Cecil Papers: March 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: March 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp26-39 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: March 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp26-39.

"Cecil Papers: March 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp26-39.

March 1609

Sir Francis Hastings to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, March 1. My trust is that my slow coming up shall not be imputed to me for a fault since the mighty God of heaven had a prime hand in my stay, whose good pleasure it was to load me with so great pain as made me altogether unfit for so long a journey. But when I found cause to hope by a fortnight's trial that the extremity of my pain was past, I did prepare myself for my journey and have attained to arrive here, where I rest ready to attend you any day or hour you shall command me, or else to perfect my accompt to any you shall appoint to take it of me, being desirous every way to discharge the duty and conscience of an honest man before I shut up my days. I will not wait upon you till you assign me the time, because I stand subject to a leader through the dimness of my sight, and crave leave to resort unto you in a few lines upon any occasion offered. From my lodging in Fleet Street, this 1 March, 1608.
Signed Seal 1 p. (125 37)
The King to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, March 7. At the suit of the Vice-Chancellor of our University of Oxford and other Masters of the Colleges there, we are pleased to bestow upon them three score loads of timber, to be taken out of such of our woods as are nearest to our city of Oxford, and to be employed about the works for opening the river of Thames to our said city. Wherefore we require you to give order to our woodwards or other officers there to fell a convenient number of timber trees to make up the three score loads of timber in our said woods, and the same to deliver to such persons as the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint to receive it, as of our free gift, for and towards the finishing of the said works. Given under our Signet at our Palace of Westminster, the seventh day of March in the sixth year of our reign.
Sign Manual Seal ½ p. (125 38)
Sir Thomas Ersfeilde to Sir Julius Caesar
1608–9, March 7. Out of your kindness help me to a certain parcel of wood growing upon his Majesty's land in Sussex within one mile of my house. I will gladly give money to the uttermost value for it in respect of my provision for my house, because such commodities are scanty in our country. It is growing upon a parcel of land called Curtlandes containing 40 acres or thereabout in the tenure of a Hampshire gentleman (whose name I know not) dwelling far distant from the place where the wood is growing. Besides most of the chiefest timber is already marked for his Majesty's use, and certain tenants have common of fuel out of it yearly. Out of your special favour use some means by such courses as are best known to your wisdom that in regard it lies so near unto me and is so fitting for me, and in consideration of my great want thereof, that you will vouchsafe me your letter to the commissioners or Mr Marshall and Mr Gavell, the surveyors, that for my money I may have it before another. For which great kindness I will gratify your good lady with a velvet gown. Denn, this 7th March, 1608.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'Sir Tho. Eresfeld, kt, 7 March 1608, for a wood in Sussex from his Majesty.' and in another hand, 'If this gent will buy wood he must repair to the commissioners in the country.' 1 p. (125 40)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, March 8. The Spanish Ambassador and others come about for furtherance of the treaty. Three reasons for the Spaniards yielding trade to the Indies for the Hollanders: 1. They trade only to the place where they have footing, whereby they are hindered from further conquests. 2. Because they made more use of their prizes than they could of their trade. 3. Because they would go so weak that they might be intercepted. The jars betwixt the Pope and the Venetians. No opinion of the proceeding of that quarrel.
Abstract (227 p. 357)
George Margitts to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, March 9. According to your pleasure by your reference to the Lord Chief Baron and the rest of the Barons, I have attended them for their answers, who are departed without giving me other answer than this, that the same had been already referred to the Judges of the land by especial letters from his Majesty, whose Lordships took dislike therewith. Whereunto I made answer that it was not possible his Majesty could make any mention of that matter in his letters to them, in regard I never was nor never had been suitor to his Majesty for the same. Nevertheless whatsoever I could say or allege for myself according to the truth, yet could I get no other answer. Wherefore I pray that either out of your own power and goodness you would bestow the same upon me, according to the opinion of the Barons heretofore delivered for the King, which Mr Chancellor of the Exchequer has; or that instead of the Barons you would make the like reference unto his Majesty's learned counsel, for which I shall account myself most bound to you, being grieved I am enforced to be so troublesome to you herein, being likewise unwilling to let the same so slightly pass from me, having spent so long time therein: if it may stand with your good liking, otherwise I will altogether desist from further troubling you. 9 March, 1608.
