Index: C

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Caesar, Julius, his Commentaries; 81.

Caithness, Bishop of, made Earl of March; 317.

Calais; 41, 56, 85, 93, 100, 111, 278, 279, 280, 295, 360, 436, 437, 439, 449, 451, 552.

Calder, monastery or rectory of; 28.

Callis, John, the pirate; 156, 162.

Calton, Josias, parson, confession of; 179.

Calverley, Thomas; 134.

Calvin, John; 60.

Cambridge; 53, 60, 320, 330, 524, 526.

fish from; 525.

Mayor of; 212.

the plague at; 215.

county of; 136, 248, 509.

University of; 199, 212, 213, 501, 502.

— King's College; 518.

— Magdalen College; 213.

— Peterhouse; 510, 524.

— Queen's College; 213, 215.

— St. John's College; 189, 212, 213, 524, 532, 533.

— Orator of; 188.

— High Steward of; 189.

— custom for doctors of; 199.

— Lord Burghley, Chancellor of; 199, 213.

— the plague at; 213.

Cambray; 128, 211, 326, 334, 360, 361, 362, 368, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 398, 403, 404, 409, 414, 416, 417, 418, 423, 424, 456, 457, 458, 461, 462, 466, 467, 477, 478, 525.

Bishop of; 163.

Cambrésis :

the; 352, 456.

Duc du; 452.

Canterbury; 72, 189, 277, 290.

Matthew Parker, Archbishop of; 63, 64, 76, 112.

— letters of; 59, 71, 72, 147.

Archbishop of (Edmund Grindal), composition of, for first fruits; 259.

Archbishop of (1582); 517.

Cantercelye, lordship of; 171.

Capres, Monsieur de, Governor of Arras; 368, 370.

Caps, manufacture of; 116.

Cards, playing, warrant concerning; 144.

Carberry Hill; 46.

Cardinal Henry; 124.

Cardynall, William, letter of; 115..

Caree, Edward, groom of the Privy Chamber, grant to; 313.

Careless, alias Fleetwood, Andrew; 165.

Carew :

Sir Gavin; 100.

Sir Peter; 3, 4.

Carewe, Dean, letter of; 219.

Carey :

George; 107.

Sir George, letters of; 529, 530.

Carlemont; 157.

Carleton; 502.

Carlier, —; 369.

Carlisle; 51.

Bishop of, letter of; 179.

Carmarthen, friars of; 135.

Carmichael :

Laird of; 101, 103.

John; 109, 115.

Carnavalet, Madame de; 406.

Carr, Sir Thomas; 318.

Carrafa, Cardinal; 85.

Carre, Mr.; 136.

Carro, Mr.; 112, 112.

Carrouges, Sieur de; 373.

Carton (? Calton), Josias; 191.

Cartwright, of Newport, Isle of Wight; 75, 76.

Casemlbrotius, Leonardus, letter of; 36.

Casimir, Duke; 111, 159, 173, 180, 291, 309, 313, 315, 316, 448, 492.

reported defeat of; 222.

London beer for; 234.

letter of; 119.

Cassel; 369.

Castell; 26.

Castellet; 414, 418, 424, 520

Castille; 359, 391, 414, 460.

Castle Magna; 385.

Castres; 28.

Cathay, third voyage for the discovery of; 194.

Cathcart, Lord; 256.

Caursland; 508.

Cavaignes, sentence on; 24, 289.

Cavalcanti, Guido; 288, 291.

marriage articles brought by; 225.

the articles brought by; 542, 543.

the answers given to; 543–545.

Cave :

Sir Ambrose; 525.

Roger, letters of; 189, 203, 518.

Mr., lands of; 199.

William; 203.

“Cawrs”; 508.

Cawsand (“Cawsen”) Bay; 113.

Caxton; 53.

Cecil :

John, of Newbury; 106.

Margery; 106.

Mr. Robert; 532.

Sir Thomas, son of Lord Burghley; 52, 53, 112, 131, 136, 203, 207, 524.

— letters of; 118, 199, 200, 205, 308–310, 537.

— debts of; 201.

Sir William, letter to; 542.

Cecilius, letter of; 246.

Cessford, Laird of; 284.

Chaderton, Mr.; 64.

Chalmer (Chambers), David, notes on; 46, 47.

Chalmer, Duncan, Chancellor of Ross; 46.

Chamberlain :

servant of the Earl of Southampton; 18.

Charles; 173.

George; 26.

the Lord (Earl of Sussex); 208.

Chamberlavne, Sir Thomas, letter of; 541.

Chambers (Mr.); 66.

Chamereau, Captain; 159.

Champaine, Monsieur; 129.

Champagne, prior of. See Seure.

Champernowne, Sir Arthur; 64, 219.

letters of; 74, 112, 161.

Champigny; 157.

Champnymault, Sieur de; 440.

Chancery, the; 217, 246, 247.

the Six Clerks in; 63.

Chandlour, John; 190, 215.

Chandos :

Lord; 74.

Giles, Lord, letter of; 205.

Lady; 74.

Chapman :

Robert; 102.

