Cecil Papers: November 1582

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: November 1582', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp528-538 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: November 1582', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp528-538.

"Cecil Papers: November 1582". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp528-538.

November 1582

1235. Richard Matthew, cutler, to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 1. Wm. Herley, the traveller, owing him 14l. and having failed to pay it since 1578, he asks for letters directed to those at Antwerp who are appointed to receive and pay the said Herley's debts. Has above 20 persons daily in his house at his charges, yet all well and preserved from the common sickness. Sends my good lady a pair of knives.—1 November 1582.
¾ p.
1236. Sir Edward Stafford to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 2. Asks for a writ of supersedeas upon process gone forth against the sureties of Karseyes Aubrey, of whom the writer is one, till his health permits him to wait upon Burghley.—From Highgate this Friday.
1 p.
1237. G. Harvey to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 3. Understands that Nountwith Grange, comprised in the particular of Alborowe formerly sent to him, is lately sold, and that another parcel called North Cote, appendant to the aforesaid manor, is now on sale. Not knowing whether Burghley means to proceed therein, to save the dismembering thereof and to keep it entire for his lordship, the writer has procured stay till Thursday, &c. Rowe, son of the late Alderman Rowe, is the only man to further Burghley in the matter.—St. Giles, 3 Nov. 1582.
Endorsed : “Sale of lands of Mr. Gresham in Yorkshire.”
¾ p.
1238. Sir Lionel Duckett and others [Commissioners of Weights] to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 3. Asking for an order that certain “unsised” avoirdupois weights in the Exchequer, and a pile of “unsised” troy weights in the custody of the warden of the Mint, might be delivered to them to “sise.”—London, 3 November 1582.
Four signatures.
½ p.
1239. Grabrielle Goodman to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 6. Received Burghley's letter, and one from Lady Tyrwhitt, touching a lease demised to Sir Robert Tyrwhitt, her late husband, which lease is thought to be forfeited by reason of a clause therein contained. Writer and his company had not taken advantage of any such forfeiture but rather had used the same to the relief of orphans, and with small benefit to the college. Would gladly help the college with some provision for hospitality both in respect of the place and also for the scholars' benefit, whose commons thereby should be the better and of less charge, yet would not do the same with showing any extremity or injury to any. Had also received Burghley's letter of 1 Nov. touching Dr. Lilly for exchange of a benefice with one Mr. Wilson, whereof the College here is patron. Will confer thereon with his brethren at their next meeting in Chapter.—Chiswick, 6 November 1582.
1 p.
1240. Sir George Carey to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 8. Asks that the lease for 21 years of the manors of Brocnes and Godshill may be passed to him; the particular according to the rate found in the office, and promises, if Knapton disprove the Queen's title before Christmas, the lease shall be cancelled.—November 9.
Endorsed : “1582.”
1 p.
1241. Sir Nicholas Bagnall to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 11. Her Majesty has granted him the payment of the small remain due to him. Beseeches Burghley upon the receipt of the Privy Seal to pass the warrant to the Exchequer.—Windsor, 11 November 1582.
Seal. ¾ p.
1242. Laurence Thomson to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 12. Touching his suit against the tenants of Laleham [?]. Seeing his case standeth so hard for defence against the water that he shall not be able to preserve it, he will put it away if he can find a fit chapman.—From the Court at Windsor, 12 November 1582.
1 p.
1243. Richard Bingham to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 12. When heretofore Edward Symmes was indicted and outlawed upon the robbery of writer and his neighbours at the Five Mile Cross, and, upon his apprehension, was bailed to pay 40l., Mr. Dimmock had now paid 40l. for his man Thomas Skirrowe. Writer desires to know if Burghley will give any order for the payment of Symmes's 40l., that satisfaction may be conferred for both sums.—Windsor, 12 November 1582.
Seal. ½ p.
1244. Cotton Gargrave to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 12. Begs him to speak with her Majesty to have him absolved from being Sheriff of Yorkshire this year, he being greatly overburdened with his late father's debts.—12 Nov. 1582.
1 p.
1245. Rowland Sherard.
1582, Nov. 13. Petition setting out that the Sheriff of Lincolnshire had process directed to him to levy 60l. of John Thymelby, of Irnham, co. Lincoln, as a penalty for absenting himself from church for three months. Richard Coventry, the under-sheriff, had thereupon taken 200 sheep belonging to petitioner, and forbore to levy the same of John Thymelby. Requires restitution of his goods.—Undated.
