Cecil Papers: July 1606

Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1940.

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'Cecil Papers: July 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606, ed. M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp190-220 [accessed 29 September 2024].

'Cecil Papers: July 1606', in Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Edited by M S Giuseppi( London, 1940), British History Online, accessed September 29, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp190-220.

"Cecil Papers: July 1606". Calendar of the Cecil Papers in Hatfield House: Volume 18, 1606. Ed. M S Giuseppi(London, 1940), , British History Online. Web. 29 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-cecil-papers/vol18/pp190-220.

July 1606

Arthur Jacksonne to [the Same].
1606, July 1. Your Honour has granted me the liberty of going to my friends, and to return within 10 days to the messenger with whom I now am. I promise the performance thereof, and will not fail to come at such a time.—1 July, 1606.
Holograph. Endorsed with the following names: Captains Bowyer, Mewtis, Phellips, Stafford, Cobert, Sir H. Foulk, Captains Egerton, Bridges, Gosnoll, Doddington, Watson, Blaye, Sam. Horton. ½ p. (116. 132.)
Viscount Lisle to the Same.
1606, July 2. I shall not be able to wait upon the Council to-day, for there is an accident fallen upon me which I doubt will make me not stir out of my chamber. I trust it shall be no hindrance but that I may have your favour some other day to hear what I can say for myself; in the confidence whereof I have proceeded thus far, and without which I would have looked about me how I had begun this matter (how honest and expedient soever it be). I acquaint you herewith, because you said yesterday that but for me you would not be there this day, which was much honour and comfort to me.—Greenwich, 2 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 101.)
Sir Thomas Flemyng, Lord Chief Baron, to the Same.
1606, July 3. I return the enclosed warrant without any amendment as very sufficient. Sir Oliver [Cromwell] has sealed the release, and I have remembered my Lord Treasurer to move the Lord Chancellor for a dedimus potestatem, to take the acknowledging of the Lady Cromwell.—3 July. 1606.
Holograph. ¼ p. (116. 133.)
Stephen Le Sieur to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 4. The expectation of the King of Denmark to be here shortly and other reasons occasion me to manifest my desire not to be thought an unnecessary servant to the King. You have been best acquainted with my employments to the King of Denmark and elsewhere, and have been a principal furtherer of the same; so I offer myself for service during the being here of the King of Denmark.—4 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 102.)
Sir W. Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Same.
1606, July 5. Spending some time yesternight with Strange, and reporting to him Hall's speeches of his lewd behaviour towards you, he said he could not but marvel that Hall would say any such thing of him, for, said he, Hall was by when a gentleman of good sort did fling his dagger at me for defending my Lord of Salisbury; and said that he bore the mark of the dagger in his body. I used all the persuasions I could devise to know the name of the gentleman, but by no means could get it of him; but I drave him to that conclusion that if he be commanded he will deliver his name, for as a Jesuit he conceives he should commit a great error if voluntarily he should reveal the person. By his speeches and actions the party must needs be very maliciously bent; and therefore if a commandment may bring forth the name of so malicious a person I offer it to your consideration, for I cannot conceive how so vile malice, boiling in the breast of a desperate Papist, should be in so short time mitigated.— 5 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 134.)
Sir Allen Percy to the Same.
[1606], July 5. Though I am released of part of the restraint laid upon me, yet am I not to be freed till the King's further pleasure be known. His directions will be grounded upon your favourable reports, therefore I am a suitor for such favour from you as I have ever been accustomed, and that you will be my mediator to the King that I might no way receive prejudice by this misfortune; for so I might term it, in respect I was unfortunate to have none present at the swearing of Percy. I refer myself to your protection, and desire you will move his Majesty that I may be freed of this little restraint that yet remains to my disgrace; for the world will never clear me till I shall be released of this confinement, which yet lies heavy upon me.— Essex House, 5 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 103.)
The Commissioners for the Borders at Carlisle to the Privy Council.
1606, July 6. They acknowledge the Council's letters of June 24 by Sir Raulfe Sidlay; and report at length their proceedings thereon.
As to the remove of the Grames with their families to Ireland, they called before them such of the older sort as were restrained to Carlisle as pledges; who yielded to the King's pleasure. They accepted their submission, without promise of life to any; and attend the Council's directions in the matter.
The knowledge of these proceedings coming to the prisoners in the Castle, they received petitions from Peretre and Jock Richie to the like effect. Details of the charges against these two. On consideration of the great number that by their means might be drawn to be transported, they have accepted their petitions and forbear to proceed against them till they hear the Council's pleasure. The above have promised to bring in their friends fugitives, to submit themselves to be transported. They detail their proceedings with Hutchin Grame, a man of the greatest mind and means amongst them, and enclose a note of his misdemeanours. In the result he exhibited a like petition, which they accepted. They have adjourned their gaol delivery till July 22, expecting that before then the Grames will bring in all their friends fugitives. This course will remove offenders and be the readiest means to bring the country under ordinary government. The country has been in so great peace these 7 weeks that but one felon has been committed, other than such as came from London, and a few fugitive soldiers returned from the Cautionary Towns. Only one Bell, a notorious cattle thief, sent down by Lord William Howard, has been executed.
Understanding by Sidlay that each householder that should be transported should be furnished with 20l. at least for his maintenance in Ireland till his land there yields profit, they made inquiry of the Grames' number, state and quality, and enclose a note thereof.
They have acquainted the country with the King's care employed these 3 years past for their peace, and his desire to settle the same by the removal of such as grieved them; and have urged all the justices, chief gentlemen and freeholders who were at the gaol delivery to a liberal contribution to this good work. Some few of the better sort showed their willingness; but they found that from the benevolence of the country there would no sum be drawn in any sort fit. Therefore they refer the means for the removal of the Grames to the Council's consideration.— Carlisle, 6 July, 1606.
Signed: Hen. Carliolen; Ch. Hales; Willm. Selby; Wilfr. Lawson; Ro. Delavale; Joseph Penningtun; Edward Gray. 3 pp. (116. 142.)
John Lytler, Mayor of Chester, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 7. Being unable to send the Earl's packet to the Lord Deputy of Ireland from here by reason of adverse winds, he has sent it to Pepper, owner of the post bark at Holyhead for conveyance. He has heard from the Lord Deputy that he received on Midsummer day at Dublin the packet and box which the Earl before sent.—Chester, 7 July, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (80. 78.)
Sir Allen Percy to the Privy Council.
[1606], July 7. According to your commandments I rest here a prisoner in my lodging, and should attend with patience your pleasures for my delivery, were it not a restraint of this nature, too heavy a burden to an innocent mind. I beseech you to ascribe the neglect of which you have condemned me rather to my ignorance than any ill intention, and let my innocency (which upon this unhappy occasion is much questioned in the world to my great dishonour) appear by my liberty. I will be warned from like errors.—Essex House, 7 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 135.)
The Privy Council to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 7. They apply for the first payment due from him of the first entire subsidy, granted by Parliament 5 Nov. 3 Jac; amounting to 40l. at the rate of 2s. 8d. a pound out of 3000l. Arthur Maynwaring, who is appointed collector, attends at the Lord Chancellor's for the receipt thereof.—Court, 7 July, 1606.
Signed: T. Ellesmere, Canc.; T. Dorset; Suffolke; Gilb. Shrewsbury; E. Worcester; Northampton. 1 p. (116. 136.)
Lord Sheffield to the Same.
[1606], July 7. These parts stand in the same condition they have done, obedient for fear of authority, religious to avoid their own hurt, and every way temporising for the best advantage. The Papists made great brags that the statutes against them should never come forth, but are a little appalled at the sight of them; but comforted again by the proclamation: upon the sight whereof, perceiving that it is the King's pleasure certificate should be made what priests (with their cause of commitment) are in all counties, though the commandment be to the sheriffs to certify, yet I have thought good within this government to certify you myself, because their cause of commitment is known to me, and not to the sheriffs, they having been taken by commission from this place. I enclose a note thereof, desiring you will take such order as you think most fit.—7 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 138.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Same.
[1606], July 7. Do me the favour as that this letter may come to his Majesty's hands. I know you to be so humane as you will not hinder me to show my duty and to crave that which every honest subject is bound to seek of his King and master. Your furtherance I will desire also, if my words carry not that pathetical sense as my heart's meaning.—7 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (116. 139.)
