Cecil Papers: August 1582

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1888.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1582', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp510-519 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1582', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582( London, 1888), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp510-519.

"Cecil Papers: August 1582". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 2, 1572-1582. (London, 1888), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol2/pp510-519.

August 1582

1175. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
[1582], Aug. 1. Assures her of his entire devotion to her service and entreats her if his actions are not equal to his words, which he is prepared to confess, to attribute it to the lack of more direct opportunities. Nevertheless those who are most envious of him must needs acknowledge that in fighting the King of Spain he is combating an enemy who bears her Majesty in his most secret thoughts as great ill-will as he does to those who make open war on him.
Thanks God that the King has at last sent the despatch she asked for. Assures himself that “apres avoir fet se que les dames bien nees ont a coutume de fayre, qui est de se faire un peu prier “she will condescend to what she has promised and receive him for her lawful husband; “mefezant jouir du fruit et contantemant de mariage a quoy je me prepare fezant peu decquesersise me nourisant si bien que je maseure que en reserveres plus de contantement que dautre qui soit sur la terre.” Begs her not to take it ill if he reminds her that as his “bonne mestresse” she has more cause than ever not to forsake him, for any favour conferred on him would be conferred on one who will soon be her husband; entreats her therefore by the affection he bears her to send him with all diligence the rest of what she has promised which shall be so well employed that she will never have cause to regret it. Assures her that it shall not be long ere he will repay her advances with interest, and that were his bonour not so deeply concerned he would rather be buried alive than speak to her on such a subject.“Je ne suys souldat mersenere, je suys amoureus de vos beautes vertus et perfections que jadore en ydee atandant le consoume que Messieurs de Mauvisiere et Pinart ont tousjours tant demande.” Is told that her Majesty has been informed that he has received help from the King. If such were the case he would have advised her thereof without delay. The report is spread by those who wish to see the King of Spain superior to all his enemies and to hinder her Majesty from recognizing her interest in opposing him.—Bruges, 1 August.
French. 5pp.
1176. W. Herle to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 3. “Captain Symple, son to the Lord Symple of Scotland, late of Colonel Steward's regiment, having the credit to be with his band in garrison at Lyre, yesterday morning betrayed the town to the enemy, to the harm and terror of the whole country hereabout, it being the bulwark of Antwerp and the key of Brabant on this side, and a place wonderfully fortified.” Incidents of the betrayal, and its causes. Symple and other Scottish captains of Colonel Steward's regiment complaining of their Colonel's misdemeanors could get no redress nor grateful hearing. He had also given the “cordgyll” to Captain Spence. Symple and two other captains, persisting to be separated from Steward's regiment, and suing for redress of grievances, were referred to the Chancellor of Brabant, who gave them no satisfaction. The chief cause, besides the promised 50 thousand gylders, was that Symple, complaining to the Governor of Lire that he had been 10 weeks in garrison without money or meat for his soldiers who lived pocrly by roots, their own purchase, and even by begging, was shown the gallows in the market place, and threatened by the Governor and Burgomaster with hanging, if any more such mutinous purposes proceeded. The States have no town provided with victual and munition, nor money for the soldiers, which has made Brussells' soldiers to mutiny and apprehend their governor and captains. The camp by Dunkirk is fain to live by “pycorye,” the national soldiers murder one another, Mr. Norris' horsemen and footmen are debauched, and daily sell their horses and furniture, and his credit and authority are decayed. The loss of Lyre breeds more ill effects. This town is grievously altered, and has this day refused the Wedde (the Counsel of the Warden of the Guilds) any further contributions of the tenth or fifth penny, asking for an account of the money hitherto contributed. Meanwhile Deeste and Herentalls are likely to be lost with all the Rempen, if the enemy come speedily to Brabant, also Barrow, and the passages to Machlyn and Brussells are in danger, and especially Lullowe.
