Index: B

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Babington, Sir William, Sheriff of Oxford, letter of; 95.

Bacon, Sir N. See Keeper, the Lord.

Bacqueville, Sieur de; 184, 219, 253, 280, 362, 459, 476, 502, 503, 507, 508.

Badby, Mr.; 536.

Baesh :

Mr.; 264.

— letters of; 221, 536.

Baggott; 183.

Bagnall, Sir Nicholas, letter of; 529.

Bahy, Sieur de; 371.

Bailleul, Monsieur de; 368.

Baillie, Henry; 86.

Bailly, Charles, servant of the Bishop of Ross; 11, 12.

Bajazet, the Emperor; 357.

Baker :

Christopher; 189.

Katherine, widow; 247.

Balagny; 282.

Baldock, co. Herts; 523.

Baldwyn, Thomas, gent.; 249.

Ball, George; 247.

Ballagny, Sieur de; 452.

Baltimore; 160.

Baltinglas, Viscount; 154, 421.

Bamberg, Bishop of; 177.

Banbury; 95.

Bands, articles concerning the mustering of; 40.

Banes, Thomas, shoemaker; 95.

Banister, James, bill of; 341.

Bannister :

Lawrence; 5, 19.

— letter to; 548.

Bapaulmes; 368.

Baptist :

Mr., of the Queen's Privy Chamber; 143.

John, Castilian, letter to; 190.

— letter of; 215.

— grant to; 319.

Baram, Sergeant; 225.

Barbary; 199, 206, 220, 394.

merchants; 154.

Baretto, Portuguese ambassador; 338.

Barford, co. York; 140.

Barker :

Christopher, printer to the Queen; 187, 188.

Francis; 249.

William; 4, 5, 12, 13, 17.

— confession of; 551.

— examination of; 2.

Barking; 224, 228.

Barkley, Richard; 84.

Barlemont, Count de; 90.

Barley, William, letter of; 212.

Barn Elms; 157.

Barnaby :

servant of the Earl of Leicester; 18.

—; 328.

Barnewell, —; 499.

Barnewood, forest of; 128.

Barnimius (?), Duke, marriage of; 162.

Barnstaple; 264, 307.

Barrey, Richard, letter of; 513.

Barrington, Sir William; 157.

Barron, Monsieur de, letter of; 441.

Barrow :

Dr. Isaac, of Cambridge University 199.

town of; 83, 185, 511.

Barry, Richard, letter of; 200.

Bartin, Mr. Secretary; 90.

Barton, co. Lincoln, bailiwick of; 519.

Bartrynge, Allarde, merchant of the Stillyard; 87.

Basing; 105.

Basle; 83.

Diet at; 316.

Bassigny, Monsieur de; 369.

Bassinghen, Monsieur de; 368.

Bastian, —; 444.

Bate :

Anne; 20.

Thomas, customer, letter of; 506.

Bates, William; 162.

Batt, John, bailiff of Thornbury; 84.

Battes :

the bridgemaster at Southwark; 79.

William; 160.

Battle; 49, 50, 57.

Battlesdon; 216.

Bawtry; 191, 192.

Bayford, Sir James; 258.

Beacon, Dr., Chancellor of the diocese of Norwich; 213, 214.

Beale :

Robert; 72, 516.

— letter of; 510.

— letter to; 421.

— notes by, on the Queen of Scots; 443–445.

Beard, Robert, presentation for; 246.

Beaucaire; 98.

Beauchief; 523.

Beaufort :

Captain; 55.

Monsieur de; 368.

Abbey of; 399.

Beaulieu, General de; 399, 411.

Beaumaris; 312.

Beaumons; 399.

Beaumont :

Monsieur de; 369, 432.

Nicholas, letter of; 523.

Beaupré, Sieur de; 417.

Beausse; 386, 399.

Monsieur de la; 412.

Beauvais :

Sieur de; 362.

— Nanges, Sieur de; 440.

Beauvot; 492.

Beaver, Stephen, presentation for; 248.

Bedford :

Francis, Earl of; 59, 94, 218, 321, 323, 324, 330, 331, 374.

— letters of; 100, 115, 150, 184, 202, 213, 512.

— letter to; 552.

— his opinion of the Earl of Morton; 184.

Bedfordshire; 69, 136, 509, 536.

Bedford; 76, 246.

Mayor of; 75, 76.

Bedingfield :

Sir Henry; 194.

Humfrey; 194.

Thomas, patent to; 144.

Beer, export of; 147, 172, 177, 234, 499.

Beeston, Mr.; 187.

Beket, Thomas, his house in the (Isle of) Wight, 161.

Bell, Thomas, groom of the Queen's stable; 138.

Bellasis; 156.

