Cecil Papers: February 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: February 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp13-26 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: February 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp13-26.

"Cecil Papers: February 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp13-26.

February 1609

[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, February 1. Two other couriers from Spain, but still delays.
Abstract (227 p. 357)
James Punsenby and others, inhabitants of the King's manor of Ravensworth, Co. Yorks, to the Lord Treasurer
[1608–9, February 1.] Complain that Felton, one of his servants, goes about to defraud them of their rights in certain grounds in the commons of Ravensworth. Particulars of the descent of the grounds. Pray for lease thereof. Undated.
Note by Salisbury: referring the matter to the examination of Mr Baron Altham, 1 February, 1608.
1 p. (P.2036)
The Lord Chancellor to the Lord Treasurer
1608–9, February 3. I return unto you herewith the Statute 19 H.7., and the note of the levying of the aid. The book for the annexation I have read, but am not yet ready to give you any account of it. I send to your Lordship also, I wot not what to call it, it was an idle tale, ill told, which you heard with much patience but not without weariness. It now comes to you, not polished nor adorned with rich furniture, but poor and bare as it was at the first. I pray you either look not on it at all, but cast it amongst your waste papers and leave it blattis et tineis, for it is worth no better; or if you vouchsafe to read it, read it with your wonted favour and help to excuse my faults and follies in it. This Friday morning, 3 February, 1608.
Holograph ½ p. (194 116)
The Earl of Salisbury to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1608–9, [February] 4. Touching Giron's negotiation at his leave taking with the King, in which he moved his Majesty to be a means to the States to procure a simple Truce. The King's answer set down in a letter to the Commissioners, whereof a copy sent Sir Thomas Edmondes, wherein he declared he would in no case interpose himself to that purpose.
Abstract (227 p. 357)
William Whelpdale to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, February 7. For warrant for timber from the King's park of Kirkoswalde, Cumberland, he being appointed to rebuild the Motehall in the town of Penreth, Cumberland.
Note by Salisbury: requiring estimate, 7 February, 1608.
Estimate follows.
1 p. (P.506)
Dr. John Richardson to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, February 8. Expresses his great thanks for the many ways in which Salisbury has graced him, the many benefits he has bestowed on him, for which he has never failed to offer abundant prayers for him, especially for his late appointment to Peterhouse College. Not to be tedious, prays to be counted amongst his innumerable servants. From St Peter's College, Cambridge, 8 February, 1608.
Holograph Latin 1 p. (125 24)
Jeffrey Davies to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, February 8. The cause that moved me to solicit the suit for the establishing of the allowance for the leakage of the Spanish wines was the partial dealing of the collectors, who used favour to some and rigour to others, not answering with the good liking of his Majesty if he had known it, neither yet with your Honour in not redressing thereof, being made acquainted withal. And whereas you are given to understand that my private lucre moved me thereunto, I perceived wrong information takes deeper impression than any honest plain meaning. For I assure you I shall hardly recover one hundred pounds towards my charges in prosecuting that suit these twelve months, and yet I shall spend the one half thereof before I recover the other. The gains I shall reap will not answer the reproaches I have endured, if you knew all; but these be the days that honest men must undergo all with patience.
