Cecil Papers: September 1582

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: September 1582', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp519-523 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: September 1582', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp519-523.

"Cecil Papers: September 1582". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp519-523.

September 1582

1205. Roger Manners to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. 3. On behalf of his old servant John Page, who had bought from Mr. Sampoll the bailiwick of Barton in Lincolnshire. By the death of Mr. Sampoll the patent is void, and the poor man, having paid for it all he was worth, is now utterly undone, unless Burghley grants him again the said bailiwick.—The Savoy, 3 September.
Endorsed :—“1582.”
½ p.
1206. Lady Mary Rogers to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. 4. I have often troubled you with my desires in dealing with my lady Grace for me, so will I continue the same course, knowing by your lordship's means I shall soonest prevail. If in any respect I had forgotten the duty of a child, or dutifully every way had not sought the favour of so dear a parent (as I have ever found her Grace towards me), I would not have relied on your lordship's help. I know many suggestions have been preferred to her Grace behind my back, whereof none will be justified in truth to my face. I was at Hanworth since I saw your lordship last, but my hap was not then so good as to obtain speech of her Grace's own mouth. Minding this week to go again, I desire your lordship to make me the messenger of some your few lines, that I may be accepted to see and speak with her Grace.—Paul's Wharf, 4 September.
Endorsed :—“1582.”
½ p.
1207. The Thames.
1582, Sept. 6. Petition of George Nedham, the farmer of the Custom House Quay in London, shewing that he had taken away and cleansed the banks of sand and rubbish that lay before her Majesty's quay, and had brought the work to that perfection that between the beginning of the flood and the latter end of the ebb he had gained more than three hours' water at his quay to bring in and out his lighters; which his evil-willers, the wharfingers and others, thought he could never have brought to pass. Whereupon the water bailiff of London entered an action against him, in the name of the Lord Mayer and all the Commonalty of London, and he is assured to be condemned, although divers be of opinion that he has not offended against the Statute made for the preservation of the Thames in 27 Hen. VIII.; neither, considering that the Custom House is her Majesty's, and one of the chiefest places of the receipt of her Highness' revenue, that the Lord Mayor, nor the City, have no more authority to deal in anything that is done in the Thames for the commodity or furtherance of her service there, than they have authority to forbid anything done in the Thames that may be beneficial to her Majesty's houses at Greenwich or Westminster. Prays a letter to the Lord Mayor to stay the suit till the next term.
Endorsed :—“6 Sept. 1582.”
1 p.
1208. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1582], Sept. 7. His pen can find no rest having so many reasons to thank her Majesty, who increases his obligations to her day by day. Is more happy and satisfied than he has been since he enjoyed the felicity of being in her presence, which has since left him so full of uneasiness that were it not for his hope of lowering the pride of the Spaniards he would give up all his warlike designs, “pour aller chercher la presanse de ma belle royne dela la mer pour me ravir en la contanplation de tant de perfections qui continuellemant sont davant mon ydee.” Yielding, however, to his honour and his obligations to this country he will remain, being resolved to court all kinds of danger in order either to win her highest esteem or to end his life so honourably that she will have no cause to regret the favour she has conferred upon him. “Je me ples tant en ses discours que si je voulois croyre mon courage ou suyvre mes conseptions sete letre seroit sans fin et le monde sans papier ni encre sufisant pour y satisfayre.” Recommends to her favour the bearer, a gentleman of honour and devoted to her service, by whom he has received the sum of 50,000 pistoles, which comes in very good time to aid in the expenses of this war, in which he may say that he has experienced more kindness from her Majesty than either from the king his brother or the queen his mother.—Catelet, 7 September.
French. 4 pp.
1209. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. 10. Upon consideration of the great losses John Foxall, merchant, had sustained by the Inquisition in Spain, the Queen had granted him licence to transport a certain quantity of grain, whereof he hath for a time been restrained. But, as the plenty of this year has been such as, in their opinions, the same may be now conveniently spared, they have given order that he may transport as much as remains upon his licence.—Oatlands, 10 September 1582.
1 p.
Annexed :
Schedule of the amount of grain remaining upon the licence :
Kent, 300 quarters; Sussex, 300 quarters; Hampshire, 500 quarters; Dorsetshire, 500 quarters; Norfolk, 400 quarters. Total, 2,000 quarters. [¼ p.]