Endorsed : “13 Nov. 1582.”
1 p.
1246. Sir George Carey to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 13. Asking that his father-in-law, Sir John Spencer, might be relieved from serving as Sheriff in Northamptonshire for the following reasons :—(1.) He had been sheriff thrice. (2.) He had this year determined to live and settle his house in Warwickshire. (3.) He had divers great suits about writer's sister's (Monteagle) dowry. (4.) There were many sufficient gentlemen within the shire to supply that place, as, Mr. Thomas Andros, Mr. George Farmor, Mr. Eseby Isham, Mr. John Kerton, Mr. John Stafford, Mr. Lovet, and divers more.—From the Court, 13 November 1582.
Holograph. 1 p.
1247. Edward Dimmock to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 13. Certifies that he had paid 40l. to Bingham of Newark for the pardon of Thomas Skirrowe, who once served writer. Wishes to know Burghley's determination respecting Symmes. Begs that he may be excused for the slack certifying of the subsidy.—Windsor, 13 November 1582.
Seal. 1 p.
1248. Sir James Croft to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 13. Lamenting your lordship's grief and imagining which way to comfort you, I saw no means to apply a plaister to such a sore but by good counsel. And remembering myself how well your lordship is able to help yourself and to cure others having like grief of mind, I thought it lost labour to persuade him who knoweth better how to help his own disease; for the grief of mind by sudden and deep impression doth so amaze a man, as wit, wherein reason should rule, do become dull and astonished, as a member with a great bruise becometh numbed and senseless, and for a time deprived from any use, till time shall assuage the pain of both, and so reduce every of them to their proper uses; the which I pray God from the bottom of my heart restore you, that our Queen and country may have your service, the want whereof I beseech Him that I may never see.—The Court, 13 November 1582.
1 p.
1249. The Earl of Lincoln to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 13. Thanks him for helping his servant, George Yorke, in his suit against one Allein, by granting him an annuity of a hundred marks for some years to come.—Pirford, 13 Nov. 1582.
½ p.
1250. Humphrey Smale to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 14. Is tenant of the rectory of Bolsover, Derbyshire. Francis Leeke has made forcible entry into part of his lands, and troubled him with divers arrests by force of process out of the Common Pleas, the actions being laid in Derbyshire, where Leeke's power is great. As he is the Queen's tenant, prays that he may be impleaded in the Exchequer, and not elsewhere, and that Leeke be forbidden to sue him at the common law.— Undated.
Endorsed : “November 14, 1582.”
½ p.
1251. Thomas Horsman to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 14. Asks him to appoint next term for the hearing of the matter in dispute between him and Mr. Skipwith. It does not concern Mr. Askew.—From the Court at Windsor, 14 Nov. 1582.
1 p.
1252. Jasper Swift to the Earl of Lincoln, Lord High Admiral.
1582, Nov. 14. John Story's piracies in a fly-boat, formerly Lord Leicester's, off Portsmouth. He has been driven by tempest into a creek by Porchester Castle, where he resists all comers with pikes, and says he will yield to no man but Sir Henry Radcliffe.—London, 14 Novr. 1582.
Endorsed :—“Deliver this to my lord treasurer.”
1 p.
1253. Sir Philip Sidney to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 14. Came up hoping to have himself delivered the enclosed letters, and so have laid his father's mind and matters in Burghley's hand. But finding the loss his lordship hath had of late, made him at first delay the sending, and now the bringing, lest, because they were dear friends and companions together, his sight might stir some grief unto his lordship.—At Court, 14 November 1582.
Holograph. 1 p.
1254. Sir Edward Horsey to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 15. Reports that Story, the pirate, has yielded, having come in by the practice of Munt, Lieutenant to Sir Henry Radcliffe.
He and his company are now in the town prison. The vessel belongs to Young and Sperte, servants to the Earl of Leicester.—From the Isle of Wight, 15 Nov. 1582.
1255. Richard Alvey to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 15. Offering to purchase a house in the Temple, lately occupied by Mr. “Colowye” [? Keylway], for 160l.—From the Master of the Temple's lodging, 15 November 1582.
1 p.
1256. Henry Middlemore to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 16. Craves Burghley's resolution with regard to the purchase by him of some part of Mr. Abington's lands. Would have waited upon his lordship himself, but his lameness will not suffer him. His grief, which hitherto was in his hip, is now fallen with greater extremity of rage into his foot, and he lives in great torment of pain, but in greater fear of the gout.—Enfield, 16 November 1582.