About four months ago I put you in remembrance of a service I presented unto you in the late Queen's days, in the presence of Sir Thomas Gorge, being then to have had the book of rates for customs increased, wherein I spent both my money and travail; and you know if others had been as careful then for the Queen's profit as I was forward, the King might have found above forty thousand pounds in her Majesty's coffers more than he did find. But it was my hard fortune to reveal the matter then, and others to make use thereof afterwards. I hope, my Lord, you will not permit such a service to remain unrecompensed. 8 February, 1608.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (125 25)
The Fellows of Peterhouse, Cambridge to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, February 8. It is a rule in morality, which admits no exception, that every benefit or good turn received requires the return of some kind office or respective duty to be performed by way of thankful acknowledgment; and surely it would be a great solecism in civility and a broad and wide breach of good manners in us if after so honourable a favour received from your Lordship, we should suffer the memory thereof to die with the deed and to slide away into silence without so much as a grateful commemoration and acknowledgment of the same. Whereas, therefore, it pleased your Honour of late, out of that prone and propensive nature unto good which hath ever showed itself in all your proceedings, at the petitionary letter of the Fellows of Peterhouse to have that favourable regard of us and to take that honourable care for us that by your good means we have not been pressed with any mandatory letters, but have been left to that elective freedom in the choice of our Master which the statutes of our house do give us; that we might not seem to desire liberty to abuse it, it hath been our endeavour with the best conscience we could to keep us to the strict observance of our statutes in this case provided, so that upon our nomination and presentation to the Bishop of Ely, our honourable patron and visitor, greatly both allowing and approving our proceedings herein, hath chosen and admitted to the place Mr Doctor Richardson, the King's public Professor of Divinity, a man of that eminent note for learning, of that wise moderation for government, and of that mean betwixt the opposition of extremes, that our election herein hath carried with it the great contentment and approval of the whole University. And our hope is that our allowable proceedings shall also receive your approbation which we much desire as by whose means it must be with all thankfulness for ever acknowledged we have been made so happy in our choice. And our humble desire further is that you would receive, with favourable acceptance, this slender testification of our thankful acknowledgment of your favour towards us as the best means we have to express the devotive affection of minds eternally bound in all thankfulness to your Honour. Peterhouse in Cambridge, February VIII, 1608.
Signed: John Blithe, Leonard Mawe, Roger Derhame, Thomas Cordel, Robert Kidson, Walter Curll, Andrew Perne, Thomas Turner, George Banks, William Gibson, Thomas Love.
Addressed: To the right honourable Earl of Salisbury, Lord High Treasurer of England and Chancellor of the University of Cambridge.
Seal, broken 1 p. (136 192)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, February 9. From Antwerp. The resolution come of the King of Spain's joining in the treaty. Order for 700,000 crowns, the rest of the million.
Abstract (227 p. 357)
Hugh Lee to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, February 10/20. He has been consul in this place more than three years without any allowance from the merchants, whereby he is greatly indebted. For remedy he asks that a small imposition should be levied upon all such prohibited commodities as shall be brought into Portugal from any part of his Majesty's dominions. He has related the matter more largely to Mr Thomas Wilson. Lixa, 20 February, 1609, new style.
Holograph 1 p. (127 3)
Sir Roger Aston to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608–9, February] 10. The enclosed letter his Majesty bade me send away with speed. As he doubts not you have received his letter by Sir Robert Douglas to be delivered to the Queen, so would he not have you to urge any answer but when it shall please her. I am commanded to let you know that they that are here are not altogether so mindful of their hunting and hawking as they will forget their great fortunes in the drawing of their Valentines, which was performed yesternight among 24 fair ladies, and others, although not of that rank, yet worthy the looking to; whereof Meuttas and Peggatt were two. His Majesty thinks himself happy in his fortune, being the first that drew among so great a number, he drew your daughter-in-law, my Lady Cranborne: (fn. 1) fearing your son should grow jealous if it should come to his ears, desires you it may be concealed from him. All is well, and we want but fair weather to pass our time upon the fields. Sir Noel Caron had access yesterday at length, and went after to Cammerich. His Majesty asked me this day whether I had written to my Lord Chamberlain about the running and the Venetian Ambassador. I told him I had, so that he looks my Lord will be careful of it, for so I assured him. Rostorne, the 10th.
Holograph Endorsed: '1608.' (195 70)
Writ of Prohibition
1608–9, February 12. Writ of prohibition to Robert Redmayne on the showing of Henry Moore and Richard Burward of Cookeley, co. Suffolk, with respect to certain customs of tithing which obtained within the said parish from time immemorial. Notwithstanding, one William Martyn, rector of the said parish, has impleaded them in Court Christian contrary to the Statutes therein made and provided. Stay of proceedings. Dated at Westminster, 12th February in the sixth year of the King's reign.
