Cecil Papers: August 1606, 1-15

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: August 1606, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp220-235 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: August 1606, 1-15', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp220-235.

"Cecil Papers: August 1606, 1-15". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp220-235.

August 1606, 1-15

[Sir Richard Ogle.]
1606, August 1. "The usage of me. R. O., by Mr. Justice Walmsley."—Yesterday I appearing before Judge Walmsley and Judge Warberton according to the Lords' letters, I was thus used by Mr. Justice Walmsley.
At my first coming he gave me snatching speeches, checking and brawling in scornful manner that I should trouble Cust, not deigning to look upon the articles until I desired them so to do, which Mr. Justice Warberton did.
Justice Walmsley took exception to the articles not to be worth answering, and rather justifying them all than reproving.
To Article I he scornfully asked me if I looked for so much courtesy, and why he might not put on his hat ? "Are you such a 'joly' fellow as men must stand bareheaded to you, and who are you that you must have a cap, and what had you to do to be amongst the boys (?)"
Justice Walmsley would not for proof of my articles suffer my witnesses to be examined (saying he did not care for my witnesses) as by the Lords' letters was required, and I having a warrant from the said Judges to bring them to Lincoln to be examined.
He told me he would as well believe Cust as me. I answered I hoped he made some difference of our credits: he said he would as well believe a poor man as me in my own case. Hearing that Cust had builded a little schoolhouse (which cost 7l.) he marvelled when he should hear I would build a schoolhouse.
He so commended Cust for his schoolhouse I was enforced to tell him that act was not to be a cloak for all his knaveries; and as unns hirundo non facit ver, no more did one good action make an honest man. He asked me what I had to do with any man for being at the alehouse? Whereunto I objected the Council's letters and orders, etc.
He was so outrageous he would not hear me speak a word, but as I did whether he would or not. Justice Walmsley carried himself in such violent manner neither Mr. Irbie nor Mr. Erne being of my counsel durst speak a word; and of the other side both Cust and his counsel were heard with good liking and applause. Notwithstanding, Sir Peter Warberton read over the articles, reproved Cust for his sauciness, and used me very kindly. R.O.
Endorsed: "1 August, 1606 at Lincoln Assizes." 1 p. (110. 11.)
The Mayor and Aldermen of Barnstaple to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 2. By our letter dated 29 July we signified the apprehension, examination and detaining in prison of one John Sweet, a man much suspected of disloyalty, and that we would keep him in safe custody until farther commanded by you. Since that time the Earl of Bath our very good lord has required us by two several letters to send the prisoner to him to be farther examined. Upon receipt of his first letter we returned answer expressing our proceedings and advertisement to you, and expectation of your farther direction; and verbally declared unto the gentleman, his lordship's servant, who brought the letter that seeing we had certified you we would keep him in prison till further order from you, we thought it would not stand with our duty to vary from that we had written, but were willing his lordship should send any authorised by him to examine him in prison, rather than remove him from the place of safety; doubting what might ensue in time of their general discontentment of the Catholics. But his lordship having the second time required him to be brought unto him by express commandment in his letter (a copy whereof we send you enclosed) we have sent him to him; beseeching you not to impute this to any careless respect we have in performance of our loyal duty to his Highness, or that we forgot what we have written to you; but being poor men dare not withstand his lordship's command, not knowing how far his authority reaches over us in this and like cases. And that we may hold so right a course in our proceedings without offence as we have a hearty desire to do his Majesty service, and for that our town is a port town to which many fugitives and persons ill affected may resort, we crave direction what to do in the like occurrence, and whether after apprehension of any such person and advertisement thereof to you and other the Lords of the Privy Council, it may not be lawful for us to retain the person so apprehended in safe custody until your pleasure be known, notwithstanding any inferior authority requiring the contrary.— From Barnstaple, 2 August, 1606.
Signed. Seal, broken. 1 p. (117. 13.)