Holograph ½ p. (125 41)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, March 9. When you see the scratches which I have made in the lines, and the idle and needless queries and notes I have scribbled in the margin of this book, I fear you will think I have forgotten that which I was taught when I was young, Praestat otiosum esse quam nihil agere. But whatsoever it is you must excuse me and take it to yourself, for you are the cause of it. If I had done nothing you would have blamed me: and for this I have done I will blame myself, unless you will excuse me. It may be when you see what wild notes I have made, it will move you to ask some questions of me, and therefore I do now send the book that you may consider of it, and at our next meeting either quarrel [with] me for that I have done, or else cancel and suppress it as not worth the remembering. 9 March, 1608.
Holograph Seal, broken 2/3 p. (125 42)
The Earl of Salisbury and Sir Julius Caesar to the King's woodward in the Bishopric of Durham
1608–9, March 9. They order the delivery to Thomas Murray, Master of the Hospital of Sherborne in that Bishopric, of 60 tons of timber out of the trees lately blown down in the woods of Chopwell and Brouncespeth, in that Bishopric: the same to be spent on the reparations of the Hospital. Court at Whitehall, 9 March, 1608.
Signed as above 1 p. (132 45)
Sir Roger Aston to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1608–9] March 9. Being commanded this forenoon to send a Groom of the Chamber to Wansover and Bettersaye to prepare his Majesty's hawking against tomorrow, by the said messenger I thought good to acquaint you with his Majesty's resolution, which is to be at Witt Hale tomorrow at night, and on Saturday to hunt a stag that lies about Soutteres Hill, if he can be found. If not, he will hunt a buck at Marrybone in the forenoon and be at the cockfighting in the afternoon. His Majesty has read this enclosed at his own leisure. This forenoon I took a fit occasion to speak something of that which passed from your Lordship the last day of your meeting with the city of London. His Majesty took kindly of all that passed from you and what it wrought in the minds of the auditors, with much more than I will write. That which you wrote concerning the ring was very pleasing and the party it concerned was presently made acquainted with it, and this is all I can write. For our sick hawk she is well and by all appearances will live. From Hamtton Court, the 9 of March [1608 added in a different handwriting].
Holograph Endorsed: '1608.' 1 p. (194 126)
Durham House
1608–9, March 10. Be it knowne unto all men by these presents that we, Sir William Bowyer, knight, Capten of his Mats Garrisson of Berwick, and James Burrell, of the same towne, S'veior of the Bridge, doe acknowledg ourselves to be owing and indebted unto Thomas Bradforth of the foresaid Berwick, Burger, the somme of thirty pounds lawfull mony of England, being for the cariage of 3000 foote of hard stone betwixt the Holy Iland and London. To be paid at the delivery of the said stones by Mr Thomas Willson, S [ecretary] to the right honerable the Lord High Threr of England. To the which payment well and trewly to be made as aforesaid to the said Thomas Bradforth or his assigns, we the said Sir William Bowyer, knight, and James Burrell doth bind us, our heirs, executors and assigns firmly by these presents. As witnesseth our hands and seals hereunto this Xth of Marche, 1608.'
Signed William Bowyer, James Burrell. Witnessed by Wiliam Acrigg, William Gregson. Seals Endorsed: 'Aprill the first, 1609. [? sum] paid for Barwick Stonne for the new buildings at Durham House.' 1 p. (206 54)
At the bottom of the page: 'Recd this first of Aprill, 1609, of Mr Rog. Houghton, Esqr, steward to the R. Hoble thearle of Salisburie. Lo. Ther of England, accordinge to the contents above wrytten, the said some of XXX1.' Signed Thomas Bradforth.
1608–9, March 11. Patent by the King with regard to the Queen's lease of the imposition upon the white or Muscovado sugars, and Saint Thome or Paneles sugars, indemnifying her for certain abatements made by the new impositions. Westminster, March 11, 6 Jac.