1 m. Mutilated (221 24)
Matthew Bruning to Thomas Wilson
1608–9, February 12/22. Your letters would be welcome to me, not having since the 2nd of July received any from you. I hope by Mr Tibaulles (whose return we shortly expect) to receive news of your health. What has of late befel to Mr Osely through his own much indiscretion, the bearer can inform you. I am sorry for his mishap, that having been here employed as my Lord's secretary these three years and more, he should now so far forget himself as to raise so incredible a slander of his Lordship as to say he is the King of Spain's pensioner. He may well be thought to be scarce in his right wits. Yet it stands not with his Lordship's honour to let such a public slander pass without due chastisement of so notoriously envious a slanderer. The words are denied of the accused, though I fear at last they will prove too true, which will be a very hard sentence for him, for small satisfaction cannot right my Lord, though of himself he is very compassionate and merciful.
The Constable is now no small joyful man, being blest with a son, and great joy was made here of all the people, the great ones making feasts and shows. The King, Queen and Duke are at present at the Pardal. All other things the bearer, Mr Henry Palmer, can inform you of. Further him in the reward of his packet he brings from my Lord.
The enclosed is for 'yrso vmafm' [? yourself]. Madrid, 22 February, 1609, stilo novo.
Holograph Endorsed: '22 Feb. 1608.' 1 p. (127 1)
Matthew Bruning to his mother, Mrs Mary Bruning, or in her absence to his cousin, Mr Nicholas Perkins. For 'yrso vmafm+' [? yourself]
1608–9, February 12/22. Expresses his duty to her and Perkins.
I wrote to Perkins last month by Captain Thomas Anderson. Since then from Lorayne is here arrived an ambassador, (fn. 2) as is reported, to congratulate the young Prince's oath and homage that this last year was done him, with other ceremonies, if other be his pretence. It seems his ambassage (fn. 2) is of [MS torn], for he is now taking his voyage to Lisboa, on pleasure to see the country. Thence he is determined to return to Sevill, and in Andalusia to furnish himself with choice gennets. He is said to be an earl. He is of good presence, himself and his followers in mourning apparel, and they mourn for the death of their old 'zskm' [? ruler]. Visits have been interchanged between him and all the ambassadors.
On the 8th present was born to the Condestabile of Castile a son, not without great comfort to the father, and great rejoicing of the King and all this country. The Sunday following all the 'grandes' and nobles kept great feasts in honour thereof. [Details follow of the festivities.]
Dr Osely, of long time my Lord's secretary, who has used large words that touch my Lord's honour, was on the 11th present sent to the prison, where he remains, protesting never to have thought, much less spoken, any such thing. He has endured great misery in irons. It will go ill with him if my Lord help him not, for some Spaniards lay forfeitures of hundreds of ducats upon him. He has prayed my Lord to be sent prisoner to England to answer the allegation. My Lord is determined to take his bond and one surety for his appearance before [MS torn] Council.
Alcalde Marcos that was lately ban[ished] is now re[turned] to his 'varra' again, not to stay there but only for a little to restore him to some favour, because he should not be altogether affronted; and the Council is determined to send him shortly to some cargo at some haven town, where the disgrace shall not be so notorious.
Good cousin, let me understand of your good acceptance of my lines. I sent to you by Mr Tibaulles and Mr Henderson.
The King at present is at the Pardo. All things here of news very cold, and the weather extreme sharp. Madrid, 22 February, 1609, stilo novo.
Holograph Endorsed: '22 Feb. 1608.' 2 pp. (127 2)
John Jude to Thomas Wilson
1608–9, February 13. Since the departure of Captain Henryson, by whom I wrote unto your worship, my Lord has received the long looked for news of his appointment to return about August next. If that resolution continue firm, the time will not now be long before I see myself happy to be retained in your service, which I have propounded to me as the principal end of the travail and time I have spent in this place and country.
The Constable of Castile has lately had a young heir born to inherit his dignities and possessions, for which there has been no small rejoicing on all sides. The noblemen and courtiers appareling their joy in the gallantest bravery concluded that feast with maskarados at courts and encamisadas about the town. Here is another much spoken of and intended before Lent with running of bulls and play of canas pretended to be for love of the Duke of Sea (eldest son to the Duke of Lerma), whose lady has been within these few days likewise brought abed.