Matthias Corneno, a notable Italian, had the enterprise of Lyre committed to him, and is occupied in setting down the policy there. Touching the conspiracy of Brydges Francisco, after he was cruelly racked he killed himself with a knife the day following. Egmont is committed from Marckett's guard to common prison. The Duke of Guise is said to be in the conspiracy to murder the Prince. A plot is laid to kill the Queen of England in her progress, so at least the Prince of Orange reports. Villyers deals mischievously with the Queen, and insinuates that she is Spanish, undermines Monsieur's actions, and was the occasion of the loss of Oudenarde, declaring further how Monsieur and the French King were abused in the treaty of marriage by a premeditate determination, &c. The Dutch ministers preach against his ambitious corruption, the delicate sumptuousness of his wife and daughters in wearing great ruffs, laying out their hair, and being carried about the streets in coaches. He is a violent fellow, as witness his late discourse, “Sur le blesme de son Excellence.” By letters from Florence the two daughters of Spain are looked for in Italy, to separate at Cremona, one to go to the Emperor, the other to the Duke of Savoy. It is said the King of Spain means to marry his niece, now with the Empress, her mother. Monsieur utters at this present that his brother hath accorded absolutely the articles required by her Majesty touching the marriage, therefore it behoves her now to stand to her promise, &c. —3 August 1582.
Endorsed :—“Certain advertisements from the Low Countries.”
1177. Robert Winfield to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 3. Asking his advice about suing his cousin William Fitzwilliam for certain grounds called “Belseys Lees,” regarding which an award had been broken. “All this time of his being in the country he never sent nor spake to me to be good to his tenant for his corn, which by law I might have eaten up, because it was sown in the fallow fields.”—Upton, 31 August.
Endorsed :—“1582.”
1 p.
1178. John [Cobham] to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 5. The betrayal of Lire, three leagues distant from Antwerp. The enemy within a league of Monsieur's camp, Norris arrived from Bruges.—Dunkirk, 5 August 1582.
P.S.—Captain Williams' brother brought to Dunkirk with 200 horses very bravely to be buried.
½ p.
1179. W. Herlle to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 6. Asks him to procure some allowance from the Queen for his maintenance at Antwerp, and sends him a copy of his letter to the Earl of Leicester “touching French discourses and objections against our State.”—Antwerp, 6 August 1582.
1 p.
1180. Lady Alice Oxenbridge to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 6. Is daily looking for death, the happy end of all her griefs, which shall be most welcome to her. Yet, whilst life endureth, desires to obtain the comfort of her dearest children, of whom one, her eldest son William Scotte, is prisoner in the White Lion for his conscience. Prays his delivery thence that she may leave him one of the chief directors of her will.—Hursborne, 6 August 1582.
Seal. 1 p.
1181. Francis, Earl of Bedford to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 7. Thanks him for his courtesy to him on his late visit to the Court. “Thanks be to God the quietness of this country is such as it yieldeth me nothing worthy your Lordship's knowledge.” His son has returned from his French journey before reaping any pleasure from it. It cost 200 marks.—Tavistock, 7 August 1582.
¾ p.
1182. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 7 Found the well so cold, by reason of the ill weather, as he could not but very seldom have. use of it. The water he has drunk liberally; beginning with three pints, and so increasing daily a pint till he comes to eight pints, and thence descending daily a pint till he shall again return to three pints, which will be on Thursday next. Means to return after he shall make an end of his drinking.—“Buxstens” [Buxton], 7 August 1582.
Holograph. 1 p.
[Lodge, II. pp. 231–232. In extenso.]
1183. Sir Walter Mildmay to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 8. Has given order with Mr. Petre for the delivery of ten thousand weight of bullion to the Aldermen. The Mint requires to be set in a straight course, it having been out of frame a good while. Alderman Martin, thought by Burghley fittest to be the chief officer, had rather remain as he is. How the Warden's office and the Master worker's may be united is a question. Precedents have been found. The alteration of the Standard is worthy of consideration. The matter of the weights is a thing of great necessity, which the writer fears the jury will neglect unless they are sent to Burghley.—From Apthorp, 8 August 1582.
2 pp.
1184. Lord Stafford to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 8. Knows that Mr. Secretary will declare how writer has disproved the suggestions of that slanderous fellow Ralph Higgons, and that he is cleared by the oaths of Higgons' own witnesses. Entreats Burghley to read the enclosed letter, written about a fortnight past, but not delivered, by reason of his man's falling sick.—From her Majesty's Court at Nonsuch, 8 August 1582.
½ p.