The Enclosure:
The Earl of Northumberland to the King. May it please you to behold the unfortunateness of him that never fostered in his bosom one disloyal thought, although pointed at in these by the devilish attempts and ugly acts of a wicked fellow. I cannot deny as matters of his proceedings are laid open (which to me till now was altogether unknown), that your Majesty and the State had cause to be jealous, the very ground being this that he took advantage to serve his purpose and theirs that set him forward upon my trust committed to him to make known my dutiful affections to your Majesty. And whereas I referred somewhat to his report (having filled the whole leaves with writing) which was but to show your Majesty who I conjectured to be yours, whom I might be doubtful of, and such like bye trifles, he out of villainy made use of that trust to deliver, for others, that they secretly employed him in, of which I was altogether ignorant. And I thought I had chosen an honest instrument, and fit, because of the place he laid in, to be the carrier of my letters. But now I find with sorrow that he had craft and poison in breast against your Majesty and the State, and unfaithfulness to me. But he ever seemed so much affected with duty to your Majesty, as I loved him the better for it, and trusted him the more. Yet now I find that he both abused your Majesty and me; your Majesty, in using my name to you in things he had no commission for: me, in using my name amongst them of his faction, with whom I never had any negotiation, or ever was acquainted with the face of any one man of them: the very original cause of my misfortunes, wherein so many of their reports have looked towards me: a case inevitable where men list to be unhonest. Therefore from the bottom of my soul I desire your Majesty that in my loyalty towards you, you will free me in your thought, and judge of it as it is; that is true, faithful, without spot or blemish in the least inward conjecture of my heart; without which interpretation I wish not to live; and withal out of the justness of your nature, you will not conceive this long silence of mine to proceed from any other reason than the thing I was suspected and charged withal, which was to have had some kind of warning of this horrible and inhuman attempt; to which all this time I could but plead innocency and make my protestations, leaving the rest to time and examinations, which course I knew would be the clearest way to clear me from imputation, and to satisfy your Majesty.
For these other accidents which have occurred to the aggravating of the former jealousies, and now explained errors by me committed, for which I have received a censure, I crave your Majesty's pardon, and give me leave to ask mercy from you; and let not the weakness of advice though not wholesome, or the neglect of some duties, or indiscretions and oversights, overbalance the attribute you have gained in being forgiveful. In these points I can but lay myself at your feet, I can think nothing but to attend your pleasure, and I can pray for nothing but that I have asked before, not doubting but if you look upon me with the eyes of forgiveness you shall regenerate a faithful subject, that will be ready to sacrifice his life in your service.—7 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (116. 137.)
Sir Robert Wingfield to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 8. He acknowledges Salisbury's extraordinary favours to him at this his last being in London. He is not unmindful of the fowl for Salisbury's river at Theobalds; but he is forced to stay sending till some which were bred this year be able to be carried.—Upton, 8 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 140.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Same.
1606, July 8. I fear you have forgotten to get the King's hand to the bill for Mr. Sotherton our Cursitor Baron. The term is now so near an end, as much difficulty will be to place him this term, and without his placing much less will fall to the King, because one Baron must always be resident here, which he should be; for that all the rest have circuits and are gone. Good my Lord, get it signed and send it me presently, and set your hand unto it to pass by immediate warrant, and procure two Lords more with you, and send it to me, and then my hand making four it may pass to the seal. It shall be no loss to those of the Signet, for they shall have their fees.—8 July, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (116. 141.)
Sir Edward Phelipps to the King.
1606, July 9. Begs for his Majesty's bounty. Refers to his services.—London, 9 July, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (116. 145.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Privy Council.
[1606, July 9.] Complains of the closeness, insanitary nature and humidity of his quarters and asks to be allowed the same benefits as other prisoners in the same nature as he.—Undated.
Copy. Endorsed: "1608" [sic]. 1 p. (195. 83.)
[A copy of the original letter which is endorsed "9 July" in the State Papers Domestic. See Calendar, S.P. Dom., 1603–1610, p. 324.]
Sir Richard Ogle to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 10. On his petition the Lord Chancellor twice bound Henry Cust of Pinchbeck to good behaviour, for many misdemeanours towards him. By the untrue certificate of some knights and gentlemen (whereof one is the writer's unnatural brother), Cust is discharged. On complaining to the Lord Chancellor, he has referred the matter to the Lincoln Justices of Assize. He begs for Salisbury's letters to them, to examine effectually Cust's misdemeanours, and inquire what subornation Cust (a man of lewd conditions) has from others.—Pinchbeck, 10 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 146.)
The Earl of Southampton to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], July 10. Begs him to help the bearer "in this necessity of his, with some good direction how to carry himself to win the favour of his Majesty, and appease my Lord of Worcester."—10 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (192. 104.)
The relation of Strange the Jesuit.
[1606], July 11. After my delivery out of the Gatehouse, by the favour of my Lord of Salisbury, now three years since, passing by a house of Mr. Catesby's near Uxbridge, with Mr. Hall in my company, we both went in, where we found Mr. Catesby himself with other gentlemen, some two or three, amongst whom was Sir Edmond Baynam, the other Mr. Cleyes or Keyes, [and] Mr. Ruckwoode. The occasion of all that passed was first given by Mr. Catesby, telling me he was glad of my liberty. I told him, sitting at the table, how and by whom I was set free, acknowledging my deep obligation to my Lord of Salisbury. Sir Edmond Baynam whispered to Mr. Rookewoode, and went forward, saying openly there was little hope of Catholic matters so long as he was doi's [dominus ?] fac totum, with other words to that purpose. I desired him to forbear, protesting to hate heresy in my Lord or any other as deadly as he could do, but setting that aside, his actions of fines and policy were to be admired, wherein he did not imitate but (in my simple judgment) exceed the natural "polition" of the world, the Italian. I began to exemplify what I had said out of Calderini, an Italian author, concerning a most witty yet lawful practice of a certain Duke of Milan against Florence, rescuing Luca a free city wrongfully besieged by the Florentine, without any breach of the league newly before concluded between those Dukes; applying this to some particular actions of my Lord's, and withal desired him to admit some other subject of present discourse, beginning it myself. He interpreting this lavishness of mine (as he termed it) somewhat harshly, without more ado threw his dagger at me. What followed, as unworthy of repetition to your lordship, I omit. This likewise had never been thought of, but that being urged by Mr. Lieutenant with my ungrateful behaviour towards my Lord of Salisbury, and that by the testimony of Mr. Hall, I pleaded (to confess the truth) this accident as an impossibility for Mr. Hall (knowing the man as I did) to give any such information of me; and this, as Mr. Lieutenant can justify, before I heard of Mr. Hall's death: which intemperate action proceeding of a passionate understanding my interrupting his speech, and not of any disgust of the knight's (I speak it, most honourable Lords, moved in conscience upon certain his protestations immediately after of his zeal and service to my Lord of Salisbury), adjoining withal my humble petition to your Honours that this my information, wrested in a manner unawares from me, only with intention of clearing myself to my Lord of Salisbury, may in no sort be prejudicial to Sir Edmond Baynam, whose person and estate otherwise might be utterly ruined thereby; to which effect Mr. Lieutenant has promised me sincerely to do his uttermost with your lordships.—11 July.
Amongst other vile speeches he used I remember these in particular, that neither I nor any else that would defend my Lord of Salisbury or approve his doings had any spark of true Catholic religion in us.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "1606. The relation of Strange the Jesuit." 1½ pp. (116. 144.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
[1606, ? July 12.] Although the matter which I am now to write of is yet in herba and not grown to that ripeness as to make a perfect discovery of the truth and validity thereof at this present time, yet considering how quickly things of that nature are spread abroad and many times amplified beyond the limits of the truth, and so censured more or less according to every man's apprehensions; I had thought good to let you know both the occasion whereupon this proceeding is grounded and some other circumstances which are subsequent upon it. First you shall understand that one Capt. Wm. Nuce has privately given information of very suspicious and dangerous practices propounded unto him first in Spain by Jacques Francisco, and afterwards pursued in the Low Countries upon an appointed meeting betwixt them and so continued on by the sending over of Thomas Francisco, Jacques's brother, to the said Capt. Nuce. In which propositions from time to time, though the colourable pretence is made the surprising of Sluys or some other town in the Low Countries, yet whosoever shall hear and read what speeches and overtures were mixed with it so directly tending against the safety of his Majesty's own person and to the surprising of his Majesty's Cautionary Town of Vlishing, shall easily conceive that any State in the world could not but be jealous of it, and proceed as we have done for the apprehension of the said Thomaso and putting him under custody, not in a disgraceful prison but in a private man's house, until the truth might further appear.
The abstract of Nuce's declaration of all the proceedings with him I send you here enclosed, which will give you some taste of the suspicion, if not some light of the danger itself.
