Cecil Papers: August 1610

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp230-237 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1610', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp230-237.

"Cecil Papers: August 1610". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp230-237.

August 1610

Sir Thomas Cambell to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 3. Encloses and describes the petition below. Begs letters to the Customer of Rochester requiring him to forbear to grant any more bills for taking up coals at Gravesend, or otherwise for relief of the petitioners. 3 August. 1610.
Signed ½ p. (196 8)
The Enclosure
The Coal meters of the City of London to Sir Thomas Cambell, Lord Mayor. The Mayor, Commonalty and Citizens of London have time out of mind had the office of bailiwick and 'conservacy' of the river of Thames, and the office and fees, etc, of measurage of all coals, grain, salt, fruit, roots and other commodities whatsoever measurable, brought into the river, or remaining on any ship, vessel or barge, between Staines bridge westward and Yendall, alias Yenland alias Yenleete near the sea eastward: the offices to be exercised by the Lord Mayor or his deputies. These offices were confirmed to them by letters patent, 3 Jac. A great quantity of the measurage and fees have been of late usurped by the officers of Gravesend, who, to defraud the City, procure bills from the Customer of Rochester to the coastmen for the sale of their coals there. Petitioners beg the Lord Mayor's letters to the Lord Treasurer for redress; the rather that a late order of the Lord Treasurer's, in Sir Henry Roe's mayoralty, to have true notice kept of all coals that are uttered, will by this means be crossed. Undated.
Petition 1 p. (196 9)
Officers of the Port of Boston to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 3. Since your letters for the allowance of shipping of corn, there has been none transported or likely to be shipped from our port of Boston, although the prices hold under the limitation of the Statute, viz, wheat at 22s the quarter, beans and barley at 12s the quarter. From Boston, the third day of August, 1610.
Signed: Wm. Bennett, Tho. Haughton, collectors: And. Baron, comptroller. ¼ p. (128 141)
Peter Moucheron to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 4/14. His demand upon Sir Oliver Cromwell, as executor of Sir Horatio Palavicino, is fit to be decided by the law merchant, and not in Chancery, whose Masters will decide according to strict law, which Sir Oliver takes for his advantage. Details various proceedings in the matter, and begs Salisbury to take some course to end the controversy, the rather because Prince Maurice wrote to the same effect to the King, and the Ambassadors of the Lords Estates have recommended the same to Salisbury. Middelborrough, 14 August stilo novo, 1610.
Signed 1 p. (196 13)
Lord Compton to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 8. I have seen the King's warrant for removing my Lord Mordant, my nephew, to the Bishop of London, which I am willing to obey; but desire you to consider whether I, having obtained his wardship, may not be thought worthy to have charge of his person, which being committed to any but myself, must turn to my disgrace, and an unfortunate conceit of the loss of all my friends. I acknowledge none at this time but you, whom I have ever found noble unto me. Against you come to Holdenby I will have my nephew ready at your dispose, when I hope you will be pleased with a course honourable for you and dutiful for me to subscribe to. Holdenby, 8 August, 1610.
PS.—I acquainted his Majesty with my desire, who referred it to you to consider whether the Bishop or myself may best serve for this care of his education, about which I would have attended you but that I hear you will be at Holdenby on Friday next.
Holograph 1 p. (196 10)
Sir Julius Caesar to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 9. Sir Thomas Cotelis and Meredith have been with me. Sir Thomas has no money, nor expects the receipt of any till next term. Meredith received yesterday from the Receipt the 6,1471 payable here the 12th of this month, due for one month to be ended the 24 of this August, which he shows to have been paid by his factor at the Haghe the 12 of July last according to covenant; so that we have paid it before our day; and our next provision for payment must be on the 12 of September next, which he is to pay at the Haghe the 12 of this month, for which he says he has taken order. Our pain now is for the works and for Ireland. The works shall tomorrow receive so much as shall pay the workmen, and Ireland must have somewhat for payment of some bills of exchange which be returned over hither; the rather for that the Londoners take up by exchange all their money in Ireland, and send either none or very little over thither in specie, whereby our Treasurer there is disappointed from taking up of money and our payments there discredited, because the bills of exchange are more readily paid by them than by us. Strond, 9 August, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (196 11). Postal endorsements: 'From London 9 Aug. at 8 of the clock at night. Hast, post hast, post hast, hast. Jul. Caesar. Barnet at 10 at night and past. Saintalbons past 2. Brickhill at 7 in the morninge.'