1185. Dr. Hector Nunez to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 9. News from Lisbon. On July 9 there went away from Lisbon the fleet for the Islands, which were three score sail, i.e. thirty great ships, twenty carvaiells, and ten great barges, to meet at Cape St. Vincent with forty sail more coming from St. Lucas. Tea thousand men of war in all.
On Sunday last the Spanish Ambassador going in his coach through Fenchurch Street was assaulted by boys who were playing with their bucklers and who followed him and his men, hurling stones, old shoes, etc. at him. So he was fain to turn the course of his waggon as fast as he could by Lime Street where the Lord Mayor dwelleth. Thereupon they fled.
Asks licence for his brother-in-law to send a gelding to Lisbon in the “Nightingale”—London, 9 August 1582.
1 p.
1186. Vincent Murphyn to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 9. Asks that he may have his chamber in the Kings Bench again on paying the Marshal as much as any other prisoner, and complains of Papist conspiracies to convey him secretly beyond seas.—King's Bench, 9 August 1582.
3 pp.
1187. Richard Barrey to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 9. Will do his best for the furtherance of the works at Dover Castle in the absence of John Symons, this day gone to Burghley. All the good done unto this castle since the writer's coming has been through Burghley's only good means.—Dover Castle 9 Augt. 1582.
½ p.
1188. Don Antonio.
1582, Aug. 9. Warrant for the Agent of Don Antonio to transport certain pieces of ordnance and munition.—Manor of Nonsuch, 9 August 1582.
Sign manual. One sheet.
List of ordnance and munition, including,—48 hundred of powder, 45 pieces of iron ordnance, 30 light corslets, 12 corslets proof, 60 pikes, 80 halberds, 100 calivers withfurniture, 100 “muraons,” 5 ton shot, “crosbar,” chain and round, 12 “dromes,” for shipment in the “Franceys” and “Fortuna” at Southampton [1 page].
1189. Lord Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 10. Touching the release upon bail of Wm, Appleton and two fishermen of Rye, begs that such order may be taken with these obstinate persons as that by their submission others may be warned from committing the like offence. The ambition of mayoralty is the chief cause of the troubles. Appleton having made himself so strong in voices amongst the fishermen can make whom he will mayor. Lately one Fagge within five years has been mayor four times. This usage is not only in Rye, but generally throughout all the Cinque Ports.—Cobham, 10 August 1582.
2 pp.
Wm. Appleton, Thos. Chilwell, and Thomas Harmans to Lord Cobham.
1582, August 7.—Beg to be excused till after their Yarmouth voyage from entering into bonds for good abearing in order to their discharge. Their acquaintance is small in Dover, although those they are acquainted with are very curious to enter into bonds for payment of money or for their appearance, but not for their good abearing, not knowing how far it may stretch.
Contemporary copy.
1 page.
1190. Hugh Morgan to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 10. Recommending the bearer, Thomas Dale, for the vicarage of St. Cuthbert's, in Wells, co. Somerset, now in lapse, and for 20 years past wrongfully detained from her Majesty. The presentation belongs to Edward Stafford or his deputy. Since the last incumbent's decease one Paul Methuen, a Scotchman, otherwise well beneficed with two great livings in co. Somerset, has unduly obtained a presentation thereof from her Majesty.—London, 10 August 1582.
½ p.
1191. Thomas Keylway to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 10. Ever since he received Burghley's commandment to have no dealings with his uncle Boroughe nor none of his, the same man Sculthorpe, the author of the controversy, and his fellows increase their misbehaviour “with disdainful laughings and usings.” Gives details of the annoyances he is subjected to. Prays reformation of these doings. —Westminster, 10 August 1582.
1 p.
1192. Lord Abergavenny to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 10. His grounds in Sussex have been of late very much hunted, and not many days since a tall gentleman, that served him in that charge, was first sore beaten and then within eight days after he was slain; and two other old fellows dangerously hurt in the night season by 10 or 14 malefactors weaponed with swords and bucklers, long piked staves and crossbows, as the bearer can inform Burghley. Is not neighboured with Justices of Peace that be forward enough in doing justice upon offenders of that kind, so appeals to his lordship for aid.—Birling, 10 August.
Signed :—“Henry A Burgavenny.”
Endorsed :—“1582.”
1 p.