Concerning the subsequent proceedings you must also know that one John Ball an Irishman, servant to the now Spanish Ambassador here, was the instrument to bring the said Thomaso and Nuce together, and most of their conferences were in this Ball's chamber at the Ambassador's lodging. Whereupon there being great suspicion that the said Ball was acquainted with these practices, the Spanish Ambassador was first sent unto and requested to make stay of him to the end he might be examined, as appears by the copy of this letter enclosed. But the Ambassador returning only a promise that he would stay him until he came to the King (of whom he had audience the next day) was so far from doing that which in good discretion he ought to have done, which was frankly to offer Ball whom he knew in the end would be taken from him, being the King's vassal, as he offered much disputation to the King to persuade that he might retain him and have him examined in his house. Wherewith the King was much moved and after plain and round speeches to him told the Ambassador that he did that wherein his master in honour could not avow him, to seek to divert the King from his own course of examination in such a case, the party being his subject and not to be denied him de jure gentium. The Ambassador after some conference with his Majesty's Council grew to this conclusion, that if his Majesty would send unto his house he might take him, but himself would not be the deliverer of him; which course was accepted of by the Lords with this protestation, that if the Ambassador would deliver him of himself his Majesty would forbear to send for him: and so on Tuesday at night a clerk of the Council went privately to take him and carried him to the sheriff's house, where he yet remains. There was another circumstance which aggravated the suspicion against Ball, that on Sunday last Nuce coming to Ball at the Spanish Ambassador's lodging Ball gave him a piece of marchpain to eat, whereof Nuce eating part put the rest into his handkercher to carry to a child of his at home. Being come home he gave the marchpain to his wife, and she gave part of it to two other women her neighbours that were then with her, who all eating of it about 3 o'clock towards the evening were much distempered in their stomachs, fell to casting and vomiting and specially Nuce himself who had eaten the greater part of it: and by the physician's judgment they have all the effects that are to be suspected in persons that have eaten poison. Thus you have for this time the occasion with the proceedings and suspicions incident to the matter: when more shall be discovered you shall be advertised. The poor Capt. Nuce continues still in weakness and his old wounds break out. Tomaso would father all upon Sluce [sic: Nuce], but being roundly dealt with confesses in many things so very near Nuce's words, though he pervert the sense, as he that shall consider Tomaso's associates and hear how Nuce avows to death all to be true he speaks, as it seems strange that the Archduke will thus countenance these vipers.—Undated.
Copy. 2½ pp. (227. p. 249.)
The Enclosures:
(1) Captain Nuce's declaration of the practices held with him by Colonel Francisco and his brother.
Capt. Wm. Nuce in 1605 undertook to levy 200 Irishmen voluntaries for the King of Spain's service, and not being able to carry them safely to the Archdukes shipped them for Spain. Coming into Spain with his 200 Irish he was committed to prison, carried to the Court, his company dissolved and he suspected to have some dangerous exploit there. In the Court of Spain he grew acquainted with Jacques Francisco, with whom he often conversed; and talking one day with him Jacques told him that if he would follow his advice and get some one to assist him he would put him to a piece of service for which he should have 30 or 40 thousand pounds; but brake with him no further at that time, until they should meet in the Low Countries.
According to this appointment Nuce went to Brussels and by Jacques's means obtained a commission to levy a company of voluntaries in England: they gave him money and letters to the Spanish Ambassador for it. In his speeches with Jacques, Jacques did ever exasperate him against the person of the King his master for the wrongs he had done to Nuce in leaving him destitute of entertainment, and told him if it were his case he would be revenged upon him though he were the greatest king in the world. And by discourse asked him what acquaintance he had with the English captains under the States, still telling him that the particulars of the service for which he should receive 30,000l. or 40,000l. should be revealed unto him in England by his brother whom he would send after him.
Nuce being in England and the levies not succeeding received a letter from Jacques to know if the party of resolution which was to assist Nuce in the business were come: if he were not yet come to London wills him instantly to send for him.
In June last John Ball comes to him and willed him to be at Dover by 30 June, where he should meet Jacques's brother called Tomaso. In the meantime Ball goes himself into Flanders and brings Jacques's brother with him to Dover; but missing Nuce at Dover at the house appointed (for Nuce was gone to walk abroad) they left word that he should come after them to London, which Nuce did instantly upon his coming to his lodging. Nuce meets with them at London in the Spanish Ambassador's house, where Jacques's brother tells him that he is come to accomplish his brother's promise made in Spain; and tells him that whereas then they spake but of 30,000l. or 40,000l., now he had order for 60,000l., but the 20,000l. Jacques would reserve for himself and his brother, and Nuce and his confidant should have 40,000l.
The particulars of the service he would not impart before Nuce should take an oath of secrecy. Nuce makes scruple before he takes the oath that he would be resolved by his confessor whether he may safely and with good conscience undertake any service against heretics. A priest is brought into Ball's chamber, resolves him that he may undertake any thing, for heretics are worse than Turks and Infidels. Nuce takes an oath before Jacques's brother upon a book and a cross of secrecy as well of the enterprise as of the money. Jacques's brother tells him that the plot is to betray Sluys or Bergen or Vlishing or Ramekins; and wills Nuce to go and fetch his confidant.
Nuce goes into the country to fetch his confidant and comes again the 4th of July; confers with Jacques's brother, they talk of the enterprise of the town, of sending Nuce's wife and child into Flanders for pledges. But Jacques's brother breaks with him of a good horse and a pistol, and some means to deserve the money without going out of England. He talks of the King's hunting at Royston and what may not a resolute man do with an horse and a pistol when the King was on hunting; but prescribes nothing, leaves it to Nuce's own understanding.
He talks also of dealing with Sir Wm. Browne for rendering of Vlishing, of getting the key of one of the ports of Vlishing and printing it in wax or paste, and such like discourses, &c.
Copy. 2¼ pp. (227. p. 252.)
(2) The Earl of Salisbury to the Spanish Ambassador in England. Knowing the Ambassador's sincerity in the discharge of the King his master's service and also that there is no better means of knowing that King than in acquitting himself of all that depends on his care for the safety of the King, Salisbury's master, has thought fit to advise him that he has in his house one named John Balle, a subject of the King of England, who is accused of dangerous practices against the person of that King. His Majesty's power to demand him of the Ambassador and the latter's obligation to comply by the laws of honour and friendship are so well known and just that there will be no need to doubt the Ambassador doing everything in this matter agreeable to the mutual friendship of their masters. Nevertheless without referring to the example of other princes, Salisbury is commanded in his Majesty's name to beg the Ambassador to give order that Balle does not escape from him until he can hear more fully of his Majesty's pleasure.
Copy. French. 1 p. (227. p. 254.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Edmondes.
1606, July 12. Although this other letter might serve at this time, which is of greatest importance, yet in regard of my desire to give you means to satisfy such as expect some answer of the letters which you send or the overtures which they make you, I think it fit to touch some of those particulars which are contained in the first dispatch. For Capt. Orme, since he arrived, he has been brought before some of my Lords, where he has confirmed all he had written; for which purpose Sir Wm. Windsor (who has been at liberty upon bonds) is sent for and shall be charged. As for my Lord Arundel and Sir Griffin Markham, for the first I confess that I am not a little glad both out of friendship and kindred to see that experience has taught him how pernicious practices are lapped up in the Jesuits' doctrine, and his conversation there has given his Majesty so good proof of his preferring of his duty before any other private ends. Of both which I doubt not but I may promise him this effect, that his Majesty mistrusts not his faith nor will deny him liberty to return whensoever it shall appear to be his own desire: wherein because hitherto his letters do not carry any such direct motion, I have forborne to propound it to his Majesty or any other thing in particular, more than to give me leave to send him the comfortable testimony from me, that his Majesty remains without impression of any his former errors. To which end because no man can tell his tale better than himself I have imparted to him both his last and such other letters as I received from him. Thus much deliver unto him from me as that which I think fitter to commit to you than to write to him. And seeing we are now in speech of his particular, I must now let you know that there is fallen an accident whereby he may promise himself the effects of an honourable friendship to assist the rest of his friends in their good intention, which is shortly this. Where by the consent of friends of both sides it is not unknown to him that his son had licence to seek the Earl of Worcester's daughter in marriage, it so fell out by the clouds hanging over his actions and by the suspicion that the mother of the lady and parents of the gentleman had an intention in this conjuncture to knit friendship with the knots of the Romish religion as (after private likings suffered to be fastened between the young couple) when his Majesty came to be acquainted he straight fell upon that particular of his dislike of such a marriage as would give reputation to that cause which is so contrary to his profession in this state, she being the daughter of so great a councillor and one so much favoured by him, professing plainly that it would never be acceptable unto him except he might see some hope of their inclination to hearken to better instructions. Whereupon it is most true that the Earl, being a wise man, frees himself from that infection and valuing his Majesty's favour before any other thing, became not only a stranger to the desire but directly forbad the proceeding. And now, Sir, I must not hide from you, nor from him by you, that when the flax and fire had leave to come so near together this alteration of the friends proved of small force with the young couple, who serving one of the Poetical Gods (to which I believe Lord Arundel himself ere now has been content to confess himself a servant) have clapped up the marriage privately; wherein I must now confess that howsoever the young gentleman himself may justly plead for pardon, such things not being at all times in the power of youth to accommodate according to the just rules of old folk, yet he is so full of duty as I protest unto you he has dealt with me with as good discretion and care of his father's father as any gentleman that I have heard speak a great while; whereof as he may take comfort whose he is, so I do acknowledge that it is to me a very great contentment in respect of the love I bear to the gentleman (as being my kinsman) and now matched in a house which I honour and love so much. In which respect I promise myself that my Lord will both out of honour and affection so proceed with his son as he and his may live a life of comfort as well in their youth as hereafter; which is a doctrine harsh to no fathers that know what it is to feel the indignities of want, though many miserable minded men think they do enough for their children if they leave them their land and a grey beard together.