Here has been some good time an extraordinary Ambassador from the Duke of Lorraine, who mourns for the death of some prince of that house, as is said of the old Duke.
The King and Queen are at present at the Pardo.
My Lord these two days has been very evil disposed in his health, but now is somewhat amended. The difference between his Lordship and Mr Ousley, Mr Pitts, my Lord's agent there, to whom I have sent all the particular papers about that business, will, I know, at large inform you. Madrid, this 13 of February, 1608, sti. vet.
PS.—Here is speech that the Duke of Savoy will shortly be here in person. His last Ambassador, who has been here some two months, is now upon his journey homewards as is reported about the town.
Holograph 1 p. (194 117)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to the [Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, [February 15]. From Brussels. Don Fernando Giron returned. He makes the best reports that may be of his Majesty's princely dealing and favourable usage of him: and in the business did treat with him como principe verdadero, who hath nothing else but sincerity in him.
Abstract (227 p. 357)
Sir Roger Wilbraham to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[1608–9] February 15. It pleased his Majesty to read all your letter to the last syllable. Touching Mr Dutton, I told his Majesty he was now rid of a suitor, wherewith he seemed satisfied. Your news of the great monarch that 'falls' his sails his Majesty laughed at, telling my Lord Hay and Sir Robert Carr that he would never imitate him, that after so long insistance would now relinquish his honour and save his profit in the Indian treasure. His Majesty hopes you will not be afraid of the squadron, and willed me to write that he wished you had chosen Tuesday for the day of the combat, for that was ever a fortunate day for his Majesty; and the conclusion was very acceptable to him. When I presented this proclamation for preservation both of his Majesty's and his subjects' woods, (fn. 3) his Highness called to remembrance some part thereof; and in the signature said you were a man that in all your proceedings respected honour more than anyone that ever he knew. Upon what occasion he spake thus I made no conjecture nor question, but it rejoiced me much to hear his Majesty's most benign interpretation of all your endeavours. At the court at Royston, 15 February.
Holograph Seal, broken Endorsed: '1608.' 2/3 p. (125 29)
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608–9] February 15/25. Apologises for not writing before, which was because he sat up somewhat late at the ballet of the Queen, and because he learns to write a new hand. Thanks him for his fatherly care and favours, and for the last token of buttons he sent him. He is in good health and following profitable studies. Paris, 25 February, stilo novo.
Holograph Endorsed: '15 Fev. 1608.' 1 p. (228 24)
[The Earl of Salisbury] to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1608–9, [February] 17. In favour of Henrick Hoens, merchant at Antwerp, to have pardon for trade in the Indies, to which purpose the Q[ueen's] letter to the Infanta 'I do only recommend it to you to use your best dexterity, observing still the limits wherein Princes' desires must walk, and in cases just and reasonable remain as well satisfied with a denial as with a promise.'
Abstract (227 p. 357)
Sir Amyas Preston to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, February 17. Has a weak and feeble body through a long and sharp quartern ague. Mr Dean of Rochester has made a late sale of six hundred elms in grounds next adjoining to the harbour at Chatham, where his Majesty's navy lies, all of them being very fair young trees and such as might within few years have proved meet for his Majesty's provision. Their present values are not great. It seems a strange precedent for a man of his sort, who though he has in law, in right of his deanery, a kind of freehold, yet might have forborne such an improvident course for example sake. Has heard that Bishop Elmer once went about a like attempt at Fulham in her late Majesty's time, but received both countermand and check. Submits to his wisdom what seems meet to be done. This 17th of February, 1608.
PS.—I have been very careful for the preservation of them this nine years, and so was my predecessor before me, in regard they were grown upon my own land at Freindsbury.