1210. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. 10. Authorising Anthony Deering, Captain of Dungarvan Castle in Ireland, to transport certain grain for the victualling of the said fort and adjoining country, being very much wasted by the late rebellion.—Oatlands, 10 September 1582.
1 p.
1211. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1582], Sept. 15. The numerous favours which he daily receives from her Majesty cannot in any degree increase his devotion to her which proceeds entirely from her virtues and merits and his own natural inclination thereto, “que je ne puys panser aytre enfante que du siel.” His cousin the Prince Dauphin has arrived to-day bringing with him a body of fine troops with whom he hopes to effect something good. Must not omit to tell her that “le neveu de Monsieur Aton” is here with the best equipage and intentions possible, which increases the proofs of her Majesty's desire that her subjects should favour his designs.
Would be very sorry if any circumstances should arise prejudicial to her Majesty's affairs, but should such be the case she has no soldier who would more willingly hazard his life than himself. Beseeches her to acknowledge the kind offers made to him by the Earl of Leicester, “lesquelles sont si belles que a jamais je luy en reste aublige et ami tres aseure.”—Pont Dormi, 15 September.
French. 3 pp.
1212. Sir Thomas Tressame to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. 22. Thanks him for his of the 21st inst., so balanced with magistrate-like indifferency and justice, and so full fraught with honourable courtesy, divine precepts, Christian charity, &c. Acknowledges Burghley cites him truly and by evident authority confutes the place, but believes stronger authorities are not wanting for the mainte nance of the principles of religion (tending to salvation) exercised by the Church, which in those days had that baptism in practice. Commends Burghley's opinion of the Fathers, and agrees in wishing their sense upon the Scriptures to stand, &c. To judge from their works and from Ecclesiastical History (which Burghley advised him to read), in most points of faith now in question they notably concur with the Catholics. The Catholic Faith is not limited to one place, but is a solis ortu usque ad occasum, and allows commandments in cases of religion and conscience not warranted by God's Word, as Saint Augustine writing against Cresconius doth teach : ubi vero nulla ex divinis legibus conceditur potestas, nihil improbe atque impudenter audeatur. Finally recites Burghley's conclusion, “God send us all the spirit of humility to know ourselves, and of unity to bear with one another in our infirmities,” and begs him to be a means to restore him to the Queen's favour. Since his wife's letter and the special mediation of Sir Valentine Browne, the schoolmaster with all his scholars has departed.—From Hogsdon, 22 Sept. 1582.
Endorsed :—“From the Flete.”
2 pp.
1213. Henry Earl of Pembroke to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. 24. At his late being in Bristol was informed by the Dean and Chapter that their lands (whereof he is High Steward) are extended through the ill-dealing of their collectors, whom, with their sureties and bonds, they have already brought into the Exchequer. Desires that through the aid of that Court the faulty collectors may be constrained to answer the debts they have already received.—Bristol, 24 September 1582.
½ p.
1214. Barnaby Gooche to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. 26. Since I last wrote I understood by Sir Henry Wallopp your lordship's honourable saying (?) over me touching my journey into Connaught; beseeching your lordship not to conceive of me that this journey of mine proceeded either of lightness or inconstancy, but only of mere carefulness of my poor estate. Your lordship knoweth I have in England a lewd mother-in-law living, whose life keepeth from me the greatest part of my poor inheritance. I have on the other side a poor wife and a great sort of children. Mine own portion in possession being very small for the maintenance of so many, causeth me to try what honest means I may, if not to augment, yet to preserve the little living my father left me; and this is the only reason of my coming into Connaught, where, as I look not to be any great gainer, so, lose I not my head, I trust to be no great loser. And though the place be painful, yet will it be some abatement of my charges, till such time as it shall please God to send my own living into my hands. Otherwise, I would have been loth to have left my own country, and most loth to have forborne my daily attendance upon your lordship. Sir H. Wallopp at my departure gave me very friendly admonitions, besides 5l. in reward.—Mellifant, 26 September 1582.
1 p.
1215. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. 28. Are credibly informed that Philip D'Orio, a Spaniard, had a ship spoiled and carried out of the port of Falmouth into Ireland by certain English pirates; in consideration whereof they have licensed him to transport 150 quarters of grain, which Sir John Killigrew informs them may be conveniently spared in Cornwall.—Windsor, 28 September, 1582.
1 p.
1216. Robert Courteney to Lord Burghley.
1582, Sept. His answer to Pytt's petition, with regard to the tenement of Lentall Erles, Herts. Pytt came into possession by marriage and not by succession, and he (Courteney) lawfully bought the reversion. Prays consideration, on account of his 50 years' service as a rider of the stable.— Undated.
Endorsed :—“Sept. 1582:”