For Sir Griffin Markham you may encourage him thus far, that I shall be willing with time to further his Majesty's good opinion; although he must know that his case was heavy, and others that want not friends for the same misfortune are still groaning under affliction; so as if he can with his loyalty do himself any good in his foreign fortune and wear out some further time I am persuaded he will find it his best way [rather] than to press for sudden return hither, where it had need to be some remarkable service that can minister sufficient ground for such an extraordinary grace so soon and so much in his favour in comparison of others.
I have received your letter concerning Dr. Gifford, which in mine own opinion confirms the great partiality in those parts, being as he is so regular in his religion. If you find that his exile shall be put in execution I think his Majesty will not stick to give him some relief in some foreign state, though it be but only for the opinion he has that he meant him well.—12 July, 1606.
Copy. 3 pp. (227. p. 255.)
Sir Fulke Grevyll to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], July 12. I have received the comfortable news of this late conspiracy discovered, and the honour your wisdom and diligence have won you in it. But withal my servants write to me that you have never since been well, which makes me presume to send this bearer to know how you do.—Horrolds Park, 12 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (116. 147.)
Lord Zouche to the Same.
[1606], July 12. Though I was much grieved at my last waiting on you to see my fortunes so far abased as to receive so unkind an answer, signifying a forgetfulness of your promise or a neglect of him which honours you, yet I would not suddenly write my complainings. If you destine me to be one with whom you will break, I must take it patiently but sorrowfully. I have gone under this burden long, hoping, however you determined of the cause, you would stick fast to me to help me out. If you were led with the rest to alter the instructions, so as I might dislike, I have not pressed you in them. I have waited your resolution. But now since you hold it fit to change the instructions, and I find it a heavy burden to serve there, both for my want of law, and for the weakness befallen that government in the time of my service, I only beg that you will stand to your word in helping me out, either with favour or with punishment, so as his Majesty may conceive my loyal thoughts to deserve his grace; or with continuing in name, if in policy it be thought fit to stand, so as I may obtain from his Highness that I may only keep the name, and not be answerable for the service. I would willingly undergo my life for his service, but know in this I shall neither do him service nor keep honour to myself. I neither expect other employment or profit. I am ready to resign it and all things thereto belonging; and will be ready to spend my life in his service, where I may be employed without prejudice to my honour. I cannot believe that you, whom I have ever found honourable, will break with me. I conjure you by your father's affections towards me, my respect to your house, and the new honour you bear to nobility, not to forsake me herein.—Phillip Lane, 12 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 2 pp. (116. 148.)
Lord Butler to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 14. The cause between Mr. David Condon, son and heir to Patrick Condon, and Mr. Arthur Hyde was this day heard before Lord Carew, my Lord Chief Justice, Mr. Secretary Harbert and Sir Roger Willbraham; and Mr. Condon's counsel as I hear has informed them of an imperfection in Mr. Hyde's patent, which shows the land in question to be in the King's gift. Be pleased, for the maintenance of the Earl of Ormonde, my father-in-law's word, given to Patrick Condon, by authority from the late Queen, both for his life and living, he having been attainted for burning an old castle in prosecution of offenders, and also for being in action with Desmond, to afford to Condon your favour therein.— 14 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 149.)
Sir Robert Dudley to the Same.
1606, July 14. For reward of his services to the late Queen and the King, for whom he has spent some of his blood and his whole estate in long attendance and suit, he begs to be set into Tynmothe Castle, as before in 1588; which he understands to be in the King's hands.—Newcastle upon Tyne, 14 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 150.)
Postal endorsement: "Borrowbridge the 17th daie at 4 in the afternone. Nynnyan Nycholls."
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Same.
1606, July 16. Now Cristenmas is done, it is time for those that durst not presume to the feast to seek some part of the fragments. I find nothing in myself worth valuing to be a ground of a suit, saving love and fidelity only. This made me, being bashful by nature and lame in limbs, to lie still as the poor lame man by the Pool of Bethesda, hoping that after the Angel's moving of the water some would help to put me in. The water is often moved and almost exhausted, many are cured, some overflowed, and some perhaps have "surfaicted"; and yet I lie still lame and helpless, but not hopeless. I see that Presidents of provinces and some honest petty Chancellors and many others have been bountifully rewarded. I detract nothing from their merits, but commend their good fortunes. When I look back to my predecessors, I dare compare with none in desert but with the last. I would I might also compare with him in the fruits of my service. Gifts given to old men serve but as Mary Magdalene's ointment to help to bury them. Yet that comforts age and in the end serves for good and necessary use. On Sunday last obiter, and upon an occasion unexpected, I cast out some few words to his Majesty preparative of my suit, which he did graciously accept, and thereupon I have since presumed to speak to him more at large by a few lines in writing. If it please you to afford your furtherance, you shall give me great comfort. If you mislike it, let this child die in the cradle.—16 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1½ pp. (116. 151.)
Lord Danvers to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 17. Urges his suit. It is grounded on the good opinion of the Judges; there is no inconvenience in the service; it is not against the law nor void in law; nor has it any clause of revocation in respect of his surrender of 5500l. Nevertheless, upon the unjust complaint in Parliament by a man malicious against him, he is like to lose his interest. He begs the Lords to hear his answer to their pretences, which shall include satisfaction to all their true suggestions without cancelling the patent. He will either join some better person in part of the profit, or surrender part of his patent, if Sir John Gilbert be put to the pension first allotted him, whenever it shall appear too great for his (Danvers) merits. Since the patent is good in law, and Parliament may be satisfied and his benefit moderated, whereby neither Prince nor people shall have wrong, he begs Salisbury to be his friend in the matter.—17 July, 1606.
Holograph, signed: H. Davers. 2 pp. (116. 152.)
Sir Henry Wallop to the Same.
1606, July 17. He has been long confined in the remote county of Salop by his sheriffwick, which has fallen on no man twice in 3 years of the King's reign but himself. This term he has been detained here in an arbitrament between Sir Richard Corbet, "my widues unkle," and him, which is now ended. He has failed to obtain access to Salisbury, and is now called into that country. Begs him to remember his promised letters to the Lord Deputy for the bearer.—17 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 153.)
Don Pedro de Cuniga, Spanish Ambassador, to the Same.
1606, July 17. He is much astonished by Salisbury's letter, informing him that Jehan Ball is found guilty in a matter against his Majesty. Ball came with him from Spain as an interpreter, but on account of his incompetence he received no service from him; and he knew him in no other way. He will dismiss Ball from his household, and will speak to the King about it to-morrow. —London, 17 July, 1606.
Signed. French. 1 p. (116. 154.)
Licence to Recusants.
1606, July 17. Warrant for Edward Morgan of Llanternan, and William his eldest son, in the county of Monmouth, esqs., being in respect of their recusancy confined within the limits of 5 miles compass of Llanternan, for the space of one year next ensuing, to travel to any place within the realm of England.—17 July, 1606.
Copy. ½ p. (119. 40.)
Sir Henry Townshend to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], July 17. I understand his Majesty has signified his pleasure to my Lord of Derby that the cause lately decreed in the Exchequer at Chester between Edward Vawdry and John Vawdry should be reheard, and that you seconded the same by your letters. I am very well contented therewith, not doubting I shall be able to give satisfaction in all I have done. For the better approval thereof, I desire your lordships to hear the cause yourself [sic] and it will then appear how much I am wronged by those that impeach my proceedings, the same relying merely upon matter of discretion and no point of law. How I and the Court are abused in their action may appear by the copy of a letter enclosed, published by a curate of a church by John Vawdry's procurement in a great assembly. I trust you will take notice hereof, as also that he is set on by some who desire to discourage me, who overmuch affect this cause, and procure my Lord of Derby's ears open to unjust complaints, when I can have no opportunity to answer. I know not where to appeal but to you, by whose favour I received the place.—Chester, 17 July.