William, merchant adventurer; 237.

Charnock; 26.

Charles :

Archduke. See Austria.

IX., King of France, letter of; 16.

Charrens; 126.

Chartyer; 378, 396, 470.

Chartres; 379.

Our Lady of; 345.

Chasseron, Sieur de; 417.

Chasteau, secretary of the Bishop of Glasgow; 50, 51.

Chastres-sous-Montlhery; 50.

Chateauneuf, Monsieur de; 289.

Chateau Thierry; 280, 411, 425.

— duchy of; 364.

Château Villaine, Count; 406.

Chatelherault; 62.

Chatham; 147.

Chatsworth; 205, 226.

Chauvalon :

Monsieur de; 426, 470.

Chavigny; 289.

Chawner, —; 523.

John, letter of; 160.

Chelsea; 142.

Chenies; 100.

Chenonceaux; 493.

Chester :

Colonel, letter of commendation for; 84.

Mr., of Bristol; 264.

Edward; 143.

— letter of; 118.

— letter to; 137, 138.

city of; 36, 104, 124, 202, 325, 341.

West; 339.

Dean of; 202.

Dean and Chapter of; 210.

Justice of; 204.

Bishop of (1574); 75, 76.

— 204.

College of; 210.

— letter from the fee-farmers of; 202.

the Exchequer at; 36.

sale of fish at; 346.

the County Palatine of; 36.

Chevaillier, Le, Monsieur; 374, 443.

Chevreaux, Baron of; 194.

Chevrian, M. de; 30.

Cheyne :

Henry, Lord, letters of; 54, 108, 141, 210.

Cheyny, Sir Henry, of Toddington; 17.

Chichester; 525.

Bishop of (1582), death of; 525.

Chief Justice, the Lord (Christopher Wray); 205.

Chilton, Little, manor of; 318.

Chilwell, Thomas, 514.

Chippenham, manor of; 523.

Chipping Wycombe, co. Bucks; 247.

Chiselhill, poor-house of; 237.

Chiswick; 529.

Cholmley, Mr.; 359.

Choute, Christopher; 185.

Christchurch; 542.

Church government; 73.

Church of England :

the; 543, 544, 550.

state of; 60, 63, 73.

one uniform order of prayer and rites to be observed in; 62.

book of service of; 64.

a “form of government of the”; 195–198.

Rural Deans, or “Superintendents” in the; 195, 196, 197, 198.

Synods of the; 196.

Archdeacons' Courts of the; 197.

duties of Bishops of the; 195, 196, 197, 198.

making of ministers for the; 198.

doctrine and government of; 228, 229.

attacks against; 183.

fines for absence from; 530.

Churchlawford, parsonage of; 249.

Church-Stanway, rent roll of; 519.

Cigogne, —; 360, 362.

Cimay, Prince of; 157.

Cinque Ports :

the; 106, 110, 502, 514.

Warden of; 96, 102, 200.

Ciphers; 552.

Cirencester; 542.

Clark :

Justice; 109.

Dr.; 246.

Thomas; 150.

Clarke, William; 76.

Clausse :

H., letter of; 383.

Pierre. See Marchaumont, Sieur de.

Clear, Cape; 160.

Clere, Sir Edward, letter of; 526.

Clerk, William; 164.

Clerke :

Edmund, a clerk of the Privy Seal, petition of; 62.

Henry, of Portsmouth, license to; 331.

Mr., a preacher; 207.

Clervant, Monsieur de; 429.

Cley, parsonage of; 237.

Clifton, co. Beds.; 247.

Clinton :

of the Guard; 94.

Lady; 319.

Lord, son of the Earl of Lincoln; 111, 136, 319, 320.

Thomas; 319.

— money to be paid for; 261.

— money paid for; 287.

Clipston Park; 227.

Clitherow, Mr.; 552.

Clopton; 144.

John, letter of; 140.

Cloths :

export of; 182, 232, 233, 326, 336, 341, 408, 501.

the trade in; 238.

“frizeados”; 184.

Clothworkers' Company; 127, 130.

Cloyne, co. Cork; 506.

Clun; 549.

Cobham; 55, 103, 226, 340, 514.

Lord, Warden of the Cinque Ports; 12, 43, 54, 96, 107, 165, 167, 169, 179.

— letters of; 55, 103, 195, 225, 340, 514.

— letters to; 102, 106, 110, 514.

— grant to; 395.

— Maximilian, son of; 55.

— John, brother of; 55.

Lady; 102, 107.

Sir Henry, Ambassador at Paris; 125, 126, 283, 297, 304, 305, 339, 347, 365, 389, 395, 400, 423, 447, 451, 452, 477.

— letters of; 274, 322, 330, 338, 377, 396, 405, 408, 413, 420, 421, 422.

— letters to; 226, 303, 337, 446.

— memoranda to; 344, 345, 355.

— asks for 100l. per an. in fee-farm, 406, 415.

John, letters of; 512, 516.

Thomas; 12, 340.

— death of; 222.

Cobrisse; 260.

Cock, Sir Henry; 535.

Cockburn :

Captain Ninian; 183.

