Cecil Papers: October 1582

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: October 1582', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp523-528 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: October 1582', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp523-528.

"Cecil Papers: October 1582". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp523-528.

October 1582

1217. Nicholas Beaumont, John Harper and Ralph Sacheverell to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 4. We understand, partly of our own knowledge, partly by the general report of such as have best experience in mineral causes within our country, that the only used and accustomed way of melting raw lead ore (“ewer”) within the county of Derby until within these 20 years now last past, was by “bollinge.” The model (“module”) of the hearth whereof, and of such other necessary furniture thereto, as was then and is yet used, we have certified with the commission.
Secondly, when they had gotten so much lead as they could by the said “bollinge” they further used another hearth, called a smelting hearth, which stood near unto the said “bollinge” hearth, upon the ground without any house thereupon, wherein they smelted so much of the “slagges” or black work which was left in the “bollinge” as was thought convenient; leaving thereof so much as was thought sufficient to cover their blocks at the next “bollinge,” which they called the “blocke bollinge.” The model of which hearth we have also returned with the said commission. And for this smelting they used no other fuel but charcoal, as for the “bollinge” they used great wood.
Thirdly, we understand that Burcard's hearth was made of clay and charcoal-dust beaten and pinned together, whereof we received the true pattern made by one Chawner, who was servant to Burcote.
Lastly, we have also returned the model of the house hearth and furnace which was built at Beauchief by Mr. Humphreys, after her Majesty's grant of the privilege to him; which hearth being made of stone, is in depth from the pipe-hole, where the blast cometh from the bellows, to the bottom of the pan, 19 inches and 2/3 parts, which we understand was the best that was ever used. The usual fuel used at the hearth and furnaces was only white coal, that is, wood chopped in small pieces and seasoned or dried by the kiln or otherwise.—Sandy-Acre, 4 October, 1582.
2 pp.
1218. Lord North to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 5. Has thought it his duty to acquaint his lordship with the state of a gentleman, his neighbour, both of his health and disposition of his living, knowing that whensoever it shall please God to dispose of him, his two daughters be at Burghley's direction; and for the elder he becomes a suitor to Burghley. Sir Thomas Rivett is thought to be past recovery, and cannot live out this winter. He hath conveyed his lands to his daughters, and delivered the conveyance from himself, because he will have no alteration; his brother's son is wholly shut out of all. To his eldest daughter, whom he hath matched with Mr. Haydon, he hath given his lands in Norfolk and Wales; these are esteemed near 400 marks a year. To the second he hath given his manor of Chippenham and his lands in Hertfordshire, which is Baldock. Chippenham is 400 marks a year. Baldock and those lands are thought to be 140l. by the year; but he hath given Chippenham to “my lady” during her life. To the youngest, which he hath by this venter, he hath given Stoke with all his Suffolk lands, and hath given her besides the land which he bought of Sir Nicholas Pointz, called Oselworth. Stoke is yet in lease, some part of it, for a few years, 10 or 12; that manor only will be worth 700l. a year. Howbeit “my lady” hath Stoke also for jointure. “Yet if Sir Thomas Cecil have any young son, sure this young daughter, who is more than 12 years old, shall dispend near on 1,000l. yearly. This conveyance is kept very secret, and I come to it strangely, for I am not in great favour there. He would not that his brother should know of this device.” Writer's purpose is to let Burghley know what is to his hand, and what he bestows he might have due thanks for.—Cambridge, 5 October.
Endorsed by Burghley :—“1582.”
Holograph. 2 pp.
1219. Sir W. Malorye to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 5. Puts Burghley in mind of his ancient suit to defend him from the sheriffwick of the county, for that there is great choice in the shire for the place, and he in every respect unmeet for it.—Hewton Park, 5 October 1582.
½ p.
1220. R. Bennett to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 8. Has done his duty in inquiring in the University for such a man as Burghley described, and understands one Mr. Wilkinson, of St. John's College, to be very fit, viz., of right honest behaviour, of five or six years standing Master of Arts, of good knowledge in the Greek and Latin tongues, of good sight in the mathematic sciences, especially cosmography, wherein he hath read in the House, with other qualities that well commend him. He is Fellow of the College, and with a charge of pupils, which were something beneficial to him, of which pupils he could discharge himself, but conditioned that Burghley would procure the safety of his fellowship by leave of absence. The University of Cambridge, the 2nd of that month, was untouched with sickness, except one house near unto Peterhouse.—Theobald's, 8 October 1582.
1 p.