1 p.
1257. E. Stanhope to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 17. Reports results of the attendance of himself and the tenants of Arnold upon Mr. Attorney according to Burghley's and Sir Walter Mildmay's appointment.—This 17th of November 1582.
¾ p.
1258. [Mr. Maynard] to Alderman Martin, Warden of the Mint.
1582, Nov. 18. Desiring him to make arrangements to provide 2,600l. for payment of victuals to be sent into Ireland.—Hertford Castle, 18 November 1582.
No signature. 1 p.
1259. Dr. George Wither to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 19. Thanks for the good friendship and favour which he and others his brethren the ministers of Essex found at Burghley's hands in their late suits. Asks that those ministers and others who were indicted at the Assizes in Essex by occasion of Dr. Walker's sermon, the indictments being removed into the King's Bench, may have Burghley's word or letter to Her Majesty's Attorney to confess them false, and further that they may be discharged of the bonds of good abearing whereunto divers of them stand bound.—Danbury, 19 Nov. 1582.
¾ p.
1260. Dr. Richard Howland (Master of St. John's College, Cambridge) to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 19. Understanding Burghley desires to have an honest man and good scholar to read unto Mr. Robert Cecil, and that Mr. Benett has recommended the bearer, Mr. Wilkinson, Fellow of St. John's, who is summoned to Theobalds that Burghley may there make trial himself of his ability, the writer confirms the recommendation, and adds that he is quiet, staid, honest and of a good nature, which, as he has had experience, is a very hard thing to promise for any man.
As last year so now at the last election, looking for Burghley's scholar from Westminster, which came not, they have reserved him a place to be admitted whensoever he shall send him.—From your College of St. John's, 19 November. 1582.
¾ p.
1261. Sir Lionel Duckett and others (the Jury for Weights) to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 19. Desiring respite to deliver their verdict until the second return of the next Term.—London, 19 November 1582.
Twelve signatures.
1 p.
1262. John Maddock to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 20. For favour in his suit against Robert Vincent and others, to be heard in the Star Chamber.— Undated.
Endorsed :—20 Nov. 1582.
1 p.
1263. John Stones to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 20. Prays to be put again in possession of lands in Hatfield, Yorks, detained from him by his brother.— Undated.
Endorsed :—20 November 1582.
1 p.
1264. Alderman Richard Martin to Mr. Maynard.
1582, Nov. 20. Received a letter from Hertford Castle, the 18th of this month, without subscription of any name, but, as he takes it, written by Maynard, and specifying Lord Burghley's pleasure in making money over unto Bristol. If it be Burghley's good liking a sum of money may be delivered unto the charge of a carrier, but packed up in such manner, amongst other things, as he shall suppose it to be merchandises for that place as are usually carried hence. As regards other sums to be transmitted for the service of Ireland, means to write unto Bristol to learn if any have money to receive there which they desire to be paid here, “and in such sort to be answered them their money here in London.”—20 November 1582.
P.S.—Sends enclosed an answer to his lordship.
Addressed :—To my very good friend Mr. Maynard, attendant upon the right honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England.
¾ p.
Enclosure :
Alderman Richard Martin to Lord Burghley.
With regard to the money to be paid to [John] Bland [Surveyor of Victuals] at Bristol, will endeavour to do it through merchants, otherwise the money must be sent in gold or other coin by carrier, her Majesty standing charged with the cost of carriage, and also the adventure thereof in sending it thither.—20 November 1582.
1265. Thomas Blank, Lord Mayor of London, to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 21. Informs him of the dearth and scarcity of wheat for victualling the city. “The wheat of Sussex hath this harvest greatly failed, being much light and smitten, so as not only we have less from thence, but also such as were wonted otherwise to provide there do now buy most in Kent from whence we have been heretofore more largely served.” Encloses note of Kentish wheat brought to London in the previous mayoralties. The price begins to rise and is already at this time (commonly the cheapest season of the year) 23s. and 24s. the quarter. Begs stay of three vessels, the “Rowe” of Newcastle, the “Burre” and “Marie Katherine” of London now riding near Faversham with fifteen hundred quarters of wheat, to pass beyond seas.—London, this 21 November 1582.
½ p.
Note of Kentish wheat brought to London.”
(Mayoralty of Sir Nicholas Woodroffe.)
[1580], November 2000
September 1628 4791 qrs.
October 1163.
Mayoralty of Sir James Harvey.
[1581], November 931
September 28 1019 qrs.