1193. The President (Thomas Wilford) and Assistants of the Company of Merchants trading to Spain and Portugal, to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 11. Peter de Sebure was sent out of Spain about the recovery of the bullion that was taken and brought home by Sir Francis Drake; whose good affection towards them, the merchants that trade those countries, hath well appeared, whilst the contrary hath appeared in the Spanish ambassador, whose malice and revenging mind they have just occasion to fear. As the one desireth a favourable agreement, so the other standeth upon restitution to the uttermost, with daily threats; so that Peter dareth not do that he would nor that which by his powers he might. One Peter Martines lately became bankrupt, and is deeply indebted to many of the Company, and hath utterly undone some of them; whose poor estates might have been helped if her Majesty would have lent Peter de Sebure £10,000, of which sum he was content to deliver to Martines' creditors here £8,000. Also, of late, they understand that Sebure hath been in treaty with the Spanish ambassador to yield to some reasonable composition, whose answer hath been that he will not yield, but that all shall be answered to the uttermost “marinedew,” and hath charged Peter, as he will answer it before the King, to let him alone with the matter, saying that the King knoweth where to be paid; whose hard dealings in speech doth give them just occasion to fear that an arrest will be made upon their goods, by which a thousand of her Majesty's subjects might be utterly undone, who, since the coming home of Sir Francis Drake, have lived in continual fear, withdrawing themselves from tljeir used trade, and ventured the less. Desire that Burghley will be a mean to her Majesty to obtain for Sebure £2,000, to enable him to go to the Court of Spain to inform the King of the hard dealing of the ambassador. Wish that it may be kept from the Spanish ambassador, who will cross Sebure's doings, and that they may haste him to go over before their ships arrive in Spain.—London, 11 August 1582.
1 p.
1194. E. Denny to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 12. Referring to the repayment of monies due for victuals to be answered to the towns of Ireland.—The Court, 12 August.
Endorsed :—“1582.”
1 p.
1195. John Cobham to Lord Burghley.
1582, August 12. The enemy doth front us still by Bergus, and there will come to him in two days three thousand Italian and Spanish foot and fifteen hundred lances, now in Brabant. When they come the Prince of Parma will do some exploit on our camp. M. Rochpott lieth at Bergus still. Our poor English soldiers are so ill-handled for pay and victual that they will not long tarry here. The camp is decreased 4,000 men. The commissaries with but one month's pay muster the whole camp to-morrow. M. de Burse's brother, who betrayed Macklin, is the Commander of the Englishmen that fled to the enemy. These are much accounted of and lodged close by the Prince of Parma's tent.—Dunkirk, 12 August 1582.
1 p.
1196. William Herle to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 12. Has desired Mr. Secretary to impart such matter as he has sent him as to the state of the Imperial Diet and of the concerns of these countries. Likewise has sent Mr. Beale, Clerk of the Council, sundry papers in High Dutch to be communicated to Burghley, and withal a book, in English hexameter verse, of part of Virgil, done by one Stanihurst, an Irishman remaining at Leyden, which, for the rareness of the thing, he thought meet to be perused by his lordship. Howbeit, in his simple censure, it is a tough piece of work and harsh, joined with obscurity.
Upon Friday last the townsmen of Lyre [Lierre] were sworn to be true subjects to the King of Spain, and to be enemies to the French King, to the Duke of Alençon, the Prince of Orange, and to all their adherents; which is material for her Majesty to understand. There was a “dromme” [?drummer] of this town present at the Act of the oath, which was done publicly in the market place. Herewith I must not overpass that which is written in Greek letters upon the Gate of Lyre, viz., “Di Stat van Andwarpen is tho hueren tryen Balmes”—The town of Antwerp is to be let, or hired, towards Michaelmas mart. Hereby they make a warehouse of it, and prepare for it new merchants.
The King of Spain hath, by advertisements out of Germany, given these Low Countries in dower with his eldest daughter to the Emperor; but if the Emperor be impotent (as is affirmed) in procreation, then is the same a plain abuse, to seem more plausible to England and France. The said King hath written sundry letters to the Baily of Flushing inducing him with large promises to betray the said town, which letters he hath communicated to the Prince of Orange from time to time, yet it is thought meet for more surety to remove him out of the Island to some other thing to avoid often temptations.
