Cecil Papers: January 1609

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1970.

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'Cecil Papers: January 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612, ed. G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp1-12 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: January 1609', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Edited by G Dyfnallt Owen( London, 1970), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp1-12.

"Cecil Papers: January 1609". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 21, 1609-1612. Ed. G Dyfnallt Owen(London, 1970), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol21/pp1-12.

January 1609

Sir James Deane and others to the Earl of Salisbury
[1609 or earlier] Are creditors of John Hunt, William Pointer and William Nevell, who have obtained protection on untrue suggestions. Pray that the protections be not renewed, and that they may have remedy for their debts. Undated
1 p. (P.751)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, pp. 162, 537.]
Court Plate
1608–9, January 1. 'A note of all such plate which was received from Mr Whitekers at Court at Newyearestyd last 1608 as followeth:
Gilt Plate
One ffaire Basen & Ewer frome Serjaunt Phillips wayinge 180oz di.
One ffaire standing Boule and Cover from Mr Atturney of the Wards 74oz.
One other ffaire standing Boule and Cover from . . . wayinge 63oz.
One other standing Boule & Cover from Mr Spiller wayinge 59oz di.
[Marginal note: sould to Mr Prescott in liew of other plate bought of him].
One other standing Boule & Cover from Sir Henry Fanshawe wayinge 55oz di.
One other standinge Boule & Cover from the Bushopp of Winchester wayinge 39oz.
One standing Boule & Cover from the Warden of the Ffleete wayinge 41oz di. [Marginal note: laid by for my Ld. Francis for ye like which was taken of her plate].
One standing Boule & Cover from the Bushopp of Durham wayinge 33oz.
One Boule & Cover from Mr. Angell wayinge 16oz qr.
One Chaffeinge dyshe gilt wayght 61oz 3 qrs.
Whyte Plate
One Basen & Ewer plaine frome Sir Francis Wooley wayinge 78oz di.
[Marginal note: this bason wt 48oz di was sold to Mr. Prescott with an old ewer wt 18oz qr, and ye new ewer was deliverd instid of ye old waying more by 12oz than ye old ewer did].
One ffruit Dishe frome the Surveyor of the outports wayinge 32oz 3 qrs.
One fyere shovell frome the farmor of the Sea Coalle wayinge 144oz.
And one paire of tongues wayinge 109oz di.
Theis are all entred in the plate booke.
Endorsed: "Plate Received of Mr Whitekers from Court which was given to yor Ho; at Newyearstyde last 1608." 1 p. (143 149)
Thomas Wilson to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 1. Encloses letter from Mr Holt, Lancashire, as to a wardship. With respect to the charge of bricks at Hatfield. The intention is now to burn them with sea coal instead of wood. New Year's first night, 1608.
1 p. (P. 2418)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, January 4. Owen carried in the Spanish Ambassador's coach to the Court, at which our Ambassador took exceptions, and the Spanish Ambassador finding the gross error he had therein committed promised he would do so no more. Order for 300,000 crowns, part of the promised million: their allowance according to the rate of 100,000 crowns by the month. Don Rodrigo de Flores, a Spanish captain, Knight of St Jaques, of the best estimation for his sufficiency of any of his nation at Brussels, slain by a porter as he pressed to enter in with other company to a marriage.