Signed Seal 1 p. (194 119)
The King to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, February 18. We have perceived by a certificate made unto you by the Master and Lieutenant of our Ordnance that they have found it to be more for the ease of our people, and no less serviceable for us, to take into that office such carriages and other wheelers' work as are needful for our store by contract at certain rates and prizes (prices) ready made than by way of purveyance as heretofore hath been used: and that accordingly they have made bargain with the purveyor and master wheelwright of that office for the furnishing of our store; and that since the master wheelwright hath made suit to be permitted to take out and use so much of the same timber as he shall have cause to use for our service, upon sufficient security to be given by bond to our use, to supply the store again from time to time with the like quantity of good and serviceable timber as he shall take out within twelve months next after, notwithstanding that by the long lying there it doth appear that some of the timber is decayed, and much of it inclining to be worse, and by this means it may be wrought out while it is serviceable, and new timber (more fit for continuance) be put instead thereof, so as the store there shall be maintained without further waste to us. Which offer of the master wheelwright we do very well like of, and therefore do require you when certificate shall be made to you by the Master of our Ordnance or, in his absence, by the Lieutenant and other officers there, of any quantity of timber remaining in our store which the master wheelwright shall desire and what security they shall have taken of him for the supply of our store with like quantity within one year's space with new and serviceable timber, if the exchange be such as you think reasonable and indifferent for us, that you give warrant to the Master and other officers of our Ordnance whom it shall concern to deliver to the master wheelwright such quantity of timber as shall be so agreed for, upon such security as is before mentioned. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the eighteenth day of February in the sixth year of our reign.
Sign manual Sealpp. (125 30)
John Sigismund, Margrave of Brandenburg to King James
1608–9, February 18. You are aware of the disasters caused to the Duchies of Juliers and Cleves by the war in the Low Countries. My rights over these Duchies through my wife and children, and my concern for the welfare of Christendom and the countries bordering upon these Duchies, make me desire that now that peace is to be concluded in the Low Countries, my title to the Duchies should be guaranteed at the same time. The King of Denmark is ready to concur in this. I hope that your well known justice and love of peace will lead you to do the same, especially as the King of Denmark has told me of your affection towards me and Brandenburgh. I should have enclosed a statement of my claim to these Duchies had there been time to do so: and I will shortly send you a full statement of the case. In the meantime, I would beg you to instruct your Ambassador to the Low Countries to treat of this matter with my envoy, the Baron de Reth, and with the Ambassadors of France, Denmark and the Palatinate. Zechlin, 18 February, 1608.
Signed Latin 4 pp. (134 120)
The Privy Council to [Sir Thomas Edmondes]
1608–9, [February] 19. In favour of one Thomas Alberz, merchant. Abstract (227 p. 357)
Thomas Marshall to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, February 19. The service by you commanded about Hertford Castle is effectually performed and ere this had been presented unto you, but that I have a further desire to show you what time and art have wrought in me, which is the cause of stay until Tuesday or Wednesday morning next, at which time Mr Basyll and myself have appointed to attend you with it. Upon sight whereof I rest assured you will think it fitting the gatehouse stand, which is in good repair, consisting of ten rooms, and a fit repose for a gentleman, elsewhere seated, for the summer time. My suit is that you would think me worthy to be his Majesty's tenant thereof at a reasonable rent, in respect it were a fit place for my remove, being now seated altogether in London, in my native country and near the place of my birth. Besides, if hereafter you shall find me 'fidelious' and worthy to be employed by you, it is near to do you all faithful service. What service of late I have done to his Majesty in things of their kind is partly known to you, and not long since to my great grace by you published. In recompense (as yet) no more but your favour, which I better esteem than others do coin. If already you have passed your promise for this small thing, let me entreat you to deal with that party that I may give him recompense and have it. 19 February, 1608.
Holograph Seal, broken 1 p. (125 31)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, [February] 22. The Confessor returned: much commended for his negotiating, yet his hope was as the physician's that comes in the crisis of his patient's sickness. His stay so long to no other purpose but to value the reservedness of Spain.