Anne Walliston
1610, August 10. Royal warrant to the Earl of Salisbury to make entry of the name of Anne Walliston, of the county of Warwick, widow, a recusant, that it may be known she is already granted, and when she is convicted and the lands seized and found to the King's use, that then he give order to make a bill for William Edgeley, who presented her name to the King and purposes by his industry and travail to convict her, granting him her goods and two parts of her lands. And that there be no delay to give her hope that under colour of this she be hidden and concealed longer than otherwise she should be, if Edgeley within one year do not convict her and return the inquisition of her lands into the Exchequer, then this warrant shall be void. Manor of Holdenby, 10 August in the eighth year of the reign.
Royal Signetpp. (147 163)
1610, August 13. John Kinloche has presented Roger Smith of Withcock, c. Leicester, gent; John Needham of Gradsby, co. Leicester, yeoman; Francis Wilford of Quendon, co. Essex, gent; Henry Roper of Mountfeild, co. Essex, gent; Peter Knaseborough of Walkingham Hill, co. Yorks, gent; and Henry Barney of Reedham, co. Norfolk, gent, as recusants, whom he purposes to prosecute and convict. This warrant grants him such benefit as should come to the King by their conviction, but is to be void if he does not convict them within a year. Manor of Holdenby, 13 August, 8 Jac.
Signed by the Kingpp. (196 12)
Sir Julius Caesar to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 15. I have received 3 packets and 2 letters for you since your departure. The packets for Cleve fail not here, but if they fail it is between the Haghe and the camp. The letters to D. Atkins and my Lord Wootton I sent, and the packet to Mr Levinus, also the letters to my Lord Privy Seal and Mr Houghton or Lister. For the other news I thank you, especially for that of the money out of France. My Lady Cecyll thinks herself most bound to you for your favour to her husband, as in many things else, so especially in this remission of Dutton. Strond, 15 August, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (196 14)
Sir Thomas Dutton to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610] August 16. According to your Lordship's command on my allegiance at the Council Table from the King, I have submitted myself under the custody of Mr Harieson, one of his Majesty's guard, to be brought to answer my accusors before my Lords generally, of whom I have so honourable an opinion that I shall in nothing doubt the receiving of hard measure; for I protest to you I never spake against any of his authorities or irreverently of him in all my life. Norhampton, August 16, 1610.
Holograph Endorsed: '16 August 1610.' 1 p. (128 142(2))
The Earl of Shrewsbury to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 19. When I was sent into France I had two commissions, one for the delivery of the Garter, the other for taking the oath for the League. The first was only and absolutely to myself, which by my instructions I was to perform first, and then to present Sir Anthony Mildmay, Ledger Ambassador to the King; which I did accordingly, and before his oath was taken. But I do not perfectly remember whether Sir Anthony was joined with me in that commission or not, but I rather think he was, for I well remember he was present and stood close by me when it was done, and when those words mentioned in the oath conjunctis manibus were recited, the King put both his hands betwixt mine, as our Bishops here use to do to his Majesty when they do their homage. Thus you see a dull wit is accompanied with a weak memory which can give you no better satisfaction, whereof I am ashamed. We had no Ambassador in France when I came thither. The commissions I had are [sic] the country. It is, as I take it, 13 years since I was there. Brod Streete, Saturday, 19 August, 1610.