Abstract (227 p. 355)
James Hyll to the Privy Council
1608–9, January 5/15. Meeting by chance the bearer hereof, the secretary of the company of Elbing, have I burdened him with these my lines unto your Honours. I have in three former letters given certification of my desires, as also did write of late unto his Majesty by one William Sorner, a Suff[olk] gent[leman], who gave himself here out for a knight, and for country's cause I did supply all his needful wants: but he contrary to all honesty sold these letters for 100 dollars to the Swedish Ambassadors, who then lay at the city of Wismer in Meakelburge, to entreat of divers controversies betwixt the King of Denmark and him. He invented many other forged letters that I held great correspondence with the King of Denmark and Duke Julricke, his brother, the Sweden enemies, and although these former letters concerned nothing the King of Sweden, only offering my service unto your Honours, if it was to aquit me of my rest which amounteth in the 17,0001 [? 27,0001], I know not, did King Charles openly aver the receipt of my letters, call me a traitor and seized all I had, and reported to all strange princes I held with those that were his greatest enemies, and hath written to Duke Charles of Meakleburge and Duke John they should arrest me. But they, having advices of my innocency and perceiving the means hereby to cut off my rest, gave me free choice to stay or depart out of their land, either to serve them in that my wife is mistress of the maids to Duke John's princes. The loss of the 27,0001 grieves me nothing at all, but the loss of my honour grieves me to the very soul, for in these 18 years' travels have I set my life to many adventures to enlarge the same. I have wished King Charles so much good as unto my own soul; and, my Lords, seeing the dishonour is not particular to me alone, but it toucheth the honour of my whole nation, is therefore my entreaty unto you to protect me as one of his Majesty's poorest vassals. I will stay here until Easter to see and hear what they can lay against my charge. Three times before was I committed and released, not finding the least cause against me; and although the King of Poland offered me 100,000 ducats to serve him, did I inform King Charles of the same, showing my fidelity. Although all my desires are to see my native soil, and serve my sovereign King in my old years, do I perceive poverty will hinder the same. And thus in haste I beseech your Honours to consider of these rude lines and maintain the honour of a soldier. From the city of Wismer in Meakelburge, 15 January, 1609.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (126 149)
James Hyll to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 5/15. The bearer hereof, Thomas Lordinge, secretary unto the English company of Elbinge, travelling through the dukedom of Meakelburge, 'met I him by chance, could do no less, in regard I have made proof oft and many times before of his fidelity,' as to write to you. I entreat you to give him credit in that time will not permit me, and to grace me with your letters, after which received I shall be always ready hereafter to serve. From the city of Wismer, hastily, 15 January, 1608 [sic].
Holograph Seal ½ p. Endorsed: '15 Jan. 1608.' (126 150)
The date of the letter has been altered from 1609 to 1608
Middleton Mill, co. Northampton
1608–9, January 9. Certificate by Sir Robert Wingfield, Supervisor of the manor, and Edward Watson, Steward, as to the King's windmill in Middleton, co. Northampton. The mill was blown down on Christmas Eve last, whereby his Majesty's tenants in Cottingham and Middleton are forced to go to foreign places for their grinding, and the farmer of the mill is disabled to pay his rent. Some trees out of Rockingham Forest are prayed for to re-edify the same. The particular pieces of timber required in a mill are specified. 9 Jan. 6 Jac 1.
1 p. (132 47)
Lord Haryngton to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 11. I understand that a second commission of survey is directed forth to certify what timber and decayed oaks may be spared to be sold within the forest of Leighfeild. I know the King's occasions may urge your Lordship greatly to make money of anything fit to be sold, and I have no thought to hinder your purposes. The most, best and oldest timber trees in the forest stand in the coppices of late years sold, so as they cannot be felled without great hurt to the underwoods. The decaying oaks for the most part stand on the roads, which if they be felled will greatly deface the forest. The other trees within the quarters are so thinly set, as if many be felled it will greatly hinder the deer and not leave sufficient browse for them. Besides if you sell the timber in Lawndwoods also (which is divided from the forest, but with a pale only), it will much hinder the sale of both, for the country will be soon glutted if there be sale in both at one time. From Kewe, 11 January, 1608.
Holograph ½ p. (126 145)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, January 11. The Spanish Ambassador, with whom Sir Thomas Edmondes had treaty, wondered that Don Pedro de Cunniga should so mistake himself, from whom they received the assurances that his Majesty would undertake the procuring of a simple truce, and said that it was muy ruincosa to be an Ambassador. The Archduke's confessor directed to treat in Spain with the Council of the Inquisition (called the Council of Conscience) to bring the King of Spain to join in the treaty upon pretence of advancing thereby the Catholic cause. The Spanish Ambassador of opinion his Majesty will never yield. Agreement of a meeting betwixt the Commissioners at Antwerp. A quarrel wherein all the Court was interested between the Count Octavio Viscount, chief Chamberlain in absence of Don Rodrigo de Lasso, and the Count of Brouay, premier escuyer, taken by the Archduke; both Italians, therefore irreconcilable.