Seal 1 m. (220 1)
The enclosure: Copy of warrant to the farmers of the subsidies of poundage and tonnage to pay to Sir William Ryder certain moneys in respect of the above matter. Westminster, January 18, 6 Jac. 1609. 1 m.
James Burrell to Thomas Wilson
1608–9, March 12. The 3000 foot of stones for my Lord Treasurer is shipped according to your directions. They are broached and pitched of square as the like stones were usually sent from hence. But you shall receive, God willing, by this bearer a piece of the stone as the workmen in these parts can work them, because you may better perceive the colour of the stone before you make any more workmanship of them, which with polishing or glazing (as with you they may be done) will be very fair, and will with going upon after they be laid be better in sight and look fairer. The workmen allege they have had a very hard bargain of them, considering the chargeable winning of them within the full sea mark, and the carriage of them by land, which is also troublesome. The number of the stones is—735 stones of 14 inches square make 1000 foot: 563 stones of 16 inches square make 1000 foot; and 445 stones of 18 inches square do amount to 1000 foot; so the whole stones will contain 60 tons accounting 50 foot to the ton, which will be 10s the ton, for they could not be gotten better cheap. I sent you a piece of a stone polished by post long since within a little box, that you might have letten my Lord see it. The said stone is newly discovered in a place of my Lord Northumberland's grounds; but I fear me it came not to your hands because I did not understand of the receipt thereof. It is within 3 miles of the sea and a port where it may be shipped, and when it is polished it looks like a 'gete' colour. At this instant they are winning of stones at the same quarry for my Lord Chamberlain, and they will fall out, as I hear, to be 'cultoms,' table stones or flagg for paving. I would have written oftener but referred the certifying of you to Sir William Bowyer. We have got of the merchant so much money as has made clear for the charges of the stone. If he have any occasion with your Lord, I pray you stand him in stead and do him some favour. Berwick, this 12 of March, 1608.
Holograph 1 p. (125 44)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608–9] March 12. I have received your letters and render humble thanks for the same. I will forbear all compliments, but be assured of the unchangeable truth of my heart unto you. I have thought it no ways amiss but rather agreeing with my duty to acquaint you with that which is past concerning Balmerinoc, and the rather that I do well know when the storm blows in that errand you will be as I am, a large partner of the extremity of the tempest. For it is not many days since a letter came written from the hands of one near to the Queen's Majesty, assuring that if death and wrack befel Balmerinoc the Queen would keep it in her heart upon you and me so long as she lived in this world. This letter do I keep to show unto you as it pleases God that we meet together. My Lord, all this has not moved me, for I will keep that course which I know you are so well resolved in, that is to serve his Majesty faithfully so long as we breathe in this world without regard of the evil that may come that way, so long as it shall never be justly deserved. And for my own part I will say, and I hope you will do the like, when I ever give her Majesty just cause of offence then let his Majesty punish me without sparing: and if her displeasure grow without any reason or ground, and but only for doing his Majesty faithful service, then I must have recourse to his Majesty's gracious and good nature and to his justice to do in this point for us both. But only in the constancy of his favour [is] that which may both encourage us to go on in our intended course and breed himself augmentation of honour in the world. So far am I from any distrust of his Majesty's gracious nature that I have the more boldly gone on in the course of Balmerinoc's trial according to the command and direction it pleased his Majesty to give me, and, my Lord, he is convicted by a jury of most noble and honourable men of high treason in all the points of his indictment. I have sent you enclosed the extract shortly and brief of his conviction. You will think it a very hard sentence, most foul and heinous, and yet just and agreeable to the laws and statutes of this realm. His life, his inheritance is all in his Majesty's hand, to be disposed according to his pleasure, and what shall please his Majesty to command me I shall see performed, God willing, without respect to the offending of any. I will not trouble you with information what difficulties I have had in this errand, but surely I have to my great grief found more than I could have imagined. Now it rests in his Majesty's hand to resolve upon his further pleasure, and although the offence be most heinous, for my own part I do rather incline to mercy than to rigour in taking his life, and I know so does your Lordship. Yet it will not be believed of some but that we are both thirsters for his blood; always whatever is in this kind it must come by other men's 'yen' [eyes] either from you or from me or not at all. For neither have we power neither yet does it become us to presume to meddle with his Majesty in a business of so high a nature. Only this I wish with my heart, that what his Majesty does resolve to be done may be done with as little delay as may be. For in such a matter as this is, the lingering of resolution will not fail to beget evil opinions in many, and make things to receive more hard constructions than can be to his Majesty's good liking. You will give me leave to trouble you yet little more. When the process of Balmerinoc comes to his Majesty's hands, it is very like that his Majesty will have it to be published in print. There is in it the Lord Balmerinoc's confession, which, of necessity, must be set down in the process: before ever it be published I wish with all my heart that the sending of letters to cardinals may either be known and understood to be clearly without his Majesty's knowledge, or then that this part of his confession may be suppressed when the rest is published. And till his Majesty in his great wisdom resolve what to do, I have given order here to the Justice Clerk upon his duty and allegiance that no extract or copy of the process be given to any living without his Majesty's warrant under his own hand. That which makes me so secret in this point is some question that I have had with men here, so that it makes me to think that if it go abroad it will be snatched at, and I wish such occasion to be eschewed. So, noble Lord, this being a posted letter written in haste, I pray you pardon me for being so troublesome. Edinburgh, the 12 of March.