Holograph 1 p. (196 15)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 23. His Majesty came not in yesterday till eight of the clock, yet he saw your Lordship's letter and appointed this morning for signing the dispatch; which although he makes great haste to go forth again, he has performed. I have herewith sent you the Treaty and the commission for the oath with the instructions. The letters are signed but not yet sent by his Majesty's commandment, because he will have two more written, one to Suilly and one other to the Chancellor. For Mor de Souilly his Majesty gives this reason, that when the agent returned he received not kinder remembrance from any man in France nor larger offer of service, with a kind of expostulation that his Majesty had not sent him one of his books. For the Chancellor, his Majesty thinks it appertains to his place in good manners, seeing his Highness writes to the other officers. I purpose to frame two letters according to the pattern of those to Mor de Villeroy and to have them ready. In the subscribing of the letters to the King and Queen Regent, his Majesty has written the words of compliment with his own hand. In the rest he thinks it sufficient you cause it to be written in some roman hand like his. From the Court at Wodstock, this 23 August, 1610.
Holograph Seal, brokenpp. (128 143)
Sir Roger Wilbraham to the Lord High Treasurer
1610, August 27. Your letter to Sir Thomas Lake of 24 August, who I hear is this day gone to London, came to my hands. Fearing it might import haste I presumed to open it. When his Majesty read the first part he seemed astonished that any should desire to know beforehand his diet, as he termed it, for it might have no other end but a correspondency with foreign intelligence, and therefore charged me (though I knew from his mouth that he purposes to be at Hampton Court on Saturday sevennight) not to advertise so much to your Lordship. To the residue of your letter he gave no answer. His Majesty, the Queen and Prince are in good health, and cheerful in their pastimes. The Duke of Lennox is gone this day to the L. Ch. Baron's at Burford. The Earl of Worcester and L. Knolles attend her Majesty, who on Wednesday removes from Woodstocke, purposing on Saturday next to be at Hampton Court, where his Majesty will be on Saturday sevennight; and after two or three nights abode there intends to remove to Theobalds for some 8 or 10 days, and so return to Hampton Court till he go to Roiston, as my Lord of Worcester told me yesterday. There is no news here to advertise to your Lordship, but that at the instance of the Bishop of Oxford his Majesty has given me direction to write to his learned counsel to confer with the Bishop's counsel, and to inform his Majesty what hope or means there may be of his restitution to many thousands wrongfully taken from that church. 27 August, 1610, at the Court at Ricott.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (128 144)
Sir William Romeny to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 28. Requests a warrant to permit the customary quantity of ninety tuns of ordinary table beer to be shipped from the port of London to John Turner, concierge of the English House in Midlebrough, for the provision of the Merchants Adventurers residing there, who have always found the English beer much more wholesome and better agreeing with their bodies than that which those countries can afford. London, the 28th of August, A° 1610.
Signed by Romeny for the Governor, Assistants and Generality of the Fellowship of Merchant Adventurers ½ p. (128 145)
John Murray to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 30. I received your letter and according to your direction dispatched the bearer the same night; but because his Majesty was going to Carres [? cards] and I was to play for fault of better company, I could not write with the bearer. I have written these few lines to make my excuses and let your Honour know I did according to your direction in kissing his Majesty's hands for you, which he took very well, and is in good health at this present. Yesterday he killed one stag in the forenoon, and in the even went to the park and killed one buck with his bow and spear, killed one leash of partridges with his soar tassel of goshawk and his hawk, which was more nor I knew him do this year at that sport. So soon as you get news from Juliers let his Majesty have them, for I know he longs for them. As for my own business, his Majesty desires you to advise with my Lord Chancellor, in order that it may be put to some point at his return. I hope either your Honour has or will be mindful of the same on his Majesty's coming to Hampton Court, for when your Honour was with his Majesty last, having so much business, I durst not presume to trouble you at that time. At Eastemstead, the 30 of August, 1610.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (128 146)
William Glover to the Earl of Salisbury
1610, August 31. He details the course taken by the Chancellor of the Duchy, on the information of Gryme and Trench, for examination by jury of the spoil and sale of timber in the manor of Gymingham. Justifies his dealings in the sale. Of Gryme's riotous proceedings, coming with a rout of above 300 people, so that had not Sir Henry Sidney been with him (who came to buy timber for his uncle Sir Wymond Carew), he durst not have adventured himself in the sale. He is willing to have a commission sent to indifferent commissioners. 31 August, 1610.