Bellegarde, Marshal de; 177, 417, 448, 490.

Bellièvre, Monsieur de; 346, 405, 470.

“Belsey's Lees”; 512.

Belton, co. Rutland; 246.

Belvoir; 202.

Benett, Canon, of St. Paul's, London; 518.

Bengar, Sir Thomas; 313.

Beningfield, —; 509.

Bennett :

R.; 532.

— letter of; 524.

Thomas, collector, letter of 51.

Benson, Bernard; 528.

Bentley, Little; 118.

Bercelle, Baron; 157.

Beresford, Michael, Feodary of Kent, letter of; 102.

Bergues, 470.

Bergus; 516.

Berkhampstead Park; 313.

Bermondsey; 195. See London.

Berney, Kenelm :

— confession of; 2, 3.

— interrogatories for; 8.

— answer of, 8.

— plot of; 8, 9.

Bertie, Francis; 12.

— interrogatories for; 11.

— R., letter of; 118.

Berville, Monsieur; 464.

Berwick; 107, 109, 110, 139, 171, 267, 285, 325.

the pier at; 318.

garrison of; 100, 120.

marshal of (Sir William Drury); 4, 56, 57, 80.

money for; 137.

victuals for; 264.

repair of the pier at; 264.

ponds; 203.

Besbiche, Mathew; 247.

Beskwood :

repair of the Queen's great lodge of; 233.

keeping of cattle in; 233.

Bestney, —; 330.

Beston Pere, co. Norfolk; 509.

Bestwood Park; 227.

Bethome, Thomas, letter of; 528.

Bethune; 368.

Beton :

Andrew, Master of the Household to the Queen of Scots, letter to; 35.

—; 445.

Betts, Richard; 246.

Beure, Monsieur de; 369.

Beverley :

Church of St. John of, repair of; 259.

grant to Mayor, &c. of; 259.

Bewdley; 204.

Bickley, Thomas, presentation for; 237.

Bierne; 28.

Bilani, —; 463.

Billingsley, Henry, letter of; 54.

Billow; 227.

Bindlos, Robert; 528.

Bindon; 104.

Thomas Howard, Viscount; 104.

— letter of; 110.

Bingham :

Sir Richard; 41.

— letter of; 529.

—, of Newark; 530.

Biragnes, the; 98.

Birague, Cardinal de; 471.

Birche, John, Baron of the Exchequer, letter of; 216.

Bird :

Mr., 110.

—; 139.

William, gentleman of H.M. chapel, petition of; 155.

Birling; 515.

Biron, Marshal; 29, 296, 405, 409, 448, 478.

Birtley Woods, keeper of the; 140.

Bishop :

Robert, searcher; 61.

Thomas; 16, 17.

— interrogatories for; 17.

— examination of; 17.

Bishops Cleeve, co. Gloucester; 159.

Bizari, Pietro, letters of; 58, 103.

Blackston; 87.

Blads, —; 263.

Blanchard, Mr. Henry; 216.

Bland, John, Surveyor of Victuals; 107, 264, 297, 307, 533, 536.

Blangi; 347.

Blank, Thomas, Lord Mayor of London, letters of; 534, 537.

Blendworth, parsonage of, diocese of Winchester; 248.

Blewbery; 49, 50, 57.

Blithe, C., letter of; 220.

Blogge, Mr.; 64.

Blois :

city of; 16, 377, 379, 382, 385.

treaty of; 16.

Blumer, Lodovick; 100.

Blutte, Monsieur; 386.

Boade, John; 247.

Bochetel, T., letters of; 404, 465.

Bocton Malherbe; 216.

Bodin, Monsieur; 412.

Bodley; 76.

Bohemia, King of; 541.

Boissainghen, Monsieur de; 369.

Boisschot. See Brabant.

Bolderoe, Francis, gentleman; 237.

Bolduc; 157.

Bologna; 173.

Bolsover, rectory of; 531.

Bomeney; 119.

Bon, cipher name; 51.

Bond, George; 247.

Bondeus, John; 261.

Bonham; 76.

Bonjuet, Sieur de; 367, 368.

Bonne (?); 26.

Bonnivet, Sieur de; 473.

Bonsshott, Charles, Governor of Zealand; 89.

Books, names of :

“Rerum Anglicarum libri quinque, Authore Guilielmo Neubrigensi”; 162.

“Cæsar and Pompeius,” a treatise; 534.

“Justifications,” by G. Silvius; 162.

“Lapidary Science,” the; 185.

“Monastical Life in the Abbey of Marshalsea”; 535.

“Novo Aviso,” pamphlet called; 144.

“Precationes Bibiiæ”; 94.

“Promptuarium Latinum”; 94.

Bordeaux; 346, 354, 373, 381, 385, 406, 408, 422.