The Enclosure:
The Earl of Bath to Mr. Woodrooffe, mayor of Barnstaple. I suppose it will fall out at length that you have much forgotten yourself and your duty to his Majesty, and used me unkindly. For whereas I requested you yesterday by my letter written and sent by my secretary to send unto me in his company the person of one Sweet, who a day or two before I understood you had apprehended and made stay of in your town; and I also showed you plainly what notice I had received from Rome and other foreign parts by my former examinations taken concerning him, and his disloyal carriage to his Majesty and the State, intending to have examined him of those and some other points that more nearly concern the King's Majesty and his service than you know of, or are meet to be opened to a man of your quality: notwithstanding this my private advertisement unto you, which in respect of my place and nearness of abode, and especially in regard of your duty to the King I made no doubt but you would have willingly accomplished, I find by your private letter of answer that you have no disposition to suffer me to see or speak with him, alleging that finding him to be a person dangerous to the State you have upon examination committed him to the close prison within your town and certified your doings therein to the Earl of Salisbury. Wherein I think you have done well and according to your duty: nevertheless the parts of my former letter well considered, I see no cause why you should so contemptuously refuse to send him to me to be further examined. And therefore I do now in his Majesty's name expressly require and command you to bring the said Sweet or cause him to be safely brought before me to my house here in Towstock [Tawstock] to-morrow, being Saturday the 2nd of this month at one of the clock afternoon, to answer to such matters as I shall object unto him and examine him of in behalf of his Majesty. And hereof I require you not to fail as you will answer the contrary at your uttermost peril. For the doing whereof I hope you will make no doubt but this my letter will be your sufficient warrant.—Written at Tawstock. 1 August, 1606.
Copy. 1 p. (117. 12.)
Mary. Lady Bulkley, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 2. My son Sir Richard Bulkley has been arrested upon execution of 300l. by your bailiff, and escaped from the arrest, which I am informed your lordship takes offensive and a great fault in my son. I am very sorry it was his hard fortune to offend any that belong to you, but I beseech your patience and lawful favour until the truth and lewd practice of some that have most lewdly abused my son's young years in procuring him to be bound for a debt that he never borrowed nor had the money [be known]; and at your leisure to examine how the debt grew and by whom it was borrowed, or refer it to the hearing of the Lord Chancellor or the Lord Chief Justice of England. Then if my son be found truly indebted he shall take such order as your bailiff shall be secured and saved harmless. I hope to attain this my request so far forth as is agreeable to right and justice.— Lewsam, 2 August, 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (117. 14.)
The Archbishop of Cashel.
1606, August 2. Licence by the Lord Deputy, Sir Arthur Chichester, to the Archbishop of Cashel, to pass to England, and to be absent eight months. He is to be furnished with 5 able post horses and a guide, at his Majesty's usual rates.—Our camp at Devinish in Fermanagh, 2 August, 1606.
1 p. (192. 113.)
The Earl of Dunbar to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 3. I have received your letter, and as I have formerly many ways tasted of your favour, so your showing so great care of my health heaps more kindness on me. All I can do is at your command, and my greatest care shall be to let you see I am a most true friend. I have been extreme sick. In the time of our Parliament I had a great issue of blood, and I had little regard of it because sometimes I have been accustomed with it. It continued till my coming here to Berwick, and then became so vehement, turning to a flux of blood with so great pain as was possible, that I was constrained to keep my bed 15 days. My sickness has made me weak, but I hope to be able for travel about the 20th of this month and to see you about the end.—Barwek, 3 August.
Holograph. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "1606." 2 pp. (192. 114.)
Noel de Caron to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 3. Three Dutch sailors have been condemned to death for attempting to seize a French ship. There was nothing in the ship, and their purpose was to pass in it to Holland, having lost their own ship. He is solicited by those of the Flemish Church to intercede for them with the Admiral and Admiralty Judge, who are inclined to pardon them; and he begs Salisbury also to have mercy.—Suydt Lambeth, 3 August, 1606.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (192. 116.)
Sir Arthur Capell to the Same.
1606, August 3. Thanks for his liberality and favour to his son Arthur Capell, his servant, whom he prays God to make diligent and wise to do him acceptable service. Also thanks him for a fair goshawk he has this day received. "From my poor house at Haddham, 3 of August, 1606."