Abstract (227 p. 356)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Henry Hobart
1608–9, January 12. Concerning Mr Kingsmill's lease of certain coppices in the forest of Chirk in Hampshire, and whether he has power to cut them down. The matter is referred to the Attorney-General for consideration. Whitehall, 12 January, 1608.
Signed Seal ½ p. (126 147)
John Jude to [the Earl of Salisbury?]
1608–9, January 14. Understanding from Mr. Wright of the conveniency of this conveyance for England, we could not omit to represent our duties to your Worship.
There is not at this present any breath of news stirring in this Court. The confessor is not yet dispatched for Flanders, upon whose success is thought to depend the crisis of this great negotiation.
Some few days since was an extraordinary presence at the Council of State, the King assisting in person. The general rumour sends a report that the session was about the affairs of Flanders, that 70 or 80 captains were appointed, some for Flanders others for the Indies.
The complaints of merchants still increase. At present here is one Mr Pitts, brother to him of the Receipt, whose man is imprisoned and his goods embarked for bringing false brass money into these countries. The quantity of his goods amounts not to above 14,000 or 16,000 rialls. Two other merchants, John Elsey and Richard Bespicke, are imprisoned for the same matter and have goods seized to the value of 200,000 rialls. They are all, according to the declaration of Mr Pitts, most clear.
My Lord [Cornwallis] opposes his authority in this business and we doubt not but to have present redress in the matter. Madrid, the 14th of January, 1608 sti. vet.
PS.—By letters of December my Lord understands a prolongation of his stay for another year. Sir Anto. Sherley parted alone some six days since by one of the clock in the morning, no man knows whither.
The Ambassador who has been here now some months in name of the Archduke Mathias was this last week admitted to his place in chapel and to the King's presence for Ambassador of the King of Hungary.
Holographpp. (194 107)
Matthew Brunninge to Thomas Wilson
1608–9, January 14/24. Acknowledges his obligations to Wilson. Begs answer to his letters sent by Mr Adrian Tibault, and since by St. Sebns [San Sebastian] of the 7th present. Will be glad to know how Wilson will dispose of him if my Lord [Cornwallis] stay another year. Fears Wilson is displeased with him, as he has not heard from him since July. Offers services. Madrid, 24 January, 1609 stilo novo.
Holograph 1 p. (195 97)
Sir Thomas Lake to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 17. I have nothing to trouble you with by commandant from his Majesty. Having the opportunity of this bearer, I thought it my duty to advertise you of the receipt of your letters yesterday about noon, and that his Majesty being made acquainted therewith was very well pleased with the apprehension of the party mentioned therein and with your vigilancy. I received at the same time direction from his Majesty for a bill to be made for 1000l to be given to one Benjamyn Rudiard out of his Majesty's moiety reserved upon the grant of old debts made to Sir Stephen Lesieur. The party in his petition had demanded 1500l, but his Majesty restrained it to 1000l. The suit, I perceive, was moved by my Lord Hay, and the reason his Highness delivered to me was that he had been with his Majesty in Scotland, and showed his good will in the Queen's time. The gentleman, I hear, is a follower of my Lord Lieles, and otherwise I know not. At the same time I received like order from his Majesty for a like grant of 500l to Mrs Middlemore, one of the Queen's maids, at the suit of Sir Robert Carre, the King's Majesty withal giving many good words of her. I thought it fit to advertise you of these suits because I see they grow frequent out of opinion that there is a better order taken for the recovery of their debts than has been. My poor opinion is that his Majesty were remembered not to make them promiscuous to everybody that will seek, but to reserve his own moiety to such as he has more especial cause to respect, for that which has hitherto moved his Highness to be so easy in making grants of those, has been an opinion that they were little profitable to the party. There be many here that are attentive to the begging of his Majesty's part, among others Sir John Drommond, who having a grant before of 3000l, with reservation of a moiety to his Majesty, now seeks that moiety also. From the Court at Royston, this 17 January, 1608.
Holograph Sealpp. (194 108)
Lord Aubigny to the Earl of Salisbury
[1608–9, January 18.] His Majesty granted me by your favour a warrant for 1000l, which I have delivered to you. I have counselled with my friends to offer unto you such parcels as I have collected according to the tenor of the said warrant, of which I beseech you to give order to the auditor to deliver the particulars to you. I doubt not but that having examined them and found them to be within the compass of the warrant, you will be pleased to allow them.