Holograph Endorsed by Salisbury: '18 (sic) Martii 1608. The Erl of Dunbarr to me.' 4 pp. (125 47)
Thomas Thomson to Thomas Wilson
1608–9, March 13. I received a letter from Sir John Leveson this last week concerning two points: one, your continual opinion of a debt to be due from me to his Lordship of 431; the second, concerning the great quantity of stones which I have.
1. For allowance of the former my conscience bears me record, whatsoever otherwise you judge of me, that I have made unto you at particular times a true and honest account of whatsoever I have received or paid for his Lordship's use in this business which I underwent. Yet in that my wits may easily fail me, not being accustomed to pass any accounts in this kind, if you will return me those 8 particular accounts which I protest I have not and which I severally passed unto you under my hand—for I understand there is one of the number wanting which I have sent you, which should be 9—I will so fully satisfy you as there shall not anything be wanting. For if I have those 8 again, I shall the more easier find where the defect is. But if you desire I should make you another general account for the farther trial of my honesty herein, though in such a particular sort as you now have them, I cannot—I nothing doubt but that if upon this my last account it shall appear to you that anything shall be due unto me, you will be as well content without suspicion of fraudulent dealing on my part towards his Lordship, to make me satisfaction herein, as I am free from any suspicion of you towards me for demanding an after account of me for a remaining debt to his Lordship as I suppose.
2. Concerning the stones, because it shall appear unto you how willing I am to forego them again, if you will send down him that has made this report of them, he shall with all my heart be the receiver, my money being allowed me again which I paid for them, and my other charges which they cost to bring home: finding a far more harsh conclusion of this so troublesome a business than I suspected or deserved. Cant [erbury ?], 13 March, 1608.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (125 52)
John Hercy to Sir Julius Caesar
1608–9, March 14. Upon survey of the King's manor of Charing, co. Kent, the great house called the Palace, now in the occupation of Sir Nicholas Gilbourne, kt, by letters patent under the great Seal, amongst the rest was by me and other commissioners surveyed, together with a tower adjoining to the old hall there, wherein are three floorings very much ruinated and without speedy repair by allowance from his Majesty will fall to the ground, the said lessee not being bound by his lease to repair the same. The charge in workmanship only will amount unto 20 marks at least, besides the timber, which may be conveniently taken in his Majesty's woods in Charing called Hookwood and Westbrook now in the occupation of Sir Nicholas: and 6 ton of timber will scarcely suffice the repair thereof. 14 March, 1608.
Holograph ½ p. (125 53)
Sir Roger Aston to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1608–9, March 14.] Yesternight I received these enclosed and this morning got them signed, which I send your Lordship by the conveniency of the bearer. The note I send here enclosed must be written in Ranson [?'s] letter. I have nothing to write. His Majesty goes this night to Atlanes and returns hither on Friday at night, and will hunt at Marrybone on Saturday. Yesterday our French 'Marcoues' took his leave. From Hamtton Court this Wednesday.