Holograph. ½ p. (117. 15.)
Sir Thomas Crompton to the Same.
1606, August 4. I return the 2 petitions I received with answers thereto: and the rather at this time for that I understand my Lord Ambassador of France intends his resort unto you. They are matters not merely concerning the Admiralty, but to be determined by others and in other courts. It may be I have mistaken the purpose of the petitioners (for hardly will anything be well taken that does not fully satisfy their desires), notwithstanding I am assured I have dealt truly and endeavoured to understand the matter and accordingly to certify you.—4 August, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (81. 13.)
The Bishop of Carlisle and Sir Ch. Hales to the Same.
1606, August 5. In our former letters we signified we had sent for the gentlemen of Westmorland to be at Carlisle the 4th of this month, at which time 2 gentlemen and 2 freeholders only came, others made their excuse by letters signifying business or infirmity. We have thought good again to move them at their being at Appleby Assizes the 11th inst. to consider of the contribution required, and have signified we think it convenient 200l. should be levied in that county, expecting their answer at Carlisle Assizes the 15th inst.
For Northumberland we have made no motion of contribution for that county was never subject to any great danger of the Grahams, but of the Middle and East March of Scotland, and the names of the gentlemen that subscribed the petition exhibited to his Majesty were only such of Northumberland as then were employed for the service of his Majesty in Cumberland.
If any sum of money shall be procured from these counties we suppose it will not be procured in such convenient time as this occasion requires. The Grahams are now almost ready and their shipping provided, and victual in providing; and if they stay for the money of the country this year will be lost, the summer being now spent almost. 300l. is thought to be a reasonable sum for Cumberland.
For the better expediting their going if it might be thought expedient that a sum of money might be paid them in Ireland by his Majesty's Treasurer or otherwise, and paid again by the contribution of the country, it would hasten their going and make them more comfortable in their banishment, they having many young children and aged persons; and being generally wasted and become poor will be in danger to perish the first year in Ireland for want of means to provide victual and other necessaries. Which we refer to your wisdom, so much do we fear the slackness of the country, and think it great reason that if for so great benefits received they shall not be incited to thankfulness by contribution, that they deserve to have it laid on them by authority.
Walter Graham has always been accounted the chief of the Grahams: his example to have brought in his evil sons, chief dealers in this late incursion, to have submitted to transportation might have given good expedition to the service. He has done nothing although often moved, but as we hear labours not to be transported with his name. If he shall live near to Esk or this country, though in Scotland as he pretends, much inconvenience may ensue. We expect the coming of the Berwick soldiers the 10th of this month.—Carlisle, 5 August, 1606.
Holograph by Hales, signed. Seal, broken. 1 p. (117. 16.)
Lord Sheffield to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 5. By reason of some dangerous writings come to my hands by accident I have thought good to signify that since my coming down there was brought to me a box which was lost in Gawterest [Galtres] forest near York, having in it a letter and certain articles. The box was close sealed up with hard wax and wrapped in a handkerchief which was likewise sealed with hard wax; all which I have sent your lordship. I find the state of things here in my government seem quiet for any thing that can be discovered, but they are a crafty people, and commonly when they are so exceeding quiet they have some knavery in their head. —York, 5 August.
PS.—Command some servant of yours to deliver this letter to my mother, who lives at Potne.
I think you shall shortly receive letters from the dean and prebends of Rippon, craving your assistance, who are, as I think, as honestly dealt with as may be, as will more at large appear to you by their letters. Let them have your favour, for the cause is religious, honourable and just, and therefore fit for you to deal in.
Holograph. 2 pp. (119. 96.)
Monsieur La Boderie, French Ambassador, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 5. With a present of fruit. The fruit is M. Carron's [Noel Caron's] but is preserved by his own wife. When Salisbury was in Paris he pronounced her to be a good workwoman in that trade, and he hopes this fruit will not change his opinion. In any case, there is no "drogue de Ball" in it. His Secretary has brought from France some orders from his King with reference to his Majesty, but as they are not pressing and as he does not wish to interrupt his Majesty's pleasures, he will await his return to Greenwich.—London, 5 August, 1606.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (192. 117.)