Signed. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 105.)
Viscount Lisle to the Same.
1606, July 17. I am once again taken prisoner by the feet, so as I cannot wait upon you. I presume by letter to continue my suit for Mr. Brackin to succeed Sir Ed. Pelhame as Chief Baron of Ireland, seeing I understand he is dead and buried. You shall favour an honest and sufficient man.—Greenwich, 17 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 106.)
Sir Arthur Chichester to the Same.
1606, July 19. I send by this bearer a goshawk, a tarsell, a falcon and a cast of tarsell gentles. My purpose was to have presented you with more. Either the unseasonableness of the year, being extreme wet, has destroyed the earies; or else this short peace has brought the noblemen and gentlemen of this country into such acquaintance with strangers that we can hardly get any.—His Majesty's Castle of Dublin, 19 July, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (116. 155.)
The Earl of Salisbury to Sir Thomas Walmesley and Sir Peter Warburton, Justices of Assize of the County of Lincoln.
1606, July 19. The Lord Chancellor has referred to them the cause between Sir Richard Ogle and Henry Cust of Pinchbeck. Out of respect to Ogle, who is his kinsman, and to justice itself, he begs them to bestow some little pains in examining the cause, and proceed therein as they find agreeable to equity; the rather because he is informed that Cust is encouraged by underhand practices of others.—Court at Greenwich, 19 July, 1606.
Contemporary copy. Endorsed: "Copy of my Lord's letter." 1 p. (116. 156.)
Sir Thomas Leighton to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 20. He is going into Wiltshire to Lidyeard, his son St. John's house, to recover his health, where he desires to receive Salisbury's commands when any occasion offers. He wishes to acquaint him with the humour of Ames Cartret, their bailie of Guernsey, who has lately come over to manage the affairs of that Isle, as he pretends; but is to excuse the contempt of himself and his fellows in refusing to obey Salisbury's command to proceed to sentence in a cause of his Majesty's right of droit d'aubin. Cartret is ambitious and turbulent, as Salisbury will perceive by a letter received from Mr. Carey, the writer's Lieutenant, which he has left with Mr. Levinus [Munck].— Greenwich, 20 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 157.)
Sir William Lane to the Same.
[1606, July 20.] He begs Salisbury to take his son-in-law, Edward Waterhows, into his service, and bestow his livery upon him against this time of his Majesty's coming to Theobalds.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "20 July 1606." ½ p. (116. 158.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Same.
1606, July 21. William Bayneham has procured his Majesty's hand to a bill for providing all mats that shall be used in his Majesty's houses; and to receive allowance for the same out of the Office of Works, with a fee of 16d. per diem. These mats are now provided by the Purveyor of that Office by an ancient patent without any particular fee. As this new erected office is prejudicial to the King by drawing a new fee, and also a wrong to the Purveyor, he prays Salisbury to cause the bill to stand till he has had conference with him.—Dorset House, 21 July, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (116. 159.)
Captain Roger Orme to the Same.
1606, July 22. Salisbury has informed him that Monsieur Caron has written to the States on his behalf and has not yet received an answer. He will attend their answer and take their offer if acceptable. If otherwise, he begs to have the next company or convenient charge that shall fall out in Ireland.— London, 22 July, 1606.
Holograph, 1 p. (116. 160.)
Sir Edward Wynsour to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 22. With a present of a hawk. He hoped of another for my Lord of Suffolk, who he hopes will accept his desires for performance.—Lydney House, 22 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 161.)
Sir Thomas Edmondes to the Same.
[1606, July 22.] Upon receipt of Salisbury's letters of the 12th instant he procured access the next day to the Archduke and acquainted him with the new workings of the inveterate and endless practices of this place. Was sorry to have occasion to impart to him so often matters of an unpleasing style and the rather in that it appeared new subject of grievance was offered to his Majesty before due satisfaction was given concerning the precedent foul matter. This appeared to have given encouragement for the hatching so soon of new practices. The person of whom he was to complain was Colonel Francisco an intrinsical associate with Stanley, Owen and Baldwin. Owing his own and his brother's nurture to England he was bound in honesty and thankfulness to make a better acknowledgment than he has done, but he has ever showed himself a busy instrument of practice against the late Queen. Translated Nuce's declaration and informed the Archduke of the proceedings with the Spanish Ambassador concerning the delivery of Balle, who was found to be interested in the complots, and of Ball's practice for the empoisoning of Nuce.
The Archduke protested his dislike of these bad dealings of which he had no knowledge and desired to assure his Majesty that he will ever show himself just and sincere in all his dealings with him. For proof how averse his mind is from approving of any dishonourable practices he said it was but a few days since that an offer was made him for the killing of Count Maurice, which he utterly rejected. Edmondes told him his Majesty would do him the right to make good interpretation of the integrity of his mind but that not only he but the world and especially his Majesty's subjects could not but be ill satisfied to find a continual broaching of such devilish practices from hence and the authors not only protected from punishment but favoured and supported here, as in the case of Owen and Baldwin. The Archduke acknowledged the truth of these speeches but touching Owen said he could not proceed against him further than he had done for want of other proofs but understood that he was purposed forthwith to withdraw himself from hence. Edmondes answered that it appeared by the confessions delivered the Baron of Hoboque there was sufficient matter wherewith to charge Owen. The Archduke alleged not to have yet seen the same but Ricardott confessed to have received them. Edmondes told him that Stanley, Baldwin and Owen had nothing more common in their mouths than the expectation of the breaking of the peace. The Archduke could not think Stanley to be of so ill disposition but easily believed it to be true of the rest. He gave very patient hearing and Edmondes found him much troubled that this last accident gave occasion to cast a new scandal upon him. Finds also that the matter is otherwise generally ill censured so hopes it will serve for the better opening of their eyes.
The Archduke acknowledged it to be true that Spinola had appointed Colonel Francisco to the command of the English regiment but said he would take other order therein. Amongst other things whereof Edmondes had occasion to speak of Francisco he told the Archduke of his insolence towards the Pope's Nuncio in reproaching him for not interposing more in favour of Baldwin and Owen and saying he had written to such effect against him into Spain. The Nuncio exceedingly irritated had protested that were it not to have wronged his profession he would have revenged himself upon his person. The Archduke seemed to understand well the disposition of the man and told Edmondes he was once upon the point for his former ill carriage to have cut off his head.
Finds by Ricardott that Hoboque stands in fear of ill measure by the fury of the people in England and has been forced to remove his dwelling in the city. Salisbury may be pleased to take order to satisfy the Ambassador touching his apprehensions. He writes that he can give little satisfaction of those accidents which have passed in England for the Spanish Ambassador communicates nothing with him.
Has imparted Salisbury's comfortable messages to the L. Arundell and Sir Griffin Marckam and sends their letters of thankfulness, which will satisfy him how Arundell intends to conform himself to his good counsel for dealing kindly with his son to witness his comfort for the honourable alliance which his son has made. Joins also his thanks for that Salisbury has shown himself so noble a patron of Capt. Orme. The other good motion which his lordship is pleased to apprehend for the exercising of some charity towards Dr. Gifford would be a worthy example of his Majesty's honourable dealing in the favourable distinction he is pleased to make between the well and ill deserving of those of his coat. He is banished out of these countries and is retired to Rheines in France. Ricardott has said that he now understands he has well deserved that punishment but they will not declare the causes. The Doctor greatly suspects Barnes has betrayed to Owen a letter of his which he committed to him to carry into England and that therein the overflowing of his pen might transport him to make some unpleasing mention of this Prince's proceedings. One that has been with Owen tells Edmondes that Owen confesses to have been acquainted with Col. Francisco's brother's going into England but pretends it was for no ill purpose. —Undated.
Copy. 5 pp. (227. p. 258.)
[Portion of the original which is in P.R.O. State Papers, Foreign, Flanders, 8.]
Sir Thomas Windebank to [? the Earl of Salisbury].
1606, July 24. Having received your letters this afternoon and the messenger making great haste to be dispatched, I would not use any delay, being sorry that I am not able, in respect of my too familiar companion, to wait upon you.—Haynes Hill, 24 July, 1606.
Signed. Endorsed by Salisbury's secretary: "Sir Thomas Windebanck." ½ p. (116. 162.)
The King of Denmark.