PS.—This bearer, Mr Hadzor, will inform you more particularly of that which I cannot nor dare importune you by my letters, being one whom I employ in this service.
Holograph French Seal Endorsed: '1608' 1 p. (126 96)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–1610, p. 489]
William Kirkham to Sir Julius Caesar
1608–9, January 19. My son came to me this morning and told me that he had been with you about the discharge and composition of my fine, and said that you would do nothing therein without my consent in writing under my hand. He was very importunate with me to write to you, and at his request I have sent you my letter by him. But since, having well considered what he should mean, and that you should do it rather upon some honourable respect and regard of me to refuse to do it without my consent, I have therefore presumed to trouble you with these lines thereby to express my thankfulness of your care had of my good, as also to beseech you to signify to me whether and whereupon it was that you did make that motion to my son of having my consent, lest my son might be drawn by some ill advice to do that which might greatly turn to my prejudice. I therefore beseech you that if you have any suspicion therein you will have that honourable care that nothing may be done therein but to my good and the working of my present enlargement, for I would be loath in these my aged years to subject myself to the servitude of my son. 19 January, 1608.
Holograph Endorsed: '9 (sic) January, 1608. Mr William Kirkham to Mr Chancellor.' 1 p. (194 111)
William Kirkham to Sir Julius Caesar
1608–9, January 20. Pardon me in being thus troublesome, but so great is my grief by these ever reviving troubles that neither day nor night I can take any rest until your Honour has yielded me some relief and comfort. Yesternight since I wrote to you comes Mr Herunden, the counsellor of Lincoln's Inn, to the Fleet, and told me that Sir Ro. Bevill had gotten a lease of my manor of Haddon in the county of Huntingdon, being the only thing by which I hoped to have redeemed myself out of prison. If it be true, I am past all hope to be redeemed out of prison without some honourable course be therein taken by your Honour and my Lord Treasurer. I therefore beseech you to move my Lord Treasurer and the rest of his Majesty's Council to grant a commission under the Great Seal to such as you shall think fit to make sale of my manor of Haddon, and thereupon to take order to satisfy unto his Majesty such composition and sums of money as my Lord Treasurer and your Honour have set down, and to call in my creditors and pay them such sums of money as shall be found to be justly due to them; and that such lands and leases, goods, chattels and evidences as have been unjustly taken from me in these my troubles may be restored to me again. I fear if Sir Ro. Beavill prevail in his practice and course with my son, that they will work my perpetual restraint in prison and seek to defraud my creditors of their just debts, and in the end work the utter destruction of my poor wife and children. I find by my son that Sir Ro. Bevill has made him think evil of Sir Gregory Wolmer, whom your Honour knows has dealt most honestly, faithfully and earnestly with you in my behalf. Fleet, 20 January, 1608.
Holograph 2 pp. (194 112)
The Isle of Man
1608–9, January 21. Receipt of Thomas Harvey for 177l from the Earl of Salisbury for the use of the Earl of Huntingdon for certain profits for the Isle of Man. 21 January, 1608–9.