Thomas Lowe, Governor of the Turkey Company, to the Same.
1606, August 6. Whereas there is at this present a ship called The Royal Exchange freighted and almost laden ready to depart within a few days to carry the Ambassador and the present to the Grand Signior, the officers of the navy have commanded the master of the said ship with divers of the mariners to serve in his Majesty's ships at Chatham; whereby they cannot attend the voyage in such manner as is required, the year being so far spent that the same cannot be deferred without great prejudice to that trade. The Company of the Levant Merchants have earnestly entreated me their Governor to move you to write your letters to Sir Robert Mansell, knt., for the discharging of the master and mariners belonging to that ship from this service at Chatham.— 6 August, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (117. 17.)
The Earl of Ormond to the Same.
1606, August 6. I have taken occasion to write to you upon letters received from my son-in-law the Lord Viscount Butler, giving me to understand of your furtherance afforded him in such suits of mine as he had to move to the King; whereof as I nothing doubted, so would I not forget to give you my very hearty thanks. The occurrents here I must think you are advertised of from the Lord Deputy and Council. Upon the going over of my son-in-law I did not think his stay would have been so long, beseeching you to be a mean for his speedy dispatch.—From the Carrick, 6 August, 1606.
Signed. ½ p. (117. 18.)
Sir H. Brouncker, Lord President of Munster, to the Same.
1606, August 6. Sir Richard Perry, being discharged of his entertainments here, desires to return to England and prays to be commended to you. He has carried himself zealously in the cause of reformation, justly towards his company, temperately in his government, and respectively to me. His brother's fault has been a grievous affliction to him. Favour him for the recovery of his entertainments long due.—Cork, 6 August, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 18.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, August 6.] Having received information of certain very lewd and infamous words against his Majesty by one Henry Gay, an Englishman, a printer servant to Verstegen of Antwerp, he complained to President Ricardott and desired the party might be sent for to answer his misdemeanour. The Archduke gave order to have him sent for when he could not deny the words but he has been merely dismissed with an admonition for his better carriage hereafter and to be forthcoming to answer anything that may be further objected against him. Edmondes has protested but the President has replied that they could not severely punish all intemperate speeches of a common people which the Archduke in like offences against himself was forced often to dissemble. He objected also that in England it was permitted to inveigh publicly against the K. of Spain and his Ambassador to be outraged by the throwing of dirt into his coach without punishment of so foul abuses. Edmondes has replied that he was assured if complaint were made of such disorders care would be taken to punish the same but that his own complaint was against one of his Majesty's own subjects and that they could do no less than banish the offender out of their countries. In the end Ricardott said he would move the Archduke again.
The matters which were informed by Capt. Nuce are now much extenuated by the reports which come out of England suggesting it was only a practice of his to give these informations to procure himself some relief from the State.
Owen has now withdrawn himself hence and apparently not without public direction underhand for they found there was a purpose to lay open to them the matters wherewith he stands charged. But for the continuance of the secret service which he managed he has left here his colleague Baily, who is of much more sufficiency than he and of a most violent and malicious spirit.— Undated.
Copy. 2 pp. (227. p. 263.)
[The above, entered here as a part of the letter of 13 August (see below), is part of the original letter of 6 August which is in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
The King of Denmark.
[1606, August 7.] (fn. 1) "The manner of receiving the Kings' Majesties through the City of London in their passage from the Tower Hill to Whitehall."