The report that the Q. Majesty is conspired against to be murdered increaseth, which is gravely to be looked unto, and by his next will promise some particularities of it.—Antwerp, 12 August 1582.
[P.S.] “Fidelis servus nonnunquam negligitur.”
Holograph. 1 p.
1197. William Borough to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 13. Has commanded his son to keep the peace in the quarrels between his son's men and Mr. Kellwaye's men. His son and wife, and all his men, have gone to lie a little time in the country, but will send for him to answer such articles as Mr. Kellwaye has exhibited against him.—Lambeth Marsh, 13 August.
Endorsed :—“1582.”
1 p.
1198. Mistress Blanche Parry to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 16. Desires his favour on behalf of Mr. Pendryth, whose wife nursed the Queen, and also is one of the Queen's tenants of the manor of Norborn, co. Kent. The [Arch]bishop of Canterbury has appointed certain persons to carry away Mr. Pendryth's tithe corn without suit commenced in law.—From the Court at Nonsuch, 16 August 1582.
½ p.
1199. E. Denny to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 16. Thanking him for his favour. The payment, according to Burghley's mind, shall be performed.—The Court, 16 August.
Endorsed :—“1582.”
Seal. 1 p.
1200. Simier to the Queen.
1582, Aug. 19. Le singe vostre a désiré la mort sant fois d'avoyr demeuré deus mois antiers en sete ville sens avoyr response à mes lectres que je vous ay escrites asses importantes. Enfin vostre responce a demeuré trante cin jours entre les mains du messagier qui l'a portée pardesà. Je vous asure qu'il y a qulcun[quelqu'un] de par delà qui vous tretct. Je me défie fort de Vualsingand[Walsingham], d'autant c'on m'a assuré que c'est l'un de ses serviteurs qui a aporté vostre lectre, laquelle je [j'ai] trouvée fermée d'un nouveau cachet, tout aultre que seluy qu'aves acoustumé, et si, vous peus bien assurer qu'avant qu'elle soit tumbée en mes mains qu'elle y este auverte. Je vous en advertis afin d'y prendre garde. Il n'y a rien au monde qui m'aportast plus de disgrasse, que si Monsieur venoit à descouvrir ce qui passe entre le singe et vous. Je sai bien que j'ay des henemis près de vous, que s'il descouvrent que vous m'escrivies ou que je vous escrive. qu'il ne feront faulte pour me ruyner toujours, davantage d'en donner advis à Monsieur. Je vous suplye d'en tenir considération, et ce que vous me manderes ne passe par les mains de personne qui soit confidente au dit segretere ne ami de ses amis, car ils me veulent tous mal de mort, parce que je vous heme[aime], et n'en saroict avoir aultre occasion. Je suis sur le point de rentrer en grasce, mes s'il descrovoict ryen de vostre singe et de vous, il s'anfanseroit grandemant. Assures vous que de mon costé je le tretere si cegrétement qu'il ne s'ent [s'en] saura jamais rien. Monsieur mande ancores, despuis vous avoir escrit par ma dernyère deus fois, le mesme messagier. Il désire apointer vostre singe avecque Fervacque, et m'a conmandé luy fayre entandre ce que je désire de luy, qu'il le fera fere antyèremant. Je [j'ai] faict response que je metois toutes choses en ses mains, pour en disposer à son plesir, que j'étois prest d'obéir et satisfayre à sa vollonté pour haymer et tout ce qu'il hemeroit, ancores que plus vollontyers je consentirois c'on me coupast ung bras que d'aymer jamais Fervacque de bon ceur; toutes fois pour luy conplere, je me disposerois à fayre tout ce qu'il vosdroit. Y me senble que je ne pouvoys dyre aultre chose pour le contanter en tout. (Test le mesme que vous me conmandes luy escrire. Le mesagier est retourné du 15 de ce moys. J'atans son retour pour voyr ce qu'il me conmandera, dont je vous donnere toujours bon advis, ancores qu'il me soit defandu sur la vye rien dyre a personne. Mais vous estes la raine de mon âme,à laquelle je ne peus rien quacher [cacher]. Si Dieu me faict la grasse d'estre auprès Monsieur, vous trouveres gré jamais homme ne vous y servira