½ p. (206 48)
Captain Gray to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 22. At Brussels I communicated the comportment and resolution of a certain gentleman, who then was to part from thence to this, to Sir Thomas Edmondes, Ambassador in those parts, who willed me to write the same to you with my own hand; which immediately I set down in writing as it was, being of intention to have retained that and to send the true copy thereof to you. Which [I] reading before my Lord Ambassador, and presently would have copied it, he would not grant me so much time, because his packet was instantly to be closed, and your post ready to part. Wherefore I supplie [beseech] you to hold me excused for letting come to your view these blotted lines from my hand, as also my boldness in this present; for albeit the gentleman perhaps had no evil intention, the duty I owe to our King's Majesty and his true subjects makes me to be exceeding jealous of any private person that I know to haunt and confer with those that are his Majesty's and their suspected enemies as he did. My Lord, ever since I had the honour to kiss last his Majesty's hands, I have been 'empeched' by a certain familiar disease to me, that as yet I could not crave the honour to kiss your hands and require your commands. London, 22 January, 1608.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (125 16)
Sir Griffin Markham to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 23. I am desirous to be as little troublesome to you as my poor distressed estate will give me leave; but when I see my imminent ruin will speedily come if some compassion be not had, I am forced earnestly to sue. It is now going upon three years since I entered into banishment, since which time every year something has been wrested from me, yet I have said little and importuned less because I was loth to lay open in some that evil nature I was sorry to see in them. But now others perceiving how quietly I have hitherto suffered myself to be oppressed, begin to wrong me to the very consummation of my ruin. One Mr Orrell, who has bought the wardship of my father-in-law's heir (as I am certainly informed), has inserted in a book, given by his Majesty, the portion due to my wife from her father, which without prevention will be my utter overthrow. My misery in this point is my absence, which gives advantage to everybody, and the world seeing no relaxation of my punishment, presumes still that anything whatsoever will be easily heard, any reports lightly believed, and any suit readily granted to my prejudice. To them, if I were present, I could answer enough; to the State I can plead nothing but sue for commiseration, which I beseech you with your mediation [to] further. I did mean before Christmas to become suitor to you to alter the seat of my banishment into Ireland; because then Tyrone's going to Rome and his public show of great hopes might give me an opinion to be able by such opportunity to do some service there, but then his journey being stayed, I forbore. Now Tyrone's journey begins again with his hopes to revive, and my friends summon me out of necessity to sue for some grace. Assist me with your favour to the altering my course of banishment, and I will endeavour by my service to make appear to the world that I remember my vows at the bar in such fashion as you shall have no dishonour, nor that grace his sacred Majesty has so mercifully bestowed appear unworthily given. Brussels, 23 January, 1608.
Holograph Sealpp. (120 27)
The Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 23. Being by the providence of God and pleasure of the University chosen Vice-Chancellor for the remainder of this year, craves his countenance therein. Salisbury knows well how many crosses are wont to accompany this cumbersome office; his only comfort is he will be his servant. All his care shall be to keep all quiet for avoiding his Honour's trouble and the University charge, which (ever poor) is now poorer than ever by the death of Dr Soame, his predecessor, who having small living left but little, owed much to many and to the University very much, which they know not how to recover. This makes him send these letters without a bedell, which he hopes will be pardoned because it was heretofore commanded by Lord Burghley for sparing of the poor University purse. Cambridge, January 23, 1608.
Signed: Thomas Jegon. 1 p. (136 193)
The Earl of Salisbury to Thomas Wilson
[1608–9] January 23. Grants him a commission for finding an office after the death of Robert Holt of Lancashire. 'Hasten my stairs and paving, and for any that will not conclude to have his shop built before "Shroftyde" 3 days, and pass his lease before the Monday after Candlemas, I will not have him resolutely.' January 23.
1 p. (P.2233)
Lady Saltonstall to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 23. Was suitor to the King for his letters to her son, on behalf of herself and her children, which she understands the King has lately signed at Royston. Prays Salisbury to afford her the same letters under the King's Signet. Mincing Lane, 23 January, 1608 ½ p. (P.1976)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, January 24. The stay of the Confessor in Spain a sign of good news from thence, because it is thought his arguments have given subject of consultation, whereas if the King had rested peremptory in his former purpose there would then have come a speedy answer. Complaint that notwithstanding the Archduke's commandment the English Jesuits did plant at Watten. The Archduke hereupon wrote his letter to inhibit them, and refused to give allowance to a bull of the Pope's which the Jesuits had procured in their favour. The Archduke's letter Au Père Provincial Florentinus . . . A college of English Benedictines intended to be erected at Douai.
Abstract (227 p. 356)
Sir Francis Stonor to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, January 24. Having finished the survey of his Majesty's woods in co. Oxon, I thought good with all speed to send you a particular of that which has been done since last term, having appointed my man to engross this latter part and to fix it to the former already in the Exchequer if you think fit. Vouchsafe remembrance of my suit and your promise for the farming of his Majesty's woods in this county mentioned in my letters delivered to you at my coming from London; which because they were of mine own surveying I beseech may be reviewed by some person whom you shall appoint. Stonor, 24 January, 1608.