1606, July 24. Three papers:—
(1) An epigrammatic dialogue on the happy destiny of the house of Theobalds on receiving the visit of King James and King Christian IV of Denmark.
Latin version by M. [John] de Gordon, doctor, Dean of Salisbury, and French version by Dame Gene. Petan, his wife.
1 p. (140. 105.)
(2) Copy of the Latin version of the above by Jo. Gordon, Dean of Salisbury.
1 p. (144. 270.)
(3) Verses by Ben Jonson.
Begin: "Enter, O long'd-for Princes, blesse these bowers."
End: "The Master vowes, not Sibyll's leaves were truer."
Part of an entertainment written by Jonson on the occasion of the King and the King of Denmark's visit to Theobalds, which took place on the above date.
Two corrections in Cecil's hand.
Endorsed: "1607" [sic]. ½ p. (144. 272.)
[Printed in Jonson's works.]
Sir Herbert Croft to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 24. Yesterday at Greenwich I entreated my uncle, Sir James Croft, to speak with the clerks of the Council for a copy of the new instructions for the Council of Wales, who have answered that there are no copies as yet come to their hands. I entreat you will order one of your secretaries to write me, or signify to the bearer, where I may demand a copy; my only stay in town being to leave certain directions with my uncle for their cause. I conceive the instructions are finished and signed, for Sir Richard Lewkner departed on Tuesday, which he would not have done leaving that business unperfected.—My poor lodging in Westminster, 24 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 107.)
Viscount Lisle to the Same.
1606, July 24. I will not take my wife's thanks from her, if any be deserved. From her therefore you shall receive, as some token of her housewifery. 100 "apricocks" of her own garden. She would be very proud now at this great meeting at Tibbalds, if you had no better of your own.—Greenwich, 24 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (192. 108.)
Lord Chancellor Ellesmere to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 25. Excuses himself from waiting on the King at Theobalds, on account of sickness.—25 July, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (116. 163.)
Sir William Waad to the Same.
1606, July 25. Mr. Worsenham and other officers of the Customs, according to your direction for stay of such as went about secretly to convey themselves out of the realm, apprehended a youth who confessed he was persuaded by the priests in Newgate to go over to the Seminaries; and another person that went by the name of Palmer; whom they brought before me. The youth has been seduced and so schooled as Mr. Forset and I, spending above two hours with him, could find no truth in his words. Palmer carried himself in so insolent sort as, the better to discover him, I sent for the late statutes to offer him the oath, but peremptorily he told me he would take no oath: he had been a Catholic since he was 15, and in the end confessed he was a seminary priest named Boswell. Sir Robert Johnson was by, who heard his insolent answers, defending Garnet in such lewd words as he would not take knowledge he was a traitor, but that he of necessity must reverence him. I sent him to Newgate, where he remains. You may see how this kind of men carry themselves with insolency, and when they are discovered, challenge the benefit of the proclamation. I leave him to that order which the Council shall think convenient.—Tower, 25 July, 1606.
PS.—I put you in mind of Ruckwood that is prisoner in the Tower, that he may be removed to some other prison before he be banished.
Signed. 1 p. (192. 109.)
Noel de Caron to the Same.
1606, July 25. With a present of black and red cherries, plums and pears. Thanks Salisbury for finding his fruit agreeable. Thanks God he has found such a fertile place for his garden, where everything grows in abundance. Congratulates Salisbury on the honour he receives by the presence of these two great kings.— Suydt Lambeth, 25 July, 1606.
Holograph. French. 1 p. (192. 110.)
Sir Thomas Dutton to the Same.
[1606]. July 26. I crave your favour to get this bearer Mr. Zachary Saunders, a Bachelor of Divinity and a licensed preacher, a passport for three years to travel forth of this kingdom without prejudice to his poor estate which he holds now in England. His intent is to come over into the Low Countries to use and to do his duty in his calling under Sir John Radcliffe, in whose family he has most continued.
PS.—This day being the 26th of July I set forwards my journey from Gravesend to the Low Countries, and in all I have sent over 240 men.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." ½ p. (118. 149.)
Sir Gamaliel Capell to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 27. On behalf of Nicholas Waldegrave of Essex, his wife's sister's husband, a convicted recusant. Waldegrave has paid two parts of his living to the King. He is of a quiet and peaceable disposition, and no meddler in matters offensive, as Sir Arthur Capell and other well affected gentlemen can witness. He begs for some freedom or immunity from the new laws.—27 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (116. 164.)
The Confectionery.
1606, July 27. Bill of Robert Walthew, serjeant of the confectionery, for his Majesty the King of Denmark and the Lords, upon Sunday July 27, 1606, at Theobalds.
pp. (199. 124.)
The Grahams.
1606, July 28. Names of such as were present at the Gaol Delivery held at Carlisle 28 July 1606, and subscribed to the contribution for the remove of the Grames; with the amounts given.
pp. (116. 165.)
Sir William Waad, Lieutenant of the Tower, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 28. I may offer to your grave consideration how inconvenient at this time the purpose of my Lo. Mayor may seem, to come with his sword up even to the "utter" [outer] gate of the Tower there to receive his Majesty, considering the King of Denmark goes in company with his Majesty, that he may note how this royal castle, renowned in all Christendom above all others, is so hemmed in by the City as there is no scope at all without the gates. I know the Lo. Mayor is only set on by under officers, as Edmonds and such others that attend about him, otherwise he would not maintain so fruitless a contention with his Sovereign as if it were between two free Estates. Therefore if you think fit that my Lord Mayor be advised at this time to forbear to come further than the end [of] Tower Street, I presume he will hold himself content; the place is far more convenient than to stand between two walls so near to the Tower gate. The warders deny that the Lord Mayor the last time came further with his sword before him than to the end of Tower Street. So attending what order your lordships shall take herein I will be at your commandment.—28 July, 1606.
Holograph. 1 p. (117. 1.)
The Borders.
[1606, July 28.] The counties of Northumberland and Cumberland at the first entry of the Commissioners to the service were greatly infested with theft, for repressing whereof, after consultation at the first general meeting at Carlisle, 8 April, 1605, and publication of his Majesty's commission, the evil being so dangerous and general and not curable by any mild means, it was thought expedient:—
To use diligence in searching out felonies, severity in execution, and by holding of gaol deliveries frequently to bring fear upon all offenders, and to encourage the honester sort to prosecution, which course was continued as follows:—
A gaol delivery was holden at Carlisle, 2 May, 1605, where were executed 5
At Newe Castle 10 May, where were executed 6
The second gaol delivery at Carlisle, 6 November, 1605, where were executed 4
At Carlisle 11 November, where were executed 10
The third gaol delivery held at Carlisle, 13 Jan., 1605[–6], where were executed 5
At Newe Castle the 20th of the said January, where were executed 17
The great execution at the foresaid gaol delivery banished theft utterly and brought an incredible fear upon offenders, and so lifted up the hearts of true men that the poorest man in the country feared not to complain on the greatest thief.
The fourth gaol delivery held at Carlisle, 24 April, 1606, where were executed 0
Another at Newe Castle the 30th of the said month, where was executed 1
The fifth gaol delivery at Carlisle, 2 July 1606, where was executed 1
The sixth gaol delivery appointed to be holden at Carlisle, 22 July, 1606, deferred because of the Grames to the 28th of the same.
The seventh gaol delivery appointed to be held at Carlisle, 28 July, 1606, deferred for the cause aforesaid.
The total of the offenders executed in Cumberland 15 52
The total of the offenders executed in Northumberland 34
And three at the last general assizes apprehended and sent in by Sir William Selbye 3
Executed in the Middle Shires on the Scottish part by the Commissioners 33 60
By the Earl of Dumbarr 12
And since by his lordship 9
Now lastly by his lordship immediately before his coming up 6
Fugitives in Cumberland of the Games [sic: Grahams], about 35 45
Of other surnames, about 5
Fugitives in Northumberland, about 5
Fugitives in the Middle Shires on the Scottish part, about 140
Endorsed: "Brief of the service since the commission began." 1½ pp. (118. 164.)
James Woodrowffe, Mayor, and James Beaple, Alderman, of Barnstaple, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 29. Being informed by our neighbour John Delbridge, your servant, that one John Sweet, gent. having spent many years in the parts beyond the seas and now of late returned into this realm, is reputed a person very dangerous to the state, we have taken diligent care for his apprehension; so that this day finding him in our town we have caused him to be taken, and upon his examination which we send herewith we have committed him to close prison until your pleasure be farther known. Although the information of Delbridge be no warrant of our proceedings, we thought it our duty to embrace so fit opportunity offered. If we have gone farther than may stand with the good liking of your lordship and the rest of the Council impute it to our desire to yield his Majesty loyal service, and pardon it as a transgression tending to the better part.—Barnstaple, 29 July, 1606.
