reformed when it shall please God and the King. Undated
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'July, 1610.' 1 p. (128 139)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [? Sir Thomas Lake]
[? 1610, July] I send you now the effects of some of my labours since his Majesty left this town, wherewith I pray you summarily acquaint him, and as soon as his leisure will serve him procure his hand.
There are two instruments concerning the treaty which divers of us that were commissioners have solemnly signed on Sunday in the afternoon at the French Ambassador's house, from whom we have likewise received a counterpart by virtue of his commission: of which treaty his Majesty is now to sign the ratification, so is he likewise to sign a commission to take the oath of the King and Queen too, for now there is a dispatch come to that effect to Monsr. Boderie. The like will be done here by some man that shall be sent over, not only to take the oath but to bring a ratification.
The third is a warrant for some alteration in the impositions.
The fourth a draft of a Proclamation for starch, with a tacit reformation, but not as any admittance of lack of power to do that which was before directed.
I pray you procure such another letter to be signed for Spain as I had before, because I would send the dispatch two ways.
I send you also a letter from the King of Denmark in answer of mine that brought him the first news of the French King's death. (fn. 1) I send it the rather because his Majesty may see how well he took it.
I left a letter from our agent in Spain either with the King or with the Prince; I pray you to remember it to either of them.
When you have dispatched these I could be contented you made a journey hither, because there be some papers concerning the matter of wool and clothing whereof I may gather some light by you what is become of them. The matter came in question in [15]84, wherein there was great opposition between my Lord [Burghley] and Sir Francis Walsingham.
If you be here by Wednesday night or Thursday by noon it is time enough, for on Friday I have appointed to hear some dispute between the clothiers and the merchants concerning matter of clothing, which had been a better matter for the Parliament than to fly upon the King's prerogative in so many things as they would do. I will have it in the open Custom house if Thursday give a better certificate than the last did.
My Lord Chancellor and I and my Lord Privy Seal with some others have caused strict watch to be kept upon the infected houses in the City and suburbs, by laying in his Majesty's name a severe charge upon the Mayor and Aldermen, who with the justices have been ordered to meet before this filthy Fair of St Bartholomew [August 22], memorable for a massacre and continual origin of the plague. Undated.
Draft, unsignedpp. (129 107)
Fra Fulgenzio Manfredi
1610 [July] 'Relazione della morte di Fra Fulgenzio Manfredi Viniziano sequita in Roma l'Anno 1610 a S. Luglio.'
27 pp. (140 228)
[See Cal. S.P. Venice, 1610–16, p. 5]
Woods of the Earl of Salisbury in Kent
1610, July. Woods in the possession of the Earl of Salisbury in Higham, Shorn, Cobham, etc. co. Kent. July, 1610.
1 sheet (145 132)


  • 1. See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610 p. 625.