1221. George Ognell to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 10. Had lately, to his great charges, extended the manor of Ashburnham, co. Sussex, the inheritance of John Ashburnham, Esq. of the value of 120l. upon a statute staple wherein the said John was bounden. The said John, or some other, had now practised to make default in the matter of a debt of Edmund Robotham, a collector of the subsidy money, and had obtained process of the Court of Exchequer for the extent of the premises to her Highness's use, in order to defeat the suppliant's execution. Prays Burghley's intervention.—Undated.
Endorsed :—“10 Oct. 1582.”
One sheet.
1222. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1582?], (fn. 1) Oct. 15. The letter which she has sent him by Du Bex, and what the latter has said and brought on her behalf, make him regret the insufficiency of his life to acquit himself of so many obligations.
Will not attempt in the present letter to thank her for the great honour conferred upon him hoping to be able to do so more fully in person. The days appear to him like years in his eager anticipation of his so long wished for happiness. Nothing now detains him from her presence but the necessary putting in order of Cambray and the rest of his army, immediately after which he will invoke the gods for a favourable wind.—St. Valery, 15 October.
French. 1 p.
1223. The Earl of Arundell to Lord Burghley.
1582, October [19]. The plague hath so beset and encompassed his house that he is forced to hurry away without seeing Burghley. The malice of his enemies he will declare to Burghley himself, to whom he will ever acknowledge himself utterly bound.—Arundell House this present (fn. 2) Friday.
P.S.—“The air of my house in Sussex is so corrupt even at this time of the year as when I came away I left xxiv sick of hot agues. Wherefore the Bishop of Chichester being dead, and I wanting an house to remove unto, I beseech your lordship I may have the Bishop's house near Chichester to use till I may otherwise provide myself. If in the meantime a new bishop be made, I will be ready at a month's warning, &c.”
Endorsed :—“20 October 1582.”
1 p.
1224. W. Stanton to Lord Burghley.
1582, October 19. Has set down by Burghley's direction the order observed in the Castle of Hertford about the diets of Sir Nicholas Bacon, then Lord Keeper, Sir Richard Sackville, Sir Walter Mildmay, and Sir Ambrose Cave, who kept one table jointly, both for dinners and suppers, in a great chamber assigned for the Star Chamber. “In the which diets their honours then and there agreed upon and fully determined to have two good messes of meat always according to the days, and always on the fish days two dishes of flesh.” The reversion served for their gentlemen and servants with a supply of beef and mutton for them if occasion so served. The gentlemen to attend upon them numbered 28 or 30 in all, and were for the Lord Keeper, the Serjeant at Arms, the gentleman usher (which did bear the seal) and seven or eight yeomen; for Sir Richard Sackville, two gentlemen and five or six yeomen; for Sir Walter Mildmay, the same; and for Sir Ambrose Cave, one gentleman and five or six yeomen. Stuff and necessaries for the furniture were such things as belonged to the Star Chamber, as plate, naperie, carpets, pewter vessels, &c. The wine was taken out of the proportion of one tun of Gascon claret, red and white, over and besides sack and sweet wines sent thither for the Star Chamber. The beer and ale was provided by the deputy steward by itself, over and besides that which was provided for the Star Chamber. The gross acates as beef, mutton, veal and lamb, were likewise provided in the town by the deputy steward. The salt store, as lings, haberdynes, and greenfish, was taken by virtue of a letter written by Sir Richard Sackville to the yeoman of the Queen's storehouse at Westminster, and paid for by the said deputy steward. The iron stuff and brass belonged to the Master-cook, Stephen Treagle, and was hired of him. The poultry was brought daily by Robert Jorden of London; the fish as pikes, carpes, tenches, eels, &c., weekly from Cambridge by Wm. Raven of London, pikemonger. “And as touching the wages of the said deputy steward, master-cook and butler, chiefly appointed for the execution and ordering of the same diets, they and every of them were so honourably considered upon, both for their selves and their inferior servants travelling under them, by their said Honours to every man's contentation, as they and every of them were bound and had just cause to pray for their honours.”—This 19th of October 1582.
1225. Lord Paget to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 19. Informs Burghley touching the age of his brother Ryvett's youngest daughter, that in June last she was full fourteen years of age. Touching the motion Burghley makes for the matching with her, thinks himself very greatly bound for the same, and has so good a liking for his part thereof that he will be glad to do the best he can for the furtherance of it.—Drayton, 19 October 1582.
Signed : “T.Paget.”
Endorsed : “The Lord Paget to my Lord.—The full age of his lordship's niece, Sir Thomas Ryvett's daughter.”
½ p.