Abstract (227 p. 357)
John Ferrour to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, February 24. After I had made known unto you my suit for the stewardship of the young Prince his Highness's manor of Chelsmore in Coventry where I live, I went according to your direction to Mr Newton, his Highness's tutor, to crave his furtherance; by whom I understood how much I am bound to you for your word. For he told me you had that day spoken to him on my behalf, that my suit might gain the better acceptation with the Prince. I then acquainted Mr Newton with a petition which after his perusal I delivered to the Prince. Mr Newton, as he told me the next day, did effectually second it, and has put me in comfortable hope and almost assurance of obtaining if his Highness keeps the royalties in his own hands, as I hope he will, howsoever he shall dispose of the demesnes. Only he told me that as yet the citizens, though by petition they had submitted themselves and their estate in the manor to his Highness's pleasure, yet there was no judgment entered upon the Scire facias for seizure, and till then no grant of the stewardship could be passed unto me: and therefore he wished me to rest in hopeful expectation of good event. My hope is the more in regard of that bonum omen, that it was my hap by mere accident and not by choice to present my petition to his Highness upon his happy birthday. And howsoever the event prove, your speeches to myself full of hope and grace when I made known my suit, and your after speaking to Mr Newton on my behalf, have redoubled my assurance of your favour, and my desire even with the hazarding of my best blood to do you service. Coventry, 24 February, 1608.
Holograph Seal 2/3 p. (125 33)
Captain Gray to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, February 24. Finding himself grievously oppressed by extreme necessity, sends these lines 'regraiting' his misfortunes. Seeks to his Lordship to 'soulage' his discontents; when he assigns any time convenient will be as happy as glad to kiss his hands, by whose discretion he is assured of comfort. 24 February. 1608.
Holograph Seal ½ p. (125 34)
The King to Sir John Herbert, Sir Julius Caesar, Sir Thomas Parry and others
1608–9, February 28. We did of late for the ease of our Council and furtherance of the suits of our servants direct our letters to our Chief Justice of our Bench and of our Common Pleas and Chief Baron of our Exchequer and others, authorising and requiring them to spare some time to attend unto the examination of such suits as we should refer unto them, and thereof to certify their opinions unto us. Forasmuch as we find that neither can the said Judges well attend unto business of that nature in regard of their other occupations, and oftentimes are out of the City in their circuits or for other cause, so as our servants are disappointed: we have therefore for the better ease of such of our Council who, in regard of their place and nearness to our person, are oftentimes so occupied in the affairs of greatest moment of our Estate, as they cannot attend the care of private suits, made choice of you our Second Secretary, our Chancellor of our Exchequer and of our Duchy of Lancaster, and associated to you our Serjeants, our Attorney and Solicitor General and the Recorder of our City of London, being likewise of our counsel learned, the Chamberlains of our Exchequer, and a Clerk of our Council and of our Signet, and do purpose to refer unto your considerations the suits and petitions of divers natures which many of our servants and subjects do exhibit to us, on whom in cases reasonable we are willing to confer favour and bounty. For as no sovereign can be without service nor service without some reward, so we confess that no prince is more desirous than we are to reward the merits of our servants and subjects in things that might be fitting for us to give, and not prejudicial either to the body of the revenue of our crown (which we will in no sort impair) or to our posterity, to whom our desire is to leave means to maintain the dignity of their estate in no less honour and magnificence than our progenitors, Kings of this realm, have held. Wherefore, for that we consider few things of that kind can fall in to any man's conceit of which you, by reason of the long practice you have had with our people and by your knowledge of the laws, cannot better judge than any other either how they may hurt our revenues, stand with the common good of our subjects, or be agreeable to our laws: and our pleasure is that you shall agree among yourselves of some convenient times once or twice in the week, and of place where you or some of you may meet and where the suitors may attend you; and when you have maturely considered of those things whereof we shall make reference unto you certified by those ordinary Ministers that attend our person abroad, as namely by the Masters of Request and the substitutes under our Principal Secretary, from whose hands all bills are presented to our signature, or from our Privy Council at London, and resolved how far forth and in what sort they may in your judgment be convenient to pass or not, you shall make report of your judgments in writing either to our Privy Council as the cause requireth, or to the persons aforenamed who always follow our person (that we may upon sight thereof proceed further as we shall see occasion) under the hands of four of you at the least (whereof one of you of our Privy Council and one of our said counsel learned to be always two), and in cases touching our lands and revenues, you our Chancellor of our Exchequer to be always one. And as our only scope herein is to ease our Privy Council in some part of the time which otherwise they should spend therein from our greater affairs, and partly to facilitate our own judgments of those suits when they shall be truly opened to us by persons of your knowledge; so are we to give you this caution, that in case you shall perceive these suits are any way derogatory to those natures of suits which we left to be ordered by our principal commissions for our use, that you allow of none of those: for which purpose, you our Attorney and Solicitor may do well at your first assembly to acquaint the rest how those commissions stand. By which means, especially being such as do belong to us de jure Corone, and not by pressing upon penal statutes (which being otherwise pursued than by the laws are directed, prove full of clamour and oppression) we have resolved to raise, if it may be, some means for supply of our debts, and therefore cannot give way to any suit that may entangle general commissions and projects for some reasonable time only until we shall have discharged the same, especially our two great loans from our farmers of our customs and our City of London, and the privy seals borrowed from our particular subjects, whereof a good portion is unpaid. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, 28 February, in the sixth year of our reign.