Signed. Seal. 1 p. (117. 2.)
The Enclosure:
Examination of John Swete, gentleman, taken at Barnestaple before James Wooddrowff, mayor, and James Beaple, an alderman. —29 July, 1606.
Questioned as to his movements abroad, and after his return to London, where he was examined by the Earl of Salisbury and dismissed, he gives an account of his journey to Modbury, where he was born, and subsequently to Barnstaple, to visit his kinswoman Lady Basset. He denies that he is a Jesuit, or has brought letters from Sir Robert Basset to his wife.
Signed: James Wooddrowffe; James Beaple. 1 p. (119. 109.)
Elizabeth, Lady Basset, to the Earl of Northampton.
1606, July 30. I have lately broken my right arm by a fall from my horse and am enforced to use the hand of another. I was lately enjoined by you, as Sir Thomas Bodleigh's intimation unto me imports, to procure the apprehension of my kinsman John Sweet if by his personal repair unto me, or intelligence otherwise, there should be opportunity offered. And although that office were so distasteful as no regard of mine own highest interest could have made me do it. yet holding it my duty to execute your direction I have accomplished it, and thought good by these to notify so much.—Barnstaple, 1606, July 30.
Unsigned. ½ p. (117. 4.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 30. I forgot to inform you touching Mr. Edward Gage's living; which is such that I know of my own knowledge how this last term he has sold away (in my opinion) two parts of his living, and that which remains is not great, for it is within 2 miles of one of my houses and is well known to me. If you be informed that his living as now it stands is great certainly you are therein abused, as when I see you to-morrow I will more particularly inform you.—30 July, 1606.
Holograph. ½ p. (117. 5.)
Sir Charles Hales to the Same.
1606, July 30. The gaol delivery being ended and our letter written, divers of the Grames [Grahams] are since come in, and have submitted themselves as others to transportation; we have also this day received petitions from others at large to the like effect, and expect a general entry of them all. This proceeds from his Majesty's great favour in sparing their lives, signified to us by his letter, and by us made known to the country together with our full resolution to have proceeded with all severity against such as had given their promises to bring in their friends if they had failed in their best endeavours to perform it; and against their friends if they had not come in to submission. So now the nest of that dangerous brood is broken and scattered as we think without hope of recovery.
From the first dealing in this business for the disorderly incursion of the Grahams made upon his Majesty's first entry, and for which 136 of that surname were indicted, and the same for more than 600 felonies, two persons have only lost their lives: such has been the mercy of his Majesty towards them. The country has not yet so apprehended his Majesty's great love shown them above all other shires as is fit; and I much doubt whether without special admonition for their error they will be taught to yield due thankfulness for so gracious a favour; being by the happy union of the kingdoms in his Majesty not only eased of the heavy burthen of their former charge for the defence of the Border, but also thereby and by his Majesty's great charge for their defence these three years past, in their particular estates much increased in yearly revenue, as will appear by good demonstration.
Sir John Dalston, a knight of this country, of whose manner of dealing there is mention made in the note enclosed sent to you in our general letter, has much forgotten himself; and for that his dealing concerns his misdemeanour against the commandment contained in his Majesty's own letter it has been thought fit to notify the same to you and desire your direction.
The Mayor and city of Carlisle have readily furnished the service with watch and strength of their citizens; the continuance whereof will be necessary until the transportation at the least, and at other times upon extraordinary occasion. If therefore their diligence and charge, which we could not by our commission command, may be remembered to them by letters from the Lords or from your lordship it will encourage them readily to attend such occasions.—Carlisle, 30 July, 1606.
PS.—The country is in great peace; no prisoner tried at this gaol delivery, nor accused; one only of the bishopric for horses remaining in the gaol reserved for the Assizes.
Holograph. Seal. 1 p. (117. 7.)
The Bishop of Carlisle, Sir Ch. Hales, Sir Wilfrid Lawson and others, Commissioners of the Middle shires, to the Earl of Salisbury.
1606, July 30. We received his Majesty's letter of the 19th of this month with the Council's of the 20th, which we have endeavoured to execute according to his Highness's commandment. For the Grames [Grahams], divers of the most notorious malefactors of them for the future peace of the country we have in hold or under very great bond attending in Carlisle until the coming of Sir Ralph Sidley. Some dangerous persons are at large yet, for whom we have their sons' pledges for their fathers or the fathers' for their sons, and are persuaded they and all the rest, seeing a resolute course taken in execution of his Majesty's commandment for their transportation, or otherwise for his severe justice, will no longer hazard their lives but all come in to be ready for transportation. Such as at all times have been answerable persons we have also most called in, and taken bond for their coming in at the time fit for their transportation, which they will keep we are persuaded; so as the gaol delivery we held the 28th inst. we executed none of them, and we hope we shall have no cause to execute any but without blood shall end the business.
We have made his Highness's pleasure known to the country for their contribution to the transportation of the Grahams, and recommended it to them by such motives as the high worth of so gracious a favour, so ready a mean for the amendment of the state of the country; of such sums as the gent[lemen] of Cumberland present at this gaol delivery have offered to contribute we enclose a note, together with the names of all the gentlemen and freeholders of the whole county. The gentlemen of Westmorland we have appointed to be before us the 4th of August next, and do verily persuade ourselves there will not by the benevolence of the country be raised any competent sum answerable to such worthy an occasion.
For the ports fit for their transportation, we think Workington and Ravenglass in Cumberland and some creeks upon that coast the most ready passage into Ireland. Within 2 days we will send to know the certainty thereof so as before the coming of Sir Ralph Sidley we doubt not but to be informed of ready order therein, for shipping and victual as well as the coast and country can furnish it. We have also sent letters for the 12 horsemen of the garrison at Berwick to Sir Will. Boyer according to his Majesty's commandment. For the number of the families of the Grahams to be transported we will endeavour to draw it to as great a number as we can; and howsoever we shall be able to come to the number of families mentioned in the letters of the Privy Council, being 50, yet we think it expedient to remove the families of the most dangerous persons to the state of the country, and to leave at home (if there be none other remedy) the less hurtful persons, until means may be had for their total remove. Therefore we again pray you that since the only staying means of ending of this business is the want of money for providing some stock for the Grahams when they shall come into Ireland, that you will be a mean for the good of the country and give us your direction in that behalf. We send enclosed a note of the manner of Sir John Dalston's refusal of contribution.—Carlisle, 30 July, 1606.
Signed. 2 pp. (117. 8.)
The Enclosure:
A note of Sir John Dalston's speech used touching the contribution for the transportation of the Grahams. Sir John Dalston not being present with the rest when they were moved for contribution by his Majesty's letter, but coming after as a justice of the peace to the bench to sit with the Commissioners, his Majesty's letter was privately delivered him to read, which he took and went into the room where the residue of the country were subscribing their names to the contribution. He kept it half an hour or more. The gentlemen of the country returning and delivering up the note of the contribution, the name of Sir John Dalston not being found among them he was privately moved to contribute as other the gentlemen of the country. He refused so to do. About half an hour after, very impertinently, he interrupted the speech used to the Grahams about their remove, and said he saw no reason that the country should be charged to any contribution for the transplantation of the Grahams, but that they that had the Grahams' lands should bear the charges. And being let to understand it had been more fit he had signified that his discontentment in private than publicly in that place, he replied, that he did therefore speak it publicly because he would have it publicly known. Which manner of dealing the Commissioners greatly fear will be a great hindrance of the execution of his Majesty's commandment for the contribution required.
½ p. (117. 6.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the King.
[1606], July 30. Pardon my letters and give me leave to leave nothing undone that may recover your favour. In your hands rests my happiness or misfortune. When you shall think I have suffered enough, then I crave commiseration; and pardon if I be too hasty, for in me it is duty, and in you mercy if you shorten the time of my sorrows. If I could tell by what acts I might deserve your good opinion, I should not fail to put heart and hand to the work. I know you are just, merciful and wise, and hope you will pardon errors, and especially being committed out of indiscretion and not disloyal thought. Look upon his afflictions that lies at your feet; give his heart comfort that has long sorrowed for your displeasure, and let his days be rather spent in your service than in restraint.—The Tower, 30 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 111.)
The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], July 30. I thank you for the favour you did me in delivering my letter, being so far from suspecting that you would not do it sincerely, as I protest I believe you would do me any good in your power. If I be deceived, the fault is not mine, for there be many reasons to persuade me to it, as well as reasons to thrust me from it. Whether I shall trouble you with this again or no, I know not your will, neither would I desire anything from you against your mind. I must write often and use my best endeavours for his Majesty's favour; if they shall not be displeasing to you to pass by your hands I shall acknowledge the favour, very well understanding that all remains in his will, which will by your good offices seek to draw on, and I will thank you in my heart.— The Tower, 30 July.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (192. 112.)