Holograph Seal ½ p. (125 17)
James Fitzgerald to the Earl of Salisbury
1608–9, January 25. I beseech you not to have so hard an opinion of me as to think that ever I would bear a hollow heart to my Sovereign King, to whom I owe all duty and allegiance of a subject. For any treason or a treacherous thought that ever I did bear to the crown of England by practice or words or by consent or otherwise, I pray God that if ever I did think upon any such, that He may make it manifest to the world with more torment than man can devise. And seeing my hard fortune was to meddle in this matter I beseech you pardon me, for that I being after the losses of my goods and having no means caused me to make at Tyrconnel for his help. And now I am where I have no friends nor acquaintance; unless you have compassion upon me I am utterly undone for life, for one penny means I have not. From Gatehouse, 25 January, 1608.
Holograph Endorsed: 'January 25, 1608.' 1 p. (125 18)
William Hammond to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, January 25. According to your commandment I have this day delivered to your servant the touchstone, in weight 20 tons and in number 82 great stones; which were but 79 as they were digged out of the quarry, but by the negligence of them that brought them in using rotten ropes in the lading of them, three miscarried and were broken. Their bigness (some of them weighing 20 hundred, some 12, some 10 hundred apiece) is an enemy to their 'brickelnes' if they chance to fall by not being carefully handled in loading and unloading. The carriage of them at this time of the year from the quarry to the waterside, up those steep hills they were to pass, was held a difficulty (till it was done) not to be overcome by the industry of man. They were shipped December 4, and had been here before the time but for the foul weather. The freight, lighter and such like dues I have defrayed as my Lord commanded. 25 January, 1608.
Holograph Seal 1 p. (125 19)
[Sir Thomas Edmondes] to [the Earl of Salisbury]
1608–9, January 25. No news from Spain of the King's resolution, though a courier came expressly with letters from the Confessor, and was in 11 days from Madrid to Brussels.
Abstract (227 p. 357)
R. Cocks to Thomas Wilson
1608–9, January 25. My last was of the 21st current enclosed to Mr Joseph Jackson, and sent by way of Bordeaux, wherein I advised you of the stay or embargo of the Rochellers' goods at Sebast and Bilbao by virtue of a letter of marque granted to a Spaniard against the Rochellers for a ship which was taken 3 years past. I have received this packet which goes herewith for my Lord of Salisbury and came from my Lord Ambassador from the Court of Spain, with directions to have it sent away with all speed possible. News we have not, only an Irishman arrived at Bilbao some few days past, and some six weeks since had departed out of Ireland. They report there were 3 or 4 Irish lords or gentlemen taken prisoner; and one Captain Terrill, an Englishman, escaped and fled into the woods or bogs with 500 rebels his companions. Bayonne, 25 January, 1608.
Holograph 1 p. (125 20)
Sir John Parker to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, January 26. In discharge of my duty, and the rather because I conceive you would have the commission well executed, I am bold to deliver my conceit concerning commissioners. Mr Randall coming unto me, who this last summer was commended by your Honours in the like business, now ready to depart this town with commissions, I desired to see the commission for Cornwall, and have entreated his stay a few hours until your wisdom, who can best judge of my reasons, [and] your pleasure were known, whether best to hazard the commission or not. First Sir William Godolphin will not be in the country; Sir John Parker may well be spared and would gladly be absent if so please you; doubtful whether Sir Nicholas Prideaux will travel therein, because he is placed amongst the esquires; Peter Edgecombe long since dead; John Rashelay now High Sheriff. So that of eleven commissioners there are but 6 to be hoped for to sit on this commission, and if 3 of these shall be let by sickness or other accident of necessity the commission must be returned, for under 4 nothing can be done. It is true these 6, five of them dwell 30 miles at least from Hilford where all the business in effect lies by reason that many pirates have had recourse thither these 4 or 5 years past, so that their age and disposition to travel so far may find some excuse. It is needful therefore, in my opinion, for the more sure execution of this commission that at least 2 commissioners be inserted in the places of Peter Edgecombe and John Rashley. The gentlemen I think fit to be named are John Arondel of Trerise and Hugh Trevanion, esquires; both gentlemen that live with great reputation, very discreet and well disposed to further his Majesty's service, nearer unto the western division than any of the five, and such as I think there can be no exception taken unto. This Thursday morning, 26 January, 1608.