Sign Manual Seal Endorsed: '1608. 28 February. His Majesty's letter to Sir John Herbert and others, being appointed by his Majesty to be commissioners for suits.'
12/3 pp. (125 35)
Sir Rafe Boswell to Dr Milborne
[1608–9, February] By these you shall understand yesterday at afternoon according to the conference with Christopher Parkins, etc., (sic). Besides I must tell you the Archbishop of Canterbury resolved to try the validity of our letters patents; whereof Sir Christopher did faithfully assure me, and which I understood likewise from many others nearest to my Lord's grace. Whereunto I presume his Lordship might be the rather encouraged in regard of the late high grace showed to him on Sunday last at Whitehall before the King, where the Prohibitions were debated by the common lawyers. There the Lord Cooke humbly prayed the King to have respect to the common laws of his land, etc. He prayed his Majesty to consider that the ecclesiastical jurisdiction was foreign. After which his Majesty fell into that high indignation as the like was never known in him, looking and speaking fiercely with bended fist, offering to strike him, etc.; which the Lord Cooke perceiving fell flat on all fours, humbly beseeching his Majesty to take compassion on him, and to pardon him if he through zeal had gone beyond his duty and allegiance. His Majesty not herewith contented continued his indignation, whereupon the Lord Treasurer, the Lord Cooke's uncle by marriage, kneeled down before his Majesty and prayed him to be favourable. To whom his Majesty replied, saying: What hast thou to do to entreat for him? He answered. In regard he hath married my nearest kinswoman, etc. (sic).
Copy, apparently of certain passages in the letter only. Endorsed: 'Sir Rafe Boswell to Dr Milborne. February, 1608.' ¾ p. (125 36)
William Anees to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[? 1608–9, c February] Since the farming of the pre-emption of tin to the merchants, although in time of glut they sold him 40001 worth, yet since the venting of the glut they have refused to sell him one block, purposing to ship it over themselves by covert means. Details the excuses the merchants make for their proceedings, and replies to them. Their malice proceeds from their knowledge, through Sir Richard Smythe, of his having informed Salisbury of their great game, and of the worth of the commodity beyond seas, and his endeavouring to procure the King to resume the same into his own hands. He has spent long travail and great charges in the matter, upon the late Lord Treasurer's promise that he should have 10001 recompense; wherein the King not only gained 15001 by fines in the Star Chamber, and the yearly revenue now answered, but may gain 100001 more by the pre-emption and imposition, as the commodity beyond seas will bear it. Yet he has never received any satisfaction. Begs for a pension out of the business of tin. He makes no doubt, when the pre-emption is in the King's hands, to gain him 120001 a year. Undated.
Holograph Endorsed: 1608.' 2 pp. (195 65)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–10, p. 490.]
Mary Phelips to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608–9, c February] Prays to have the moiety of arrears of two annuities granted to her husband, Thomas Phelips, now prisoner in the Tower for two years past, by the late Queen, which have remained unpaid because of his debt to the King. Undated.
1 p. (197 41)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–10, p. 490.]
Memorial to the Earl of Salisbury from Thomas Phelippes to the same effect as the foregoing. Undated.