Holograph Endorsed: '14 March, 1608. Sr Roger Aston to my Lord.' ½ p. (194 127)
[Between the folds of this letter is a scrap of paper with the words: 'votre bien bon ami.']
Mr Finet
1608–9, March 15. Points of my letter to Mr Finet by my Lord's [Salisbury's] command, 15 March, 1608.
1. The receipt of Dr Lister's letter, 13th March. Thanks for the same.
2. His relation of my Lord of Cranborne's journey with the King to St Germans, commended by my Lord for the particularities, and so honourable as he will cause the King to take knowledge of it.
3. For his health, that he is troubled with pain of his head, he leaves that to God's protection and to Dr Lyster's care.
4. Whereas the Master of Ceremonies is appointed to visit him, and one of the Scots Guard to attend him, care to be had that in matter of gratuity they should rather incline to honourable bounty than sparingness.
5. To be wary in dispraising anything, and to take heed of being entrapped by any of the French, who will boldly speak with liberty of their King, of divers great ones, and other matters: which he must take heed to approve, but rather let his speech and discourse tend to praises than otherwise.
6. To have regard to his exercises.
7. That he is too sparing of his own pen. That he looks every ten days for a letter.
Probably in the hand of Thomas Wilson Endorsed: 'Points of letters by my Lord's direction to Paris.' 1 p. (127 12)
Richard Whillock to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, March 15. Late servant to Lord Cranborne, and late keeper of the Earl's woods in Hoddesdon. For help. Receipt for 5l appended. 15 March, 1608.
1 p. (P. 1844)
Henry Spiller to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, March 16. This brief memorial I now received, which I presume to present to you from him that has vowed his uttermost service to you.
Myself am so many ways bound for your favours unto me, which I have found and am daily informed of, I must acknowledge your goodness and good opinion of me the best portion I enjoy in this world. I find moreover that extraordinary means want not to possess his Majesty of my 'amisse,' and how your Lordship is daily pressed by Felton's exclamation to give hearing to what he informs against me. The consideration hereof begets fear in me, not out of any guilt in my misdoing, but that his Majesty (to whom my service is unknown) may either deem me unfit of the place wherein I serve under you, or that amongst so many to whom Felton liberally traduces me any one should dare to tax you in my protection. I therefore again beseech you to take hearing of the cause, or that some other of my Lords (with the King's Council if thought fit by you) may examine me therein. So shall you find just cause to continue or withdraw your countenance hitherunto showed me. Howsoever I submit both myself and my cause to your consideration: and having laid to my heart the especial favours already received from you, it shall be part of my testament to enjoin my children to pray for yours and your posterity's honour. 16 March, 1608.
Holograph Seal, broken ½ p. (125 54)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, March 19. I will not trouble your Lordship tonight with relation of what we have done at Hattfeld, the cause of my writing being about another matter; only I will say this that in one matter of the bricks we have made a bargain by the great that will save you a thousand marks of that would have been spent therein if we had proceeded as last year. And yet we pay dear for them, 11s 6d a thousand to be delivered at the building, and they to fetch their wood out of Hattfeld Wood and to pay 6s 8d a load being ready made and cleft, or 5s unmade.
You know how one Mr Boyd, a Scottishman, has a grant of the materials of Hartford Castle for which the town is about to make a petition to the King that it may be recalled, alleging that they have no place for assize and sessions and term when occasion serves. I lay there the last night in the company of one of my wife's brothers, Mr Mewtis, who was persuaded by some of the townsmen to buy the gatehouse and the tower of Mr Boyd, if needs the rest must be demolished, and to let them stand for the beauty and ornament of the town. My brother, having had speech about it and partly agreed upon price, offered it to me, saying that if I could get either a lease or fee-farm of the ground within the walls, which is but two acres and a half, besides the ditches, he would buy the gatehouse and the tower and let it stand and give it his sister, my wife. I told him I durst not meddle with it, being your servant, albeit I have yet never a house to hide my head. Then he willed me to procure it in his name. The matter is of very small value when it shall be all filled with rubbish by pulling down the building. Yet it is valued, as I hear by a late survey, at 6l a year rent, at which rate if you will be pleased to let my brother have it, I shall have it after from him and will make of it a convenient house to dwell in within four miles of Hattfeld, where I will cause my wife to reside that I may have the oftener occasion to look to your service there, and also attend it the better here when my wife shall not be so near as now she is, which is an occasion of my often absence from your house. It is Duchy, and the Chancellor will be willing to grant it to my brother if it stands with your pleasure. Salsb: Howse, 19 March, 1608.
