Index: D

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024.


Dacre :

Edward; 7.

Leonard; 26.

— lands of; 78.

Lord; 4, 95.

— letter of; 142.

Lady; 227.

Mr.; 227.

—; 376.

Dakins, Arthur, gent.; 248.

Dale :

Thomas; 514.

Dr. Valentine; 126, 289, 290, 392, 507, 539.

— letters of; 46, 98, 125, 172.

— letter to; 126.

“Dalferant,” Sieur; 211.

Dalkeith; 102.

Dalloiseau; 384.

Monsieur, letter of; 384.

Dalton; 528.

Damet, Mr.; 155.

Damours :

Monsieur; 380.

— letters of; 377, 383, 384.

Damsell, Sir William; 506.

Damvile, Marshal; 29, 100.

Danbury; 532.

Danby; 263.

Forest; 139.

—; 329.

Danes, Madame; 437.

Dansell, Sir William; 164.

Danske; 37, 83.

Danskers, the; 163.

Dantesy; 338.

Dantin, Count; 361.

Danvers, Sir John, letter of; 338.

Darbold, forest of; 111.

D'Arcy, Sieur; 172, 173, 312, 470.

Darcy, Sir Henry, grant to; 407.

Darnley, Lord, murder of; 46.

Dartford :

buildings at; 194.

furnaces at; 176.

Dartington; 74, 113, 161.

Dartmoor; 184.

Dartmouth; 218.

mayor of, letter of; 232.

port of; 232.

Dauphiné; 98, 177, 394, 396, 409, 413.

D'Aussy, Monsieur; 157, 368.

Davers; 209.

David, Osmond, dispensation for; 248.

Davidson, Mr. Secretary; 328.

Davies, Owen, presentation for; 248.

Dawlton, George; 318.

De Croc, letter of; 21.

Deering, Anthony, Captain of Dungarvan Castle; 521.

Deeste; 511.

Del Bene, Captain Masino; 128, 129.

De la Warr, Lord; 19.

Delft (“Delph”); 35, 119.

Dellay, Monsieur du, letter to; 541.

Delvin, the Lord of; 154.

Demeiter; 260.

Denbigh, county of; 237.

Denentville, Monsieur, letter of; 434.

Denham, —; 212.

Denmark; 166, 284, 296.

King of; 160, 302, 387.

— wars with Sweden; 59.

— cloths for; 336.

Denny :

Edward; 384.

— letters of; 516, 517.

Dennye, Robert; 107.

Denny, the French boy; 144.

Deptford; 222.

Strand, flood-gates at; 217.

Derby :

Countess of, the Queen sups with; 157.

Earl of; 335.

—; 76.

county of; 523, 531.

Derdugo; 260.

Dereham, Mr., a priest; 194.

Dering :

Edward, censured by the Privy Council; 52.

— letter of; 63.

— defence of; 64.

Dermonde; 173, 312, 313.

Derry; 208.

De Silva, Don Emanuel; 420, 431.

Desmond, Earl of; 63, 297, 304, 385.

James, capture of; 339.

Sir John of; 297, 304.

“Des Revaus,” Sieur; 211, 265.

Destrosse, Monsieur; 346.

Des Veux, Sieur; 360, 362.

De Teck; 126.

Devonshire; 96, 237, 324, 348.

Dewhurst, Barnard, letter of; 58.

Dezez, Monsieur; 440.

Dieppe; 39, 50, 51, 325, 342, 346, 483.

Dier (? Edward); 166, 169.

Digby, Mr.; 88, 90.

Diker, William; 538.

Dillon; 104, 111.

Mr. Justice; 385.

Sir Lucas; 421.

Dimmock :

Edward; 530.

— letter of; 530.

Dingle; 385, 420, 421.

Dister, Mr., Deputy Clerk of the Crown; 136, 146.

Dixie, Wolstan, Sheriff of London, letter of; 141.

Dixmunden; 353.

Dixon; 100.

Dod, John; 139.

Dodington, William, letters of; 66, 188.

Dolenville; 345.

Don Antonio; 343, 346, 408, 410, 422, 428, 434, 447, 460, 490, 538.

arrives in England; 394.

ordnance, &c. for; 514.

Don Francesco, letter of; 391.

Don John of Austria; 87, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157, 158, 159, 162, 163, 165, 169, 180, 181, 193, 195, 207, 217, 228.

Governor of the Low Countries; 128.

asks for the Queen of Scots in marriage; 158, 228.

considerations to incline him to peace; 193.

letter of; 194.

reported death of; 217.

reported victory of; 222.