The Companies of London are set in several standings from Tower Street to Temple Bar. And the said standings are hung throughout with azure or blue cloth, and set with scutcheons, streamers and pendants; and each Company is attended with wiffelers and officers. On the other side of the street is carried a rail clean through the City, and a fair way left between the Companies and the said rail for the passage of their Majesties, which way is gravelled and made easy that the horses do not slip. Order is taken that the houses all along the passage be hung with cloth of arras, silks and tapestries. The conduit in Cornhill to run with claret wine, and a noise of excellent trumpets to be heard from the Turret upon the Exchange. The Great Conduit in Cheap to run likewise with wine; and to be planted upon the top with a thick wood hung with divers sorts of fruits; and out of the wood to be heard music of hobois and sackbuts, etc. At the upper end of Cheap stands the Pageant thus devised. From the base rises the sea sloping, or in scarp, full of tritons and sea monsters, which tritons are the music of the City playing upon cornets to singing mermaids. Above this sea stands Great Britanie, depicted in a map, guarded on the one side by Neptune and sea monsters, and on the other side by Vulcan, with all sorts of weapons and arms. Above this map sits peace enthroned, supported with Justice and Policy, having on each side the old Giants of this island bearing shields wherein are drawn the foreign marriages of the Kings of this realm, and especially his Majesty's most happy match with Denmark. Upon the approach of the Kings, Peace descends to the lowest skirt of the map of Britanie; and signifies that as long as Peace did govern this island, no foreign King could at any time enter the same in hostile manner. But whereas now a King was come with peaceable and friendly entrance, etc., the island gave way to entertain him. And with that the map of Britanie is drawn aside, and behind the hollow of the same is London discovered, attended with Commerce with the Arts and many other honours of a City, who humbly salutes the Kings and in sign of welcome commands the music to sound loud with notes and voices of most joyful acclamation. The Conduit in Fleet Street is planted on the top with a thick wood; and upon the approach of the Kings, a warning being first given out of the woods with a couple of treble cornets, there appears a Nymph captivated by Satyrs, and cannot be released until the two Kings pass by that way together, in triumph of which day the sweetest music sounds. And this is the sum of their Majesties' reception through London, which, if it seem too bare, may (as is hoped) be excused by the shortness of the time, which is such as will hardly afford the performance of this.—Undated.
Endorsed: "1606. Shows in London for the King of Denmark." 2 pp. (193. 25.)
Sir John Rooper to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 7. There has been very lately and unexpected an offer made me, at a dear rate, of a title of honour, which as I have not absolutely refused, in regard as your lordship knows it is the desire of all men to advance themselves and their house, so am I fully resolved never to entertain it except you give allowance of it. And although Count Taxis in regard of mine own desert spent his breath and obtained a promise of his Majesty to grace me upon the first occasion, yet had I much rather come by it at this charge, if you shall allow of it, than be beholden to the Spaniard, from [whom], notwithstanding my so well deserving of him, I never had so much as one word of thanks to this hour.—This 7 of August.
Holograph. Seal, broken. Endorsed: "1606." 2/3 p. (117. 19.)
Sir William Waad to Mr. Wilson, attending on the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 7. My Lord Chief Justice desired Sir Henry Hubbard, his Majesty's Attorney General, to move the Earl of Salisbury to have the sight of a commission granted in the beginning of the reign of the late Queen to some of the Council and other special gentlemen inhabiting about London for reformation of diverse disorders and correcting of disordered persons; which was after renewed but qualified by his lordship's father, and upon abuse of some Commissioner was again revoked and mitigated with less authority. The original, I assure me, or the copy will be found among his lordship's papers, for I remember I saw it in his hands at such time as he altered the commission, in restraining the authority which was in the former. Therefore if you please to move his lordship that it may be sought up and showed to Mr. Attorney that according to the direction of my Lord Chief Justice a commission by that may be drawn in such form as shall seem best to the Lords, there is no doubt but it will do great good. I pray that I may inform you that my foresaid Lord Treasurer caused Sir Henry Maynard to write to me for a declaration I carried with me into Spain, promising restitution of it, as by the letter may appear. Because it is the original of Mr. Fant's hand that I carried with me, I pray you move his lordship that I may have it again, and I will leave a true copy fair written out to remain instead of it. These two things I commend to your remembrance.—From the Tower, 7 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 20.)