Borders, the; 27, 109, 285.

Bore, Serjeant; 227.

Borgarnaius, Julius, doctor of physic, lease to; 236.

Borough :

William; 514, 519, 538.

— letter of; 517.

Borromeo, Cardinal; 297.

Borton, —; 173.

Boschott, Flemish Ambassador; 111.

Bosdin, Monsieur; 466.

Bossu, Count; 157.

Bost, cipher name; 51.

Boston; 52, 118, 173, 335, 501, 552.

Mayor and burgesses of, license to, for transporting grain; 51.

Mayor, &c., of, letter of; 315.

— license to; 315.

Bosevile, Ralph; 123.

Botellio :

Don Diego de; 431.

— license to; 500.

Bothe, Michael, lease to; 246.

Bothwell, Earl of; 46, 166.

Bottomsell, parsonage of; 227.

Bougham, Earl of; 258.

Bouchain; 334, 368.

siege of; 340.

surrender of; 342.

Boulogne; 91, 266, 293, 360, 436, 437, 442, 447, 449.

suggested possession of, by England; 85.

Boulognois; 85.

Bourage, surrender of; 161.

Bourbon, Louis de, Count de Soissons; 373, 377.

Bourbon, Louis de, Duc de Montpensier; 373.

Bourchier, Sir George; 499.

Bourg; 406.

Captain; 265, 302, 314, 317, 318, 319, 330, 468.

Bourghe :

Lady Mary; 519.

Theobald; 519.

Bourne, Antony, letter of; 171, 172.

Bours, Monsieur de, Governor of Malines; 368.

Bouryeul; 321, 341, 347, 386, 391, 450, 464, 473.

abbey of; 399.

Bowes :

Sir George; 324.

Ralph, patent to; 144.

Robert, Treasurer of Berwick; 65, 103, 107, 115, 190, 285, 357, 462.

— letters of; 181, 183, 203, 317.

— letter to; 376.

— exchange of lands with; 325.

Dr.; 222.

Bowser, John; 205.

Bowstaves :

importation of; 82, 135.

different kinds of; 82, 83.

Bowts, the mason; 10.

Bovoli; 178.

Boyd, Lord; 256.

Boynton, Sir Thomas; 528.

Boyssott, Monsieur de, Governor of Walcheren; 118.

Brabant; 118, 260, 295, 296, 507, 511, 516, 541.

John de Boisschot, Chancellor of; 81.

M. Scheyfui, Chancellor of; 81.

Chancellor of; 511.

Duke of; 296.

States of; 81.

Bracebridge, Rowland, letter of; 536.

Bradborn, the hatmaker; 76, 79.

Bradbridge, —; 191.

Bradley, John, letter of; 83.

Braganza, Duke of; 206, 414.

Bramber, rape of, co. Sussex; 82.

Brameley, Mr.; 204.

Brandenburg; 59.

Prince Elector of, marriage of; 162.

Brandon, —, goldsmith; 239.

Brantingham, parsonage of, suit concerning; 182, 183.

Brathwhat, Thomas; 528.

Brechin (Brichan, Bryghan); 257.

Breda; 157.

Bremmycham, Walter, of Bullough, co. Dublin; 94.

Bremmycham, or Bermyngham :

William, of Gray's Inn; 95.

— examination of; 94.

— letter of; 94.

Brend, William, gent.; 246.


East, waterworks at; 184, 185.

South; 185.

Brest; 158.

Bridges, Mr.; 227.

Briefs; 237, 246, 248.

Brighton (“Brightelmeston”), co. Sussex, tithes in; 249.

Brimeulx; 442.

Briquemault, François de, sentence on; 24, 289.

Brissac, Monsieur de; 409.

Brisson, Barnabé de; 374, 396.

Bristol; 100, 248, 264, 307, 348, 522, 533.

Dean and Chapter of; 522

Mayor of; 264.

treaty at; 81.

Brockett, William; 249.

Brocnes, manor of; 529.

Broke, Roger, lease to; 248.

Broker, —; 191.

Brokett, Sir John, proceedings against; 66.

Brome; 204.

Bromflete, co. York, manor of; 246.

Bromley :

Thomas, Solicitor-General; 16, 17, 18, 19, 100.

— letter to; 19.

— letter of; 127.

— Lord Chancellor of England; 267, 273, 274, 292, 293, 321, 323, 324, 403, 499, 500.

Brooke :

Thomas, letter of; 88.

servant of Thomas Copley; 153.

Brooker, —; 215, 216.

Brouage, siege of; 159.

Broughton, Great, manor of; 318.

Brown :

Edward; 191, 192.

Henry, letter to; 87.

John, Deputy Surveyor of Woods and Forests, letter of; 188.

of Newport, Isle of Wight; 75.