Don Lopes; 431.

Don Thomaso; 152.

Donnington, manor of; 209.

Dood, John, presentation for; 249.

Dordrecht; 55.

Doria; 178.

D'Orio, Philip, a Spaniard; 522.

Dormer :

Agraymond, letter of; 105, 106.

Sir William; 26.

Dorny, Sieur; 382.

Dorset, county of; 261, 262, 324, 521.

Dort; 55, 83, 86, 118, 119.

Dotay, M., Lieutenant at Gravelines; 61.

Douay; 88, 368, 369.

bulls printed a; 41.

Douglas :

Archibald, Scottish Ambassador in England; 57.

— letters to; 130, 257, 384.

— letters of horning against; 373.

George; 12.

James, son of the Earl of Morton; 258.

—; 256.

Douglases, the; 109.

Dover; 12, 13, 59, 70, 106, 131, 132, 200, 265, 266, 278, 360, 436, 514, 552.

castle of; 13, 54, 513.

— munitions for; 200.

Mayor, &c. of, letter to; 12.

the Queen's visit to; .54.

repair of the haven at; 267, 501.

license for export of grain granted to, 267.

Mayor of; 267.

Dow, Robert; 223.

letter of; 216.

Dowdall, Justice; 177.

Doweman, Thomas, letter of; 502.

Down, the Lord of; 163.

Downes, Georgs, presentation for; 248.

John; 194.

Robert; 194.

—; 509.

Draffyn; 256, 257, 258.

Drake :

Sir Francis; 420, 515.

Henry; 247.

Drayton; 95, 526.

Bassett; 222.

Manor; 95.

Dreux; 237, 275.

Drewry, Martin; 509.

Dringhouses; 25.

Drogheda; 99.

Drurie, John; 194.

Drury :

Sir William; 85, 90, 209.

— letter of; 49.

— crown jewels of Scotland in hands of; 56, 57.

— Marshal of Berwick, account of; 80.

— Lord Justice of Ireland, letter of; 235.

Monsieur; 279.

Drumquhassill, Laird of; 317.

Dryburgh, Abbot of; 258.

Du Bex :

Monsieur, Seigneur de Préau; 346, 360, 361, 419, 460, 462, 471, 477, 524.

— letters to; 326, 345, 354, 362, 363, 374, 375, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397, 399, 401, 404, 407, 410, 411, 422, 423, 424, 426, 427, 428, 429, 431, 433, 435, 436, 437, 440, 441, 442, 447, 449, 451, 452, 453, 454, 465.

— his long stay in England; 459.

— Jacques, servant of; 394, 411, 434.

— letter to; 452.

Dublin; 100, 142, 143, 154, 155, 177, 235, 304, 385, 387, 419, 420, 421, 427, 428, 443, 447.

Castle; 149, 154.

Archbishop of (1576); 142.

— (1578); 177.

Duc, cipher name; 51.

Duckett, Sir Lionel, letters of; 527, 529, 533.

Dudley, Lord; 17, 548.

grant to, 133.

Richard, petition of, 28.

Du Gar; 98.

Duiveland, island of; 118.

Dumbarton; 256, 548.

castle of; 162, 317.

Dumfries; 110.

Duncombe, John, dispensation for; 237.

Dunfermline, Lord, Scottish Ambassador; 183, 285.

Dungarvan Castle; 521.

Dunkeld; 44, 45, 257, 258.

Dunkirk; 55, 106, 111, 349, 396, 459, 511, 512, 516.

Dunsany, Lord; 100.

letter of; 102.

Dunstable; 75, 213.

Dunwich; 5, 61

Du Pin, M.; 116

Du Plessis, Sieur, takes leave of the Queen; 157.

Du Retz, Count; 290.

Durham; 183, 193, 217, 391, 527.

bishopric of; 140.

— seal for; 134.

Chancellor of the diocese of; 140.

Dean of; 217.

Dean and Chapter of, letter of; 182.

Prior and Convent of; 183.

Du Therre, Monsieur; 290.

Du Vergne, Monsieur, advocate of Tours; 48.

Dyer; 76.

Edward, letter of; 119.

John, yeoman of the Queen's bakehouse, petition of; 133.

Mr.; 200.

Mr. Justice; 335.

Dyesk; 42.

Dyghton, E.; 320.

Dymocke, Mr.; 335.

Dymoke, Lady Bridget; 320.

Dysart; 50, 397.

Dyve, Lewis; 147, 227.