John Lister to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 8. About twelve months since you gave direction to Sir Thomas Lake for the procuring from his Majesty a lease in reversion of the bailiwick of the Savoy; which when his Highness had signed I orderly procured a privy seal and passed it under the Duchy seal, paying all fees to the Chancellor, Mr. Attorney and the Clerk of the Duchy. Since which time it is reported that a former grant was passed (some months before mine) of the selfsame thing, but by what warrant or when cannot be known, which ought to be free for all subjects to see, to one Garrard Bouthe, in trust for the use of his master the Clerk of the Duchy; who absolutely denied to me his knowledge of any such thing when I acquainted him mine was passed. Divers times I have been suitor to the Chancellor to let me see by what warrant it was passed. He told me it was formerly passed and he had delivered the warrant to the Clerk of the office. Many times I have repaired unto the office (where it ought to appear upon record what things are passed) and made search, but can find neither warrant, counterpane, nor any bond given to his Majesty (as of right there ought) but mine own only; neither is there any other enrolled with the Auditor, being above thirteen months since the supposed grants should be passed. My suit is you would not suffer me to be thus wronged, but vouchsafe (in regard if any such thing be lawfully passed I have not only lost your great favour afforded me, but [been] much abused in paying all those fees, which I ought not to pay, if it were formerly granted) to direct your letters to Mr. Garrard, the Clerk of the Duchy, to forthwith certify you whether any such grant was formerly passed, and if any were, to send you the warrant or a true copy thereof by which it was passed, whereby the truth may appear.—From your lordship's house in the Strand, 8 August, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 21.)
Sir Henry Goringe to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 9. Sadler the constable of Petworth complained of Robert Hills, who desired Henry Paine gent, to bring him certain books from the college of Jesuits in Spain. Having examined the two Paines and Hills with the constable, he finds the carriage of Hills most disorderly, abusing the constable. Knows of his own knowledge Hills is a teacher of children whose parents are recusants. Henry Paine, who should have brought over these books, has lived almost two years in Spain, and since his coming over has lived closely, desiring to observe much and to understand of the business of the country as much as he could; besides by speech and fashion to all men much affected to the Romish religion and government. This duly considered I thought fit to have Hills and H. Paine in hold till your pleasure be therein known, and have sent the constable with the informations. This constable had complained to one Sir Peter Garton, a justice, who favouring Hills as it seems, or those who caused Hills to send for these books, neither examined the matter nor parties.—Burton, 9 August.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 24.)
The Enclosures:
(1) Information of Thomas Payne, gent., of Petworth. On 6 August his son Henry Payne acquainted him with a note that Robert Hills of Petworth delivered him for the safe bringing over of certain books bound or unbound from Antwerp, made by the reverend father Stanilaus Hoseus de heresibus; whereupon he desired to see the note, which being delivered him he acquainted him therewith. Hills being brought he charged him before the constable and Nicholas Morris whether he had not delivered such a note to his son Henry Payne? Hills utterly denied it, where he showing the note and offering to read it before the constable Hills flew into him, snatched it out of his hand and tore it. Whereupon Payne charged the constable with him and said he might have brought him and his son within the compass of treason. The constable carried Hills to a justice of peace, Sir Peter Garton, who having the note delivered him besides the misdemeanour of Hills, said it was honestly done of Thomas Payne to reveal this, but he thought he knew the hand and the matter was nothing, discharging them without further examination.—8 August, 1606.
1 p. (117. 23(1).)
(2) Information of Robert Sadler of Petworth, constable. To the same effect as above.—8 August, 1606.
1 p. (117. 23(2).)
(3) Information of Henry Paine, gent., of Petworth, Sussex. Robert Hills of Petworth came to his father's house, and inquired for him, and he not being at home left word he should not fail to come to him. Which he did, and Hills desired him to go drink with him at one John Hall's in Petworth. Whilst they were together Hills desired him to do a kindness for him, to bring over a book out of Spain, and that he should have it in Seville at the college of Jesuits, and withal gave him a note of the book. Paine looking into the note asked whether he might do it without danger? He answered Yes, for he had seen two or three of them in England. But, said Hills, if you cannot bring it without danger put it betwixt your shirt and your skin and bring it in paper unbound: and if you can bring it I will give you three times so much as it cost you,—and withal cut a hole in the skirt of his doublet to put the note into. This note being carried before Sir Peter Garton he knew directly whose hand it was, and it was not Hills's.—9 August, 1606.
½ p. (117. 22.)