Sir Anthony Ashley to the Same.
1606, July 31. I came two days since to town with purpose to have attended this next month as by course it falls out; but within few hours after my return one of my servants fell suddenly sick in my house here in Holborn, of what disease it is not yet certainly known. Wherefore and for that my next neighbour, a poor shoemaker, has very lately buried his wife, and since one of his servants of the plague, who died in the next room to the chamber where my servants lie; and well knowing by former experience how offensively access to Court has been taken in like cases, I thought it my duty to forbear my personal attendance on you before you license my repair; and entreat you to be persuaded that no man living is more ready to observe and serve under you than myself. I dare not presume for this cause to send any of mine own herewith unto you, but have entreated one of the messengers, lest in this time of great concourse and triumph every small offence of this nature may be taken in the worst. Except you command the contrary I will not stay many days in this contagious air, but will haste me into the country until your further direction. I have some twenty tame young partridges which I think are good meat. It may be that opinion of infection may work bad effect in this also; but howsoever, I presume not to send anything before the coast be clear, or that you signify that you are careless of conceit or apprehension.—From my poor house, the last of July, 1606.
Signed. 1 p. (117. 9.)
Lord Arundel to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606], July 31. I understand by Sir Thomas Edmondes as from you that his Majesty is contented to remit all former hard conceits of me and to accept of my dutiful carriage here, and that hereafter he will be more confident of my loyalty: the news whereof is very acceptable and I rest much bounden to you as the procurer of so welcome a favour. Since my last letter I have not spoken with the Duke, being enforced by a lingering ague to keep to my lodging. Notwithstanding, I have received a patent from him of a thousand pounds a year, being the entertainment which I formerly had. I answered that I was now to return to my country, to which and to my sovereign I did only acknowledge allegiance; that having no charge here, nor knowing how I might deserve it, I could not accept it, much less without his Majesty's allowance, whom immediately upon my return I meant to acquaint therewith. The causes of my stay here for some few days are to procure the rimatto due to all such captains and officers as were reformed with me, for whom I take myself bound in honour and conscience to do the uttermost I can ; the other, to make the State here know that Sir Thomas Studder was the only cause of the late English mutiny, being set on by others, without whom he neither durst have attempted it nor could thus long have maintained his fault against so many accusations, especially in a State known to be severe in the punishing of mutineers. Concerning my son's undutiful act of marrying without my knowledge, I say no more but that I am very sorry for his fault: at my return, which shall be very speedy, I will repair to you about this matter. —Brussels this last of July.
Holograph. Seal. Endorsed: "1606." 1½ pp. (117. 10.)
The Recorder of London's speech.
[1606, July 31.] [Speech of Sir Henry Montague, Recorder of London, on the occasion of the visit of King James and the King of Denmark. (fn. 1) ]
"Serenissime et augustissime Rex, quid enim Reges dicam, quos non tam conjunctio sanguinis quam communio pietatis unum fecit: Anni sunt quinquaginta plus minus a quo Regem vel unum aspeximus, nunc duos simul contemplamur at admiramur. Quapropter antiqua civitas London' nova ista condecorata gloria gaudio triumphat precibusque salutat, majestatis binam hanc majestatem. Tibi, o Rex. quid offerre possumus corda nostra tua sunt, et quia tua Regi huic potentissimo fraternitatis vinculo majestati vestre conjunctissimo. A moris ergo dicantur. Et pro pignore minusculum hoc qualecunque augustissime vestre majestati quam humilime consecramus."
Endorsed: "1606. Mr. Recorder's speech." 1 p. (119. 167.)
Lord Carew to Levinus Monke.
[1606, ? July.] This gentleman has acquainted me with one circumstance touching his business with Tomaso, which makes well to disapprove that somewhat else was intended than Sluce, which is that at the same time when Jacques did write unto him that he would send his brother over to take order in the business. Sluce was attempted to be surprised and Captain Slingsbie was shot in the defence of his quarter when the enemy was entered. The date of Jacques's letter which is in your keeping and the time of that attempt, compared together, will make it manifest that Sluce was not the service aimed at, being in reason a contrariety to attempt anything by force if they had any secret practice or intendment to get by treason, for in failing as they did and as it was probable they should, a forcible attempt would afterwards make them more cautious to prevent further dangers. You shall do well to acquaint my Lord with this circumstance, being in my opinion material to disapprove the allegation that Sluce was the hope of their intended practice with this bearer.—Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606. L. Carewe to my Lo." 1 p. (118. 121.)
The Earl of Dorset, Lord Treasurer, to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, ? July.] I thank God for the happy success of apprehending that wretched traitor Jacques's brother. Your care for the King and to be the mean of his preservation is furthered by God himself. Therefore I pray that you may never die so long as his Majesty lives, which I beseech the Lord may be for ever. And I am very glad his Majesty likes so well of our proceeding for the currants. Certainly it will prove the best judgment and clearest for the Crown that ever was. Touching Fisher's fine in the Exchequer Chamber, I was privy to it; offered unto me by the King's Majesty himself with the greatest desire to have it passed for him that might be, and to be plain with you did most willingly assent unto it. The matter being likely of no value to the King but to be first moderated by the Court if it had stood for the A. (although Lawe by his cruel prosecution thereof did impugn it and continually sought to beg it, for he informed against him). And next we must also have stalled it. So as I saw if he had not this, he must have another. And know it from me the K. did praise him to me, for so wise and so faithful a servant to him, as if he had been fit for to be his Secretary and of his Privy Council. I have also agreed to another for Sir Richard Preston for Smith's debt, which is worth four of this. And yet he will find much difficulty in the levying of it, for Smith made a deed of gift before he died and divers of his sureties are become weak. To this also I yielded, with suit that his Majesty would grant no more debts; for the first is a fine, this is a debt. Send me the bill as soon as possibly you may for Baron Sotherton our cursitor.— Undated.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (118. 143.)
Sir Robert Wingfield to the Same.
[1606, July.] Since my last letters to you I received letters out of Lincolnshire from Sir Matthew Gambelyn and others, by which you may perceive their desires. I am but their deputy to convey their suits to you, in which by the place I hold under you I am tied so far as it may stand with the honour and profit of the Queen's Majesty to respect and love them, being her Majesty's tenants belonging to the manors of Spalding, Pinchebeck, Moulton and Wesson. Thus much I may say to you, the Queen's high steward of these manors, that if Sir Thomas Meade desire such a lease, it is for gain to himself above what shall be given to her Majesty by him, which will be a great burthen to the poor tenants; and therefore I desire you, they tenants giving as much as Sir Tho. Meade will, that they may have the preferment to compound for their estates, and so continue still the Queen's tenants. Upon knowledge of this your favour, they shall cause some presently to repair to you, to know your pleasure.
PS.—There is a rumour in the country of the discovery of a new treason against the King. I desire to know to whom the brood of ducks shall be sent and to what place ; they will be ready shortly.
Holograph. Endorsed: "1606." 1 p. (119. 129.)
The Enclosure:
1606, July 12. Sir Matthew Gamlyn and others to Sir Robt. Wingfield. A petition from the tenants of Spalding, Pinchbeck, Moulton and Wesson, signed as under:
Spalding: Mathew Gamlyn, Thomas Wimberley, John Hobson, Christopher Beeston, Thomas Greaves, William Hobson, William Wilsby. Pinchbeck: Tho. Ogle, Robt. Ogle, Henry Cust, Richard X Reade, Thomas Cawthrorp, Roger Cawthrope, Robart Harryson. Moulton: Thomas Welbye, Robert Woollseye, Downhall (sic) Burges, Anthony Dixon, Thomas Kelvin. Wesson: William Wells, Willyam Coulsone, William Gelliar, Robt. Beaver, Thomas Wallet, Thomas Tealforth (?) Spalding, 12 July, 1606.
1 p. (119. 130.)
The Bishop of Man to the Earl of Salisbury.
[1606, ? c. July.] Describes the hitherto customary method of dealing with the lands of the bishopric and complains of certain innovations made since the title to the island, formerly in the Earls of Derby, has been depending, to the great impoverishment of the Bishop and clergy there. His appeal to Lord Gerard the Captain being fruitless, craves relief from Salisbury.—Dated 1½ years after his appointment.
Unsigned. Endorsed: "To the E. of Salisbury. Petition of John, Lord Bishop of Man." 1 p. (211. 4.)


  • 1. See Nichols, Progresses of James I, Vol. II, p. 68.