1226. Sir Edward Clere to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 20. Prays relief on account of a new demand for tithe of the site of the Manor of Grishaughe, otherwise “Grishause” Wood, which he purchased from Sir T. Knivett of Buckenham Castle. He bestowed money to attain for his eldest son 10l. per annum issuing out of land in Wymondham and Buckenham, late Sir Edmond Knivett's, the father of the said Sir T. Knivett, but finds from Sir Roger Woodhouse, to whom his son applied for the annuity, that Burghley had restrained him from taking the profits of the lands. Besides, his cousin, William Haydon, utterly impugneth the assurances passed by Sir Christopher Haydon, his late father, upon the which the living of the writer's now wife, late wife of Sir Christopher, dependeth, and the whole estate of a young infant which Sir Christopher had by his said wife, and a number of other livings and estates. The same William Haydon seeketh to frustrate the will of Sir Christopher; he has entered the head-house devised to writer's wife, killed and spoiled his cattle, and continually of late annoyeth him and his farmers, which manor is about 300l. by the year. Prays redress.—20 October 1582.
Holograph. 1 p.
1227. Ralph Tonstall to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 20. There is a cause before your lordship in the Exchequer Chamber, betwixt her Majesty (at the promoting of one Wharton) and me. The cause was determined at the assize at York by a jury of esquires and gentlemen. I beseech your lordship, be my good lord. My cause is good, yet the cost, this ten years, is infinite. The informer counterfeited her Majesty's Attorney's hand; his father and brother did their penance here for forgery. Malus corvus malum ovum; the supporter of the charge is one Middleton, a bishop some time in Ireland, who in person came in this cause and against the school at Ripon in the Duchy Court. The man being utterly unlearned and banished Cambridge, might yet in reason have learned not to seek his nurse's overthrow. I mean that school where what he hath, there he got it.—Durham, 20 October.
Endorsed : “1582.”
1 p.
1228. William Sugdon to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 22. Has held of long time a house and garden of one Ellis Hartopp, gent., lately deceased, whose heir is now a ward. Prays a grant of a lease of the premises during the minority of the ward. His duty had been to attend his lordship, but partly by reason of the infection, as also his daily continuance in the Receipt, causes him to trouble his lordship with these few lines.—Westminster, 22 October 1582.
½ p.
1229. Sir Lionel Duckett and others (Commissioners of Weights) to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 23. Requiringrespite—“by reason of God's visitation”—until the first Monday ofthe next Term to deliver their verdict.—London, 23 October 1582.
10 signatures. ¼ p.
1230. Humphrey Nash (Bailiff of Arnold) to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 24. Upon the receipt of Burghley's letters he—“being by age of 80 years and old bruises lame”—sent for Mr. Ogle his attorney to publish the letters in the Church, at which time there was also read the former order purporting two principal points; one, that where the tenants claimed by their custom to choose amongst them a provost that should yearly gather the lord's rent, and to have better than 6l. or 7l. yearly for his allowance, for that he (the writer) had been bailiff and rent-gatherer, by patent, this 48 years and never any such fee or officer allowed, it was ordered that writer should continue the collection as he had done; the other point was for the preservation of the woods, allowing to the tenants their usual “botes,” without such spoil to be made by them as of late years they had done. Gives full details of subsequent outrages committed by the tenants, and of their refusal to pay the rents to the writer, who mentions incidentally that he was formerly standard-bearer to the old Earl of Leicester, in her Majesty's wars, and had kept a poor house in Arnold this 40 years, where the now Earl of Shrewsbury and other noblemen had lodged at sundry times.—Arnold, 24 October 1582.
1231. Philip Lord Wharton to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 25. Asking for a renewal of his lease of certain tithes in Cumberland and Yorkshire, of the best of which one George Lamplughe of Cockermouth had obtained a grant over writer's head.—“At my house at Wharton,” 25 October 1582.
Signed. 1 p.
1232. The Marquis of Winchester to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 25. Asking him to renew the commission touching the controlment of Ughtred's unorderly and troublesome accounts and to make it returnable in Hilary term next, as the Commissioners, by reason of the sickness in the City of London, have not had leisure to deal therein.—Hooke in Dorset, 25 October 1582.
Signed. ½ p.
1233. John Ashburnham to Lord Burghley.
1582, Oct. 26. His land is extended by divers cruel merchants for the sum of 240l. One Ognell seeks to get their debts and extents into his own hands, “to cut my throat without any regard of conscience.” Prays relief.—Ashburnham, 26 October 1582.
1 p.
1234. Miles Phillipson and Thos. Bethome to Lord Burghley.
1582, October 27. Certify that according to Burghley's instructions they and Christopher Preston, Robert Bindlos, Thomas Brathwhat, and Wm. Hutton assembled to take some good order in the matters in controversy between Wm. Fleming and the Queen's tenants of Grasmere as to tithes and commons, and finding they could effect nothing they refer the determination thereof to his lordship. Their proceedings were set down in articles at Dalton, where Sir Thos. Boynton (lately deceased) was present as umpire, which writing is now in the custody of Bernard Benson.—Kendall, 27 October 1582.
½ p.


  • 1. But probably 1581.
  • 2. 20 October 1582 was a Saturday.