fidellement ne si bien que moy. Dyeu m'en fasse la grasse, s'il luy plest. Monsieur m'escrit et me mande toutes les plus douses lectres du monde, et tant d'escuses du mauves tretemant qu'il m'a faict sens occasion. Sela m'aporte plus de contantemant que je n'ay resu de mal en toute ma disgrasse. Il craint toutesfois et ne veut pas que personne le cognoisse, quar en général il me trete pyremant que jamais, m'ayent ancores despuis peu osté la melyeur messon que j'eusse, et pour laquelle j'avois bien délybéré vous enployer envers luy, afin qu'il me la rendit, comme la justisse le requyer, n'ayent aultre moyen de vivre, ou qu'il luy pleust prendre ma vye avec sela. J'espère qui le fera de luy mesmes, et crois que se qu'il en faict est à quelque bonne occasion. Il n'y a pas aparense qu'il m'est envoyé guerir jusques en ma mayson fort loing d'isi, m'ayent mandé la plus favorable lectre du monde, que ce ne fut à bonne intantion et pour se servir de moy. S'il avenoit aultrement, il me feroit ung grand tort, et je serois bien desu de mon esperense. Je ne trouve ryen de plus estrange en sela que se que vous me mandes n'avoyr rien entandu de se qui passe entre luy et moy. J'avoys opignon que vous husies ganie[gagné] le Prince d'Orange et que tout cela se brasast par vostre conmandemant, mais puisque vous me mandes que non, je ne say qu'en croyre. Quoy qu'il en soit, je ne désire pas y rentrer que par vostre moien, et si Dyeu me faict la grasse d'y estre une heure, je n'y demeurere jamais la troisième que vous ne me conmandyes très expressément. Celuy qui m'a escrit et mandé que le Prince d' Orange me feroit très bons offices est Monsieur mesmes, qui me l'a dit par ces lectres, Mes que le mesagier soit de retour, je vous mandere tout ce qui pasera. Ayes sepandent souvenanse de vostre singe, et vous assures que vous estes le seul paradis de son âme. A Paris, le 19 d'oust 1582.
$ $ $ $ $
$ E $
$ $ $ $
Seals with red silk.
Holograph. 2¾ pp.
1201. Roger Cave to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 20. Has heretofore been a suitor on behalf of the bearer, 'Sir' Thomas London, for the obtaining of a “conductship” in King's College, Cambridge, for him. Is now informed that one Benett, late a canon of St. Paul's, has been deprived by Mr. Nowell, Dean of St. Paul's, and asks for this preferment for bearer. Knows that Burghley has always been a favourer of those that be studious, and so well given to be profitable members for the edifying of the common and ignorant people.—Stanford, 20 Aug. 1582.
Signed :—“Your loving brother-in-law most bounden.—Roger Gave.”
1 p.
1202. Rent-Roll.
1582, Aug. 20. A rent-roll of Church-Stanway, Wood-Stanway and Taddington, giving the names of thirty-one tenants.
Endorsed by Burghley :“Mr. Tracy's suit.”
One sheet.
1203. The Privy Council to Lord Burghley.
1582, Augt 21. Desiring him upon consideration of what quantities (fn. 1) of wheat, malt, beans and barley may be spared from cos. Gloucester and Somerset to give orders to the officers of the ports there to suffer Lady Mary, widow of Theobald Bourghe, to embark and transport the same to Ireland for her private relief, in respect of the scarcity there.—Oatlands, 21 August 1582.
Signed :—E. Lincoln, A. Wardour, R. Leycester, F. Knollys, Chr. Hatton, H. Hunsdon, and Fras. Walsyngham.
1 p.
1204. Thomas Kellway to Lord Burghley.
1582, Aug. 21. Complaining that his uncle Borough's men had not been punished for their abuses. States that his boy was beaten and his head broken; the pales of his house were torn down; “daggeis” were thrown at him in the Queen's garden; stones were flung at his men and their faces broken; his man was “boxt”; some came to the houses where his men were at supper and threatened to cross his men over the face with their daggers; and when they meet his men they spit upon them and shoulder them. Can produce proof of foregoing.— Westminster, 21 August 1582.
1 p.


  • 1. In margin, in Burghley's hand— “100 qters of whet, malt, barley, beanes.”