October 60
Mayoralty of Thomas Blank.
1582, November, 101 qrs.
½ p.
1266. Lord Eure to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 21. Asks Burghley to look at his petition to Her Majesty, and give his opinion whether he should prosecute the same or no.—November 21, 1582.
¾ p.
1267. Robert Ashfield to Lord Burghley.
1582, November 21. Their Suffolk country cause is now depending before Burghley, by which he will discover who are faithfully loyal to the Queen and who have some spark of hypocrisy. Writer's son, remaining still in Burghley's house, is at his Lordship's commandment whether he should still attend upon “that good gentlewoman his mistress.”—From my house in Stow Langtoft, 21 November 1582.
Endorsed :—“For the continuance of his son in Mrs. Wentworth's service.”
¾ p.
1268. Thomas Nicholas to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 21. The bearer hereof is the printer that printed the little treatise of “Cæsar and Pompeius,” which I presented to the right honourable Lady Anne, Countess of Oxford; and he it is that hath spent some money to print that little pamphlet which I sent to your Honour at Windsor, touching the “Monastical life in the Abbey of Marshalsea.” The thing will terrify all the papists in England. If it seem convenient to your Honour it may please you to permit him to have the printing thereof.
In my last I wrote of the great wrong that is done by Dr. Lewis unto me, and how my money is wrongfully recovered by my adversary, Shawcroft; and yet I remain in prison. Prays examination of the matter.—From the Marshalsea, 21 November 1582.
1 p.
1269. The Duke of Medina Sidonia.
1582, Nov. 21. Warrant authorizing the agents of the Duke of Medina Sidonia to buy 1,000 quarters of wheat in the counties of Somerset and Southampton for transportation to Spain.—Windsor Castle, 21 November 1582.
Endorsed :—23 Nov. 1582.—Upon this letter, letters were written to the officers of the ports in the counties aforesaid, to permit the said Duke's agents to transport out of either county 250 quarters of wheat. The remain put over until the next year.
Sign Manual at head. Privy Signet.
One sheet.
1270. The Earl of Leicester to Lord Burghley.
1582, Novr. 22. Acknowledges Burghley's letters received through Sir Henry Cock. Had the like before and wonders not a little at it. Thinks he must move the Queen to some further consideration than yet hath been. No news. Has been bold in Burghley's little park at Enfield, though he has done no great harm there yet.—From Mr. Butler's house at Woodhall this Thursday.
Endorsed :— “22 Nov. 1582.”
1 p.
1271. Anthony Lowe to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 22. Craves a warrant to receive such money as he shall prove due to him. When he had this passport he built upon his Honour's furtherance, “or hells I ham a non hapy man to be her.”— Undated.
Endorsed :—“22 Nov. 1582.”
1272. Sir Robert Jermyn and others to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 22. Understanding, by report from Mr. Hanson, that it has pleased his lordship to confer with him on the state of their country and amongst other things on their letter respecting certain griefs whereby the godly Ministers about them have lately been very much pressed, they humbly thank God that their cause has found a loving and gracious entertainment in his lordship's honourable affections.
Whereas it has further pleased his Lordship to signify that some of them should give their attendance at Hertford, they are very ready to observe his directions, but most of them having experienced the scarcity and peril of lodgings thereabouts, they pray to be spared until the next term, by which time they hope to be able to wait upon his lordship at London. The particular griefs, of which their letter spoke only in gross, have been sent up to the Lord North who has very honourably joined them in this common action, and who has been an ear and eye witness of all these hard proceedings. They beg further to commend to his lordship's honourable consideration the causes of Mr. Hanson and Mr. Badby, the first of whom is a minister of long standing, often accused as a stirrer of sedition but against whom it has never been proved with any shadow or colour of truth; the other, a Justice of the Peace these 24 years and one who hath served her Majesty faithfully in other places, and who is now, upon a surmised disturbance of an unworthy and unlawful minister in that place, put to his fine of 100 marks according to the statute and thrust out of the Commission. —Bury, 22 Nov. 1582.
3 pp.
1273. The Earl of Pembroke to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 22. Complains of the conduct of his tenants in Uske and Trellecke in the county of Monmouthe, who have of late had many assemblies contrary to law, made divers speeches against duty, and practised sundry means to infringe and avoid the late order concerning his woods in those parts.—Sarum, 22 Nov. 1582.
1 p.
1274. Rowland Bracebridge to Lord Burghley.
1582, November 23. In the matter between him and William Mondey and John Aley, as to the office of the Alnage of Bucks and Bedford, complains that the commission issued has been tampered with, and prays Burghley not to give any credit to Mondey.—Undated.