Holograph 1 p. (194 130)
Henry Bankes to Thomas Wilson
1608–9, March 19. Concerning Sir John Gibson. They will have more conference at their meeting, for he is so jealous over any that shall offer to treat with him of the precentorship as if they asked him after his life. The estate of the tenement appertaining to Yorkes House is in Sir John Bennett's hands from Mr Coppinger, with whom Wilson may treat conveniently. York, 19 March, 1608.
1 p. (P. 2159)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, March 22. The death of the Duke of Cleves, with the several titles. The Count of St. Paul passed privately by to go in devotion to Sichem, with whom the Princes not well pleased because he omitted to visit them. The priests and Jesuits at a jar in Ireland.
Abstract (227 p. 358)
John Finet to Thomas Wilson
1608–9, March 22/April 1. For want of better I send you the worst matter that may be: two libels newly flown out of some devilish malicious invention against the great man of this State. One is of a new town of his founding, and, as his libeller will have it, of his policing; the other upon the little pamphlet I lately sent you intituled L' abrege de la vie du Roy Henri 4. If the mischievous libertine tongues of this gambolling nation were not more saucy with their own eminentest superiors, than the freest and fearlessest stranger dares to be even with his equal, I should think it my fault to copy out others; but where vice is a fashion, if I do not follow it, am I a monster to describe it? Absit! Paris, 1 April stilo novo, 1609
Holograph Seal ½ p. (125 55)
Viscount Cranborne to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608–9] March 22. He understands by letters from Mr Wilson to Mr Finnet that Salisbury is offended because he writes no oftener. He sent his excuses in his last letter. The King affords him every day especial grace, when he sees him riding at the Tuilleries. Sends this by Mr Finch, Salisbury's servant. Paris, 22 March.
Holograph Endorsed: '1608.' 1 p. (228 25)
Sir Thomas Smith to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[1608–9] March 23. I cannot write much at this present, being somewhat enfeebled by the straight course of physic whereinto the physicians have put me, upon strong confidence (as they would have me to conceive) of my recovery. But I most humbly pray you both to think favourably of the suit which I caused to be made unto you of late, for the granting of my pension of 1001 a year to my poor son after me, and to give it your furtherance with his Majesty, whose bounty in this, as well as in whatsoever else I have received of him, I will to the uttermost of my power endeavour to deserve. And if God shorten my days, I hope it shall not seem an overchargeable suit of his poor servant that has desired nothing more than to do his Majesty service. But what do I speak of any desert of mine? It is only the goodness of his Majesty whereunto I appeal, and your favour to be the means for me in this, which (howsoever it shall please God to dispose of me) will give me great comfort by carrying such a mark of my sovereign's goodness to me. 23 March.
Holograph Endorsed: '23 March, 1608.' 1 p. (125 56)
Lord Haddington to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, March 24. I moved you before in behalf of Captain Lee about the controversy between him and one Pratt, a merchant, that you would leave them to the law, especially for that the matter in question concerns covenants and bonds; notwithstanding, it pleased you to be informed of the true estate of the business. These are to entreat you to refer the consideration thereof to some of his Majesty's auditors, who best of all understand and can certify the truth of accounts, and not to merchants or citizens who appear to be no indifferent censurers between a gentleman and a merchant. From Charterhouse where I remain being scarce 'currant', otherways I should have attended myself, this 24 of March, 1608.