Benjamin Heydon, Dean of Wells, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 9. Whereas you commended Dr. Wright's suit for residence in our church unto my especial care, I have now elected him unto the place and given him possession therein: rather desiring to sacrifice my obedience with loss even of all I have at the displeasure of any other subject than for any earthly respect to brand my own conscience with the foul sin of ingratitude towards so noble a lord and patron.—From Wells. 9 August, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (117. 25.)
John Dickenson to William Calley.
1606, August 10. In answer to yours of the 2nd present, my Master, who is still here, has not yet received anything touching your particular from my Lord of Salisbury, nor hears of aught that should be coming. It is necessary you should advance your business all that may be, for about 14 days hence I think we shall be setting forwards towards Embden. If your friends there fail not your hopes, you shall have no cause to complain of any slackness here. My Master has had conference with Joachimi of Zeeland, whom he finds honest and kind.—Haegh, 10 August, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (193. 16.)
Lord Arundel to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 12. Roger Marshall the bearer hereof has entreated me to send these few lines in his behalf, to make known there was no great fault in him for the concealing so long of what he has set down in his examination against Sir Thomas Studder; which I doubt not Sir Thos. Edmondes, to whom I delivered the examination, has long since acquainted you withal. And truly considering the danger he had incurred if he had spoken of it at first, and the difficulty of revealing it living in garrison far from my abode, together with the weakness of his capacity, his excuse may in some sense be admitted. I wrote to you so lately and intend to be in England so shortly it is needless to be any further troublesome to you.—Brussels, 12 August.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (117. 26.)
Sir Walter Cope to the Same.
[1606], August 12. It has ever been incident to the Secretary's place to receive with the same hand both the good and the bad news. This other day we sent you news of gold, and this day we cannot return you so much as copper. Our new discovery is more like to prove the land of Canaan than the land of Ophir. Coming this day to seal up under our seals the golden mineral till your return it appeared at sight so suspicious that we were not satisfied until we had made four trials by the best experienced about the city. In the end all turned to vapour, and Martin has cosened the poor captain, the King and State, and meant as I hear to have cosened his own father, seeking by this temptation to have drawn his father to make over to him some supplies which otherwise he doubted never to procure. Yet the whole company meets this afternoon about the speedy supplies, which will not be now in such measure as formerly I wished. Thus much I thought fit to advertise before you should meet his Majesty.
Your own business I hope will go well; your estimate (yet made "at rovers" till the plot be made) daily lessens itself, and if I stay but 3 days I hope to draw it to a little more certainty. I am offered 400l. upon bonds for 6 months if you please to have it to make provisions. If you write to Peter Vanlore to be my surety I will take it up, and leave all or 300l. with Mr. Haughton or Wilson as you shall direct. You said I should have two lines to Vanlore for credit in the Low Countries; if you send him such a warrant in general I will use my power temperately and yield you a good account at my return.
The Scots creditors offer my Lord Daubiny's warrants and others for rectories and chantries round about the town. If they be granted asunder it will be . . . [remainder of letter and signature torn off.]—12 August.
PS.—"I have for your lordship a pair of tortoises and a glass of balsom."
Endorsed: "1606. Sir Walter Cope to my Lord." 1 p. (117. 29.)
Lord Stourton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], August 12. In all my afflictions your favour has caused me to rely on your help. I have forborne to be troublesome, hoping that when his Majesty was informed how far I have always been from the least purpose to offend, he would cease his indignation and restore me to liberty. But the continuance of my grievous imprisonment causes me to fear, either that he is worse persuaded of me by my adversaries than I deserve, or that the multiplicity of his occasions makes him forget poor prisoners. I crave my speedy enlargement, in pity of my health and my decaying estate, unable to support so great charges and supply the wants of so many children.—The Tower, 12 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 119.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Same.
[1606], August 12. Introduces the bearer Sir James Fitz-Pierce, whom he knew in Ireland, well esteemed by my Lord of Essex and my Lord of Devon, by the latter of whom he was made a knight.— 12 August.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 120.)
Robert Naunton to the Same.