1 p. (197 42)
Mr Michell
[? 1608–9, c February.] Some behaviour of Mr Mytchell in Italy whereby he rendered himself suspicious in all places where he came.
(1) At his first arrival at Liusino and Pisa he changed his name, calling himself by the name of Windsor, and having cause to speak of some noblemen of England in his discoursing among our merchants, he familiarly termed them Tom, Jac and Will, as if he had been their companion: insomuch as many of our merchants that had lived long abroad were of opinion that he was the Lord Windsor disguised, until at length (discoursing of his employments) he vaunted that he had been secretary to seven Councillors of State: whereupon some one of the merchants remembered to have known him about Mr Secretary Walsingham, and discovered him to the rest.
(2) He passed by the same name at Florence where he addressed himself to Mr Young the merchant, factor at that time for Sir Bap. Hicks.
(3) At his coming to Rome, which was in the time while myself and the gentleman that I accompanied were at Naples, he addressed himself to Mr Nich. Fitzherbert, enquiring what English travellers were in town, and having been told that most were gone, saving we that were at Naples, whom Mr Fitzherbert said he daily expected to return, he then earnestly conjured Mr Fitzherbert not to make his being in town known to any of us, and especially not to Wyllis: whereby he gave suspicion that his coming was to observe me, or feared that I would do the like by him.
(4) He lodged in the most obscure places of the town, and every foot changed his lodging.
(5) Being desirous to see the English College, he came to the porter thereof and asked whether this was the English College. The porter answered it was. He demanded then, after his busy fashion, whether the porter were a priest, who answered No. He then demanded how many they were of the College, the porter answered he knew not, having never told them. Go to, says Mychell, I know as well as yourself: there be of you, says he, 66. He then asked whether Persons was there. The porter answered he was. He then desired to see the House and being brought into their refectory where was a table over the 'skrine' (screen) of the scholars' names, he asked what those were, and being answered they were the scholars' names, he replied there was not a true name but that they were all counterfeit.
(6) He was seen sundry times sitting before the College gate muffled in his cloak, as if he had observed who passed in and out.
(7) Sir Anthony Standen, having observed this his suspicious behaviour and his busy inquiry, told him in a friendly manner one day before Sir William Dormer that he was too busy and that to his knowledge he was suspected, wishing him out of the love he bare him to be gone out of town, and that speedily, otherwise he would be laid hold on. This much Sir William Dormer and Mr Day, his servant, told me at Florence when the news first came thither of his apprehension and commitment. He tarried nevertheless at Rome at least six weeks after everyone of our nation was gone.
(8) When he was apprehended, which was by his own telling some two miles out of town, there was found amongst his papers one that made ill for him, wherein he had committed to writing that he had been in the Consistory, where he had observed there many Cardinals with beards, and so many without beards; that some Cardinals whom he named in that paper kept whores, that others served themselves of boys, and that near such a Cardinal's lodging was likewise lodged such and such courtezans.
Before he went into Italy he had lived some time at Geneva where he fell out with some of the 'Sindique,' pretending that they owed him money for sending letters into the country about the collection that they had from hence; and taking occasion to write from Lyons to an acquaintance of his in that town, being a bookseller, he takes the boldness to tell him that if they sent him not his 20 crowns that they owed him, he would 'anottermise' [? anathematise] the town, which he said was but an hotch pot of the knaveries of Italy and France. This letter, and others of like scurrilous subject, was showed me and my companion Mr Winston at Geneva, and I (charging him with it by way of 'incripation' in a friendly manner) he foresware it with most execrable oaths, till Mr Winston and myself avowed that we had seen it under his own hand.
At Lyons I asked him whether he had seen Sir Harry Wotton, his Majesty's Ambassador, at his passing by that place; he answered that he had and that the Ambassador had entertained him very scurvily, adding further that the Ambassador had been lately sick; and Mr Winston asking him what his Lordship ailed, he answered nothing but that he lodged too near the nuns. Undated.
3 pp. (98 157)
See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–10, p. 489.]


  • 1. Viscount Cranborne was married in December, 1608.
  • 2. In cipher.
  • 3. See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 491.