Signed Endorsed: 'The Lo. Hadington to my Lord in behalf of Gilbert Lee.' 2/3 p. (125 57)
[King James] to the [Bishop of —]
[? 1608–9, before March 25] Where we have caused you to be moved by some of our council to take charge of the education of the young Lord Mordaunt, (fn. 1) that in his youth he be not corrupted with evil opinions in religion, an office which the prelates of this realm have usually heretofore taken upon them, and you have readily yielded to do; we are now to require you that whensoever our cousin, the Earl of Salisbury, Master of our Wards, shall send the said Lord Mordaunt to you, that you take him into your hands and employ your care for his education in all good parts fit for a person of his degree, and especially in matter of religion. And for such charge as you shall be at, we have taken order with the Master of our Wards for the defraying of it. Undated
Unsigned Endorsed (in a modern hand): '1608.' ½ p. (126 119)
River Lea
1609, March 26. Privy seal appointing Robert Leigh and others to take charge of preserving the game, as well of venery as of falconry, in certain places along the river of Lea, Middlesex: also to maintain the gates and gravel well the bridges in such manner as shall be thought well by the Commissioners of Sewers. Palace of Westminster, 26 March, 7 Jac.
Contemporary copy 2 pp. (213 58)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
[1609, March 28]. Touching the affairs of Cleves. The conclusion of the treaty expected. The Archduke offended with the States at Antwerp for suffering many to come to their sermons, and feeding the poor with flesh in Lent.
Abstract (227 p. 358)
Sir Francis Stonor to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1609, March 30. It seems by your letters you are informed I have not observed my Lord Knowles as behoves me in this service. I advertised him of the commission, beseeching his direction for my proceeding, not only within the honor of Neweelme but throughout this county. Since his coming I acquainted him with your special direction to be observed towards him, whereunto he said I had behaved towards him as well as he could desire; therefore I hope he is very well satisfied of my proceeding. Stonor, 30 March, 1609.
PS.—I have not yet seen his Majesty's woods at Ockingham, or spoken with anyone for the sale of any tree there. After I have been there I will certify you my opinion, and in the meantime forbear to sell. In these parts I first sell to such as want for their own use, which I tell them proceeds from your consideration that they be not enforced to buy at second or third hand.
Signed 1 p. (127 14)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury
1609, March 31. We have not been unmindful of this business. (fn. 2) We have sought out divers toys whereupon conceits are ministered, yet doth not the town afford such plenty as we expected. The parties require more money to buy them. I tell them they shall have money, and being trifles it skills not much. The design is to have three persons only actors, according to your conceit. The first shall represent the keeper, who from the stair foot to the place of show shall give entertainment by familiar speech, in discoursing upon the place and what it is, and what it is not, thereupon taking occasion to tax the divers idle comments that have been upon it since it was begun, which doubtless the King has heard of: and by this time he shall be come to the place. At the first opening, they would have loud music of cornets and such like, to erect the more the intendment. Then the other two personati shall begin to play their mountebank tricks, first in talking one to another after their fashion, and then to discourse upon and to distribute their trifles, wherein they desire to know the best and most of the best that should be there. Whilst these toys are in hand they would have the mountebank to have a vizard as they use to have, and all this while those things of price to be covered with curtains. When their turn comes to be spoken of, he shall unmask as a merchant that sells not merces adulterinas, and then make such a presentment of them as the things and persons deserve. This is shortly the subject which according to your invention they have framed theirs, and promise (as fathers that are most in love with their youngest child) to make it an admirable and pleasing spectacle. The conclusion they would have with soft music and a song in the middle window next Duresm Yard, as the King shall return that way. Salisbury House, 31 March, 1609.
Holograph 1 p. (195 100)
Lord Balmerino
[1608–9, March.] 'The whole persons of Assize all in one voice find and declare James, Lord of Balmerinoth, to be guilty of the treasonable, surreptitious, fraudulent and false stealing of his Majesty's hand to the letter specified in the 'dittay' without his Majesty's knowledge, and contrary his Majesty's declared will: and of the treasonable affixing of his Majesty's signet to the said false letter: and assisting known professed Papists in their treasonable courses to the danger of subversing of religion, of overthrow of all true professors thereof, and drawing his Majesty's life, estate, crown of this realm, with his right of succession to the Crown of England, in most extreme peril, and bringing most false and scandalous imputations to his Majesty, both in point of honour and religion, and of art and part of the whole treasonable crimes above written at length contained in the 'dittay' above specified.