[1606], August 13. But for the poorness of his condition and Salisbury's so weighty and perpetual employments, would have more frequently expressed his due thankfulness for so many favours both in her late Majesty's time and since.—Cambridge, August 13.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (117. 27.)
Sir Henry Montague to the Same.
1606, August 13. You bind me infinitely unto you by this so extraordinary a favour. All the days of my reading hitherto I have applied to their own ends, exercising of learning. The only day of delight I promise myself will be when you honour our hall with your presence; and if you appoint Friday I shall be glad of it.— 13 August, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (117. 28.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
1606, August 13. The greatest part of the priests which were banished out of England are come hither and intend to be suitors to the Archduke for some relief. There are besides come over many other priests voluntarily, by whose relation it appears the apprehension of the new laws has already wrought some good effects. They report that divers recusants from whom they were wont to receive relief have conformed and others for fear have retracted their contributions. They complain also that the Jesuits intercept the best collops from them by insinuating themselves into the best families of recusants.—13 August, 1606.
Copy. ½ p. (227. p. 265.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Lord Zouche to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, August 15. After I had got leave of his Majesty to go to the Baths I could not see you that night, and the next morning I fell so lame I was ashamed to be seen so halting, though I feel no pain but when I go. I acknowledge how much I hold myself indebted for your furtherance in taking a burden from me, and go away with a good hope that I shall find you a steadfast friend. I have left with Mr. Secretary Herbert all those minutes which came to my hands concerning Guernsey and Jersey. We not being able to agree of the meeting of any more of those to whom those causes were recommended in respect of the sickness of the chief and the remoteness of the other, concluded what we thought meet to acquaint the Lords with, and that I hope he has done; for if I could have gone without much halting and a staff I would have attended myself, but I hope that lameness will witness that Bath is a fitter place for me than so honourable a presence. Whither I propose to hasten, but before I go I am desirous not to lose this summer's time for the fetching away of my stuff from Ludlow, which yet I would not do without your consent. If you advise that I shall not as yet, I will make stay.—Phillip Lane, 15 August, 1606.
Holograph. Seal, broken. 1 p. (117. 30.)
The Earl of Salisbury to the Earl of Bath.
[1606, August 15.] Having understood from Barnstaple that your lordship has sent for one Sweet to be examined by you, from the place where he was stayed by my direction, and that you found some fault that the Mayor had forborne to send him to you; I have thought it my part to give you information how that case stands, as well to free the poor man from blame, as any others upon like occasion wherein you have to do as Lieutenant. First, you must be pleased to understand that upon the arrival of persons that are suspected only by such general circumstances as men may gather that dwell near the ports, or otherwise, if you shall out of any other particular knowledge of things, whereof vulgar men are not capable, demand them, it becomes them to send unto you, there to use your own discretion. But when in matters of this nature those that hold my place shall give directions to any inferior officers for apprehension of men, whose case is better known to us than others; in such a case you shall do well to forbear to intermeddle, lest out of your affection to do service you may disorder service. For, my Lord, you have no other power to deal in such cases as you are a Lieutenant, than justices of peace: that authority having proper aspect (as you well know) to matters of other nature. And seeing this man was taken by my direction, and in that respect fit to be ordered as I should think good for his Majesty's service; your lordship, if you had known anything by him, or of him, should have advertised what you know of him, and not have reproved the Mayor for removing him. For although I must and will ever acknowledge that your care is many ways apparent and profitable to his Majesty's service within your Lieutenancy, even in the particular order you give in matters of this nature; yet in cases of this nature his Majesty's Council may not leave it at large to Lieutenants to deal in, when they are engaged. And therefore, except you have extracted from him some particular discovery, I entreat you to set him at liberty, and leave him to any other ordinary course of justice which his carriage may deserve. Next I pray you to alter any dislike you have of the poor Mayor, whom I must needs justify to have deserved well. And lastly assure yourself that I am and ever will be your lordship's loving friend.
Draft. Endorsed: "15 August, 1606. Minute to the Earl of Bath concerning John Sweet." 2¾ pp. (117. 31.)


  • 1. See Nichols, Progresses of James I, Vol. II, pp. 86 seqq.