Endorsed :—“23 November 1582.”
1 p.
1275. Edward Baesh to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 24. Perceives by John Bland that his lordship will not exceed 2½d. for the pound of bacon, wherewith he will be contented because of his great store, although the same stands him in 3d. Sends a messenger to attend Burghley's pleasure for the rest of the provisions for Ireland. Prays a letter to the Court to Mr. Secretary as to his salary.—Stanstead, 24 Nov. 1582.
1 p.
1276. Lord Wharton to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 24. Touching the complaint made to his lordship by the tenants of Harkasyde, in Swaledale, that he and Mr. Mullenoxe have caused to be enclosed certain parts of Healay Moore and Harkasyde Moore. States that he and Mr. Mullenoxe are co-parceners of certain lands within the Lordship or Manor of Healay, and have always joined together for any inclosure or action touching the said lands. Mr. Mullenoxe being now absent, delays answering his lordship's letter until he can communicate with him.—Wharton, 24 Nov. 1582.
1 p.
1277. Lord Henry Seymour to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 26. Prays for the grant of certain imposts of wine such as Burghley may think fit for his calling. “And whether I marry or not marry, yet as I have already begun, so do I betake myself henceforth both in mind and like course to my small house and less family, taking my leave of all courtly good fortune.” Laments the late unfortunate decease of Burghley's son-in-law [Mr. Wentworth].—From my house in the Black Friars, this 26th of November 1582.
P.S.—Has written Mr. Skidmore to let her Majesty understand that he is 1,000l. in debt, and pays 100l. a year for interest. If his suit for Buckingham may not take place, asks that if the Queen have not disposed of the whole to Harry Umpton, he may have a half.
1 p.
1278. Sir Thomas Cecil to Lord Burghley.
1582, Novr. 26. Sends by his servant, the Keeper of Collyweston House, the certificate, made by those Burghley and Sir Walter Mildmay appointed, touching the repairs needed for the said house.—Collyweston, the 26th of Novr. 1582.
½ p.
1279. Thomas Blank, Lord Mayor of London, to Lord Burghley.
1582, Novr. 28. “I and my brethren are informed by our counsel from Hertford, in the matter of the office of garbeling depending before your Lordship and the Barons of the Exchequer, that Mr. Attorney hath moved to have a commission between her Majesty and this City to inquire of non using or abusing of that office by the Mayor and Commonalty of this city or their deputies, since the first year of the reign of our late sovereign Lord, King Henry VIII., and of all circumstances touching such supposed abuser or non user, and thereof to examine witnesses. We do all trust that of your honourable and accustomed goodness to this city, and inasmuch as the title for the city both by charter and parliament been largely shewed, and, as I trust, is holden undoubted, your Lordship will think it a rare example to examine every particular offence of under officers and servants in so long a time to our prejudice or discredit, as persons unmeet to be trusted with execution of such office, who indeed have been the only diligent executors of it in England, as shall well appear, if the use of the same office in other cities and ports be considered; and that London only have kept a continual officer with charge to do that duty and without any allowance from the state of this city, to neglect or abuse his office. Beside that, it is certain that a multitude of general pardons, if any abuse had been, do extend thereunto. And namely, the last most gracious pardon of the 23rd year of Her Majesty's reign; so as we think that nothing can arise of this inquisition, but matter of our discredit & public bringing our good fame and uprightness in question without need, which I trust your Lordship, to the disabling of our good countenance amongst those that should obey under our Government, would not allow, &c.”—London, this 28 Novr. 1582.
¾ p.
1280. Sir H. Sidney to Lord Burghley.
1582, Nov. 30. Thanks him for his kind and loving letter which, “if there would any comfort grow in his mind, that letter only might suffice to renew the withered estate of it.”—Ludlow Castle, the last of Nov. 1582.
1 p.
1281. Thos. Keylwey to Lord Burghley.
[1582, Nov.] Has at last procured Mr. Recorder and Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower to certify to the Privy Council the examinations of the witnesses touching the fray between the two Mr. Boroughes and his men on Bartholomew Day last in Westminster. Trusts it will appear to his lordship therefrom that the fray was begun by the former.
2 pp.
1282. Ordnance.
[1582, Nov.] Warrant under the Privy Signet for the transportation of 12 pieces of iron ordnance, and ten dozen bows and arrows.—[Undated.]
1 p.