½ p. (82 101)
Patrick Comyng to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[1608–9] March. Though in the last business has been much mistaking, yet if my ability were in any measure restored I would do you better service than all that matter was supposed to be worth. Vouchsafe first to make it known to his Majesty by writing or word, and also grant that I may procure his Highness's letter unto your Lordship that the office of the Marshal of the Exchequer (which is now upon sale) pass not by private paction without his Majesty's or your knowledge; which I crave may be made known by some message from you to Mr Lambert in King Street, Westminster, who at this instant is substitute for an annual rent to Mr Fulkes the patentee; and that my friend Mr Thorold, for whom I formerly moved you, may be preferred before any other, who is worthy of the place and ready to give satisfaction to the aged possessor as far as any other shall. Undated.
Holograph Seal, broken Endorsed: 'March 1608. Patrick Comyng to my Lord. For the usher's place in the Exchequer.' ½ p. (125 73)
Sir Robert Wingfield to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
[1608–9, March] As I know your Lordship is so just that you will not countenance out any man, much less a servant of yours, in an ill action, so am I assured your favour shall never forsake any your meanest follower when overpressed with wrong. My suit is that when you shall be truly informed of the truth of our cause and the quality of our infamous accuser, that you would let me enjoy my liberty, putting in sufficient bail to answer it whensoever you command my attendance. Undated.
PS.—In respect I do not know with what tales they have possessed your Lordship and the rest of the Council, I have set down the whole truth of the matter in as short a manner as I could. The occasion of our supping together was in respect we came all with Mr Bridges (that is now dead) to town. When we had supped Sir William Dyer, Mr Lambert, Mr Dyer, Mr Forest and myself, with one footman who carried a torch, parted from the rest of the company towards our lodgings; and going through Smithfield to bring Mr Lambert to his lodging we were entreated by Sir William Dyer to drink a cup of wine before we parted; and so walking towards the tavern our light went out. Seeing a light in Morgan's house we knocked there to have lighted our own, who railing at us out of his window came down, opened the door and withal cried, Shoot them! shoot them! Whereupon Mr Lambert and myself coming in first I fell into a trap door which he caused to be set open; the man and the woman of the house fell upon him; I recovering myself out of the trap door saw the maid of the house run at Lambert behind his back with a spit, which I took out of her hand and therewith broke his head. Thereupon they cried out murder, the watchmen came to the door, we kept them out a quarter of an hour saying they should not enter till the constable came; and as soon as he spake to us we laid by our weapons, suffered them to come in, who as soon as they were entered bound our hands, beat us and so carried us to prison.
Holograph Two seals over red silk Endorsed: 'March, 1608.' 1 p. (125 75)
Sir David Murray to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, March] His Highness has perused your letter, and desires that you may come before one of clock with your pictures, and if there be not time enough to discourse here, that want may be supplied in his coming to Whitehall to the sermon; or if you have any business to hinder your journey, that you may send my Lord of Arundel as deputy to set forth the praise of your pictures. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'March, 1609.' 1 p. (127 15)
Lord Knollys to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609, March] Finding, since my coming into the country, my reputation touched by a commission granted to Sir Francis Stonor for sale of the King's woods in my charge, I beseech you know that as I am steward of the honor of Ewelme and divers manors about me, so am I by patent woodward of the King's woods belonging to those manors; and if I had not withstood warrants of good authority heretofore, the King had had a small quantity to sell at this time. I do not mean to hinder the intended sale, but will further it all I may; neither do I desire the commission to be altered; only I pray you write to Sir Francis Stonor that he sell no woods in my charge without my advice or direction, which being done, I will leave the execution of the commission to him, and will give him the best furtherance I can.
Sunning is a royal manor in Berkshire, fit to be put into the entail. May it please you that a 'quillett' called Ayr and Dunsdon, being 4 or 5 small copyholds and a little farm in Oxfordshire, may be left out of the entail, being no part of the manor of Sunning, though annexed thereto. Undated
Holograph Endorsed: 'March, 1609.' 1 p. (127 16)


  • 1. Henry 4th Lord Mordaunt died 13 February, 1608–9.
  • 2. The opening of 'Britain's Burse.'