Holograph 2 pp. (132 136)
Thomas Dewhurst to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, August] Mr Flynt being dead and your Lordship to make choice of a new keeper of Cheshunt Park, in regard the same was lately enlarged by taking in Perier's house and grounds, which I held under you and where my father and myself have lived more than forty years, I presume to be a suitor for the keeping of that Park. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'August 10.' ½ p. (128 147)
Sir William Lane to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, August] There is a tax intended to be imposed upon Brigstocke Park towards the provision of his Majesty's household. My hand was required thereto by Sir Edward Mountagewe and others in a letter directed to Mr Dale, your tenant. I have forborne my hand till I know your pleasure. The charge will be 121 a year at the least, which being of continuance may hinder your Lordship in the sale of it if hereafter you have any such occasion. Undated
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'August 1610.' 2/3 p. (128 148)
King James 1 to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, August] My little beagle, for lack of any man here to ease me in making of this dispatch, I am forced to make it with my own hand. Ye shall therefore know that my Ambassador can do me no better service than in assisting to the treaty of this reconciliation, wherein he may have as good occasion to employ his tongue and his pen (and I wish it may be with as good success) as General Cecil and his soldiers have done their swords and their mattocks. As for the place of meeting, that must be left to the parties to agree upon. I only wish that I may handsomely wind myself out of this quarrel, wherein the principal parties do so little for themselves. It is true I think my Ambassador's discourse a little metaphysical, for in my opinion the adverse party will be the readier to treat in earnest that Juliers is won, though they made shift before by gaining of time by delay. Always to conclude, an honest appointment now is the only honourable and safe way for me, and therein my Ambassador can not too much labour. Now I long to hear of Baldwine, whereof I wonder that he writes nothing. Farewell. Undated
Holograph 1 p. (134 141)
[Partly printed in Gardiner History of England, 11. p. 100]
Lord Hay to the Earl of Salisbury
[1610, ? August] After nine o'clock yesternight, when his Majesty had made an end of his sport, I received your letters, by which is very apparent your great care and pains for Gunterod, and in that your great love to your master, since now the poor gentleman suffers for his service. His Majesty apprehends by your letter your not coming to Homby, and commanded me to signify to you that if the multitude of your affairs would suffer you, that he would be glad to see you. His Highness returns you many thanks for your care and pains in his business, and much wishes your coming to Hombe, so it may stand with the conveniency of the multitude of your cares. He entreats you earnestly to remember what Sir Thomas Challenor told you concerning his business, and to advertise him quickly of it. I am sorry to find by your letter that you have not known as yet that the letter I wrote Gunterod, advertising him of your love and care in this his business, and instructing him how to carry himself both towards Johannes and Rydder, has not been in your secretary's hands these eight days past; for that same night did I write it, and the next day after sent it to Mr Kercam, of whom I had answer that the packet was gone the day before, and upon the next occasion this letter should be sent.
His Majesty was never in better health, nor never had better sport. I send you this enclosed according to your direction, for answer of Johannes's letter to his Majesty. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: '1610.' 2 pp. (196 35)
Michael Molyns to Richard Percival
[1610 c. August] 'My Lord [Wharton]' is utterly without money at this time, and must be a suitor to 'His Honour' to bear with him: the rather that the price is treble the value, and the marriage not worth one penny. Hopes 'His Honour' will tender the poor lady so far as the equity of her cause requires. The feodary shall be laboured to make survey of the Dorsetshire lands. Undated
½ p. (P.2198)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 630]