— death of; 257.

Samuel, letter of; 130.

Cockermouth; 527.

Colbie, Francis, Esq.; 188.

Colbron, Captain; 183.

Cole, Robert; 246.

Coligny, Gaspard de; 24.

Collman, —; 385.

Collonna, Marco Antonio; 275.

Collyweston House; 537.

Colne Water; 139.

Cologne; 193, 313.

Colombiers (“Collumbris”); 85.

Colonna, Prospero; 254.

Colowye, Mr.; 532.

Colshill, Mr.; 156.

Colson Bassett, parsonage of; 227.

Combes; 108.

Combelles, 293, 351.

Common Pleas, Court of; 531.

Common Prayer, Book of; 73, 136, 509, 550.

Compiègne; 418.

Compton :

Sir Henry, of Compton; 17.

Lord; 172.

Condé, Prince of; 97, 111, 116, 119, 161, 282, 290, 330, 352, 393, 402, 429, 448, 474.

— goes to England; 327, 329, 335.

Connaught, province of; 385, 522.

Conne, William, groom of the Queen's bakehouse, petition of; 133.

Consentza; 178.

Constable, Robert, Esq.; 202.

Constance, Council of; 152.

Constant, cipher name; 51.

Constantinople; 88, 129, 158, 163, 177, 357, 406.

Conway, Anthony; 60.

Cooke, Richard, letter of; 138.

Robert, petition on behalf of; 38.

Copley, Mr. Thomas; 8, 88, 89, 126, 152, 153, 328, 331.

— letter of; 150.

Copodale, Mr.; 8.

Copper, mines for; 225.

Copsheif, George; 247.

Copyholds; 125.

Corbett, Sir Andrew, letter of; 19.

Robert; 126.

William; 100.

Cordell, Sir William, Master of the Rolls, letters of; 103, 127, 146.

Corfu, Archbishop of; 177.

Cork; 309, 419, 421, 433.

county of; 297, 304.

Corn :

export of; 216.

plenty of (1578) in England; 216.

Corneno, Matthias; 511.

Cornwall; 65, 218, 237, 324, 522.

duchy of; 120, 395.

recusants in; 177.

Cornwallis :

Mr.; 129.

Sir Thomas, letter of; 204.

— son of; 204.

Coronell; 119.

Cosbie; 63.

Cosse, Marshal de; 354, 373, 381, 398, 404, 405, 413, 419, 464, 509.

Coste, Monsieur de la, 412, 454.

Cotter, of the Bridge; 26.

Cotton :

Edward; 318.

Mr. Thomas, discourse on the Low Countries by; 341–343.

Council of the North; 107.

President of; 25.

Courances; 378, 382, 385, 392, 394, 397, 400, 427, 429, 430, 432, 434, 435, 439, 442, 455.

Courcelles, Marie de; 445.

Courland, Duke of; 178.

Courrières, Monsieur de; 293.

Courteney, Robert, letter of; 522.

Courtray; 323.

Coust, Captain; 66.

Coutras; 354.

Coventry, Richard, Under Sheriff of Lincoln; 530.

Cowes (“Kowe”), Isle of Wight; 219.

Coxe, Nicholas le, a French priest, case of; 261–263.

Coytemore, Owen ap John; 247.

Crafford :

Nicholas; 87.

— letter to; 88.

Cragge, Blanche; 246.

Cransdeterre, Monsieur; 375.

Crawford, Captain; 256, 258.

Crayford, Earl of; 182.

Creagh, Creaghe, Ciray, Crevus :

Richard, an Irishman, titular Archbishop of Armagh; 94, 95.

— letter of; 95.

Crecque, Monsieur de; 368.

Creithtoun, provostry of; 46.

Cremona; 511.

Cresconius; 521.

Cretophe, Monsieur; 453.

Crevecueur; 417.

Crews, Robert; 94, 95.

Crichton, William; 328.

Cripps, servant of Sir H. Norris; 4, 5.

Crofts :

Sir James, Comptroller of the Household; 94, 214, 227, 274, 321, 323, 324, 325, 330, 331, 499, 500, 552.

— letters of; 116, 530.

Crokar; 75.

Croker, John, examination of; 164, 165.

Cromwell, Henry, Lord, lease to; 246.

Croster, Martin, a Scottishman; 101.

Croydon; 112, 115, 118.

Park at; 111.

Crumwell. See Williams.

Cuddesdon (“Cudesden”), Oxfordshire, parsonage of; 80.

Cuffe, Robert, grant to; 147.

Culinburgh, Count; 118, 138.

Cumberford; 176.

Cumberland, county of; 28, 527.

Cunningham, John, of Drumquhassill; 162.

Cure, Thomas, the younger; 246.

Curelle, Marcus, letter of; 125.

Curie, Gilbert; 444.

Currier, George, alias Reve, “a notable thief”; 95.

Curteys, Griffith, letter of; 106.

Customs :

the; 130.

officers of; 23.

books, &c. of; 24.

Cussi. See Quincé.

Cussy. See Quincé.

Cuthbert, John; 2, 12.

Cuxstall; 193.