Browne :

John, esq., co. Hereford; 297.

— death of; 236.

Sir Valentine; 115, 124, 522.

Browne; 107.

Brownsea (“Brounsey”), castle of; 538.

Bruce :

Robert; 130, 131.

Robert, servant of the Bishop of Glasgow; 257.

Brudnel (Sir Edmund); 166, 169.

Bruges (“Bridgis”); 88, 93, 106, 128, 202, 508, 510, 512.

ordnance for; 261.

Brulard, Monsieur; 412, 425, 427.

Brundishe, co. Suffolk; 188.

Brune, Thomas, letter to; 26, 27.

Brunswick :

Duke Julius of; 162.

Duke of; 309.

Brussels; 1, 26, 27, 90, 153, 154, 157, 193, 470, 511, 541.

Bryngewood, Chase of, in Herefordshire; 111.

Bucca, Cavalier de; 257.

Buchan, town of, in Aberdeenshire; 46.

Buchanan, Mr. (George), finish of book by; 203.

Buck, Thomas, of Southampton; 137.

Buckenham; 526.

Castle; 526.

Buckhurst, Lord; 288.

Buckingham, county of; 136, 222, 247, 509, 536.

town of; 537.

Buckler :

Andrew; 108.

Lady Katharine, letter of; 108.

Sir Walter; 108.

Bugden; 75.

Bulkeley, William, letter of; 213.

Bullingham, Dr.; 204.

Bullion :

export of; 146.

testing of; 185.

Bullough, co. Dublin; 94.

Buonetti, Rocho; 169.

Burcard's or Burcote's hearth; 523.

Burcott, Dr., death of; 222.

Burdett, Humphrey, letter of; 190.

Burdeyle, Monsieur de; 409.

Burgesses, validity of; 542.

Burghley :

Lady; 103, 115, 118, 220, 223, 432.

William Cecil, Lord, passim.

— letters of; 79, 102, 110, 111, 136, 148, 229, 340, 498, 552.

— letters to; 1, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27, 28, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 87, 88, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 154, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 232, 233, 235, 246, 252, 253, 254, 261, 263, 264, 267, 274, 280, 285, 313, 315, 317, 318, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 335, 338, 339, 340, 352, 353, 356, 364, 374, 377, 384, 387, 392, 394, 396, 405, 407, 408, 413, 414, 419, 420, 422, 423, 427, 428, 431, 432, 433, 443, 447, 499, 500, 501, 502, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513–538, 551.

— warrants to; 120, 134, 135, 148, 174, 267, 408.

— plot to assassinate; 1, 2, 8.

— sons of; 3.

— notes by; 10, 11.

— the mother of; 52, 53, 201, 207.

— his house at the Savoy; 58.

— book against; 85.

— Custos Rotulorum of Northamptonshire; 99.

— his memorial touching the Earl of Oxford; 131, 132.

— his payments for the Earl of Oxford; 145.

— the Queen's praise of; 145.

— household of; 142.

— his health; 123.

— illness of; 110, 210, 213, 218, 221, 223, 530, 531.

— books sent to; 162.

— Chancellor of Cambridge University; 199, 213, 510.

— on the Anjou marriage; 110.

— his notes, &c. on the Anjou marriage; 238, 267–273, 274, 300.

— digest of the Anjou marriage negotiations by; 288–293.

— the Earl of Leicester takes offence at; 208.

— the Queen's message to; 208.

— fish sent to, by Sir Thomas Gresham; 220.

— reprimands the Lord Mayor of London; 224.

— opinion of, by the Earl of Sussex; 326.

House; 38, 52, 53, 78, 111, 199, 201, 205.

— the gallery at; 200.

— appearance of; 207.

— the fruit trees, &c. at; 225.

— letter from; 102.

Burgundy; 10.

Burntisland; 397.

Burse, Monsieur de; 516.

Burten, 76.

Burty, Francis, 110.

Burwell, Nicolas, deputy customer; 61.

Bury; 536.

Castle; 64.

St. Edmunds; 237.

Buis, Monsieur de; 340, 344, 364, 365, 391, 424, 474.

Bush Hills; 192.

Bushe, Richard; 246.

Bushnell, William, 106.

Bussy; 186, 282.

—; 464.

Busterd, Frances; 194.

Butlar; 76.

Butler, Mr.; 535.

Buttes, Sir William; 61.

Buttle, —; 143.

Buxton, co. Derby; 156, 208.

water; 157, 159, 160, 512.

Buys, Paul; 127, 138, 143.

Byfleet, parsonage of; 208.

Byngham, George, letter of; 80.

Byrkland; 227, 239.

Byron, John, letter of; 207.

Byzantium; 103.