Underwritten: The Commissioners named for Cornwall.
absent, Sir Wm. Godolphin
Sir Reinald Mohan Knights
absent, Sir John Parker
Sir Anthony Rouse
mort, Peter Edgecombe
Richard Carew
knight Nicholas Prideaux Esquires
Tho. St. Aubins
Richard Trefuses
sheriff John Rasheley
Gilbert Michell
Holograph Seal, broken 1 p. (125 21)
William Kirkham to Sir Julius Caesar
[1608–9] January 29. Is so broken with his long imprisonment that he would rather make choice of death than live any longer. Prays that he and his may be discharged 'of this great and unportable fine', and will consent to any composition or agreement that his Honour may make with his son. 29 of January.
Holograph Seal, broken Endorsed: '29 January, 1608. Mr William Kirkham to Mr Chancellor.' 1 p. (194 115)
George Storie to The King
[1608–9, January 29] The King's manor of Middleham, Yorkshire, has been dismembered by the granting away of all the parks, save one, in fee farm. If the King please to resume the castle and parks, there were not the like royalty in all the Northern parts. Prays that the consideration hereof may be referred to the Lord Treasurer. Undated
Note by Sir Daniel Dun [Sir Daniel Donne]: that the King refers the petition to the Lord Treasurer. Dated the Court at Royston, 29 January, 1608.
1 p. (P.169)
The Earl of Dorset to Lord Treasurer Salisbury
1608–9, January 31. The sickness of one of my son's principal counsellors at law. Sir Francis Bacon, who was best instructed in this business of Sir John Leveson, in the Court of Wards, and the occasion of my sickness that I could not oversee the diligence of my solicitors as formerly I have done, brought to pass that the rest of my son's counsellors at law were very slightly informed in a matter of such weight and length as this is; which was the cause why I was a suitor to you, and still am, that the hearing of this matter may be deferred till the beginning of next term or the later end of this term. Sir John Leveson obtained the deferring of his cause against the King in the Exchequer for three terms together before my Lord died, only upon allegation that he was so much troubled about defending his petition, which was referred to the Council, that he could not well follow the other. My desire is only now that it may be put over for this one short term, or at least that it may be referred till towards the end of this term, that I may then yet have some time to inform my counsel the better. But yet I make my desire no other to your Lordship than with this my express meaning, that if in justice my request may not be granted, I had much rather my son's cause should receive a deep wound for want of a little time than your just proceedings be touched with the least aspersion for doing anything at my humble request contrary to the due course and orders of that Court wherein your Lordship sits so worthily, the principal judge; intending that my son's counsel shall be ready what day you shall prefix. From Dorset House, the last of January, 1608.
Signed 1 p. (125 22)
Sir Robert Wingfield to the Earl of Salisbury
[? 1608–9, c January or February] I am not able through want of health to wait upon you myself. The commission for Morhay is returned by the verderes into Mr Osborne's office and this enclosed, being a true copy of the same under Mr Osborne's hand, I send to you, being desirous to know your pleasure. I would gladly have the works finished before Mayday, the decays being so great now as the lawn and the forest are even all one. Sir Pexall Brocas lives and, I hope, towards amendment. The course about his business granted by you and the rest of the Lords of the Council before Christmas, he cannot pursue, unless he had been indicted, which makes the conspiracy. I think his adversaries will take away that objection, for as himself tells me, they purpose at this assizes at Wyncester to indict him. He seems to be brave, if deep and earnest protestations and oaths may stand for proofs. And yet he is much perplexed, which to my understanding a guiltless conscience needs not. He importunes me also to go down to be a witness how he is dealt with, or else he vows to disinherit his son. I beseech your advice in this point, which for your least trouble I may but understand by Mr Calvert, your servant. I would gladly do my best to keep him from wrong, but to countenance murder or any such crying sin, I hope I shall never consent unto. Yours Honour's poor kinsman. Undated.
Holograph Seal Endorsed: 'Sir Robert Wingfield to my Lord.' 1 p. (128 97)
[See Cal.S.P.Dom., 1603–10, pp. 473, 495]